In Week 3 I have had to put on hold the training and FTP tests under doctors orders!
    Severe Fatigue Over reaching Work related Stress and not being kind to myself it all adds up to impending disaster

    However there is a short film about me riding and back up the Famous Alp D’huez

    #fitness #fitnessgoals #cycling #cyclinglife #over50fitness #over50cycling #fatigue #menshealth #alpdhuez

    Hi I’m Dicky welcome back to my channel and I’ll be explaining to you this week why I’m having to put this project on Hold so my last video I explained to you I couldn’t really explain what was going on with my weight going up and down and uh my F content and my FTP wasn’t great as it turns out I went to see my NHS doctor um after few questions I think it

    Was quite easy to realize that I was diagnosed with fatigue that’s probably because I’ve been going at this project full beans I’ve got a lot going on in my work life uh and I’m probably not looking after myself as well as I should so doctor’s orders are for me to take it

    Easy for 2 weeks so there’ll be no FTP tests for me to do but I will still keep running these videos uh with some different kind of content so with that said right two years ago I was lucky enough to take part in an epic Alp challenge that was cycling from groby in

    France all the way down to nce covering uh over the French Alps and some of the category climbs that you’ll see in the Tour of France some of those climbs were the cold do giler uh cold bars and leonet most of all the famous 21 bands of Al

    Duz and last year I was lucky enough to go back to Al Duz and I wanted to see if I could beat my time I hir a bike from a company called cyclez uh they are in Al Duz themselves fantastic company fully recommend them

    If you want to look up and have a go yourself so in the next clip it’s going to be me going down outo uh and and then climbing back up and shaving 10 minutes off my Time [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] N W [Applause] So straight down out the wears 21 BS into a pretty little town for o it’s very nice now that was the easy bit now the uh the tough bit is going to be climing back up to the very very top okay here we go run out to okay turn

    14 feeling okay it’s getting very hot 9k to go start to feel it these are Epic [Applause] 10 down 11 to go a holy gr of bik climbing this is amazing in terms of Road cycling it doesn’t get any better than this the sun’s out I’m level with the clouds I’m going have to as Forget about everything else so Awesome so I’m approaching the last turn look at that view down there number one turn wow not quite finished yet though till I get to the Finish so people might think this big Ste Tower it’s the Finish St it’s not just going to keep going to the end which is just about 50

    M it’s just about yeah that was really tough but uh you know 11 minutes off my record from last September absolutely Chu with that it’s not even my bike it’s a lot heavier uh yeah cool Thanks for watching I’m now going to take two weeks off under doctor’s orders um I hope to see you soon but if you like what you see like And subscribe see you soon

    1 Comment

    1. The best on your recovery. Nice footage of Alpe D'huez. Bucket list climb if I ever make it to Europe. Did do it virtually last week. 1:49. Not bad for this 52 year old.

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