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    0:00 Pre-stream
    3:51 Excerpt from Not One Step Back by Majoris (GHPC OST)
    4:41 Stream starts
    6:55 Update coming this week
    8:08 Begin T-64A gameplay with Russian crew voices
    9:30 Soviet APFSDS ammo
    10:11 Split coincidence rangefinder and TPD-2-49 sight
    12:48 MZ autoloader system
    14:50 BMP-2 gaming
    15:55 Smoke artillery shells
    17:09 Su-22 CAS sighting
    18:24 Soviet markings
    20:19 Back to T-64A, also no ERA until later
    21:35 New ammo restocking controls
    23:00 Advice on ranging in T-64A and T-55A
    24:00 MiG-21 CAS sighting
    25:48 Absolute chad CAS sighting
    26:33 More BMP-2 gameplay to finish Red Steel
    28:58 Three new instant action missions and campaign changes coming
    29:36 Discussion of “ultraporcelain ball” armor and 3BM32 “Vant” lethality
    35:18 Begin M1 gameplay vs. Soviets
    43:28 Mods are already possible, further mod support is not planned
    44:24 Lawn dart CAS sighting
    45:30 Skillfully winning the mission
    46:17 New exhaust effects
    47:30 New Soviet Hind with 9M114
    49:22 T-64A won’t stop M833
    52:07 Armor fatigue will not be added
    52:28 Begin more BMP-2 gameplay
    53:33 CAS tier patrons get early test builds
    53:59 Newer Soviet tanks than T-64A will have full featured FCS, best in game
    56:49 Patrons get early teasers for future content
    1:00:33 Explanation of Delta-D
    1:01:55 Updates are always roughly monthly
    1:03:13 Improved messaging around tank fires, delayed power loss
    1:05:53 Getting a free TOW
    1:06:28 Stream ending

    Yeah hush gosh Majoris is so good at music uh Hey welcome everyone to the Gunner heat PC developer stream for January 2024 it is that time again I am joined by cavi hello hello hey and uh I think we have Harry here as well but he’s

    AFK no I’m here oh you’re here all right sick uh we are pretty excited because we have a big milestone this time uh the beginning of one so let’s get that started up and we’ll see what what I’m talking about um just in case anybody was curious the music that plays

    Before the stream is a clip of not one step back from the Gunner heat PC OST which you can buy on Steam alongside the game it’s very cool Harry is here yet very quiet that’s stand oh I I turned him up I turned him up in between already so it should be

    Okay Harry say a few words uh which which ones any in particular yeah that’s good enough Pine all right you’re dismissed um so I am currently playing a version of the game with a different number than the current one uh let me turn my music down here uh because this is a preliminary

    Build for a new patch that’s coming soon we we’ve got some stuff that was not previously in the game you will see in a moment any date uh should be within a week right yeah within a week we have a date but we don’t like giving actual dates

    Until we I think he means when he says any date does he mean like this could come at any date in which case it’s like yes it could you’re right no I think they want an actual day uh we have one in mind but I’m not going to say it on

    Stream I’ll just say it should be within a week I think they’re asking you for a date and you should be flattered ah I’m actually toen this opportunity oh did I did I pick the wrong Mission that’s unfortunate you’re in the uh second best tank in the game now

    Yep wait I think that was actually third best what’s the best one well you’ve got M1 IP off wasn’t that just a regular ass M1 it might have been yeah 901 come on man it’s not even a tank barely this guy’s this guy’s uh this guy’s asleep at the wheel man m901

    Is a Roomba it’s a little bit different all right under heat PC is so good thank you Mr Blue best efforts we try hey what’s this t98 this is yes not a turbine this is a t64a and you will see what’s special about it in a little bit this is a

    Soviet tank uh USSR forces this is not East Germans this is basically Russians uh this particular tank is not their cream of the crop it’s like their Workhorse uh pretty big chunk of the fleet but it is using updated ammo if you can see in the bottom there bottom

    Left corner it says n never mind I have a Target okay anyway do that no I do the M13 is a necessary sacrifice uh so I have 3bm 32 as my apfsds which I just completely wasted on that M13 um in fact let’s do a little x-ray

    Here this is not the same ammo that you’ll see in the East German T 72s this is updated stuff it’s U much stronger and as you might know from the Halloween Mission it can smok and Abrams at uh close range pretty handily so something to change the balance a little bit I

    Think yes is going to be multiplayer yep I’m pointing them to the road map let’s try to pre- range a little bit here I want to say 1,700 so this tank has a coincidence Rangefinder and no Laser Rangefinder which means when you see a Target you

    Have to line up the site on it the middle of the site and bring up this Split Image and then as you play with the range the image changes the top and bottom halves will change their alignment when you have the top half and the bottom half of the

    Target aligned you know that your range is correct as a noob I hate it and I want a laser range so well there will be a Laser Rangefinder in all of the newer Soviet tanks but this particular one does not have it think 89 that’s the uh that’s the2 uh I

    Mean he’s some guy we’ve talked to him Once perfect hit appreciate the donation thank you going to get a better there we Go I don’t think we’ve written a Gunnery guard for this yet probably should we haven’t written a Gunnery guide for a few things I know I keep forgetting that they’re not all done one day one day people will know how to use the Bradley and the m61 the Bradley second and none you

    Don’t need to know how to use it you just win let me put my guys online here fresh mes yes it works basically the same as the m6a one but instead of superimposing an image on top of another you’ve got a split down the middle and

    It shows one displacement at the top and one of them the same deal as in um if you’ve ever played like Silent Hunter or something um they do range finding the same way on ships yeah go ahead and pop smoke coward it’s a legitimate Strat the uh crew are shouting MZ which

    Is the autoloader in this tank uh the carousel autoloader on the t64 and t80 is a little bit different from the t72 and T90 it’s got these vertical uh cassettes for the propellant that is the MZ style autoloader as opposed to the AZ Style on the other tank let’s get

    A I can’t get a BMP yet what am I I think the cassette isn’t the cassette really in the oh maybe I’m not I’m not actually surey yeah I just know that the charges are vertical in the MZ got some questions about the radio icon in the bottom right

    Oh yeah so there’s um spotting reports on the map now like my gu saw a PC over here in fact I’m going to start dropping artillery uh it’s fading away because the report’s getting outdated and I get occasional heartbeat from my guys as well all right good

    Hit uh so this basically works the same as a t72 if you’re used to the t72 is Fire Control with the uh difference that you don’t have a laser range figher so you’ll have to use the Split Image to get your range this is the precursor to

    The tpd K1 site that’s in the t72 and very early t-72s had this exact site uh t64a just retained it for a while even after Le of rangefinders were already a thing um by 85 there was obviously t64b and t80b um we will see about those in the future why am I

    Wounded I think I got hit by artillery or something I think it’s a tpd 249 yeah 249 sounds right is anything with a K after Quantum okay yeah it sounds right uh I saw someone ask about subtitles those are coming uh we hadn’t finished transcribing them before the

    Stream so I’m just using no subtitles right now hence why it’s coming within a week yeah yeah there’s a couple little things to iron out but this is the bulk of the content ready uh range finder placement is not random because it’s a part of the

    Optic um the t72 one was like it’s kind of two separate things that aren’t necessarily bided to each other whereas this is like pretty sure just down into the same channel as the Bay Side getting reports of Tanks coming in I’m going to call Cass maybe I should smoke them too

    Actually oh yeah that’s another thing which you will see momentarily we not only have Soviets coming and Soviet voices and radio reports we also have smoke artillery and as soon as my rounds start Landing I will show you that will smoke kill exposed crew like on the m113 that was a waste

    Of uh no it doesn’t um I’m completely missing this cuz I dropped it right as my smoke deployed well this is smoke artillery it is huge and it blankets the area that you select in a uh visual smoke screen now the trick here is that the packed smoke screens

    Are of a composition that will block thermals so if you are playing as uh East Germans or Russians you will be able to stop the ABS or whatever from seeing you oh look at that what is that that is I believe an Su 22 yeah yep so

    We added a bunch of planes to the cast lineup that weren’t ready yet before um so they’re not all they’re not all going to be Mig 23s when you call in cast as pack I think in most they still are but now there’s sc22 and some other stuff I

    Think there’s some some new ones for the NATO as well I might show that later um where’s that tank he’s either dead or moved do new 24s have their hatches open when on fire bailed from that’s a standard thing right I don’t remember if that’s implemented yet there’s no reason I shouldn’t I

    Think they do that’s kind of our Telegraph to like yo the crew has jumped out yeah we’ve been working on this for a while but I can’t remember which specific things are still needing to be polished up we’ve got a few more days before the

    Release I think it’s dead uh you can see these Soviet vehicles have a difference in markings from the East German ones like they don’t have an East German round for one thing um the type face of their number stencils is a little different and of course they use Soviet crew

    Voice I want more artillery but it’s not ready yet I’m supposed to take this place but I’m taking fire from over here I am so freaking acoustic for ghpc I feel like you mean a different word yeah the radio symol is like a spawning Target or whatever yeah there’s definitely targets

    Over here when my artillery comes back online I want to barrage this second objective so I think they’re going to be do Crossfire on me there’s only t64a in this update correct uh plus Soviet variance of some other vehicles but yes only new vehicle is t64a uh yeah the question was t64 Vari

    Specific oh okay there we go whoever is waiting over there is going to get the boom we’re going to see mixed teams in battles now German and Russian vehicles at the same time uh not at first I’m not sure if we’ll do it later or

    Not I think it’s time I roll this boy out everyone always asks about erra let’s give the candy ra answer Ra was just arriving around the time the game is set and we currently are not going to implement it in this theater but for future expansions it’s very

    Likely Enigma did we talk about the m word yet I don’t know what you’re talking about like money multiplayer might be multiplayer we’ll let you guys know when there’s something to show it is on our road map though so double check Gunner heat find links to our Discord patreon road map

    All that good stuff right this guy is actually I’ve seen multiplayer working I know that it’s real let me restock a specific ammo type this is another new thing you are no longer uh forced to watch it cycle through every kind of ammo when it restocks you can pick which one you

    Want the catch is that if you want to stop you have to wait for the current round to be removed uh so you need to be careful when you’re restocking I’m going to uncan uh because your crew can’t just evaporate the round that’s in their hands and go back to fighting they have

    To finish and our new uh junior wrote that so everyone type in chat thank you Bosch yes thank you Bosch that was a cool feature thank you BOS thank Mr skeletal got two thank you three thank yous all right I’m going to I’m done good job good job

    POS thank Mr skeletal BOS all right that’s the best all right I’ve been caught I’m unprepared of that’s standard playing this game right shut how far away are they anyway jesz that’s like 23 so you’ll notice I’m using the map and my spotting reports because I don’t trust this Rangefinder outside of

    2,000 um it’s just like playing t-55 where your best bet is to be pre- ranged for likely encounters and then uh you can adjust a your range find tools from there well there’ll be landmines later in the campaign or in instant action missions you’ll have to wait and see wi this is the

    T64a Jos is currently yes5 a.m. will not appear wait what is that a su again isn’t it 2 looks like 21 there we go will infantry be used as ra instead someone asked the hellish question I’ve lost it in the chat but they asked will the ammunition actually

    Appear in the hands animate its way into the bridge the answer is a huge no that won’t be happening unless you’re volunteering if you’re an experienced animator and you want to do all that you can uh apply it kind of it’s a blend of game and simulation

    Elements and you don’t need to see Joe whoever pick up around and put it into a breach yeah I mean there’s not going to be full Interiors anyway so where are you watching them animate mdck filing for a refund now I dare you don’t do that

    Please I think there might be there a new heli that’s in there I don’t know if it’s been placed in missions though um you’re talking about the little one yeah yeah I don’t think it’s been placed yet I think that’s coming next one question go I was just going to say

    There’s a new hind variant I might see it in a mission somewhere oh yeah true [ __ ] rare boy sighting I guess that counts oh yes yeah baby that’s me man that’s me on patrol M yep look at him go I didn’t expect sh yeah I didn’t know

    They were going to call in there son yes go that’s literally me playing he’s rocketing you are every one of your units in red Dragon mhm just that one man just that one okay anyway someone asked uh no there will never be any prototypes yeah we have enough regular

    Vehicles to make why would we settle ourselves with that too yeah can someone mute Civic goo right now no but I’ll promote his comment for you let me just pin it really quick let’s see who’s left Who Dares survive oh I just have to take objective two no

    Problem uh Mickey the visel would be in theater we haven’t thought of a good way to actually apply it not sure how we would use it yet the visel is kind of like a fast scouty vehicle right it’s a tiny little tanket thing that’s meant to be air dropped and used for what

    Recon okay or fire support if you’re a paratrooper I’ve driven one before it’s cool but I don’t know how it would fit in here the Soviets do well depends on what you made by field modifications they’ve got different um gear yeah like they don’t have the um East German style um night marching

    Equipment I’m guessing by field modifications they mean like Afghanistan [ __ ] because I saw someone Post in the Reddit about that I don’t think that’s happening um it’s been a little bit tricky to figure out how Afghan pilled we should be with the Soviet stuff I don’t know if the univ of this game

    Theet War is happening I don’t yeah oh L Bradley that must have been uh artillery kill maybe or Cass there were several of them sucks to suck I guess there you go so yeah that was red steel uh there are I think three new instant action missions and I’m currently working on

    Getting campaign working with it as well so you’ll see some new content her what is a melty Bradley I don’t know what that is it’s like a pre Lane is it some sort of Indie pry Lane that was delicious I just want to point out I got

    A first round hit with the heat at 1800 with no laser so that’s pretty cool you’re finally getting good at the game thank you dude don’t show your balls on the stream Jesus all right let’s talk about the balls the t64 turret armor is very interesting it has a what do they call

    It Ultra porcelain balls suspended in the cast steel so the the idea was that they are one it’s an interface defeat cuz it’s a a ceramic like material in the middle of Steel uh but also I believe some of the idea was that they would be able to turn

    A little bit because they started with cylinders like rollers facing the direction of uh the threat and then they switched to spheres later on um there’s some simulations you can look up on YouTube I think Damian XYZ has one that show uh the concept kind of in action um

    It was a cool cool idea but there were manufacturing difficulties it was very fiddly they had to make sure the balls the the lattice structure was intact while they were pouring and then the temperature would cause uh the material to be compromised as well So eventually

    They were like you know what this is too much trouble um they used it in t64b but then after that they went right back to karts the uh the solid uh centered quartz blocks like in the t72 a and that is what the t80b has so anyway a little bit of little bit

    Of armor history while we’re at it um 3bm 32 obviously a huge overmatch for these guys uh this is 1700 M I think if these were Abrams the turret would still resist 32 at that range but the hall would not so you have you’re you’re not going to be uh one-shotting Abrams necessarily

    Unless you’re at close range unless yeah unless you’re if you if you’re within like one kilometer you can pretty handily beat up Abrams with the uh t64 or if you hit the hall the lower Hall um turret’s still going to resist you at long range but this makes the

    Playing field much more even uh and it’s going to be interesting to see how it affects the uh the battle this was just Cakewalk sorry I was just going to say this is just a cakewalk cuz it’s m6s yeah um the question about whether Kats is better um usually the answer to

    Questions like that is they had a cool thing and they found a simpler thing that was even if it wasn’t better it’s usually that it’s like less of a pain in the ass to produce or they can get more of it or something like that it’s almost always a

    Logistics thing yeah my understanding of the uh Ultra porcelain versus quartz is that the ultra porcelain was like a tiny bit better in a vacuum just marginally improved but the karts was so much easier to produce and to cast turrets around that they just said well it

    Doesn’t make any sense to do something else now they just made the t80 B’s turret a bit thicker in the cheeks than the t72 and uh it worked fine someone clip him saying thicker in the cheeks I’m sure you will later yeah see look at this 32 is it’s so much more

    Capable than 15 it hit this angled part of the m6s turret that would probably shrug off 15 and it said eh I’ll bite I’ll get into that it didn’t uh kill anything I think it wounded the commander but still that would be an impossible shot for 3bm

    15 Toby yes we are seeing Soviet specific ammo that’s what we’re looking at right now yeah this is not going to be given to the east Germans um the t-72s are unchanged in the ammo Department it’s just because we’re using uh t64 so these are Soviet vehicles and

    They have all the latest Soviet ammo uh let’s pull up a different Mission TB is somewhere t8u is not coming yeah t is too late to be in this theater this is 1985 T8 you arrived in what 87 something like that I sort of guess even later

    Than that honestly I don’t know yeah well either way like it’s it’s certainly after 85 we know that much so it’s not in the theater I don’t think we’re going to do bmd anything um yeah bmds would be airborne right yeah and I’m not clear on

    What their tasks would have been in the event of a European War I don’t know if they would have been involved don’t know I don’t know someone asked what’s the best way to kill t64 honestly uh the Abrams has good ammo for shooting T 64s uh especially

    T64a the t80 is a little more resistant but it’s kind of a similar situation to the uh the Russian ammo versus the ABS like once you get within about a kilometer all bets are off you’re you’re only going to really resist at longer ranges once the distances close everybody can kill every

    Except the E nugget um chicken nugget saying T to you 1985 this is a thing that we have to explain all the time that if you look on Wikipedia and it says first ented service in year um you got to keep in mind that real life isn’t

    Like Age of Empires it’s not like you click on your barracks and you upgrade and everything goes oras and then all of a sudden you’ve got all new you’ve got this roll out period it takes a long time for stuff to actually show up um and sometimes they do things like oh

    This is we’re building a bunch of these things and they’re going to some other front it really depends on where they’re sending them like um for example the Soviets just wen’t using t2s in this area at all even though it’s kind of an interesting thing but like it’s a lot more of a

    Complicated question than just when first want into service at all um it’s got to be actually go on a train yeah also never trust wiip dates it’s usually like it got type classified in that year and they say oh yep that’s it that’s when it win it surf

    What you talking about Abraham Lincoln assassinated 1967 I don’t think we’ll do that question was um would you open up this game to third party developers like DCS um we haven’t really had a formal discussion about that internally but I think everyone would probably assume that’s not happening CU basically it

    Creates some nightmare situations in D dcss development and I don’t think we want to take on stuff like that and I’m not sure what we gain from it either it would be interesting to have collaborations with other developers um to promote our work and their work but in

    That sense yeah it could be a nightmare scenario between like who has to deliver on what just not something that’s in the Cs right now are you going to miss the shot oh I hit but I didn’t hit anything important our game engine is Unity he’s lying it’s

    Roadblox it’s a robot Roblox rapper so multiple Points God damn it there are no plans to add the British Chieftain but we will add a boiling vessel oh this guy has no bar voice the Cru he wrote the voice system for that Russian crew yeah uh our uh other Junior Jaden he did a lot of work getting the Soviet

    Voices imported into our system so thank you Jaden t72b not happening um there is a mod you can go and download the mod if you really want to play t72b t72b wasn’t being used by the Soviets in the area that the game is set in they headed in other places so even

    Though it was existing in 1985 and in service it wouldn’t make an appearance here they had a lot of t880s and t64 ah good thank you Jaden’s in the chat love to see it I do love to see it all right that smoke came in clutch thank you Enigma take it easy he’s

    Energy he’s giving us energy for our Spirit Bomb you’ve watched Dragon Ball Z you know mhm you got it that’s a good question or Jeeps that’s another good question t64b question there’s a mod go and find it it ain’t happening oh no that’s a t72 yeah there’s no t64b

    Mod all right um I’m the Nory I’ll ask is there actually a t64b oh no I lased the smoke that’s not 480 is there a t64b but in real life in reality it does exist there is what was the big difference I had a better FCS a better FCS than an a

    Actually t55 a.m. is not going in the game t55 a.m. is not polish there is a meridor which is a Polish sort of take on a t 5 a.m. I guess you could say and there is the one and then there’s the Russian one which is they’re all the FCS

    Is the difference between those things West Germans have been detailed in our road map you should check it out at Gunner heat Developers are not afraid to the m we will be adding the M yes there were bts’s godamn it we’ve just been through like six months of people being like where’s the t64 we at the t64 it’s like all right next thing yep welcome to the stream t62 M1 no5 M2 no not happening

    How about this not in this theater how about this the next person that asks when is this coming that we cancel that we cancel that thing yeah why is the warsa pack forsus smoke black they use a different uh chemical composition than the no smoke it also launches much further away

    Because it’s meant to be used as a maneuver tool rather than a defensive blanket my Phantoms oh oh oh you cannot draw on the map at this time when I are not in this theater it’s too early yeah despite what Wikipedia says M11 was not fielded in 1985 they would

    Not have had them in Germany or anywhere near Germany best you’re going to get is M1 IP which this isn’t Bob simple is already in the game yeah you guys keep missing it but it’s there mhm will there ever be anti that’s a good question we’ve had internal discussions

    Will there be M support in the future um it’s about as supported as it’s going to be for the fa future yeah the game is already modable you can mod it whenever you like we won’t be doing any specific tools or anything to support it if you want to talk to other like

    Moded modders like moded did I say damn if you want to talk to any likeminded modders of the game we we have a modding Forum in our Discord so go ahead and join yep when will we get a ghpc crop top in the birge store um there’s like a queue

    Of things to be made and I think crop top comes right after the uh ghpc ass chaps they going be Josh is really hoping for that one yeah honestly I’m only staying around until those are released that’s that’s why I made the game is that another 104 what’s the DCS

    Rework I’m guessing they mean FCS and they hit the next key over oh this the same thing that has been asking for for no it’s not in the game m113 anime skin when whenever a modder puts it in and I’ll be done developing on this game I know my crew are freaking out

    Because cuz we’re about to get killed but I want to watch this yeah STM snipper uh that’s totally fine you should buy feel fully confident to buy I much prefer people to buy the game and enjoy it and be happy with their purchase then have any kind of feelings of wanting to

    Refund it or like they if you’re not sure if the game is for you don’t buy it we can your dad may never come home with I’m sorry come on there’s already fully clickable cockpits it’s just no one’s figured out how to get into the planes yet

    Mhm I’m going to call a Revenge C I know I did players driving apcs will not be able to Dismount and give orders infantry no unless you mean Dismount the Infantry in which case yes but you can’t play as the Dismounts that’s what I guess I read

    That as yeah good to clarify yeah you can tell them to get out but you can’t control them or not much tactical nukes when uh it’s we want you to keep playing the game not just destroying oh yeah um I forgot about this one there’s new exhaust effects

    Minor Detail but our VFX gu is always cooking so all the vehicles have exhaust that actually looks realistic in some way including the aams which I think yeah there you I don’t know if you can see it on the stream there’s some heat Distortion behind my turbine it’s visible

    Yeah um the FX guy does cook I agree chat I think the question’s been buried now but someone was asking about whether it’s going to be multi crew or multi- tank uh I think it’s both yeah it’s both we’re going to have the option for multi tank right you see that shadow the

    What yep cool oh I was looking away at the time there he goes I wanted him to take out every single vehicle and he did not so can’t get good cast these days Thunderbolt 6 asks if expansions would be locked to 1985 timeline it would be whatever we think is

    Fun oh that’s what got me this guy multi crew means multiple players in multiplayer playing in one tank different roles so you get to yell at your friends yes uh if you to be The Driver if you guys direct your your attention to the the label of what killed me here 9

    M114 this is the stern that uh yeah I got smacked you had one job Josh to not get killed by hind yeah yeah you might notice this is very similar to the hind that’s already in the game but it is a little different too it’s a Russian mark and it has much better

    Missiles and it’s got a slightly different uh Dome on the front there oh the uh under the nose yeah the on the m24b it’s round on the Mi 24d it’s slightly squared interesting so yeah we’re up on our hind lore it is the most important feature of the tank game

    When is ab’s X uh you can go make a mod of that right now mhm what is ab’s X something it’s a tech demonstrator that came out like last year prototypes yeah also last year a d solid snake thank you the man who cold yeah so here here’s an example

    Of what you can expect from t64 it’s not going to tank every shot or even most shots it’s uh very similar to a t72 uh in that it will die when it gets hit but it’s different from the East German t-72s in that if it shoots stuff it probably kills

    It it’s um kind of a glass Cannon situation in the current meta of the game so I had no trouble killing every t64 before that I shot but they also killed me so that’s the situation now well the Czech People’s Army be in the future if there’s a

    Theater what you can’t just say cck it’s Jesco sloin man whatever if there’s a theater that calls for it who knows they’re not in the current theater though yeah yeah they’re not in the current theater but the Scott is so kickass man I want to make Scot

    This vent got weakened Enough by going through the dirt and then it hit the top of the hall armor array and shattered I I got lucky that time that would have been a kill if it was like a centimeter lower anyway uh um enough looking at a

    Screenshots I need to get my favorite weird shots and post them on the steam form I be like well should this have been possible see if anybody has a meaningful answer the tea leaves uh there’s a question there is the T is a t64 night Ty better than the t72 I think

    Canonically it was slightly better but I can’t remember off the top of my head and I don’t I also don’t know if we’ve made it better yet if it is fire was a little bit better maybe yeah I might have to go tweak the number before the

    Actual release I saw somebody ask for leaks brother this entire stream is unreleased content you can settle down yeah Jesus Christ will AI skill be flexible like uh a new crew that’s slow on loading Target Etc uh that remains to be seen if that is the case it would be something in

    Campaign and then we’re not sure yet we have to see what the progression for crew is like not sure if this mission’s working right in the current test I might have to roll back to another build to show it not sure you’re working right in the current test I’m never sure about that

    Honestly armor fatigue is not a thing no armor fatigue is not coming it’s not going to be meaningful in any scenario um it would be like one another thousand oh it happened to hit the same spot and uh that’s not worth it for us to do that work for that

    Purpose as we’re approaching sorry will APC be able to remount Dismount I’m pretty sure yes I think that’s uh part of the plan might able to already it’s we’ve got them cooking but they’re not ready to go yet as we’re approaching the end of the

    Hour I just want to note that after this we do a monthly Patron Q&A in our Discord if anyone is interested in that you can go to Gunner heat find all links to go sign up and then an additional hour we do those monthly because we don’t do

    These but we want to give uh a little bit extra and there we talk about a bit more of development show off some leaks whatever we working on and just answer general questions so if you’re interested Gunner heat and check out the disc patrons get a Q&A every month even

    If we don’t do a stream and uh this particular Q&A I think we’re following up with a test build release for the caser because they get early testing builds so that’s exciting got a question does any packed tank get FCS similar to M6 the answer is you get something better than that

    Actually yep the t60 t80b unless what they mean by that is thermals in which case no right no thermals but FCS wise yes the t64b and t80b have a 1 a33 Fire Control complex which has dual access stabilization medor sensor and all the bells and whistles it is equivalent to M1 A2 in

    Its feature set it’s blaz and blaze it really is it’s going to be very juicy when it comes oh that’s abs will that be British cast um probably not let we put British forces in I guess what would British cast be hope aat or a I don’t know maybe a Harrier or something

    No there will not be terrain deformation if you mean like visual terrain deformation like little ruts maybe eventually but not nothing serious it’s not going to be like spin tires up in here I don’t understand Coolio’s question this time span of the game do you mean like how long does the campaign

    Last or do the setting is roughly 1980 4 85 but 85 as far as like how long the game progresses like in a campaign or something that remains to be seen if we want to enforce that we only want to be so specific about it in any way because at

    A certain point of like you go further and further into being quite specific about things and it’s just like um suspension of disbelief can be sort of lost because it’s like uh you know this this conflict is has dragged on for a year and nobody’s nuked each

    Other yet it’s kind of all those questions start becoming relevant so it’s yeah ultimately it’s not supposed to be a history simulator it’s just a tank game so the 85 thing is for um setting a stage that makes sense and is coherent and then from there we just do

    What makes sense for the game will there be ammo differences for Russian versus German Crews yes there are uh I mean already their tanks have the same gun but my tank is Russian right now Soviet and it has vant in its uh in its ammo rack 3bm 32 but the East

    German stuff has 3bm 15 which is quite outdated by this time um so that’s yeah that’s a difference I’d love for you to see a t62 yeah you’ll probably see a t62 at some point yeah patrons have seen t62 that’s true several times Patron the real MVP yeah about water we’ve screwed

    Around with it we don’t know like it’s not a priority but we’ve done a bit of Ming around with it we’ll see [ __ ] all right got to start wrapping this up Josh do your thing and die yeah I know oh look at that I’m I’m doing well wow a rarity task failed

    Successfully I’ll repeat it one more time 355 am2 was not in service with theer yeah the the t-55 am series existed in 85 but the East Germans didn’t have it by 85 as far as I know sorry I couldn’t hear you over how awesome that crew

    Was t62 is not in this update no it’s not lrf t55 was at one point in the game but it is not right now he’s got a very kooky Fire Control System and I think if you tried to use it you would say working as intended will not fix oh oh get

    Shreked that’s right you got to know how to talk to Abrams this is a question for Josh um are Soviets going to be in the campaign or not yet uh I’m currently working on putting them in the C campaign so if I finish that by the time the patch comes out then

    Yes well no currently I’m getting my ass beat in front of an audience but this week I’m putting them in the campaign yeah but that’s no different from any stream we have yeah some people pay money for be used to it you should be used to it does T8 get probably it’s

    Not always but that is secret information that we do not divulge we know what the people who are into cold war war game sort of stuff will probably be able to make fairly educated and fairly close guesses as to what kind of things we want to do because the people that do

    This stuff if you’re trying to base uh everything you’re building off some sort of plausible scenario um it kind of trims down the possible uh things you can do quite a bit right as soon as I lose this Mission the stream’s over so get your questions in now yep uh

    You may notice be to use the3 with the tow launcher if you mean ITV eventually yeah eventually not right now um also people might notice that as I drive my range changes slightly it’s decreasing especially if you look in the hood in the bottom corner um that is because this tank has

    Delta D which is a feature of some Soviet Fire Control Systems where as you drive it will count down your range so if you range a Target that’s stationary and then you move in toward it it will automatically adjust on the t72 it was kind of pointless because you could just

    Relays but I actually appreciate it a lot on this tank because it’s a um manually set Rangefinder and if I know that I haven’t or that my target hasn’t moved I know I don’t need to rearrange my coincidence Optics which is cool uh another thing is that the

    Control for toggling Delta D or sorry the control for dumping Delta D which is control range uh has been changed to a toggle so if I’m doing control e right now because I have e as a rangefinder it’s setting my Delta D2 enabled and disabled as I press

    It just a small quality of life thing it’ll make it easier to interface with that system do we have a rough release date for n patch is that still up for grab pretty pretty much the same time just once per month we always do have AG patches once per month sometimes

    There’ll be like hot fixes and stuff in between every single try to stay consistent I saw a comment the other day where someone said patch is getting freak what’s going on literally the same time yeah I kind of don’t understand pretty much monthly sometimes it takes slightly more than a month or sometimes

    We do a a minor patch and then the major one is spaced out from there but pretty much every month there’s at least one patch that’s been consistent for you can look through the entire steam update history of the game and you’ll see that it’s a

    Trend um I I see like comments and stuff it’ll be uh three weeks since the last patch and people would be like is there any sign of Life on this project it’s like well have you looked at all where did you look yes there is will we see West German assets add to

    The game before other road map elets like infantry or detailed careers finished uh oh he’s mad will hmgs uh we aren’t sure there’s a big huge list of stuff to do and uh we kind of like the team collectively do the work out and we do

    What makes the most sense in terms of can we get it done for a patch sometimes that’s things that we didn’t expect to be ready for this soon um I I don’t know I feel like the roof MGS will be sometime before mid year but I don’t actually know yeah uh it’s done

    When it’s done the something that may have been missed I just want to point out that you might have to rewatch the VOD to see it when I got hit a message came up saying fire in compartment that’s new and then it took a bit of burning and some explosions before the

    Power was actually lost and the power lost message came on so that that’s a minor change but it should be more clear what’s happening now in your damage HUD especially when you catch fire a lot of people would say like how come every time I get hit I lose power and then I

    Die later and it was because the power lost was kind of a substitute for U indicating that there’s a fire started now it actually tells you hey there’s a fire started so you can tell oh that’s why I died that’s why my crew bailed out instead of this mysterious power loss

    Thing so just a small thing drift WT we literally just answered that question yep not answering it again oh That’s I’ve clipped into a house that’s this is an ancient Italian combat technique actually the game wants me to lose that’s what I’m getting I want you to lose yeah so we can move on to the Q&A yeah man I got [ __ ] to do all right well we

    Did start after 12 but yeah all right I’ll go I’ll go get smacked by Abrams and then we’re we’ll wrap it up AI is always being worked on cool So eventually yeah it’ll be fixed I don’t know if there’s really been a patch where we didn’t touch something on

    IR yep yeah it’s constantly being changed it’s a beast multiplayer update when the game is ready and you’re all ready for it uh multiplayer update I’ll tell you exactly when it come out come out uh the day after you completely forget about this game and don’t think about it

    Anymore that’s when it will come out I can promise you that oh you just took that like a champ good job and my driver died on the steering tiller too all right oh that’s beautiful and with that uh we continue the tradition of the devs being terrible

    At the game and we move on to the Q&A so thank you everyone for coming and I’m sure we will see you soon thanks all bye-bye


    1. I would really appreciate if GHPC would release a highlights on YouTube covering important changes and plans, given that I don’t have an hour to listen intently to plans or changes.

    2. Love this game… Looking forward to the Sovyetsky Soyuz update… the voices sound great. Even moreso than the Russian stuff, can't wait to see what ya'll make happen with Infantry!

    3. How the hell are you zooming in with the M1IP's GPS reticle. The button mapped to "zoom" does nothing for me and the only way for me to get any zoom is using the auxiliary sight with c, what's going on here??

    4. Good to here, I am hoping that once the 1984-85 stuff is fleshed out we can move down the timelineto 1986-1989 stuff later on. I'm pumped for the 120mm Leo 2 and M1A1!

    5. Hello, my best regards for your work. This is the translation of my impressions written in italian on Steam, in which there are some questions for you. For the moment my best regards and compliment. Go on!
      September 2022.
      "GHPC is a fast, engaging game, almost an FPS for the sensations felt both in the demo and in the first release. Fluidity is the first surprise, indicative of a well-studied engine, exceptional sound effects (excellent music) and graphics in general, intuitive and not too many commands to learn (available any time by pressing the classic F1). What seems temporary is, in my opinion, the entertainment curve, a map poor in details (I understand the "fog of war" but this is a little too foggy!), the absence of a mission editor and other AI actors such as attack helicopters, infantry and other weapons. Maybe it's because I come from Steel beasts, a simulator more than a game, but GHPC still has a lot of cards to play. Strongly recommended for those who want action, a little less for those who prefer to arrange the pieces on the board first."
      Update 21012024.
      "I have followed the development of this game since the first images and have always been impressed by the care of the effects and the precision of the 3D models. With the latest updates the guys at Radian simulation have implemented some impactful aspects, including the crew's shouts (heart-pounding) and BAI/tactical air support, which provide an overall gaming experience, very exiting at all. An aspect that I really liked and which I interpreted as "fog of war" is the feeling of never knowing where and how the real battle will begin: unless you want to risk the clash in an open field (and in unfavorable conditions) every time it's a matter of looking around, a cautious, almost furtive walk (but over the map, during the battle, more details should appair and give a picture with increasing details). However, if over time GHPC has been improved in some fields, some of the features that I expected and which are absolutely within the reach of the team (which I salute), a mission editor, a weather environment and the introduction of other vehicles, are still to be developed and the implementation of artillery and aerotactic support, although they have been introduced (commands found on the map), in my opinion they are not very controllable (consequently not very effective), lacking coordinates and a simple radial/distance tool on the map. Let's be clear, GHPC has its own identity, it is neither Combined Arms nor Steel Beasts nor even War Thunder, but it is more bloody and direct, more painful (sometimes, when the flames envelop a crawler one cannot help but think of those who have lost their life in there and you think about how many real deaths, every minute of play, lose their lives in these traps) and what it has to offer today is just an artillery duel, but what a duel…"

    6. You guys are on fire with this game. Thanks for making such an awesome game. Thanks for sharing the process too, even if it means answering the same questions over and over. You are making the kind of game I would if i had the time and skill set, and I’m lacking severely in both. So know that most everyone who has played the game love it and love where you’re headed with it.

    7. I would really love this game, but if I researched correctly, it's currently Steam Store only, which is a no-no. Any plans for standalone or GOG? 🤔

    8. any news on destrucable enviroment ? last time i played i drove through fences and stuff that dident break. kinda breaks the mood. not that i am picky. still love the game and the imersion. just curios 🙂

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