Jeffy is good at fortnite!

    Yeah you suck you suck at fortnite hey Jeffy me and Rose want to watch TV so stop playing your video game hold on Daddy somebody shooting at me I got to get the kill Jeffy incoming back to the lobby you go Jeffy this game is very violent

    Yeah turn it off Jeffy oh [ __ ] he’s shooting at me Daddy hold on oh no no he took my shield I got to put him in a box peekaboo good night she dny have mky hoes I mean Jeffy you really are good at this game Marvin I don’t think Jeffy should be playing

    This it has guns hold on Daddy I hear shooting shine that pushy boy a beamed beamed beam beam oh you want him too get out my Lobby [ __ ] Jeffy language mommy they suck at the game I have to let them know just wait till I call him

    The nword what hold on Daddy I see someone come here boy oh come here boy where are you going where are you going boy yeah you can’t run from me all right Jeffy that’s enough turn off the game but Daddy there’s only two people left I

    Have to finish the game to get the dub okay after this game you’re turning it off all right last one left I’m going to make you dance yeah that’s right boy yeah Dance For Me dance for Daddy yeah keep dancing yeah you like that I’m going to show you my favorite dance move

    By yeah Victory wait you won the whole thing yeah dny cuz I’m cracked at this game you do what Jeffy crack have to in order to beat these sweats all right Jeffy turn off the game we want to watch TV oh come on Daddy can I play one more game I

    Have 212 crowns and I’ve been trying to get to 2 13 all day how long does one game last 20 minutes but I can probably get that down to 10 if I start Noob tubing okay Jeffy me and Rose are going to go do something for 20 minutes in the

    Bedroom 20 minutes maybe if we take a nap we’ll be right back so you better be done in 20 minutes all right ready up on these hoes all right Jeffy it’s been 20 minutes time to get off the game hold on D I’ve been sucking all game I haven’t

    Gotten a single kill but I’m still in the top two I just don’t know where each other guy is oh beamed beamed what’s happening I’m getting shot at daddy hold on what are you going to do I’m about to crank 90s on these hoes what does crank

    90s mean it’s where you build up oh [ __ ] daddy hold on I can’t talk right now I’m getting [ __ ] wa what are you going to do we shoot at him I’m going I’m going to try I just hit him for 90 oh [ __ ] D he made me dance well stop dancing I

    Can’t I Can’t Stop Dancing he keeps throwing Boogie bombs at me well run off the side I can’t I’ll fall over and die so then what are you going to do bend over and take it up the teleport oh [ __ ] I got my cheeks clapped my cheek Clapper

    1 2 three three well you can’t win them all Jeffy no Daddy he cheated he kept throwing Boogie bombs at me so I couldn’t move isn’t that how you killed the guy last round yeah but it’s funny when I do it but when they do it it’s

    Cheating Jeffy go to your room no I hate this game Jeffy go to your room I’m going to go destroy my room you’re only going to be hurting yourself I hate you cheek Clapper 123 three Jiffy sounds really upset Marvin over a video game he’ll get get over it

    And like you said he shouldn’t be playing violent video games like that anyway Marvin look the news breaking news fortnite is holding a competition tonight at the convention center 100 players will all play together and the last player standing will win $1 million $1 million we have

    To enter Jeffy in that competition what Marvin you just agreed he shouldn’t be playing that video game it’s too violent but jeffy’s really good at fortnite he he was cranking ’90s you don’t even know what that means it means he’s cracked at the game that’s what that means so I’m

    Going to go enter Jeffy in the competition cuz we’re going to win a million dollars hey Jeffy how about you come back to the couch and play some more fortnite well Danny after a long thorough calm conversation with myself I’ve decided I’m never playing fortnite ever again why not because all it does

    Is make me mad and brings out the worst in me I’ve picked up a more mature game a man’s game I’m going to be the grand wizard of chess chess yep just as soon as I figure out how to play it now you see Daddy chess is a lot harder than

    Checkers because in chess you get to move on all the spaces listen Jeffy there’s a competition in fortnite and you win a million doll so you’re going to win it well that’s all fine and dandy but I’ve given up fortnite forever what okay I guess cheek Clapper 1233 is

    Always going to be better than you he’s not better than me he just had Boogie bombs well I’m going to go watch cheat Clapper 1 12 33 win this competition maybe I’ll adopt him okay fine Daddy I’ll play fortnite come on okay Jeffy we’re here at the fortnite competition

    But I guess we’re the first ones here ladies and Gentlemen please calm down the champion has a wi oh my God Zach you’re so good at fortnite yeah Zach uh ladies I Wily told you not to distract me before my game hey Jeffy it looks like that guy’s good at fortnite well

    Ask him if he’s good are you good at fortnite are you freaking serious right now he just asked me if I’m good at fortnite Abby am I good at fortnite he’s pretty [ __ ] good yeah I would say I’m pretty cracked bro I will literally gritty on you I always well right now

    Well I guess he’s pretty good Jeffy well ask him how many crowns he has how many crowns you have 617 is that a lot is that a lot of crowns hey Abby is that a lot of crowns hell yeah that’s a lot of crowns Tiffany is that a lot of

    Crowns yeah yeah I would say that’s a lot of crowns well if you’re really good at the game maybe you and Jeffy can play sometime what’s your username my username is cheek Clapper one two 33 cheek Clapper one two 3 3 you Boogie bombed me and killed me no freaking way

    That was you ladies this is the guy that I made do the Boogie wogie then shotgun in the face oh my God that’s so embarrassing for him but seriously bro your build game is super whack it’s like the leaning tower of P off you’re not even

    Good at the game you need Boogie bombs to win don’t hate the player hit a game well where are the other players oh it’s just me and him because everyone’s too SC scared to play against the Zach Attack I wouldn’t want to play him either he’s so good so it seems to me

    Like you have two options you can either leave and protect your booty cheeks from being capped or you can play against me and be humiliated when I pull your pants down and Wily proceed to crap your cheeks in front of the whole nation in full okay I’m not backing down I want my

    Revenge are you freaking serious right now you want to get your cheps crapped that badly with ladies go grab the lube and how about you go ahead and P your pants down for me to make it easier you’re not going to clap my cheeks I’m going to clap your cheeks yeah right

    Your funeral ladies let’s go grab some more Lube you know I hate D cheeks don’t worry Jeffy I think you can beat them I’m going to try dadd hello and welcome to the fortnite Battle Competition we only have two competitors today but the winner gets 1

    Million prepare to play Bad News Jeffy I couldn’t find any wood Bo so it looks like I’m going to have to r on those booty cheeks you can still back out if you want to at least that way you can still poop properly I never poop properly I’m constipated as [ __ ] come on

    Jeffy you got to win don’t worry Daddy I’m going to use my taco skin you’re totally going to win Zach yeah Zach ladies away from the TV please I need me some man cheeks today okay let the match begin I see you trying to hide behind that tree well seriously you just took

    All my Dam oh I got to build up and get The High Ground like obi-1 Kenobi make a rain bullets bro stop clanking ’90s and learn to play the game I do know how to play the game why you learn how to play the game and get good kid match my

    Height bro you Wily trash I’m dress you’re the one that’s hiding come out and fight me I’m not hiding oh I just took your Shield bro you’re so booty cheeks in the game My grandma Wily better than you oh really then why don’t you build up to me then fight me like a

    Man well I’m trying but you’re building Empire State Building take this boogie bomb bro stop it dance for me are you ser serious stand for Daddy I don’t want to stop it you like that Boogie bomb how’s it feel seriously knock it off yeah K take that again please stop canara [ __ ] no

    No Daddy I won no freaking way you know spooky bombs you said that was cheating don’t hit the player hit the game whoo that’s my line Jeffy you’re the greatest fortnite player ever yeah you be Zach ladies come freaking on it was only one game you know I’m more cracked Jeffy

    You’re so cracked at fortnite come on ladies you’re coming with me ladies come on ladies don’t leave ladies Jeffy I can’t believe you won a million dollars I know Denny let’s go to the bank and cash a check right now well it’s night time right now Jeffy all the

    Banks are closed we’re going to have to wait till tomorrow you’re so rich Jeffy pay for my transition surgery wait a minute it says Zach Attack on the check that’s because they’re used to writing the checks to me because I always win wait how did you get here your front

    Door was unlocked well why are you here I want my ladies back we don’t want to be with you Zach you’re not cracked at fortnite I am so cracked I only lost one game well listen they made a mistake and they put your name on the check so I

    Want you to endorse this check to Jeffy you want me to endorse that check to Jeffy yeah endorse this check to Jeffy and then you can get your ladies back H okay yeah I’ll do that ladies look I have a million dollar let’s go okay what

    Hey you can’t do that let’s see whose name is on this check Zack attack suck my balls from the back hey wait you just stole that check I’m going to call the cops hey there somebody call the cops yes someone stole my son’s million– dooll check oh somebody stole a million

    Dollar check with your son’s name on it no it doesn’t have my son’s name on it well whose name is on the check the guy who stole it well it sounds like it would be that guy’s check no it’s not meant for him it was meant for my son

    The people who gave us the check put the guy who stole it name on it why would they do that unless it’s his check well the guy who stole it usually gets these checks but this time my son gets the check and they accidentally put the

    Guy’s name who stole its name on it but it’s meant for my son it really sounds like you’re full of [ __ ] no no no no if you go track the guy down you can grab the check it has his name on it but it’s he’ll tell you he’s going to tell you

    It’s for him but it’s not it’s for me it it the more you talk the more it sounds like it’s that other guy’s check no no listen the money was for my son cuz my son beat the guy who stole in a competition to win that check and they

    Say that he always wins and they usually put his name on the check and they put his name on it so my son’s name was supposed to be on it and we were going to get it fixed but the guy took the check cuz his name was on it it’s okay

    Buddy we’ll get you medicated no I promise you he stld it it wasn’t meant for him that’s okay no it was meant for my son of course the mill was a big a million dollar mistake I know I know buddy it’s Okay M


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