In this video, we are providing you with a listening practice test in order to help you prepare for the IELTS Listening Test 2023. This practice test has the same structure as the actual test, so if you are able to pass it, you are well on your way to a successful score.

    If you are interested in taking the IELTS Listening Test, then be sure to check out this video. We will provide you with a listening practice test so that you can prepare for the test and achieve a high score. Thanks for watching!

    2. 126
    3. 0414 847 749
    4. (ABOUT) 10

    5. (uncle’s) shop (work)
    6. C
    7. B
    8. C
    9. A
    10. E
    11. Midday

    12. (the) Shoping district
    13. (the) military museum
    14. C
    15. A

    16. C
    17. B
    18. The Driver
    19. 7.00/seven

    20. discounts
    21. A
    22. C
    23. A
    24. B

    25. B
    26. C
    27. F

    28. 12,000

    29. Horses
    30. caves

    31. surface
    32. environment

    33. impact/effects

    34. urban
    35. problems
    36. images
    37. patterns
    38. distortions
    39. traffic
    40. weather
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    ielts listening practice test 2023 with answers | 02.04.2023

    #ieltslistening #ielts2023 #ieltsexam #ieltslisteningpracticetest2023 #ielts @IeltsPracticeTestResources

    Part one you will hear a conversation between anetta and Charlotte firste University students and Bill who works for the Student Union employment service first you have some time to look at questions 1 to five hi Bill this is my friend Charlotte she’s doing first year science too pleased to meet you Charlotte anetta

    Told me you once some part-time work now I just have to complete your details on the computer um what’s your surname Johnston with an E yes j o h NS t o n e I know that you live in the heathfield street student residence but I can’t remember the street number there it’s

    126 126 good and the phone number well actually I never give people that number because sometimes nobody answers or they forget to pass on the messages so I bought a mobile phone yesterday but I can’t remember the number I think it’s 0414 847 748 I’ll just check no sorry not 748 it’s 749

    0414 84774 9 yes that’s right I must try and remember it and what sort of work are you looking for well anything really I suppose though it depends when it is I’d rather work during the day if that’s possible how many hours a week were you

    Thinking of oh I’m not sure maybe about 10 but I need to keep at least 2 days a week free for study do you have any work experience not much though I used to help in my uncle’s shop when I was at school okay well I’ll put it in but we

    Don’t usually get shop work what about gardening I’d rather not everything I touch dies what other kinds of work are there well there’s a a lot of demand for house cleaning fast food preparation and kitchen work and pizza delivery if you’ve held a driving license for 12

    Months I’m not sure can I have a look at the vacancies while you talk to anetta before the conversation continues you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10 Bill I’d like to change my job you’re at the hamburger Express on the High Street aren’t you what’s the problem well I

    Never know what hours I’m going to work I start at 7:00 p.m. and I’m supposed to finish at 11:00 p.m. but sometimes they keep me until 2: or 3:00 a.m. yes that is a bit late if you have to make a 9:00 a.m. lecture the next day and the other

    Thing is the pay they’re supposed to pay me on Thursdays but they never pay me on the correct day often not until Friday or Saturday a few weeks ago I had to wait until Sunday they said their son was sick so they couldn’t get to the bank but they’re always making excuses

    Yes that doesn’t sound too good would you be interested in pizza delivery you need to have a driving license yes I’ve got a license but I think I’d like to change from working in the evening are there any day jobs available well as I told Charlotte there are several cleaning and gardening

    Vacancies um and this child care job that just came in this morning do you like children yes I do actually what’s the job let’s have a look collect the boy aged 4 from kindergarten at 300 p.m. pick up the other two girls who are aged 6 and nine from the primary school at

    3:15 you take them home and look after them the parents will be home by 7 that sounds quite good what about the pay it’s the same as you’re earning now 4 hours a day Monday to Friday so 20 hours a week you need to contact Mrs uh Alicia Thompson her phone number is

    91045 629 and she lives in Springfield I’ve never been to Springfield I hope it don’t get lost don’t worry it sounds quite straightforward let’s have a look at the street directory the Thompsons live here in chulip street number 252 so you catch the 631 bus get off

    Here next to the post office in Daisy Terrace walk past the post office to the corner and on the opposite corner is the kindergarten then walk down daffodil place and cross over to the primary school then keep going down daffodil place to the corner and turn right into

    Chulip street that is the end of part one you now have half a minute to check your answers now turns to part two part two you will hear a talk by a tour guide first you’ll have some time to look at questions 11 to 17 now listen carefully and answer questions 11 to

    17 welcome to San Fernando City tours I’m Mark your tour guide we have a lot to see in 3 hours so make sure you’re comfortable we’ll be traveling into the historical District first and then into the town center after that it’s out to the harbor and we’ll finish up at the

    Lighthouse just past the harbor that will take us up to midday and after that you’re free to do what you want at the Lighthouse you’ll have a chance to visit the t- room and take photographs of The Magnificent Coastline now as we have only 3 hours we

    Won’t be able to take you around the shopping district but we think you’d prefer to look around the shops there in your own time anyway San Fernando has some well-known tourist attractions the lighthouse for example and the National Library however the little known military museum is not to

    Be missed be sure to visit before you leave now there’s a lot to do in San Fernando indeed there really is something for everyone for those who love the water I can recommend a trip on the seaf far one of the most famous boats on the San Fernando River it does

    An evening trip with a three course meal included it’s great fun for everyone but especially for young people in their teens or 20s after 9: there’s a disco on the boat and it gets really Lively then there’s a climbing wall near the town center it’s incredibly popular

    With a large wall for expert climbers and a smaller wall for novices there is a junior wall and a crush so it’s a great day out for those of you with kids and if you like walking there’s some great walking tours the city sight’s tour is highly recommended as is the

    Walking tour by the coast but that one’s only for the fit not really suitable for children or the elderly for more mature people or those less able to get around I would suggest a tour around The Vineyards it can be done in the luxury of a coach and it’s a wonderful way to

    Explore the Region’s wines before you hear the rest of the talk you have some time to look at questions 18 to 20 now listen and answer questions 18 to 20 naturally there’s a charge for all these attractions but you can get 15% off if you have an Explorer pass if you

    Don’t have a pass but would like one the driver here has application forms just ask him for one and fill it out while on the tour then you hand it into the tour office normally it costs $10 but this year it’s just $7 when you hand it in you’ll get your

    Picture taken for the card on the spot and then your card is ready to use remember to show it whenever you pay for anything the discounts apply not just a tourist attractions but some bars and restaurants basically everywhere you see a red Explorer symbol ah we’re coming up to the

    Historical district now if you’d like that is the end of part two you now have half a minute to check your answers you will hear a student called Sandra talking to her tutor about a draft proposal she has written for a competition first you have some time to look at questions 21 to

    24 now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 24 right Sandra you wanted to see me to get some feedback on your group’s proposal the one you’re submitting for the the geography Society field trip competition uhhuh I’ve had a look through your proposal and I think it’s a

    Really good choice in fact I only have a few things to say about it but even in an outline document like this you really have to be careful to avoid typos and problems with layout in the proposal and even in the contents page so read it through carefully before submitting it

    Okay we’ll do and I’ve made a few few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced okay as for the writing itself I’ve annotated The Proposal as and where I thought it could be improved generally speaking I feel you’ve often used complex structures and long sentences for the

    Sake of it and as a consequence although your paragraphing and inclusion of subheadings help it’s quite hard to follow your train of thought at times so cut them down down a bit can you really yes and don’t forget simple formatting like numbering didn’t I use page numbers I didn’t mean that look you’ve

    Remembered to include headers and Footers which is good but listing ideas clearly is important number them or use bullet points which is even clearer then you’ll Focus the reader on your main points I thought your suggestion to go to the Navajo tribal was a very good idea no I’ve always

    Wanted to go there my father was a great fan of cowboy films and the wild west so I was subjected to seeing all the epics many of which were shot there MH as a consequence it feels very familiar to me and it’s awesome both geographically and Visually so it’s somewhere I’ve always

    Wanted to visit the subsequent research I did and the online photographs made me even Keener before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 25 to 30 now listen and answer questions 25 to 30 interesting right let’s look at the

    Content of your proposal now did you find it comprehensive enough well yes and no you’ve listed several different topics on your contents page but I’m not sure they’re all relevant no well I thought that from the perspective of a field trip one thing I needed to focus

    On was the Sandstone plateau and cliffs themselves the way they Tower up from the flat landscape is just amazing the fact that the surrounding softer rocks were eroded by wind and rain leaving these huge outcrops high above the plane it’s hardly surprising that tourists flock to see the area well yes I’d agree

    With including those points and then the fact that it’s been home to Native American navajos and all the social history that goes with that the hardships they endured trying to save their territory from the invading settlers their culture is so rich all those wonderful stories well I agree it’s interesting but it’s not

    Immediately relevant to your Proposal Sandra so at this stage age I suggest you focus on other considerations I think an indication of what the students on the trip could actually do when they get there should be far more Central so that certainly needs to be included and to be expanded

    Upon and I’d like to see something about the local wildlife and vegetation too not that I imagine there’s much to see presumably the tourist Invasion hasn’t helped okay I’ll do some work on those two areas as well but you’re right there’s not much apart from some very shallow rooted species although it’s

    Cold and snowy there in the winter the Earth is baked so hard in the Summer sun that rainwater can’t penetrate mhm so it’s a case of flood or drought really so I understand now before we look at everything in more detail I’ve got a few factual questions for you it would be a

    Good idea to include the answers in your finished proposal because they’re missing from your draft fine so you mentioned the monoliths and the spires which was good but what area does the tribal Park cover do you know 12,000 hectares and the plane is at about 5,850 m above sea level larger than I

    Expected okay where’s the nearest accommodation that’s a practical detail that you haven’t included have you done any research on that yes there’s nowhere to stay in the park itself but there’s an old Trading Post called Goulding quite near all kinds of Tours start from ging too what kind of Tours well the

    Most popular are in four-wheel drive Jeeps but I wouldn’t recommend hiring those I think the best way to appreciate the area would be to to hire horses instead and trekk around on those biking is not allowed and it’s impossible to drive around the area and private Vehicles the tracks are too rough okay

    Lastly what else is worth visiting there there are several caves but I haven’t looked into any details I’ll find out about them okay good now what I’d like to know is more about that is the end of part three you now have half a minute to check your answers now turns to part

    Four part four you will hear a lecture is Introduction to a geography module first you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40 now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 so welcome to your introductory geography lecture we’ll begin with some Basics firstly what do we learn by

    Studying geography well we learn a great deal about all the processes that have affected and that continue to affect the Earth’s surface surface but we learn far more than that because studying geography also informs us about the different kinds of relationships that develop between a particular environment

    And the people that live there okay we like to think of geography as having two main branches there’s the study of the nature of our planet its physical features what it actually looks like and then there’s the study of the ways in which we choose to live and of the

    Impact of those on our planet our current use of carbon fuels is a good example of that but there are more specific study areas to consider two and we’ll be looking at each of these in turn throughout the semester these include biophysical geography by which I mean the study of

    The natural environment and all its living things then there’s topography that looks at the shapes of the land and oceans there’s the study of political geography and social geography too of course which is the study of communities of people we have economic geography in which we examine all kinds of resources

    And their use agriculture for example next comes historical geography the understanding of how people and their environments and the ways they interact have changed over a period of time and urban geography an aspect I’m particularly interested in which takes as its focus the location of cities the services that those cities provide and

    Migration of people to and from such cities and lastly we have cartography that’s the Art and Science of mapmaking you’ll be doing a lot of that so to summarize before we continue we now have our key answer studying this subject is important because without geographical knowledge we would know very little

    About our Sur surroundings and we wouldn’t be able to identify all the problems that relate to them so by definition we wouldn’t be in an informed position to work out how to solve any of them okay now for some practicalities what do geographers actually do well we collect data to

    Begin with you’ll be doing a lot of that on your first field trip how do we do this there are several means we might for example conduct a Census count a population in a given area perhaps we also need images of the Earth’s surface which we can produce by means of

    Computer generation technology or with the help of satellite relays we’ve come a very long way from the early exploration of the World by sailing ships when geographers only had pens and paper at their disposal after we’ve gathered our information we must analyze it we need to look for patterns most commonly those

    Of causes and consequences this kind of information helps us to predict and resolve problems that could affect the world we live in but we don’t keep all this information confidential we then need to publish our findings so that other people can access it and be informed by it and one way in

    Which this information can be published is in the form of maps you’ll all have used one at some stage of your life already let’s consider the benefits of maps from a geographer perspective Maps can be folded and put in a pocket and can provide a great store of reference when they’re

    Collected into an atlas they can depict the physical features of the entire planet if necessary or just a small part of it in much greater detail but there is a drawback you can’t exactly replicate something that is three-dimensional like our planet on a flat piece of paper because paper has only two dimensions

    And that means there’ll always be a certain degree of distortion on a map it can’t be avoided we can also use aerial photographs pictures taken by cameras at high altitude above the Earth these are great for showing all kinds of geographical features that are not easy

    To see from the ground you can easily illustrate areas of diseased trees or or how much traffic is on the roads at a given time or information about deep seab beds for example then there are lands sets these are satellites that circle the Earth and transmit visual information to computers at receiving

    Stations they circle the Earth several times a day and can provide a massive information you’ll all be familiar with the information they give us about the weather for example so what we’re going to do now is look at a presentation in which you’ll see all these

    Tools that is the end of part four you now have half a minute to check your answers that is the end of the listening test in the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet


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