Thursday 15th March.

    Today we arrived in Mostar, Bosnia.

    A town where east and west meet that I have wanted to visit for several years. Tomorrow we will spend the day here and learn about this wonderful town.


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    Today’s Thursday the 15th I think set a nice night coming here which is a place I wanted to visit for a long time starting the day in sunshine better than yesterday Cycling through one of the more destruction [Applause] Went to a breakup and got this thing here ago said it was cheese and gross think it’s spinach cheese with some grass in the bakery was friendly come down this mountain pass here I can see most are below luckily was going down I’m not up this time so just Just arrived near muster up at the bridge in a must are play so we wanted to come for a few years find out more about it who’s destroyed during the war and they rebuilt it just after the place where each east-meets-west mostly Muslim Christian churches Magister spoke to a lady she’s

    Got a bedroom him over to sleep in you Oh mother just was talking to a lady just in the in the street was in just for she says do you want a room we said yes please no no we’ve got this place yeah we just what 100 meters from the main bridge

    They can park our bikes here our room is in there I’ll show you in a second they do a wash our clothes we can go in the shower after how many days now three days for the show to do wave dance on the bridge this is

    This is a room here bikes are parked there for the moment we’ll get the bugs off she’s gonna be over 30 euros was it 60 Bosnian money it’s about 18 pounds but kitchen here perfect just coming here found an ice cream by the looks of it Amy what you got there I only got a free cup of cappuccino with the room as well as the big ice beam the German boy Well this is the famous bridge you’d be waiting to sing really nice place here must are better than actually expected and places doing they and restaurants and the bridge is about thirty meters height times people they jump from here I’m going to get here looks like there’s a restaurant a I’m gonna come back to later It’s nice restaurant here just turned up all different kind of traditional Bosnian true

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