As requested, I am back again with a selection of Chateaux for sale in France at this time, this time with a maximum price of 750,000 Euros.

    So, get ready, it’s a b of a long haul this one!!
    But time flies when you are having fun!

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    Hi everyone as requested I’m back with another selection of Shadows this time going up to €750,000 um obviously the higher you got up in the budget the more Shadows there are around so this time it’s not so much a case of what I found is actually a

    Selection I’ve made for you of uh about 15 Shadows so well let’s get to it the first Shadow we have here is a shadow which is being sold in the LZ lont which is in the 85 region uh basically a domain you often find on websites sometimes say it’s a

    Domain sometimes they say it’s a shadow sometimes they say it’s a house and it’s a shatow uh it’s s to do with different software depending what the agents use uh but I’ll be doing videos about that about how to find some of the actual other ones let’s say so stay

    Tuned for that and well like And subscribe and all that stuff anyhow uh back to the Shadows so this one domain of 16 runes with 700 M Square D space in a village called LZ La vant in Department 85 uh said 16 rooms 12 bedrooms and does it say how much land

    It has on here let’s have a look tells you how many how far it is away from about 15 different towns uh oh a vast plot of land of 1,700 M Square uh 1,700 M square is not massive that’s less than half an acre anyhow let’s have a look at the

    V certainly has that French shadow look to it the called V I’m not sure what you call that English the that of ivy plant thing all very clean and tidy inside looks like well that fireplace is what 1920s fireplace that is uh once again we got the cast IR radiators I can’t see

    The big piping though so it might be a bit later the actual insallation uh yeah it’s actually fairly thin copper pipes there uh copper pipes with radiators like that probably means heating was prob down in the 60s to 70s oh I like those doors those glazed doors nice feature there whether that’s

    The main bedroom door or whether that’s like a a door into a bathroom who knows uh they’ve got PRC double LS in here which well when it comes to shatow driver you like or you don’t like obviously there the Practical side but aesthetically speaking doesn’t really do it for

    Me but the whole place is looking clean and tidy certainly there’s a revamp bathroom there that’s very 1990s or 1980s bath there kitchen seems fairly simple like that entrance guess is entrance hole like that Hall certainly we so did the agent about it we got two photos of it one which is almost

    Straight one which is even less straight nice staircase and we’re back to the beginning so so all looks really nice we’re actually on a price of $729,000 which is all sounds good looks quite good what you don’t necessarily realize looking those photos is actually you see here uh this is actually where

    It’s situated not from the far from the sa alone which is very popular with the French there’s Pro here there’s not not International Airport nice situation if you ask me uh r on but if we zoom in I actually manage to find it and you can see it’s right in the

    Village mon or town and that is the chatow so you got a fairly Main Road here imagine land is like something like that possibly so or possibly that not a great deal of land and you’re are right in the village so if you are looking for like

    The the shadow life as everyone thinks of it maybe it’s not for you but certainly in good condition reasonable price nice area uh you probably looking at that distance-wise less than an hour to the coast um you got non airport which is up here uh close to S Daniel and so that’s

    Probably under an hour and a half certainly to get to an international airport so certainly interesting but it is a village place so onwards and upwards this Shadow here I quite like to look at this one what I’ve done in this video I’ve actually chosen ones uh I looked nice or had

    Something not special about them but something I thought was worth talking about cuz Mally up to 750 you’re already getting quite a bit of choice on Shadows so this one here bring out the photos where we’re actually 14 room Shadows of 323 M Square which actually sounds quite small so I’m guessing

    They’ve actually measured the renovated space and there must be unrenovated rooms in there at least that’s how I read it uh just want to check here quickly um does it say land uh did one Terrace nine bedrooms 2 and a half hectar so reasonable space actually looking I probably guess

    That’s pretty well all this bit down here this actual bit green but possibly going up there I don’t know got some out bearings out the back there so that’s the side of it the great photos oh look at these trees those are Shadow behind there okay that’s more like

    It um a brick bit built Shadow that’s un huge one that’s the old dovecot oh I was back to the beginning then but no not back to the beginning yet uh some detail photos Okay so fairly as a French say Don which it means in his

    Juice weird saying but B it means it’s actually well it’s as it was built and has had wear and tear let’s say now are we actually interested in this boat on the fireplace cuz it’s not necess being sold with the shadow nice big rooms decent floors single glaz Windows once

    Again uh but fairly good order but looks of it okay okay dated and needs some TLC definitely but generally speaking looks in quite good order uh okay we got two fluts here I’m not sure what that l-shape thing is in there maybe a book oh that looks all clean and tidy

    But look at this up here bit a sag there and a crack that would need some attention definitely once get all clean and tidy yeah this is what I saying there’s some runs which are livable and some which well they’re not far off but they’re not livable

    That’s even less might be the same room there you go but that’s actually uh $731,000 500 and with that it’s actually situated where situated down here this is too so to’s International Airport I think I think it’s International Airport in tul uh border up the road certainly one

    There anyhow uh so that’s probably about two 2 and a half hours of bordo probably an hour to two L maybe less and here you go this is where it’s situated if I bring the video not video the Photoshop that’s a shadow there uh IM that’s Clos Village and if we look here

    Here okay it’s a fairly rural area down there Open Fields you can see but certainly a nice looking place with scope for more um you tend to find down there it tends to be a bit of a drive to a decent sized town there there’s lots of small

    Villages but if you like the Rural Life go for it next Shadow number three this place is on the book with with leggets uh 660,000 66 ,000 sorry 660 M squ of space 18 rooms 12 bedrooms and uh 7 7,774 m square of land uh so that’s just under 2 Acres

    Let’s have a look at okay you got a pull here still got pool okay new floors in there uh sand blasted beams Etc modern kitchen after that that’s your choice do you want a get you in an old house do you want something a bit more classical

    Something more rustic do you want to click on the Open Fire I know uh okay so look at those Timbers it’s had a new roof on there that’s very much a standard Timber job for new roof in France uh in the ’90s through to about 2010 um

    They don’t think about the fact it’s actually a shadow want to keep it keeping but they got a new roof uh looking at this all looks very nice from the outside me personally uh just looks like a new house inside well pretty well almost missing a lot of character for my

    Taste like I said that’s on the market at uh where are we price on this 7367 including agency fees notar fees on these prices count about 6 to 7% on top to cover the legal costs so this one is situated in the lot uh lot Department which is down

    Here so there’s Paris there’s England up here obviously down here and as you can see it’s actually on the outskirts of Village I just go to the satellite shot but not much of a village down here I think villes like this where very little you can like just drive

    Through and close your eyes come out the other side and not even spot you been through the village but there you go that’s the shadow there once again Rural Life as always with French property the closer you get to the more popular Big Towns the more expensive properties so we’re looking up

    To 750 so most of these shadows will be relatively rural um I’m just see closest down imagine not knowing the area too well down there imag closest down be here svak uh which will be I know 20 minutes Drive probably something like that that’s but basically there’s

    Cah there’s Rock Mador if you know rock Mador coming up lovely place if you haven’t been there go and see it there Sol G so basically almost midway between G and Salo Canada it’s a quite a nice area in fact if you ask me very nice area but anyway onwards and

    Upwards um before we go on to this next one here a lot of you have actually been asking me give more details about the areas etc etc to be perfectly honest um I’m not well I’m an estate agent but I’m not selling these houses so I’m not

    Going to go too much a sales talk for each one of these agents I’m just comparing the shadows as such onto another one this is actually a very interesting I find but we catch here you go a very interesting looking shadow in fact it doesn’t look quite like a shadow

    It’s more like a folly or out buildings to our shadow or something like that but it’s certainly a very interesting looking place it was actually looking at this property here along with uh two or three other ones which will built up ideas for uh more videos for you where we’ll be

    Talking about alternatives to Shadows so like I said subscribe and all that stuff so interesting building here very architectural details pretty well on one one floor though look at that from the inside wow okay you either love it or you hate it don’t know if I want to live in it

    But it’s certainly got a well Factor I’ll get on to a bit of detail in a minute about why it’s looking at this so he’s painted beams Etc all very well up looked after single glaze though the old style kitchen this is actually pretty our Museum this place so that’s why it’s

    Actually I don’t think it’s actually a used kitchen and this is one of there’s several properties in France what call the L ustry which is actually the Illustrated houses and see well that’s actually more of a I think that’s more of a flat up there for someone looking

    After the property and that’s one of the museum rooms but you have these great rooms there I was talking about there you go back to these ones but as I said that’s a catch uh this say a shatow if you ask me to start with it’s not a shatow I don’t

    Think it’s a shatow it’s actually shatow Commons maybe or a folly or something that but it’s not shatow on the market 7 144,000 Euros which could be argued with the detail inside um this is where it’s situated basically there’s Ren there’s Leon Ren’s International Airport not International

    Airport uh not sure if there one not quite possibly and it’s set situated in that triangle so let’s zoom in there seg dour blue and this is the shadow so I’m going go to the video not say video Don’t to the satellite shop this is the property which when you first look you

    Go wow there’s another little shatter there as well which actually probably back up my idea there’s a shadow there and this is over here so I think this is probably more the commons the old stal blocks and that sort of thing the land is being sold the land is being sold the

    Property is being sold with 7,700 M square of land and that’s not that much if here this is actual the property we’re looking at but there’s this property here and there’s this property here and well I’m I’m guessing that’s probably about not even 10 m between the

    12 there probably 7 8 m like that it’s very close neighbors and when I actually took a step further I went onto a site called geopy where I can bring up lots more details this is the land registry plan and literally just close that there b this is the

    Property and if you actually check this out this Corp this bit here corresponds to the size of land so you have half that Barn there and then it split right down the midle between two of them so although it’s a lovely building I’d be worried about proximity of neighbors for

    If I’m putting 750,000 into property Plus work having a labor 8 m away from me would well wouldn’t turn me on so as always with each CH especially in the lower prices you need to check out where they are unfortunately most French agents won’t give you addresses like that especially on the high

    Prices um but make sure you know where they are before you come running over if you’re coming over from the states or coming over from the UK talk to the agents try and get them to give you at least a good idea where they or show you

    Conal plan or land reg plan or satellite sh or something so next one lovely looking place here um this one is in Sant Juan T which I think is up in higher high Normy it’s actually Normy officially now but before we have lower normaly and higher

    Normaly and so let’s have a look at this property here so on the market at € 745,000 15 rooms seven bedrooms 480 M square of land 480 M square of house and does it say about the land here two hectares so like I said two hectares if you’re not

    Looking to actually have horses like that 2ct is fine let’s have a look inside I love this site but actually always bugs a bit on the F to start with so very original I love those tiles there and you got lots of detail there you got the sculpted fireplace there the old

    Doors um oh double doors as well actually yeah okay we’re on the same room for the third time there’s I would guess is a kitchen stair I love looking stairwell there lovely doors love Lely features here here you go you see it from the other side here with the

    Actual uh out buildings even’ got swimming pool there I hope that’s a Sall not actually effective one to put in for giv an idea old radiators once again but in fact those are cast iron Raiders are probably the best ones admittedly the old cast iron piping

    Isn’t the best ones if they plunged into copper pip bins and a decent heat boiler they’re quite long to heat up start with but after that it’s a fairly constant Heat it’s like the old houses with the stone walls but this certainly looks all clean

    And tidy uh is that them trying to clean plaster or is that the agent trying to hide something I don’t know part timb which is very typical for the Normandy area said no looking place I do get a bit of photos plan there but not very good one but basically yes uh 745,000

    And where is it situated yeah this is laav oh it’s actually laav there’s Ron uh see you got sh you got laav do and C are up here somewhere C so it’ be great for actually coming over from from the UK for example so I haven’t actually managed to

    Locate it in detail this one of the few ones I haven’t um but basically it’s yeah close to La har Shor great for going back to UK uh on ISU because it’s a fair cross in from there um but certainly if you want to go back to UK

    On a fairly regular basis could be a really nice property onwards and upwards so another Shadow here 20 rooms 13 bedrooms 580 M squared uh of building building space I’ll get it’s right in the end 580 M square of relable space on the market at 750,000 uh so basically this property

    Here is being sold with 7 hectares let’s have a look at the photos so slate roof fairly typical style French Shadow all looking very clean and tid from the outside are we going to get some inside shots oh we got the actual Frog Pond got a wh oh yes we have got some

    Inside shots at last um oh looks very clean tidy once again big cast iron radiators M saying that they do looks slightly more recent those ones nice detail on the actual bad there has a very 1950s F to this place oh you see what the agent looks

    Like on there you see onot actually got the ladies head sticking in the photo and if I was before taking a pH of a nice fireplace I would removed the plastic blocks but there you go Fairly basic kitchen yes so they’ve got actually big Posh wood burner does

    Make it brilliant and this room looks more untouched this one too nice there well everyone’s tempted to do those photos but they’re never very nice are they uh another room here another room which needs work on you can see the actual wallpapers have been partly

    Stripped off yeah so quite a bit of work in different rooms there’s rooms which should have been done rooms which hasn’t been done oh nice level photo get your angle straight that’s nice yeah be nice if the French agent started to actually learn how to take straight photos details details details sure very

    Nice but they need on the main website that’s interesting that that fence down the middle there h old out building another world Lane land blah blah blah blah blah and a w Gard over there Bo so have I actually located this one well you can see here there’s Paris there’s

    Li Le so bit in the middle of nowhere so rush and as you can see here yes I’ve actually located it so there you go on the edge of this small village here which is on the edge of this small town There’s the shadow but looking at

    This wall here going across I get a very much impression that is not with it so the shadow you have this bit of the building you have that bit of the building no actually saying I think about the photos look I’m com back to photos well I

    Didn’t we quickly scroll through I know don’t way yeah you see this one here’s the wall here it’s taken we got the most part of the actual building so look at this there’s the wall there’s the most part of the building so that side is with it as well I guess probably down

    This line something like that and then you got wood behind in the countryside that’s W Garden there like I said close to the town quite an interesting buy needs some work on it but certainly an interesting property in what could be a fairly quiet area but with an easy distance of uh BS

    CL FAL Etc next one this is actually is a shadow um dating back to the 18th century it’s down um these well it’s quite typical style down there I just don’t find it very impressive myself not the outside anyhow um it’s basically Square cubes they used to build down

    There um well building Square cubes these days with houses so maybe they actually ahead of the times any so look at the photos Okay has a gate nice entrance hle there okay once again all CLE and tidy cast iron radiators there um looks like double glaze Windows dining room same room any

    Bedroom me personally I think that that actual War B Overkill but horses for coures as they say okay uh yes okay we got cast radiators that is double Del Windows ra floors the old original floors there revent the bathroom that’s a more traditional bathroom let’s say bit of land

    Outside and bit of junk so €750,000 and that is situated down to the South here right down to too uh was it east of too and north of kassan and that’s just here so the main town is here which is the town of cast and the shadow isn’t very far away

    So quite a good situation when it comes to towns um I just found it weird to got this Housing State here then it’s down here that all looks good and that pole I would guess is with it and that land as well in the garden there so certainly an interesting property next

    One uh this is actually not sure it’s a shadow de or what but as mentioned earlier I’ll be doing videos about how to decipher the different styles uh and the alternative purchases to Shadows but I thought this one was certainly wor a look so this is situated

    The Eastern side of France not a massive collection of photos here fairly 19 193s possibly style certainly very Regal interesting building there which imag the chicken C looking number posing chickens you got on there so not great deal photos but I have actually managed to locate it see here there’s Geneva there’s

    Leon if you actually zoom in B bre is there Mac on and we zoom in zoom in zoom in go to satellite and it is just here so if you actually go for the street view that’s the property just there so not the best environment but might injur someone next

    One this I okay right this one this one is actually near obas in the 07 which I can’t remember where 07 is from it’s down south I’m pretty sure yeah it’s down south towards viance and so 500 M Square livable space eight bedrooms two bathrooms 1.82

    Uh hectares of land which is let’s say 4 and a half acres asking price 635,000 uh this actually looks like a very nice property just go back to the main first main photo it there you go this looks like a very nice property as I was

    Saying and nice view out the front door but we’ll get back to that a bit later uh little pretty good Hall another stairwell one of those shots interesting stairwell though some reasonable looking rooms that’s an old door there that’s why it looks all corank job reminds me well makes me think of the

    Actual old French films M all looks well looked after a bit old but well looked after let’s say but coming back to this view here this one helped me locate it so I did you see this up here this round big round like church Tower type thing here

    And so it helped that helped me locate it and it’s not as impressive as all that finally here’s obas the town of and it says has a do dominating view over the town of obas but if we actually go on to obas and go on to the satellite once again uh

    Somewhere around here if I can find it he’s at Round Tower where’s it gone can’t find it now great I’m actually video oh you go there it is there’s that round Tower it’s actually a hexagonal Tower but it looks round and in front of that round Tower in that

    Photo there’s a big long building big long building so that gave me the angle almost to look at so I just carried all over okay and there you have it there is the shadow um what we also have here is the communial Sports ground you have the communial tennis courts here you have

    The obas video Club I think I just saw the obas Cycling Club so that’s all commune owned so that getting noise and all that all over the weekend uh that’s a gymnasium this is an industrial block down here um unless you like doing sport I wouldn’t choose that one shame

    Really cuz it does look quite a nice place oh well next one well it doesn’t get any better this one is on Shanel uh which is in the Bor Countryside yes like the beef B that’s where it comes from and if you look at this property here yeah save the best for

    Last uh Windows have been breed up some dos have been bricked up others have been she blocked up and it is very much oh yes we have a nice painted beam here where the paints have gone but we also have a smashed in fireplace

    Here uh yes we have detail of fire of a staircase yes we have 200y old graffiti um interesting building yes it’s got like almost got out but 650,000 500 M Square uh building eight rooms five bedrooms well what glasses bedrooms and it has 5 hectares of

    Land um they can always drop a zero off that if you ask me maybe not that’s pushing a bit too much but I know 100 to 200 ,000 not 650 and you can see this is where it’s situated right on the thing so this is relatively cheap area of France as well

    And if you zoom in for go to satellite where’s the actual Village there’s the village itself so you can see it’s like a one horse Village and there’s the shadow so if you actually go to straet view we just about get there that’s the village like I

    Said cycling bar close your eyes you won’t see the village and that’s the shatow and you can see here the MTI got dried out as well in this photo and this was in 2024 so €650,000 for that I don’t think so so let’s hope next one’s

    Better oh yes this one I like cuzz it’s unusual it’s almost like some sort of film setting type Shadow something was actually built just to make a horror film or a fantasy film or you almost imagine pole dark running up there or something like that but this is actually situated

    Down up towards rodes down here the actual shatter was pretty well rebuilt but not finished in the 1970s which might explain some of the actual details as it is but certainly a very interesting building might be a bit bit dark in some rooms but if you like the medieval feel

    You see on this hill top here I don’t quite see it that it’s actually a volcanic pick pick or Spike sticking up there reminds me almost of the old Playmobile castles looking it that way but certainly I find a very interesting building so plenty of character and features in there and a few

    Cs and why they add a black and white face in the end I don’t know but certainly so that’s on the market at um uh €650,000 uh has 3,500 M square of land which isn’t massive 500 M square of property and that is situated I said down towards

    Rodes and up actually zoom in here this is the actual Village itself with the actual shatow there and that’s that volcanic bike or pick whatever you want to call it sticking up there it’s certainly an interesting property where it’ll suit everyone not sure I quite like to see it any next

    One this one here is where I can’t remember this one is there uh this is in cores in department 19 and so another this is Neo Gothic style of shatow nice view out there the photos aren’t that brilliant they quite specularly but it certainly looks in quite good order uh single days

    Again like I said when you get the sort of Shadows it’s quite often the case the floors look in good order almost too good maybe they’ been redone I don’t know once again another agency doesn’t do too many photos um just one little thing let me

    Look at that it’s not too as it comes to Shadow so it’s almost a family size property once again uh well saying that it say 620 m squable space which is pretty big for a family 23 rooms okay big family um this is being sold with uh two

    Hectares of land and how I managed to locate this one it’s actually situated down here this is limo uh BR G limo inter airports that’s good and this is actually situated I think on the edge of the village kind of situation oh yeah this is the one where they said in a peaceful

    Countryside Woodland situation with no near neighbors and then you go well that’s pretty close that’s pretty close that’s pretty close and how close to v as the countryside go but certainly interesting place in I quite like the look of it not too sure about this down

    Here yeah looks like a bit of a messy farm so need to be checking out can we get a street view got street view of this bit certainly um Big B I just a building site okay and the shadow the shadow just behind there see pick me no you can’t go

    There but once again with village houses you got the communial playgrounds there so will be bit noise kids screaming not against that but some people might be but certainly once again another interesting place so on to the next one uh this place is actually I don’t

    Know if it’s a shatow once again or not but it’s they say it’s a shatow just looks a bit too recent for a shadow for me but sometimes Shadows were knocked down and rebuilt in a more b style and still kept the name of a shadow cuz if you actually look at this

    One looks very 19 20s to me but certainly nice way you like Terrace on each each room here balcony and Terrace is quite like idea of that you want make a bed breakfast for example each bedroom has its own Terrace could be nice decent floors uh fireplaces once again uh this

    One has what we call suage which is actually s single Del and they put a secondary delaz in onto it uh the big radiators with a big piping again so probably the 1930s 1940s 50s heat and insulation a almost Secret Door there kitchen very simple but probably authentic entrance

    Hall so it’s all there I think it’s seen better days but it’s all there oh I remember this old this wall stuff y 1970s so I need some updating uh if that’s I’m guessing the wiing probably need updating as well due to the actual Decor if that’s the

    Condition it’s in yeah actually just see that here there’s a pull string there I think pull strings haven’t been used in France for many years don’t know why but I haven’t and this bathroom yeah so that looks bit that’s very much French wiring um Prett this is actually a formed metal

    Shower cubicle it’s ripping out and replacing it’s like half decent uh another bathroom there bathroom with a wood burner that’s what it’s reassuring when you have a wood burner in the bathroom now we can chin oh coming back to that there that radiator and just make out some detail on there I think

    This is the actually old sculpted radiators really nice feature that’s land up there what looks like a nice set of stairs looking at this I think it’s probably 1920s 1930s revamped in the’ 70s the Waring has been done to a certain extent but looks like it’s got batt in there so not the

    Best nice Outlook around it and yeah so that’s on the market with four hectares of land 64 M square of liable space and the price where’s the price where’s the price € 682,000 where is that situated that is situated just here so I said there’s liage there towards D fairly quiet area of

    France have actually located located the exual shatow there you go so actually looking at this yeah this actually quite something quite common see these buildings here these are the old stable blocks and all this probably of some previous Shadow which was like 18th century or whatever uh might have been knocked down or

    Destroyed in the revolution or something like that and this is the new sh which is built afterwards so that’s quite common so yeah that tally in on to the next one I like this one this is actually near bre G in cores again € 690,000 asking price 500 M Square

    Liable space 15 rooms and 10 bedrooms let’s have a look at the room the photos so certainly nice country aspect was saying that was one side and the village aspects the other oh I love those sort of Shadows the old wooden chunky ones where actually you can breathe the actual atmosphere let’s say

    Fairly recent R well fairly recent R is probably about 50 years old but compared to the others fire bles are nice like all the wood paning myself that detail roof ceiling detail there that’s nice that’s a bit more boring but you always get rooms like that oh I like this

    One it’s got a well factor I don’t like that room but could you know what I mean it’s got you look go yeah wow you never actually use it like that and some real old features here which are really nice okay need some work on it but certainly a nice project oh

    There’s a good example French electrics as they go that’s probably the actual sens Bell that’s a light switch with a metal cover and that is a plug which is running off the light switch by the way that’s up in Tower that’s up in down got detail there some out

    Buildings quite a few out buildings but look it yeah some I’m guessing you prob got at least that that and that I like that and that is situated like I said in cores and have I located it or not yes Bo it so there’s Paris Nimo airport Bri there’s an act Airport bre

    Go as well but Lio is very much an international airport it’s quite one of the big ones in France and this is situated just outside the village of shabber or just on the outskirts of Village of shab here you go there’s the chatau there that’s the out buildings and the land around there

    Somewhere I like that one I could be tempted with that one there’s a blond Tre in there which is nice what is that brief nice area uh you’re actually in cores you literally save the border from dooro so okay you don’t get the well factor for being in dooro but what is

    The well factor for dooro actually prices are getting cheaper and cheaper there now anyway onwards and upwards oh this one here yeah I actually like this one to start with once again it’s one looked at and went wow and actually when I checked out I went uh

    But I’ll let you know in a bit certainly a nice building here very medieval field to it that that courtyard I kind like properties with Courtyards or that enclosed area don’t know why maybe I just paranoid I just imagine it’s almost fairy tale going down there what was

    That shatter was in um in the first Willow in the original Willow film had like a do got a big gate like that didn’t it all the trolls came out and did all that stuff um don’t think much of the kitchen that’s not that’s very unhat like um very modern in

    Here and obviously you can see it’s some sort of Museum but now certain an interesting building uh what did it say it 273 M Square which is massive but again if you look at that that that’s just a wall there pretty well so the building is that as far as tell and

    3585 M square of land Which is less than 3/4 an acre or just between 3/4 and an acre which isn’t massive that’s what got me thinking for € 690,000 I’m go H so I managed to locate it partly due to because it is actually a museum so it’s over between and T you

    Can see here close to luden and you look at video the satellite I keep on saying video I’m going to be saying video all through this video uh you look at it this is the actual property so in fact what you’re buying is that wall and that building

    There this is the rest of the Shadow and it’s not incl included and I don’t think there’s out buildings included so I imagine you probably have something like like that so all of a sudden it’s not as interesting not that price anyhow on to

    The next one oh this one here I put in cuz I don’t think it’ be a brilliant place to live in but I just found it’s really interesting this is down in lav which is as far as I remember down south uh it’s actually a fortified chatow so very old

    Shatow and it’s only got 4,330 M square of land which is a decent acre but it dates from the 12th to 13th century um how much land do they say how much property 400 m Square property nine rooms has a swimming pool and one bathroom and five

    Bedrooms but it’s certainly if you like the history side of this is very much history 12th or 13th century as I was saying oh M it’s a plunge pool out ground as well but look it so if you want to live life as a medieval Knight you can do it here saying that

    Having Acro Jacks in the fireplace with some wooden clamps isn’t too reassuring um some major stuff needs to be done there if that’s rock or stone or whatever those two wood clamps aren’t going to do a great deal but well there you go um yeah we certainly interesting

    Property I think need to get rid of of all the actual old style Museum stuff in there which no one wants and I’m not too sure what that is and I think there some get an estimate done on that fireplace but that could be an interesting place what price we at

    690 you probably about at least 50,000 for that fireplace but I’m just looking it from here possibly even more if all that think supporting up going up from it any certainly interesting in property uh need to have a look at that fireplace so and that is situated down south between Kasson and

    Lb just this is to lose so to lose international airport so good situation good connections and certainly like very much the South for France and let’s a look at there you go there it is the actual shatter itself I guess that’s a water tower and it will Farm H it down here

    Um who likes Dungeons and medieval living or maybe one of those new Viking fan people I want to live a life as a viking in the south of France any there you go so yes there is quite a bit of choice uh on Shadows uh in France 1 750,000 but be

    Very careful because they do come with often with a little glitches let’s say um so there you have it I’ll be working on other videos on this I won’t be doing any more price increases CU going up to a million euros there’s plenty of choice

    And like I said I’m not here to sell that houses the shadow for the other agents uh but I’ll be doing other videos about Shadow and alternatives to shate and things around shatow so stay tuned and I’ll see you soon bye


    1. Thx for the video. Very interesting stuff but I reckon id be real keen on those other video ideas you mentioned, especially the alternatives to chateaux.

    2. Thank you Dan for this beautiful presentation. Always interesting to view these objects with the eye of an expert. What strikes me is the fact that even with a budget of €750,000, there are still quite a few stings under the grass. But that may not improve with increasing the budget unless you go into the millions and even then i think. I really enjoyed your animated presentation and British humor. I love it very much! It may be a good idea to do a similar exercise for characterful buildings, homes such as watermills, farms or characteristic charming homes in a rural environment…. just an idea. Thanks a lot Dan!

    3. This is a great overview of the whole country and what is typical, in my own search I see similar results, that until you get over 800k, the work is still needed and even needed on 2mil+ of course. If you have the time and want a new video theme, do a video on wine estates under 1mil, surprisingly there are half a dozen just in the Dordogne. Some are chateaux included, other just manor house or a chartruese. So many names for that which we would like to just call a home. Also, there seem to be many watermills, lockkeeper cottages, that would be a fun theme too.

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