Denmark offers more than just its culinary delights, although trying their exquisite dishes is a must. The country is also celebrated for its biking culture, top-notch healthcare, outstanding education, and even… Legos? Absolutely. It’s important not to miss out on the incredible experiences that this remarkable country has to offer. Whether you’re exploring from one end to the other, Denmark has something for everyone to enjoy. Enjoy the Top 10 Mind-Blowing Discoveries That Will Amaze You About Denmark!

    DISCLAIMER: please note that, even though we have done thorough research to get accurate and updated information for this video, we are only presenting our own opinions, based on the data we have analyzed. We encourage you to do some personal research and make your own conclusions about the places we have discussed.

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    00:00 Introduction
    00:46 The Region is Mostly Flat
    01:35 The Danish State Flag has been in Use the Longest
    02:21 The Tap Water is Some of the Cleanest in the World
    02:59 Denmark Exports Large Amounts of Food
    03:55 Walt Disney Was Inspired by Denmark
    04:44 Legos Were Invented in Denmark
    05:46 The Bike to Car Ratio is 2:1
    07:19 Healthcare and Education are Completely Free
    08:39 It’s A Beautiful Island Nation
    09:23 Denmark is the Happiest Country in the World

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    If you’re looking for an amazing place to visit you’re in the right place because Denmark has it all this gorgeous Nation located between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea is home to over 5 million people and more agricultural products than you may have ever imaged

    But it’s not just about the food in Denmark though you will want to try out some of their culinary masterpieces it’s also about bikes healthc care education and Legos that’s right you don’t want to miss out on everything that this spectacular country has to offer from one end to the other there’s something

    For everyone to enjoy in Denmark we’re going to take a look at the different features of Denmark that contribute to making it so spectacular starting with number 10 the region is mostly flat Denmark’s highest mountain if you can even call it a mountain is only about 170 m tall

    17.87% half the height of the Eiffel Tower known as moloy this mountain is really more of a hill or an incline in the landscape and it’s the highest because most of Denmark is level it rests in a coastal region on the Baltic Shield where solid rock forms the

    Foundation of the region this means there’s very little tectonic action and even less geological shifts being this flat means there are some beautiful views and Landscapes within the region but it’s also extremely unique compared to the rest of Europe number nine the Danish state flag has been in use the

    Longest the Danish state flag was designed in 1625 though at that time the brilliant white Scandinavian cross floating on a bright red background was triangular in shape it wasn’t until 1748 that it became the square shape that we all know so well but nothing else about this flag has changed since its

    Inception it’s been the same pattern which is affectionately known as Den brog and ever since Deno means Danish cloth and while that might seem a little bit spot-on for the locals it’s a sweet way to refer to something that means a great deal to the community and the

    Country as a whole it’s a symbol of their history their Danish spirit and their love for community and culture number eight the tap water is some of the cleanest in the world there are not a lot of places in Europe where you can drink water straight from the tap but

    Denmark is one of them unlike mainland Europe Denmark puts a great deal of effort into making sure that their water is high quality they do this with rigorous regulations on water cleanliness and state-of-the-art water treatment facilities all of this means that Denmark is often ranked as one of

    The best places for water quality in the entire world not just Europe and that water can easily and safely be used for everything from cooking and cleaning to drinking number seven Denmark exports large amounts of food in in fact Denmark produces enough food to feed approximately 30 million people and if

    That doesn’t sound like a big enough number to you consider the fact that there are only approximately 5.8 million people living in Denmark so they’re producing a huge amount of food for export purposes some of the biggest contributors to this amount of food production are their Advanced agricultural practices and their strong

    Focus on sustainable farming they care about the planet in a number of different ways not just feeding people but doing it in a way that’s healthy for them and healthy for the planet itself all of this makes Denmark the fifth largest food exporter in the world and

    For such a tiny country made up of so many tiny little Islands that’s definitely a huge feat approximately 20% of their total exports come from different forms of agricultural and food exports number six Walt Disney was inspired by Denmark have you ever heard of the tavoli gardens you may not have

    But you’ve likely heard of Disneyland and tavoi Gardens in Denmark are where much of the foundation for Disneyland’s designs came from Walt Disney actually visited the gardens in July of 1951 at least according to the book idea Hunter and other biographies of Walt once he arrived he took notes on everything from

    The courtesy of the workers to the food and especially the quality the drinks the rides and everything else that he saw and according to the lore he said that this was exactly what in amusement park should be 4 years later California welcomed Disneyland with a host of beautiful designs that were inspired by

    This amazing amusement park in Denmark number five Legos were invented in Denmark did you know this one that old Kirk Christensen the founder of Lego was actually a Danish Carpenter but when he lost both his business and his wife he had to make a change because he had to

    Find a way to support his children all on his own that’s when he turned to being a toy maker over the years he started out crafting toys for his children out of wood a carryover from his time as a carpenter no doubt and his children loved them his goal was toys

    That were less structured and would instead allow children to create their own worlds encourage their imagination and teach them about the real world while still letting them just have fun that’s where Legos really worked and about that name it comes from the Danish r Lego which means play well that’s

    Exactly what we want our kids to do when they’re playing right whether it’s with Legos or any other toy the concept of play well is certainly something we enjoy number four the bike to car ratio is 2 to one this is another fact you may have heard about Denmark they have a

    Whole lot of bikes in fact they have twice as many bikes as they have cars which the people of Denmark take just about everywhere they go even though the country is quite cold much of the time bikes are just considered a way of life in this country so much so that in 2020

    The government invested approximately $82 million USD to boost the cycling infrastructure that’s over 520 million DKK and they’ve invested a further €1 134 million to support more bridges overpasses and more to make sure that the Danes can travel throughout the country including to different Islands easily on their bikes in the country as

    A whole approximately 7 out of 10 Danes over the age of six own a bike and when you get to the city center of Copenhagen you’ll find approximately 9 out of 10 Danes owning a bike when they don’t use bikes most of the Danish people choose to use public transportation with only

    About 25% of people in Copenhagen even owning a car let alone using it the government is so set on making sure that cars don’t take up too much of the country that they’ve set goals to ensure that bike and public transportation use must never fall below 30% and car use

    Must never exceed 30% that’s a whole lot of time effort and money devoted to keeping cars off the roads and the people on bicycles number three healthc care and education are completely free this is one that you may have heard of before because it’s come about in political discussions around the world

    The Danish Health Care system is comprised of Public Health Program with public health nurses and free health care by General Practitioners now that doesn’t mean there are no other options there are still paid options for the people to visit any family physician or specialist that they want if they

    Don’t want to pay for these Services they visit the locations that the government sponsors also there are paid options for Private health insurance that means the health care is not 100% free but it comes close enough for most people and can be free for some and on

    Top of that Healthcare support is the support for social welfare programs offering Health to the elderly unemployed disabled and more then there’s the education education is extremely important to the Danish people and nearly every adult is literate the country requires 9 years of compulsory education for children but once they

    Reach the ninth grade they are given options for what they want to do some children choose to remain in school either the traditional schools or training programs others choose to enter the work Force at that time there are also Danish folk schools that offer nonformal adult education options number

    Two it’s a beautiful island nation but not just in the way you might think Denmark is actually made up of 444 Islands that’s a whole lot of islands especially when you consider the overall size of Denmark is quite small so many of those islands are extremely small known as an archipelago Denmark has

    Islands such as Finn bornholm samso Zealand fan and many others bornholm is one of the largest islands and is known as practically a culinary Mecca then there’s Zealand which is likely the island that you’ve heard the most about and of course there’s fan which is where

    You’re going to want to go if you’re looking for Beauty and the history of Denmark number one Denmark is the happiest country in the world this is one that you may have heard of before but do you know why Denmark is consider considered the happiest country in the

    World according to the world happiness report one reason is because the country and its people boast a very strong sense of social equality and Community Spirit what that means is they take care of one another and they do it both on their own and through social programs this welfare

    State has extremely high taxes with some paying approximately half of their income in taxes and that doesn’t even account for the value added tax of 25% or the tax on new cars which can be up to 150% but the Danish people and their political parties don’t seem to have any

    Interest in changing that that’s because in return they get a number of excellent features one thing that the Danes get is support for each other young and old sick and healthy employed and unemployed the social welfare program helps everyone it actually provides nearly 100% free health care free education and

    Support for up to 2 years for those who have lost their job and are looking for a new one in short the Danes believe that the needs of the many are important and it’s everyone’s job to help Denmark is a remarkable place with a number of amazing things that you won’t find

    Anywhere else it’s a beautiful country filled with amazing people they have a number of great features and experiences that help them consistently rank as not just one of the happiest places in the world but actually the happiest of all so if you’re looking for a place to

    Visit or a place to live this is one you won’t want to miss


    1. 00:00 Introduction
      00:46 The Region is Mostly Flat
      01:35 The Danish State Flag has been in Use the Longest
      02:21 The Tap Water is Some of the Cleanest in the World
      02:59 Denmark Exports Large Amounts of Food
      03:55 Walt Disney Was Inspired by Denmark
      04:44 Legos Were Invented in Denmark
      05:46 The Bike to Car Ratio is 2:1
      07:19 Healthcare and Education are Completely Free
      08:39 It’s A Beautiful Island Nation
      09:23 Denmark is the Happiest Country in the World

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