More evidence that anyone sane should steer clear of Marti Blagborough.

    Original “Stop it, get some help” Michael Jordan Anti-drug PSA 1987:

    Video from Street Video Reviewer – Marti Blagborough Is A Nutjob:

    DJ Audits’ video “INDUCTION PIPE BENDING UK LIMITED Publishes @DJAUDITS Personal Details Outside Business Premises”:

    Section 1A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997:

    Section 68 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994:

    Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986:

    Section 6(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977:

    National Street Gazetteer entry for Sedling Road (NE38 9BZ):

    Google Street View:,-1.5332244,3a,37.5y,180.2h,87.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp_f-TVmKCdiEmV_Ew56ISA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

    Marti Blagborough footage:

    The UK GDPR:

    Data Protection Act 2018:

    Regulation 2 of The Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018:

    ICO Register of data protection fee-payers:

    Channel Theme: Credit to Ashutosh/@ashutoshmusic

    This this information that they’re publicizing on their even it’s been here number one it’s how have they got that information yeah it’s data that they’ve obtained somehow [Applause] Yeah yes I’m back again with another video I just can’t stay away stop it get some help thanks Michael my video exposing Marty blabber for what he is titled Marty blabber is a nut job was restored by YouTube a week or two ago if you haven’t already seen it a link is in

    The description I recommend you watch that first before you continue watching this one or what I have to say may not make sense Marti blabber is not my favorite topic but there are some further points I’d like to raise you’re now watching again footage of the gang audit of ipb

    In Washington in the northeast of England when I put the last video up it was pointed out that the gang had found posters on the inside of the building you got on the inside as well you’ve got them on the inside as well D there’s the

    Proof then look that’s it that proves it soon from inside that building I have to blur that back out again now oning it but it’s on the inside abely ridiculous quick try get notice again it’s Marty who alerts DJ audit to the poster on the inside of

    The building orbe it that it looks like another auditor sees it first but if you notice Marty seems to know what it is he’s seen inside take him down I we pushing my way past the female female open the door they’ve obviously found some more posters on the inside of the

    Building now this this information that they’re publicizing on their it’s been here number one it’s how have they got that information it’s data that they’ve obtained somehow I think I can help you with that DJ audits somehow yeah have they protected that data that they’ve handled certainly not those post going

    Be taken down are the posters going to be taken down to do with these people I’m just open the door then you’re talking [ __ ] please forgive the bad language my friend Marty he gets upset sometimes Marty here is abusing an innocent person who is in the building

    For a therapy session in case that sounds far-fetched they later bump into this same person as he leaves the premises and they eventually accept that he was telling the truth and he’s just an entirely innocent individual with no connection to ipb who is there to meet some sort of therapist you’re lying yeah

    I think he might be lying he’s lying you’re lying at that big fat back end of yours my friend Marty he’s such a charmer he’s not a nut job at all you know he’s perfectly sane and reasonable I mean who doesn’t trespass on business premises and Shout abuse at people in

    Reception we’ve all been there take these posters down said here for a thy session in a they’re breaking the law we’re going to keep coming until e are taken down there you can hear thew aor threatening to harass this business further what these Auditors are doing here is committing harassment of this

    Company cont to section 1A of the protection from harassment act 1997 which only requires one event of harassment because the conduct is directed at multiple persons and also they’re committing aggravated trespass contrary to section 68 of the criminal justice and public order act 1994 as it looks like they’ve been they forced this

    Business to go going to lockdown and arguably in threatening the innocent man in reception Marty blabber commits an offense of disorderly Behavior likely to cause harassment alarm and distress cont to section five of the public order act 1986 I think we should also take a look

    At section six of the Criminal Law act 1977 section subsection one says that it is an offense for a person to threaten violence for the purpose of securing to premises it seems to me that this probably doesn’t apply in this case because to be fair they’re not strictly threatening violence possibly a

    Prosecutor could interpret this broadly and say that violence is implied but sorry a threat of violence is implied but I don’t think the um offense strictly applies here nevertheless sub section one of section six of the Criminal Law act 1977 that offense is something that we should bear

    In mind for the future because it seems to me that there are occasions when Auditors do uh sail close to the wind and act in a way that could be construed as threatening to occupies of premises yeah open the door for me then full of crap why cuz they’re breaking the

    Law yes so I’m just going to remove the poster this is interesting one so what they’ve done they’ put something that doesn’t that we wouldn’t want to be filmed to obstruct our filming look we have thing called the blur tool yeah hassle though is it it is

    It’s a bloody nightmare is it but it is what it is they are and it’s starting to R now lovely so what they’ve done they’ve placed information on the outside of the building which obviously we wouldn’t want to publish the information on the poster is a photograph of DJ Audits and

    His wife and the business address of DJ audits which is an attempt really to restrict our lawful activity of filming the place your activity in filming the place is not lawful you are trespassing and moreover committing aggravated trespass and some of you are committing harassment and behaving in a disorderly

    Manner in that regard another point that should be noted is that d DJ audits at least seem to think that the road leading to the ipb premises was publicly adopted when later that day the gate is shut to them he complains that the company have blocked a public

    Highway so lock we now have a locked padlock which is restricting access down a council adopted Road it’s not certain that the road is Council adopted the road in question is part of settling Road postcode ne38 November Echo 38 9B z9 Bravo zebra if we look at the

    National Street gazer entry for settling road which I link to in the description we can see that it is stated to be publicly adopted but that does not always mean that all of the road is a public Highway that record is for General Guidance albe the information is

    Submitted by local authorities and it may be inaccurate in matters of detail in cases such as this the only reliable way of finding out whether it is publicly adopted whether that part of the road is publicly adopted would be to ask the local highways authority to confirm the position and I imagine they

    Would have to consult with their legal department and perhaps conduct a site visit one reason I’m cautious about this is that if you look at the relevant part of settling Road on Google street view this is what you see there’s clearly a gate and it looks like that part of the

    Road is not being maintained in the same way as the rest of settling Road it does look like that that part of settling Road may be a private road but even if it is a public Highway the Auditors were still trespassing as soon as they entered the premises of ipb where they

    Had no proper purpose and were clearly not welcome and not wanted let’s go back now to the original question that DJ audits asked this this information that they’re publicizing their been here number one how have they got that information it’s data that they’ve obtained somehow let’s answer that for him the poster was

    Behind the glass that means either Marty sent the posters to them ahead of that day or left the posters there earlier that day and ipb found them and put them around the inside of the building for some reason or Marty put some through their letter box or something and

    They’ve put the poster up probably they did this because Marty has told them that DJ audits will be visiting that day in case anybody is still not convinced that Marty blackbar was the culprit let me provide you with a bit more evidence that involves a different incident the

    Video You’re Now watching is of Marty blabber and some of his associates on the trail of some police officer who was convicted of an offense of Cruelty to a dog I don’t know all the details obviously I can’t condone that sort of behavior on the part of the police

    Officer but he was caught and punished by the courts and I assume he was also disciplined by the force he worked for Marty blabber for some reason took up this case even though the criminal justice system had dealt with it and Marty decided to go to the police

    Officer’s house and here’s what happened so it’s quite it’s quite shocking that this person is still actively in Duty however there is a current investigation on ongoing via the independent police complaints commission slash the um Professional Standards Department who are currently investigating his actions um I assume

    That they would take some kind of discipl disciplinary action as when you are a member of a serving police force even your actions at home are still still come into play so at all times you are always basically liable your actions are monitored but as promised guys I won’t joking we will

    Come to your house so do we post it through his door or what do notice a piece of paper he’s got there it’s a photo of a police officer with some information about him underneath Marty has put that together yeah no maybe I don’t really think it should be

    Harassment but um we’ll see from there what’s that that you’ve got in your hand there Mr Sherlock this is just a little uh a little reminder of what this [ __ ] did to his [ __ ] dog oh is it is that is that the news article I think this is

    His Beamer as well M so I’m just going to put that there like that if he’ll probably see it anyway one minute let’s get his face there make sure his face is showing he’ll see it so guys there you go we promised you some um Class A

    Journalism today and we have brought it to you in style I don’t think that’s journalism but the point is to note what you just saw Marty blabber and the person with him do think about the similarity between that and the posters found at ipb Marty’s helper leaves a

    Poster on the Bonnet of of the policeman’s car it’s essentially the same modus operandi a shaming poster designed to intimidate and humiliate someone the next question is did Marty blabber commit an offense by passing the information about DJ audits to ipb the first point to make is that

    Marty blabber is a data controller he hasn’t bothered to register as a data controller with the information commissioner’s office so he is in breach of a regulation specifically regulation two of the data protection information and charges regulations 2018 for which he could be fined contrary to what he

    Seems to think he is fully subject to the data protection requirements contained in the UK gdpr and the D data protection act 2018 it’s important to acknowledge that all of the information contained in the posters is publicly available and If Marty was someone working against Auditors and he actions were public

    Spirited potentially his disclosure of the information to ipb and even encouraging them to put the information in public on posters um could have a lawful basis um on the basis that it was for crime prevention purposes but obviously his actions were not with that intention in mind he intended to harass

    DJ Audits and he used personal data under his control to do so for this DJ audits could bring an action against Marty blabber under this as under a the Civil wrong of misuse of private information and seek damages furthermore by doing so Marty committed an offense of harassment under Section 1A of a

    Protection from harassment act 1997 which only requires one event of harassment where the conduct is directed at two persons in this case DJ Audits and his wife did the company ipb do anything wrong they too are subject to the requirements of data protection but their case is different they didn’t ask

    For these people to trespass on their premises and had the right to take steps to deter them this could include publishing their names and images which after all uh were given to the company by Marty blabber and our public information in any case um any publication in this manner arguably

    Could be considered a lawful purpose as it is for site security and the prevention of crime as I mentioned in a previous video a company does have privacy rights under article 8 of The Human Rights Act it’s just a matter of interpreting those rights according to the circumstances of a company as

    Opposed to a natural person similarly the owners and employees of a company have a right of privacy I think it boils down to a matter of balancing the Privacy right of DJ Audits and his wife on the one hand and those of the company on the other DJ audits was unwelcome at

    The company and had no purpose in being there instead he was trespassing he took part in the harassment of a company his wife may not be an innocent party in all this as she must be aware of his of his activities and therefore to an extent is

    Condoning them it’s hard to feel any sympathy for DJ audits or his wife and I doubt that a court would a court May may decide that given the nature of his activities DJ audit should have expected his face and name to be shared publicly and that of his wife it’s also difficult

    To see how the company could be harrassing DJ audits or his wife given that it is DJ audits who is trespassing on their premises in the end I’m left with the thought that if DJ audits cares this much for his own privacy why doesn’t he respect the privacy of others although I

    Think Marty blabber is a nut job at least in this sense he does practice what he preaches he doesn’t pretend that he should somehow be able to hide his face when he’s the one sticking his camera in other people’s faces and making a nuisance of himself


    1. Street Video Reviewer: I have to thank you for this master piece! It's the free education that I am thanking you for!! It only cost me 16 minutes and 13 seconds of my time. Keep up the great work and the education coming 😉

    2. Smackborough didn't put the posters up, Worzil went up with the rest of the wrong'uns, Ninja drove up 3 1/2 hours on his own. He was never diing that without a pay off.
      Ninja chinny chin put them up.

    3. DJ “how have they got that information” well it’s someone you know that’s how as they have access to your pictures possibly on facebook etc 🤷🏽‍♂️

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