When you head to #Ireland, you may think of cities like #Dublin or #Kilkenny. But there are many reasons why #Galway should be on your list. From buzzing streets and vibrant festivals to sweeping bays and unforgettable landscapes, Galway is brimming with Irish culture, old and new. Escape to the City of the Tribes to see for yourself how Galway makes the most of its charms.

    Moving to Ireland? Living in Ireland? Visiting Ireland?
    Reason doesn’t matter, you simply have to visit Galway so here are 10 things to do after moving to Galway, Ireland! All in one Galway Ireland travel guide and the best Galway Ireland vlog you will find! 🙂

    We hope you all enjoy this one and we shall see you all next week.
    Cheers! 🍺




    E-mail: jakov.rakic@gmail.com

    Morning evening afternoon YouTube Welcome Back to the channel we have a good one for you today we’re going to talk about our town town we live in goldway Ireland if you’re thinking of moving to Ireland or living in Ireland just visiting Ireland Goa is definitely

    One of the Cities you should see it is in my personal opinion one of the most beautiful towns in Ireland it looks just Irish you know how Irish Irish how Ireland looks in all those American movies that’s how goway looks we have a born and bred goway girl here to take us

    Through it all hi guys welcome back to the channel that’s it that’s all you’re going to say no yeah I’m 100% Irish born and raised I got a deep line of Irish blood go blood yes was out the West yeah most of my all my family are from the

    West yes other thing we will be doing is uh trying out sushi in goldway never went for a sushi here she found a sushi restaurant so why the hell not let’s catch a bus go to town and we’re going to start talking about 10 things you should do after moving to goway Ireland without any delay number one Aron Islands there’s three of them and there’s plenty of tours from goway that go there you can even stay overnight at bed and breakfasts breakfast I don’t know if that a word in English but anyo there’s hiking biking horse riding there’s old forts ruins walls there it’s

    A nice day trip if you ask me but we’ll ask her because she was there camping last year never mind staying in the b&bs and the hostels on iron Islands the best place to stay is in the field in a tent or staying in one of those clamping

    Sites I went last year and I’m hoping to go this year again because I loved it so much me and my sister we went in August and it was roasting there and the water was beautiful and we rented bike and we on horses and it was really really something amazing I would definitely

    Recommend a trip to AR Islands but to go to inishmore cuz that’s the largest one and there’s a pretty good movie called The Benes of inishmore Benes of inish year inish year yeah I love it it was one of the well yeah one of the best

    Movies I watched last year so yeah it wasn’t everyone’s liking it was a little bit dark it was a little bit Yeah I won’t ruin it for anybody but definitely I would highly recommend watching the B chees of inish year take a day trip for from go you won’t regret it you

    Certainly will not and go in August when it’s nice and sunny and hot you go in the water and swim it’s beautiful love it number two IR Square the center of of goway it’s a place where everyone meets up go for a drink listen to basers there’s some monuments here like statues

    Which I have no idea what they mean but I’ll show them to you it’s just it’s a great place to be especially over summer there can be literally hundreds people on the grass here just laying down resting having drinks sleeping having naps it’s the main square of goway City

    So yeah can’t be a bad I love it yeah he’s right about the summer time everyone because we have all the bars around picnic socializing area which is has always a great little Vibe going on here especially uh when there’s like music being performed here cuz during

    The summer we have a lot of performers and we have like sometimes like little mini festivals but yeah it’s a fun place to be in never boring here especially if you’re a student there’s a lot of students here again especially over summer just hanging out drinking everything I just already said so I

    Won’t repeat myself yeah air square number two number three another iconic location in go city is a Sal Hill Promenade it’s a mile long walkway next to the ocean with beaches which are actually full during summer yes people do swim in Ireland during summer it’s not that cold

    And the water is not that cold some of them very swim suits but yeah you can swim it looks pretty nice it’s a very very nice nice walkway with a lot of bars restaurants pubs night life is great there and yeah herself went there

    As a kid a lot of times I love to going there as a kid we used to always get ice cream we used to always play on the coast my mom used to be paranoid that we’re all going to drown but I enjoyed my memories out there immensely and as I

    Got older my dad and I used to walk the prominade every evening with my dog dogs cuz I had many dogs in my life but it’s a great spot now don’t expect Christmas to clear waters because we have lot of seaweed but I think that adds the champ

    And it’s always good for the body they own seaweed number four part of the city you just can’t avoid shop Street Key Street and Latin Porter two important things about those streets first one is baskers there is plenty of baskers in Ireland in Ireland in well probably in

    Ireland too yeah but in go especially especially on Saturdays so if you like music there’s good ones there’s some not so good ones there’s terrible ones but there are also plenty of the excellent ones you can just see see sit in a in a pub and listen to the music and enjoy it

    For hours second important thing McDonald’s fish and chips located also in shop best fish and chips I have ever tried especially if you take a smoked uh oh what is it smoked smoke oie I guess that thing is amazing when when my mom was here she actually went there three

    Days in a row because that thing was so good we’re going to just slow down because bosers in front of us and I don’t want the music to demonetize our video but yeah anything you want to add about Latin P or uh lots of memories on

    This street love it uh brought him in his first big dates here on this well kind of off this street but it’s still shop Street um I love the restaurants here all my favorite like coffee shops are on the street and yeah this is where

    All the best shops are so if you’re a shoppy like me and it’s not as big and as um I suppose intimidating as like a bigger city like do and Belfast it’s a quieter version and it’s also nice I I I like the shopping experience now it’s

    Not a big fashionista City it’s a small town but we have Nic little pharmacies Tes and all that you can’t miss it it’s literally The Pedestrian zone of the goldway city so yeah you’ll see it so number five on the list is the gber cathedral nothing amazing it’s not the

    Best piece of work I’ve ever seen in my life but I love it I think it’s very nice um it’s close to the city center all the floor inside the cathedral is made from konara Marble and it’s just it’s just a nice place to drop into I

    Tend to swing by there once every other week um and I like to drop in a Christmas time when they have all the activities and the cpes and the tree up and I think it’s really really nice and everyone should go and visit the cathedral light a candle for a friend or

    Family that you love yeah I mean cathedral in any town like take it for me I’m not a Rel religious person at all that is not for me but any anytime I’m in a city with a cal I go and see it because there’s something about the

    Architecture and the size of it and it’s just I don’t know it’s worth seeing so plus it’s free you can just walk in walk around a little bit and yeah go and see gold Cathedral you won’t be so sorry it’s like going to Egypt and not seeing the pyramids go cathedral yeah yeah

    Compare go all the cathedal and pyramids why not I guess to me they’re in the same level oh joking only joking for anyone that’s interested we have a patreon guys and where we put our daily today lives on it our little bloopers throughout our week and stuff and we

    Have monthly lives with all our little members so if any of you guys are interested and would like to sign up there will be a little information and Link somewhere around here for you to check out it’s just the cost of a beer or a coffee or a sticky bun each month

    And we would highly appreciate it because we would like to Someday live in a boat or go travel in the world of Caravan or getting a spaceship she’s never living in a boat I’m possibly not but I would on a canal boat I’m frozen and this icy water is not helping

    A fun fact all our pipes here in Ireland are copper not plastic so in the winter every time you get water from our Taps here which you can drink it’s safe it is absolutely free reason and my poor teeth and I am shivered number six Lake corib

    The biggest lake in west of Ireland which apparently has over 300 small Islands in it I cannot say is that’s true or not but Google says it is but yeah it’s a great space space spot I guess for a day trip again you can take uh Lake cruises you can go fishing just

    Enjoy the hotels better breakfasts which do have pretty good food around the lake so yeah it’s a pretty pretty nice spot everyone there of course that’s where we all learned just womm children really it wasn’t so chill it was in the carb I didn’t know that yeah it’s like let’s

    Not go to the safety of the beach let’s just all just throw ourselves into a lake and see what happens well we survived yeah we had a few leeches on us but it’s all good there’s leeches I don’t know what to were leeches black Googy things that stuck to us probably

    Not but yeah looks nice as you probably saw if I put the Drone footage over all of this but yeah that was number Six Number seven Spanish Arch Prem medieval site but the Spanish Arch itself was constructed in 1584 as part of City’s defenses and walls looks pretty cool I tried to film it today there but there’s some kind of construction so I can’t show you that unfortunately but you can Google it I

    Guess also a site where students and anyone during summer just go and you bring your own drinks sit there enjoy the nature because there’s a quite nice view of uh of a River and goway Bay from there so yeah nice place check it out so eight on our list is the konara national

    Park love it it’s a great beautiful area of goway that must be seen um I’ve gone several times with my with my dad with yakob and his friends and his family that’s come to visit us but you definitely need to have a car if you’re trying to get there but there’s also Alo

    Tours running from gway City that will bring you the whole way out the Atlantic way and show you the gleno Abby show you the landscape you can see the coast it’s beautiful um Clifton is another part of kona and when we were younger we used to

    Stay with uh relatives of mine and we used to go down to the pier and stuff and we also have a video of a day trip that me and my dad done to a castle kind of grounds out there in Kar we’ll link it somewhere here and you can watch it

    It’s an old video but it was a really really fun day with me and my dad number nine CLI of moer I mean you can’t have a list like this without Cliffs of moer it looks absolutely fantastic you don’t realize how huge those Cliffs are until

    You get there trust me the video it doesn’t do it justice if you’re going there from goway there’s plenty of day trips where where you have a whole like a tour you stop at dangu Castle I think that’s how it’s called dangu Castle it’s 16th century Castle overlooking go Bay

    As part of a tour but they also have like medieval dinners with traditional arish music and stuff like that which you can do there it’s quite expensive if I remember but yeah you can do that if you’re into it there’s some caves on the way to the cliffs it’s generally one of

    The best trips you can take from goway number 10 last but not the least the day trip we are doing next our next adventure is Westport now why Westport you might ask well because our patreons decided so we gave them an option to choose are we going to Cliff then or

    Westport it’s just two towns that are pretty close to to to go you can be there with a bus just over an hour I think ticket is like 15 so not so much but yeah if you have anything to to suggest us what to see in Westport

    Around Westport we rented a car so we we have some freedom of where to go and when to go and that will be our next video not that was wrong not the next video after this one but yeah not next day trip very exciting yeah and we will

    Inform you in a whole video how that was if you want to see how our day trip videos looks like we will uh pin pin comment I don’t know in the description there’ll be a day trip video from art loan which is actually pretty well watched that would be our 10 points we

    Have some bonus ones but uh yeah she’ll going to she’s going to tell you about the bonus ones so have a few more bonus things to do while you’re here in my lovely city we have a museum here in the goway city we also have H Cinemas or

    Theater halls or whatever you call them which I think are great fun to go to see another one is the aquarium in go City it’s so lovely um we recently had visitors come and they went out to see the aquarium and they really enjoyed the experience these things are not that

    Expensive d That’s my bonus points that took 20 minutes through burning Fire never thought i’ to miss you night now when we’re full of sushi if you like this video press the like button if you didn’t press the dislike one if you loved it press the Subscribe button check our patreon and we’ll see you next week you know you love this

    Video so thanks for checking in guys and hi to anybody that’s new Welcome to our Channel hit the like love subscribe we’re going home so bye Bye never thought I’d be so far from home never thought I love could grow so cold never thought we had to run through burning fire never thought I had to miss you and night never thought I’d be so far from home never thought I love could grow so Cold


    1. Happy Sunday everyone and a big welcome to any newbie’s. ☺️👋🫶🙂
      We risked life and limb making this week’s video in pre storm conditions but we did it and equally enjoyed + It’s also a great excuse to go for food and beers 😂 winning!

      Don’t forget to like,love and subscribe and we will see you all in the next one. 👋🫶🥰

    2. My wife and I spent a day in Galway and loved it, it's a really nice city and the aquarium is really interesting. We have plans to visit the cliffs of Moher next time

    3. Beautiful is great but, people need to consider how much they can tolerate THE WIND. Galway for me was hands down HELL NO! Because of the weekly tornado blowing through they call the breeze. I wish to offer my most sincere apologies to Lorraine and the channel for any insults incurred by Americans. I will tell you that we have a great deal in common with the largest group of immigrants in America, and those would be German. We're not quite as direct, as raw as Germans but, we are closer than we believe. Sometimes, keyboard warriors can simply be arseholes. So, forgive me Lorraine and Corrky if ever I have had that crown. I truly do find Irish pizza disgusting HOWEVER, last time someone held me down and made me eat was never! The thing I wouldn´t expect you two to mention is the SEX! If you´re a player or single, and you can´t get laid in Galway, then nowhere! The bars and nightlife (sex) is amazing.

    4. Galway is a great city, small enough to walk around, loads of nice food places, bars etc. Co Galway is just so beautiful though. Hire a car and just explore. The Aran islands are really special too. Loved the drone shots in this one, great video as per always. Well done you two 😊

    5. My friend from Galway told me about McDonagh's on my first trip there and when I did a bus transfer on my way to Clifden from DUB I made sure to leave enough layover time to run down there and get back to the bus! Also made sure to eat one meal there on a recent day trip to Galway. I cheered when you mentioned it! 😂

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