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    New prep putting this Splitter on ready this is the wrong color though surely is this not my oh it’s not mine easy mistake oh yeah when it is yeah similar color isn’t it yeah we need to get ready for Newar and newk is actually on this video Darren yeah got to get that

    Repaired ah thlow is still attached which is that one that one it’s that one I’m going to ban Lo sh steady what’s happened there it’s literally gou something’s caught here something has caught that fifth wheel cover mark four this should fit going to get be all

    Smooth don’t we don’t do well we do we do if the price is right you need to teach me how to DOL cuz there’s a lot to do on the four series you’re getting debris on my side skirts you spat it out we’ve Des spattered it rub it down tomorrow and

    Then put some filler in it never know there some blue on it have we got some blue o I hope we got some blue we’re running out of time we can’t be waiting on paint have we got B1 b102 in stock oh look at that right hand that is SC

    13655 no that’s not me oh that could have been a disaster oh B1 B 102 have we got enough in there down we haven’t no we haven’t got enough no oh good it will be a Friday morning Friday morning good yeah excellent I leave Friday afternoon great I’m now at fully qualified HUV

    Electrician I don’t think you’ve got enough time to put more lights on obviously when we took the size get off the other day we had a lot of hard wide lights we had to cut off so thought to save in the future cut them again and having to redraw them put look I’m

    Putting plugs on at this plug kit I’ve got look at that yes cut whoa whoa whoo do it that is proper that looks like a wiring loom I tell you what it is you’ve got eight plugs for one side but only four lights wow there we go you never know it

    Was right down there fifth wheel cover oh was it still wet when did you paint it 25 minutes ago 25 minutes ago well it looks good though hey how are you Darren you seem pretty stressed really the gates closed at new for 7

    They do yes and it’s now 20 to 4 20 to 4 job here yeah with no size to go on here I’ve still got a part in the oven on this job oh this one has got no P at all is this one going to nework yes nice and

    Steady we go so the bottom ones in first yeah not that exhaust is it we so I put these plugs on yesterday mhm that’s gone in there in no oh hang on a minute where’s that one go um confused hang on I’ve got two left

    Uhoh wait a minute ree I broke the clip on it I think might have oh right let’s see if they all work see if my wiring is up to it yes right where’s that fif wheel cover look at that try not touch the blue don’t touch the blue then I’ve

    Touched the blue right there I’d personally put it the other way around would you that’ll be all right up there you sure yeah I’ll go steady I suppose we better get some black smoke fuel for the weekend that should be an ample Amount absolutely love It we have arrived ah you’ll never be us SC top cameraman top I’ve got a debel reader a decibel reader try it again what did I get last time7 97 97.1 102 102 go get some others and come back to me and see if I’m still the loud

    This yeah yeah so we got Martin here he does extreme unicycling he got me a sticker make sure you go and check out his channel he didn’t bring it with you though did you no this time no happy with that mine happy with that I you go

    Check him out seees you cycling skills you’re not judging then no a stay off oh hello have I got to stop give a Rev give you a REV ah I wasn’t expecting to be speaking to the ITV today I need that on if you could open

    That door give me a bit more light that be or open the window give me oh yes my windows are a bit dark hi TV TV oh my God thank you follow truer team truck te thank you very much we’re back again talk all about the world of trucker Tim for Trucker thank you everybody 2 one how was that was it good that was amazing didn’t here has just bought me this for my unit yes I’ll get that up in there when I get all my other ones up M thank you very much appreciate it Louis Barber wants me to sign his

    Phone I’ve never been on one of these before there’s no there’s no watch yourself I need one of these in my colors don’t I so the weathers took a turn and you’re back with your debel reader and am I still the loudest no no oh who’s louder than me this one here

    Just that one though that’s the only one so far my second so far second one I’m second come back in a bit and we’ll try again you’re going to get us on the dods yep you’ve exchanged Dodge for a second for yours for you for me thank you yeah we like

    This is this a fast one you’re going to turn the power up good man thanks very Much can we get the hill push it hold on [Applause] Leo they’re stuck p Bo well that’s different Leo no no go go go go yeah right now boys this is dedication to the job what are you putting in there is that a cotton bud it’s a detailing

    Bud yes it’s a detailing but what are you got in there to a detailing brush a detailing brush how are you good living the dream how was the Nordic trophy I want to go to that absolutely amazing looking between them Wheels that’s what we should look yeah look at that them

    Tire TRS first they took all wheels on both Motors cleaned them Tire black inside put all wheel yeah the tie black on the inside in there as well wow so this is a four series but a teac cab one so this is how I want mine to look

    Really yeah so round two we got 106 to beat okay we have to see what we can [Applause] do 1066 106 yes so we we draw was it a draw yeah we drew you go away you with your with your teac cab he would win 100% but oh you’re indoors you can’t

    Rev good is they I need some of good weekend I am thank you it’s nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you good do you like the truck I love it yeah good the best one out here so far you think thank you Roger what’s just happened on the

    Grass well there’s been a slight bit of black smoke emitted from the pipes tomorrow we need to go and have a look around and get up to our usual Antics absolutely y good Idea oh look Teamwork Makes the Dream workor LIF the flaps Lely job nobody see that nobody see nobody nobody nobody’s here that’ll be okay tonight so we’ve just turned up Sunday morning or Sunday morning I need my gloves there is human on the back of my truck somebody decided to put some poo

    On my truck we’ll get these had a few issues over night you got a nice stomach go look at the back of it put my gloves on really I got to get it off there now to show them from a distance see we got a fly on

    It it has do put in a bin need a bag or something oh a bag in there I’m not going in like that oh like poo picking yeah like like off dogs oh oh R I’m interested to know whether they done it on the floor on the paper then

    Put the paper on or where they actually done it on the back where is the F over there gross using Mr Blues I can tell him that the first time I used it was clean up wh and poo off me catwalk Mr Blue it’s all in the wink I don’t think anyone else

    Has got poo on their catwalk have they on their catwalk no I don’t think anyone else has got poo just me no you oh you’re special Tim that’s why yeah must be hey you he’s listening it was hear him it was him why haven’t we got bards like this I don’t know but

    Look at the um airbrushing on it oh no it’s amazing it you see the lady’s over there drying the orange truck with her microfiber an old mate here he’s just got his uh leaf blower out wake up W come on hey over here we have the recovery section

    Oh I’m here judges are here the judges are here oh the judges the judges can wa to help you this is the wrong cloth what cloth do I need what are you going to clean now well I’m going to watch you oh okay at this tank look woo Andy looks after his

    Truck oh he’s having a look he’s having a look he’s having a look oh yeah take them off look that’s what we normally do it’s going well oh oh oh Andy oh we normally catch them here Tim is it yeah under there look oh oh oh is that

    Dirty yeah really do you go that far oh yeah that’s not dirty that’s not dirty you didn’t see that I got in there before you see it chat with cow I can’t remember his name was a cowboy he come in right and he put his finger in there

    Like that and he went like that and he went oh and I put his finger against mine his finger was that much longer than mine yeah I know that’s exactly what that’s exactly what he did how long your fingers I did try he is he’s very

    Trying yeah he does try he’s Tred a lot harder than me I don’t think my content is helping I don’t think it’s helping I think somehow I think it’s caused me problem I think you’ll be better off if you disappeared sorry so we just got back to the truck and we’ve spotted more

    Damage a nice deep scratch right across there look at that really so we’re just having a minute in the cab aren’t we dear cuz you got to beit upset about that yes my little boy’s here isn’t he as well he was upset about it and it’s just

    Annoying just ruins it a really good day yesterday didn’t we you think of all the people that have come to see you kids and stuff that have come to see you we met so many awesome people outs it it outweighs the idiots but the truck can

    Be fixed Darren he’ll be on it tomorrow he will be on it tomorrow fixing it but it’s not the point no probably shook hands and had a photo with the person that did that it probably did yeah they cut the key and the excrement we probably had a picture taken didn’t we

    With them and shook their hand but content they don’t understand the content yeah they don’t understand content that has helped me but still annoying but we’ll get it fixed last show of the year thanks yeah so we go crack on with our weekend yeah let’s go give it some

    Beans crack on get set up there sell some merchandise to our lovely fans ni they’re nice ones we got Luke here has come to see me he’s gifted me this V8 boy number plate for my unit thank you very much Luke and this picture did you

    Tell that or did you buy that uh no I bought that you bought that that is a good picture though I want one one of them for my unit where did you did you get it from here from the store over that is awesome I’ll sign it for you

    Thank you there you go mate thank you look at that thank you cheers what o absolutely Fant my new cameraman Ollie I you sent the invoice crack on M I’m going to be honest with you I haven’t touched it I have not touched it this weeken no you have just

    Now there could be anything under there we got a polisher coming what about under it I wouldn’t I would do that go in there not too bad not too bad is it that’s cuz I drove here on the exelent not too bad it’s it’s not too bad that’s the biggest compliment

    Weekend it’s taking me nut covers off you don’t do that that is not something you do yes is it one every truck only yours only mine well you don’t even have to do that do you can see it do you think I’m going to win anything it’s most vandalized most vandalized Yeah scratch

    Spotless absolutely spot oh I ain’t going to win anything I haven’t really got time to be POS I meet a lot of fans here massive shout out to Ken Thomas vehicle ref finishers thank you cheers cheers thank you you know go and have a think about what you’ve just

    Seen and you know judge fairly yeah thank you we take the scratch into consideration yeah take that into consideration ayen M Jason what’s going on down here not more vandalizing I think it’ll help but I don’t think it’s going to take it away might take the worst off him but I don’t

    Think you’re going to get it out out but even if you just dis thank you for your help all right no worries I a lot of people say they’re going to send me an invoice this weekend Helen now if you guys can just wait about two or 3 hours’ll come back while he goes around and come back and have another look tell you what Tim that back cat there theft going on what Isen there just no hope is it this is your Lor this is

    Nice oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it well that’s a shame typical scan flat battery has because you left the exhaust on oh man supposed to off oh sorry well it’s not going to turn on now have to jump in oh I’ll come back later what disappointment

    We’ll get it R in a minute I’ll push it looks a lot better it looks a lot better too it’s gone down too far yeah but at the end of the day you used about see back on the road and you can’t thank you very much for all your hard work and

    Effort with that no worries thank what’s your name sorry Joe Joe Stacy Stacy thank you Jo and Stacy what’s up what you on Facebook stay strong transport stay strong transport I’ll put a link in this description take M wow look at that that’s like robotic my name ISO Primo

    The robot Primo the robot and you can see me on the Rob robots Facebook I think it’s the first time I’ve signed a bike relax there you go happy cheers Lads there’s one thing that draws in the crowds and that’s black smoke and revs they’re rushing down to see the black smoke Super been going on I need you for this bit I need you for this why is there a motorbike why is there a motorbike still in here because oh no yes look at that oh my God Jesus Christ that was a bit close Jesus well cheers mate you didn’t not me

    Over I like that yeah how was that well yeah I wasn’t expecting that to be honest we didn’t do that yesterday that wasn’t in the script well we like you know don’t sh together team photo team photo FG B team photo I’ll put this in my unit yeah you I’ll

    Put it in my unit and have a cup of tea from that thank you very much every Andy you signing things look at that wow oh go on then I can’t say no B black well I was it yesterday was I oh was that my smoke on your face yeah it

    Was it you like some more can do think yeah have a finger yeah why not have a chocolate finger thank you very much have a chocolate finger chocolate finger they’re going down rather quickly I’ll take two take two fingers do you finging want a finger have a finger for

    Content last finger there we go mate they done Andy signing things this is hilarious Watch Andy come on then looks like a little smiley face yeah look at that yeah don’t quit while you’re ahead anyway bye bye I’m going to give it a couple of light Revs all set and ready it’s all set and ready for you Andy I don’t know if I’m not sure nice and G yeah yeah go on Andy off your truck never going to go around that corner take it back don’t about that Mr Blue you got very nice trucks

    Over there would it be possible for me to get my hands on the control of what the are series yes can’t wait to get yours I can’t wait to get mine but I need to practice need to get me get me finger in so just be you know what you

    Doing your own time my fun my f well yeah anyway could I have a go you can have a go which one let’s give you the r series first yeah cuz that’s what I’m used to yes all right bear with me I didn’t see there sorry I just put that that seems a

    Little sorry can we go the trailer now you had a good show I’ve had a good show uh you’ve been cleaning all weekend I can tell and now you got to take it out onto the wet roads how do you feel about that not ideal not ideal is it you don’t even

    Get one day working a clean no it’s bad but it looks really nice M really nice it’s been good in it did you get anything good show we got four highly commed four highly commended five highly commended well how long you got to go

    Back now 4 and a half hours to get back GLG go crack on Lads see you later now Ellis has been next to me meet you oh Ellis Ellis has been on content several times you remember ell when you shouted out of the car the way with

    That’s what I remember now yeah Ellis has been revving this all weekend oh wow non stop I’ve heard it all weekend but we’re going to listen to it up close now you know what it is it’s a V8 it’s a V8 it’s a left hooker oh I’m loose to left

    Hookers it’s even got Ellet in the window yeah yeah he drives it he drives at home really sa sa that’s very nice in which button do I need to press it’s on the loudest F Well that oh we have a Turkish whistle I like it in here I like like all the colored

    Dash in these these drawers according to my son the truck’s farting the truck’s farting oh yes that’s I’ve always said that oh look got his Telly on there highly commended snap I got the same you got the same yeah well done they’re good Horns everybody’s leaving yay sh out scan you driver on Tik Tok subscribe to trucker Tim on YouTube and follow him on Tik Tok turn that post notifications on smash that that’s the one mate that’s the one cheers give us some St black smoke oh look look at that oh stop

    What did you get first in new truck let’s have a look best kep new truck first place is it Well Done where’s the silverware sir hang on here yes yes let’s have a look that’s this one best kept owner operator well that should have been mine

    All day long you can have that one what’s this one custom third place yeah you keep that one I can keep that where’s this from Castle yeah can I really but I didn’t even yeah you could say you been yeah but I was hoping there was going to be a best vandalized truck

    Oh that is nice I like that it’s like a pearl paint isn’t it you’re in a loud environment sound levels hit 95 [Applause] debels give us some give us some time I like that I need one of Them love you love it come on yes see you mate see you later have to get in touch somehow we got to go out for a ride in this yeah with a jake Breon right my friend has tones your friend I have tones he has big on he has big

    Tones they are loud so we are now inside it’s a little bit more empty in here my L is over there the blue pe’s on watch this what better way to end what’s been a very interesting weekend with the van the van yes some stuff we won’t

    Mention hey Nick what happen well yeah but yes it’s been very interesting we have had sorry you’re eating there but um we’ve had exent on the catwalk we have had scratches on the battery box there’s me Burger the last ones here we just enjoying a lovely McDonald’s before I head home thank

    You yeah


    1. Don't understand if someone has a issue with you why take it out on your property. Unless its just another trucker tim prank. Must be one of a very few who could just laugh and be happy about new content from it.

    2. Not really a truck enthusiast ,whoever it was who vandalised your truck..No matter what you think of someone ,don't vandalise their kit..Truckshows is where your vehicle should be safe

    3. Carnt believe that somebody would do both things ?? jealousy mate that all it is , disgusting hope you three are ok now as you was all upset anyway take care all can you give me a shout out next vlog please Tim

    4. Tim, I follow you from Spain, you are a great guy. Those people who do bad things, as we saw also in Ciney, are just people envious of your great work. Don't stop bringing us content. You are the best trucker on YT!

    5. So sad to see the mindless vandalism, I really don't understand why ……… The really sad bit is that your wife and little one were also affected …………….. that's enough, there is just no need for this Tim. I hope that you can get over these single celled numpties. I really enjoy your content, especially with Sean, you seem to have a good chemistry between you . I wish you all the best from down in Surrey, big hugs to your family.

    6. Love what you are doing.. you guys are a pleasure to watch. Dont give them the light of day Tim.. not worth the time and effort.

      Keep doing what ya doing, and ignor them haters..

    7. jealousy – the upside is, the truck is fixable – but the grown adult with that kind of mentality is not fixable, hasnt even got the cajones to leave a signature on his work.. just a jealous coward with zero hygiene standards.. lucky family he has

      love how Tim was still smiling, that's how you do their nut in, bet you live in their heads – keep it up mate!

    8. Sadly Tim there are jealous people out there who want to see you fail and clearly when you don’t they turn to vandalising your stuff. When I recently posted on a “professional HGV drivers” Facebook group, in response to a particularly nasty comment about you, saying actually you are an amazing ambassador the amount of disrespect is amazing. But you really are an amazing ambassador. Especially for the kids who are the drivers of the next generation.

      As the Chrome sign said keep doing what you’re doing

    9. Get 2 or 3 cameras on top of the cab pointing downwards so CCTV records covering your truck when parked up at truck shows anything caught put the footage on the channel shame the barstards.😡

    10. W trucker Tim for handling this crappy scenario like a gentleman! Truck looks and sounds amazing! We’ll done mate. Much love all the way from America!!!!

    11. I really wanted a swear and scream and shout. That was actually disgusting. Mate, the problem is they're jealous of you. I think your an absolute star would love to meet you and come down to your yard. But I will have to try and sort out. Transport and getting there as IMA paraplegic in the wheelchair. But it doesn't stop me. Watch all your videos think you re an absolute scream and your friends.😊😊😊

    12. jealousy mate and its horrible, im glad you still enjoyed the weekend and had fun, the little girl at 20:35 bless her was so polite did she manage to get your attention.

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