Understanding Relationship and Fellowship

    Ps. Nana Agyei (Keepers House Chapel. Adenta-Ghana)
    Evg. Harrison Mahinda (Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Kenya)
    Ps. Abi (Harmony Christian Centre. Basildon – UK)

    Thank you so very much for joining us I say all the time is a call Network where all we do is to propagate the unadulterated word of God tonight is going to be an awesome time I believe that God has prepared his servant to speak his word and wherever you are

    Watching me I believe that God has just assigned this day for you to hear this word because we are in such a time that we ought to understand what relationship and fellowship mean to our father because sometimes we think the gifts are enough as soon as we begin to

    Demonstrate the power of God we think that is enough but God wants us closer he wants us to hear his voice he wants us to listen to him at every step of our life we should listen to him because the days are getting so evil the generation

    Is so perverse that people ought to get close to the father so that we not be deceived by all kinds of things that is going on if you really want to remain a child of God then what will keep you is relationship and fellowship ship I know you understand but sometimes you fall

    Short but that is why this message is coming to you so that you’ll be restored once again to enjoy that fellowship with your father without wasting any time at all I want to call upon our first Speaker all the way from Ghana Pastor NJ man of God you are more than welcome

    Thank you so much man of God thank you thank you thank you I hope I can be heard loud and clear great wow we thank God for this great opportunity to to fellowship with our Brethren on this awesome platform do I want to thank you once again for this

    Wonderful invite I don’t think take it for granted I’m so grateful can we share what of prayer family father we thank you so much for this moment we thank you for a time of Fellowship like this with the Saints is our prayer Lord that as your word comes forth it will come

    Empower come to God direct come to encourage come to come to rebuke come to reprove come to correct and guide and father help us with your grace to be able to walk in the truth of your word thank than you in Jesus mighty name amen we bless the Lord we thank God for

    This opportunity I want us to thank all those have spoken ahead of us the Great Men of God it’s been a blessing following this wonderful teachings relationship and fellowship I want to just um touch on on a few things as the Lord will give me Grace let me first start by defining

    What relationship is relationship per the dictionary definations is the way in which two or more people are connected it’s a way in which two or more people are connected they either connected by Blood connected by a particular certain Association something binds people together I have a relationship with my parents because

    They give bir to me have a relationship with the church that’s where Fellowship a lot of things factors come together to put people in a certain relationship but Fellowship on the other hand is a friendly Association especially with people who share one’s interest and so it’s possible to be in a

    Relationship but not have a good Fellowship it’s possible to be in a relationship but not have a good fellowship and let me just take us back to the Garden of Eden God in his wisdom decided to create man in his own image and likeness and people of God it’s interesting to notice

    That one of the reasons for God creating man is to have fellowship with man yes one major reason God created man is to have fellowship with man why is that so because God is love and love needs expression please B my voice tonight God is love and love needs expression so for

    God to be able to express his love he needed an object of his love to express his love love to that object and what better way to do it Bible say he created man in His image and likeness to express his love to that kind of person the

    Person created His Image and likeness but something interesting happened along the line when God created man bible say that in the call of the day he will come and have fellowship with the one he had created in the cool of the day he would come and the enemy realizing that no God

    Has created man just for fellowship and relationship also realized that if I can bring this man down I have to come by the way of Fellowship so one probably an afternoon or so B makes us understand that the serpent had a conversation with the woman to build a fellowship in order

    To lure the woman away from the purpose of God you know the story better than probably I do eventually the man the woman together lost their place why because there was a fellowship with one who did not have a relationship with them now what I need us to understand is that anytime you’re

    Having fellowship with somebody you don’t have a defined relationship with it can lead to a catastrophe anytime you’re having fellowship with somebody you don’t have a defined relationship with it can lead to disaster if you are in a marital relationship and you are having Fellowship in excess with the the opposite

    Sex it can lead to something dangerous and so Fellowship is empowered when it is situated in a Define relationship I repeat Fellowship is facilitated is enhanced when is situated in a defined relationship God seeing this decides then that I need to now redefine the relationship I have with

    Humankind so that the fellowship can be better so he sends his son to come and die for Humanity and when Jesus comes to die after his death and Resurrection Ascension now we have a relationship with God not just as a Creator and the Creator but as a father and a son as so

    Bible says in the Book of John 1:12 as many as believe him he gave them power to become sons of God to build a relationship that can foster a good Fellowship to build a Rel relationship a father and son relationship no more Creator and Creator but a father and a

    Son relationship so that the fellowship between man and God can be best facilitated but I want to show I want to show some a few things here and so with this in mind want us to watch this scripture 2 Corinthians 13:14 2 Corinthians 13:14 the Bible says the grace of our

    Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all and so before Fellowship comes Grace must be on ground before Fellowship will come Grace what is Grace Grace is God stepping in to do for man what man could not have done for himself

    Dying on the cross is to extend Grace to humanity and so before Fellowship would come there must be grace and this grace is powered by the love of God Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have

    Everlasting life and so the love of God which brought about Grace is what now Fosters Fellowship Fellowship between man and God and I tell you there is nothing that God desires so much more than to have fellowship with the Saints to have fellowship with the saints that

    In the cool of the day he will come again oh my God I love this to have fellowship with the Saints is it not interesting dog that Bible says in the cool of the day the voice of God walked in the garden when Jesus was dying on the cross

    To restore man back to God Bible says that there was Darkness the sun went off there was a cool of the day once again and the voice of God was echoing on the cross oh my God was echoing for Mercy was pleading for Mercy For Humanity and God restored man back onto

    Himself God desires fellowship with Humanity God desires fellowship and Beyond we seeking his hand in our lives he’s seeking for those who will seek his face those that will T Bible says in salms this is the generation that will seek him that will seek his face the

    Generation that will seek the face of that will first fellowship with God is this generation can I share some few things with you I realize that there are three three basic dimensions of Fellowship it’s fellowship with God it’s fellowship with man it’s fellowship with our own self I repeat we need fellowship

    With God we need fellowship with ourselves and we we need fellowship with our own self let me repeat that we need fellowship with God we need fellowship with each other and we need to have a fellowship with our own self I want to show you a scripture Luke 10:

    27 Luke 10: 27 Bible says so he answered and said You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul with all your strength with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself ladies and gentlemen the fellowship that God desires with man this is how God expects

    Man to relate with him to love him with all our heart it’s sad to know that we have a generation today who have not fallen in love with the Lord H with all our heart emphasis on with all our heart so it means that you can love the Lord with

    Some of your heart There Are Places you have allowed God to enter other places we don’t permit him to go there when it comes to my relationship you can be there but when it comes to my work I can’t give you that space when it comes

    To my school you can come there but when it comes to this area God I don’t permit you there he says love the Lord with all your heart with all your heart I give you no restrictions there are no barriers you have access to every

    Quarter of my life if we will have a fellowship with God in these days he says love me with all your heart love the Lord with all your heart and let me tell you people of God if you find somebody who is in love with somebody

    With all your heart it is obvious it is obvious it is visible it is almost tangible I tell you when you find Two Lovers who have falling in love deeply with all their hearts it is obvious if the church today is in love with the Lord with all our hearts it will be

    Obvious we will not spend an all night asking for things we will spend an all night seeking his face oh yes there’s a new crazy in town where people stay up all night and pray to ask him to do things and have no relationship with him we don’t care what

    Is happening to your church we are not so concerned about it just satisfy us give us for that is me where is the heart love where is the heart love where is the heart love and so we have a people today who can play love God with

    Their mind Mercy they can love him with their mind if i s a seed he will give me a harest we are so technical we are so transactional with god oh father have mercy on us so transaction with God and so there’s no Fellowship we areed after

    God we not loving him I repeat we are lasting after God we are not loving him where are the people who would T in his presence I just want to be with you I love the song they used to sing of old I Remember song I want to be where you are

    Dwelling in your presence sitting at your table surrounded by Your glory in your presence that’s where I always want to be is that where we want to be is that where we want to be a connection father if you don’t answer another prayer I still want to be with

    You the love that the three Hebrew boys said had that we know our God will save us even if he does not save us oh King Let It Be know to you that we will still not bow because we are manly in love with the man oh my goodness we are not

    Serving him for what he can do we are not serving for what he can give us we are just in love with the god The Man Called Jesus love the Lord Lord with all with all your heart this is the fellowship he desires love the Lord with all your

    Heart and let me read on it says and with all your soul the soul of a man is the emotions the will the intellect love the Lord with all your soul your soul your emot we have a people today it’s it’s interesting you know currently there’s something going on I think there’s a

    Tournament afon African Camp of Nations yes and it will Amaze you it will Amaze you how people will cheer their teams their countes the way they will shout the way they will jump the way they will celebrate the way they will jubilate when their team scores in fact

    For those even in the stadium the supporters in the stadium they don’t wait for a go to be scored don’t don’t wait once they in the stadium they keep sharing their team on they keep sharing them on even if they spot the ball they they keep sharing on because that’s what

    They are there for but you find the same people in church and we are singing the songs to the one who died for our sins and we cannot even have an expression of love there’s no expression there’s no expression we can’t sing We Can’t Dance we can’t jump we feel too big to

    Celebrate our God we feel too big to show emotions we are all dressed up in church who am I to lie down in the de oh my God we cannot celebrate the God who has assure it as victory at the end but we will celebrate a team which we are not

    Even sure they will score at the end Mercy on us with all our soul people of God with all our soul celebrating God wherever we find our days my god when the people of old our mothers of old they are Sweeping in the morning they are Sweeping in the compound and they

    Are singing onto God as they are sweeping no wonder no wonder they had marriages that could last they are sweeping those days their husbands will give them not enough money to even CER for them in the kitchen but as they cooking as they cooking with that little that scarce commodity they are still

    Singing and thanking God in spite of their scarcity with all their soul with all their emotions with all their emotions we have a people today who are too intellectual to serve God with all all their minds it’s a shame it’s a pity you stay in check two hours and they begin to

    Fidget we are delaying too much but these same people can watch Netflix and watch series on end and they don’t have a problem they cannot open their Bibles to read the scriptures but they can stay up and BN the the midnight candle to study for a certificate that cannot guarantee them a better

    Life they will study for a certificate that cannot guarantee them a better life but they will not even take time to have their quiet time no wonder our lives are so noisy so Noy with the chaos of the world because you have forgotten quiet time days my God and people today who will

    Not care to go out in the street to speak to somebody about Jesus but they will not waste time to go out and Market their products tell people about their business they can do that but they can’t tell people about Jesus love the Lord with all your

    Soul with all your soul are we talking about a fellowship with God we thank God I’m I’m telling you people of God for the relationship it is there I’m telling you the relationship is there you are always going to be a child of God so long as you receive Jesus as your Lord

    Bless savior nobody can take that away from you but it will not be relationship that will take you to heaven it will be Fellowship because there was a time Bible tells us about about the 10 virgins say five were foolish five were wise they were all virgins they were all

    Virgins but when the bridegroom came when the bridegroom again the five who have not g for extra B say they were described as foolish so he can be born again tongue speaking sound of God nobody will take it away from you but it will take Fellowship it will take

    Fellowship it will take Fellowship because heaven is a place of Fellowship it’s a place of Eternal Fellowship it’s a place of Eternal Fellowship the day the C of Jesus said oh uh why do we sit when we get to the place in heaven let

    Me sit on your left let me sit on your right it has nothing to do with relationship it has everything to do with Fellowship it has nothing to do with relationship you are my cousins it is not enough it is about Fellowship it’s about Fellowship love the Lord with all

    Your heart with all your soul and it says with all your strength dog permit me to say this as I speaking to you right now I’m having severe pain on my neck it is not an excuse at all it’s not an excuse at all with excitement with

    Joy I’m speaking to the world about Jesus I’m telling you with all my strength I mean the excuses we give these days when it comes to making a sacrifice for Jesus it’s amazing it’s heartbreaking it’s heartbreaking we will serve him at our convenience not by a sacrifice there were days our fathers

    Will carry things to church carry chairs in the rain they will carry things with their strength with their strength today we are sitting in an air conditioned Auditorium carpeted auditoriums and even that even that we would rather hire the services of cleaners pay them and forget it I’m beyond I’m beyond

    Sweeping the church I’m beyond cleaning the washroom I am beyond that love the Lord with all your strength with all your strength with all your strength and so you will find the bigrams living a very old age why because they gave their strength when they were young

    Yes you will find the fathers of old living long they lived long because they gave God their strength today 42 we are gone 37 we are gone and we pride ourselves he has served his purpose what happened to with long life he will satisfy us what happened to it because

    Everything has to be convenient for us if you don’t pick people to church they won’t even come to church yes if you you don’t pick them there must be a bus to bring them to church we continue doing it but I’m telling you when you wake up

    In the morning who chases the bus for office if you miss it you find a way to get to the office today people don’t come to church and you the pastor you the leader must call them to find out why they didn’t you come to church I

    Wasn’t feeling too well but when you don’t go to work you are the one who will call your boss to tell your boss why you could not make it you will call your boss to tell your boss why you could not make it but when it comes to church we should

    Find out and if the pastor that’s not called they don’t care they don’t care you don’t care about the cross you you also don’t care about the cross love the Lord with all your strength love the Lord with all your strength people of God where is your capacity people sit in

    Church with gies and talents and they must be begged to do something for God but God is raising a generation where if you don’t shout his praise he can lift up Stones he can lift up stones to praise him oh time is on my side read on says and with all your mind

    And with all your mind can I humbly submit people of God your highest intelligence is foolishness compared to the wisdom of God your highest intelligence forget your your certificates it is foolishness when it comes in comparison to the wisdom of God the the foolishness of our God is higher than your

    Wisdom today even we talk about tight pain paying tight paying this supporting the work of God people now want to calculate with their mind calculate with our mind we want everything to make sense before we make a move for God really but I’m telling you the jihadist

    That Muslim brother who has sold out his life they don’t want anything to make sense they don’t care putting bombs on themselves and entering the mall it should not make sense all they are thinking about that when they die they’ll get some virgins in heaven and

    They get a place in heaven that’s all they want to know it should not make sense to them but the believer it should make sense to us first it should make sense if it does not make sense we will not commit to it if it does not make

    Sense we will not commit to it if it does not make sense my God if it does not make sense we will not commit to it oh the Church of Jesus Christ The Church of Jesus Christ if it does not make sense we will not commit says love the Lord with all your

    Mind there’s a generation that is I thank God do God bless you there’s a generation that God Is Lifting on this call Network that will love God foolishly yes that will love God foolishly that will love God foolishly can I tell you something that is what

    The Apostles of did oh Peter had a family like we have a family Peter had a family like you have a family and he was a family man to the point that bible say that there was a time that his mother-in-law had a fever a fever common

    Fever he complained to Jesus about it that my mother-in-law has a fever and Jesus prayed for the mother-in-law to be healed he was a family man but when the master left he forgot about all of them it’s okay take care of yourself I must be on the

    Road I must take care of his lost him I must find lost souls for he is is worthy of this sacrifice with all your mind with all your mind where are the missionaries what a generation the word missionary is lost in the vocabulary of the church I

    Repeat the word missionary it is lost in the vocabulary of the church the word evangelist it is lost in the vocabulary of the church today we pride ourselves with titles Apostle Prophet that sounds more prestigious but why are the missionaries people left their their their their the comfort of their homes

    In Europe came to Ghana died of malaria but for me to me for me so that today me I can preach this gospel to you because of the sacrifice of somebody where are missionaries today where are churches in The Villages today everybody wants to have a church in the city

    Everybody and so the the villagers our grandmothers in the village are they also know worth the blood of Jesus love the Lord with all your mind put away that your book knowledge put away that if you want a fellowship with God people of God you must think like a dying

    Man you must think like a dying man that if I die today what account am I giving to Jesus if I should die today I said if you want to fellowship with the Lord you must think like a dying man the urgency of time you must think

    Like a dying man you must think like a d man we need a fellowship with the Lord let let me just jump and it says and your neighbor as yourself and your neighbor I’ve talked about I’m R because of time you if you want Fellowship we must have a

    Fellowship with the Lord number two we must have fellowship with our neighbors we must have fellowship with our neighbors love your neighbor ask yourself dog there’s so much to say in this particular one God give me Grace God give me Grace God give me Grace love your neighbor ask yourself

    Church I remember Jesus said this he say whatsoever you do to the least to the least that’s what you do onto me why is the love of the church why is the love of the church today if you you see Can I submit to you

    People of God now I mentioned in is it Corinthians 13:14 you see the the format for Fellowship is that it starts from Grace then it comes to the love of God then Fellowship I repeat it starts from Grace it comes to the love of God then

    It comes to Fellowship you see I might not like you but I will love with the love of God for that reason we can have Fellowship I don’t like everything you do but I love you with the love of the Lord and so we can have Fellowship that in spite of my errors

    Jesus came to die for me who am I to condemn you have we noticed a wind of scandals blowing in the church oh yes and went of scandals blowing the church and and and Men of God being disgraced publicly and you will find some Believers clapping for this that oh it’s

    Okay they are being exposed they are being exposed when did we employ the world to expose the church to expose our when do we employ the world to be the one to tell us who is fake when when why is the love of the church why is the love of the church I

    Remember Jesus saying this says allow them to grow together when the harest time comes we will know I want to submit to us people of God it’s time to love in spite of it’s time to laugh as Christ love the church it’s time to laugh it’s

    Time to laugh the world is making a mocky of our cross the world is making because they know that if we begin to speak against this one the same church will help us in fighting the church there’s a book I always refer to this book A book written by rejoiner

    Final quest and in the vision he saw how the enemy was using the church to fight against the church that’s what we are seeing today that’s what we are seeing today we are quick to condemn everybody we are even quick to condemn the fathers the father has done this we are quick to

    Condemn we are quick to condemn and we think we are right Bible say do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from Evil do not be wise in your own eyes let’s leave it to the one who judges all to judge and laugh they

    Will know we are Christians by our love it’s time to reach out to the weak and strengthen the feeble knees Fellowship Bible says ion will sharpen iron ion will sharpen iron you see there’s a scripture I think I wrote it somewhere my time is almost up I WR father help me oh

    God it’s a popular scripture it says wherever two or three have gathered together in my name there I am in M the interesting thing is that we can gather but we may not be together that’s what we are see in the church today we have Gatherings but

    There’s no togetherness and that is why the Lord is not showing up our churches are full but we’re not seeing the power of God our churches are ped but we’re not seeing the move of God why because we have gathered but in the Gathering we there’s no togetherness whever two or

    Three have gathered together in my name where is the togetherness why is that togetherness can we stop condemning can we stop condemning can we stop condemning and extend mercy and extend Mercy where is togetherness wherever two or three have gathered together in my name I am in

    Your mer if the church wants to see the hand of God in this last days Let There Be Oneness as one of the prayers Jesus prayed before he left he said that they may be one as We Are One that they may be one as we are one

    People of God there’s a Ying in the spirit for Fellowship there’s a Ying in the spirit for togetherness there’s a Ying in the spirit that I I don’t believe in your doctrines I don’t fully agree with others but I believe in that Jesus will believe in I believe in that Jesus will believe

    In I don’t remember ever asking doctor which church he really fellowships with really that is not the point it is enough to know that he believes in Jesus it is enough to know that he believes in my Jesus that he died that he rose and he ascended it’s enough many men of God

    That come on this platform I have never asked this one what I it is not my concern they know my Lord they believe in my Jesus and that is enough that is enough because Can I submit to you we might never know him fully no no no no we might never know

    Him fully he is infinite we will never know him fully the little I know about him the little know about him the little he knows about him together what’s important that we know that Jesus came to die for sinners like you and I that we might be

    Saved love one another love one another fellowship when we close church people of God can we show some love Fellowship can we show some love can we love the world can we love the world can we stop judging we have been Sav by Grace the fact that you’re not doing what they

    Doing doesn’t make you perfect our righteousness like filthy R before him yes I’m not smoking I’m not fornicating I’m not doing all that but I’m only saved by grace not by works I’m only saved by grace not by works finally we need a fellowship with our own

    Selves yes you see because the Bible says love your neighbor as yourself if you have not learned to love yourself you can’t love your neighbor you can’t love your neighbor we have what do I mean by that bible say that your body is the Temple of the lord your body is the

    Temple of the Lord my body is the Temple of the Lord I need to I need to keep this body I need to preserve this body in Purity in righteousness fellowship with myself is living in puberty yes it’s making sure that this Temple is presented presented faultless and blameless without spot without wrinkle

    To the one who saved it yes I need a fellowship with myself that when I wake up in the morning I need to look in the mirror if Jesus to come today are you making it are you making it have you gone through your scriptures have you what have you done

    For the Lord I need a fellowship with myself I need to build myself I need to study the word more if fact it even goes further to even working on my phys physical body yes recently I’ve been doing some exercises it’s so necessary because God

    Needs this body to do the work so I must keep it healthy I can’t just eat anything I can’t just do anything I can’t just watch anything I need a fellowship myself people of God there’s a call there’s a cry there’s a call in the spirit for

    Fellowship there’s a call in the spirit for Fellowship that’s why I thank God for this platform every time I keep thanking God for this platform it’s a call from of Fellowship we don’t come here to show who knows better not at all not at all we don’t come here to Mark

    Scripts not at all we come to Fellowship we come to fellowship and it’s a joy that I’m here in Ghana Africa my brother is there in Kenya my brother is there in in London and together on this medium we can let people know that it is not easy

    But it’s worth it it’s not easy but it’s worth it and someday we will stand before the one the judge of all and he will give us a reward for our Liv may the Lord bless us may the Lord keep us may he preserve us may he cause his

    Grace to abound towards us and may He help us to continually remain in Fellowship as the day approaches in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen amen past God bless you so very much God bless you um I’ve been touched by the word there is some something that he said and you see you

    Can always have that relationship with God but what will sustain maintain and retain you with the Lord is relationship is fellowship excuse me is fellowship so do not brag and do not hold yourself so high because you have a relationship with God but know that it’s relationship that will

    Sustain Fellowship is what will sustain the relationship so make sure your daily life and whatever you do with the Lord there is always Fellowship because don’t rely fully on the relationship that you have and boast about it but make sure you are doing something daily that will

    Draw you near onto him may God bless you for speaking this word I know it was so simple and everyone that heard this word or is going to hear this word I know that it’s going to cut through their heart to know that the time has come for

    Fellowship the time has come for the church to draw near and he said one more thing he said think like a dying man live like a dying man if we know that our time is short there’s a way you are going to live because every dying man is

    So humble and they are ready to repent when you go to the hospitals people who are who are counting their days they are already ready and they are humble and they are repenting but let’s leave our life like we on a hospital bed like it’s

    Our last days and let’s give our all to the Lord not when we are stuck and there is nothing else we can do God bless you so very much amen now we have our brother from Kenya evangelist Harrison man of God you are more than welcome thank you thank you so much Dr

    Daniel and all the participants on this call tonight I want to greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ um I’m born again this evening and uh Christ is Lord I come from Kenya uh pcea or the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and I thank God for the

    Opportunity that you have been given to come and share his word and I also want to thank my brother Pastor Nana for such a great and powerful message uh really full of um God’s blessings and uh we are we are indeed blessed uh by your sharing

    So I want to go straight to um what I want to share for tonight and I believe that God is going to be with us and maybe before then let’s just say a word of prayer Everlasting father once again we are before you presence and we want to thank you God

    Because you’re calling us to a relationship and even the right fellowships oh God we want to pray that tonight you shall continue talking to us through your word this is our prayer in Jesus name amen so um I think I want to carry on and continue from where our brother has left

    Because there are many many things that I wanted to mention that he has already mentioned and I want to believe that God is speaking and this is the work of the Holy Spirit and therefore I I know that we shall be blessed even as We Carry On

    From where he has left and one of the things that I want to say from the word go is that God created us to have a relationship with him and he intended us to have that relationship so that we can be able to fellowship with him and also we fellowship with fellow

    Men and as soon as God has you know created and I think most of the speakers have mentioned this we see that the enemy was after that relationship that God initiated with man so that he destroy it and it actually happened when he destroyed that by sin

    Man sinned the relationship he had with God was destroyed and I want to focus tonight on both the vertical and and the horizontal relationship and even the fellowship that we have because without the vertical relationship the relationship between us and God any attempt to keep horizontal relationships

    Never and sometimes we are so much into horizontal relationships in other words we want relationship with each other we want fellowships with each other we want and we have so so much into those relationships they mean more to us than it means you know than it is to us in

    God and if that is what we pursue as a priority I’m here to say tonight that it will never work what will work is when we have that relationship with God first so that we can be able to build other relationships and even fellowships with our brothers and

    Sisters tonight I want to focus on two texts in the Bible and my first text is the Book of John chapter 15: 1 and the Bible says I am the True Vine and my father is a vine dresser every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away and every

    Branch that bears fruit he prunes that it may bear more fruit you already clean because of the word which have spoken to you abide in me and I in you as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine neither can you unless you abide in

    Me praise the name of the Lord in this text Jesus is using an analogy of a Vine and its branches to convey the importance of keeping a relationship with him he trying to explain to us and help us understand that him being the True Vine

    Is the only one who can offer us with spiritual nourishment and even growth and as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is attached to the vine brothers and sisters we have to thrive deeply to be rooted in a relationship with Christ otherwise we shall not bear any fruit for him

    And this is a call for me to stay connected to the source of life God being the source of the life of of Life stay connected to him and have a relationship so that we may find strength and purpose in our Union with Jesus and when we have this

    Relationship then we are able to see the fruit what is the product of that relationship that we are seeking to have with God the mark of intimacy with God is a fruit we produce the relationship between the vine and the branch is what causes nourishment to the branch and through

    That a fruit is produced and that fruit definitely is a reflection of the relationship that we have how I live my life how you live your life is a reflection of the relationship ship you have with God and unfortunately have seen many people today who think that they can produce

    Outside that relationship with Jesus they want to produce fruit outside a relationship that relationship with Jesus brothers and sisters that can never happen for us to produce the right fruit fruit that will out leave us we have to be very careful about our relationship with Jesus when the relationship with God relationship with

    Jesus the vine and the gardener is inate the fruit is enjoyable even to others after all what is the fruit for when we are told when Paul talks about the fruit of the holy spirit all the things we talk about are the things that brings about fellowship with one another and that is

    Why I say partical relationship leads now to the horizontal fellowships that we are talking about the other text I want to talk about and and I and I will link the two is the book of Acts chapter 2 particularly vers 42 but I would also want us to go up to

    47 and in Acts 2: 42 the Bible says is that the disciples you know the Church of Christ they continued steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine and the fellowship in break in the breaking of bread and in prayers in this one verse of the Bible we see four things that the early church was

    Committed and among the four things the early church was so much committed into fellowship and the Bible says then fear Came Upon the every soul and Many Wonders and signs were done through the apostles now all who believed were together and had all things in common and sold their possessions and goods and

    Divided them among all as anyone had need verse 46 so continuing daily with one Accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of their heart praising God and having favor with all the people listen to this

    And the Lord added to the church daily those who are being saved again I want to say this my listeners and viewers this evening in this text the relationship between the Apostles of Jesus with God is evidenced in the first and second which is evidenced in the first and second

    Chapter of the book of Acts gives us the product that we see in this text it is out of that relationship that they had with God that they pursued you know the previous verse in I think vers 4041 we see Peter preaching and 3,000 people believing out of the relationship they

    Kept with the Lord this relationship is what brought about many many thousands of people coming to the Lord when our relationship with God Is Right beloved in the Lord we shall even pull more people into faith in fact the early church came to Christ because of the

    Words and the Deeds of the Apostles the way they lived their lives because they were a reflection I said the fruit is a reflection of the vine the fruit is a reflection C of the relationship and we see the fruit we see the product of the relationship that the

    Early church had with God that bore Fruit by many many people believing in the Lord for me as applied in the book of Acts we see the importance of fellowship with one another that enhanced new relationship with God and for me this information be becomes like a cycle that when you keep

    A relationship with God it creates a fellowship and it creates fellowship with other believers and fellowship becomes a motivation to others to seek relationship with God and therefore this becomes a multigenerational uh effect that brings many to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ that if I live my my life right

    And if I keep a relationship with God I will because others I’ll be able to fellowship with them and through that fellowship with others they will be motivated to seek a relationship with tonight even as we look at relationship and fellowship and I want to ask ourselves a

    Question why then is fellowship with other believers important for us I like what Pastor Nana has said that we need to pursue a relationship with God we need to pursue a relationship with ourselves and even I mean fellowship with God fellowship with ourselves and even fellowship with one another why do

    You think fellowship with other believers is important a few points maybe to mention that it is through Fellowship that we become stronger and I think this is God’s way of helping us or guiding us so that we can be able to minister with each other because as much as we want to

    Pursue a relationship and even fellowship with God we also need to cultivate good relationship and fellowship with each other Fellowship makes us stronger the Bible says in in Matthew 18 I think 19 and 20 it talks about um like two are better than one you in other words that if we believe in

    Something together whatever we believe in together here on Earth even in heaven it’s done that being around other believers provides us with vital strength that together we can do much in this Fellowship we can become stronger we can become better the other thing I also see about Fellowship is that Fellowship provides

    Encouragement how many times do we find ourselves down and we need somebody to lift us and encourage us spending time with others in Fellowship beloved in the Lord helps us to fix our eyes unto Jesus and therefore it is important for for us to know that Fellowship provides encouragement Fellowship also reminds us

    That we are not alone because when it come together with other believers it reminds us that we not alone in this world and that there is there are other people you know who go through difficult situations as we do so once we come together we just get to know

    That and know the Bible says that the eye can never say to the hand I don’t need you the hand can’t say to the feet I don’t need you because when we come together in a fellowship we reminded that every other person is important it is through Fellowship that we also

    Grow coming together is a wonderful way to grow together in faith I think I appreciate this program because through listening to various speakers tackle one topic after the other I have been able to grow in my faith I believe you two are growing in your faith each member of a fellowship has an

    Important lesson that they can teach the other member that is why we learn from each other in this forum and that is why God is going to give us one topic and that topic is going to be shared in various ways and we receive various Revelations because that is what the

    Lord desires for us as we grow together in Fellowship the Bible says well my brothers and sisters let let summarize that when you people meet one will sing another will speak in tongues another will interpret what he said but everything that is is done must be done

    To strengthen all of us because when we come together in Fellowship we grow when we have a relationship with God we shall be able to Fellowship right with each other and you know that is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden that when Adam and Eve lost their relationship with

    God immediately after we see relationship between man being destroyed man you know between each other no and after Genesis chapter 3 Genesis 4 the first thing we are introduced to is man killing man why is it so because the relationship that they had the vertical relationship they had with God was already

    Gone no wonder we seeing hatred even in the body of Christ no wonder we are seeing um all manner of evil even in the church because the vertical relationship is we can no longer have our reason to fellow or relationship Fellowship helps us to grow Fellowship offers companionship you know someone said that

    Fellowship is fellows on onip we sink or we float together in one boat when we in a fellowship we are we are a company it’s companionship in a fellowship we stand together and therefore in good times and bad times we are together understanding that principle helps us to ensure that

    Our ship is adequately supplied with all the essentials for survival and what are these essential for survival the nourishment the protection and the smooth right that we need in this life the word of God prayer these are the things that we need to supply our ship with every other

    Day because without those essential survival um items with us then our right in this world will be very difficult to when we neglect Fellowship we fate the encouragement that we are supposed to draw from one another anytime I miss and of course I confess I have missed a number of um this

    Sessions I F fi encouragement that I am supposed to I mean I mean I’m imagining if I miss what Pastor Nana Shar then of course I will lose and also by missing I will deny others the encouragement that they ought to get for me and also for Faith corporate

    Blessings the essence of us fellowshipping together is that everyone is important to each other we are a body of Christ and everyone is important whether visible or invisible you may be in this call tonight and you have no opportunity to share or talk but without you don’t be preaching to myself

    Your presence in this call is as important as mine with share and that is what we should know in Fellowship that everybody is important and that is why sometimes fellowships have become very very very tricky because people feel like I’m not contributing anything I mean but your

    Presence is as good as the one who’s shared praise the name of now let me just turn to something something different something different about fellowship and this for me is a burden it’s a concern because we have seen situations where nowadays fellowships are not working fellowships with each

    Other are not working and I think that is why Pastor Nana had to emphasize on fellowship with one another because we fail to realize how we ought to treat one another in Fellowship apparently the term one another is mentioned 54 times in the New Testament and Within These verses we

    Learn how we ought to treat each other each believer each fellow believer and have healthy relationships with each other I don’t have time I may have wanted to sample a number of them but let me just look at a few and I thank God that Pastor has you just mentioned um some of

    This one that sample is where the Bible says love one another consider John 13 ver 34 the Bible says a new command I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you so love one and well I want to confess that it’s not

    Easy to love some people and that is what people will say because uh they may have a different Philosophy from yours even the way they dress and talk may turn you off but you know what this is not a choice the Bible says a new command I give

    You loving others is not easy it requires great effort and and I want to go back to what I started with that the only way to love that other person is abiding to the one who loved us that is what the Bible says in the Book of John 15: 19

    To3 and therefore that is why he said vertical relationship is what is going to help us to have all these other relationships that we pursuing without abiding with the one who loved you first you can never love the other or other people I wish I have time the Bible says

    Serve one another John 13:14 this is where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and he says now that I have washed your feet you also shall wash one another’s feet now this one is tricky because serving others requires much sacrifice and humility it’s about being spent for your brother’s welfare

    It’s about going your way out of your way to reach out to become a blessing if I may turn back to the text I read in the book of Acts chapter 2 and this this this is very deep one of the things we see with the early church is that they were even

    Selling their possessions so that they can help those who had needs no wonder the early church was full and you know even people have gone to the to the extent of trying to do studies on what magic this is I want to tell you beloved in the Lord there was

    No magic with the apostles the only thing that happened is that these people realized the essence of serving one another going out of their way because of their brother’s Warfare today the Church of Christ is full of people who are full of themselves the me and I and you know I am

    Everything and therefore I don’t care about others the Lord is calling us to serve others with much sacrifice and humility Jesus Christ the leader went to the extent of washing his disciples feet to teach us that even as the Lord has given us and granted us opportunity to be

    Ministers and you know um leaders of CH we need to be spent for our brother’s World allow me also to sample the that the that the that um mention of one another in the Bible think this is in Colossians 4:6 and again this is also repeated in

    Hebrews chap 10: 24 and 25 where the Bible calls us to edify one another and I may ask you a question how often do we lift a brother or a sister who is struggling in his walk with God how often do we lift them and bring them closer to to to have their

    Relationship with God restored how often is our speech gracious and seasoned with salt as God expects from us because sometimes beloved in the Lord we speak and we talk yet we are tearing out we tearing people down we are bringing people down you know and we making them feel like they

    Have nothing to offer they are worthless in this life the Lord is calling us to edify one another Spar one another and I say they numerous I wish I have time I would also have wanted to look at Romans 15:7 that talks about accepting one another then just as Christ accepted you

    In order to bring praise to God first Corinthians 1:10 I appeal to you brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you that all of you agree with one another these very simple things are the things that are destroying relationships among ourselves with each other and I

    Said we need to go back and check our relationship with God because if I’m not able I’m not going to be to relate well with you then it means I have a problem with my relationship with God because when the enemy came between man and God the consequences that is that is

    That he destroyed the relationship between man and man how I wish we may possess these virtues in increasing meion because if we possess them and apply them in our fellowships and in our personal relationships and interaction with each other our fellowships our relationships our ministry Ministries will become a

    Boards of strength and encouragement and even a sense of belonging and this will of course Foster the growth of the body of Christ both numerically and spiritually and therefore beloved in the Lord it’s my prayer tonight that may God help us to build a relationship with him so

    That when we have that intact relationship with God it will be very easy for us to relate with each other and even Foster fellowships with each other may God help us and bless us so that we may cultivate a vertical relationship with him and for that we may find horizontal fellowships

    With each other in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen God bless you amen God bless you evangelist Haring uh so refreshing um all I have to say is that may God have mercy on us uh because it seems we we claim to know him

    It seems that uh we claim to have a relationship with him and we’ve lost pH ship with man and the world will look at us to see the god that we serve and when they not see the same God in us then there’s no way they come to God so I

    Think this is a way to everyone that we ensure that our relationship with God being the vertical one is in place and intact and then we’ll be able to fellowship with our neighbors our friends our loved ones even our enemies um this word has come as a caution to

    Everyone one so whilst you go on with your Christian Life make sure that you relate well with men may God bless you so very much for giving us this word I believe that God gave you this word because the church needs it God bless you once again now our last speaker um

    Pastor Abby man of God uh you are more than welcome can you hear man of God Pastor Abby can you hear me Hallelujah I think we’ll wait for pastor Abby to respond give a couple of minutes uh probably the network um I’ve been blessed this night uh with a message being

    Shared um relationship and fellowship from different speakers and um it’s it’s been is being a word that is causing me to also reflect upon my life you see whenever you think the word is for somebody you’ve made an error because the word is also meant for you even as

    You speak it also goes to you um so I just want to encourage everyone on this platform that we are not doing these things for ourself whatever topic God gives to us is for us to also learn and and mature through the word because there Revelation the lesson things

    Within every topic for us to grow as children of the most high God and one thing that we can see for sure is that Christians do not look like Christians um one thing that we know for sure is that the glory of God is missing in our

    Midst we don’t know the presence of God like the Bible said that something got up to shake himself once more but he not know that his strength was gone and the presence of God was not with him and uh when you lose your relationship ship your Covenant with God that’s what

    Happens to us and we think that we are so strong and we think that we can do the previous things but then the light in US be begin to go down diminish and we cannot bright enough to change the world and our Essence in this life is to

    Change I was telling a group of people that it’s not enough to be saved once you are saved you are given a net to cast out to win the rest and I pray in the name of Jesus that we begin to change our life begin to relate to God in a

    Very serious manner where his his characteristics and everything will be imputed onto our life so that we can show the world that we represent him you see the world keep looking at us and they Wonder are these people Christians and Christians are also looking at themselves today and they are referring

    To the people of old it means that we’ve lost bearing I think Pastor B is back pastor if you can hear me you are welcome a amen amen the devil is the devil is a liar apologies for that uh for whatever reason my laptop simply will not connect

    Um I want to thank God we we always like to thank God for an opportunity to be on the c network because we do not want to take it for granted at all thank you so much man of God and thank God for what you’re doing thank God for every speaker

    Who has been speaking on this big topic of relationship and fellowship because there is a is every topic we talk about on the c network are very important topics and and I thank God my laptop please bear with me the devil is a liar tonight amen so as uh we we were saying

    Uh the topic is very big it’s very important and it’s important to God that’s why we’re talking about it and I thank God there was something uh Pastor N I said earlier on that you know your relationship with God will not take you to heaven thank God for the relationship

    With God but your fellowship with God is what takes you to heaven you know there are many estranged fathers to I mean sons from their fathers today there are there are sons who would not who have broken uh fellowship with their parents and you know as I was just thinking

    About that and I was thinking about the prodigal he went to a far away country he still had a relationship because he still remembers that have a father but he was no longer in fellowship with the father and to get back into uh into what God planned for him he

    Had to return into Fellowship when he was away he was always a son but he was a son that has gone a war he was a son who has gone away from from home he had to return home into Fellowship amen I pray God to open our eyes to these

    Things because relationship and fellowship are so so important relationship to get Rel relationship is a function is a function of what God did for us what Jesus did but Fellowship is always going to be a function of our sacrifices and our input into that relationship Fellowship relationship

    Came without us we we just had to you know just as I am without one ple but that your blood was shed for me we came to Jesus Christ we came to the cross for what he because of what he did did for us because of the blood that was shed at

    Calvary and that brought us into relationship with God now what we do with that relationship is a function of what we do every day after that moment you know what we do what we gain what we what we benefit from that relationship is a function of what it’s a function of

    Our input into it how we service that relationship through fellowship and you know it’s interesting go because because with we’ve heard it uh tonight and we’ve heard it from other other preachers I like what um evangelist Harrison said about the Jesus was speaking to him he

    Said look he said I am the fine the true one he said my father is the husband man is one looking after the garden he says any branch in me that does not produce fruit he said it takes away he said and the one that is produced he said he

    Prunes it he pures it he makes it we I remember we’ve discussed this on the c network a while back you know he gets it ready but any branch that is out of Fellowship is ready to be removed out of relationship amen any branch that’s out of Fellowship is already Dancing On The

    Edge or being removed out of relationship you know uh there’s uh there’s so much today about um the grace of God how the grace is so important how everything we did we G we came into relationship by Grace amen but then that same Grace is what empowers us to live

    Right is what teaches us this grace of God has come to to mankind as is teaching us it came to all man all human but he teaching us to move away from ungodliness and live the life that we have been called into that’s what the

    Grace does for us amen so uh PA Paul said Paul said after speak to all to to all others he said I’m striving such that I myself will not become a cast away you know sometimes I ask myself you know people who say you can never lose

    Your salvation uh you know sometimes we need to go deep deep down into all these all these uh all these scriptures because if Paul is saying I can be a Cast Away what else does it mean to lose your salvation amen but this is not the night for that we’re talking about

    Relationship and fellowship and when we talk about you know God we said we heard it tonight that God has always wanted Rel uh Fellowship both relationship and fellowship with uh with Man Without relationship we couldn’t have Fellowship but our relationship is what initiates the fellowship with God so it’s not uh

    Fellowship is not you know we got we were saved by grace but as salvation now sets us free to worship you know he says he says in um it says in uh uh what let let me see let me which one of the scriptures I I want to refer to right is

    Colossians let’s look at Colossians first Colossians 1:19 uh to 22 it says for it pleased the father that in him all the fullness should dwell it says and by him to reconcile all all things to himself by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made having made peace

    Through the blood of his cross that blood brought us into a relationship before that it says we were enemies of God we were alienated from God we were adversaries to God we fought we were fighting God as it were it says in verse 21 it says and you who once were

    Alienated and enemies in your mind by Wicked words he said yet now he has reconciled in the body of his flesh through death the present uh uh to to to present you holy and blameless and above reproach in his sight that is that is that talks about how we got into a

    Relationship with God it didn’t cost us anything we just had to accept what he has done for us but going forward Fellowship would always cost us you know thinking about Fellowship just now I remember the story of uh tonight I remember the story of Abraham the Bible says

    Abraham Abraham was uh resting on a on a hot day and then suddenly he saw in Genesis 18 He Saw Three Men approaching approaching him it was like they were was this were W wering men and and the Bible says he rose up and ran to them

    And said my lords he said come rest yourself on the tree you know is interesting because the two speaker who spoke before Pastor n and uh evangelist Harrison were talking about the love we show to towards other people you know Abraham had that in him to always want

    To extend Fellowship to always want to help out as much as possible when he did it he didn’t know he was entertaining God he didn’t know God was he didn’t know God was passing by him because he wasn’t coming to him was he did made it

    Look as if he was passing by and that’s the same thing that’s always this this the situation regarding fellowship with God he comes gently as if you know he wakes you up at night and see if you’re going to just Grunt and roll over and

    Sleep back you know he you know he God is not the one who terrifies you with a dream so that you can stay awake no he wakes you up gently uh and then you wake up and you went you went to use the bathroom and then you go back into sleep

    And it’s you know his his is we you he’s inviting you in he’s saying would you would you dare to would you dare to fellowship with me for one hour amen so Abraham said Abraham you know we know the story Abraham entertained this people he said please come let me fet

    Water wash your feet uh let’s get something for you to eat quickly the Bible says he ran into you remember Abraham was old at this time he was about 99 years old he ran into the tent he said to uh to to Sarah said quick quick quick three muscles of measures of

    Of of bread he said quick quick let’s bake it and then he quickly went and picked one uh uh uh um lamb that is quickly dress it dress it gave it to the servant and then Abraham himself waited on them amen and then that was when God

    Said where is Sarah and he said in the tent and then he said this time I will surely return to you that was the first time that God said and put and put a time to it and said I will return to you uh about this time according to the time

    Of life and Sarah will carry a son Sarah laughed and God said why did Sarah laugh Sarah said I did not laugh he said yes you did uh but you know why am I telling that story Abraham God did not send a message I’m coming to you Abraham was

    The one who initi who you know he pressed into that fellowship and that’s exactly what God expects us to do most of the time we need to press into him press into that fellow Fellowship you know and then as God was going to leave

    Uh then he says in verse uh verse 16 it says then the men arose from from there and looked towards Sodom and Abraham went with them uh to send them on their way he even escorted them a little bit he said and the Lord said this was this

    Was verse 17 and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham what I’m doing shall I hide from Abraham what I’m s since since Abraham surely becomes uh surely shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed in him shall but I like that

    Phrase shall I hide from Abraham that which I’m doing shall I hide from that only comes from fellowship it doesn’t come from relationship it comes from the fellowship that we have with God he said the Lord will not do a thing but he will reveal it to his servant the prophet God

    Wants to God is not God doesn’t want to hide from us he wants to reveal more things to us you know that’s why Jesus was saying in John 15 uh John 15:15 he said no longer do I call you servants you know I you know they’ve

    Been all the all of them had a relationship with him and then but he now brought them into a deeper Fellowship you know and and it’s interesting because even with Jesus Christ you have the 12 you had the three that you know that that he usually take

    Along into deeper places and then you had the one who will lay his head on Jesus’s bosom because and all every single one of those because we know for a fact that God is not respect you know it’s no respector of persons every single one of those had to earn it by

    Investment they had to earn it through Fellowship they have to earn it through Fellowship a a a a sincere fellowship with the Lord he said no longer do I call you servants he said for a servant does not know what his master is doing a servant doesn’t hasn’t come into that

    Sort of fellowship with his master he said but I call you friends he said for everything all things that I have heard all things that I’ve heard from my father I have made known to you that is what Jesus said Jesus said to the apostles but now here is my point here

    Is where I have issues God wants to relate to us he wants to fellowship with us Jesus wants to fellowship with us in whom dwells the fullness of the whole of the of of the godhead bodily he wants to he’s the express image of the invisible

    God he wants to fellowship with us uh but can Amos 33 can two work together unless they be agreed can two work some somebody I think I forgotten which which one of the speakers tonight was talking about the arrogance that we display you know the arrogance that God can’t be uh

    Meek and lowly in heart and I’m arrogant and I want to be in fellowship with him it’s not going to work The God Who came he says he says let this mind be in you Philippians 2 from verse5 said let this mind be which was also in Christ Jesus

    Who being in the form of God God did not consider robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation he made himself of if God will make himself of no reputation to fellowship with man uh I can’t uh if if God who has every

    Reason he was Son of God God he was God himself says he said in the beginning was God God I mean was the word the word was with God the Word was God which was in the beginning with God through him all things were made without him nothing

    Was made that has been made in him was life and the life was the light of man that’s the person we’re talking about and he had to Humble himself when he was for when when he came as human being that was that was God humbling himself

    If he had to do that H H uh you know a while back sometime last year we were talking in love we’re discussing in church about the love the love of God because that’s the Same Love that God prescribes for us and we were reing reading from the book of Isaiah chapter

    53 he said there was no form of comeliness in him he said and you know every now and then I believe every believer should go and read that Isaiah 53 because that that was talking about Jesus Christ and what he did for us and Jesus said as the father has sent me so

    Have I sent you in other words the same way that’s why he said he said he said um he said uh not he said um a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you not you know not in any other as I have

    Loved you so I believe strongly that one of the things that is keeping us away from fellowship from with God is because we are not relating like he does like he relates God wants to relate God relates only out of love and when you think about it you know we always we always

    You know we always talk about this and we say when we we we even need to qualify that word love because when you talk love and I’m talking love on the on the side of God we’re talking sometimes we’re talking about two different things but the love of God when you read uh

    When you read that Isaiah 53 you would understand what we’re talking about when we talk when we call love love is not what we what we think is love is deeper much deeper but now I’ll put that I put that aside look at the love in the uh in

    The New Testament look at love in in in Corinthians he says love is patient love is kind love does not envy Lo love is not jealous love does not puff is not puffed up it doesn’t boast itself it doesn’t exalt itself and that’s exactly everything God was that’s exactly

    Everything he wants us to be two cannot work together unless they be agreed it’s difficult for me to have fellowship with God if I’m not in the same you know when we’re playing instrument we need to be playing on the same key otherwise it will be cacophony you know it’ll be nice

    It’ll be nice you’re playing a different wrong key I’m playing you’re playing a different key and playing a different key it’s not going to work we need to be on the same Pace with the Lord we need to that’s why that’s Philippians 2 is very important to it’s very important it

    Should be important to all of us but now talking about talking about talking about uh Fellowship when I’m fellowshipping with the Lord the things that are important to the Lord be important to me and you know there’s there’s a there’s a scripture all like to end with I know

    Our time is well spent tonight there’s a scripture all Li to end with it and it’s in John chapter 21 it’s a scripture we’re very familiar with but you know it’s we should read it often John chapter 21 Jesus was having a chat with Peter and it says from verse 15 it says

    So when they had eating breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter Sim Jesus said to Simon Peter he said Simon son of Jonah he said do you love me more than this and he said to him yes Lord I love you you know I love you and he said feed my

    Lambs amen there are certain things that are very important to the Lord he said you love me feed my lambs and then he said to him again the second time Simon son of Jonah he said do you love me and he said yes Lord you know I love you he

    Said tend my sheep tend my sheep if you you claim to love me tend my sheep you know uh uh I think it was uh I don’t remember if was evangelist Harrison or or Pastor n who was saying sometimes we claim to have a relationship and fellowship with God but is it’s it’s

    God’s people I can’t stand you know me and God we good but I just can’t stand God people he said you’re not in John said you’re not in Fellowship he said because our fellowship is with God and is with one another our fellowship is with God and then is with one another if

    We can’t fellowship with one another he said our fellow our professed fellowship with God is false he said it’s not true praise God it’s not true so Jesus said and then the third time verse 17 he said and he said to him third time he said Simon son of Jonah he

    Said Do You Love Me Peter Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me Peter was grieved and he should be you know we’re not going into what is Hebrew into Greeks and saying okay the first oneor repeat the word Peter

    Responded and he was he said do you love me three times the third time Peter was great and and he said to him he said he said uh the Lord he said Lord he said you know all things and you know that I love you then he said feed my sheep

    There are certain things that are important to the Lord and when we fellowship with him it is it is true that the end time church is going to be glorious amen the end time church will be glorious because God is going to shake a lot of things and the things

    That are shaky will fall off and the things that are not shaky will be glorified you know the glory of the latter house this latter house will surpass the former it is true when it says arise and shine for your light is come it says Darkness will cover the

    Earth and gross Darkness the people if you can’t see Darkness now is because you’re blind he said Darkness will cover the Earth gross Darkness the people and the glory of and the Lord but the Lord will arise upon you and his brightness will be all over you it is true that you

    Know that the Lord would turn wealth un un unimaginable wealth to the church I believe it strongly but the church that the Lord is going it’s not a time that people are going to be able to you can’t cajo God to get it it’s going to come

    Out of Fellowship you can’t force the hand God is not somebody you cannot um cannot trick God to get it and the the the tricks that people are using will fail gimmicks will not work anymore we’re getting to a point where gimmicks will not work anymore but Fellowship

    Will work through Fellowship God will guide us God will guide every single one of us in the directions want us to go but it’s going to come out of Fellowship it’s not going to come because we’re chasing after those things there are so many things that God has created to

    Pursue us myself I’m uh uh Pastor M AB were talking about this the other day there are certain things are are supposed to be running after us they are the same things we’re running after amen and so it’s like a dog chasing his tail so we’re just going around in an endless

    Circle endless Circle but those things are not he said he said don’t take any thought of these things these are the same things that the people of the world are chasing after said your heavenly father knows what you need he knows that you need them he said but you focus on

    What you what you’re supposed to focus on which is when I when I’m saying Focus said the kingdom and when you talk about the kingdom you couldn’t talk about the kingdom without focusing on the king of the Kingdom our focus is on the king of

    The Kingdom once we do that once we act once we activate and continue to service that Fellowship every other thing will fall into place everything God anything God wants us to have we can have on the altar of that fellowship and anything God doesn’t want us to have why do we

    Think we need it anyway amen anything God doesn’t want us to have is not good for us and it’s anything God doesn’t want us to have is only going to put us into trouble so anything God doesn’t want us to have let’s not draw it with any cord of wickedness let’s face our

    Fellowship with the Lord because as in that Fellowship said in returning and in rest in returning in rest shall you be saved and in quietness and confidence shall be your strength in returning and in rest returning not just returning by returning and in rest amen I pray the

    Lord will reach out to us I pray the Lord will magnify his words in our heart and he will guide us because God is always yearning for Fellowship God will guide us into existing I mean into a lasting time of Fellowship a depth of Fellowship that the deep in us will call

    To the Deep in God in Fellowship in the name of Jesus thank you very much Dr Daniel God bless you God bless you my big brother thank you so very much for making yourself available and giving us this words of wisdom on relationship and fellowship and it’s been an awesome night and I

    Want to thank everyone that is here and those who are watching those who are listening on radio uh that we do this for the Lord and we plead with you that you share it with everyone possible um to the best of my knowledge I know WhatsApp is still free and posting on

    WhatsApp is still free Facebook is still free um now that we have that um for free why don’t we use it for his glory and let’s share the word of God let people understand relationship and fellowship as he was talking I know time is far spent but something came to me um

    Like marriage you know when you fall in love there is something you do and um husband and wife now you have this relationship but now there must be something else that will cause you to be one to Fellowship together uh such as the gift I mean the talking and all that

    But as soon as we we we get what we want um then we forget to fellowship and that’s what happens unto us again when we are relating to God we think we are now so close to him and there’s no need to come to him anymore unless there is a

    Problem and sometime that’s how marriage looks like your husband will not come to your husband unless there a problem so we can see our our life and how we relate to God it’s like a mirror and that is why Harrison said that your relationship with God will sometimes so

    All the time determine how you relate to man so I will say that if youve forgotten the flowers days I hope you understand for those who are married the flower days and the chocolate days and all all the movie Nights you see Pastor is laughing he has a lot of experience

    You see you for gotten all of this then U it’s time for us to go back let’s go back to God and begin to shower the flowers show show the love let’s just go before God David was doing the same sometimes he goes to God without any

    Topic he just goes and just prays god and say you are so wonderful have you forgotten the days where you fell in love and sometimes you don’t need to plan the topic you just sit with your loved one and you begin talking and laughing you see it becomes so

    Natural let’s make our relationship with God so natural let’s come back to him let’s fellowship with him let’s chat let’s enjoy him so that he can also say the Deep things upon his heart onto to us sometimes we want deep Revelation it won’t come in any form it will come when

    You are so close to him when he whispers you will hear when he quiet it will still speak volumes to you because you have this relationship and fellowship with him that is all he wants from his children so I just want to thank everyone that is here today and I

    Believe that next week also be another Power packed one invite friends invite loved on share the video and I believe that we are impacting Our Generation bit by bit there are there are testimonies that I receive all over but I cannot share it all I want want you to know

    That your impact in the kingdom is known and uh Harrison say something that sometimes your impact or your love might be visible or invisible and there is a tendency for you to feel I mean not appreciated when it is invisible but then it becomes so visible in the

    Heavens because we are moved by the spirit and everything that we do is according to the spirit and not the physical so sometime put a physical aside and know that there is Applause going on up there God bless you so very much may we meet again next week stay

    Blessed and highly favored thank you amen

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