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    A close look at the presidential motorcade, the various tasks of the vehicles within it and the enormous security measures surrounding a trip by a US president.

    Special thanks to Nikolas Durante for providing music for this video:

    Images via Getty, AP Newsroom
    Map source by MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors via Geolayers 3

    It is the worst nightmare of the Secret Service an attack on the president of the United States while he’s traveling hidden beneath this manhole cover is a bomb that went undetected and it can be triggered remotely just seconds from now the presidential motorcade will be passing

    Over exactly this spot but this is not the only danger a few blocks away there is is a second fret located in a dimly lit room a sniper is overlooking the intersection where the president will soon be and a little further down the road a van with tinted windows is parked close

    To the blocked off streets inside a man is preparing a rocket launcher that will soon be aimed at the motorcade fortunately these free scenarios are purely fictional but they will demonstrate the rigorous effort the Secret Service undertakes to ensure that the president remains secure during travel while the president is still

    About 2 minutes away from the manhole cover with the bomb the first car of the motor Cate the route car is already driving past this spot this car together with the pilot car ensures that the road is clear of obstructions the sweepers which are primarily motorcycles follow the route

    Car and pilot car and help clear the road ahead however they are unable to identify the bomb and the core of the motorcade consisting of Secret Service vehicles with the president on board is approaching as the president’s limousine rolls towards the manhole cover a person remotely pulls the trigger and suddenly nothing happens

    The remote trigger didn’t work and that is because of this car the electronic countermeasure Suburban one of the most technically impressive vehicles in the motor Cate on its roof antennas emit radio frequencies that drown out any bomb activation signal this technique is called barage jamming and it essentially

    Works by the antennas emitting such a strong noise signal that other signals simply cannot get through and so the motorcade continues undisturbed towards the second threat the sniper in the window located behind the electronic countermeasure Suburban is the president’s vehicle commonly known by its nickname the Beast however you can

    Never be sure in which car the president is as there are two identical presidential limousines on the road following behind are two cars carrying the president’s most important security Personnel ready to take action in the event of an attack this is the so-called halfback in which the president’s personal Secret Service agents are

    Located no matter what happens these agents will stay with the president the other car carries the counter assault team these heavily armed agents can remain on site and fight off and attack this creates a secure buffer between attackers and the president Behind these cars are the control car and the support car these

    Transport additional Secret Service agents essential presidential staff as well as the president’s personal doctor but unknown to any of them they are currently approaching another threat as the motorcade arrives at the intersection the sniper has scouted out the fact that there are two identical cars makes it difficult for

    The shooter but unfortunately he catches a glimpse through the glass aims and pulls the trigger such a scenario naturally brings back memories of the 1963 assassination of John F Kennedy who was shot while driving his motorcade through Dallas since that time the presidential limousine has undergone many changes

    Kennedy’s car was a specially modified 1961 Lincoln Continental unfortunately though only a few of the adjustments made were related to security improvements the car was retrofitted with a luxurious heating and air conditioning system as well as lights Sirens fire extinguishers and radio telephones for communication the car was

    Also extended to include a middle row of jump pump seats that can fold away when not in use in addition the roof was made to be completely removable and the cushion on the rear Bank where the president sits was raised both these modifications were designed to make the

    President more visible to the public unfortunately it also made him more vulnerable after Kennedy’s assassination the car was massively rebuilt a top of bulletproof glass was installed and the body of the car was now protected with titanium armor perhaps somewhat symbolic the light convertible appearance representative of a hopeful time was

    Built up into a tank set to protect his more divisive successor luckily today’s limousine is well prepared for such an attack and the shot has absolutely no chance of success the current Beast has been in service since September 2018 and is a completely custombuilt vehicle by General Motors

    Although visually reminiscent of a sedon the car was actually built based on a truck platform this was necessary to support the over 15,000lb heavy armored vehicle the interior is hermetically sealed against any form of chemical attack the tires are able to continue driving even when shot and the doors are

    8 in thick and equipped with handles that with the switch of a button can be electrified in order to prohibit entry to Outsiders always inside the car there is a storage of blood of the same blood type as the president it is a luxury tank designed to withstand any possible

    Threat but the biggest challenge in our scenario is Yet to Come As just two blocks away way the van with the rocket launcher prepares to test the car’s endurance behind the solid core of vehicles directly protecting the president are a few larger Vans these carry the Press pool of reporters that

    Travel with the president this car behind is the ID car it functions as the motor Cates Communications Hub relaying information between the different vehicles and identify in problems early on behind that is the Hazardous Materials mitigation unit a vehicle equipped to respond to biological chemical and even nuclear attacks it carries the necessary

    Equipment and Personnel to treat the effects of such an attack effectively this is the so-called Road Runner recognizable by the antenna above the roof this car is the mobile communication Hub of the motorcade ensuring that the president is fully operational at all times the car provides satellite and

    Internet communications and it feeds a direct encrypted link to the Pentagon allowing the president to hold secure phone and video conversations even when on road at the back of the motorcade a local ambulance will follow just in case anything happens and signifying the end of the motorcade are the so-called rear

    Guards local police cars that make sure that no other cars drive into the motorade from the back at this point the presidential limousine arrives at the intersection with the van quickly a man jumps out and aims the rocket launcher directly at the limousine For this case the presidential limousines and the electronic countermeasure vehicle are equipped with smoke grenades as soon as they are triggered the cars disappear in the Smoke preventing a clear line of sight this so-called infrared smoke screen is composed in such a way that it conceals the heat signature of objects that means

    That even more complex guided missile would not succeed in tracking the target meanwhile the Beast fle the scene the presidential motorcade is a highly fought for system although the enormous number of cars may seem a bit arbitrary at first glance a closer look reveals that the different Vehicles all

    Fulfill different tasks and together function as a White House on Wheels though it’s probably fair to say that besides Justified security concerns there’s also some element of projecting power at play here today the motorcade managed to successfully avert three different dangers but the motorcade is only one

    Part of a huge security apparatus with another element being Air Force 1 the call sign for a heavily modified Boeing 747 on which the president travels this plane was severely tested when it served as a refuge for George Bush during the attacks on the country on September 11 2001 with the president

    Spending much of that day on board for my next video I took a look at this special perspective on September 11 and you can watch that video already right now on nebula where I upload all my videos first and not only not only that nebula is also where you can see

    Exclusive videos that I made just for nebula subscribers such as the one I produced about the bin Laden raid detailing how this military operation unfolded because nebula is a subscription service I can work with higher budgets for these videos creating way more ambitious projects and this support has enabled me to increase my

    Production quality for my YouTube videos as well allowing me to do things I could have only dreamed of 2 years ago besides me you can find incredible shows exclusive to nebula from many other educational creators as we are all building this streaming site together with everything included in one

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    Out nebula and thank you so much for watching this Video


    1. Quality is very good, but you fucked up a lot of people's attention by telling
      them that the RPG is neutralized by smoke, which is triggered if someone in the convoy sees the RPG. And that's passive protection. Which does absolutely nothing if the attacker hides well.

    2. Neo, love the content. I just wanted to correct one simple thing. Air Force One is actually the call sign for whatever aerial vehicle the president is in at that time. If he is in the presidents helicopter, that’s airforce one as well.
      Just wanted to put that out there just in case you need it.

    3. Correction: Air Force One is not a specific aircraft. It's whatever aircraft that the president is currently in. The Boeing aircraft you mention is simply the most frequently used aircraft by the president, and the reason for that is because of all the customizations it has, but the Boeing aircraft itself is not Air Force One.

    4. So next comes the vehicle carrying all necessaries for building The White House if needed. After it comes another one fully packed with all the government and voters. The closing vehicle carries the spaceship in case apocalypse so that a president can leave the Earth

    5. for real though, i just dont know how and why this info would be disclosed to anyone, so this can be a total misinformation play here. things are ever changing? neat video though.

    6. Bad animation! Things out of context!

      How can a 12mm car withstand an RPG attack?
      If a tank is 90mm thick and still takes RPG damage, how can the car still dodge the RPG and still survive?
      Imagine if it's a double-charged RPG.

      And how is a car going to protect itself from timer bombs that aren't remotely controlled?

      And another thing that doesn't make sense is why a sneak attacker would use heat-guided missiles to hit a car?
      Have you thought about a kamekase drone attack?
      That car would turn to dust!

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