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    Yeah just see the setup there see Alex brick Jas gone over to that far right side as we suggested in the graphic here we go then so back under the lights at the stadium of light another odd kickoff time of Friday evening it’s because we’re being

    Broadcast on Sky Sports over here in the UK this evening yeah I don’t mind that one to be fair the Friday Friday night games I think especially if you have a yeah played in a fair few yeah and if you have a good result as well you can

    Maybe have a little relaxing weekend can’t you enjoy it with the [Applause] family how important is his first 20 minutes or so yeah trying and set the tone don’t you even earlier than that really first 510 try and dominate the ball as I mentioned there trying zip it about a

    Little bit bit of intensity into the play really don’t let Hull settle in and just stay in their shape try and move them about as you see there is Trey H come across the left back Jensen in it right back on the for side I had a chat with you before the

    Game just about how important it is for those Center back pairings and you suggest that yeah I thought you wouldn’t want to disrupt that no possibly I was thinking maybe luke9 if we go to a three luke9 sitting in front with Jensen Danny Bart and Trey hum as the sorry Danny

    Bart Danny Ballard as the uh as the back three uh but no stick with the four Pierre in there danil as well allowed the ball in these early exchanges Neil that’s [Applause] Pritchard ja Clark Mak some ground kept in by Tre yeah it’s going to see soon as he

    Gets the ball there Jack you see two or three whole players across doubling up on him not allowing him inside nicely done by danil he couldn’t get the return of Ren tan takes it h could counter here yeah Lilo on the left for Hull as

    Well say down at their place he come on on the right didn’t he so doy out on the right hand side down below was the number eight coming into the side this evening for H yeah and then was caral and two fers are front pairing Jo pressing alard Reeves comes through picks it

    [Applause] up yeah I think in the week they set up in a in a 442 really didn’t see the game but just having a look at it I think they went with 442 and simar this evening you see it there 4231 as well but they’ve obviously have to change

    Because of personnel who was [Applause] available [Applause] blasted through the middle few shots of hum ball on the far side nothing given Pritchard tries to advance he’s stopped intercepted by EA he’s Lou Coy do again eal gets his body in the way it’s the second time under a minute

    Yeah SC as well Pier I think he’s had mixed weeks really I think he was actually not bad down at Hull few weeks ago then he’s had one or two and different performances needs to get back to it levels he set earlier in the season I [Applause] think

    Jobed over the top by Jensen S Clark takes it well Clark was looking for Pritchard I think going to get it back Som out no it’s gone the other way yeah well it was loose wasn’t it Jack BL the loose pass and I think he plays it into Twan

    Who gives it back to us ref doesn’t feel there’s anything in Alex pit I think picks the ball up expecting the free kick but he doesn’t get it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] D head down but he gets a decent ball in it’s not cleared yet it is now by

    Ewar only as far as Alfie [Applause] Jones Cole interesting to see what car valo does tonight isn’t it here he is he’s getting on the ball a little bit now was only last minute or so trying to tick them obiously not a natural Striker as he just likes to drop

    In get on the ball so still unable to get it might do now through job turns into trouble the foul as I say I expect it from Hull you know they they good in terms of their possession starts this season they like to have a bit of the ball and first few

    Minutes we settled in the better of the two sides really first couple of minutes but you see there what they’re capable of stringing 203 passes together and you could just add a little bit of frustration in the crowd wanting somebody to go challenging touch is [Applause] danil [Applause] seal and Neil Under Pressure

    Beautiful [Applause] Pritchard jobs continued his run couldn’t get on the end of it though yeah see what he’s looking for it’s good from suland playing out from the back it was lovely touch from Alex pitw just killed it into to the path I think it

    Was it Dan Neil out to Jensen seals and then see D do this time and time again getting pressed it’s almost he got his eyes in the back of his head hasn’t he at times and yeah rolls out of it you see just a a yard or so too much on it

    Looking for job at the far post oh loose pitard is he fancy one he does you know yeah Jones wasn’t it sloppy pass you see Hull trying to play out and one or two having a word back there was P going for this one do you think we

    See get it look at the bottom of your just stand up too much on it yeah just trying to hang it up yeah over hits it it’s a couple isn’t it be disappointed with that Alex Pritchard [Applause] Trey Hume comes across gets it plays it to Jack Clark still going Jack

    Clark cannons it off an orange shirt so get Trey done well do you know when Trey does well actually when they tried to play out cuz it’s coil isn’t it he he he BB on there he’s 2V1 and he gambles and he just Nicks it off him to start the

    Attack and once Jack’s lost it he carries on his run tray and does well to win the corner taken short pitard will deliver now to deep one they go for another you know yeah I think was it Joe R the back trying to get around the back and doy as

    I said there does well at the far [Applause] [Applause] post Tyler Morton in there with Trey hum he’s involved in a controversial sending off a couple of weeks [Applause] ago CL him really well there too much space there just knocked it past his man went around him like he wasn’t

    There b trying to work it out say Mor got sent off didn’t he against Sheffield Wednesday it’s been rinded I think it’s one of those ones he mo the ball the ball 10 minutes gone here at the stadium flight Sol nil whole nil some looking the more likely in the opening

    Exchanges l n comes across but actually jumps into Trey Hume I can’t understand why the referees if anyone he hit yeah had the Run didn’t he TR below the flight ball and Luke just come over the top not sure on that [Applause] one now’s Reon up top by himself know he

    Hasn’t had too many touches so far has he 10 minutes in I only got less than 10 minutes I think last week didn’t he I wasn’t sure if he touched the ball at at Portman Road nope did score last time soland were out in the league here against Preston North

    End Of course really good go decent finish as well yeah proper Striker goal wasn’t it mentioned it where plays on the shoulder of the center off center off was a little bit flat footed as well Lindsay I think it was wasn’t it the six and just stolen ahead of him good finish Jack

    Clark definely a free kick do guilty quick word a warning yeah Jack little bit frustrated isn’t he see there rolls inside Coy and then doy he’s never getting the ball as he could be it’s one of those isn’t it sometimes you see later in the game probably yellow card stopping him getting

    Away Hume goes back to Onan all the way back to Anthony Patterson Neil’s got on his bike here if luk ‘s seen it he’s gone through the middle to Ren there he is welcome to the game d balard EA finds Jack Clark Jack Clark’s got four orange shirts around him he

    Wins a free kick yeah they’re getting around him aren’t they to be fair he does that well though Jack he shows the ball doesn’t he to the opposition and invites the challenge some it’s a greish in away isn’t he Mar free kicks he wins in the game just looking at their line there

    Dan he was quite high and Sun could get in here Alex pritchard’s got options left and right he’s gone himself at the moment Alex pitch on on his left foot it’s Tim shot in the end yeah well it opened up for him he takes up a good position that’s a couple we’ve played

    Into that area and he takes it on the half turn drives and nobody comes out to engage I think the end it’s Jones He com comes up against doesn’t quite catch it flush ases he see there now on the back of the Midfield and then bang into the

    Pocket Center back’s dropping they know rin’s there one of them’s got to go and engage look all the way into the box spectacularly cut out in the middle just now by luk Onan Trey Humes looking to pop one over the top job striding to get on the end of

    It wasn’t strong enough that time yeah he’s one the free kick Jones getting tight wasn’t he just eases him off it Sil commits oh kick for that one I think he’s done exactly what Pritchard did yeah expected it yeah it’s almost sometimes as if they’re saying to the referee I’m having

    A free kick in a away but if he isn’t giving it he getting it the other way one- one on the uh on the hand balls he’s danil yeah EA yeah difficult one there just no need to lift it really he’s roll it into Trey’s feet fizzes it at him

    Kilo Regan Slater knocks it back to Jacob [Applause] gavves yeah see Lilo there top of your picture right on the touch line there Jenson seal coming narrow as well and they’ll be looking for that this occasion over the top but Lilo out on the touch line big switch out to

    Him on o Neil trying to react first doy got a touch I think which leads to a s [Applause] throw Le R talks a good game Le Ria if you ever get a chance to hear his passion and enthusiasm was a coach under Wayne Rooney at Derby as well good young coach I

    Thinking so he’s there or thereabouts isn’t he with Hull at this moment in time from a whole player as well [Applause] yeah looked out well Coyle doesn’t agree Lin’s looking right down it isn’t he I think I could have called that one out come up here Michael Beal in trouble with his zip old awson benger coat he needs it [Applause] tonight D balad forward pass to job Bing a bit the other way

    [Applause] yeah yeah it’s good we’ve played a few of those balls aren’t we as pritchard’s received a couple in there you see that one Dan Balor just fizzing it into to Joe Bellingham trying to bypass the Midfield oh the book stood over the ball stood over the ball yeah soft one isn’t it

    But yeah not sure why he’s getting involved there tan he just stood Bly booking silly he can’t do it those are the rules EA gives it back to jobu comes striding across the pitch and drops it off to Luke Oan there Jack Clark gets a free kick Lou actually yeah he’s spoke four fifth time already Jack’s been fouled isn’t it see Jack getting a bit frustrated so take it quickly here Danny Pritchards on his toes pops it through too much on that for rusen just trying to yeah it’s you know

    It’s a difficult one he’s only 25 yards out or so it’s no grass really is there to just H thread a ball in behind for rusin it’s quite slick as well even though we haven’t had any R it’s be bit of sprinklers on ear yeah sprinklers were on

    And natural moisture in the air maybe doy can’t get past toe yeah what they Haven done they’re trying to play out Hall aren’t they but similar to what I say about ourselves they haven’t really mixed it up have they maybe that’s because they haven’t got that natural runner in behind at the

    Top end of the pitch everybody wanted to come into feet you see two fanan caral want to come and get it well have picked it up maybe for that reason Danny Clark pulls away from do is still going Clark’s inside the area now puts it the other side of coy and

    Then can get around him yeah I don’t if Jack just stood on his heels there but what you see though he’s he’s having a run at him isn’t he but coiled good good body position just gets his body in between Jack and the ball there and I

    Said he’s good Defender 1 V one you see there he’s ready to go isn’t he ready to Sprint and there just steps across Jack accidental coming together Co went off in the last meeting with something similar didn’t he yeah he knows he similar time in the game he

    Tried to run it off didn’t he it come out for the second half actually didn’t he I think didn’t last too long yet for Jones recoil straight back on the ball Under Pressure here as well here just see one or two of them yeah waving their arms at each other I think

    That’s the way that they want to yeah sa the way he wants them to play but we’re pressing him quite high and generally down this right side they’re almost playing each other into trouble with it [Applause] F on by do or nine cushions [Applause] it another one a little bit cheap from

    Cavalo there I think nowhere to go for Luke really just stand him up and see about there not a lot in it really is the B similar to The Well free kick for FIP is winner last week wasn’t not a lot in it played for it almost [Applause] EA and St

    Neil just loses out in the middle tan helps it on to the kilo comes through wins it yeah looked like he was in for a minute there Lilo I think Jon seals out on the touch line looking for the pass and obviously we lose possession and then they’re trying

    To slot it in between Dan balard and Jensen seal but say the kilo coming up against Dan balard there’s one winner [Applause] there on the far side it will be a whole city throw it doesn’t quite feel like the game’s got going yet does it 20 minutes in both teams well certainly ourselves

    Pretty possession final third looking to play out it’s not quite happening causing a bit of a nuisance yeah just looks a bit unsure on the ball Jones doesn’t he he’s had a couple where played one over The Far Side earlier to Alex Pritchard and that one there got away with it he’s looking

    Up every time to hit something up top but like you said Danny there’s nothing this time they still have got out only momentarily see this is the problem for ourselves on that right hand side see that Alex P wants to come in then as soon as you get it there you’re looking

    To break with a bit of pace there’s nobody out on that touch line no Patrick Roberts would be he’d be out there wouldn’t he wanting to get on the ball that’s nice anyway from silt good job surrenders possession comes back though straight away struy period in the game both sides

    Giving it to each [Applause] other no he’s offside flag’s gone [Applause] up good though from Trey trying to get involved on this left hand side helping Jack out on the overlaps and underlaps let see let’s have a look back now it’s a good line actually on this camera angle watch Tre Humes run

    Now say just yet yeah I think it’s Greaves isn’t it actually holds a good line left Center back arm goes up early puts pressure on the linesmen yeah Premier League referee will be used to the lines being drawn no V tonight of course in the championship might have to be a bit

    Braver with their decisions T I think sometimes they yeah I just think sometimes they just don’t give it thinking well V’s there to give it for me if I if I don’t give it you know so well that could work the other way because they might be ring on it’s not

    There depending which end of the pitch Trey hum blasts it out drops with tan Rilo out on the edge of the area again carvalo Cole continued his run he was always falling backwards and he couldn’t get his leg around it yeah they haven’t got Calo into the game much but he does

    Well there doesn’t he looks quite sharp when he gets on the ball and feeds a lovely ball into Co I think he’s caught in between do I cross there do I shoot just watch now it’s a good run just off the back of Jack Clark you know what I think he’s trying

    To bend it in behind maybe off balance gets underneath it Onan R is on the deck Jacobs comes through lasted Again by Trey H he couldn’t get [Applause] there Jones again trying to step in with it almost gets caught and then puts too much on the pass the crowd are doing their bit

    Trying and get them going it’s not like sunand haven’t been trying to get going or no it’s just building we’ve been all right in our final third it’s just that next thing couple of times we’ve managed to to play it in there into Alex pitard but top end

    Of the pitch haven’t we the goalkeeper yet have we saying that Anthony pson hasn’t had a save to make either back Line’s pretty much on the halfway line yeah that’s why you’ve got to have runners in behind Haven you somebody looking roing playing on the shoulder

    Just take a gamble now then someone drop one over the top we’ve seen it last week it’s RP switch joob made a run early on didn’t he for that one that um Jack Clark had the strike where the keeper saved it with his legs that comes from job stretching it in behind

    Y to trying to get it back Greaves goes back to Al [Applause] [Applause] up they’ be happy with this L I say not too many opportunities but just taking the sting out the game having the ball frustrate the crowd a little [Applause] bit oh tralia drops it off to dock it in

    See caral keeps dropping in see Luke going all the way with him he’s nibbled out him a couple of times hasn’t he see Michael Bale there down below is trying to get the team up waving and push up push up once to get them up 10 yards high up the pitch

    Well the longer this goes on the locals will get Restless won’t they because hold on even proing they’re just keeping yeah no just bit of keep ball isn’t it almost enticing us to come out and you see say there Michael be who wants him to get all the P but he’s in behind

    Now tan for from silk there yeah he does well in the end cuz he’s got his man out wide and then he has to come narrow and deal with it and he does coy doy Morton gives it back to [Applause] Coy we can Slater set off to Jacob

    Greaves suddenly get it back now not [Applause] yet cavali up intercepted by o9 it comes back though Coyle Coy it’s opening up for Coyle here Morton helps it on Coy gets it back safe yeah B sign as you say a lot of possession and there’s the crowd now

    Trying to get the team going need to liven up too easy the fullback picks it up there watch now just Walters his way [Applause] through he gets it back off tan just gets out of almost has to poke poke at it really I think Trey Hume does well

    Just coming back at him does enough to put him off no power on it comfortable for Anthony passing down to his right hand side just opened up didn’t it yeah EA give it back to Trey Hume trying to get away from doy that’s a couple for

    Doy yeah I was going to say let’s see if the referee now is he going to book him yes he is yes yeah well he’s saying it but he’s right and I think V is asking the fourth official yeah there’s one on Jack before what I said perhaps later in

    The game he’ll book him caught wrong side and brings Trey Hume down half an hour gone here at the stadium of light it’s Sunderland nil whole city nil Friday evening on WE side Jack Clark EA aland job steps inside it back to balard working it to this left hand side

    Again where Jack Clark is short too much to [Applause] coil yeah knocks it past doers he doesn’t it just gets away from him invites The Challenge from Coyle got caught again he’s still feeling that one isn’t he he is you know yeah was the one earlier wasn’t it where

    He’d done well in The Penalty Box I think Jack just come down the back of his Achilles I think he stepped across Jack yeah it was accidentally wasn’t it yeah just good defending got across him as say coming together Hume gets an important foot in

    And ren takes it and runs out oh he’s took one in the face there Ren danil keeps going though comes to nothing in the end but he took one in the face there Danny yeah you know what refere can say he wants to see how play develops you know if he

    Stands that up there Dan and someone’s on the end of it he say good Advantage so maybe Coy gets a yellow for that it didn’t come to anything though yes have a look at it back see there tries to run him Ro in and it pops

    Up and just gets there ahead of him doesn’t he the arm actually isn’t he I thought it was Clash ah heads yeah leaves one on him Daniel actually stands a really good ball up nobody coming in at the far post it’s getting the end of

    It oh yeah it is yeah nasty that left arm see a few of the fans behind us seeing it back on the monitor as well you see it there whips his head [Applause] back three whole city players see this right hand side on the book aren’t they doti and Coy two fan as

    Well can Ren get there takes an eternity to go down which the linesman’s give it to Hull City yeah Luke’s done well actually hasn’t he up against Carval I say going in there a few times again he nips in ahead of him R just giving him a little bit back

    There shun him off the pitch he’s still staggering a little bit from that injury to his right ankle cavalio has a pop it over the top of luk or n come together as [Applause] well patteron silt the connection mat Jacob who comes at Sunderland pritchard’s doing his [Applause]

    Best W mention Jacob too much I was quiet on that far side he not to defend too much say nothing really from our point of view down that side of the pitch Slater as Coyle steps inside easily doy Coy’s continued his run tan still going passing comes just too much

    On it see again good from L Coy he bombs up and down doesn’t he gets forward every [Applause] opportunity 28 now Lou Coy time at his career leads and Fleetwood he was signed from City Captain who’s on the ball now J good ball again from luk o’9 good Vision Jon silt

    EA turning out looking at his options has to go to silt Jack Clark steps inside no [Applause] foul that’ll be a booket I’d [Applause] imagine Slater just shift it does KN quite sharp actually in Pierre eart Jack Clark still talking well to the referee here say he’s got away with

    The yellow card there is he no cards no just see whole fans are Bo and there’s a couple of Staff down below us from the whole dog out just on the quiet word with the fourth official as well I say that one on do wasn’t it

    And few minutes ago picking up a yellow card Keith St ke isn’t it still going it’s the fourth he’s getting an e now say get the ear tonight yeah yeah from the whole bench I think they’re right though I think he’s fortunate there Pierre fqu not to pick up a yellow

    Card so easily cut out that by Jack Clark Val up behind him though oh he’s put it past Morton and Jack Clark’s still going [Applause] here needs a b help no help whatsoever around him at the moment now EA arrives does as well gets it [Applause] back delivery back post oh bounc

    Awkwardly didn’t it well he’s free at the far post there I think doy switches off and he he’s caught in between Jack Clark I think he realizes his last minute I can get on the end of this and just pops up in front of him off the off the [Applause]

    Surface just bobbled as the ball hit danil there from the throw while City trying to play it out from this corner Clark getting his body in the way again pretty charges he fancy one from the edge he’s a shot comes off Greaves going to get it

    Back bit better yeah it’s a shot of away wasn’t it I think say left side left Center half gries getting in the [Applause] way [Applause] Sil coming across the field drops it off to EA Clark looking dangerous oh in oh it’s on side still yeah I think he could have

    Let it run across him there onto his left foot Tre come back outan spins one in EA steals it back goes down right in front of the referee nothing given so have the ball though Ean gets it back lifts one in waiting for the runners gets on the end of it bit bit

    Possession higher up the pitch now for Sunland last five minutes or so and you got to say they look threatening especially on this left hand side yeah coule of balls gone in there it’s just so end product really and the way we’ve had three or four haven’t we I think

    Alex pitard early on had a couple just over hit them a yard or two that one there again M Jacob from behind out to play though he wasn’t yeah he wasn’t it good movement actually look it goes in feet then spun in behind Yensen seal too much on the ball though

    P oh he’s done well he’s done really well oh again another one he’ll get it back though shoot the crowd shout he’s still going Pritchard oh he’s taking out the game there that going to be yellow that Morton is Morton get the yellow is that the fourth fourth hole player on the

    Yellow is it y it looks quite sharp doesn’t he Alex pit Char tonight goes past a couple and then he’s fired up Danny look oh yeah tell you what well he yeah he picked up that red didn’t he which was overturned against Sheffield Wednesday a couple of

    Games ago someone had to stop Alex there was Tyler Morton I think he fancies it Alex pitard it’s quite center right isn’t it out yeah I was just going to say there ref’s got to get the ball back a few not much we go now couple in there two is it

    Yeah another one joins them he’s got balard up there and silt and job arriving at the back post if he was to flick it over just on the no I don’t think he’s standing this up put his laes through this looking for one of those dipping efforts let’s have a look luk

    Slips and now he wishes he put his leg is through it inter think there pull the trigger keeper hasn’t had too much to do as he try and warm his gloves up a bit but now she’s the funny side of it Alex pitard there s got it back again Onan still

    Going shows too much since our final third is just breaking down for sun this evening yeah just decision making he does well Again Luke I say Nick’s in front his four or five times I’ve said that now where he gets in front of cavalio ball into his feet beat and he

    Reads it it just again gets gets away from him slightly that’ll be the frustration I think for for Michael Beal down there we’ve had good possession last 10 minutes or so in in the hole third but not done enough with it Tuan Lilo Morton gives it back to Alfie Jones he looking

    Forward runers Calo has come deep co under pressure approaching halime now here Danny Runner SL yeah just opened up through the middle of the pitch there midfielder Mak him run in behind do commit numbers forward don’t they when they yeah have the ball say those two generally sit in

    There don’t they Morton and Slater do too much yeah yeah ourselves tonight seea played a little bit deeper almost the 4-33 really isn’t it with Dan nean and Joe was the 28s ahead of him Neil lets him R across him oh he in the middle of the park there five on a

    Yellow isn’t itan Slater becomes the fifth Hall player on a yellow card yeah that’s the old taking one for the team isn’t it yeah we’ve played that ball quite well at times Luke’s getting press flips it around the corner and we beat their their Midfield press really to get wrong

    Side and then he has to give the F away Slater danil with grass ahead of him to run into say five whole players on a yellow card before the break excessive might have to have a little look at his bench at halim I think couple of lads on there without

    Any League appearances I noticed there lukan all silly fouls as well yeah been think two fans was the one wasn’t it standing on the ball and getting involved EA couldn’t pop it through some going go again or n Jack Clark on the back of the ref job difficult isn’t it hold everybody

    Back there 10 Men Behind The Ball s looking to to Pro Looking ready pass gaps yeah just got to be careful as well if we don’t turn it over high up the pitch on the counter Jack [Applause] Clark clipped over by o9 can still get there keeps it

    Alive Jo picks it up still gets back on [Applause] side Dre Hume now Clark doubled up on him nine finds pitard nice flick gets it back can he oh yeah that was the one they were looking for have to be patient working it side to side going around hole and

    Then say luk o’9 just fizzes in there doesn’t he into Alex Pritchard you see now good little ball into him flips it around the corner and then on the give and go let’s have a look he get does quite catch it does he sits up a little

    Bit on him to have a look yeah top of the boot catch it clean at all one minute added on at the end of the first half yeah no no injuries really Lou Coy one wasn’t it really just got clipped other than that five boings strange first half here at the

    Stadium of light say neither keeper really had a save to make have the Anthony passon that one off Lou Coyle not too much Pace on it trying to go the long way around Jacob Greaves he’s balard EA him it [Applause] back ewar looks up Clark’s got the beaten of do pretty every time

    Now pops the ball through looking for Dani he just couldn’t get there yeah do you know what I thought grees would run past the ball there and D was going to get in behind him difficult for Jackie he keeps going past doy like he’s not there and then the next one there coils

    Onto him isn’t he he’s looking for a little bit of movement ahead of him you see so have a look at it back Danel run in behind gaves AC cross on the cover sees it through to the keeper yes so quite a tame first half really as we

    Said there not too many opportunities that man there probably had Hull’s best opportunity did getting himself into the box and Alex pitw been bright at times had one or two openings himself but yeah score line pretty much says it all really isn’t it a few bookings for Hull

    As we mentioned there got to be careful but yeah Michael ba be wanting more in that final third in the second half final checks by the referee and we shall get going in the second half no changes for either side like dod’s on the edge of the technical

    Area at the moment just overseeing things Jensen silt pops It Forward looking for rusen who jumps three players on Co to alop well yeah saying at half time now we thinking is he going to make a change n Senor obviously five on a yellow C but now same 11 back out for

    H I think himself really as you say there he’ll see how it goes next 10 15 minutes or so but will Michael be have driven that home at least you know that there are five players on yellows here and and sun should get in and amongst them yeah yeah possibly you’re aware of

    That as a player anyway I think you know you’ve obviously counted them up really you know the two Center mids there and we’ve played those balls just on the wrong side of them so if you do get on the other side of them you know are they

    Going to have to make a challenge or they going to have to let you run forward we have to wait and see he’s Jack Clark on that Far Side comes into the middle JW picks it up takes a touch still got it job just got caught under

    His feet a little bit yeah did man just popped up on his Blind Side didn’t he and then he’s having to try try and fight his way out of it Bard silt Richards on the touch line here doing his best yeah he’s making his way across the pitch there and you see

    What Alex pit just trying to flip it around the corner and he’s trying to pin his man gaves just Nicks it off him [Applause] he’s danil [Applause] EA trying to hold it up again too [Applause] fun yeah going in the book yeah as to say he’s lucky first half and then he

    Finds himself in about couple of minutes into the second half in the book now yeah H that one there it’s a good ball into to ro and he’s got to got to stick it for his edge of the Box isn’t it I know he’s got a couple of big center

    Backs in behind him but secure that Forest Edge of the box and we’re we’re in amongst it actually was it all 90 doesn’t catch him too yeah he probably caught Luke more than than the whole player didn’t he but I think it was probably on his

    Mind the referee thinking yeah I think I perhap should have booked him in the first half so he’s waited for he’s waited for one from Pierre opportunity for him to produce that yellow card coalo Morton Slater Jacob valo the Box got men over but it’s went out yeah

    They building it quite well there hold down that right hand side it’s where they’ve had more joy really haven’t they not too much down the left and again it’s Coy he had one in the first half anyway he got played in by carvalo and just lifted it over the bar and similar

    Again there may be disappointed with that R seen yet a promising opening for [Applause] H EA Joe [Applause] Jack Clark s the fans making their voices heard from The Rocker end Clark time to think about this Clark for rusen yeah strange one really as he chops back there m he so he almost

    Fizzes it like it’s a shot really doesn’t it I think well than standing the ball up does well there just chops back G on doy there now we got bodies in there sudden and you see and then it’s no I’m not [Applause] sure Morton Val goes down

    Morton spreads the player out wide right to Louie [Applause] Coyle Greaves mfie [Applause] Jones you see there again caval dropping in deep trying to get on the ball almost danil trying to Nick it off him Morton plays It Forward cavalio lets it go and then goes on the overlap of

    Cole but then takes off his [Applause] toes Jacob hits a ref but Slater still gets there going for the corner goal kick stay down as well LC9 Jacob wasn’t it carried on his run hit thir leg maybe yeah left sort of hip isn’t it really let’s have a look

    Yeah comes across actually on the cover see it back there CLS it out really yeah I think Luke’s just coming to him if anything to his to Jacob’s right leg looks like okay Under Pressure silt PS through two three like a hum ball clear continues didn’t work that time Danny

    Playing out from the back yeah he actually stepped in well with it seal he looked like he was had nowhere to go no options and he drove in quite well and then just got ahead of him it tightened up run into the bodies after [Applause] that and Neil doing really well dropping

    It off for ewar pitchard Keeps it in Silt Jo gone ahead of him jack Clark wins the corner yeah better looking for that move the ball a bit quicker Luke wasn’t it just passes it out to Jack with a bit of purpose out there giving him earlier so

    He’s got a bit of time and space to drive it as man see Jensen seal in there good size isn’t he adds to that threat from set play direct from Pritchard yeah disappointment from Alex pit it flat wasn’t it he deal with it let’s have a look

    There not watching that at all slight coming [Applause] together [Applause] one of those ones Danny it’s quite hard to commentate on because nothing happening game chess isn’t it really they go in behind now Hull still does well offside in the end yeah say they similar to ourselves really they’ve been

    Reluctant hav’t they to try and throw a ball in behind that they do on that occasion and seal deals with it in the end but was offside anyway aalo gets his body in the way rains possession Sun have a man down nine who stayed down he’s up now

    Yeah good type with car Val who thinks he’s been caught he down isn’t he whole fans there giving a few boo he’s back on his feet LC o9 rubbing his nose is he or his eye [Applause] ailo against silt Richard’s back helping out as [Applause] well pass and clear is under pressure

    Yeah R’s been wrestled but 50/50 the ref says yeah those difficult ones to call them he’s trying to hold the center off off he’s trying to get round him and so in the end ring goes down referee waves it away Tuan cavalio Louie [Applause] kle Lilo Jacob’s asking for [Applause]

    Italio oh does he get it back he does now from balard Richard EA job this is good from Sunland he’s Jack Clark now J Jack Clark now kns the forward looking for Dan Neil didn’t anticipate it EA gets it back in the middle he’s brought play a few times EA

    Tonight yeah yeah tonight yeah he’s been better at that side of the game Jack Clark has his legs taken from underneath him do again isn’t it leaves the trailing leg there for Jack Clark decent position this yeah promis him wasn’t it for Hull at the other end of the pitch little over cavalo

    Opportunity went away sudden you can hear the fans again trying to get them going a few grones in the stadium want to see a little bit more going forward PR standing over yeah be looking to Fizz this in bit Pace on it if it misses everybody you’re looking for that

    Far post area dropping in the four side netting also nothing to do so far this evening really has he not [Applause] yet piar as well as an option if he want Square it for him to come on to it Richard stands over it towards that KNE and P it goes for

    The corner down it yeah does yet I think it’s yeah it’s Twan isn’t it back there say he does whip it in doesn’t he near post area Alex pritel then Twan back there helping [Applause] [Applause] out Central from Pritchard alop didn’t get 100% connection to it Clark picks it up and balard [Applause]

    Silt balard striding through the middle Pritchard [Applause] Sil yeah probably see that we we build it up quite well don’t we it’s just that just looking for that little runner in behind then as soon as he gets set to seal there he needs another one in

    Behind daniil is in Jack Clark can’t get around docky on this occasion ball goes out on the far [Applause] side Michael Beal and his other Michaels Dody there sporting a new new bubble hat for Dody I like it it’s perfect night for it tan flicks it on cavalio well asking for a

    Foul the whole Subs are warming up beneath us now and the sun ones come out just as I say that that oh oh pit picks up the [Applause] F yeah Jacob saying what what body check isn’t it just it’s a loose ball there and he just gets there ahead of him Alex

    Pitard toe pokes it away from him jack Clark running at coy Oh tree oh best shot of the night go hour on the clock it’s the first time really isn’t it all up called into action it comes from Trey Hume decent strike Jack does really well here he slows coil down and then look that Defender just gets enough on it couple

    Behind him Jacob the first one good strike from Trey good left hand from the goalkeeper [Applause] J picks it [Applause] up EA NOP it’s up in the air oh balard Bard just Palms Jacob wasn’t it mismatch terms of physicality just hold him out of it there there’s that

    One from behind now just sits lovely as we see similar to to Jack Clark’s last week wasn’t it there left hand it is be put through it Ryan Al yeah he just cuts across it there train swerves doesn’t it yeah he’s he’s obviously goes a bit early actually the keeper and he does

    Well doesn’t he has to just slightly take it with the left hand so Closs as we’ve come to a goal that looks like a change on the bench Billy sharp scored the most goals ever in the championship over time someone you’ve played with as well Danny yeah not Forest s m Billy

    Good lad it’s bit colder than La here on WE side this evening that’s where he was last a few couple of months ago wasn’t it really yeah that season finished I think in October was it balard oh he’s been taken out in the middle there Bal but the referee has brought it back

    Despite Joe being on the ball Trey down balard silt Dan Neil now Billy sh will come on in a moment danil CPS one in yeah see L there flew out the dog out there at the referee I thought it was a foul seeing it back in a second it’s might break here for

    [Applause] job fan his one he back Slater s start again jack PS one back oh well Jack yeah just stting to get the better of Lou Coy over on that far side goes on the outside of him on this occasion just keep your eye in the middle there a little bit of movement

    Rin on the cut back yeah trying to flick yeah it’s just it’s just behind him isn’t it slightly he’s got to got to reach for it really and try and fish it back Alie Jones get something on it Corner number six to Sunland Hull have not had one [Applause] no change yet for

    Hull sing heads up oh so in the end yeah doesn’t get enough on it makes the run across the near post decent ball in from Alex Pritchard keep your ey on down balard just get to cross his man and oh yeah they’ll be disappointed you see

    That gots the run on Jacob gets across him over the top Coy Just Can’t Get Enough tan goes off on it Billy sharp comes on yeah has not much to go on this evening has he to fan I think his best contributions been defending hasn’t it that when he cut out

    Second half earlier on well we know what Billy Sharp’s all about it’s whether they can get the ball to him yeah it’s in around the Box isn’t it he doesn’t really get involved too much much in the play I mean he he’s he’s small but he’s stocky though he’ll

    Back in he’ll get try and get a hold of it for you but he’s not going to really run channels and that sort of stuff he wants the ball fed into him in the Box something to go off another lesson for Dan Ballard an old TR against

    Him burto and Abdullah bar the subs warming up for [Applause] sundland danil on the far side it’s a deep one Sil arriving it’s too close to the keeper yeah I thought he was in for a moment there carries on his run seal down below was just flighted enough

    Wasn’t it for the goalkeeper to come and claim it decent ball out from Trey Hume as well wasn’t it to Danel on that far touch line Jacob Greaves goes back to alsop Tre Hume cuts it out Jack Clark waits for the ball to get to

    Him job does he fancy a shot he does takes the deflection does it yes does yeah sun coming closer opened up for him I say Jack picks the ball up coils ahead of the ball you see there trying to get back in and two or three come towards

    Him rolls it across to to job I don’t think he catches it as clean as he would have liked anyway but takes a Nick doesn’t it behind for the corner conversations going on there with all the C coaches maybe Abdullah at the top of their thoughts it’s Mason burto who appears to be

    Getting stripped though meanwhile Alex Pritchard stands over this corner for Sunderland bod’s down in the middle Clark finds it way back to Pritchard gets it back EA with space and time it’s a wild one yeah he’s getting encouraged by the fans to have a shot as near few and just

    Gets a little bit excited to getting pressed let’s have a look back now keep your eye on yenson sealon there Coy’s got his arms around him no not enough in it for me goes down looking for it hir I think is the Sunderland sub most likely to be seen first

    He’s just behind the coaches in the technical area incident on the far side Jack Clark is it coming up against we co again he got he’s not going in the book is [Applause] he the same happened again where he’s stood on the back of him I think

    Did co go down if he’s on a call let a look again it that’s a bit of a coming together the boots I think B continues yeah it is hamir stripped and ready to go down below as in the technical area let’s have a look now is it a

    Straight swap for rusin this will be the longest he’s had for a long time this yeah 20 minutes plus pass him with work to do let’s give a corn up there yeah stay down Anthony patson as well he might just hang fire a second with him here

    This will be Hull’s first corner of the game in the 70th minute yeah Luke trying to help it back to him see Billy sharp there and just comes over the top of him gets the hands on it and then bang on his back yet prob winded and imagine

    Anthony Patterson could keep a hold of it well it’s actually a goal kick isn’t it it comes off Billy sharp in the end and they give a corner there you see it comes off Billy shop so they’ve got that one wrong looks like he’ be okay Anthony [Applause]

    Patson don’t forget you can have your say in the postgame program use the hashtag ask Danny tell us who’s on your who’s on your shopping list where something have gone wrong tonight perhaps heavy cylinder will go right cavalio with a shot and it’s in the back of the N that’s unfinish well

    That’s where we’ve gone wrong Frankie Switched Off from the corner we got away with the first one nobody’s within five yards of the man second phase and he’s not really been in the game car value at allall as he all evening and out of nothing and it wasn’t a corner to be

    Fair now we can have a look at that that it’s Bruce Billy Shar it should have been a goal kick but still that’s gone you switch on do your job and like we’ve seen last week down at it switch conceded from a set play yes this is second phase

    But yeah you’ve got to be alive to situations in the Box look how free is there comes back out there nobody’s picks him up bang see this this first one yeah gaves the first one we get away with that one don’t clear it it comes back to keep

    Your eye there doesn’t do anything in particular he just stand still and I think it comes off danil I think great technique though was it Danny let’s have a look yeah see Dan Neil yeah it’s coming Anthony patson’s left I think whether it’s on target not sure atmosphere is turned inside the

    Stadium of light as Dan balard brings it out Sun find themselves a goal behind at home to Hull City when that was happening Danny there was a change for Sunland Lis hamir has come on yeah well he was obviously coming on nil nil there wasn’t he and we were

    Thinking can he come on be the difference get us the goal get us in front but well if he’s to get a goal now to get us back on level terms straight swap for Rin top end of the pitch they W preparing the substitution before the

    Goal yeah just a bit of a mess and again luk L’s had a decent game he he gets the header WR doesn’t get enough on it sells Anthony Patterson short tries to come over the top of Billy Shar gets gloves on it and then it actually comes off Billy J shoulder so

    It should have been a goal kick but then listen that’s gone then you know officials get decisions wrong of course they do it’s only a brush off his shoulder L holds it up well there sorry Danny yeah no say get organized and deal with the the situation set plays vital in [Applause]

    Football Jack Clark EA gets it back of tre Hume pitard Now searching one from Pritchard cavalio Richard gets it back wide sealed gets there can he get AC cross in was unlikely didn’t take the best first touch so get it back though the whole city fans he can hear inside the stadium of

    Light yeah you know what the frustration is well they haven’t done a lot after the all evening Hull really and find themselves in front it’s the frustration Jack Clark oh has got hope Jack Clark’s on the pitch chops do he just stands his ground EA goes for

    Distance yeah right foot that one wasn’t it as weak of right foot fany it though see he’s not really getting pressed as much the go see it back now yeah just keep your eye on this and they’ll be talking about it look Anthony patson gets there you might not see and then it

    Comes there you see come off Billy Sharp’s shoulder should have been a goal kick but we’ve got to get switched on there the D there there’s the should of Dan whether it go for danil I’m not sure probably going no I don’t think so maybe past the

    Post is there any argument for a foul on Anthony Patterson by Billy sh no it’s not it’s coming together you know Billy’s as I said there he’s quite small isn’t he anyway he’s got to come over the top and then coming together really actually gets there Anthony

    Patterson can’t hold on to it and as he drops it comes off Billy Sharps [Applause] shoulder gets away from pitard who a kick out from Ryan Ola now s down possession again say well to be fair we’re having a good spell as well weren’t we really it was just a counter attack on

    Goal too much on that one just felt like we were you know not saying knocking on the door but we had good possession in in their final third a few times and then got ourselves in a bit of a [Applause] [Applause] mess [Applause] what does something need to do better here

    Danny well I’d say that they were sat in weren’t they anyway hold theyve got themselves in front now you see they just Bank it up there the 442 again for point just keep moving the ball Jack I thought thought was having a good spell wasn’t he 10 15 minutes out

    Here as he is now up against Coy and doti I say hold win the ball back and has booted up the pitch give it us back and we come again what can we do with it still 15 minutes or so to go there’s plenty time in the game for Sunland to

    Get something out with this very hard done by to not get anything at the moment they need to find a goal vard fany one charged down though by Morton really Camp Back AR the P City here Richard spinning turning goes again pops one in easy for the

    Keeper yeah you can feel the frustration in the stadium got to try and stay with the boys now till the final whistle still in the game get one back if we [Applause] can looking at the sundland sub down she is warming I’m just thinking now a bit of width really it’s compack through the middle of the pitch isn’t it you’ve got say your natural Wingers in there probably Jefferson Bennett Abdul laar come a play out on this right hand side

    Try and stretch the width of the pitch a little bit more somebody’s get called back in Timothy pinell is being called in Abdullah Bar’s also stripped in The Dugout as well Danny another couple of changes possibly Trey Hume continues his run leis herir shoots from distance shot and

    Target yeah distance out isn’t it I think he got a decent strike on him too Fair we’ve seen it earlier in the season didn’t we come off the bench come remember it was early in the season might have been [Applause] Southampton valos under that one Dan Neil cavalo comes out on

    Top danil gets it back though the loose ball [Applause] Richard might break here oh thought it was going to break for Jensen silk KS out of play Sun have a throw though Kali felt that one Trey Hume just showed a little bit to him didn’t he

    Double change for Sunland we go oh not just yet Keith St was a bit slow with his his board [Applause] there Jack Clark against Lou Coyle goes down was more of a slip than anything no the referee’s G him a free kick yeah see a couple of the old

    Players wenten short yeah got their arms up so he has a bit more joy asn’t he second off Jack clock up against Lou Coyle let’s have a look back now does he slip does he catch him more shoulder I think he puts his arms on I think goes down looking for it

    Jack and guess he goes down expecting Co be closer than he is and ends up just on Deck Pritchard stands over this 80th minute [Applause] now gets first [Applause] Contact balard trying to get in there [Applause] pitard was going to be for Dani yeah on his left foot as well changes for

    Sunderland who’s going to come off Jen Sil so do you think Trey will swap sides maybe no I think straight swap that’s right hand side is it pen B yes it [Applause] is yeah Alex pitard maybe just having a let’s have a look jobes dropped in a little bit deeper

    Well 4 two 31 isn’t it yeah three changes for Sunland just the one for Hull City be another change for Hull in a second sha mlin is going to come on H he try to sh up this one goal Lead [Applause] [Applause] pitard Richard still got it bar caught on the ball somehow comes out with it that’s bizarre yeah just got caught on it didn’t he as you say comes out with it though pimpell gives it to Bar who he’s just come on with bar Runs Out of Space actually led up

    Quite well there and he just got to stand that up to the far post give a corner corner is he have a look at it back now do this come off then let’s have a look keeper keeper yeah I think he got to let that go there

    Surely wasn’t a post this yeah look like he was going in the book there maybe carvalo making way he’s had a good run out great technique for the goal yes it took a [Applause] deflection sha mlen comes on he’s a Defender straight on to D balad there [Applause]

    He’s a few tonight Alex prit Char he been decent has he set plays in recent weeks has put some good balls in as well but two or three flat ones there cut have the near post Dre Timmy Pell Doar Away really sharp there wasn’t it yeah he was involved in the goal Danny she hold that almost what they got back back six y the blocking just slotted in as well B uses job Richard Play Bar comes up goal kick bar just get bummed off it didn’t he Alex

    Pitard trying to play it into his path and it comes back off to me pmell 4,219 inside the stadium of light this Friday evening seeing their side a goal down against Hall City they always turn up the ORS [Applause] will if this stays like this they want

    Enjoy the weekend I said it before don’t they get that Friday night get the early game in it’s all well and good if you pick up the three point points as things stand we’re not picking up one 5 minutes of normal time [Applause] [Applause] remman Hume another Corner better good again

    Trey Hume done well at times this evening getting past Jack clar trying to get forward and help out going to make another change in the second say bish Richard’s Corner go into the sixy box down balard goes down bar picks it up someone fans behind

    The goal felt there was a foul in there Trey Hume Clips it in again Bard’s been held Jack clar good chance to the left Clark still going can he get the by line he’s w a corner everyone back in there for HT knocking on the door a bit B having a

    Word with the linesman down below us as well feels that he was fouled let’s have a look for post where we go yet six no interest in the ball by the way tell you what he’s lucky thein just come on yeah sh M glin was just come on there you’re right

    Danny Theos this time flicked on where’s it going to drop oh in the end out for somebody to poke it home there the goalkeeper staying down as well to him there nothing happened to him let’s have a look near Post Yeah damal gets the first one h

    See this one I think he’s gently gone into his own man here Jones I think [Applause] noall Jason Lilo comes off alier S Manesh comes on G for the club Shop specials there hasn’t he Tigers across the the gloves [Applause] fancy how much you think we get added on

    Here Danny no more than the couple two three three Maxs I think yeah can’t recall any real stoppages in the [Applause] game suddenly get the free kick he just run away with the ball there has Matty Jacob he hasn’t been booed yet he has now [Applause] ref’s doing well to remember which whole plays on on a yellow card isn’t he he ran out of P ni Nan Jack

    Clark lir can he spin on it smothered yeah first touch was decent actually wasn’t it as it just popped up to him there you can see what he’s looking for just trying to set it back I think was it to Alex Pritchard abdar takes it and gets on his bike boots come off

    Fum again R down below us it’s obviously been yeah stood on his boot is accidental but he stood on his boot there yeah give the free kick Jack Clark has it on the far side fourth official Keith stra preparing to hold up added time Neil flz in

    Billy sharp picks it up five minutes will be added on here stayed [Applause] In five minutes for sundland to get something from this frustration isn’t it we’ve penned them in for most of the half really haven’t we haven’t had too much time in the Sunland half but def say oh we go oh Bard’s on the deck again every time he seems to be you know

    I’m looking at him here though decent ball in doesn’t get anything on it to keep your eye on it d balard as well yeah was Grieves that one isn’t it comes across D balog look he’s got the arms on him to get them do you no I think the

    Other one was more so ml not even looking at the ball we’ve seen it with Luke earlier in the season we you got to keep an eye on the ball looking the other way and just just barged him off it really blocked him off can you recall another whole shot on

    Target apart from the goal Danny uh that one first half wasn’t it Coy where he got in really if we calling it a shot wasn’t too much on it was it comfortable for Anthony Patterson other than that I’m not sure faalo happy with his evening’s work so

    Far stairs like this he will be again the match winner bell bar now wins the Thor wi in danil three minutes left of added time Jack Clark too much on that one did Cole take a touch there I think he did he’s got the corner yet he wasn’t aware of yeah t come

    Across as well I think Anthony Parson’s come forward that’s for times this would be something wouldn’t it look it’s towards him job wins the first one Clark waits for pitchard to get on side pitchard will deliver it again here it comes out oh [Applause] bed as well Jack yeah just trying to

    Hold him off isn’t he s manes who just come on let’s have a look know he gives him one in the face in the first place and then yeah Jack gives him one back your way there is Jack I think next touch he’s pulling the trigger just

    Getting out his feet yeah the first one see his glove in his face and he’s going to pull his arm back he’s going to get his hand in his face frustrating for these Sunland fans many of whom have seen enough and standing the make of

    Their way yeah say that he’s got a bit of meat caught one in the face but still yeah this is the first one isn’t it [Applause] really [Applause] lir challenged he trying to play the ball [Applause] wide Hugh carrying her forward he’s offside didn’t get there [Applause] Yeah confusion in the Middle s Manesh tackled by Dan Neil Pritchard last chance for Sunderland final 30 seconds Jack clar goes around Coy again pulls one back corner ball passing comes up again see last opportunity Corner number 12 for Sunderland can we take a point had one corner scored from it

    Should it have been a corner Pritchard delivers Patterson’s there so job it’s still in the air that’s it yeah frustration in the stadium a light B of Smash and grab isn’t it from Hull got to be honest


    1. It was a very young and passionate team, the funniest and most interesting was Hull City, who had two shots on goal, one of which was a goal. Hull City committed a lot of fouls, as a Hull fan, we got 3 free points for the first time this year. However, Hull City were missing too many players.

    2. This is Canada calling… How many Sunderland Players are Mackem-born? Question is not race-based but rather Hearth-related. It seems nobody is playing with Pride or… what's the word I'm looking for? What heart beats behind yonder Jersey? Does it beat for Sunderland?

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