Jan 21/2024
    Hey Riders, Yes it’s time for another round of Team GRC Sunday Short Race action. We had a ton of people turn out for this one. Come watch this super 10 lap Crit race around the park like setting of Bad Homburg in Germany.
    The races are growing every week and we appreciate the support of all the riders coming out and racing with us.

    So I participated in this race, so you will hear changes in the sound quality as I go through a little warm-up preamble, then hear me suffering as I jump off my bike at the end and provide commentary from location. Everyone loves to see another suffering right? Builds character.

    I like to cover every single racer that shows up so we do stick around right until the end. Let’s cheer on everyone that took the time and effort to show up.

    Hey Riders it’s race day Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. for me in Canada just outside the Rocky Mountains uh we’re doing the team GRC bad Alber crit Race 10 laps it’s going to be super intense think I posted on the Strava club uh we could see some one minute

    Personal best powers here I think some of us are going to try to go for it not really sure how this video will turn out obviously I’m in the start shoot right now well maybe not obviously but I am you can probably hear my fan humming

    Away speaking of which I need a new fan this thing is just garbage I need way more Cooling in here I’ve been looking at uh reconfiguring everything I’ve got stuff all over the place tripping over wires doing all this uh race stuff but I

    Love it so this is 10 laps uh it’s only7 70 m in climbing so like 500 ft of climbing a little bit of a roller coaster a little up a little down a little up just repeat rinse and repeat right uh huge turnout today for us last

    Time I looked I think it said 70 I think actually 75 so thank you for everyone jumping on board I saw a bunch of the muckers Riders I saw um a couple of riders from the Chain Gang I think I’ve seen their name around before thanks for

    Joining so I think I’ll do this one the same way as last time uh I’ll do a little commentary right now obviously don’t know why I’m explaining that I got two minutes to go here before we go so uh I’ll probably unplug my mic blast the tunes do whatever I feel like doing

    Today I’m not sure yet you know I like to tell myself I’m going to go easy and then when I race a little bit harder I’m all impressed with myself but uh I’ll jump off throw the mic back in and see what kind of race action I can catch at the

    End and I’ll probably even go back further past that and do another overlay of my thoughts during the race uh fun things that happened you know the big Power Spikes all that kind of cool stuff so yeah tons of people here love it it’s great to see all these different

    Uh teams jumping into these events and especially that this is a non-challenge route but I think this is the kind of route that a lot of people like to ride it’s not going to be an all day Affair this is 10 miles so you know maybe you’ve done a warmup

    Earlier blast super high intensity for 10 uh 20 minutes 25 minutes whatever it is and then you’re done cool down way you go get on with your day so uh I’m looking at the timer here 45 seconds to go I’m going to go quiet and uh I kind of was tempted to

    Leave the mic in the whole time but uh that might be too crazy for now uh we’ll figure out something down the road so I’m Going Quiet Now at 30 seconds and we’ll see you soon hey Riders so I’m back now it’s uh about 5 hours after the race I was going

    To do this right away got called away to play handyman at the uh Den office my wife friends uh so yeah we’re starting here in 10 seconds now I’ve sped the video up just a tiny bit uh I wanted to get this online as quick as possible uh

    And I’m going to drop some Watts right at the start get to the front so kind of accelerating up uh well there we go 13 12 watts per kilo not bad for me ton of riders here so I think we had 80s something Riders register uh and a lot of teams mockers

    Came out and represented we had the Chain Gang I saw two Riders from the Chain Gang I think one’s like dark Thunder and one’s dark destroyer and uh kind of creative names so good to see them out too I think one of them plays really high too we’re going to see this

    At the end so at the start here I’m riding with Hardy I can see Wiggum from G and I’m right with bashak this is not a normal place for me and this is really good because bashak being one of our strongest Riders uh usually he’s gone and we don’t get

    Much footage of him especially when I do it this way because obviously I’m only going to be able to cover the people after the fact once I get off the bike when bashar’s ahead of me well he’s gone right uh I see El Roland at the front

    Here El Roland’s all over the place uh a lot in muckers I’ve seen them and also at that one G race I covered El Roland’s the uh the rider that went for the big 1 km uh break Breakaway and almost pulled it off Lars uh Lars k71 coming up a

    Member of the GRC team very powerful Rider so we’re just all kind of getting settled down here so this is 10 laps uh each lap being just under a mile long a little bit of climbing so it’s just very up and down and up and down so

    Got myself positioned right at the front at the beginning but you know realistically I’m riding above my ability right now I know I am uh just kind of hang on see how long I can stay at the front get some coverage you can see bash bashak is right beside me in

    Fact right behind me at this point uh we got knobby Styles here as well more GFC members so that little video glitch there you just saw that was us completing one lap of the course so proceeding on I’ve got bash shock with me he’s probably like wow Colin’s really

    Killing it today let’s see what he can do but I kind of knew at this point here I wouldn’t I’m not going to be able to hang on with these guys uh two Riders ahead of me I see Chad Richie uh Chad is a mucker awesome to see him here with

    Wiggum and there’s that dark destroyer character from The Chain Gang also Ben I can’t pronounce your last name but Ben’s been in a few of our races was at cheddar Gorge last week right behind me checked this out on the Trek madone uh Megan Hill Decked Out fully in the Trek

    Gear very strong Rider um yeah it was really impressive today all the people out there I see another guy Patrick um two spots behind me here and then uh I can’t really see that name at this point but that’s okay we’re going to see more people so again I’m

    Chilling with bck kind of feeling pretty good right now I got some downhills jump into a map view this really shows it well the little gaps between other Riders this is just a big circuit we’re doing it’s a crit circuit uh Four Corners type thing little bends in the

    Road but yeah so it’s kind of like a little bit of a roller coaster it’s up and then down and you can use the downhills to uh get drafts on other people so here I am chilling with bash shock Patrick uh oh yeah just ahead of us too

    I see gtz 3000 I’ve see this name all over the place races quite a bit Hardy is just uh you know 30 met back and fellow Canadian Mike Hagen coming out of bernabe BC here we go Mike uh Mike is a muckers rider um seen him quite a bit

    This last week since I’ve been covering all the muckers races looking for lots more races to do in the very near future so keep an eye out for those so cruising right along here you know I’m pretty happy here I’m pushing you know 300 to 350 Watts Megan’s just

    Got past me there and she’s a super strong Rider like really really strong come here’s a mucker coming from behind it’s Mike Hagen he’s making the move he’s probably seen Megan taken off on me I’ve let a Gap open Mike knows now Now’s the Time to go you don’t want to get

    Stuck behind that Rider that Rider being me and who lets a gap open up uh coming up here Lane Mosier very strong Rider we’re going to see more of them later in the race uh I’ve seen the name on Ruby before but never raced with him and

    Here’s another rocket coming up uh I believe the name is Bruce spark we’re going to go with that for now uh also coming up from behind another new name I don’t know Tonda another super strong Rider coming up with uh bjrn and Hardy they’re all like 50 to 60 meters behind me

    And I’m just kind of getting tailed off here I’m kind of struggling a bit letting the power drop down uh yeah yeah just maybe I went out a little bit too hard maybe the 12 watts per kilo at the very beginning Zapped me a little bit I think I went from like

    110 beats per minute to like 66 like virtually instantaneously but you can see it’s a really cool course you’re racing through this little Park like setting you can see some of the Riders ahead of you at times I bet you in real life this would be a really cool crit uh circuit

    So at this point here we’ve got uh Hardy Tonda and I’m just going to say bour roughly 60 M back I’m just hailing Lan Lane Mosier and I thought okay this is cool we’re working together here little did I know that lane is going to finish

    Way up high on the standings as I slowly just do a little drift back through the standings you know and as I was starting to drift I’m like yeah okay this is okay I I don’t mind this so you know let’s just enjoy the people going by there’s going to be some freight

    Trains coming up behind us here so at this point I can’t really see what’s going on at the front but when we jump into map modes we’re going to see the gaps between us here’s a rider coming up right now uh yeah this is Tonda so T’s

    Bridged up to me and dragging up three members maybe four members of uh GRC we’ve got Dawn Dawn’s out of Florida Dawn uh goes on quite a few Adventures recently just tackled Mona I’m hoping to have a little chat with him about his adventures we’ve also got Alex Alex

    Great new Rider to ruy super strong and also Ken I saw Hardy’s name there quickly too so you can see me on the little purple dot in the middle you can see my name and I can see all my teammates just rolling up behind me and these guys are

    Just absolutely hammering I’m driving over three watts per kilo and they’re slowly clawing me back Tonda you know here I I can see here I actually bridged up to Tonda a little bit he must have let off on that bit of a little climb there and let me actually

    Pass him so I’m not really sure what happened there uh but again Dawn’s leading the way uh King a further 15 20 M back and Alex all right there coming on up pretty happy to see GRC coming up behind me here thinking I’m going to jump on the

    Train uh we just passed I think that was Chris there pretty sure it was Chris sorry if I got that wrong that flew by me pretty quick so I’m just watching these guys come up behind me like look at them closing the gap on me thinking yeah I’m

    Going to jump on this train and they’re going to haul me all the way to the end didn’t really turn out that way for me uh yeah Ken riding super strong it’s funny I was chatting with Ken afterwards and I think he surprised himself but obviously he has got the gears

    Has got the big engine uh to push these typ types of races so they all Blow by me here uh I’m not sure how we just passed there so we’re passing a few Riders here so we’re starting to lap Riders now and this is where it kind of gets a little

    Bit chaotic because you’re passing Riders you’re getting passed by other super strong Riders you start losing track I noticed that laurant F16 was parked in the start shoot the whole time obviously something happened to them they just sat through the whole time I thought maybe they broken down uh who’s

    This coming up here uh yeah I think it was like Len b or something just blew right by me and as you can see here my three teammates are gone team GRC just dropped me out the back and absolutely cool with that they’re like rolling thunder right now

    Chasing their way up through the course don’t worry about me hey right behind me here Jeff 65 another mucker shout out to Jeff he’s made uh left me several really motivating comments in my uh YouTube channel inside cycling World check it out obviously you are cuz you’re here

    Right um missed who that was there oh dark I think that was dark Thunder I think that was dark Thunder dark Thunder we got a little heads up for them afterwards had a mechanical I think they broke their chain I think that’s what it

    Was uh so here we can see uh we’ve got Tamp 4X just coming up right on me strong haven’t seen this Rider before looking really sharp uh not riding the fastest bike either decked out in all the standard ruy gear on a ruy bike oh and right behind me now is nard

    56 this is good old Bernard just join the GRC family Discord Channel whatever you want to call us in the last couple weeks he’s been following my channel for quite a while super motivating guy as well and he’s a really strong Rider so me and uh Bernard are kind of chilling

    Out together uh Jeff 65 decides hey it’s time to go let’s not mess around anymore and I think at this point here too Bernard says hey I got to follow Jeff so I think Tamp 4X Jeff 65 and uh nard 56 which is Bernard uh just moved away from

    Me and I’m like okay I guess I’m just going to drift back a little bit more and we’ll catch some more exciting writing and so the name of behind me right now too uh J Mar margolus I believe it is seen this name around a

    Lot I I’ve seen lots of comments by them I’m not sure if they’re on my YouTube channel here goes rocket rocket rocket and Granddad Rick are both members of the team GRC Discord and right behind me now too I see naby Styles so again at this point here too

    Uh you know you don’t really what’s going on we’re passing a slower R here eat more cake eat more cake I might have mentioned later too you’re going to see him in the later part of this video has showed up for every single one of our

    Events um doing really well I noticed in their team name they were in the uh ages of 70 to 79 so doing really well hanging in there with some of these uh younger faster Racers again you know I’m always going to jump back to the map view see how things are cruising

    Along oh I see someone broken down there on the course I’m not sure who that is that one dot that’s sitting stationary in the middle of the map so they’re just going to sit there as we keep rotating around so Rockets coming up FR me I think Rockets from South Africa I

    Believe so yeah here I’m just cruising along with Granddad Rick so at this point here I’m not sure if Granddad Rick is on this lap I know a couple of the Riders were going to take it very easy today just doing our thing so I’m behind jar gois right now Granddad Rick’s here

    Rocket’s here na’vi Styles uh is only 100 meters behind us and uh we’re tailing Jeff dark Thunder um nard Bernard that’s I just want to keep saying Bernard and uh you know even further back here only 80 90 meters back we got Hardy working his way up the field probably

    Started a little slow revving up the engines yeah this is looking good so here’s that Trek Rider again who is this Trek Rider oh it’s rocket rocket stacked out in the track liel gear that is a sharp looking uh kit so at this point here we are um

    Looks like we’re about halfway through the race I noticed the lap counter at the top wasn’t uh behaving properly it says we’re only on lap one of 10 but you could actually look on the bottom of the profile when all this junk kind of gets cleared out the bottom of the standings

    You’re going to see the split marker and the uh the little Hill kicker obviously every it’s going to repeat itself over and over you’re going to see a little bit of orange a little bit of orange a little bit of orange that’s that’s the end of every

    Lap end of every lap or the repeat of every lap I should say uh yeah so you can see here I’m kind of getting a little bit cruisy there’s times when I’m only kicking around a couple hundred Watts a lot of that you’re going to notice is when I switch

    To Map mode like look at there I’m putting out zero power now as I’m switching to map mode I just find it really hard to reach up uh grab the mouse click on that one little Dot and get back and keep the power to the pedals here again look at my power just

    Drop right off probably because I’m I’m getting I was switching out of map mode back to so every time I reach and every time I you know go back to turn it off to go back to M view power’s going to drop off a lot I’m going to set up a

    Whole new system in my uh training room I need to get way more techsavvy in there I need better fans I need a better monitor I need better everything for what I’m trying to do here uh running out of storage space on my computer I’m moving files around everywhere because I

    Want to keep all these racing files maybe we’ll watch these at a later date as well we’ll have a watch party and laugh about it uh what was going on so we’re over the halfway point oh yeah we’re well over the halfway point here just rocking along we’re at 11 km here

    Cuz yeah that’s right so we’re only going to 16 km for some reason I thought 10 we were going to 20 uh so we’re like you know a good two-thirds of the way into the race at this point I’m chilling out in 28th with kni just behind me bour

    And Hardy and I rocket and Granddad Rick aren’t that far ahead probably just around let’s see if we can see them just around this next cor oh they’re right around the corner with me and then just out of nowhere who comes up on me here knobby Styles like turbo blast I don’t

    Know where that came from but just absolutely hammering passing some of the laped Riders just doing their own pace today awesome to see them out that Rider we passed there was pepen 76 appreciate you showing up and doing the event with us obviously you’re here to do your own

    Thing so we really uh appreciate the fact that you came out El Roland just lapped me so I just got lapped I’m getting lapped by the faster Riders now I have seen um I well maybe we haven’t seen him yet I know lloy is out here lyy rides a lot with uh Gem

    City IC that’s uh John’s team hey and uh just so you know we’re going to be doing a little special event with them I think it’s this Wednesday morning we’re going to be doing a live race audio on a Omni mode route uh good for them getting up at

    5:15 maybe even better for me getting up at 415 to do the coverage so again flipping back to map mode Let’s see the power if it drops again let’s see how much more I can make excuses here so I’m under 200 Watts at times I just love seeing the Riders on here especially

    When it’s sped up a little bit so I should be switching back right away yeah if you can see me reaching for it zero power it’s pretty hilarious um I probably need like a bigger High desk to work on and I definitely need a bigger monitor this is a rebel 72 awesome to

    See you out here member of the Discord group rocking the Tre gear again now so now I’m with Hardy here Hardy very strong Rider uh I believe Hardy is from Germany Hardy is actually responsible for the teen GRC logo that you see beside lots of our names so appreciate

    That actually you can see me and Hardy are both rocking it right now for some reason to me mine looks slightly different but uh we went through a lot of iterations of it uh thank you for doing that Hardy really appreciate it uh because I don’t

    Think I could have got it done between recording videos and doing audio and thinking of ideas H yeah that’s kind of pass me I’ve got a couple of good new logo ideas for the channel as well from Anthony Anthony G uh 1971 I believe is his full Ruby

    Name uh well I think that’s his Ruby name that might be just his Discord name but uh anyway he’s part of the Discord group and GRC Anthony was registered but I think he’s out uh doing a little bit of cross trainining uh he’s out doing some super intense cross country

    Skiing so yeah you know again I’m just floating back more now I’m down to 31st Place I’m still getting a great workout you can see here like take a look at my heart rate I’m at 182 beats per minute right now so what’s going to be super

    Hilarious is uh we going to hear me live when I jump off the bike in a matter of minutes with my heart rate probably going 186 187 there’s Bruce spark again so more people lapping me so I think El Roland went right off the front and just bridged away from everyone so these

    Riders Lars k71 team GRC member super powerful Rider just blew right by me there like I was standing still here’s another guy there’s G member going by that’s wigam I called wigam at the uh one of their races probably about a month ago now chasing after the boys up front so El

    Roland’s way out front by themselves and then there’s like three or four riders that just passed me there I saw four or five people have now lapped me and it looks like I’m about a mile and a half from the finish I believe yeah yeah maybe something like

    That Mile and three quars so we’re doing okay you know Rockets ahead of me I got nooby Styles I got Hardy uh and coming up from behind we got Lance legong coming hard hey hey and there’s John SR71 with Roger coming up hard too so

    SR71 that’s John he is uh I guess team leader of uh Gem City ICC team also part of the GRC and Roger founding member of Team GRC coming up behind here so yeah I’ve got tons of teammates all around me it’s great time and uh who are we coming up on here

    Trying to catch some names it’s kind of hard to see the names because if they’re behind me oh this is Dawn I think I slowed down just a tiny bit here because mostly I was tired and I thought well I’m going to give Dawn a

    Little bit of a toe here I don’t know if she wanted me to or not but she’s doing really good here this is the first time I’ve seen Dawn out with us yeah so there goes Lance so as I kind of like slowed down a little bit to

    Catch my breath maybe work with Dawn for a little bit Lance decided to take a flyer and I’m watching here too we’ got one mile to go now we just started start finish shoot and at this point the SR71 himself is only 60 M behind me what is

    Going to happen here folks will he be able to engage mock five mock six and close the gap on me so we’re only 500 meters to the next split and then probably I would believe it’s probably another 500 meters after that to the finish so once I

    Finish you’re going to hear this crazy madman come on screen uh Audio Only of course sounding like he’s H ready to stroke out don’t worry it’s just me everything’s good you can see here heart rate 184 within the next probably 30 to 40 seconds yeah maybe the next minute and

    20 seconds you’re going to hear me back on mic uh holding on for deer life as I try to bring you some type of coverage I just wanted to kind of show you how hard we’re working like this is is no joke everyone here is going all out as hard as they possibly

    Can so this is going to be a lot of fun to see this happen Okay cruising along just passing that’s Kristen we just passed coming to the Finish I’ve only got 300 and something meters to go I’m watching John coming up from behind me I think I might switch into a map mode

    Really quick we might do that we might go map mode let’s see I hope I did it I wanted to show you how quick he was closing on us he’s coming fast look how fast he’s coming I’m kind of letting uh my power has dropped a bit there okay no I’m back

    To four Watts now the SR the blackbird’s coming here we go folks I’m less than 50 m to the Finish what a race all right folks as you see the uh Mach 5 SR71 Blackbird coming up behind me it’s John from our GST team sorry GRC team I just stepped off the

    Bike heart rate 187 beats per minute going to jump up through the field here a little bit so that was a really cool race uh Roger is doing a cool down he’s finished this is Chris cjf Andel great job 39th place and then there’s a bit of

    Gap to the next group we got Zach G oh sorry I’m following jills here here’s jills uh jills wasn’t feeling well today great to see him out though I promised them that just riding anyways is going to keep him feeling better overall let’s jump to Zach G a newcomer to the race

    Series I do still have my fan going because I think I would stroke out if I didn’t uh just passing Chris Bowie here uh we have someone uh looks like Massac here Cruising Into the finish with Zach G passing some riders that have already currently been laed you can see we’re

    All coming to the finishing shoot now ggar another uh this is a Discord member I believe too so a great to see them out goodar coming for his finish I believe Strong finish uh Oscar gtz now I know Oscar I’ve seen his name around uh is America’s real Watts I believe I think

    He does uh group rides throughout the week and he’s showing up to quite a few our races uh another new Rider Krueger 3.6 watts per kilo coming up behind dudy 61 and here comes jills I think this is Jill’s finishing now what you got to remember on this one is that

    Because there’s laps you’re lapping people sometimes and you’re not realizing that you’ve already lapped them that’s one difficult thing to figure out here Krueger going for a Sprint finish at 8 watts plus per kilo probably trying to catch Oscar uh we’ve got uh Hest Jack Niagara Freewheelers coming up behind a three to

    Four Riders here I think this is Jack’s finish now it should be let’s see if things stop yep he’s finished so you can see the difference between what did I finish in 30th and say back to 60th place it’s only a minute or so it’s not

    Long at all uh here we got Kristen I think Kristen is Gem City ICC I believe uh someone’s trying to go for a pass on her right now I’ve lost track of them I think they both finished sorry about that folks let’s get back to someone

    Who’s riding eat more cake I think this Rider has done more rides than anyone uh with in the GRC Sunday short races let’s jump up to Dawn here hi Dawn great to see you out of our races did try to give you a little bit of a draft

    A little bit of a pull there hopefully I wasn’t annoying you too much I think this is Dawn finishing two we’ll find out right away yep Dawn’s done uh we got Rebel 72 finishing great job I think Rebel was going extremely easy today I caught I think I caught Rebel

    It’s hard to tell there’s so many uh GRC Riders participating dayon another Gem City ICT ICC member remember folks uh just jumped off the bike after doing 188 beats per minute for a while there my uh Speech isn’t the greatest right now uh Dan on finishing looking strong o looks

    Like someone broke down in the Finish shoot there uh I see that look at Bramley so I think those Riders are a lot behind right now uh this person here well you got a one an X an X and a one so 911 911 is that what it is comment below if

    I guessed your name 911 uh new Rider to our uh event eat more cake is ahead uh should be finishing up now I believe I’m going to jump back oh I wanted to see this this Rider here I didn’t get the name looks like bromelli good to see you too

    So I think e more Cake’s going to finish here yep officially done romelli uh I can’t tell right oh they were just crossing the line there so we got Duty 61 chasing 911 let’s go back a bit I saw Chris Bowie out there too I’m going to jump to the back here you

    Know okay so ah finishing shoot that’s what’s going on there okay so we need to come back here here’s Chris Bowie uh jka kosak I think this is another new Rider this is a lot harder course than I thought it was going to be uh pan 76

    Another new Rider thanks for joining us today so we’re going to go back you know me back of the Packers count we got JM meie Jim maybe uh and then we’ve got bromelli brell’s uh 1.6 km behind like Bell’s a full lap down burelli could have started after everyone too and

    That’s where it gets really confusing here uh Tracy Styles where’s Tracy Tracy is in the start finish shoot has she finished a lap early or did she not start hard for me to tell so it looks like we we’ve got 66 Riders uh cuz I can see Tracy’s not

    Pedaling right now she may not have even started the ride she may have like just sat and started shooting I saw a few people like that uh we’ve got dark destroyer I think the leaderboard is kind of really strange right now because I know bashak finished at the very front and it’s

    Showing that he’s 11 km behind right now that’s because the way the laps are clicking over and technically he’s on the course behind us at this moment several laps ahead so we’re going to watch romelli here doing a great job who else do we got left here uh JM

    Mey level 29 Rider we also have y mava Mika Chris Bowie ah here’s a name suie c coming to the Finish chasing see it’s I think there’s laps people here again hard very hard to keep track of all them so let’s stay on yan yan has Chris Bowie

    Ahead of them half a kilometer everyone else is finished at this point so we’ve got 61st place up there 62nd I think we’re going to have 66 finishes in this one that’s really really good for an ABS absolute non challenge route uh a lot of people get caught up

    In the I have to do all the challenges I’m so far past that now I just like to do whatever I feel like doing I so I’m not finishing half the challenges and that’s okay I’ve got a video coming it should be later today I had horrible audio issues last night

    Tried to do it twice quit no I didn’t rage quit I just said enough and I went and watched uh uh what was it uh yeah jail on YouTube people being arrested love it see all the drags Society in Vegas uh besides that we got Chris Bowie here

    Cruising right along Chris looks like they’re coming up to the finish right away only uh quarter of a kilometer to go great job Chris please join our next event there a is an event something like this every Sunday we try to announce it pretty quick so Chris should be taking this

    Last Bend here through these barriers and you can see on the bottom here it’s saying they have 160 m to the Finish I believe that’s for the total race we’re going to jump back to Yan uh it seems like some of the bubbles aren’t showing up like look at Chris

    Bowie there’s the yellow bubble Yan hasn’t shown up on the course now they do when I click on them ywn pushing strong to the end Ya’s on the last lap as well then we move back to pan 76 last lap as well cruising to the finish so

    You can ride these routes anyway you want you know you could catch some people that are going by you get a bit of a draft I caught someone tried to give them a bit of a draft probably because I needed to rest a little bits I

    Tried to go pretty strong just for fun see what I could do for save 5sec power uh and then the team just rolled right by me I’m not sure if you saw um three of the Discord members PRC team members Alex Dawn and uh I’m going to guess maybe

    Hardy just absolutely hammered by me so it looks like we just had a quick pass there looks like uh Yura kak just came pass pan but everyone here is just in their little cool down stage now so uh Jam meie tooling around Jam is uh looks like they’ve started their last

    Lap and they are coming up to uh you can you see the little dot on the bottom that’s the split halfway through the lap and then we’ve got bromelli doing their thing out here just tacking this little climb a couple laps down so let’s just keep an eye on them

    Here I’m going to go shut my fan off here we are again folks I just had to step away for a quick minute there to off try to get my heart under control here I’m 100% back to normal now uh wanted to jump back in here is

    Bromelli finishing up 10 laps bad hurg hurg not sure how you say that uh you know today was my first time ever doing this fantastic race action I love the crit aspect I was just kind of losing track as to who was where I was sometimes I was catching people

    Thinking I’d pulled up behind someone and I was racing but I was lapping people at certain points so that was something I’m going to have to learn I wish there was a better way to show that you can kind of tell really because if you see someone’s name on in front of

    You on the screen but they’re not showing up in the leaderboard it’s because they’re behind you so they’re all the way behind you on the leaderboard that you can’t see at on the left hand side of the screen so yeah bromelli here great job cheering on to the finish uh really

    Appreciate you joining team GRC Sunday short race there’s going to be a lot more of these uh some people might find that maybe this was too hard uh that some of those people might be me right now uh I took a pretty good uh launch but um it was really great seeing

    A lot of uh Team GRC SL Discord members just flying by me John SR71 caught me come on bromelli you’re almost there you’re almost there probably this person might have thought the Finish Line was right here this could be this person’s first race for all we know uh there you can see these

    Banners here yep directly ahead of you that is the Finish shoot right there uh just over 100 meters to go fantastic work they just finishing a tiny little bit of false flat here and then they will be officially recognized as a finisher 66th place in the team GRC Sunday short

    Race so there was a lot of action there what I’ll do now is uh you know I’m kind of jumping around in time here cuz a little while from now I’m going to go back and do some overlay of thoughts that occurred to me during the race

    Different things that I saw from my perspective things I missed I can kind of start to deduce them after the fact when I look at the results so anyways thanks for joining us again get this video up later today congratulations for finishing bromelli thanks for joining inside cycling world


    1. Wow, outstanding production there Colin. I bought a neck fan a few months ago and love it. No having wires or pedestal in the way. It's rechargeable and easily lasts a few races. rebel72

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