BREAKING NEWS: You can subscribe to our channel, like our videos and click on the Super Thanks button below so that you do not miss the videos prepared by our team, including the latest developments and special reports on the war in Ukraine. The Baltic republics, particularly those next to the region, are starting to experience significant disruptions as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s use of its occupation practices forced Finland, Estonia, and Latvia to adopt drastic security measures, rekindling the migratory issue and causing unrest along its borders with the Baltic republics. Over the past few days, there has been a steady increase in the number of asylum seekers coming to the US eastern border…

    #Russia #Ukraine #Donbas #ukrainewar #war #putin #Bakhmut #Luhansk #Crimea

    The Baltic republics particularly those next to the region are starting to experience significant disruptions as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Russia’s use of its occupation practices forced Finland Estonia and lvia to adopt drastic security measures rekindling the migratory issue and causing unrest along its borders with the Baltic

    Republics over the past few days there has been a steady increase in the number of Asylum Seekers coming to the US eastern border the Baltic republics closed their borders with Russia out of fear that the Kremlin was exploiting desperate individuals as a tool to incite a migrant catastro at rophe on

    The continent a number of nations including Finland Estonia laa Norway and Poland made the decision to block their borders and keep a careful eye on the threats that Russia posed since Russian President Vladimir Putin began his fullscale invasion of Ukraine these nations have continued to act as Mainland Russia despite the sanctions

    Placed on a number of items nonetheless the Nations have implemented deterrent measures on their borders with Russia in response to the recent un rest along the Baltic and Nordic Border Lines as well as the migrant issue in reaction to the growing risk at their borders Poland was

    The first to take action and block its borders with Belarus and Russia after 2022 Finland Estonia and laia quickly began to adopt comparable policies to those of Poland Norway on the other hand has brought up border closures on several occasions however because of its borders with Russia and its more moderate links

    To the Kremlin Oslo has up to this point witnessed Russia’s operations NATO issued a warning in response to finland’s decision to join the transatlantic military Alliance prompting deterrent actions among NATO member states NATO issued a warning claiming that Russia was applying pressure on other European nations through migration Finland has been the most

    Well-known Baltic Nation to follow the eu’s directive and impose deterrent measures along its 1,340 km border with Russia in recent weeks over 600 individuals have arrived in Finland from various countries such as Afghanistan Yemen Somalia and Morocco with a large number of them arriving without the necessary

    Papers it is unclear how they were able to enter and exit Russia without the authorities backing Russia recently assisted approximately a thousand migrants without Finnish visas who arrived at The Finnish border although this was by no means a large number Russia’s attempt to so dis scord and doubt was

    Reprehensible furthermore the number of refugees attempting to enter Finland became increasingly significant every day Finland swiftly shut down the majority of border crossings in retaliation leaving only the northernmost Arctic border unlocked however Russia was unfaced and responded by sending people there as well the Finnish government subsequently

    Declared the closure of this Crossing as well the Helsinki Administration decided that the Border restriction would last for roughly 2 weeks it seems to operate this way the Border blockage caused the cessation of arrivals of migrants under Russian Direction but Asylum Seekers resurfaced when Finland reopened two Crossings following the bicycle problem

    The Russian authorities provided bicycles to all of the newly arrived migrants just after this occurred more than 200 Asylum Seekers had already applied to finish border guards according to retired Major General p kavi a newly elected Member of Parliament and the country’s former head of military intelligence this was soon before

    Helsinki closed the Border once more the Helsinki Administration did however just declare that finland’s border with Russia will stay closed until January 14th helsinki’s plans now come to an end with this decision The Finnish Administration demonstrated commitment and promptness by closing the Border twice it seemed conceivable that a

    Asylum Seekers transported there by the Russian authorities would reappear when the Finnish authorities gradually reopened some Crossing points however helsinki’s resolve prevented an otherwise untenable situation at least momentarily however the region will undoubtedly experiened some issues motivated by the Kremlin as a result of finland’s decision to block the Border

    We are certain that certain ethnic Russians in Finland will continue to plan disruptive rallies turning day into night if the helling Administration decides to keep the Border closed this will most likely prompt the Kremlin to once again turn the migratory crisis into a weapon Russian President Vladimir Putin’s accusations that

    Finland is being forced into NATO and his Declaration of the resurrection of the former Leningrad military sector May further exacerbate tensions in the area it is necessary to examine finland’s response to Putin’s Choice more closely shortly after Putin’s declaration Finland and the using to defense cooperation pact that granted the us

    Access to 15 Finnish military installations though not necessarily the ones nearest to the border now the Kremlin has an excuse to start more hybrid games against Finland however Russia will probably be taking a risk if it leads migrants to the unfenced forested sections of the border now that the Border Lines are

    Blocked with all of this we can be certain that the Finnish government will act swiftly in the event that Russia tries additional strategies to destabilize Finland making it much more difficult for a genuine state of instability to reappear in Finland the fins also exhibit strong inter agency coordination and a commendable habit of

    Engaging in war scenarios during hypothetical crisis involving Russia for instance the police helped the Border guard manage the crowd while the Finnish Defense Forces helped the Border guard erect walls and obstacles at The Crossings the Estonian foreign minister has warned that MOS has orchestrated a blatant hybrid attack causing a recent

    Dramatic increase in the number of migrants arriving at the US eastern border from Africa and the Middle East which could result in a complete ban on crossings from Russia margus sakna said that all these factors curb Russia’s Lawless policies but that in addition to Finland the Kremlin is reportedly plotting chaos in

    Estonia if the situation doesn’t improve the Baltic nation is prepared to cut off its border with Russia furthermore the the Estonian foreign Ministry advised its people not to travel to Russia in a travel advisory simultaneously after Finland closed all of its borders with Russia Estonian interior Minister Lori lanets

    Declared that the government had plans to deal with a possible increase in the number of Crossings and accused the Kremlin of seeking to exacerbate the migrant problem the Kremlin refuted the charges made near the Estonian border however in order to cause trouble at the borders and disseminate Moscow

    Propaganda in Nations like Poland and Lithuania Putin’s government has been unable to penetrate the Baltic states where Belarus and Ally of Russia has been filling in as in Estonia Belarus was thus charged with adopting Russian style strategies including arranging flights from areas impacted by crises such as Syria and Iraq and inciting

    Individuals in need to cross the border observers discovered that the presidential election was rigged in Alexander Lucas shenk’s favor prompting Belarus to intensify its measures including a harsh Crackdown on domestic opposition following Western sanctions on the longtime leader among the Nations where the rise was most noticeable was

    Poland as a result the Warsaw government has tightened security along Poland’s border with Belarus at the two polish road crossing points with kenrad this lady and gaki the Polish border guard screened 177,000 to 14 persons in the 5 days from December 23rd to December 27th the Border guard cleaned

    4,198 automobiles during that time these numbers were recently higher than the amount of traffic that would typically cross the border in a month identically there were 5,000 Sasha 128 crossers in 2021 compared to 9,192 in 2022 as a result it is possible that Nations like Finland Estonia Poland lvia

    Or Lithuania will take similar preventive and deterrent actions if Russia and bellarus continue to use the migration crisis and other issues as a means of causing chaos at the Baltic borders this is because no state or government wants to deal with any kind of chaos on its

    Borders make sure to watch the movies our team has put together which include the special reports and the most recent one about the fighting between the two forces on the Eastern Southern and Northeastern fronts the fighting on the East and Northeast fronts is limited to positional conflicts however it is

    Notable that more ground and air operations are being conducted in the South but in spite of everything the Ukrainian Army once again showed the world how much more capable of an offensive they are than the Russians the Ukrainian Army successfully counterattacked the Russians in orianka southeast of cians and liberated 1.7

    Square km of ground demonstrating extraordinary dedication the Ukrainian General staff’s investigation indicates that fighting between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers is still going on over locations on the cians spova criminal line but as of right now there are no verified alterations occurring on the front lines in the area the Ukrainian general staff

    Reported that Ukrainian forces successfully counterattacked near oranka forcing Russian forces to retreat from 1.7 Square km of land during the Counterattack Ukrainian forces destroyed the Munitions and armored equipment of the Russian army neutralizing over 61,2 15 Russian soldiers the Russian defense Ministry meanwhile said that positional conflicts

    In the area persisted and declined to comment on the Counterattack strong positional battles between the two armies are reportedly taking place in the following areas Northeast of cians close to Sova and Lake Lyman Southwest of spova close to mfka and Neva West of crina in the tatura and yapa areas Southwest of crina

    In the dubova area and south of crina in the Sarah brinsky Forest Area additionally Ukrainian officials stated that the Russian army had moved southeast of sers and north of viil along the railway line making a minor gain although there were no reports of Ukrainian military losses Ukrainian troop locations were saved by permitting

    The Russian Advance the combat in batch Mount the the scene of the most significant engagements of the Ukrainian war is still going on batch Mount which has turned into a point of Pride for Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding out against the Russians thanks to the outstanding Ukrainian Army

    Defense positional conflicts persist in bmud southern region aside from the center the front line in the region hasn’t changed though according to Reliable Reports pitched battles are still going on in the districts of bonava Northwest of Bach mud kro west of Bach mud and cleva and andreva Southwest

    Of Bach mud winter has come and the sides are fighting like they did in the first world war from positions despite the fact that the winter weather in Ukraine is not ideal for heated contact the parties do not wish to abandon their positions in order to prevent casualties under these bad

    Circumstances in spite of this 49 conflicts happened all around Ukraine the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Left Bank of the dener in the temporarily seized area of the kersen region were the target of four unsuccessful strikes by the Russian military today Ukrainian armed forces

    Units firmly hold the defense they keep the Russian forces Under Fire while defending the places they have taken the Russian military attacked Ukrainian Villages during the day with 32 missile attacks 65 air strikes and 42 rocket launcher shellings the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s Air Force retaliated by hitting 11

    Locations that were home to a concentration of Russian military personnel armaments and Equipment the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces destroyed seven Russian k101 KH 55 V5 KH 55 cruise missiles and one KH 59 guided air missile the Russian soldiers weapons and equipment were concentrated in three places that were targeted by Ukrainian

    Missile forces one ammunition storage facility one ew station for anti-aircraft defense units and nine artillery Vehicles there was no change in the operational situation in the polya and volen directions there were no indications that hostile factions were forming with the slobby jansy and cerski directions the Russians persisted with their

    Sabotage and reconnaissance efforts the number of mines and explosive barriers along the Ukrainian border is growing as a result of the Russian army bombarding heavily populated areas Russian air strikes on two kke region residential neighborhoods additionally Russian Artillery and mortar fire headed toward C and struck more than 35 communities in

    The sui region including kvka coton papava Bine gev plva bans and pakinov the Ukrainian Defense Forces repulsed four Russian strikes in the Sova District of the K region the kke regions pain and ivanovka towns were the targets of air strikes by the Russian military mortar and artillery fire

    Targeted around 10 communities in the kke region including petro pavlovka ivanovka and barava directed against the lineman at the doneto explosion and the lansco explosion at mka the Ukrainian Defense Forces repulsed four strikes the nevy bagara Sarah Bonk forests in the lansco EXP explosion and the cers and doneto explosions were targeted by

    Russian air strikes Russian Artillery and mortar fire impacted about 15 settlements including the blasts of bagara and lansco as well as jampola torsa sarenka Verno chansa spera rosalva and denet goast the Ukrainian Defense Forces similarly repelled the Russian Onslaught in the kicheva area of the denet region

    The denet region bodva District was the target of an air strike by the Russian military artillery and mortar fire hit over 10 settlements in the denet region including bodva Ivanova kicheva and dka Ukrainian soldiers advancing from the abva direction repulsed 10 attacks in the detet regions severai Pomsky and

    Novaly districts as well as five attacks in the nvac medeva and adiva districts Additionally the oak in a village in the detet region was the target of an air strike by the Russians Russian Artillery and mortar fire in the marinsky direction struck over 10 settlements in the denet region

    Including noach muva stov adiva and perom Misa there were 16 unsuccessful attempts by the Ukrainian Defense Forces aided by the Russian Air Force to breach the Ukrainian troops positions right here in the denet region the UK ukan Defense Forces continue to keep Russian forces out of range and are demonstrating First Rate

    Defense Russian Artillery and mortar fire was directed at settlements like melava piskova herka goriva poiata Novo and crno the Ukrainian Defense Forces repulsed three Russian attacks in the denet region south of prika and west of stay offski Russian Artillery and mortar fire struck more than 10 settlements in

    The zapas G direction of the denet region including bodian bugar Pika and storka Ukrainian soldiers in the roboty area repulsed two attacks the Russians used artillery and mortars to Shell about 20 settlements in the zapia region including tmka robotan pavka malanka chna and Mala no injuries were reported

    In the Curson Direction which Falls within the area of responsibility of the Odessa air defense unit Russian Artillery fired upon the regional center which is located in the kerson area and includes the communities of mova satav neovi and vinsky additionally the towns of shervan Mike Smitha and the kersen region were

    The targets of air strikes by the Russian military according to the Ukrainian general staff during the previous two days of fighting the Russian army lost 1240 Personnel 25 tanks 34 armored vehicles 10 10 artillery batteries 103 drones 122 missiles and a significant quantity of ammunition according to the Ukrainian

    General staff there were twice as many wounded Russian soldiers as there were dead what are your thoughts on this then leave a comment with your thoughts subscribe to our Channel and enable alerts to be notified when new videos are posted with the help of the US and

    The West the Ukrainian Army is still making an impact on the the Russians on the battlefield the fact that Russian forces stationed in Ukraine frequently use Antiquated military equipment and weaponry from the Soviet era has a significant impact on how battles in the combat zone play out recently these

    Impacts have been observed on multiple front lines particularly in the abka hamlet of the denet region the bichi or ketna settlement near abiva Kina in the Eastern portion of luhansk as well as several areas of Cubans in the Cara blast where were among these front lines however the ukrainians executed

    Their most significant ground offensive to date in adiva using Western armored vehicles and military hardware it was asserted that the ukrainians spent a long period preparing for this Onslaught let’s examine every aspect of this complex ground offensive operation in adka and delve more into the events of the previous combat Mission the 47th

    Separate mechanized Brigade one of the best forces in Ukraine reportedly took the field in the settlement after concluding the preparations for the operation in adiva among the Ukrainian Army’s most western units was this brigade the brigade’s restructuring into the 47th mechanized Brigade and its outfitting

    With m55 s panthera T6 BMP 1 Leopard 2 and m2a2 ODS Bradley’s heralded a shift in the overall course of events in the city and even in the denet region when it appeared in the battle arena since then the men of the Brigade have taken part in intense battles on

    Various fronts and donets including ariva today the Press reported that the soldiers of the Brigade unexpectedly engaged Russian forces in adiva using an americanmade Bradly infantry Fighting Vehicle soldiers from the 47th separate mechanized Brigade launched a massive offensive operation against the Russian prisoners positions north of the abiva cooking Factory cart the Ukrainian

    Commander of the Brigade oversaw this crucial action the US made Bradley armored vehicles were the primary reason behind the Ukrainian Army’s victory in the operation these vehicles are exclusive to the Ukrainian Army’s 47th Brigade these formidable armored vehicles greatly improved the brigade’s grip in abva at the start of the mission Russian

    Grad missiles hit one of the M2 Bradley armored vehicles approaching Russian positions but no soldier from the 47th Brigade was hurt by the missile because of the great level of protection provided by the vehicle the brigade’s other armored vehicles M2 Bradley’s passed the ABD of kakoke factory and because of their greater maneuverability

    Entered Russian positions nearby using to anti-tank guns 7.62 mm coaxial machine guns and 25 mm Cannon the soldiers of the 47th Brigade launched a strong bombardment attack on the Russian Force’s positions such that they were Within firing range of the armored vehicles following this bombardment the Bradley’s 25mm chain guns were able to

    Breach the Russian positions defensive columns the Russian forces close to the facility were overpowered by the tow guided anti-tank rockets in these attacks the Russians lost a great deal of ground bradle armored vehicles were used by Ukrainian Brigade soldiers to move further in the region with the goal

    Of driving out any remaining Russian troops from the vicinity of the the factory during the last stages of the operation the 47th Brigade soldiers surrounded and seized possession of the plant the ukrainians gained a notable advantage in this operation by using Bradley armored vehicles which were

    First used in combat in the summer of 2023 the US has dispatched four Bradley fire support team vehicles and 186 Bradley ifes to Ukraine thus far Ukraine has likely utilized between 100 120 Bradley armored vehicles in operations while the remaining vehicles are likely being used for spare parts or training

    Zelinsky’s troops made major victories in other sectors of the front lines thanks to Western armaments and military equipment in addition to the advantage that bradle armored vehicles gave Ukraine at abva the front line of crina was one of these sites the Ukrainian Armed Forces stopped a violent Breakthrough by

    Russian forces east of the settlement of tney located just Northwest of crina contrary to Russian military reports geolocated photographs show that they were unable to make any meaningful progress despite claims that they had gained an advantage in the area opposition to the Ukrainian occupation of the area persists Western assistance to the

    Ukrainians in luhansk is one of the most significant factors expected to change the course of events in the region the Russians use of their military reserves in large parts of the luhansk region espe especially in cria is expected to give the ukrainians an advantage in the region in the coming days the

    Consequences of Russia’s losses and damage are gradually abating in other areas of Ukraine especially in the wake of Russia’s intense air strikes on kke the most recent aid from the US and the West aims to stabilize the situation in the city conflicts persisted in several areas of Copans in the kblast a

    Few days after the invasion as Ukraine remains present in the city the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ground Forces command Lieutenant Colonel volodimir fio of Copans stated that Russia is currently experiencing significant challenges as a result of us assistance it stated that because of the worsening weather offensive activities

    In Russia’s capan region have slowed down recently it’s possible that the circumstances made it easier for the Ukrainian Army to fortify its defenses and step up military preparations in the area attacks on civilians by Russians remain a worry in the city Russian forces are attempting to reorganize in

    Order to turn around these unfavorable circumstances particularly in capan Lyman and Bach mud according to Alexander zeri the commander of the ground forces the enemy reassembled in the direction of linemen in the cians direction and continued their intense offensive efforts in the direction of bmud and kopans according to the Ukrainian

    General Russian forces are hitting the area around sinova Hamlet on a regular basis with the intention of establishing a bridge head before striking kopans additionally Alexander zeri declared that guided bomb attacks and active use of air Power by the enemy are occurring in this direction Additionally the Ukrainian

    General offered a critical evaluation of Batman’s circumstances as well as those around the settlement cersi reported that the enemy is attempting to get closer to shakespare town while tense fighting is still going on in the batchman direction close to the botka community many people believe that these Russian efforts will be feudal the

    Significant casualties incurred by the Russian army mostly support this opinion the Ukrainian military responded to the most recent Russian casualties by publishing a video showing its soldiers taking down three Russian bot a defense systems in less than a week the Press Services footage captured from a Ukrainian aerial drone showed the

    Targets being hit from a distance this caused massive flames and clouds of smoke to rise into the air according to the Press Office of the Ukrainian Special Operations forces the 29 c36 detecting and targeting stations in the Eastern detet region were the exact locations where the Russian air defense

    Systems were destroyed the Ukrainian defense Ministry made a brief video public earlier this week demonstrating the deactivation of a Russian book air defense system according to reports the 14th separate Regiment of Ukraine took the video furthermore Ukrainian Special Forces recently announced that they successfully disabled a high Mar’s radar

    System supplied by the US belonging to the Russian army in conclusion the recent events on the battlefield demonstrate that despite Russia’s attempts to apply pressure and domination over Ukraine the Ukrainian Army has a significant tactical and budgetary Edge thanks to support from the West particularly the US as a result

    The Russian army is suffering unprecedented losses and Ukraine is advancing steadily in the direction of an ultimate Triumph we appreciate your interest in following us you can subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click on the super thanks button below so that you do not miss the videos

    Prepared by our team including the latest developments and special reports on the war in Ukraine you can subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click on the super thanks button below so that you do not miss the videos prepared by our team including the latest developments and special reports on the

    War in Ukraine


    1. All baltic countries should shut there boarders to Russia, let's not forget Finland has been at war with Russia before in the 40s I believe, and Finland made it very hard for Russia.

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