    #Molestie da bambina. Da almeno 4 in totale. O 5.

    #CredenzeReligiose nel passato (àncora di salvezza?).
    Amori e principi azzurri sbagliati.
    Mancanza cronica di risorse finanziarie adeguate.
    Accento francese.

    Delicata, difficile sessione. Con caduta di linea di Sole (nulla è un caso).

    Marise, forte donna francese, che si ricorda a sole quando lei parla.

    #Colonscopia, murder e #CallMe.

    Portale dei crisantemi e … #NO!

    Ok we have started our session for the sun Hello Monica Hello five four three two one Then she presents us with a closed gate then with a remote control she opens this gate then the doors open towards us and beyond the gate There is a very bright light

    And she looks at us saying the time has come to let the light into my life with you What day is it today for sun it is the sun it is the day of its birth it is the day of its Dawn vibration of the sun 1.8 billion

    Awareness 1.8 you said yes awareness and 136 PS 40 previous lives 2081 brain and 7.8 name of the project of fatal sun in the sense of mortal dangerous you know lethal name of the PS chamomile of the Etheric entities there is a fox it is a salamander of the second universe is a lion and DL too many who belong more to the past precisely the image also of the reptilian Madonna let’s say how many 9 medium l which are various Holy angels so

    There is also Padre Pio But this however further back No as if they belonged to the past with some invasion in the present but mainly in the past and then I also see some gray mental entities I would say three colonoscopy

    In short he gives me two it’s like they were in English I don’t know why then One is called Murder murder therefore and the other full call me Blondie levels I know Pia 5 murders out of six seven full 4 I know So no how is the colonoscopy performed no

    Help me a little yes so there is a probe no that goes to look at things in the rectum in the rectum not only in the colon also Yes but the cannula is inserted into the rectum no ok so the idea is a bit like this

    I don’t know I really get a bit of a focus on having got it in the backside Ok so a series of situations in which she feels she has got it in the backside having been teasing, there’s also the idea that comes to me about the butt in an external sense

    Almost as if this thing about the butt brings back her childhood to me because I often see her with her butt exposed and then also her butt almost as if I’m sorry if I express myself in these terms almost as if like a man no hypothesis sees her like this

    Not as a woman but with a butt like this Yes that’s what it entails it’s so ok Murder So on the one hand he shows me his strong aggression hidden almost to sometimes the desire to kill was sometimes towards situations, other times towards people but then it turned against itself

    This aggression, this desire to have the upper hand then turned it against itself So in the end the aggression against herself It also caused her to kill several beautiful occasions in her life besides in my opinion I don’t know how to tell you to kill herself metaphorically to sacrifice herself to cancel herself

    Ok full there is a somewhat passive attitude as if she was waiting for the call No you know when you wait at home no someone calls you so in fact you are not the active subject but you are passive because she thinks she doesn’t have enough strength or the

    Right energy The positive energy to carry out the action no So she is passive and therefore she stays there implants So he showed me the nose the seeds the genitals the right knee and then he showed me like a cyclist’s helmet on the head as a mental implant

    Which in your opinion is the most serious Well definitely the mental implant but for example I find it annoying to the genitals for her it feels very annoying as a fact and I don’t know how to say it feels just like a penetration let’s call it that I see it

    As a plate But she still perceives a body penetrating Okay then you can’t know but whoever follows the video but only it has a very strong despite being 100% Italian it has a very strong accent In my opinion both the accent is French and also the way of

    Constructing the sentence or the uncertainties or the doubles I have been saying it since I was a child So it’s not a thing from the last few years because maybe I don’t know she had a French friend who influenced her

    Esoteric cause if there is Yes she shows me like in a library in France Avignon in France No but she studies more languages ​​her mother tongue is French but he studies several languages ​​and has great ease

    In switching from one language to another and he memorizes the words of the various languages ​​well and I see that he travels to various cities in order to be able to better consolidate his linguistic knowledge no what is Marisa’s name Marisa but why this accent he arrived in this life

    Yes to remind her that she is also that woman so smart so intelligent therefore intellectually absolutely lively and also as a life that can be moved she can do it and she is really independent So this inflection creates a connection for her with this life to show her another if another sun

    Ok that he has forgotten the esoteric causes of the chronic lack of money And then he shows me that for example one of the conditionings that derive in part from religion as a whole which has always invited all the faithful to poverty because that is a truly important

    Value for a good believer, a good Faithful, then he shows me the mental entity, both the colonoscopy and you have to take it in the backside, while the others, on the other hand, must have good opportunities but also the other mental entity, the murder where she is precisely

    It is as if she were killing the opportunities to make money for others happen and instead what she does kills them precisely because in this way it is as if she were going to confirm the fact that she is not worthy of having these beautiful things of course

    So she is a consequence Yes yes absolutely It’s just a consequence of sudden character causes that she hasn’t shown us but that happen in her life and here felt mental bite murder where she actually isn’t able to calibrate in the

    Right way this great anger and resentment that she has within her therefore in some moments she is almost about to vent on the outside becoming very nervous very impatient almost bordering on Brusque attitudes ok and on the other hand the moment in which she feels guilty for all this she withdraws

    All this anger and brings it inside herself therefore these oscillations really in manifesting myself to others I then also see. There is so much confusion in the head that it does not allow linearity there are collective mental entities

    With its region that I don’t know if I can name and it is not the case now to ask. One is called grace to God and therefore in any case always give thanks now whether it is the Madonna or Jesus or the

    Saints etc. No to always say thank for what has been had and above all ask for Graces thanks to God also asking for intercessions of favors is the point of reference also for I don’t know how to tell you to confide

    One’s faults to be forgiven etc. no So thank God as if he were this great father who dispenses everything good things bad things forgiveness of favor esoteric cause of verbal malice towards the mother So we said it no that actually

    She has this mental entity murder Where to this strong repressed anger and the point is that as if the mother were the object of very conflicting feelings on the part of sole then because on the one hand on the one hand she feels a great affection for this mother on the other

    He gives her ancient blame in the sense that as if at a certain level he blames the father less, partly also because he is no longer there and partly because there was certainly a greater

    Soul affinity with the father but in any case it is like if she blames them both for the failures, let’s say, of life and to a more unconscious extent also for the violence she has suffered, it ‘s fine let’s call him the disembodied father.

    It’s as if a man came to me with pieces of stone, also as if this body alternated biological parts made apart from flesh but instead made of stone he was a man In short with a certain hardness but also firmness

    Yes for example what do I know now to me it seems like the left leg is kind of made of stone all in all I can see the heart in him so he was certainly a man of heart however with these methods

    A bit like a family man, in short, of ancient traditions, a certain type of mentality, a certain type of culture, therefore also a certain type of closing rigor , it is as if he is unable to completely transform his body. That is, it is as if he

    Transmits to me the idea that he wants to be all energy and instead he feels like he is still stone and flesh and it’s as if he has hard arms that he can’t lift them to hug sun the father had done something because in short

    Sun I don’t remember everything he had done something to the little girl I think that in short it comes to me that he spanked her I don’t know if she remembers this with punitive purposes or another film no So these them So I say what I see eh Then for goodness’ sake

    I see that as a form of education he in turn had been spanked therefore of done it’s as if he had simply reproduced and re-proposed this educational dynamic so he did it for educational purposes but humiliating I don’t know why I see her with her bottom uncovered Luca He spanks her

    Ok She took the Vic Yes it’s as if she broke away from her land from her land of origin and by detaching itself from its land it detaches itself from all these harshnesses from all these mental and behavioral patterns Ok What does it mean at this point to sun

    It’s true your life begins today However I gave you so much beauty it’s time not to be ashamed of it anymore I’m sorry for everything that happened to you as a child I could have done more it’s true

    What I couldn’t do when you were a child I tried to do it is at the end of my life making you feel that I was really close to you that I protected you like I wasn’t able to protect you first

    We make him go to the golden portal It takes time to see these plump maneuvers Here he is so sorry it’s as if he also sees his own wife as a daughter two daughters he says I left two daughters and we make him leave a message from inside the golden portal

    I knots untie more easily much more easily than you think dear sun shows me how it manages to untie if sun wants it this note of ancient sadness this knot of ancient sense of death of failure of self-esteem of lack of joy of profound unhappiness

    It makes me see how he unties them with extreme ease No it’s just a very small gesture and he shows me how instead the sun is right in the middle of these knots strangled by these knots Ok we greet him but let’s not close the golden portal

    Yes these men you mentioned there are these men who have harassed how many are there So you told me three I saw four and what do you mean to them you thought I was your stuff without any consideration of me you made me feel wrong dirty guilty

    I can’t understand how I could choosing this experience is just hard to understand why she chose All this because it was really humiliating for her, let’s ask the PS Vita, is learning to affirm yourself by saying No and life has continually presented you with situations in which you had to say no,

    Now you are understanding it’s as if she now when she has these moments in which she can’t stand it anymore that she’s really intolerant of everything and why would she like to scream No no everyone no that

    I didn’t say all the times when I didn’t impose on myself It’s as if they came out to me now with an obviously devastating effect No because he repressed them all along knowing how to say no is essential no no to what other than what happened

    To the shots to say Oh yes no the family cultural impositions no to religion no to those that it’s also the chatter of the village the wishes of others on our life the others who decide for our life she told us You’re stupid no

    Absolutely not I’m not stupid I’m smart to speak like us you have this French accent you’re not at night no I’m not you’re not one of us absolutely a clear no no we can’t pay you just work no we’ll pay you the minimum You’re not good I don’t fit

    These conditions there will be a different job for me instead wrong loves I say no to men who only give me crumbs No I no longer accept crumbs I don’t stay there with my full mental entity waiting for someone to come looking for me and when he comes looking for me

    Those few minutes he has available I’m there I accept and no they become my life no esoteric cause of wrong loves But look, I saw there in the meantime that she has always considered herself a nothing because Unfortunately it is always devastating no the consequences of molestation as children produce a total self-disesteem

    One considers oneself unworthy of anything especially love I’m very sorry because then for her it became, in quotes, normal for a man to approach her in a brusque manner, not giving her anything, taking everything away, rather controlling her, treating her like an object,

    Exactly as she had been treated like an object. of pleasure when she was a child because you are Not only from one then from another then from another adult again from yet another adult so that the idea has entered her mind that she is not

    That she was a child who then gradually grows into an adult therefore is not a human being No but he is an object at the mercy of men and does what men say to do and therefore when this man arrived So it is actually true this man

    Has definitely more qualities than the others right we always say that he is Prince Charming compared to the others but certainly not in and of himself and he feels something for her he proves that I mean it ‘s not just physical attraction no that he feels but he would never choose she

    With respect to music you understand so we are again talking about little crumbs that she should be satisfied with because she is not worthy enough to have a man completely for herself a man who loves her completely and exclusively

    If the previous men for example also gives them to me a little rough a little ignorant no This one instead has a certain quality just like if yes that yes therefore it’s already a lot for her but no

    But why has this one arrived who she defines as Prince Charming but married and who hasn’t decided to change one’s life something more she understood it she really started to detach herself from religion no So this being a victim always no of the events of what God wanted of what

    She had the Madonna wanted it she detached herself therefore this certainly has brought an increase in awareness and therefore in any case she managed to meet a man who certainly has more qualities than others, ok. However, unfortunately she is still very immersed

    In her mental entities, in her, so to speak, in her emotional body which is very low and therefore not a man who is for her who is free who can love her completely cinema daughters and grandchildren of all those who want to come Yes And as if

    In particular a daughter who is as if he wants to reassure her But mother, don’t worry, don’t worry that is I understand your good intentions. Don’t worry, the esoteric causes of the fact that at least she tells us so her

    Religious beliefs which were very strong are now no longer there have had repercussions on her children and grandchildren and let’s say that at the moment she is making herself loaded with something that depends on her up to a certain point in the sense that it is precisely a geographical context that is made

    Like this in which these beliefs are deeply rooted. So I see that even within the school even within other social contexts there is the push towards this type of belief so she shouldn’t be blamed personally for this and

    Then it’s always the souls who choose. So how she chose to open her eyes and realize this great deception and even her daughters can the grandchildren can do the same now Obviously they are very young but the daughters can do it they

    Come to the cinema So there is a note which is as if she wanted to reassure her that in any case she is a good mother because among other things she perhaps doesn’t think she is a very good mother

    So it’s as if you see them halfway, you understand. That is, in the sense that there is a part of them that is also inclined to want to leave room for this type of thing but there is another part that keeps them tied

    To the Region keeps them tied to traditions and society. Here they don’t want to detach themselves from the rules of society so as not to go outside let’s say no so as not to be Outsiders it is as if it were partial here is their participation where they sit

    So there is one in the second row and one in the fourth Ok Who else is there in the cinema what author in the cinema who introduces herself that this man that she he’s dating there but he specifies I came here exclusively for myself Yes well I don’t

    Want to give any kind of illusion to the sun what type and also she can believe that I ‘m here because I want to carry on a more important relationship with her [Music] okay what does the sun want to do we are particularly ahead and there is still some time

    Let’s go back to the disembodied what does he want to do with those four stick a big No on his forehead So yes then I see that I put it on his forehead and give it to him he puts on the genitals on the hands

    Because there was some rubbing Because these hands obviously went like this a little freely wherever they liked So he puts these no’s here but it’s as if she stood in front of them and while he puts these no’s on them he also says I want to get rid of you as

    She finds a way to free herself and undo what happened I chose a very hard experience for myself because A pure soul how can a little girl say no I understood the importance of saying no I understood the the importance of keeping a soul pure even if the body is touched

    I understood that I could also avoid this experience I certainly won’t repeat it as a solo work and I see that after having put these on them it’s as if they were surrounded by many chrysanthemums it has multiple layers so that they almost appear to be inside an

    Igloo All made of chrysanthemums it is as if there were a mixture of forgiveness But it is not that classic religious forgiveness that is often insisted upon but it is a forgiveness that she uses for herself to lighten up for detach yourself from all this to finally live your

    Life without being haunted by everything that this experience has entailed Of always feeling dirty, always at fault, always guilty This is the meaning of forgiveness, freeing yourself and how you proceed after creating this Igloo let’s say so of chrysanthemums and therefore

    I no longer see them because they are like inside this sort of Bell made of chrysanthemums I see Yes they are not dead for her that is they have never been there this means Exactly exactly

    She is as if she were expanding and lightening up she really makes me you can almost see that she is flying because her feet are no longer on the ground but she is a little lifted from the ground. She finally feels

    Lightened after so many years of this heaviness here after so many years of This feeling dirty guilty wrong silly it’s as if she had freed herself from everything and all these feelings are as if they had remained there imprisoned in this bell of chrysanthemums

    Ok let’s make a portal of chrysanthemums and put all four of them inside yes you want If you want it’s a crown of flowers no but there wasn’t one alive also Yes stay long eh in the cinema No okay let’s go to the cluster

    Like a lost childhood it shows me a bottle a pacifier a childhood that has almost never lived no how it showed me that everything has stopped from that moment everything is there was interfered with, slowed down and ugly from that moment on. No,

    There are some broken toys, a broken stroller, yes, it’s all over, today is your big day, you commented Let’s hope and it’s not Let’s hope today is your big day and so many, many obstacles, a terrible connection, moreover you don’t know Monica but in the sixth

    Seventh minute she fell and she isn’t watching the session but she will be watching the video and the energy work is underway so absolutely nothing changes, she isn’t experiencing it live but she is experiencing it, let’s say first-hand at this moment not completely fallen from the

    Sixth to the seventh minute In fact you will see the censorship Then at a certain point you no longer see anyone once everything is removed what does she create here in her cluster Then she shows me that she wants children around her because as if she needed

    To go and recover that moment That phase of her life in which she was interrupted and I see that she calls grandchildren around her but also other children are not necessarily known to her to be able to create her adeternum

    She calls him Mel she shows the classic colors light blue Pink not the ones that are really used by for children No in the birth ribbons that type of Blue and Pink like in a certain sense he wants to clean up everything from childhood Avatar

    Shows me as if there were a bottle there was an empty bottle left on the ground maybe even surrounded by men who were maybe drinking a little or who in any case I don’t know how to tell you

    There is they mistreated her as we say I can’t tell you a woman you can find in taverns no way everything is absolutely away this time she’s a more mature determined woman she almost looks like the beauty of a peacock’s tail

    And it’s no longer linked to childhood but it’s linked to this moment present in the life of the sun and it really looks like a sun in the center and then all around this sort of Peacock tail I see above all a very deep very beautiful Turquoise blue color leaves it here yes

    With these energetic conditions the sun is feeling it in this moment it’s like if you felt an alternation between pain, tears and joy you are feeling it because a very deep cleansing of cellular memories is taking place, almost

    The fox the being of the second universe the lion the reptile Madonna the nine DL and the Grays are still there no We have clean We cleaned everything together colonoscopy Murder and Call me are still there

    No they are no longer there the implants are still there No no very well the fatal project is still there no the PS is still chamomile It is no longer chamomile but it is a very bright yellow daisy like yellow sun the P is always cheval

    Marisa the life of the French girl is still there Yes it’s as if she pushes and in a certain sense she has to recover let’s say so no this is her aptitude for studying new frequency 85 billion new awareness 170 PS 59 lives prior to 1744

    Maris still exists Or whatever it’s called because maybe there isn’t a rice like French but somehow Mari maybe 8.7 sometimes Monica I always ask you the same questions to see if you’re not sure if anyway after a few time things are always the same because they change they change continuously So what we say is not law it is not written on the stone tablets of Moses No we are

    The stone tablets of Lucius Monica’s tablets Monica’s tablets Ok good values ​​not excellent impossible to expect that there were 400 billion vibrations but going from 1.8 to 80 and something is already a lot of stuff message from the sun to itself

    I am reborn and I feel it on all levels I am feeling it on the skin of my face of my arms of my legs it I’m feeling it in the deep tissues of myself I feel it in my heart I’m being reborn PS advice from sun to sun to appreciate yourself

    It’s as if she hadn’t discovered so many beautiful things about herself so much she was focused on focusing on the bad things on blaming herself yes the fact is forgotten, for example that she has

    Excellent taste, for example, she shows me in being able to arrange, what do I know, like ornaments in a house No, being able to make it very pleasant or even create flower arrangements She also has excellent taste in choosing, for example I don’t know if she can make the fabrics

    But for example she could go to a seamstress with a fabric that she chose and it would suit her very well and also choose the cut of the dress, the message she wants to leave to her children , you are beautiful jewels,

    But do it your life and your choices I love you anyway ok message in general that she wants to leave someone even herself the second time or someone to her mother dead videos what I did, of opening my eyes to the deception of religion, you too can do

    And I know that little by little newer and newer doors towards a true life are opening up, it’s fine as far as vibration 110 is concerned, let’s ask your PS to try then go back to 110 and raise it to 210 without problems before it was no now yes

    Exactly For me we are done disconnect from everything


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