2024s första film. Vi har firat nyår och njutit av lediga dagar, fått en riktig köldknäpp över nästan hela landet så vi sitter varmt och gott i stugan. Datumen är satt och vi har betalat biljetten, den 27 februari drar vi ut på årets första långresa med Black EXPLORER, i berättar om hur vi tänker med packning säkerhet och resan i sig så häng på och kolla in videon så får du veta mer.
    #bokatresa #vanlife #säkerhet

    Recept på ansjovissnurror:
    Smördegssnurror med ansjovis och lök
    Cirka 25 stycken

    Smördegssnurror med ansjovis och lök

    1 gul lök
    250g smördeg
    3 dl mild prästost
    0,5 dl finhackad persilja
    1 burk ansjovis (100g)

    I denna kanal visar vi hur mycket vi älskar husbilslivet, våra resor och vad vi gör när vi drar ut med vår Husbil eller vår Plåtis och även lite från vårt vardagsliv. Vår ambition är att komma ut med ett avsnitt varje vecka så ni kan följa med oss och hur vi lever. Vi har downsizat för att leva mer fritt och upplever att vi just nu lever vårt drömliv. Vi arbetar mobilt och kan resa fritt och planera våra dagar med äventyr som det passar oss bäst.
    Följ oss om du gillar äventyr, nya platser och ett lite annorlunda outdoor-liv där vi försöker sätta lite lyx på vardagen.
    Besök gärna vår shop hos Amazon där vi lagt upp saker som vi använder både för att göra våra filmer och även saker som vi tycker är bra och som förgyller vår vardag både i det mobila hemmen men även i vår stuga där vi gärna lyxar till vardagen likaså. Vi lägger upp saker som vi har och som vi kan rekommendera.

    Ni kan även höra mer om oss och våra upptåg via Stora Husbilspodden
    #husbil #vanlife #plåtis
    #camper #bobil #outdoor #van #freeliving #mobilehome #wohnmobile

    Här hittar vi vår musik till våra videor.
    30 dagars gratis prövotid. Avbryt när som helst.
    Lägg till musik till dina innehållsskapelser. Få full tillgång till över 40 000 spår och 90 000 ljudeffekter. Alla rättigheter ingår.
    Påbörja gratis försöksperiod

    I veckans avsnitt besöker vi:

    Ni hittar oss på:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/glampingexplorer

    WEB: https://www.
    Kontakt: glampingexplorer@gmail.com
    Välkommen och hoppas på återseende!
    Jeanette & Robert

    Hello! Hello and welcome to our first film for this year. 2024. Yes, 2024. We’ve had New Year’s, it’s been Christmas, and we’ve had some time off. Yes, we have actually treated ourselves to some time off. So it’s been great. And now it’s so cold outside, it’s minus 18 every night. So we sit

    Here at home and make a full fire in the cabin. The stove crackles and the wood runs out more and more. Quick end. So we must hurry away. It’s time to book a trip. Yes, that is partly why we are sitting here. Talk a little about itineraries, how we think, ferries, bridges. Security.

    We want to be safe in the car too. Yes, but shall we start at the right end then? Yes we do. Hello! Hello Hello! It’s New Year’s Eve! Yes, and we are our New Year’s hats. We almost slept with them. There will be a little bubbling here and a little more snacking.

    We’re going to cook some more good stuff. And we’re going to cozy up, but we’re definitely going to plan a lot today. Or today, but these days it’s nice to sit and just drink bubbles and talk about the trip. Some routes and some stuff and book Stena Line, maybe Gothenburg Kiel.

    Will it be? I definitely think so. Then we’ll find a slightly more fun cabin. Not the usual cab, maybe a little more fun. A little foam day. This time it won’t be the sabering sword, but we will use the Hultafors Ax. Then we’ll open this one. So. Last time, several people wondered

    When we sabered if it got into the water and it didn’t. It came on the gravel, but now we’re going to test homeweed on our own plot. Nicely done! Practice makes perfect! Not much force was needed. Is it a German Rothkläppen? A cult, or what do you call it? Yes, German Sect.

    What a happy ending this was Robert. Yes, fantastic. So lovely that you have joined. Now you’re keeping up with 2024 too, right? Bowl! Oh, so much fun that will happen now. Now spring is on its way. In February we will go. We have some commitment and stuff

    So that’s why we don’t go before then. No, but I would have liked to leave now. We can’t stick under the chair with that. It’s starting to feel edgy. Yes, very edgy. Packing, logistics, book ferry. Which way should we drive? How are we going to fit everything? We both like camping.

    Yes, but there will be less camp this time. It will be a bit cosy-mosy. It will be so much fun packing the car. Bowl! You will be able to join us when we pack and stow everything and we will show how many compartments we have and stuff like that.

    And this will be a challenge for us. You know that we usually bring a lot of different things with us so that we have to compromise, plan and get it together as much as possible to get what we want. Yes, but it is as we have said over the years here before.

    We are not going to any foreign countries. If something is missing, we buy it on the way. That’s how it is. If there is something that is missed. Yes, if we miss something. And you always miss something. Feels like. Or you always buy something new. I guess that’s the point. It’s also fun.

    But now we’re going to cook some tasty snacks. So keep up with it. Welcome! To Robban’s little cooking corner. I have had the great pleasure of starting a little preparation. Jeanette has some other things for her. Today we will make anchovy rolls. As a small snack for the bubble.

    We will also make our own toast skagen. And what else was there? We had intended to do something with salmon. But we didn’t find that salmon. In the store when we were shopping. So it will be these little snacks we had in mind today during the day.

    And walk around here and cozy up a bit. Drink some schumpa and snuggle up. Prepare a little. Have a good mood. Will put on some music soon. I’ve chopped some onions here. We have puff pastry. I will chop the anchovies. And then you think, you who don’t like anchovies. No, damn it. But

    There’s actually not that much anchovy in these anchovy rolls. They are very good. Then Jeanette was here and steered and set up a bit as well. I’ll get my tie in order. No, no tie. Then we will make our own whipped mayonnaise. The light here is too damn bad.

    But that is the light we have to work with. An egg. We take the whole egg. Fortunately, we have some measure here. And I don’t really drive as much as they say it is. I take a little less. I’ll have some Dijon mustard. A spoon. Half a teaspoon. Half a teaspoon. So.

    We’ll have some white wine vinegar. And we’ll have some lemon. I think I’ll take it later. No, I’ll take it now. I squeeze some lemon in it. So. We take pepper and pull in at once. We drive in a little salt. So we’ll see how this goes now then.

    It can only go wrong as we say. Then it was time to fix the skagen for our toast. Homemade. And I’ll garnish it a little. So you can keep up. This is how the pizza buns turned out. Or the anchovy rolls. Actually tastes like pizza bun. Yes it does. They’re just warm now.

    Yes, we have shown them before. But there are also new followers. And here now come the prawns that will go down in the beaten mayo. And some good toast. Yum. This is how they turned out in all their simplicity. It will be delicious to chew these. See you later again. Hello.

    Then we are satisfied. And then it’s 2024. 2024. Christmas Eve has passed. New Year’s Eve has passed. We had a great New Year. And so satisfied. We were at home. It got a little bad. So it didn’t happen that we went to our friends. But we spoke to them on the phone.

    So it was great fun. We facetimized them. Yes, wonderful. But we already talked then on New Year’s about booking the trip. And we would sort of plan. And make a lot of talk and such. And of course we did. But it never happened that we booked the trip.

    No, the trip was not booked. We sat and talked a bit. So we thought we’d do it now. Now we book the trip. Now we book. And we have talked together about dates. And we have also talked together about going with Kiel. Yes. We have ridden it several times

    When we have gone south. And we think it’s a small luxury. And it’s not a lot of hundreds of dollars to drive down Trelleborg, Rostock, Malmö, Broarna, Rödby-Puttgarden. It doesn’t make much of a difference. No, we have reasoned that way. It takes a lot of diesel for us to drive that way.

    And the costs like you said for customs duties and all that. And bridges. If you compare, what you say is not many hundreds of dollars that make a difference. So we drive Kiel. And then the party starts right away. It’s actually quite nice to just drive down to the ferry camp, drive on.

    The body gets some rest. Skipping these 60 boring miles. I think they are very boring to drive anyway. Sweden, Denmark. Yes, but right then it is. Because then you know you have to go that much further. The start won’t be as fun. So we’re going to take a look today

    And go in and have a look at what it looks like on the website with prices and tickets. So we do now. We’re also going to look for a… We’re going to have a look at a more fun cabin, we said. Because there we have also talked about the fact that

    It will not be the cheapest. Do you have nose hair? It won’t be the cheapest to take a slightly more luxurious cabin, of course. But we reason that there is such a small difference for the boat ticket and then comes the cabin that you have to book for. And the very cheapest cab

    Is somewhere between 8-9. I don’t think they are that cheap anymore actually. Was it 1000 kroner? I wonder if they are a bit more expensive if you want a double cabin or something like that. Actually I think. But then if you want to treat yourself to a breakfast, you run away with money.

    If you then want to treat yourself to something more, it also runs away. So we look at what they have, what is available. So we log on to the computer and see what they can offer us. That sounds good, we’ll check. Keep your fingers crossed for slightly cheaper trips now.

    Departure, you did it wrong. You took today. Yes, but you can add that later. You can’t do that. Shall we take the 27th? Yes. 27. And then we will have a single ticket. Single ticket. Continue. Two adults. Two adults. Then you only took an adult. So, no child. Vehicle, motor home.

    A sheet of ice there. Right there. Above there. Where. You were there. Then we come to the ferry trips themselves. On February 27, which we are looking at, we have 1925 kroner and it is actually a low price on both Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then they raise the price on Thursday to 2600.

    So we drive 27 then. Then we click there. Perfect. Then we’ll take Flexy because it was economy. Then we cannot cancel it. Then we can rebook. Can it be done in economics? No. But if we go up to Flexy, it costs SEK 2,264. We’ll probably have to take that.

    You never know what will happen. Absolutely. Then we continue. Now we’re going to check the cab as well. We’ll check the cabin. Now I’m just going to film a little so you can see on the computer screen. So you know what I do. So we scroll and look here a bit.

    We’re just checking. It costs 1950. Then we go down to something a little more common. Here we have two beds with a sea view. Then you have no bunk beds above you. 1650. Yes. But then there is no front view included. No I do not think so. Frontview was this.

    So it is a bit luxurious with a sea view. But it’s dark so it doesn’t matter to us. Yes. What else do we have? Actually, you don’t need windows. No. It is dark almost the entire journey. We have taken five beds once. Then there is usually a bed that is bigger down there.

    Which was a little wider yes. Quadruple bed with sea view. 1350. I actually feel right away that I’m kind of about to go back to this captain’s cabin. Because there was so little difference. What do we get here? 140 centimeters. Double bed, sofa and coffee table. Minibar available. All cabins.

    But what kind of breakfast did you see it in then? You said that another time No, you said that. They were the ones that were even more expensive. There was something there. Breakfast is included there. Yes, but it’s those luxury cabins. Yes, but it was cheaper. It was SEK 100 cheaper.

    Yes, they actually were. And breakfast is included. And a round bed. We have never tested it. We’ll take it. This will now be SEK 4,014. 4114. Shall we go to payment? Yes. But my God, now we have booked! Then it was fixed. The trip was then SEK 4114. With this slightly nicer cabin.

    But then we still got a welcome drink. Breakfast. And a luxury cabin. And a slightly more fun cabin. It was a cabin that we have never had. So it’s a great start to our adventure. Great fun. What do we do now then? Shall we talk about how we intend to travel? Which way?

    How do we drive? Yes, we will talk about that. You can be here now as we sit and reason a little. But we will also talk about the packing. Yes. What we should do and how we should pack. How to fit your clothes.

    I am not worried about how I will fit the clothes. In other words. This is more for building outdoor camp. Yeah, I’m not worried about that. It is fully packaged. Yes. What’s more. Late security too. We would like to talk a little about security with new locks that we have purchased.

    But we start with the journey. Okay. Otherwise, I thought we would end the trip. But then. Packing. You must bring packing. We’re going to empty the sheet ice and redo and do it right. We unpack and then pack in. I think it could be fun to film.

    There won’t be a film about it today, but it will. About how and what we pick with. We should not take a gas grill with us. We won’t take the bikes with us. Not the electric bikes. We actually did one. We have decided that. It will be a stressful moment.

    If we are to park free. Find some other places. We will be in cities maybe. And wear our electric bikes. Rear bicycle rack. Leaving the car is worrying. Yes. When we don’t have the bikes. Bring them with us then. But who knows, we might buy some used ones on

    Marketplace on Facebook during the trip. Regular bikes. Not electric bikes. Yes, if we notice that it is. If we need it. Of course we do. Or a kick or we rent bikes. That might work too. Or go by boat. Or train I mean. Or bus. Why not a boat?

    We will do a lot of adventure during the trip. It will come. We will film and show that. And then we had this. What else did we say? The security. There will also be some films about it. Comes. Lock. The thing with a lock. We have thought and talked. And planned.

    And we feel that. A couple of these. Lock. It is extra lock. To. The back doors. And the sliding door. Thule. Van-lock 2. Will also be available in our Amazon shop as well. The one who gets curious. Then it feels like it gets a little more difficult. For those who.

    Are eager to visit us. But of course there will be an extra lock. I think you feel good about it. At least when we leave the car. And maybe go exploring. Or guided tours. Or leaving. The patch for some days In the evening too. Then you had another thing.

    With maybe we keep the buckles. Between the driver’s doors during the day. When we leave the car. Because it’s pretty easy to get in. In these Fiat locks. It’s just a screwdriver. Have you seen. It’s not that complicated. But I’m going to make it a little harder for them.

    It’s not just getting into Black Explorer. But if you assemble it yourself. Or if someone else can help us. We haven’t decided that yet. Has anyone installed them. Feel free to send a small DM or something. I haven’t opened and read everything. It can’t be that hard. But I feel that.

    It’s not time to start. and then redo do it right. A borehole please. What else did we talk about? Steering wheel crutch. What do you say? Should we bet on it? Should you have it? A deterrent. I might be thinking about whether it might be a suitable thing. When the car is stationary.

    A small steering wheel crutch. Then maybe that makes that car a pain. It feels very good. We’ll look into it. Does anyone have any tips? Please keep in touch. There is a lot that will happen. Before the trip. It’s part of the journey too. You plan and pack. We will film on.

    Make excursions. Cook good food. There will be some trips before then. It’s done. There are quite a few weeks left. Among other things, we will make a trip up to Falköping. Yes. For Swedish mattress design. We are going to treat ourselves to some new bed mattresses. We have decided to fix that. Yes.

    We have actually treated ourselves to that several times in our various mobile homes. Now we will live in the mobile home as much and for as long. Then you have to sleep well. We have bed mattresses today. But they are not tailored. No. It is something we should treat ourselves to.

    So there will be a trip there. Just follow along here. We just wanted to make a slightly shorter film this time. Talk a little about how our thoughts go. And that we have now booked today. Yes. As it is said. That’s how we say thank you. We would like you to comment.

    And subscribe. And you know what? I went out on our Instagram account. And those of you who don’t follow us there. We are called Glamping Explorer there too. Feel free to jump in. I can say that even now. When we’re out and driving late and we’re filming.

    So you don’t have time to film everything. So much will be coming on Instagram. It will. So there you can maybe see a little more things what we experience. But what do I want to say then? I was about to miss it. We talked about how we were so close to 3300 followers.

    On Youtube. And now we are. Now we are over it. We are so grateful that you hit that subscribe button. So you don’t miss this trip we’re going to make. We have a small goal. Hope we get even higher. Higher up. Yes, more subscribers. Before we leave. Yes, like, like, like.

    We are very happy. It’s so fun that you follow along and comment and like and thumbs up. Absolutely. But we say thank you for now. Thanks for now. And new adventures. Our goal is now, we run one film a week. And what comes next week, we’ll see. We shall see. Yes. Come along.

    Bye. Bye. Hello Hello. Hello Hello.


    1. Gott Nytt År från mig just nu i Calpe med husbilen. Vill bara berätta att vi var ett gäng som varje år i 18 år åkte MC i Europa och åkte jämt Göteborg – Kiel då märkte jag att om man gick in och gjorde en bokning men avbröt när vi bara hade betalningen så hände det fler gånger att vi fick ett erbjudande i mailen efter ca en vecka 🙂

    2. Ska bli kul att följa er resa och allt ni ska hitta på! Vi köpte en billig rattkrycka på Biltema men vet inte om priserna på dem gör skillnad, det känns som den är bra. Alltid kul att se era filmer vad ni än gör ❣

    3. Kul med erat nya äventyr. Vi hade Thule lås på vår gamla plåtis som Tumbo monterade. En nackdel att låskolven på sidodörren sitter mot färdriktningen och är en fälla för grus och annat då den inte har något täcklock. Den frös även för oss på vintern trots låssprey.

    4. Hejsan fina ni ♥️♥️ Så otroligt roligt att titta 👀 in hos er ♥️♥️Ni är ett sådant fint par blir lite avundsjuk på ert förhållande. Jag hoppas jag får vara med om något sådant förhållande i mitt liv. Ni är grymma ♥️🥰♥️

    5. Gud vad mysigt det låter när ni berättar om hur ni ska ut på äventyr igen . Kiel färjan är ju kul att kunna slappna av lite dricka och äta något gott. Kan inte ni visa hela ert hem 🏡 Ni verkar ha det så mysigt och fint hemma . Ni har så bra smak på allt . Det är kul att följa er fast jag inte har någon husbil. Ni är ett sådant härligt par och delar med er av ert liv . Ni är naturliga och roliga och bjuder på er själva. Jag önskar er allt gott och en fin fortsättning på 2024 🍾🥂🥳Kramizar 🤗♥️🤗

    6. Hej på er! ❤ God fortsättning på 2024
      Gällande rattkrycka kan vi rekommendera Abus Carblock Granit, den är kanske lite dyrare men säkrare och bättre, dom har har vi i våra fina bilar och i vår husbil, glöm alla andra som man kopplar mellan ratt och pedaler, alla rattar och på pedaler är flexibla så tjuvarna knäcker dom på 5-10 sek
      Säkerhet är viktigast på resan!
      Vi håller koll om ni kommer förbi nära oss!
      Allt gott!
      Grande besos!
      Tina och Lasse i Spanien ❤

    7. När det gäller lås så är heosafe helt outstanding. Lås till både både
      Bak och skjutdörr samt framdörrarna. Inga spännband där inte 😊
      Formsydda madrasser från falköping är underbart 👍 bland det bästa att uppgradera en plåtis med. Man sover som ett barn 😅

    8. Hej på er. Kul att följa er på era äventyr. Vi åker också plåtis och befinner oss i Portugal. När det gäller lås till framdörrarna kan jag rekommendera Heosafe. Vi har även Heosafe till skjutdörr och bakdörr. Samma nyckel till alla låsen. Ha det bra

    9. Så kul att ni bokat, låter smart att starta i Göteborg o komma utvilade till Kiel👍😊
      Ser framemot att följa er under resan ni är verkligen inspirerande båda två🚌🤗

    10. Gott nytt År!🎉så spännande att följa er på er resa, alltid lika roligt att titta på era filmer!👏bra innehåll och ni är verkligen så roliga och naturliga!🥰🤗

    11. 🎉👍 Har väntat att få höra om resa till värmen. Tänkte väl att ni måste iväg? Kul att få följa vad och vart ni hittar på!
      Plåtisen denna gång. Kul att få era reflektioner på det.
      Ha fina spännande dagar! Snart bär det av igen! 😝🙏🥰

    12. God fortsättning på det nya året🎉 Vi har köpt en rattkrycka Megalock twin på Mekonomen. Lätt att sätta på och av på ratten. Alltid avskräcker det någon! Spännande att följa er montering av Thule lås. Mvh Lennart och Elisabeth

    13. Åhh vad spännande att följa!👍
      Sitter och drömmer oss tillbaka till vår senaste resa samtidigt som jag försöker planera en ny. Skulle också vilja åka snart, men det får bli lite senare på året 🙂

    14. God fortsättning !
      Då är ni på G, förberedelsen är nästan halva resan sägs det.
      Förstår att ni tänker på säkerheten, ffa nu i dessa tider. Vi skaffade ett litet billigt hemlarm på 12v för 4 dörrar/luckor och med en app på mobilen. Känns bra som skallarm på natten. Sen har vi en swetrack gömd i bilen så vi vet var bilen är om den försvinner. Billig säkerhet som vi känner oss nöjda med.

    15. Vet inte hur ni räknar. Dagfärjan Trelleborg-Travemunde kostar 700:- Om man sedan vill kosta på sig är det ju upp till var och en men det skiljer inte några hundralappar utan flera tusenlappar.

    16. Är det inte så att det är mera inbrott i husbilar än ren stöld av bil!? Spännband och rattkrycka kanske räcker i avskräckande syfte? Tips, köpa Airtag och ha koll på bilen om den i värsta fall försvinner.
      Kul att följa er! Lycka till!

    17. Gott nytt år till er! 🥳Va roligt att planera för resa, blir roligt att följa er 😃👍Hoppas själva att jag får tatt min planerade europa resa med husbilen till hösten, stoppades av sjukhusvistele i hösten 2023. Ser så fram i mot å få kommi ut t på vägerna !🤩 Ha det nu så fint era goingar !🥰

    18. Hej! Vi skaffade en rattkrycka godkänd av stöldskyddsföreningen och försäkringsbolagen. Det tycker vi känns tryggt. Det stoppar säkert någon.

    19. Oh so exciting 🐻🇪🇸🚐😃🤙 maybe I’ll see you in Spain 👋☺️✨
      Btw, you always make everything look so fun and joyful, so enjoyable to watch 🎬😁👍

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