Between June 25th and June 27th, 2023, our family cycled in Switzerland from Lugano to Bellinzona and then up and over Gotthard Pass to Andermatt.

    This was part of a 5 month long bike tour of Europe.
    See all of the videos in order here

    0:00 Intro
    0:46 Day 72: Lugano to Bellinzona
    4:34 Day 73: Bellinzona to Chiggiogna
    9:24 Day 74: Chiggiogna to Andermatt (Gotthard Pass)


    We made it to Switzerland uh after three trains and some drama with the bikes but all is good and it’s beautiful already and we’re just going to uh go get some groceries cuz everything’s closed tomorrow we began our time in Switzerland in Lugano we biked along the Swiss National

    Bike route 3 to Bellona continued up the tacino river valley then up and over GED pass to Ender Mat that’s a narrow tunnel why don’t you just keep going mom yeah you just going to have some speed to stabilize your Bike In Bellona we visited the fortezza Bellona a UNESCO world heritage site that has its roots and Antiquity but owes its current appearance to the Dukes of Milan in the 15th century and their bid to assert greater control over Transit routes through the Alps Setting off this morning to towards guarded pass um we’ll go up and over today it will be our biggest uh elevation climb day the whole trip got about 1500 met ahead of us we’re on the old road so the traffic is pretty minimal um there’s a big Highway with lots of tunnels and

    All kinds of things um up above us that carries 95% of the traffic so we can go nice and slow and uh enjoy the view of the River That’s the direction we’re going [Applause] going I think they just came down over the pass they’re all they’re all bundled up all right we had a little refuel at the CPE and now we’re on our way got about 1 th000 meters to go And the cobbles Begin Woo got some Wind Snack break woo the wind is not helping it is keeping things nice and cool though that crack was one of my paner hooks breaking off as my paner hit the granite block this is going to need to be replaced as soon as possible but for the moment I repaired it with some Cord no wind Here okay we got 300 M to go climbing So 10 more switchbacks right only 10 Okay there it is that statue that’s the top All right not bad Hello Yeah Oh That’s quad Diaz team effort It’s okay fine’ll it’s edible it’s fine it’s fine it’s a taco


    1. I've ridden that pass a couple of times on my bicycle trainer. Many of the sights and vistas are familiar, but I'll bet your way, including the actual cobblestones and actual gravity, was harder. Also, it looked more interesting.

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