A day in Harrogate has us at a book fair, tasting the spa waters and discovering some interesting history about the town in Yorkshire.


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    What time is it Keith it is4 to 10 what time you waiting for Keith 10:00 why Keith where are we Keith we’re in harut B wants to get in on it we’re in harate why what’s happening at 10:00 you you wanted to come to a meeting

    Me you you said about it I thought you’d cry would didn’t not one of other My collections is Observer books and I joined a Facebook group and they’ve got a meeting a fair obser book fair so thought we’d come and see what there is what it’s all about

    How many Observer books are there in a full set aund well there’s 100 titles but some of them are like aircraft have got several years of different additions but how many of the full set have you got all but two so which two are you looking for today well that’ be telling

    Who you got to tell us no course they want to know ah well I you’ll find out if when if I find some but we’re just waiting because it doesn’t open till 10:00 they’re just setting up we arrived and they took one look at the uh the van and said we have

    A book fair on today said yes we’re coming to it are you oh wonderful so uh they found us a parking space bit of shuffling yes you two are going to stay and guard the van is that okay are your tired already Now the Methodist Church car in haran and it’s The Observers pocket series collector Society Buy sell swap meetings Countrywide if you join you can get four quarter magazines yeah Bri hfield mid Nottingham Le and brist so it might be a bit of a gr day today but it’s perfect for bers and

    We’ve got bus display of cakes and drinks there to keep you going while you buy lots of books uh if you’re not already a member Richard here is the secretary we’ll sign you up immediately if you join today you’ll get some backers of the magazine

    As so um do have a good morning and have a safe journey home to whever you come from thanks to Richard for I’ve spotted something ladyb bird books we started with coffee and cake that’s a good start always a good start so we’re talking to Chris little and you

    All I’m a member of the observe society and and one of the co-editors of this wonderful magazine that we produce every quarter uh we’re still recruiting new members the old ones have died away uh but we’ve having always had a good Fair here in harate it’s the 10th year in

    This location uh and it’s probably about the 15th year in Yorkshire and I also travel to Bristol and ketering and anywhere else there an observers book fair all right so anybody who wishes to join uh give us a call can you get magazines if you remember yes you get

    Four magazines a year if you remember and we’re up to the 120th magazine next time which marks 30 years of the magazine and I’ve contributed to quite a lot of it very good so how long have you been collecting for then I’ve been collecting since 1992 long

    Time what you were you I got mine my first one as from for as a Sunday Sunday school prize uh back in 1960 something so well when I was a kid I did the same thing I had five books from there and now got a collection of about 2 and a

    Half thousand wow wow I’m I’ve got You’re missing two I’m missing two for the full set so we hope you might find them today we might thank you thank you very much people Keith’s in his element explain the um numbering having got all 100 books there are different additions and aircraft are the really big one and they go from 1940s and then they went into a yearly Edition after that some of which are numbered on the dust jacket and some of which

    Aren’t so I’ve been filling in the gaps so that’s what you’re purchasing now well we’re going to see how much he wants for them and then we need a bigger bookshelf need a bigger house we’re back at the van I’m not surprised it’s alarming what he bought so these are the two we

    Needed to complete the collection full set yes so you got seashells of the British shiles and kitchen antiques so they’re the two we we came for they’re the two we came for and I did fill a few gaps in the collection I forgot to bought that one

    For a pound so I might have bought that one twice no I don’t think it is so the oldest one You’ got here is this one and that’s an original cover this one oh this one is this one an original cover no that’s got a that’s a photocopy

    Photo copy of the Dust jacket uh but that is 194 five this is an original dust jacket that’s 49 1949 So you you’re talking 80 coming up 80 years aren’t you 70 80 years old books so that’s most of the set of aircraft you’ve got you’ve got a few

    Still missing don’t you so that’s what you’re going to go for at the moment is it aircraft yeah sorry he said what he said no you said no because we’re won’t be able to afford your biscuit did buy that one twice so I’d found that for a pound but and i’

    Forgotten it but got two of those you want to show them what I’ve started then cuz it’s ladybird books um cuz we collected a few but we’ve not really had any idea of we of what set to get but quite like the idea of this one so there were three there

    The people at work series and it’s series 606b I think don’t know how they they number the uh ladyb book series series 606b so I thought people at work it’d be quite an interesting one cuz some of those J the jobs now are very different from when these books were published so we’ve

    Got we got the ship Builder ship Builders the fisherman and the farmer that’s a set we’re going to collect of those so I’m going to collect of those the first edition first published 1963 the year before I was born it’s 1963 three 1969 so they’re again knocking on

    A bit aren’t they how you saying I’m knocking on a bit you are thank you for guarding the van na says can I have a biscuit as payment then please I’m sure we’ll find you one oh look at that it’s almost a smile your face right what are we doing

    Harut fooled yeah we’re starting with a coffee Cheers Cheers well we have been uh busy this morning and we have we’re in Harriet uh you’ll have seen in a video probably a while ago cuz we’ll probably get it up quickly Keith made a purchase of quite one or two Observer books but

    Now it’s uh after the fill in the whole well supplementing The Collection it’s coffee time so yes we’re in harut uh it’s a very popular touristic Place har and it was developed after the discovery of chal beet and sulfur Rich Spring waterer in the 16th century chal beat boys no scientist no

    Idea the first Mineral Spring in Harriet was discovered in 1571 by William slingsby who found that water from the well possessed similar property to that to that from Springs in the Belgian town of spa so presume that’s where spart Town came from so we’ll have wander around there

    Little bits of History we found out that we’ll share with you um I’ve never been to harant before have you no then you want talk to us first we’ll enjoy this coffee we will and bisc thingy nibbly cheers wanting to get it right we thought we about check what chbe was

    Scientist didn’t know chbe Waters Al are also known as fungous wats so they contain salts of iron uh tumbridge Wells is a not not able one and others are in Australia in England where’s the United Kingdom uh Burman cpar uh glad chalice well and gladstonbury cheltonham

    Ingleboro there quite a few yeah and so what is it then chbe is sulfurous do you say no iron iron it has iron uh salts in this is just a Whistle Stop tour of harut wander around with a little bit of History see what we did there oh ke’s

    Going to say see what I did there we did stop and ask someone um where a nice coffee shop was and they said there’s a plethora of them so we might have to uh try a couple at least while we here people often ask us how we can just talk to

    People stop people and say excuse me it always confuses us as to how people don’t it’s obv over the road there is a world famous t- rooms betties but you often have to queue to get in there they do very nice teas and cream teas and all that kind of thing but

    Apparently also very expensive so we won’t be going in there and there’s a queue outside now I have to admit it’s quite a nice Town Center should I say sck surveys done in 2013 2014 and 2015 harut came out tops it’s the happiest place to live in the

    UK well there’s lots of uh Green Space we massive common common is it so that’s Bettis but he’s a que so he won’t be going in I don’t think you live abroad do you have those kind of Crossings and what do you call them over here they’re called Pelican Crossings

    Oh it’s very nice it does lot of arcadey type uh decoration yeah 18 1898 all those Church like when look up a lot of bars and eateries coffee shops certainly down this bit aren’t they yeah there’s a weather spoon weather spoon we miss breakfast yeah but it’s always nice when weather spoons it’s

    Always nice cuz they usually pick buildings that have got a bit of History this says this was the Winter Garden largely inspired by the design of the Crystal Paris the Winter Garden was built in 1897 for the Royal Bath development largely demolished in 1938 but the original entrance to staircase

    Were preserved in December 1900 Winston CH Churchill spoke here in December 1900 Winston CH TR again in December 1900 Winston Churchill spoke here about his experience as a prisoner during the B War got there in the end as I say that’s what I like about weather spoons they always take on

    Buildings that got some kind of history about them yeah and they do like to preserve some of the history they do and if you the either photographs or lots of information inside for the price the food’s not bad here’s the Turkish baths o gu we’re not here for

    Longer I think we can go in you like a sa don’t you I do I can’t St saers I feel so trapped I can’t breathe new building over there a newish building but it’s nice how they’ve the frontage they’ve tried to keep some of the old and style isn’t it

    Yeah we’ve just been into tourist information always a good M and wealth of information when you don’t know an area so as we often do we ear Wicked listened in on a conversation now we know where to go to go and taste the water which we’re going to taste

    Um although he did say it does contain some arsenic but as he said it’s recommended not to taste it to drink it but people come in here for hundreds of years to take the water and it was only when I’m going to swear here EU legislation came through that it was stopped

    Not actually banned but we going and find that but have a look at this as well while we’re here information about harut Spa history it’s saying in the early 14th century harut consisted of just a few Cottages located with the within the Royal Forest of nbor this sculpture is called Cupid and

    Psych and it was purchased by a Syndicate of Harriet businessmen and placed in The Gardens of The Spar room estate and when the Gardens closed in 1958 for the development of the exhibition Halls the sculpture was put into storage in 1989 it was rediscovered restored and put and display in this

    Pavilion needs a dust Another lovely building or building but another sad sign of the times it’s Keith said to me a minute ago it’s almost like a complete wardrobe there isn’t it someone’s belongings shame here’s the Royal pump new pump why can I not speak here’s the Royal pump room

    Museum and we got to find a button and I think that might be the button there need cross over D was just said it smells s he did say it stinks but what what do you expect sulf it does say do not drink and we have to press the button and wait he

    Said for about 30 seconds didn’t he builds up pressure there it is that’s not nice you were you’re ear wigging wer in the and the tourist information yeah and farz is local they make sweet makers they make um toffee which is a bit like butterscotch toffee but um it was used

    Or they made it because people drank this water and it is not nice people used to come from all over the country to drink this water and take it yeah but then Farah’s made these sweets this toffee just to take the taste away so I don’t know whether it’s

    Uh was better having the sugar intake of the toffee or or what but that ah not nice no but you got to try these things you have there’s some information here which it’s going to make me burp and I don’t burp easily I’ll throw up one of

    The the Royal pump room Dr Edmund Dean first drew the attention of the world to the strongest Sulfur Spring in Great Britain when he published his spacr Anglia in 1626 this Royal pump room was built in 1841 to 1842 as the first of the Harriet Improvement Commissioners to a design by Isaac Thomas

    Shut of the Swan Hotel at a cost of £249 and7 bety lton the queen of the wells dispensed the waters for decades until her death in 1843 at the age of 83 so it did let her no harm because I’m sure she drank it as well public right

    Of access to the spring is ized by the Stray Award of 1778 and the haraga act of 1841 which required the provision of an exterior public pump the annex was designed by Leonard Clark and opened in 1913 by the Lord mayor of London the harut museum was established here in

    1953 and the historic Sulfur Spring still being open for use although it’ll say do not drink I’m not surprised I can smell it I don’t know whe I can smell my breath wa not yeah I I don’t know whether it’s just because we just Round the Corner well

    Itself if you’d like to enter a competition and you win we’ll send you a drop of this water no we won’t so a bit more information about the pump room it was designed to hold to hold it was designed to hold 150 people and we’ve just peaked in cuz there is a

    Museum in there but we’re not going in there’s not a lot to look at when we look through the door Charles Dickens visited hold on a minute let’s have a look at this first before I tell you that the crown hotel in the hour of peril people of harria earn the

    Gratitude of the British Nation sustaining The Valor of the royal Air Force fortifying the cause of Freedom by the the gift of Spitfire aircraft so they must have uh raise money they did raise money in towns they didn’t they they didn’t they for the war effort they sold scrap metal and stuff

    To raise money didn’t they lot of towns yeah Warrington was the railings round Bank around the golden gates yeah only the Golden Gate that’s left yeah that’s right yeah yeah so anyway yeah Charles Dickens visited the pump house in 1858 and he signed the visitor’s

    Book how but he had a strange comment in there he wrote Harriet is the queerest place with the strangest people in it leading the oddest lives of dancing newspaper reading and dining this is the crown Hotel saying it’s probably the oldest of the great low harut because there’s a high harut and low

    Harut oldest building in low harut existing long before Joseph saak became the owner in 1740 and some more information about the owner here rather than you have to pause the video have a look at the building and so it was an important Hotel um and Joseph zary’s great nephew also named Joseph

    Became the owner in 1835 but the great nephew achieved notoriety after sinking his own well close to the old s sulfur well which is only just around that corner but following a hearing at Yorker sizes in 1837 agreed to give up the the world to public

    Use Lord Byron stayed here in the Autumn of 1806 and in addition to writing the Ode to a beautiful Quaker he was much distressed that his favorite dog had to be shot hat after attacking a horse in 1939 at the outbreak of World War II the crown was Rec Rec

    What requisition I reckon it’s that sulfur that’s doing it requisitioned by the air Ministry who remained until 1959 when it reverted to being a hotel there are some lovely buildings aren’t there are it’s they’re big the whole place is spacious it is yeah the roads are wide aren’t they but but you know

    Modern shops and things haven’t sort of encroached modern life hasn’t encroached no lots of green spaces like we said before and well maintained as well not we’ got more to tell you about Harriot but I think before then it’s time for a coffee so after this coffee we’re going

    To head over to Parliament street and tell you about Samson Fox and gaslighting well we’re s here drinking our coffee we’re just talking about the sulfur water again I have no idea how they convinced people that that was healthy it was disgusting on that it was

    Stronger than I thought it was going to be to be fair but it wasn’t very pleasant at all I’ve actually just said to Keith you might as well just drink a wet fart to be honest that bad um but yeah somebody’s made back in the day

    Made a lot of money out of selling it and that’s before they had Marketing Executives yeah but who how they got that as a a goto place I have no idea lovely cobbled streets designer shops as well a lot of art galleries we were on the street earlier

    It’s Parliament street and we were talking about how um all fashion some of the frontages are with the uh decoration and the things bit like Southport or really isn’t it it is it reminds me of Southport in a lot of ways but anyway we’re on Parliament street I wasn’t going to do it

    My Samson Fox in 1870 engineering inventor Samson Fox perfected the process of creating water gas in the basement of his house which was called Grove house and we’re going to go to that in a little while that’s not quite worry about it as well he constructed a trial plant at his

    House made it the first house in Yorkshire to have gaslighting and heating he then went on to build a towns siiz plant to supply harut and Parliament street became the world’s first route to be lit by water gas so this street has a world first newspapers of the time commented

    Samson Fox has captured sunlight for harrion so you are we’re on a world first we are and we’re back at the Turkish bath saw earlier which we didn’t go in not sure whether you can or not doors are open we’re going to go to Samson Fox’s house later

    On Samson Fox I am reading this as you know I like to read things cuz I can’t remember things cuz me age his grandson Robin Fox was a of the fox acting Dynasty making Samson Fox the great grandfather of Edward James and Robert Fox and the great great grandfather of actors Amelia Freddy

    Lawrence Lydia and Jack now all established actors in their own rights and they’ve been in a lot of major TV programs and movies one more thing about Samson Fox the building of the Royal College of Music in London was largely funded by him so it’s quite an what they call what’s that word

    Um yeah philanthropic that’s the one probably better used anyway philanthropist philanthropist try saying that a few times after a few cofes yes I me we seem to be walking around in circles it’s not a massive Town it isn’t massive no but uh lots and lots of

    History I think I’ve seen a dead ostrich yeah you probably not see it clearly but up on that window it just looks like the bum of an ostrich sticking out going the Turkish baths but we just found a picture of it does look very nice very

    Relaxing soes that get hot then steam no you have different rooms so you have dry rooms hot rooms steam rooms even hotter hotter rooms yeah I wonder what that was it’s it’s a bu’s thing isn’t it is it yeah there’s another one over there yeah there are various

    Um things to do with cycling around here this stained glass celebrate this was donated by the artist to celebrate the town hosting the Yorkshire Grandy part of the tour France in July 2014 do like stained glass we’ll tell you about this in a minute but this is Grove house it’s

    Probably about the best view we’re going to get of it to be honest cuz it’s a care facility now some cannons on the out on the entrances an interesting statue over there as well yeah so this is where Fox constructed his trial plant for a gas light oh on the first

    House and the first house to have gaslighting and gas Eating it’s quite quite a history this building that’s why I wanted to bring you here as well as being the place of his uh Discovery it’s quite an old building it’s been an in a Schoolhouse and an orphanage in its past not an out house no an orphanage and from 1926 to

    2017 it was the home of the royal I’m going to struggle with this one the Royal anti- deluvian order of buffalos the order known as Buffs is one of the largest fraternal movements in the UK it started in 1822 and has since spread throughout the former British Empire they have Simple

    Rules they require that prospective member be a true and loyal supporter of of the Constitution of the country that they live in and operate the membership has lodges and in them is a small amount of ritual and ceremony so a little bit like the U yeah and while we’ve got a fire engine

    Just coming out the fire station there’s another link to Samson Fox Samson Fox he donated the town’s first fire engine so he was quite a philanth philanthropist so they got the um Buffalo logos all over the place and the Buffalo are still going so say the membership has Lodgers

    And in them is a small amount of ritual and ceremony officers wear allate chain collar and jewels and the Buffalo order has three tiers minor which are private lodges provincial Grand which is L lodes and then a Grand Lodge again very similar to Masons I suppose and they they are quite charitable as

    Well the key words of the Buffs are Justice truth and philanthropy I’ve said it at time yes and their principal aims are friendship charitable Works social activity Mutual support and care very similar too very very similar Masons I think we said before that your dad was a

    Mason wasn’t he yes and um when Keith’s dad died they were very good at making sure that Keith was cared for when she needed yeah um I’m sure we’ve said before that when it got to the stage where she needed a chair a stairlift not a chairlift going up that High um when

    She needed a stairlift they were very quick to purchase one and get it installed very very quickly wer they so so this is Grove house and one of the little thing about Samson Fox he was elected mayor of Harriet for three consecutive years which was a first we can’t really go

    In unfortunately to quite a drive it’s quite house isn’t it it is yeah and next we’re going to take somewhere expensive not for lunch so we said we’d take you somewhere expensive and this is it a very expensive Street or Lane it’s the most expensive Street in

    Yorkshire for the average house price of 1.7 million so if you’ve got a few quid and you fancy a new house house maybe this is a place for you with that said we’re having a cheap lunch and we’ll tell you about some Viking treasure it’s getting a bit later in the

    Afternoon now so we’re having another cup of tea stuff tea this time yeah tea I’ve got a parking Pig I’ve got slice fruit uh I don’t know fly cake so another interesting fact about Harriet in 1893 Dr George Oliver from Harriet was the first to observe the effect of adrenaline in the

    Circulation did you know that no should I eat in the Hat first I should it be the tail so so the treasure in 20 2007 two metal detectorists found a Harriet horde a 10th Century Viking treasure horde it contained about 700 coins and other items from as far away as Russia Ireland

    Scandinavia and Continental Europe it’s Viking expect Scandinavia but also Afghanistan usbekistan and North Africa he wouldn’t expect that no as well as coins were silver and gold or or silver and gold ornaments no silver and gold as well as coins there were silver and gold arm Rings neck rings and brooch

    Fragments ingots and precious metal and the items were hidden you don’t know any of I don’t know the items were hidden in a guilt silver vessel lined with gold the vessels decorated with Vine leaves and six running animals two lions and four Birds of Prey it s possibly that the vessel is an

    Ecclesiastical cup from northern France either plundered or given as a tribute to the Vikings the coins in the hall bear Islamic Christian and pre-christian Norse Pagan symbols and they might just about be able to afford a house well maybe not no in fact they wouldn’t no because the

    Horde was valued at 1 million 82,000 and it was jointly purchased by York museum trust and the British museum so the Vikings Winston Churchill and Samuel Samuel no Samson Fox Samson Fox and Charles Dickens all in one all in one video with that I’m having me parking

    Big and me cup of tea and you’re having your fly cake thanks for watching bye bye not b o


    1. Were off to Knarsborough next weekend for 4 nights, its a few years since we visited Harrogate, looking forward to having a walk around again, I used to have a couple of Aircraft Obsever & a few Ladybird books many years ago, another great video gents 👍

    2. Great vlog, I had Observer books as a kid, mostly wildlife, farm animals and wildflowes etc, think someone did buy me one on aircraft but didnt tick off many in that one! Lol! Re talking to folks, I was out with my Brother and his mate not so long ago, I after chatting to several folks (I didnt know) mate asked my Brother who's she talking to now, reply I dunno she talks to anyone!!! My Family know me so well!!!! Lol!

    3. Hello Troops 🙋‍♂️.

      Hope you are good !!

      Those little “Aircraft” books 📚
      must have been the forerunner
      modern GEMS books 📚 of knowledge
      that we get today !!

      I have a collection of Gems,
      and normally take one or two
      of them with me when out
      doing that pursuit on the day.

      IE: If wandering along the 🏝 beach,
      I will take – Gems, Sea 🐚 Shells,
      or – if wandering in a forest 🌳
      Gems Trees ect ect… Have been
      know just to sit on my butt engrossed
      in the book rather than carrying on
      with my day out !! 🚐🍦🏕🌊

      Like you two – I personally like
      to look 👀 at the book, whilst
      looking at the objects.
      Every time I see one in my
      charity shop travels or CBS
      I will buy them – knowing I
      probably have them already !!

      None of this modern internet
      fancy malarkey for me 🙅‍♂️ !!

      I think you two should have
      an open day at your howf 🛖
      with a sign 🪧 Keith and Darrell’s
      incongruous wacky curios !!
      Admission Free –
      £5.00 for ☕️ and 🍰 !!

      Enjoy – 🫶✌️ James….

    4. Once again, another great video gentlemen. You were right about this being a 3 cuppa video. Harrogate looks to be an interesting town. Quite a lot of great information. I admit to feeling a wee bit wistful over Keith's book collection. About the only collection I have ever had was a ski collection while I was a ski instructor and backcountry ski guide. Nicole's father collects vinyl albums. I have threatened to start my own collection. But vinyl has gotten very expensive. That and we live a pretty small flat, with very little space for such luxuries. I was curious how expensive Bess's teahouse was? Our teahouse offers up a unique tea service that seems overly expensive considering the teahouse doesn't have any historical significance. As much as I love my tea, I'm not too keen on spending $100.00+ dollars for a pot of tea and a few edibles. My eye surgeries went very well. It's nice not looking thru a blurry lenses. Our cold snap is nearly over. We are up to +9 F. In a few days we will hit +40 F. We'll all be wearing flip flops and shorts. Have a great weekend and week. See you next Friday. Cheers!

    5. You need to get an old phone box to put outside your house as a book swap with all your books although I know you collect them 😂😂

      Thanks for sharing Harrogate a place we have not been to

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