#germany #reviewgermany #factsaboutgermany

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    #travel #world #europe #germany #reviewgermany #documentary #countries #factsaboutgermany #interestingfacts #discovergermany

    Hello everyone. Germany or the Federal Republic of Germany is a country in Europe has an area of 357,022 km², and the population as of 2022 is 83.8 million people. It’s also the second most populous country in Europe, after the Russian Federation. Germany’s territory is surrounded by 9 countries

    Including: France, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. When talking about Germany people often think of the beauty of magnificent castles, magnificent cultural museums, romantic Rhine River, premium sausages, and thousands of different types of bread. Germany also possesses globally famous cities, that are Berlin, modern but also ancient

    With important historical buildings where the bloodiest wars in world history took place. Or Munich, famous as Germany’s No. 1 brewery with lively festivals held every year. Those things are not all about this central European country. Today, let’s explore interesting things about the Federal Republic of Germany with “Facts you need to know”.

    Don’t skip the video, because there will be facts that you don’t expect about this country. The Nation Promotes Nudism. Germany is one of the few countries in the world openly supports nudism. Not only in private areas, but also in public. Nudism in Germany is called “Freikoerperkultur”, abbreviated as “fkk”.

    It means culture of body liberation. It’s considered a way to liberate people from shame and social inequality, and also an activity brings people towards nature, so that the body is directly exposed to the sun, air and water. This also a therapy to reduce stress and cure osteoarthritis diseases.

    This habit of Germans appeared in the late 19th century, and once became a revolution in the lifestyle and ideals of the young generation in this country. Thus, nude clubs were formed more and more, but also caused intense controversy in German society at the time. By the time of the Nazis,

    This movement had been suppressed and strictly controlled, because it was considered immoral behavior. However, it has not been lost, but on the contrary, it has also become popular as a traditional culture of this country. As Germans began to travel around Europe, they also brought the nudity culture beyond national borders.

    The nude resort began to open in France in the 1950s. This was followed by the increasingly popular fkk communities in Yugoslavia and on the Baltic beaches. Up to now more than 600,000 Germans have registered to participate in separate nudist zones. When going to legal nude places

    They can completely undress directly on the spot, no one feels ashamed about this issue. However, these areas still have a certain privacy as well as a law prohibits others filming or taking photos here. That’s why today when we come to Germany we easy to see naked women walking on the beaches,

    On forest trails, and sunbathe in parks. That’s why people often call Germany is a paradise for naked people. In March 2023, after a woman voiced a discriminatory complaint that she wasn’t allowed to have her breasts topless in a Berlin swimming pool. Then, the agency that operates the city’s public pools

    Decided to change the dress code. In the past, topless women going to swimming pools in Berlin would be required to cover their breasts or leave the pool, even banned from enter. But after this rule change, they were allowed to bare their breasts at the public pool,

    But the lower half of the body still had to be covered. However, it’s unclear exactly when the new dress code will be applied. The country has thousands of unexploded bombs Germany is the country that went through both world wars, especially World War II. With Germany becoming the focus of many fierce battles,

    Germany still has thousands of unexploded bombs scattered throughout the country. Estimates suggest that between 10 and 15% of the bombs dropped on Germany by UK and the US didn’t explode. It’s speculated that in Berlin alone there are about 2000 bombs buried in the ground. Finding and destroying these bombs

    Has become extremely dangerous and requires high professionalism. Although the government has conducted large-scale destruction activities, but many bombs remain undiscovered. The war ended more than 7 decades ago, but the discovery of underground bombs is still a common occurrence in Germany. They can be anywhere under gardens, behind houses, under trains, under highways,

    Or near airports. Evacuation to destroy bombs is also a familiar thing for people in this country. Every year, Germany discovers more than 2000 tons of unexploded bombs. September 2017, Germany had to mobilize more than 1000 personnel of emergency units to evacuate 60,000 people in Frankfurt city,

    Because discovery of a 1,4 ton bomb. This was also the largest evacuation in Germany after the war. In most countries of the world escaped criminals will spend many more years in prison, and receive harsher sentences. But in Germany and some other countries, such as Mexico, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands

    Escape is considered legal. The German government doesn’t punish escapees, because the country’s laws consider the desire for freedom to be a basic human instinct. But that doesn’t mean they ignore the fugitives. The search will begin when the authorities find out a criminal escaping from prison. These criminals after being arrested

    Will not be charged with escaping from prison. But often punished for acts damage property or cause injury to others. Prisons in Germany are very comfortable, except for prisons holding special criminals. Because, the focus of detention here is not entirely punishment. The country aims to rehabilitate prisoners

    Helping them reintegrate into the community more easily. That’s why many prisons in Germany are designed as dormitories. Germany is known as the land of beer with more than 1300 breweries, and is one of the world’s leading beer consuming countries. It’s also home to the largest beer festival in the world “Oktoberfest”.

    It’s held annually in Munich. Traditionally, the festival began after the mayor of Munich knocked the hammer three times on a barrel of beer and said “O’zapft” is at 12 o’clock on the opening day, and lasted 18 days. Come to Oktoberfest you will have the opportunity to enjoy the best beers in the world.

    They are all produced in Munich city under strict procedures. Mainly uses natural ingredients, such as water, barley and hops. Therefore, the beer here is very easy to drink. It has cool sweet taste and contains little CO2. On average each year, Oktoberfest attracts more than 6 million participants,

    And consumes about 7.7 million liters of beer. Oktoberfest is a place where you can enjoy a huge amount of beer. Beer is served in large tents with a capacity up to thousands of people. with a capacity up to thousands of people, and visitors can comfortably drink beer unlimited quantities. Not only beer,

    This festival also has attractive folk games, lively music performances and local food stalls. Surprisingly, the origin of Oktoberfest is not due to the need to enjoy beer. This festival was first held in 1810 on the occasion of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig the First. It lasts for 5 days,

    And for the residents of Munich. Then close with a big horse race. Since then, Oktoberfest has become an annual tradition. German speed paradise In Germany, the Autobahn highway system is 13,000 km long. The highway in Germany is really different, because it has no toll station, some sections have no speed limit,

    And not for the faint of heart. Where there are no speed limit signs drivers can move at any speed they like. Drivers can launch as flying without fear of being fined. Many people think that it will make the German highway system more prone to traffic accidents, But according to statistics,

    The Autobahn is quite safe with a much lower accident rate than Federal highways in the US. One of the important factors in reducing the rate of traffic accidents on the Autobahn is that it’s constantly maintained every day. Maintenance staff will drive dedicated vehicles to check each area, fix problems that arise

    To keep the road surface here clean and airy. In addition, the Autobahn has a system of thousands of monitoring radars helping drivers stay updated on temperature, road surface conditions, rainfall, and warnings of traffic jams or accidents. And of course, the awareness of traffic participants is still top priority.

    The country produced the first cars in the world. The first “Benz Patent Motorwagen” car was produced in the world, it was built in 1885 by Carl Benz, a German automobile engineer. At the same time, he is also the founder of the famous global car company Mercedes-Benz.

    This motor car was patented and introduced to the public on July 3, 1886 making Germany a pioneer in automobile production. Its initial selling price was around $150, equivalent to $4,086 today. Benz was the first car in the world to use an internal combustion engine,

    A unique design with 3 wheels mainly made from steel pipes, and seats using wooden boards painted yellow brown. The wheels are made of steel with many interlocking spokes like bicycle wheels. When it was first launched many people ridiculed it and thought it was an impractical invention. But in August 1888, Carl Benz’s wife,

    Mrs. Bertha Benz took a test trip on her husband’s first modern car. The journey is 105 km long, from Mannheim to Pforzheim. This helped Carl Benz’s car prove its practical value and gained worldwide attention. It quickly became an alternative to the traditional carriage. Batch of orders were sent after Benz’s success.

    Starting in 1888, Carl Benz and his team officially entered a more professional phase of automobile production setting the stage for the birth of the impressive range of models of the famous Mercedes-Benz. Currently, Germany is still one of the world’s leading car manufacturers. Not only a Mercedes,

    But also other famous brands such as Audi, BMW. The country’s car manufacturers have always been favored for their emphasis on design and technology. This is also the end of about interesting facts of Germany. Beer country of the world. What else do you know about Germany? share with us. Thank you for watching.

    If you find it interesting don’t forget to like the video and subscribe. Now Goodbye and see you in the next sections.


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