Rugby Elim Church – A vibrant, growing, hope-filled community of people who have been changed by an encounter with an extraordinary person, Jesus.

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    #rugby #church #jesus

    You know for those who may not know who I am today well my name is John or Jonathan and it’s my privilege to be one of the pastors here at rugby elim and uh wow thank you and it is my privilege and you know that I I say so

    Often it is such a privilege to be one of the pastors of this amazing church and sometimes people say to me what do you mean amazing well when I look around this congregation today it is amazing because the church is not about a building here we are in Harris School

    And we thank God for this school thank God for the opportunity that we have to be able to use this amazing facility but the church is not about a building it’s about a people people that are made up from many different nations and many different Generations people all who

    Have all got a story and the truth is that in this room room today there’s so many different stories our stories are not the same and one of the things that we love about baptism Sunday is that we get a glimpse into people’s lives and into people’s stories as they share a

    Little bit about what God has done in their lives because you know water baptism is there’s not anything special about this water the same water that hopefully you showered in or baed in or washed in today at home it’s the same water well it’s cleaner but you know

    What I mean it comes out of the same T it comes out of the same place comes from the same Source there is nothing special about this water but today is a significant day because what this water represents that for those people are getting baptized today they are

    Declaring that we now are followers followers of Jesus Christ it hasn’t always been the case for them they wasn’t born as a follower of Jesus they were born as a baby but there came a point in their life where they decided to give their lives to Jesus and at that

    Moment something happened in their lives and some of them may be tried to explain that today but maybe words were failed them but one of the things that happened in that moment is they gave their life to Jesus they were born again their lives were changed because no longer

    Were they a child of this world but rather they became a son and daughter of God you may say why do this because in doing this they’re saying we are followers of Jesus and the truth is that Jesus Christ died upon a cross and he

    Was buried in the Tomb but on the third day he rose again and as these people go for the Waters of baptism today they are declaring dead to a old life that the old life is dead it’s over it’s finished and sometimes people love to talk about

    People’s past but let me tell you it’s not so much important what’s happened in their life in the past it’s about what’s happening in the present and as they go down into their Waters today they’re saying we are dead to our old lives we’re dead to our old man our old woman

    And as they go down into their water their water was saying we want that to be buried to be done away with that it no longer has control over our lives and as they come up out of the waters they’re saying now we are released into the Resurrection Life of Jesus Christ to

    Live differently because Jesus Christ died was buried and rose again again so good news is we’re not going to leave you in the tank we’re not going to leave you under the water but we’re going to bring you up to live the life that God has ordained you to live so this is

    Probably the most nervous part of the service for those people thank you Kevin you can read my mind for those people that are going to get baptized but I just want to say to those people that are going to come up here and share a little bit of their story

    All these people are going to be all alert they’re all going to be smiling like cheser cats aren’t you oh yeah come on we want the chesh your cats right now cuz we are cheering you on so the first person and they don’t know what order

    We’re going to go in and I didn’t either so we’re going to start here we made change again nula come and share your Story come on let’s hear it up for brilliant NE just share a little bit of your story don’t want the whole story good because that would be really quite

    Long um yeah so I grew up in a Catholic Family and we went to church every Sunday and we had a lot of faith um and then as an adult God became um less significant in my life I still believed but I didn’t really practice anything um and then when I got married

    Um it was a civil ceremony and we had our daughter Lola and we started bringing her up without any faith um and then for several reasons I actually um started um doubting God’s goodness and I started to um actually disbelieve that he was he existed and um I then decided

    That I would live my life without God wow which was a big mistake um and then um so fast forward a bit to January 2019 my marriage ended and um mine and Lola’s life changed quite dramatically um pretty much overnight and then the divorce was very

    Difficult very long um and after a while I I started to experience bouts of um huge anxiety which was very unpleasant um and then just somehow I came across the Christian um TV channel and I started sort of getting a bit interested although I was um sort of half listening

    Half interested um but over time I I watched a bit more and more and I learned things that I didn’t actually know before um but still things were very difficult in my life and I did get to a point where um it just felt like it was

    A barrage of things coming at me um and I um and it was constant and I felt a bit overwhelmed or very overwhelmed and I felt like I was um you know I didn’t know how I was going to get through it I felt like I was going under

    And I didn’t know how I was going to keep pushing through um so on the Christian TV channel I’d heard about people um giving their Liv to the Lord and that God could um you know guide you and take your life and Lead it and I

    Thought that sounds good um so I gave my life to the Lord and um there wasn’t an a sudden immediate change in my life um but I kept meditating particularly on the word of that God does not give you the spirit of fear and that he gives Beauty for

    Ashes um and I then started to clearly see things changed in my life and things changed in me the anxiety dramatically reduced um and I could see some real sudden turnarounds in my life which previously um seemed impossible possible so I knew um I clearly knew that God was

    At work and that he’d got me um and then I’ve just since then um been trying to develop my faith get closer to Jesus and I’ve wanted to get baptized for a while and when I came to rugby liim I just thought it’s definitely my church and I

    Wanted to get baptized here um and then I’m just so excited and expectance of what’s going God is going to do in me and through me um in this next season brilliant come on let’s do up youa fantastic brilliant thank you brilliant in know a little while we’ll be inviting

    You to come back as we come and give some promises from God’s word but can we hear it up for Christina today come on let’s hear it up uh for Christina as she uh comes forward and I I’m kind of going to give warning for the next person who’s going to come

    After Christina Jack you’re going to come so get ready as soon as Christina leaps from this platform you can leap up all right because of time fantastic Christina share a little bit of your story I’ve got a card in my pocket it’s a yellow card and a red card okay all

    Right I got it good morning church morning um so I’m I’m Christiana akumo um it’s actually um today is actually the 16 year that we got to UK wow exactly in 2008 so today makes it 16 years exactly um so um I was uh born in

    I was born in a Christian family both of my parents we ministers in fact um but I did not really know like I didn’t really um understand who I was but I like um they’ve always been telling us what to do like pray we go to Sunday school we

    Do all that but I didn’t really know who I was I really struggled ese especially when I was in secondary school I went to a bing house I really struggled but uh because they always you know two us always pray so I always pray but I

    Didn’t really get why it was so fast forward to 20 um 16 um my mom came um I just um had a baby then so um my mom came for a visit so um unfortunately she died when she came to uh visit in 20 uh

    Uh 16 so then we were um uh still leaving uh in um centry uh so when she died uh that really took a really big toll on me because she she’s been our rock yeah um I’m sixth I’m the sixth of nine children wow and she has

    Been our Rock she has been our source like she’s always been there for us but all of a sudden uh death took her and uh uh one night um I slept I dreamed about um uh she received this crown that she was in a field and she received this Crown

    So when I uh woke up like I got conviction in my heart that at least she’s dead but she’s in heaven so since then like it’s been bothering my heart that I need to know who I was in Christ so uh fast forward then I started praying I started listening to um uh

    Different messages I started um knowing exactly what it was then I give I uh give my life to Christ eventually um and uh yeah thank you and um since then um I believe and I know that God has uh put a big uh Ministry in my hands I’ve I’ve not

    Figured it out yet but I know like um starting from now um as I will be buried and raised with Christ I believe that I will be living in the newness of Christ and and also God has really been faithful honestly it’s a long story but

    Um I I can’t share it all but God has really he has been my source yeah he has been my joy ever since I knew where I was like I have I have peace that that that makes no sense and I’m really excited to um for how God is going to

    Empower me to also shine this lights to people that are yet to know Christ brilliant brilliant fantastic absolutely brilliant come on Jack come on leap up here fantastic come on Jack come on Jack share a little bit of your story you’re right it’s a pleasure

    To be here uh my name is Jack I’m 20 years old uh been coming to church ever since the start of last year it’s been a bit on and off cuz I’m always working but um I mean I don’t know really where to start but um I I went through quite a

    Bit is when I was younger uh not due to my parents they’ve always supported me all the way through but my problem was I was never speaking and uh well you know I was up to no good all the time um the only way I knew how to combat all the

    Bad things that I was doing was through drinking uh this this went on for years uh until I eventually at the age of when I turned 18 I was well I was told by a doctor that my body become dependent on alcohol W and after all of that I didn’t

    Really know where to turn I just carried on and tried my best to get through it all but after all of this um something severely bad had happened to me and again that was my only way of getting through was through drink and I was always still up to no good always

    Getting into trouble uh especially you know at the age of 14 I was looking at a 5year sentence um and obviously um I tried to change it all around um it you know it tried it didn’t really work at all but at the start of last

    Year something to bad had happened um it was it was a miracle that I’m still alive to be honest u i was I should have died from the injuries I had sustained uh to myself and um it was almost like it was a miracle it had like they like healed out of

    Nowhere without any stition or anything like that and my first decision from that point forward I came here wow come On this was in January um it was still still quite a struggle of understanding what had gone on but at no point did I lose any faith uh my friends were getting through it um helping me through it all the way and thanks to my family

    As well um but I carried on praying and praying and praying and I just carried on pushing through no matter how hard it got through last year at the end of this year sorry at the end of last year uh I start finally started feeling that I had

    A grasp on knife once again and I’ve got no one to thank but God through that come on brilliant fantastic brilliant brilliant brilliant you know what a story and the great thing is that it’s not only the story of one person in the Roberts family but today we’re going to baptize

    Jack’s mom as well and uh so hopefully hopefully if you can look at the screen right now we’re going to do it in a different order but I’ve decided to change it and then straight after the video Shirley’s going to come and share her story thank you hi yeah I’m Emma I

    Was christened as a baby um and grew up with my mom and dad they believed in God and Jesus but they weren’t they didn’t go to church they would like be like um weddings funerals you know the usual sort of stuff um and then at senior

    School I met a friend called paulet and she asked me if I wanted to go to church with her um so we went to church but we went to a youth group and then they Duncan Clark who was the uh the pastor the children Pastor then the youth

    Pastor he uh used to pick us up in a bright yellow Community Support community Transport Mini Bus and we used to go there and but unfortunately I didn’t feel any sort of connection with God then so I uh I went away from the church falling into the wrong sort of

    Crowd um and you know just went out clubbing drinking taking drugs went went into the wrong sort of life but then um grew up a bit more met my partner we’ve been together 23 years and got three children together um but my eldest Jack he was struggling with drink um and he

    Was getting into a lot of trouble um out when he was drinking into fights and we were so so wored it’s the worst part of our life because we didn’t know if the police were going to be knocking on the door saying we found your child stabbed

    It was absolutely awful so I needed to find him help so what I did was I went online and then um the alpha group for rby elim came up which was amazing um because I remembered as a child how friend the people were but were at the

    LI so I took Jack to Alpha group at first he was a bit no I don’t really but I talked him intoo and also we did sober October together which was amazing because of how bad his drink problem was then um and then as soon as we walked

    Into the courtyard Kevin greeted us and he knew who we were straight away and when we walked into the room we I felt like I was home straight away I could feel the Holy Spirit the kindness of every body and then we started watching the video and I remember the first video

    That I watched was about forgiveness and then I felt compelled to forgive a girl who I absolutely hated she had an instrumental part on Jack’s problems um I she hurt Jack and I physically wanted to violently hurt this girl um but after watching that video I felt God I felt

    Jesus I felt the Holy Spirit and I forgive that girl I sent her a message and I forgave gave her and then I’ll never forget the feeling of weight lifted off my shoulders it was just so amazing I was so overwhelmed with the with the holy spirit that I couldn’t stop crying

    Everyone hold me it was so amazing God saved me and my son our new family we were born into gave us so much love and kindness and support my guardian angel Steph was my mentor and my friend and patient in all of my questions my messages taking us to church and I’m

    Truly thankful to Kevin who was the person running the alpha group with um Steph and Robert and Lisa Zilla and I’m so proud of Jack because he’s going to be baptized with me and his we he got through sober October his drink problems have calmed right down I can’t believe

    How how my life has changed you know and Jack’s life too it’s everyone can see you changing me and then people are coming up to me and they’re like oh I’ve seen what you put on Facebook what church you go to and then few people by

    Seeing my things and the change in me they’ve also been coming to the church as well I don’t know what God has planned for me in my future but I give myself to him and by being baptized I show everybody This brilliant fantastic well done Emma

    Well done Emma Shirley come and join us on the platform let’s hear it up for Shirley today she comes to share some of her testimony what God has done um in her life okay um hello everyone so um I was uh baptized as a baby um in South Africa in

    The Methodist church and then confirmed in the Anglican church and my parents brought me up in the faith and you know don’t lie don’t steal all of that but when I went to um Secondary School towards the end and the beginning of University there were a lot of new

    Ideologies out there like you know so I ended up becoming feminist atheist and at University I used to go up to the scripture Union particularly to debate with the people there and uh it was terrible my my aim and my intention was to destroy them and to bring them down

    And to interrupt their works if anyone has any issues with feminism or anything like that can come chat to me I’ve got some great Christian books about it as well um but then um I went to London and one evening I um reached out to God

    Because of course I was alone and with no children and I thought M something’s gone wrong here even after being a feminist for so long I reached out to God and um and I found him and my sins forgiven in Jesus yeah um yeah I did get

    Um baptized on the forehead with some water but I’m here today for full immersion come on so brilliant fantastic sery absolutely amazing Toby come and join us come on Toby and then after Toby Julia is going to come so Toby and then Julia is going to come come on let’s

    Heit up for Toby fantastic come up here man [Applause] I don’t know I’m going to do following those uh testimonies but here we go hello I’m Toby those of you who know me probably know I’m often not quite on time for things um those of you who don’t know me now

    Do um I actually joined rugby elim about 27 years ago uh when my parents first enough oh thank you um he throw me off now and I’ve been coming here ever since although work often meant I couldn’t attend later on in my teens I still attended as much as I possibly could CU

    This is where I felt right um I could easily say I’m probably several years late to making the decision of baptism I had plan andn getting baptized since I was a teenager what age I’d get baptized how it would happen what I’d wear how tall I’d be what would be the

    Reason for me to do it and what the weather would be like on the day but the perfect day never seemed to arrive on when I look back on my life and all that’s happened all the things I’ve gone through being diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 10 swaying away

    From the right path to shape life how I wanted it to be losing friendships even now I suffer with depression and anxiety don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom I’ve also had so much to be thankful for those who have stood by my side giv me help and advice when I’ve

    Needed it the most thank you marrying my best friend and raising three uniquely beautiful children I’ve even learned how to do DIY that’s destroy it yourself for those who don’t know I’ve cut the list short and still there is so much I’ve not experienced in life it just simply never felt the time

    Was right or perfect for baptism because I had so much going on my verse of the day yesterday was this 1 Corinthians 3: 7 it says so neither the one who plants nor the one who Waters is anything but only God who makes things grow yeah it

    Is this tells me no matter what I go through what experiences I gain in life is quite pointless that is without God being the center of it all yeah from all the signs God’s given me over the past few months or so I believe I’m on time for my

    Baptism come on because this is where he’s put me thank goodness he’s in control yeah thank you fantastic brilliant Thank You Toby Julia come in join me I don’t know where you are there you are Julia come on let’s give a big round of applause to Julia today [Applause]

    Fantastic uh so hello my name is Julia and I grew up in a Catholic Church as well um I was christened um and God has always been part of my life however he’s not always been the priority and number one wow um I always wanted to go to the

    Church myself it wasn’t cuz I wanted to please my parents um but as I got older I realized that I didn’t feel God’s living presence in the church so then Co was a big turning point because Church turned into live streams and then I completely didn’t feel God’s presence uh

    So I decided to take my faith into my own hands and I decided to read the Bible by myself because out of um out of awe of God I couldn’t just completely turn away from him um and I did enjoy it although it was difficult to understand

    Every verse um I I stick with it but then after a while it did get very difficult um and then I found it really easy to um find excuses to be too busy um yet in reality I was just living for this world not for God and that left me

    Feeling really empty and unfulfilled um so I kept going back to reading the Bible but it wasn’t consistent um and then when I did go back to reading the Bible I put worship music in the background so I could like focus and fully engage with it

    And one time I was flooded with tears and that just made me feel that um that was me being overwhelmed with God’s love and patience for me because every time I turn away from him he never left my side and was always with me um so that’s

    That’s when I acknowledged my big need for god um that was my missing part and then God’s carried on his mysterious work and he uh blessed us with uh my parents friendship of Lin um and through them I me I met my best friend Gabby um and

    They invited us to this church so when I came in for the first time I came in late because I came straight from work so I I only to stay here for the worship um and I was so welcomed when I came in um and I joined in October um and the

    Second worship song I heard I cried again and that was a confirmation for me that this was the church that God wants to me me to be in um and I loved it here from the first time I walked in and then uh towards the end I saw somebody who I

    Didn’t expect to see um and they’ve had a big impact on my growth of faith and that was Luke um and he helped me cuz he introduced me to everybody and felt me uh made me feel a big part of this church um he told me about all the

    Church events and because of him I joined Alpha um and Alpha even though I joined with only a couple of weeks left um that was enough to help change the perspective of my life um and I realized that um I wasn’t empty anymore with God on so uh today I wanted

    To get baptized out of obedience to God um and I believe he’s chosen me to be the light for this [Applause] generation so I’d just like to publicly declare that Jesus is my Lord and Savior Julia how old are you pardon 17 17 years old come on Hallelujah to Jesus Christ wow

    Hallelujah heepsy bar come on hepsi come and share your Story come on let’s heal up for absy bar today thank you for it thank you good morning good morning Brethren hi thank you for having me today um my story is quite a long one and keep it it’s difficult

    Yes it’s difficult to um compress it into something quite short but I will try um so I grew up in a Catholic church and even though I grew up in a Catholic Church I wasn’t really my family was not devoted to God uh my grandmother bless her so she went

    To church every Sunday but the parent the children were not taken so I grew up without God out say um then I came so my mother had me very young and I came here to join her at the age of 12 she left me when I was 4 months with my

    Grandmother so when I came here I was severely confused I didn’t feel any belonging I felt a lot of rejection and um just went through a lot of turmoil in my young age and I started to question inwardly you know why am I even here and I I just really felt so alone

    In this world like literally very alone and then at 17 years old one day I just went to church and I said to God I didn’t even know who I was saying it to but I just said there’s got to be a purpose for me you know why am I here

    And as I was in church that day I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit I wasn’t laid hands on I wasn’t seeking it I just got touched by the Holy Spirit and I started speaking in tongues I was so confused I ran home crying thinking

    I’m now I’ve run mad literally got home and because my family didn’t understand they started researching what’s going on and it was on the day of Pentecost funny enough and then after that I just straight away from God not straight away I didn’t know him so I didn’t know how

    How do I find this God how how do I pray to him how do I even put him as a part of my life I didn’t even understand what had happened to me that day then there was a cycle of 10 years 27 years old I wanted to get

    Married I felt the desire to want to get married and I was told because my family was very diabolical I would never marry and I found God again in that season I started fasting and praying and I remember one day he walked in my room

    As I slept and he breathed fire on my head thought I was going to die and I said to him God this fire is too much I’m going to die he said receive my power and then I did get married and have two beautiful children the story of

    Divorce is the story for another day but at 37 years old I started to feel empty again because I wasn’t really pursuing God at this time i’ matured in my faith but I wasn’t really fully committed to him I was still in the world I was still

    Enjoying the passions of the world I wasn’t dead to the world but I told God I said if you have me I’m going to give it all up for you and he started to call me to places of prayer and this year he called me to a 21-day no food

    Fast a a few days in in that fast he said to me hea actually he changed my name so I was called a different name until 2 years ago so he called me hea and he said you are my delight and this year he said to me I

    Need you to be water baptized cuz you actually have not renounced the world and you’ve not declared that you’re now a citizen of the kingdom of God and I cannot move on your behalf until you become my citizen so today I’m here to renounce the world Say Goodbye

    World I have nothing to do with you I’m now a citizen of the kingdom of God I’m a believer of Jesus Christ and I’m only going to live for his glory alone and nothing else thank you wow fantastic boy have we got some preachers honestly the hand of God the anointing

    Of God’s holy spirit that is on every person that’s getting baptized today significant I think I’ve got it right is that the last one I think if we had eight already we’ve got nine we thought we had eight we’ve got nine Ash come and share your Story come on Church let’s he

    Up for us today thank you brother how’s everybody doing today all good good good Wicked well my story is uh similar to everybody else’s to be honest um couple of months ago um I was just sat um in my mother’s living room actually the worst version of

    Myself and um to be honest there is somebody I’d like to give a shout out to uh I was smoking a lot I was drinking a lot and just found out bad news um in regards to a family member that’s been hit with sickness and for some reason I

    Had a knock on my door it was my mother’s door and it was a woman by the name of Anna that goes to this church and um I remember having a long conversation with Anna and I said because at that point I didn’t believe I used to question whether there was a god

    Um and then I started coming to this church and then since then thanks to Anna as well my faith has been restored and to be honest I’d like to give I’d like all of you to give a round of applause to Anna Because as well as to Jesus of [Applause] Course to be honest with you I’m happy to be here in front of all of you today um I came here today because I made a conscious decision that I want to walk with Jesus for the rest of my life yeah thank you Ash Ash um don’t go anywhere

    Because I’m going to invite all those people that are getting baptized in three hours time it’s not three hours it’s not going to be well I don’t know Kevin’s preaching so it could be but I’m going to invite all of those people who getting baptized come and join Ash at

    The front come on let’s hear it up for them guys as as they come right now come on come on line up guys line up L up because we want to do a couple of things today before you get baptized one of the things that we want to do is we

    Want to make promises over your life that come direct from the word of God I love the stories that numbers them talked about how God has spoken to them through his word we don’t believe that the word of God is dead but we believe is alive that is living that is active

    That it speaks into the hearts of individuals I just want to say to you folks just a few weeks time we’re starting the journey for the whole of the New Testament together Julia spoke about the times when maybe she just was reading the Bible didn’t understand what

    It was about we’ve got the opportunity of journeying through the New Testament together read it in a way like you’ve never read it before if you haven’t got your copy already we want to encourage every single person in the life of rugby elim get your copy and some of you right now thinking

    I don’t want one you don’t want the Bible you don’t want engage with people it’s a great opportunity and so Simon and Joe are going to come and they’re going to read out promises uh for each of you and then we’re going to Pray Ash you were our surprise this morning but when I was praying about these promises yesterday there was a verse that didn’t attach to any of these eight and I didn’t know what to do with it so I put it aside and it’s going to seem a bit weird but I will

    Explain this is in John’s gospel John 12 now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks so they came to philli who was from Beth Sader in Galilee and asked him sir we wish to see Jesus philli went and told Andrew Andrew and Philip went and told

    Jesus and I believe what the Lord is saying to you Ash is you’ve asked to see Jesus and you will [Applause] amen so hea this is a promise of the Lord to you from Philippians 3 vers 10 to 11 it says I will rejoice greatly in the Lord my

    Soul and my soul will exalt in my God for he has clothed me with garments of Salvation and wraps me in a robe of righteousness as a bridegroom wears a Priestly headdress as a bride adorns herself with her Jews for as the Earth brings forth its growth and as a garden enable

    Enables seed to spring up so The Sovereign Lord will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations yes Julia this is from 1 Peter chapter 1 for you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable through the living and enduring word of

    God for all flesh is like grass and its Glory like the flowers of the field the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of the Lord stands forever amen Psalm 96: 1 to3 the Lord is my chosen portion and my cup you have made made my lot

    Secure the lines of my boundary have fallen in Pleasant places surely my inheritance is delightful I Will Bless The Lord who counsels me even at Night My Heart instructs [Applause] me nla this is from one Peter’s FL what we to one blessed be the God and father of our

    Lord Jesus Christ by his great Mercy he has given us New Birth into a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead into an inheritance that is imperishable undefiled and unfading reserved in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by God’s power salvation that is ready to

    Be revealed at the last time [Applause] Jack this is from John chapter 12 it says then Jesus cried out whoever believes in me does not believe in me alone but in the one who sent me and whoever sees me sees the one who sent me I have come into the world as a light so

    That no one who believes in me should remain in darkness amen Richard come and read toies Toby on your baptism day Hebrews 3 1-2 therefore four holy brothers who share in the Heavenly calling set your focus on Jesus the Apostle and high priest whom we confess he was faithful

    To the one who appointed him just as Moses were faithful in God’s [Applause] House Christina I just uh want to say um from the very beginning from from the day you were born you’ve Bor B the name of Christ Chistina that’s the name that your mother gave you yeah yeah Christiana yeah so you have belonged to him from before the foundation of the world yeah

    Okay and this is the verse for you it’s from John chapter one it says but to all who did receive him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God children born not of blood or of the desire or will of man but born of God

    Amen and surely this is from one Timothy 4 train yourself for godliness for physical exercises of limited value but godliness is valuable in every way holding promise for the present life and for the one to come this is a trustworthy s worthy of full acceptance to this end we labor and strive because

    We have set our Hope on the Living God who is the savior of everyone and especially of those who believe amen thank you Lord amen guys I’m going to invite you to spread yourself out across the front so leave a gap between you because what we

    Want to do in these moments we want to pray God’s blessing over your lives if you go keep going a bit more go on it’s okay as you you go through the waters of baptism if you stay there nula that will mean that you’re in the middle cuz we’

    Got nine I’m good at Mass four each side but I want to invite family and friends who want to come and stand with your friend your family member today and pray God’s blessing upon them quickly come I can invite us all to stand together as a

    Church we’re not all going to be able to get here but reach out your hands if you can as we pray God’s blessing upon on these guys come on just begin to pray right now just begin to pray significant moments in God today where history is being Rewritten in Jesus’s Name thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus come on just pray your best prayers right now come on reach out your hands pray blessing of God Destiny pray over them change break in Jesus name Jesus Jesus father we thank you for every single one of these nine lives today thank you for what you’ve done in their lives already thank you that they are born again by the spirit of the Living God that God is not down to their good works he not down to their good lives

    But it’s down to your grace and your mercy and your love that you’ve lavished down upon them and God I thank you that you have a Destiny for each of them Father that God their past does not dict dictate their present or their future but rather the blood of Jesus does that

    Father and God I pray Lord little while as they go through the waters of baptism I pray father You’ be so a significant moment in you I pray Lord that you catapult them into the future that you have for them Father a future that is in

    Your hands we pray May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of God’s holy spirit be with each and every single one of you come on let’s give God some praise right now let’s lift it up so we begin to worship

    Him and declare his goodness thank you thank you Father yes [Applause] Lord you left Heaven’s praise for the sake of us off up your will for the joy to come you embrace the cross taking all its pain so I could walk away free and un shame I owe my life to you my

    Saor I owe it all to you are your sacrifice cuz one my free I was Bor by Jesus RIS from the grave seated now on high over all you re oh power in your hand eternity will sing of your Holy Name king of all the Earth in Majesty to God sing I owe my life I ow my life to you my savior I owe it all to you Al

    Lord you sacrifice that’s one my I was born by Jesus how was SP with a Prist thank you Jesus When At Last I stand before your throne of grace Wonder fills my heart the Majesty r i will bow my knees and join with angels s wory is the Lamb oh praise to you I owe my life to you my saor I It to you your sacrifice is one my I was by I ow my life I ow my life to you my saor I ow it all to you are Lord your Saice has one my fre I was born my Jesus I my to you myor I will belong to you oh lord your Sacri one I I was born I was born oh my I hold my to give my sa I hold with all to you you saice one my I was born by Jesus [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah we sing hallelujah amen we was bought by a price the precious blood of Jesus Hallelujah Hallelujah it was my cross you Bor so I could live in the free you died for and now my life is yours and I will sing of your goodness forever more sing worthy Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise Worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the

    Praise worthy is your name I know my shame is gone I stand amaz and your love undeniable Your Grace goes on and on and I will’ll Sing of Your goodness forever more Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the pr Worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the

    Praise worthy is Worthy is your name Jes you deserve the praise well Worthy is worthy sing worthy Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your Name where is your name we sing Worthy We exed now in the heavens as your glory fills his face you will Lord deserve Our Praise you’re the name above all name we exalted now in Heavens as your glory FS his place you alone deserve Our Praise you’re the name above all name be

    Exal now in the heavens as the glor fs his you alve our praise your the name the me is s now in the heavens and your GL F his place to the Lord serve I pra you’re the name of all [Applause] name you are the name you are the name whoever is your

    Name Jes Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is sing with me Worthy is your Jesus you deserve praise worthy is Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your Name Jesus PR Worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your sing Church Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name hallu Amen am worthy is your name let’s just rest In This Moment the holy spirit is amongst us we’ve just declared Worthy is your name cuz he is the one to be exalted above all things we come to worship him this morning maybe as we just come in preparation ation to the

    Word maybe just ask that God may speak to you this morning maybe you’re searching maybe there’s something going on in your life at this moment and you need God In This Moment you know God is here and he can meet you exactly where you are this morning amen

    Amen what a wonderful time of worship and what incredible testimonies we’ve heard this morning you know it’s always difficult when you come to preach the word of God after hearing life transforming uh experiences because they’ve been transformed by the fact they’ve met this person called Jesus and testimony or

    Something that are so powerful you know I sit on that front row and I’m glad I Don’t Preach straight away cuz I’m a wreck because I weeping and my eyes I mean Emma’s video got sent to me before and literally I was in tears in my office because just I think it shares

    Some of God’s heart towards each and every one of you you know those tears of joy that people have come home into the family they’ve met him as their lord and as their Savior and I’m really excited Ed about these baptisms this morning I think the length of my preach

    Will determine how warm this water is in the baptismal pool cuz I’m sure the candidates don’t want to go into cold water but I think the reality that’s been on for some time it’s almost jacuzzi heat so I think we’re going to have a a good time baptizing this morning um

    Yeah no God is good isn’t he we’ heard testimony of his grace and his goodness but who knows there’s a whole world of difference between knowing of someone and knowing someone I don’t know if it’s still the same thing on Facebook but you used to have this thing where

    People used to say well how many friends have you got on Facebook and people would proudly pronounce they’ve got 500 750 a, friends on Facebook but the reality is you may know of those people but you probably know very few of them in a real and personal way you know this

    Morning maybe you’re here and you’ve heard of this person called Jesus you know of but yet your experience is that you do not know him this morning you know one way of getting to know somebody is to hear what they have to say yeah you know what do they say about

    Themselves what are other people say about them and in the New Testament Jesus himself declared seven I am statements statements about who he is statements such as I am the bread of life I am the light I am the door I am the Good Shepherd I am the resurrection and the

    Life I am the vine but this morning I want to come to one of Jesus’s I am statements which you’ll know and it’s this that I am the way the truth truth and the life amen and no one comes to the father except through me this verse is found in the

    Gospel of John chapter 14 and if you were to turn there in your Bibles we’ll just refer to it in a little bit but there’s an awful lot going on at this particular point in time as we arrive at John chapter 14 It’s the Last Supper the preparations for the Last Supper the

    Passover meal Jesus had just declared this wonderful Act of service by washing his disciples feet despite the fact they didn’t want him to do it it’s the time when Jesus says that Judas you’re going to betray me it’s the time when Jesus is unpacking the fact that he needed to go

    And they could not come with him it was a time when he was telling them that he needed to go to the Cross he needed to fulfill the father’s work which led him to the Cross to die on that cross cross but aren’t we glad he rose on the third

    Day and salvation is ours because of what Jesus did it’s also a time where he predicts Peter’s denial of him before the crows three times you shall deny me Peter so just imagine all of that going on in a very short period of time the disciples must have been in

    This position of anxiety and fear and worry Jesus the one that they had followed for so long has just told told them that he’s going he’s no longer to be there that one amongst them is going to betray him another one amongst them is going to deny

    Him all this emotion all this fear or this worry must have come across them at that time but then we enter this scripture in John 14 where Jesus says these words to his disciples says do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me

    So at a moment where maybe his disciples ought have been comforting Jesus cuz he just revealed he’s going to go to the cross and die Jesus ends up comforting his disciples because they were in fear they were in worry they were in anxiety of what was yet to come and then Jesus goes

    On from verse two and says these words in my father’s house are many rooms if it were not so I would have told you I’m going there to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with

    Me that you may also be where I am you know the way to the place where I am going so in all this confusion or this anxiety or this fear Jesus brings these wonderful words of comfort verse four Jesus says to you know the way to the place place where I am

    Going but Thomas replied and said Lord we don’t know where you are going so how can we know the way Lord we don’t know where you are going so how can we know the way you know Thomas gets a bad rap in the Bible doesn’t he he’s known as doubting Thomas

    But actually he’s the one that probably asked the question that everybody else wanted the answer to has anybody been in a meeting and somebody some clever clogs is explaining something they’re using all these acronyms whatever you to foggy what they’re saying and you’re so pleased when some Brave person puts up

    Their hand and said excuse me what did you actually mean by that and they explain it I’ve been in Bible College this week so I’ve experienced that quite a few days having a foggy what they’re going on about but they explain it well Thomas asked the question nobody else

    Wanted to an ask but everybody wanted to know this answer and then Jesus replies to Thomas’s question this I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me you see Jesus in this moment is confessing absolutes he doesn’t say I am a

    Way I am a version of Truth he says I am the way the truth the life and you know at the time that statement offended the religious leaders and you know even in today’s society that statement can be quite offensive because we live in a world don’t we that promotes self you know

    What it’s okay I’ll find my version of the truth I’ll live my life I’ll find my version and once I found my version of the truth you know what you’ll have to live with my version and that’s okay but the reality that is not what it’s about

    Because Jesus is declaring ing in this moment there is only one way yeah it’s an offensive statement because we are proclaiming something that’s exclusive that the only way to the father is through Jesus but do you know what even though it may be an exclusive route it’s an inclusive

    Invitation because in one Timothy it says this this is good and pleases God our savior who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth you see God’s desire is for all people to come to know him and be saved

    God’s heart is for the Salvation and the reconciliation of every single individual regardless of background circumstances God extends his love his his desire his Mercy his grace to each and every one of USS that’s why he sent his son Jesus his one and only begotten son because he wanted to reconcile this

    Gap between himself and Humanity so it may well be exclusive yes and we stand on that truth there is only one way to the father and that is through Jesus Christ but the invitation is open to every one to come to know him as their lord and as their

    Savior so what does it mean that Jesus is the way you see Jesus here was expressing that he is the exclusive path to God the Father and Jesus is the only way Humanity can be reconciled to God and receive eternal life he is saying that he is the embodiment of that truth

    And salvation yeah there is no plan B God made plan a and his name was Jesus and it’s him that we come to Jesus was emphasizing the faith in him faith in his sacrificial death on the cross was the only way to be restored in relationship to God he’s the mediator

    Between God and Humanity providing the Forgiveness of our sins and following Jesus you know involves more than just an intellectual belief it requires a commitment for us for Jesus to be our Lord and our savior to follow his word to follow his truth you know way before Christians were called Christians there

    Were simply those that called those that followed the way when Saul was out to to capture them and put them in prison in Acts 9:2 they just called those that followed the way the way being Jesus because Jesus was the embodiment of the way to the father are you following the way this

    Morning are you following the one who calls himself the way he also calls himself the truth I am the truth Jesus declares because Jesus is the embodiment of absolute truth Jesus is the perfect revelation of God’s character occasionally I have these odd thoughts I wonder what it would be like

    If God was in heaven and he was to take a selfie what would that picture look like now so I know some of you like your your selfie photographs and yeah your poses but I think if God was in heaven he was to take a photograph that representation would be Jesus that

    Representation would be Jesus in Hebrews it says the son which is Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining All Things by his powerful word his teaching his word he alone can provide true understanding and knowledge of God salvation and the purpose of life

    He came to reveal the truth of our sinful condition the need to repent and to turn to him that is the absolute truth that Jesus reveals but he doesn’t just offer us a physical life but a spiritual life also and an abundant life that is only found in him

    He’s the one that gives purpose fulfillment identity identity and joy that extends Beyond this Earthly existence because through faith in him we receive the Forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternal life do we get an amen to that this morning the Gospel of Jesus Christ because apart

    From Jesus there is a spiritual death there is a spiritual darkness and we’re separated from God it’s only Jesus that brings the light into the darkness he’s the only way to be reconciled to God but following Jesus as our life involves us surrendering Our Lives to him receiving yes this gift of

    Salvation and eternal life but obeying his teaching and obeying his word it’s a call to a deep intimate relationship with the Living God yes wow but how do we find the way to the one that calls himself the way we’ve heard some stories of that this morning but Jesus himself in six

    Words said this if we want to find our way to the way repent and believe the good news yeah that is the way to the one that calls himself the way repent call an old fashion word maybe we don’t hear about it so much but it literally means just turn away from

    The way you’re going and go the way that God wants you to go turn your heart and your mind to him take it off yourself and turn to him and follow him believe well how do we believe well will we have faith to believe that Jesus is

    Indeed the Son of God that he went to the Cross he died but yet on the third day he rose again that’s the good news of Jesus Christ so Jesus is saying the way to the way is very simple in that respect repent and believe the good news has anybody here ever been

    Lost hands up wow great I don’t feel so bad cuz I’ve got a terrible sense of direction anybody jumped in the car and you’ve gone somewhere and you’ve taken the wrong turn and for whatever moments later you are totally and completely and utterly lost you know I often get lost

    When I go out running I think I’ve got a great sense of direction I could remaps I cannot um I I sort of picture on my mind I think where I’m going to go but I don’t end up there and I end up getting totally lost there was an occasion in in

    Paris recently when we went on our holiday I thought I’d run out to the Paris sanj man Stadium we staying in the suburbs of Paris I studied the map very quickly in the foyer of the hotel and it said right I turned left out the door I

    Run for five six miles up to the up to the river when I get to the river I take another left and it’s probably about two miles on the right hand side so I thought great I’ll go for a morning run off I went 5 minutes running some doubts just started to

    Creep in my mind am I going in the right direction ignored them carried on 15 minutes 20 minutes thoughts came back again it ain’t looking like I’m heading towards a football stadium Okay carry on anyway 25 35 45 minutes 50 minutes an hour into the run I thought you know

    I’ve had all these feelings that I’m heading in the wrong direction I’m going to stop and I’m going to try and figure out exactly where I am so every does the thing to get out of the phone you put on the maps you see that little blue spot

    That arrives on your map and then you do this ah I’ve just ran for an hour in completely the wrong direction what I found out when we’re back to the the the the hotel foyer was I read the map upside down I should have I should have

    Taken a right as I came out of the hotel and I would have found the stadium it was a wasted morning and there’s another occas running the moven hills I’ve run the moven hills quite a bit now I know the route is fantastic I know exactly where

    I’m going up to the summit along the ridge back to a little village backr again brilliant couple of months ago I was running the the molven hills I got to the summit then all of a sudden this fog started to sort of descend on me started to get dark and literally within

    A few moments I’d lost my orientation completely I had no idea where I was so I thought don’t worry about I’ll just go back the way that I came I thought I could navigate my way back off the off the hill so off I went walking down the

    Hill but I ended up actually descending the Hill from a completely different side I ended up actually coming off at completely the other side literally miles and miles and miles away from where I was supposed to be now don’t tell me wife this right oh she’s listening on that occasion I didn’t take

    My phone with me now she said to me if we went out running without my phone should break my legs so but I went out running I didn’t take my phone so I had no idea but I ended up on a path that I did not expect to end

    Up and you know the Paris experience can be a little bit like our lives yeah that we’re heading in a direction we’re not too sure where we’re going but we know we’re just heading whether it’s career family money whatever it may be we sort of living life in this sort of

    Direction and we know there’s times when those little nags come in our mind am I going in the right way as God put me on the right path is there more to life than what I’m experiencing and maybe you put those to the side and you just keep on

    Going maybe you can empathize with how the disciples were feeling anxious and fearful and worried just not knowing what’s life going to be like without Jesus we’re following him he’s just not there and maybe you’ll say you know I know of this Jesus but I actually don’t really know

    Him I believe God wants to speak to you this morning and he wants to say exactly the same thing to you he said to his disciples don’t let your heart be troubled for I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through

    Me and maybe that’s your experience you know you don’t know this Jesus you know of him but what you’ve sense in this place this morning through testimony and whatever you just know there’s something I would love to know who this Jesus is I’m going to give you the opportunity to

    Respond to that invitation in a short while but maybe you’re more like my molven experience because you’re the ones that actually have known the way or the one that has called himself the way but for whatever reason something’s come in your experience a dark moment a fog moment

    Where you’ve lost your way and if you are honest with yourself this morning you’d say that actually I’m in a place where I don’t know how I got here believe God wants to speak to you this morning with these words also do not let your heart be

    Troubled for I am still the way the truth and the life come home come home because I am still the way you once knew me as the way I am still the way come home I wonder if you just close your eyes for a moment so think it’s important that we

    Respond to God’s word and even if you’re a follower of Jesus maybe there’s a question we need to answer uh for ourselves is Jesus still the way the truth and the life in every situation in your Life if he’s not invite him in whatever you’re facing at this moment invite him in and let him be known as the way the truth and the life but this morning I just want to give an opportunity for maybe those that have never asked Jesus to come into their

    Life this morning you’ve said you know what I want to make Jesus my way I want him to be the one that I follow I’m going to pray a a short prayer and if that’s you just pray this prayer in your heart and after I’ve prayed it I’ll just ask you to indicate

    That you’ve prayed It the prayer goes like this heavenly father I come to you in the name of Jesus I know I am a sinner but I ask for forgiveness I believe you died and rose again I turn from my life and invite you into my heart I ackowledge that you are

    Indeed the way the truth and the life and I will follow you as my Lord and Savior amen if you prayed that prayer with your eyes still closed please will you just raise your hand it’s just a way of acknowledging those that have given a commitment to Jesus thank you thank you

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you amen thank you thank you God is good what about those that may be here this morning that would say you know what I knew the way but I’m lost I want to make him the way again I want to come home if that’s you just

    Raise your hand this morning as a way of acknowledging him amen amen amen amen amen amen God is good God is good amen so dear heavenly father we just want to thank you for your word We Want to Thank You Lord that you are indeed the way the truth and the

    Life as we commit our ways to your ways father God I pray that we will draw close to you that we will seek you out that we indeed will make you the way of Our Lives amen and you know if anybody has questions questions maybe you’re not in

    That place to respond a yes to Jesus yet but you’ve got these questions we run from the 7th of February and Alpha course and we would love you to come along and be in a safe place of exploring those questions those faith if you responded to Jesus this morning it’s

    A great place for you to come and to connect in with us we’re going to go now and get changed ready for our baptismal service the GU is going to lead us in a song John brilant thank you want to show appreciation to uh Kevin today for the words

    And yeah we are going to get ready to baptize these people in water so Kevin and I are going to get changed and just want to encourage the baptismal candidates to make your way to the front as uh we sing this song together I do realize that we got some seats reserved

    For baptismal candidate friends and family so if you are at the back you want to make your way forward if you’re friend family of those people that are getting baptized but don’t worry too much because it will be on the screens today but come on let’s stand together

    We’re going to sing a great song about Jesus Christ who is our Living Hope because he is the way the truth and the life come on let’s declare it in this place today thank you how great the C that lay between us how high the mountain I could not clim in Desperation I turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night then through the darkness your Ling count T through the shadows of my soul the work is finished the end is R Jesus Christ my Living Lord you could imagine so great a m Mercy what heart could find down such boundless Grace to God of mes step down from glory to where my see and bear my shame the cross

    And I am forgi the king of King calls me it own beautiful savior on yours forever Jesus Christ my Living yeah Hallelujah Hallelujah great the one who set me free Hallelujah that is for me you have broken every CH and salvation in your name Jesus Christ my living that seal the prise your very body body began to breae out of the silence the roaring lion take the gra has no name

    On let’s sing again then came the morning that still the pro everybody began to ring out of the silence the roing fire the gra has no on me Jesus CH in the Victory oh hallelujah Hallelujah is the one set me fre Hallelujah lost great you have broken every chain and salvation in your name Jesus Christ my sing again Hallelujah the one who s me free Hallelujah L you haveen every sh salvation in your name Jesus Christ my Jesus Christ my living Jesus Christ my living come on let’s take the to this place Hallelujah Hallelujah Jesus Hallelujah I want to ask you if you can to remain standing because you know if you go to a football match these

    Days they got seats but I want to tell you when they score a goal you should see the stadium get to their feet and they celebrate I want to tell you today we’ve got nine goals that have been scored for Jesus Christ people’s lives are celebrating a victory today so

    They’re going to go down and they’re going to go under very quickly we’re going to bring them back up and we just want this to be a massive celebration party of all that God is doing right now and uh I don’t know what I’m being told

    From the back you talking to me or somebody else go the other side we’re going that side are we I don’t know I’m going this side that’s for video sorry it wasn’t on video I am there but anyway um but we’re going to celebrate these folks are are getting

    Baptized father we just thank you for this holy moment in you where we get to baptize these people in water we celebrate every single one of their lives in Jes Jesus name so come on first one come and we’re going to go with [Applause] This hey on the confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit [Applause] amen because you heal my heart change my name free I the Master II God Toby Toby under confess your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen me turn me around my all I been the master I been the savior because you heal my heart change my name

    Forever free I not I master the savior of God hey hey Hey the as on the confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit free I am free I am free us I am free I am free I am free tell us another one I am free I am free I am free us not I am free I am Free Christiana on the confession you faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit [Applause] Am I am free I am free I am free us never I am free Hallelujah I am free I am free tell us the I am free I am free I am free H I am free I Am [Applause] on Jack on the confessional faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the holy spirit amen get get get up out that gra get up get up get up get up out of that gra get

    Up get up get up get up out of that gra get up get up get up get up out of that gra get up get up get up get up out of that gra get up get up get up get up out of the

    Gra get up get up the gra get up get up get up get up the Gra ever on confession of your faith we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit because you pick me up and you turn me around you place my feet I than the master I than thei because he heal my heart change my

    Name forever free I’m the master S I thank God Julia on confession of your faith we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the Son and the Holy [Applause] Spirit turn me around I the Sai you my heart my name forever free I not Master god knew that under confessional faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the holy spirit amen come my name and I run out of that Gra Earth dark your Glor you call my and my out of the darkness your glor surely under confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen out of out of the darkness into your Glest you called my name and I ran out of that out of the darkness your Glorious Day Lord hallelujah come on let’s give God some praise Hallelujah hallelu in just a moment if we can lift it again we’re going to lift up he’s turned our lives around that’s what God has done that for so many in this room today God has turned our lives around

    And you know the Bible says repent turn around and be baptized and if you decided to follow Jesus who is the way and you’ve never been baptized in water well I feel like I need to do it today there’s water here what stops you we’ve got some spare clothes we got

    Some water and we’re in the presence of Jesus and if this is your moment come we got we’ve got Simon we got some of our leaders down here they’ll quickly chat you to make sure that you know what you’re doing but we are not going to stand in your way today

    Come on get these guys ready come [Applause] on [Applause] [Applause] yes sorry can you can you tell everybody your name my name is magic magic why are you in here today I with my I with my daughter and I want to follow J come on and with my daughter I want to follow Jesus come on Kevin come

    On on confession of your faith we now baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen [Applause] Amen I’ve been the master I’ve been the Savior you he my heart change my name for free not the same I the master I’m I thank God the night in a place to hide this where Soul this bag of I try with all my mind but I just can’t win the F I’m slowly drifting a vag just when I ran out of I’m met man I didn’t know and he told me that I was not alone

    Oh me up and turn me around my feet on the I than the master I than thei because you heal my heart change my namee I not I I God hallelujah come on I know I know that English is a bit limited what’s your name Alicia Alicia Alicia why do

    You want to get baptized now because I love Jesus and I come I come and I go to follow him and I come on that’s enough for me Alicia on the confession of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and

    The Holy Spirit [Applause] Amen around the master I’m the savior because you he my heart change my name fre i i i the savior I thank God I cannot deny what I’ve seen got no choice but to believe burning like Ashes In The Wind so long to my old friends bur and bitless you can keep

    Moving hey you a welcome here go in now I streets and go I see how you save my soul found way back me up turn me around place my feet on Solid Ground I’ve been the master I’ve been the savior because you heal my heart change my name forever free not

    The same I’ve been the master I’ve been the Sai I [Applause] God just tell everybody what your name is my name is kin and I just want to give all praises to the most high God Amen and thank him for my life and what he’s done for me he’s brought me out uh he’s recently I um came out of a mental

    Hospital and he saved me more than more times I can count so am amen Caleb I want to pray for you yeah father your word declares that who the son sets free amen is free indeed and father I pray for Caleb in the name of Jesus that God that you’d release him

    Of everything that the enemy would seek to destroy his life you came that Caleb may have life in all its fullness I pray God as he goes through these Waters today May his life forever be changed through your grace and your mercy Caleb on the confession of your faith in the

    Lord Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen [Applause] amen because you pick me up turn me around my on been the master been thei because you my heart my name free I’m not I the master I You know when I got into the changing room or actually before I got into the changing room after we had been had the testimonies and we had the worship some of you may have seen me but I was emotional wreck and Sam said to me are you okay and I went no I’m

    Not she’s like what’s wrong I’m like God’s just all over this place right now and when I got into the changing room I said to Kevin Kevin God is doing so right now one of the things that I declared a few months ago that church is

    Going to get really messy this is mess but I want to tell you I can do with Holy Ghost mess where people and lives are being changed by the power of God on the day of Pentecost 3,000 people were added to the church in one day in one

    Day and they were baptized in water in one day God do it again do it again do it again come on come on Jennifer just tell everybody a little bit about your story and why you want to be baptized this morning because God has asked me to and I’m obeying amen thank you

    Jesus and Jennifer your family have been prayed for you for a long time haven’t they years decades today is a fulfillment of every prayer and every promise that God made over your family’s lives Jennifer is such a joy to baptize you Jennifer of the confession of your face in the Lord

    Jesus Christ we baptize you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen I am free I am free I am free the one I am free I am free I am free tell us the I am I am free I fre tell us love one you

    Are pra you are PR Hallelujah we PR you turn around my all I been master I been the saor because we heal my heart and change your name forever fre I than the master I than the Savior I thank God [Applause] let me just say this man has taken me by

    Surprise I didn’t see him coming but today it’s your wife here she’s there she’s got the camera Daniel how long has this journey been for you um well I’ll say I came back to Jesus with help of my wife when I met her eight or so

    Years ago and this is so I I’ve been following Jesus for a while again uh but this I wanted to make a public Declaration of my faith which I haven’t done since I’ve came back to God so thank you Jus for bringing me back and thank you God for [Applause]

    Everything Daniel on the confession of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we baptized you now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit [Applause] amen get get up get up get up out gra get up get up get up get up out of that

    Gra get up get up get up get up that gra get up get up get up get up that us never one I am free I am free I am free H us no I am free I am free you me up turn me around lift my

    On I’ve been the master I’ve been the Sai because you my heart CH my day forever free I I been the master I been the SA God hallah hallelujah come here come here tell everybody what you feel like right now amazing I’m just so overjoyed and

    I’m just really in awe of God and his love over us seriously this is the best decision of my entire life jie come on how do you feel right now I’m overwhelmed with his presence and I’m looking forward to live the rest of my life for him is that

    Amazing fantastic Julie you know we’re going to bring our service to a close I think we may need to pass a bucket around the place tonight come and pray with us we’re believing that God is moving in rugby amen no you don’t believe it we believe that God is moving in

    Rugby by the power of His holy spirit so we’re going to sing a final song is that okay we’re going to sing Happy Day let this place explode in Praise I love the fact that our children right now are in the presence of a move of God’s holy

    Spirit this is a move of God’s Holy Spirit I’m not using any other word but it is a move of God’s Holy Spirit Come On Let’s Celebrate come on come On day in history which death has beaten you have rescued me sing it out Jesus is a the empti cross the empty gra life eternal you have won the day Shout It Out Jesus is aive oh is’s a alive and oh happy day happy day you

    Watch my Sor away oh happy day happy day I’ll never be the Same forever I am Change when I stand in that place fre meeting face to face I am yours Jesus you are M and let’s Joy perfect peace Earth pain finally will Cate come on church we celebrate today he’s alive he’s and happy day happy day you was my S happy day happy day I’ll never

    Be happy day happy day you wash my sin away oh happy day happy day I’ll never be the same forever I am Sh and oh what a glorious day what a glorious you have me and what a glory what a Glorious happy day happy day you wash my S away oh happy day happy day let’s sing again oh happy day happy day you wash my sin away oh happy day happy day I’ll never be happy day happy day you wash my away oh happy day happy I’ll never be the same forever I

    Can Forever I am CH hallelujah hallelujah as we close right now just on a real practical note please don’t come down the front here cuz we need to mop it up okay God bless you can I just say if you haven’t joined us on a Tuesday night already Tuesday night 6:00 book in God is

    Moving don’t miss out on what God is doing right now God bless you have an amazing afternoon there’s still more tea and coffee and uh things and if you can help us by stacking the chairs that’ be really really helpful thank you guys I lost Hosana Jesus we’re lifting you high gra is our savior you’re bringing all things to life Singana Jesus Will lifting you high Great Is Our Savior you’re bringing all things to life we coming [Applause] [Applause] Life The W look coming down the streets are singing now as we lift up a holy shout the walls are caling down our praise will make a way so open up the G Singana Jesus Will lifting you high great is our SA yeah you’re bringing all things to life we come in a [Applause] [Applause] Light down the streets are singing now as your glory is breaking now the world the crashing down I’ll PR make away so w up the gates let your kingom come great and glorious one [Applause] singana Jesus we lifting you high Great Is Our Our Savior you’re bringing all things to life

    Sana Jesus we’re lifting you high Great Is Our Savior you’re bringing all things to life we come [Applause] In we come in a Al for


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