Ex. Dodge City [Kansas, USA] Mayor Gerald Schmitt and his wife Dianna visited Stockport [and Manchester]over 12-15th June 2015. They were also guests of Lord Goddard of Stockport in London at the House of Lords on the 10th June 2015.
    Gerald was heavily involved in the setting up of the ‘Friendship Charter’ between Stockport and Dodge City in 2002. Two Trust members, Stuart Peers and Phil Rowbotham, had originally proved the link between the the original the Dodge family of Halliday Hill House in Offerton, i.e. Stockport, and Dodge City.
    Members of the Stockport Dodge family emigrated to Kansas and they were involved in the setting up of Fort Dodge, Dodge City and the Dodge Motor Company. William Dodge was the first Dodge to land in America, Grenville Mellon Dodge played a par t in building the first USA transcontinental railway.

    All right like you see we’re in Stockport now we got ew6 boring Cal hello got SOG GTR hello um we’ve just going to the AA shelters I know we’ve done them before but but yeah we’ve got a visit also got to take so to them because they’re now back open so

    Just down this hill there the a shelters or one of them and it does hold a good few hundred people one point and I believe there’s a another three that accessible and there’s supposed to be a fourth one somewhere in Stockport as well so yeah we’ll try and find out where that one

    Is so we’ll see you down there [Applause] just making it over now there’s a red rock stock port there and actually it’s been opened up a bit more Gap in the fence when they’re going through now when they stop talking I don’t think they he me but we took the

    Hint so let’s get over and say what’s [Applause] [Applause] What [Applause] [Applause] is they make it look hard don’t know why they make it look so hard these [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] two Wow since we’ve been here last that’s uh really being attacked even tried burning the wood But realize there’s concrete bricks behind it so they had a good goal there there’s a few people down here already oh of it got I many people in many people in there

    No that’s a new way in and like you see that’s the old way a a bit I need to get my gear out what you want me to do so you that oh you get it in yeah [Applause] you have one of [Applause] these [Applause] cheers it’s quite easy actually uh to

    Get through there just give me a second I’ll get down for you right yeah be a down there get some more light res me weting the camera for you [Applause] thought Ling against the bunk beds fire so you not fall not very graceful but we’re going

    Tell you what it’s bigger than last time that Gap I’m yeah look there’s a little Gap what we went through see yeah it’s like twice as big there got to fil [Applause] us tell you what if it weren’t for the monk beds it would be harder to get in

    Definitely yeah it was definitely right just get my ey in I tell you what I’m glad I got that put in the back of get St on there yeah put there that’s where Matthew lost his phone is it yeah right I know the lay out of this

    Place these two don’t so what I’ll do like a true legend is leave them behind and go through a window myself don’t leave me I’ll see you when I see you if we ever see it again yeah it’s a long time since been in here but I believe this way up here dead

    End dead end there with some toilets and stuff in or B beds in to the left there is the entrance what where they shown you where the had go were getting in before to the right if you look up there it’s just a dead end with all this tar or something

    Coming through the walls some sort of contamination and they old battle there still so spin around the other side this is the like you see the Wet Side you can call it it’s dripping in just a little bit little bit yeah this is well wet this side now

    Compared to how it used to be or won it came in last time standing number Bricks now and stuff yeah made it through we still not don’t know what this was for it’s been back filled anyway so at one point it did go up to the

    Surface so I don’t think we found out under the surface there at the moment and go a bit further down again your right you got red brick building uh bricks and there’s another hole and in here it’s slightly different it’s concrete room and there’s the top of the

    Roof and as we walk further down this is where the entrance was and this is where they tried getting in through this corner here but obviously all the These Bricks here had no chance this here was like a cutway for like electric box and if you look here this

    Wooden uh piece of wood on the slope that is is the old gas curtain you come across his side we’ve got you there as well and if you look carefully you can see the bitching where it’s been sealed and it was a cloth that would rolled up and in time of use they

    Unrolled it it is coed in a chemical C called dope to help stop the gas or chemical warfare coming in even though it wasn’t a nuclear bunker it still threats of H mostes gasket and stuff was uh still dominant in the World War II though was always fa of it being

    Used and we went to a mustard gas Factory in the UK it was a secret military base and I’m working on that video at the moment I’m editing that so you’ll be able to see that one when it’s out right this is where we came in

    Basically we came in from the right hand side here so we on straight you go that way to the right or you can go straight down that way I think if you go down the next one to your right then to your left is these toilets no that ain’t the toilet it’s

    Uh I’ll just check no this isn’t the toilet one no see even I get it wrong uh just let me get me pin it all right I know where we are back this way back to the far back there’s a little room there but there’s nothing in There old rail G this is like a store room I something been for oh missed the toilets let’s go back quite near the beginning these beds are G galvanized now like the other ones were all rust of these ones aren’t as bad because of the they got on them you see

    Yeah I think found the toilets now there’s down there and you look this way and to your right area is the toilets let’s get this on there light fires there they are all chemical toilets last time I came in I think there was door frame and a lock on the wood because

    There’s all the doors that were rotting away over the past but I think one of the chemical toilets had a seat which is there still intact so that’s pretty cool to see so one way in and then another way in and out this way and if you look here this also has some

    Sort of curtain door just for private basically and you come down this way there’s one to your left here and this is the other toilets and there’s a door this side and it’s pretty much the same as the others but I think this is more cleared out oh there’s another one

    With a toilet and lid and handle a complete one there’s just one with a toall lid there there’s the door frame catch and door handle there’s an open the door under and another one and then that brings you back out to this Corridor where we went in the first place to the

    Toilets now go down this far end and as you get to the bottom of here you turn left and it’s a just a dead end like that basically and then if you turn right it leads you to an entrance that’s bricks up and that is on Dodge

    Hill hence the name Dodge Hill area shelters and the name of Dodge Hill itself is supposed to be known to have links to Dodge car multif factory in America apparently the person who invented Dodge mol mols lived on Dodge Hill and that’s where it’s got in its name from

    So if you want to do a bit more history on the place and check it out you can either confirm it or deny it but that’s what I found when was doing history on the place there’s quite a few ones that breed up though makes you

    Wonder where they got to extend it at one point and a lot of people think these are from the World War II but they’re not they’re from the mol wave when they built the all away and then of course they came in here with the lights and there’s the difference

    Between uh steel frame how Rusty they are compared to the galvanized frames so like I say coming up to the top left of the bunker you say we came in the bottom rightish and this is a dead end like you see it’s been around again and go straight down

    Here and this leads you to the stairs I was telling you about if you remember rightly do a few more little dead ends on the way down there is an actual tour you can take in Stockport like a was jacket there and this is used to be another say electrical

    Box like I was saying there is a tour in Stockport Town Center where you can go and5 P you pay to get in to see the area shelters and it’s a museum is quite good and here’s the stairs leading up to dodil and if you look there’s a line all

    The way down Center that’s to stop uh the rush or people getting crushed and you put bar uh a banister up on the side there either Side and as you go up there is another gas curtain uh to protect the people inside from the gases and if you wonder what that is that’s a piece of wood there for them to install off light so they installed all the bits of wood first and concreted the entrance so

    The wood’s locked in place like see you can’t replace that it’s running away they just screwed into it rather than try to draw the concrete and as you come up to this point we’ got a crack in the wall I’m not too sure that what that is sub at one point or

    Something but it goes right across and that’s just across the front entrance and just there so these metal brackets these were rolled in the gas curtain on and like I say there’s a slope line to your left that’s where the would have been and same down that

    Side a roll up curtain just pull it down when it’s needed we make it to the top of the stairs now and if you look to your right there’s a little hole and that’s where the old the electrics used to come in used to be a cable just uh somewhere underneath the

    C and behind this is aent to the main road on Dodge Hill and if someone’s walking past they can hear us talking and I’ve heard people talk on the other side of that wall as I went past in the past so let’s get further down so we’re about halfway through

    The a raid shelter Tour on this Stockport Dodge Hill yeah some left the jacket there and the B I’m not looking in there down here is another entrance that’s being sealed up I’ll just show you show it you before we leave this area look at that an old wheel hub off a

    Can there all them bags I’ve seen last time tell you what we pushed these up last time and this stayed up I’m surprised no one’s been nasty yeah and here we go to the end is to the bottom and have they been digging out looks like someone’s tried to dig it

    Dig out but the concrete there no chance of doing that no chance at all that’s feet and feet thick you might want to know why I know the layout of this place quite well cuz there’s a map of the place on the internet and in the late last video of

    The place I put the map up there’s an old wheel bicycle wheel or something and if you’re look in here wondering what this is this is electrical conduct for the electric that used to be in here for the lighting and like I say there’s a one of

    The power points CAU our way for it that’s the dead end where the will hobbies and when as we go down to the left in now turn left we’ be going left and right just to you show you where we was before at the top of there that’s where we walked past

    So we just comeing back on ourselves now if we go back up there and do it right and right again just leads you back here so I’m going this way to the left you all right oh yeah okay yeah not too bad do you work down here uh all I’m

    Filming uh what’s your name you have been a legend UK all right I’ll put a link in the bottom of my video then check his channel out people explod car and so you okay got a couple of kids down here we I’ve not seen any in a

    Before out the front yeah yeah they came in they came in of them yeah so again as car I will put the urban legend UK’s Link in the description what appreciated and we’ll do the vice versa no worries kids and chocolate that’s another dead end now we’re coming to a concrete part

    Here like you say it changes to concrete air that’s to reinforce it go above here is a CH and a school basically and it needed a bit more strengthening and the change of color and build materials and it only took him a few months to actually dig these tunnels out

    I think it was 6 month less than a year anyway to uh dig all these tunnels out by the Navies yeah yes they were and dug but using hydraulic equipment because a lot of people say it pickax marks and all that there some of it might be but they used hydraulic

    Machinery by hand to to get the place out you all right and that’s where we was before up there you see the arrow to the left is where we came from and to the right is the way we went so we’re going to the left air and this is heading towards the

    Beginning where we came in the entrance cuz there’s that scooter we’ seeing at the beginning and there’s another hole there that someone’s try diging that’s about a meter in that full the concrete and the again that’s blocked off you can see a layer there on the Sandstone that would take too much for

    It to uh fall down but Sandstone is quite easier to dig out and there’s a few more toilets to left to right yeah if you go up here follow it around it goes to your right then left and that’s where your toilets are where we went in before to show

    You uh and this second one’s just there where the bunk beds are we can even go that way but you’ve seen that way let’s go left down this way and we’re near the beginning again now uh I’ll show you the entrance as we get there and here we

    Are you want to see what get out there’s only a few more minutes to watch so yeah you want to see if we filed out or whatever stay tuned fin know here they are thought you m said oh no we just saw them near the stairs all right no

    Worries I’ll turn the light off so not to distur them scare him as they come around you see yeah we just subscribe to P cheers urban legend UK yeah yeah subscri subcribe you nice one take it easy now yeah first legs first always legs first oh FY getting out don’t mind you

    Ass he’s from Stockport yourselves I’m originally from Denton Denton yeah yeah so localish see you in a bit see you bit the next one that’s all she’s got give us a Shine that’s what you call it let about backwards but yeah yeah as long as you don’t have land on your head yeah that’s the best way not to land on your head if you don’t know where they all is at your age God help everyone see what I’ve got we

    Skateboarding PS on from today would have been skateboarding oh you’re all right there his kns painful uh do I borrow my skateboard PS I do i’ got to find that bloody thing now on the wall you don’t look comfy there he you don’t look quite comfy there I’m not at

    Least you got all your air going B is it it not like you Cal oh not too bad not too bad I’m just going to drop don’t slipy there be careful yeah if he holds on to the wall he’ll be all right once he’s out he’s done it he’s out right here’s

    Car here is Johnny You’ got your bag already no I’m going to get it in a minute I thought he going to ask me to get it for him then PA i’ have done it anyway for him like you know Che don’t you get out you all right uh

    Watch it out you can grab the camera if you want okay easy does it with your shin pads right let’s get back off here and yeah out passing the camera once we’re out the light as well yeah [Applause] so all F GES when we go explor [Applause] oh it’s made it easy There He Is We Go C you all later Byebye


    1. Very interesting video, looks Super creepy down their, I'd also was thinking the same thing, as you said about the crumbling ceiling, very scary, reminds me of the catacombs tunnels where people got lost and couldn't find their way out. 😅

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