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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study #economics in Germany !” 🌟

    Are you ready to embark on an exciting educational journey in Germany? πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ“š Join us in exploring the world of Economics education in this engaging session!

    In this webinar, we delved into the intricacies of pursuing an Economics degree in Germany, a country renowned for its top-notch universities and diverse study programs. Here’s what you can expect from this informative recording:

    πŸ“–πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Gain a Comprehensive Understanding:
    Discover how degree programs work in Germany, from admission requirements to curriculum structures. We break down the essentials for you!

    πŸ—‚οΈπŸ” Explore Economics programs Galore:
    Germany boasts a wide array of Economics programs, and we’ve compiled an extensive list for you to explore. Find the perfect fit for your academic and career aspirations.

    πŸŽ“πŸ’ΌπŸš€ Unlock Future Career Paths:
    Wondering about job prospects and career opportunities after completing your Business Administration degree in Germany? We’ve got you covered! Gain valuable insights into your future possibilities.

    πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ Connect with University Representatives:
    The highlight of this webinar is Questions that were addressed LIVE by Program Representatives.

    #tip: Do not miss other webinars as it is your chance to establish valuable connections!

    ✈️🌍 Kick-Start Your Educational Journey:
    Don’t miss this unique opportunity to kick-start your educational journey in Germany. Whether you’re a prospective student or simply curious about the options available, this recording provides a wealth of information to help you take the first step.

    Start planning your Economics adventure in Germany today! Watch the recording and equip yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your academic future. πŸ“ΊπŸŒŸ

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    #economics #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording

    Okay perfect so we are live already and Welcome to our first attendees welcome to the webinar which is called umbrella topic is like studying economics in Germany and as always my name is gorgi I am the one who you are not interested in that much for today so I’ll will be

    Today mostly behind the scenes as always moderating the webinar but as you can see during this kind of subject webinars we I’m not alone we have several guests from German universities and they will present their spe specific and unique uh study programs to you but before uh they

    Started let bear with me for some time so for those who are not familiar with the webinar setting of Zoom let me tell you that uh the main button for you for this afternoon is the Q&A button so it is already open it will be open until

    The very end of the webinar you can find it just next to the chat and then you can send in your questions to the to our guest and then they will address it live either in the written form or after they are done with their presentations we

    Will have a live Q&A session when where your questions will be addressed live that’s why stay tuned and also keep an eye on the chat let me share with you my presentation a short presentation that I prepared for you uh so let me introduce the webinar agenda so we will have uh

    Two guests today so from University at broid we have Professor Dr Sebastian till Brown and he will present program in master’s program in history and economics and then we’ll move to University of yenna and we have uh Dr marus Pasha and he will talk about master of science level program in

    Economics so we were supposed also to have a guest from un University of potam Sophie Vagner but she will also present it uh next time because of personal reasons she couldn’t attend today so who is behind today’s webinar it is my German University and we are German’s largest database English taught study

    Programs we have over 2,600 degree programs uh on Bachelor level and also Master’s level we can we also have some short courses and language courses presented on our database and our main goal is to assist International students in finding the right program for their studies in Germany so how we do that one

    Of the key ways is through our study finder and you can see now in front of your screens a demo version so so So-Cal demo version of our study finder but when you go to our website and you click on the uh on the uh study finder um

    Section then you see the full version of our study finder with all of its filters which you can use to find a program much more efficiently and also according based to according to your preferences according to your background etc etc uh the second way of helping you is through

    Writing up articles we have over 150 comprehensive articles on various topics when it comes to studying in Germany if you’re interested in APS for example if you’re from China and India and you need IPS or Vietnam you can check out that U articles on these topics you are interested in writing letter of

    Motivations writing CVS or VISA issues like blocked account or studing medicine in Germany stud and colleague issue so on so forth all this is presented for you for free and I strongly suggest you to take a look at those articles and last but not least we are also helping

    Our students through organizing webinars we have approximately 150 webinars per year on different topics of course regarding studying in Germany they can be studying in Germany General webinar it can be Scholarships in Germany on assist Visa issue or the subject webinars like the one that you’re attending right now but on different

    Subjects for example today we are going to talk about economics we have also webinars on studying political science in Germany studying Engineering in Germany studying biology in Germany and so on and so forth all of the webinars that are already planned and scheduled you can find them uh on our website in

    The webinar section and you can sign up for these webinars for free and attend them of course for free and my suggestion would be also for you to open account on our web page by doing that you’ll be able to unlock all of the options that our we our web page is able

    To offer you and of course it’s also for free and our team is quite International we are based in the north and Germany in Hamburg but we are uh also all over Germany and all the world that’s why we’re Counseling in different languages um yes for those who are also

    Interested in German thought study programs I would also suggest you to check out hul Compass there you might find some interesting programs uh uh related to the discipline of Economics but if you are more into English to study programs then I would suggest you to check out for sure uh um my German

    University study finder there you will find programs as I said both on Bachelor level and also on Master’s level and you can see that most of them are in English only meaning that you do not need any knowledge of German to get into these programs and in most cases to complete

    Them which is a great opportunity of course for international students but as I always underline it’s always good to good good to use the opportunity and to study German when you are in Germany uh also uh for those who are the newcomers and do not know what to expect when it

    Comes to studying economics in Germany for example you have no idea what to expect and um when when uh dealing with this subject um we have subject pages also dedicated to different subjects and for where you can find information for example about rankings of universities that are offering degrees in this

    Program uh or tuition fee ranges that you you should expect or different requirements like application admission and so on and so forth uh so this kind of general information is provided for you as a first step to understand better what does it mean to study this or that

    Discipline in Germany and it’s I think it’s a very good and useful first step for creating a bigger picture uh of to have a concrete like to have to understand what expectations you should have right uh regarding the our tip from our side in order to find the right

    University profile and right study program for you which is crucial uh from my perspective it’s also important to take into account not only just one particular aspects like only fees or only rankings or only city names you have to take into account all of these together and even more in order to make

    Sure that you are informed uh of what German is able to offer you in this particular regard and and then you can make an informed DEC decision which is crucial again for your successful career uh also I would like to say that there are two key types of universities

    In Germany one is called universit type of University and another one is called University of applied sciences in English it’s called like that in German it can have some different variations that you can you will encounter for sure the key difference between these two is in Focus so uh when it comes to

    University type of University the focus goes more into research and theory in case of University applied sciences we are talking more about application and practice again this is how it looks generally uh and last last but not least in addition to aspect that I mentioned before that you have to take and you

    Should take into account if you want to make a right decision right choice another thing is that when you’re using our study finder please be a little bit more flex flexible with wordings don’t be too strict and when you’re flexible and you take into account all those as

    Aspects that we mentioned before then you’ll make sure that you have drastically increased at least uh your chances of making of being aware of the landscape of for example what does it what Germany is able to offer you when you want to study in English for example

    And economics and then you will make for sure make be able to make an informed and right decision so that’s also crucial and I would like you to take this into account that being said that was all from my side and now I’m inviting you to move to the South more

    Southern part of Germany to University of broid and we as I already introduced we have Professor Dr Brown and he will now talk about master of arts level program in history and economics and you can see where the University is also located uh in front of your screens I’m

    Stopping my screen share and inviting Professor to take the flo great thanks a lot especially for using this photo and I’m I’m pray 30 on this photo um so much younger uh so my name is Sebastian Brown as you already know um I’m Professor for quantitative economic history at the

    University of v and I’m very happy to present the ma his and economics let me share my screen okay this should now work yeah perfect um so I’m also one of the study coordinators of this uh program so this is a joint program of the economics department and the history Department in

    Vroid so I’m the study coordinator uh from the economic sites and let me just start with giving you a very quick overview what this program is is about so um economic history has in the recent like 10 15 20 years uh been booming I would say or at least has encountered a

    Revival um if you have followed the Nobel Prize this week uh it was awarded to Claudia goldine for advancing our knowledge of the labor out labor market outcomes of of women but this is also a Nobel Prize uh that goes to economic history because she’s really looking at

    These labor market outcomes in the very long run in then in the last 200 years or so um the boom also has something to do with say the crisis that we have encountered so think about the financial crisis 2008 2009 there um we discussed a lot whether we can learn from the past

    Crisis let’s say the Great Depression of the 1930s um and the same was true if you think about the refugee influx into Europe in 2015 2016 um if we have these types of event we often look um into the past um to yeah get some help if you

    Like for uh what to do because of course it’s It’s tricky to make decisions in real time and so um we often make sort of analogies um with with the p with past events so economic history has been booming and uh what this ma offers you is an interdisciplinary

    Education in both history and economics so it’s not only about economic history you will see in the curriculum that’s core part of the program but it also gives you an introduction into into the two subjects history and economics therefore it’s called history and economics rather than economic history

    Um and I would say that’s an a program that is currently unique in Germany um partly that’s because there are not that many chairs in economic history uh in in Germany um byro has two chairs one in the history department and one in the economics department and we together run

    Uh this this program so this is the third bullet point here it’s organized jointly by the history and economics department so it’s a truly interdisciplinary program and it teaches you both the quantitative uh methods that I bigly apply in my research so statistics econometrics but also the more qualitative methods um that are

    Often used in the history department so you will get both perspectives um therefore it’s also open not only to students with a good undergraduate degree in economics uh but also to students with a good undergraduate degree in history uh the second requirement is strong English language skills because it’s uh completely Tau

    Taught in in in English okay let me go a little bit through the curriculum so that you have an idea of what would uh what you can expect from such a program so it’s a two-year program um and here is how it is structure that is the first part so you

    Do have a foundational courses in economic history so growth and crisis one of the big questions in economic history is always why are some countries Now Rich other state poor and that’s the uh fundamental question probably in economic history and we will talk about a lot about this in especially

    Foundations one but also in foundations 2 where we talk more about the evolution of the global economy um and there’s a third foundational course on State and institution and how these are yeah how institutions for example have shaped economic development in the very long run um importantly we have the skill

    Convergence modules so depending on your background you will either get an introduction to economics and to empirical methods that’s if you have a big background in history or if you have a background in economics you will do introduction to economic history and introduction to history taught at the

    History Department yeah um so that’s of course a challenge for the program different backgrounds and we um will bring you up to speed so that you speak a Common Language depending on your on your background you will do different things here um then you will um op a and

    Learn skills and methods so um you will get Advanced empirical methods so this is basically the course that you would also take if you do a a Ms in economics and thyroid so that’s Advanced empirical economics but then also more specific methods in economic history quantitative methods in economic history where you

    Will learn things like how to make maps on the computer for example um how to use text as data so it’s partly data science I would say uh but then also historical methods again quantitative and qualitative uh methods you have of course specialization uh courses that you can

    Take uh what is also important I would say is that there is a research colloquium so in every semester um you will attend this research colloquial where we read papers at the research front here in economic history and also have guests from abroad so um external speakers so if you are interested in

    Doing a PhD that’s really a very good um preparation for your future career and and something that is quite unique about this program as well there’s an internship a compulsory internship and of course a master thesis so that’s the curriculum in in a nutshell now let me

    Say a few words also about uh the university and and about our students so uh the University of byro is in yeah from my pers perspective being born in the west and and having lived in the north it’s sort of based it’s B close it’s in the south of Germany um but sort

    Of in the northern part of Bavaria nor northeastern part of Bavaria um it’s a Young University founded in the 1970s it’s a mediumsized campus so we have approximately 12,500 students uh the Aon has a bit more than 70,000 inhabitants and it’s located in in the heart of Scenic upper Franconia

    So what the campus and I will show you a picture in a minute it’s a campus University and that’s really uh important so the Departments are very close uh to each other um so what the campus really offers you is study programs in small groups personal contact to your lecturer close

    Networking networking and short distances so if you’re looking for so sort of a big City University then byro is probably not your place um but if you are looking for a campus small group teaching personal contact then byro is a great place it’s a Young University but

    It’s still uh highly ranked so it’s consistently ranked among the top young universities for example in the Times Higher Education uh Global ranking and it has this long-standing emphasis on the interdisciplinary programs that’s probably coming from our campus where departments are so close to each other

    So for example if you look at the economics uh Department we offer a couple of these interdisciplinary programs um the first was for example philosophy and economics uh that’s sort of a success story and history and economics is sort of modeled um um on on this this earlier

    Programs and that’s the the campus uh so it’s a campus University as I said so it’s really centered around this star or whatever it whatever it is and you can see here basically the different departments um around the the middle of the campus um you also see a if you go

    Outside the city or the town it’s it’s quite rural uh a lot of nature if you like this you can do hiking uh biking and this kind of stuff um but it’s still a nice University Town quite old uh quite famous of course for for music uh classical music um so highly recommend

    It if you like this this kind of stuff um finally what about our students so this is a relatively small program I would say we typically work come 10 to 20 students um and the intake is only in the winter term so um we don’t have an

    Intake in the summer term only in the winter term 10 to 20 students and it’s very very international program so about 80% of our students come from abroad so only 20% from Germany um and here you see um the the continents uh students come from and I think the key message is

    That it is quite widespread um so we have students a lot of students from Asia but also from nor North America South America Africa uh Africa is is something that is also um a focal point of the University because we have a lot of programs um on Africa an Excellence

    Cluster for African studies in bid and and so we also have some students in this program from from Africa um and graduates in general have a variety of career options including doctoral studies International companies and organization it’s a quite Young um degree program so I don’t have a lot

    Of data but many of our students go uh on to to do some doctoral studies so quarter to to a third I would say of our graduates have done a or are doing a PhD after after completing the ma but as I said International companies and organizations is is also a career option

    After doing this program and yeah with this uh I I would like to close my presentation I’m looking forward to your question later on you can have a look at the at the web page of our program and um also drop me a an email of course um if you have

    Further question after this uh meeting thanks a lot okay perfect thank you very much Professor Brown for your presentation and yeah as Professor Brown said we will have a live Q&A session in around 15 to 20 minutes so stay tuned and we will address all all of your questions there

    And with that let me now move uh a bit northern part a little bit not too far so University of Vienna and we have Dr Marcus pase and he will talk about master of science level program in economics so we are geographically more or less um closer to the center of

    Germany as you can see now let me stop the screen share and invite uh Dr Pasha to take the floor okay thank thank you so let me share the screen first all right here we are good so my name is Marcus paraa I’m a senior lecturer at uh the University

    Of Yen and also the program coordinator of the master of science program and economics and uh as you see from the title we do not have a specialization in the title of the program it’s just simple economics not economics end or innovation economics or things like that

    You can specialize as I will show you later on but the entire title is simply economics um in my view it was or I understood this webinar in a slightly different way namely I expected that the participants know already something about the program in that they have informed themselves on the uh website

    Our website or of the website of my German University which is very extensive very rich of of information uh because all questions or nearly all questions you might have in mind I guess are answered on this website we have also an extensive FAQ list for both for applicants and also for enrolled

    Students so that’s really comprehensive and covering nearly all questions you might have if some questions are still open you can also write me an email of course so that’s the the website the starting point for everything and as an economist I uh I had the impression that I could

    Not waste too much time with recapitulating stuff here in this webinar which you can anyway find on the website so therefore I’m now concentrating more on those points who are perhaps not on the website and also not on the web page of my German University first some some

    Keywords uh y the FSH Shiller University uh Y is a quite old one from the 16th century so very old but our faculty of economics and business administration was founded after the German reunification in 1994 so that’s a more young uh faculty but the university is quite old it’s

    Also mediumsized so between 16 and 17,000 students little bit larger than bid but not much it’s also a mediumsized uh University about y so we have 111,000 citizens um and yeah the um yina is more characterized by industry by the optical industry in particular perhaps you know

    K size andan Optics so relatively famous um Optical industry also shot is quite famous and we have also a lot of um research institutes or also science plays an important role in cooperation by the way with the industry and that’s not only the fill University at the beginning it was mentioned that there

    Also exist so-called universities of applied sciences we also have that here in y and also Helm hols institutes KNX plank institutes frown hoofer institutes most of them are in the field of Natural Science chemistry physics and so on but you see it’s a quite Vivid academic and Technical

    Environment uh but we also have some culture uh not so famous perhaps like bid but also we have a Gonic Orchestra and we have a festival in the summer called culture Arena so there’s also something of if you have some cultural interests and also the surrounding is

    Quite nice for uh hiking and biking the campus is perhaps not that lovely as you have seen in the picture for bid it’s more more urban but it’s also campus University everything directly located in the center of of the city all right more about our faculty so the faculty of economics and business

    Administration we have uh 22 professors or chairs and among them we have nine uh chairs for economics plus two senior lectures where I’m one of these senior lecturers and um I think it’s quite interesting that three of them have a CO affiliation with the Eva Hala so the

    This is one of the big five research institutes so the others are in Berlin in Munich Manheim and and Keel and Hal is the the other big Research Institute and here three professors have Co affiliation with us or the other way around so they are fin financing them and uh 20% we are

    Financing so that’s quite good to have a close contact to research might also be interesting later on after your master studies if you want to proceed with doctoral studies then you can do this also in cooperation with Hala but also other institutions as well the structure of the program is a

    Little bit similar like most Master programs It’s also two years that means four semester so you will earn 120 ECS in total it’s also taught in English there are very few elective courses in German language but as they are elective it’s not necessary to have any German proficiency although you are invited to

    Learn German more about that later on this could be also credited for our curriculum so the teaching language is English so therefore this will be also one of the requirements that you have good command in English um more about this when I talk about the requirements we have a basic area here I

    Do not list the particular courses but just the summary that there are some compulsory courses for example empirical methods that’s obligatory also Advanced Micro Advanced macro another course called approaches to economic science so these are courses you have to do and then there are a couple of elective

    Courses you can uh choose from so these are 48 so half of the course work is in the basic area and then you can specialize more about the different specialization areas on the next slide and also each specialization area comprises of a compulsory area of three

    Courses you have to do and then a list of elective courses where you can freely choose and you have to do two seminars uh seminar are really important for not just only for for your academic writing skills but also for reading uh uh recent recently published uh papers

    To understand them summarize them also to develop your own research questions to some extent and uh to train your academic writing skills so that’s super essential because it is a research oriented program in economics and at the end in the master thesis you should do a small piece of your own

    Research so here it’s only 24 ects but I think this is also quite a lot here we do not have yet a defense so we will introduce an oral defense of the master thesis on a voluntary basis or depends then on the chairs uh later on so this is a novel

    Thing we will introduce um yeah because of chg BT frankly spoken uh so that an oral defense you can demonstrate that you really understand what you have written okay that’s the basic structure now a little bit more about what are possible specialization areas all these areas are

    Described on the website also on the website of my German University and here you find Innovation and change so everything which has to do with Innovation activities of firms uh uh uh Market structure changes but also change in more on the aggregate level that means growth and development things like

    That here we have some expertise because um the uh chairholder for microeconomics Professor cner is also um the head of the schuma society and the main editor of the Journal of evolutionary economics so there is a lot of expertise here in this field Innovation and change World

    Economy everything which has to do with Global specialization trade Capital movement and so on I think that’s self-explaining economics and strategy here the focus is more on uh game theory on strategic interaction with a certain focus on quantitative methods that means microeconometrics public economics comprises Public Finance but also um

    Things like the public educational system and the social security system and all the things which have to do with the activities of of the government next one the the title now is quantitative macroeconomics but we are just in a transition phase uh I mentioned that three of the uh

    Professors from Hala which are co- affiliated with us two of them have a focus on empirical finance and regulation of financial markets and we want to make this more visible also in our specialization areas and therefore in the future it will be retitled as macroeconomics and financial

    Markets and then we decided that perhaps some students are not willing to specialize perhaps they have a general interest in economics and therefore we introduced the yeah let’s say non-sp specialization specialization area which is called General economics last but not least Regional Dynamics that’s a very special uh form

    Because this is also interdiscipl Ary uh work jointly with the Department of geography that’s a little bit more complicated to uh explain therefore I will skip that and this requires that’s the only specialization area where German proficiency is required because the department of geography teaches in German some special features which are

    Partially mentioned on the website of uh my German University already we have uh double degree programs with two Italian universities that’s quite nice that means the first half of the studies you will do that in Indiana and the other half the other 50% then in Italy

    And then you have uh a degree from both universities so that’s quite nice and we have special coordinators for these programs you are encouraged if you are an international student you are encouraged to learn German and language courses German language courses could be partially credited also for the curriculum

    Up to 12 ects that’s quite a lot some courses comprise uh computer work so that you have to do something with Matlab or sta or r or things like that and under certain conditions if you have a lot of courses of this type you can earn a so-called digilab certificate

    Which um tells that that uh the hold of this certificate has a good command and computational methods in economics and then something new we have a so-called bridging or refresher course uh which is a mood based course which recapitulates essential Bachelor stuff in mathematics microeconomics macroeconomics and academic

    Writing uh most students can do this voluntarily order to refresh their knowledge or also to close some knowledge gaps from their bachelor program this also might happen and there might be some students who get will get or some applicants who will get a so-called conditional admission and then

    They have the obligation to do this refresher course so that’s a quite new stuff and we make our first experiences just right now with that regarding the application um you need a good grade that’s I think common in all master programs that the grade must be at least 2.5 in the German

    Grading scale or better you need pre-education and math and statistics that’s quite clear six ects that means one large course and 30 ects in economics and here the question is what does this mean so some courses uh could be clearly identified as pre-education economics such like microeconomics macroeconomics Public Finance growth and

    Development international trade and so on and so forth other courses like let’s say accounting marketing management and so on are regarded as business administration not economics yeah and for some courses it’s not so clear so we have to make our decision based on the transcript of records and sometimes it’s not so clear

    Here we are quite conservative in identifying which courses are at least partially economics courses therefore if you want to convince us then it would be very helpful if you also upload some syy or course descriptions in order to tell us this course was also about economics or at least parts of it

    But it’s not so helpful when you apply here by the way you will apply not directly at The Faculty so we have a so-called Master service center with with a certain application platform where you upload your all your materials but it’s not so helpful helpful are recommendation or reference letters

    Because either you are qualified for the program then we have to give the admission and then reference letters are super flu or you are not qualified and then this could not be compensated by having one or two recommendation letters so usually frankly spoken we skip them so they are

    Not necessary you can do that but it’s not not helpful also excessive motivation letters are not that helpful keep it very short clear plain why are you interested in a research oriented program in economics uh that’s it also practical job experience is not that helpful it’s not an MBA program

    It’s a research oriented program in economics so if you have five years job experiences as a Salesman or accountant then we would say yeah you are five years out of Academia and a part of your let’s say math knowledge is uh depreciated already so that’s not a plus

    Uh so we just say okay there’s job experience but it’s not helpful now for for the application in the result uh we always have a winter intake like in byid there’s no summer intake it’s only winter intake and we have between five and 600 applications each year and the

    Acceptance rate is about 40% and the main reason for rejection is here this point the economics uh pre-education also we have a lot of international students between 80 and 90% the countries where they come from so I do not have a Graphic for that because this is changing in time Asia plays an

    Important role but in the last years Africa became even also enormously important and we have not so many students from America so it’s also very Intercultural uh you meet students from very with a very different background in in the courses and I think this Intercultural experience a big

    Asset all right that’s from my side then you can just ask me or write me an email thanks perfect very good presentation thank you very much uh very clear and with that being said now I will um let’s say I will say let’s open the floor for

    The live Q&A session and let’s address some of the questions that we received uh during your presentations dear guests let me start um with this question so it’s question for Professor Brown uh could you please say a few words few more words on specializations I didn’t fully get the options there

    Thanks and another question there are two questions actually one is also related to the specializations so uh Professor Brown please yeah so so in general you can take up to three specialization courses or let’s say you get credits or three specialization courses of course you can

    Take more but you would get credits for three courses one of the three courses has to be a seminar in either the history or the economics department so um in broid in the economics Department we have about 10 chairs and they regularly offer uh seminars in all areas of

    Economics our chair of course typically is some economic history related I offer a CO seminar in migration uh but you could also take seminars in history and then for the other two options you would be completely free so of course it might make sense to specialize in in things

    That are related to your studies but in principle um you can get credit uh for for everything so some also take language uh courses um for example but also other departments so that’s that’s the specialization module um in byward okay clear very clear thank you very

    Much also good to know this kind of the amount the specializations that possible to take and regarding the thing with the topic of specialization there’s also question for Yen the question is when is it possible to choose the specialization from which semester yeah right from the first one

    So we have a campus management system and this uh this online system that’s urges you a little bit to make your decision uh so you usually you will do this in the first chart term but you might also change it later but don’t wait too long I would say at the end of

    The second term that’s perhaps the latest point where we might switch to another one but you can do this very early okay okay clear uh Dr B let me stay with you there’s a question how doable is it to immediately move from the master’s to the PHD at your University in economics

    Of course yes so we have some structured PHD programs so there currently there are two structured PHD programs one with a focus on Innovation and change like the first specialization area the other one is more interdisciplinary one about digital digitalization but currently we are working on the third one which is uh

    Linked to the so-called Central German uh doctoral program in economics this GGC program which is jointly with Hala leip but also D and mark the Borg and so courses from this uh framework are then also counted as a structural program in PhD program here in our faculty MH okay

    But it’s uh frankly spoken not onethird or so of the students we have by the way more so per intake um before Corona we had 80 roundabout and in Corona and after Corona it’s more 35 or 40 and among them I would say uh 10% are then

    Proceeding with the PHD uhhuh okay clear thank you uh now I’m moving to back to bids so hi professor Brown if one has an undergraduate in history but is not that good in economics would you say it still makes sense to apply I think this question came before you explain this

    Also this variations that students can take the pass but please uh yeah so the question is where whether it’s about the chances or whether I would recommend taking this program so typically the students with a background in history that apply to our program what they really want to get from the

    Program is to to get sort of additional expertise in economics and also quantitative methods so and I would definitely recommend that you should not be afraid of say quantitative um methods because in the end there is a compulsory econometrics course and this is the regular e metric course that also the

    Economics students would have to go through in in byro and if um people or students find parts of the program challenging it’s typically this econometrics course um so the question is really are you are you happy with this uh are you up with this challenge um if you don’t think that sort of

    Quantitative methods is for you then it’s probably not the right program okay thank you uh now back to Yen what is the level of German required for the German language specialization is it B2 C1 C2 yeah uh here we have dsh 2 which is comparable with a little bit less than

    C1 okay yeah it’s quite high level yeah that’s quite high level uh but um practically in the past we had the cumulated number of students in this specialization area I think is two that’s really rare rarely chosen specialization area Okay clear thank you now question for two both both programs

    Let me uh start with Professor Brown both programs mention 2.5 GPA as a requirement is it a fixed and strict threshold or is it a possibility to give an opportunity for students who have let’s say 2.6 as a a cumulative GPA please Professor Brown yeah it’s an important threshold but in principle

    There is the possibility in our program to take an aptitude assessment uh test so like an interview and if you really have a background that FS fits really good with the program highly motivated and right knowledge um then you may have a chance to also get into the program where Is a

    GPA uh a little bit higher okay clear thank you and in case of you in case of um y yeah it depends a little bit so as I’ve mentioned we have between five and 600 applications each year so somehow we have to sort out a little bit 2.6 I

    Think uh that’s not here we would have a look to the other criteria so whether the other criteria math statistics and economics uh are crystal clear so that you clearly meet them or if perhaps the grades in the economics courses are maybe even a little bit better than 2.6

    Then we would say yes okay but otherwise we are relatively strict okay so clear and there attend is by the way 2.5 GPA is mentioned if you have missed that I don’t know it’s um German scale 2.5 your scale I mean your scale I mean usual scale outside of Germany would not

    Be that good so 2.5 is actually good evaluation uh in your terms so I will also shortly put in the chat how you can transfer approximately to put your GPA into the German perspective very soon but let me address one more question before I do that uh question is for uh

    Professor Brown sorry if I missed it is the whole semester dedicated to the internship no typically not if if you don’t like it at least so I think the minimum is 180 working hours so we recommend at least six week uh internship six weeks internship uh and

    You can do it during the summer I think the advantage of having such an internship in uh part of the compulsory program is that sometimes um firms would require this um to have it sort of a compulsory um internship as as part of your studies but as I said um doesn’t

    Have to be a full semester and that’s typically not what students do okay okay and by the way you already addressed another question which was related to the internship for you so how long should the internship be you have already addressed it and are there any restrictions for job descriptions or the

    Positions because back home interns usually do administrative tasks that’s where my question comes from h no I mean so basically you’re completely open of course it depends a little bit on what what you want to do after after your studies right so if you want to do a a PhD afterwards then what

    Uh some students have done for examp they go to a research Think Tank um to which we also have some connections uh but of course if you want to go to an international company then then you would um go somewhere else I mean what you have to take into account of course

    That BYOD is a quite small City we don’t have that much industry um so if you want to work for for bigger International companies students typically go to Munich or for it um and don’t stay in in byid for the period of of the intership okay clear uh there’s a

    Question so uh I did the PreCheck test and it is result the result says 40 so according to the page it will be demanding but still doable right is it possible to take more electives uh uh Dr Pasha the question came during your presentation so um is it does it

    Question sound the Bell uh so if I get it right if it’s possible to do more elective than required by the culum is this right it possible to yeah so the first question is I pr check test was done and result was 40 so not that great result but still still possible would

    You say I think this yeah electives this this pre-check this is anyway voluntarily we cannot see what you have done and under which condition you have done this preest this preest is pretty simple I would say um I think that in case of doubt it’s would be much much

    Better to do this refresher course or bridging course um and it’s likely that you will anyway get an so-called conditional admission what we cannot do what we are not allowed to do is a pre-test so that the admission is conditional to a test before the admission that’s what we

    Cannot do now we may introduce interviews in the future but with five or 600 applicants that’s also not a not a doable thing and the second question was about the electives yeah it’s it’s possible to take more electives than mention yes of course you can do more electives than uh required by the

    Curriculum and then the better ones then will count for the GPA calculation at the end and the others are then mentioned without grade on your trans final transcript of Records okay okay clear it was and like Professor Brown also mentioned similar to kind of specializations that you can

    Take more but of course some of them will count it some not okay clear and I see last question open from Alisa and it’s uh uh more general question for both I would say good afternoon my goal is to work at the international monetary fund nice goal and to specialize in microeconomic

    Stability which program from this would you okay that’s I would say ours yeah of course but okay let’s let me reformulate it how heavy uh is the mcro microeconomic maybe focus of the programs so to say let me start with Professor Dr Pas as you as you have started

    Already okay so if you are really interested in macroeconomics then I think it’s the right place to be uh there’s anyway one uh course an advanced macro in the basic compulsory area and then afterwards you can also specializ specialize in macro and financial markets so this pretty fits well with

    Your with your goals if you are not so much in favor of macro then of course after the basic area you can try to avoid that now by specializing on yeah Innovation and change or other things which might have less to do with macro yeah okay clear and what would you

    Say Professor Brown I mean we we the foundations of economic history one and two they are about long run growth and crisis and about the global economy which are of course also macro courses but of course from a specific historical perspective long run perspective um so

    If you would take our program and you would like to work at the international monetary fund I would definitely then recommend that you also take the Advanced Micro courses that we of course also offer um and are compulsory for for the economics MSC and bio but not for

    Our program that’s not what many students do but of course you have the option to also go full into uh the economics uh Direction in addition to the economic history thanks yeah perfect great thank you very much to both of you for answering all the questions and let

    Me now of open my screen once again for official thank you part to our guests for wonderful presentations very uh high quality presentations to be honest and also very comprehensive answer to the questions also thanks to attendees for tuning in for your interest and for your

    Questions uh I hope at least most of your questions were addressed if you have any follow-up questions uh regarding Pacific programs you can also get in touch with the program Representatives once again by email for example or if you have any general questions regarding also studying in

    Germany for example you can also always get in touch with us you can check out our articles as I already mentioned you can attend our webinars and okay of course you can also um get in touch with us through our social media Channels with that being said I wish you a very

    Nice rest of the day thank you very much and I hope to see you on our future webinars as well take care and byebye thanks bye bye thanks bye


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