Lets talk FFP! NUFC News.

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    🔍 In this episode, Billy and Alex dive deep into the hot topic dominating the Premier League headlines – Financial Fair Play (FFP). With sanctions hitting Everton and Nottingham Forest, and Newcastle United feeling the pinch with restrictions on player spending, frustration is on the rise among fans.

    🚫✋ Unable to splash the cash on new players, Newcastle United faces challenging times, and The Toon Review is here to break it all down for you. Join us as we dissect the intricacies of FFP, explore its impact on the Magpies, and bring you the latest updates on NUFC news.

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    N Good evening welcome to the t view at this slightly later Tom as usual of half past 7 that is all because my takeway didn’t turn up on time sorry about that folks but I had to eat I was starving uh joined by stat tonight Paul is having a

    Bit of family time and well deserved it is too um tonight we’re going to discuss three little initials that are kind of really kind of controversial at the moment ffp but if you are new to the channel and you haven’t seen us before and you are seen us for the first time

    Uh please hit that subscribe button because it’s really we are a way to 27,000 subscribers we’re motoring up that leaderboard the Newcastle United YouTube channels and hit the thumbs up as well give us a like also memberships are available by clicking the join button us and also super chats by

    Clicking the dollar sign I’ll take you to a payment method where you can give us whatever you feel we deserve uh good evening St how are you um I don’t really know football-wise mixed emotions there’s been so much going on I mean the the Joe Linton and

    Bruno interview in their Adidas kit was awesome but then Richard Masters has been saying funny things and then there’s some funny accusations in the news about about our chairman and then there’s more ffp and transfers it’s just all over the place at the moment there’s just so much going on and there’s afcon

    It’s it’s Madness considering there’s no football on this weekend it’s mad yeah considering it’s a a Breaking the winter breaks here and there’s more going on than usual and we’ll start with ffp though I mean Everton and Forest have obviously been charged with violating the rules of ffp Everton for the second

    Time of course this season seems a bit unfair to me that um as are not Forest one to be honest what’s your understanding of why they’ve been done I mean the forest we all questioned the amount of signings they made when they came up didn’t we I

    Mean they did make a lot of an awful lot of purchases when they first came into the Premier League getting for 18 months ago now yeah I mean you’re damned if you do you’re damned if you don’t if they hadn’t have invested enough because they really did struggle they they had to

    To try and buy tested and proven they tried to buy some reasonable quality they tried from home and abroad um and they eventually found a strong team team strong enough team that jailed um but then that that’s essentially it looks like it’s going to get them docked points and get them potentially

    Relegated but then if they didn’t do that they were also going to get relegated so it’s basically what what are you supposed to do what what you’re supposed to do unless you unless you get something unless you get an absolute World beater come through the academy that you can somehow

    Retain in up to maybe their early 20s cash in for loads of money unless you get into sort of a jack greish at Villa situation obviously Villa had got a lot more um in in terms of recent years in terms of finances and revenue got a lot

    More than Forest had with all their seasons in the championship and what what other way is there that they could have done it um and I kind of there was an Everton spokesperson that said well you know they took their punishment on the chin they tried to tidy up their

    Finances they sold rich they’ve got a new stadium to try and increase revenue and try and do it the right way they’ve accepted what they did wrong and then they’re going to get a double whammy and as much as I don’t like Everton what are you supposed to do

    Again another situation where you’re damned if you do you’re damned if you AR if you don’t so it’s just baffling it’s just baffling and the fact that in this Richard Masters interview um he he referenced big teams and small teams in his own interview is it’s just

    Disgusting they’re just so out of touch and he was talking about the fans the fans want and in his opinion what the fans want mate you ain’t a fan you ain’t got a clue what we want not a clue I don’t particularly like Everton and I

    Feel sorry for him so the fact that we don’t like clubs and we feel sorry for him it just shows just how out of touch they are it’s ridiculous as you’ve mentioned there Richard masses was called before the Parliamentary committee uh for culture Leisure and Sport today and as you said he he

    Referred to not on fire neveron as smaller clubs I’m sorry that’s not on and Tomlin says here Masters ffp be looked at Short brly in thir commers like our takeover will be looked at shortly how shortly is shortly how long is a master’s minute a 1 minute B 24

    Hours C6 weeks and d8 months has got past four minutes kind of kicking the can down Road hasn’t he well he says that everything is being done well I don’t want to misquote him but he basically alluded to the fact I’m paraphrasing that everything was being

    Looked to in the same time frame and it was the same processes so obviously the fact that man city have got way more charges than other teams he’s trying to sort of suggest it that it’s all been looked at at the same speed but it just

    Doesn’t feel like that way um and and the the guy who actually asked the questions I sorry I don’t know what his name was I didn’t I didn’t research that far but he asked obviously the fact that man city um could bog the whole case down with lawyers and the Richer teams

    That have got more lawyers could could just make this either go away or they could drag it out and some teams and then obviously citing everon and Forest just get hit straight away um and it’s just it’s not a Level Playing Field it’s there was there was

    And he made a reference to there’s a big difference between the Premier League and the rest of football but then there is then a further division within the Premier League itself of the the bigger teams as he was putting it versus the small teams as quoted by Richard Masters

    As he called the small teams so I mean noton Forest wouldn’t have been in in in breach of this had they have sold Brennan Johnson I think it’s nine days earlier that’s ridiculous short it’s they’re going to dock on point for nine days grace that isn’t fair is

    It I mean that would never happen to well let’s just say the big six would it never never on God’s Earth would happen to them I mean we see Manchester United yeah millions and millions and millions of pounds in debt and yet still spending the way to the heart’s content which

    Doesn’t seem fair to me well I mean we we could arguably start spending what we know we’re going to make next year in terms of additional broadcasting revenue for the champions league and being in the Champions League and all the additional sponsorship money but won’t

    Go on the books in the right year and we’ll get punished for it um so we’re adhering to it and we’re suffering they’re not adhering to it and they’re suffering it just doesn’t seem to matter which way you do it really which is a shame uh Tom Lynch is well is he’s he’s

    Re re wording songs from 1992 got jimelle one there early one was a salt and pepper one and Mary asks him what what can I have whatever you want please and Tom says col cubes there you go folks that’s a a legal high if wanted

    One Co cubes uh the forest one as I just said yeah nine days grace Everton as you’ve said trying to build a stadium can’t really remember any big signings this year can you was there any there wasn’t really was there um they sold with charlon I mean we can we can fact check

    It and make sure we’re we’re accurate with it have turn I don’t see change between the original charge that they got early in the season and what now if I’m perfectly honest I mean obviously we’re we’re normal Layman so obviously we’re not going to understand it but I don’t think many

    People do understand it if I’m perfectly honest I mean um Jack har was a loan Dan was a three million loan to Center forward are they using him Portuguese guy occasionally yeah yeah but they got they got rid of moisy Kean iobi they got the I didn’t realize they got 25 mil for

    Aobi to fulam I didn’t that that went under the radar um Demar gray to to wherever that is wherever he went for 9.3 where’s that he’s gone to is that oh it’s altif okay it’s Jordan Henderson’s club J Steven Gerards yeah so they’ve they’ve not spent ludicrously I mean they’ve brought in

    Some free transfers they got tarkovski in and a few loans here and there um it’s not been crazy it’s not been crazy at all they they’ve they’ve had their they’ve been very careful the last couple of Seasons I would say Yan says is ffp even a thing anymore

    Since the introduction of profit and sustainability is there much difference between the two St um in all honesty I can’t remember what the original ffp rules were I just know yeah what what we’re calling ffp is obviously the profit and sustainability rules is the PSR now we just call it ffp

    Because everybody does um but it is technically something different I can’t remember what what the difference exactly is but obviously we know it in its current format with with 105 million pounds and and you’re not allowed to to make the additional losses regardless of how much you’ve gone over I mean Mark

    Gold goldbridge has been talking about the same thing about whether you should be docked x amount of points depending on how million how many million you are over um so that you can if you want to push it but it’s it’s at your own risk um whereas this is just R random

    Arbitary stabs in the dark as you as you’ve alluded to to the fact that nine days whether you know nine days grace between a transfer getting you in trouble or not is is ludicrous as long as your books are balanced your books are balanced I understand the need to

    Draw a line but again it’s it’s I I allude to this on many shows it’s an arbitrary line drawn in the Sand by just some random people then it’s just irritating yeah it certainly is it’s never drawn in the in the line it’s the line’s never drawn in the sand to in the

    For the benefit of the smaller clubs as as Masters puts it yeah enough I saw this on Twitter today whether there’s any truth in it or not I don’t know Tristan Hall says just few lad Sky Sports News Lucas looking Edison from Atlanta as a replacement or cover for

    Bruno he’s 24 and a box to box midfielder yes I did see that today I’ve already screenshotted stuff and started prepping for him for a transfer show so he will be on the next transfer show de de de so there you go ederson from Atlanta I don’t did he play against is

    He may well have done I don’t know um I don’t recall him I got be honest a look profit profitability and sustainability is commonly known as far F yeah that’s what we said isn’t it uh ancient amumu says good evening from a very snowy alony I’ve always said ffp is

    Restrictive practice and why anybody hadn’t challenged it in court staggers me I think Manchester City going to out now I think there’s no doubt about that uh we’re at point now yeah well their date with the with with the with the r May because is supposedly the end of

    Next season which something that’s been going on for 15 years or so seems a bit ridiculous when they’re doing Everton and Forest in the same seasons what they’ve been the fall and foul of it so there’s definitely a discrepancy between the bigger clubs and the so-called

    Smaller clubs um in my opinion how does it fit with us sty I mean we’re not spending any money at the minute and Darren NE was alluded to this last week didn’t he in his interview whether we believed it or not um are we sailing close to the wind you think

    Well I can show you so I’ve got the Swiss Rambles article here outlining our our finances so if you want to pop it up so the Swiss ramble we’ve we’ve used these before so big shout out to them they always do some great football Financial threads um on Twitter this is

    This is the link to actually to to their substack can we can we zoom in a little bit that we can indeed yeah so Newcastle United finan is 2223 um so the brief overview of this is obviously it just kind of sums up our season with getting to a cup final

    Finishing in fourth yada yada things we already know talks about the ownership profit and loss so it gives us our overall profit so we did increase our Revenue exponentially um which which is great so Revenue shot up 70 million pounds total um 39% from from 180 million previously so a club record

    Which is great A new club record of 250 million Revenue um so operating expenses 62 million player sales is halfed from six to three woo again we know we’ve got no salable assets and we haven’t had for many well we’ve got some now but we just don’t

    Want to sell them but we’ve not had any decent sellable assets for a long time um so the loss after tax increased by 3 million to 73 million as the previous you benefited from a tax credit and then if we scroll down we see some of the

    General data for profit well for profit and loss um interesting things to point out here for people who just don’t care about numbers uh is Wages to turnover is a really really important one which is down here that’s this one so it has it’s changed from so 2022 to 2023 so we’ve

    Actually managed to get the wage to turnover down from 95% to 75% which is really really important um because over a three-year period they’re restricting it down to 90 80 70 um so despite the fact we’ve lost money because we spent a lot on on players um we’ve actually that’s that’s kind of

    Helped our our wage to revenue figures so we’re already nearly at that 70% that we’re going to need to be in the future anyway which is great um especially when when we get the the back end of the season out uh and and then we move players on with expiring contracts if we

    Can shift players uh such as Ryan Fraser as well obviously we’ve got people like dummit and Richie expiring all on sort of 35 to 4 £5,000 a week once they all disappear as well this is probably going to dip well under 70 um then we’ll get additional Revenue so we’ll be we’ll be

    We’ll look really really good in that regard in terms of wages we’ll look great um so I reckon the summer we’re going to absolutely go mental because we’re going to have all the new stuff announced um it’s going to start factoring in the finances for well for

    The next season so I think we I think we’re going to look a lot better in the summer it’s just January at the moment there’s not really a lot we can do um so if we scroll down yeah so all three revenue streams saw significant growth so new club records were established in

    In all three of those uh so Comm commercial was up 2/3 um 19 million so commercial Revenue went up from 28 to 47 million which is lovely uh match day which is which is quite intriguing actually went up 10 million so even though we we normally fill out sell out

    What whatever the phrase is we normally sell out quite a lot of the time the fact that that’s a lot that’s a lot I’m really interested to see what the breakdown would be I don’t think we’ll we’ll be privy to that but I’m quite interested to see how we’ve managed to

    Increase it that much um you know we charging extra for burgers or what we doing more games possibly with a cup run and also potentially price increases perhaps I don’t know yeah well I can’t remember if there were much in the way of price increases um but yeah potentially some price

    Increases additional games additional home fixtures uh so the smallest smallest percentage growth was in broadcasting and even though it was the smallest it was still a 33% increase which was decent so it went up 41 million from 124 million to 165 which is great so it’s up in in all three

    Categories which is which is fantastic obviously we just spent money so not quite as fantastic but it’s not our fault tari likes to gamble so it is what it is so that there’s some nice there’s a nice bar graph for you if you want to have a look at

    It um so however the cost base continue to grow as the new owners invested in the squad to compensate for the many years of austerity under big mike um you can don’t like the way you phrase that but I think there’s a bit sarcasm there so wages increased 17 million so even

    Though we’ve managed to drop 20% in R wage to revenue our wages went up 17 a million so that’s quite impressive so that’s just down to how much revenue increase we’ve had so we’ve not actively reduced any wages we’ve actually increased our wages but it looks better in terms of the profitability

    Profitability and Su sustainability hang on how do we say this profit and sustainability rules there we go that’s the words uh so player amortization surged 37 million pounds as expected because we you know some of these players we brought on like like Tali and stuff so

    That’s gone up from 5050 to 87 so the the the amount annually we’ve got to pay towards the transfers over the duration of their contract um other expenses Rose to six million so what whatever an other expense is so I’d love to know AG it’s just crazy isn’t it so0 40 million

    Pounds I’m gonna say it’s agent yeah I mean I’m sure I’m sure we’ve got a few self-employed people in the chat or people have been self-employed normally your other expenses isn’t quite £40 million that’s bongus to just be putting it as other stuff but football clubs so despite the impressive Revenue

    Growth the fact remains that Newcastle still lost 73 million pounds which is the worst Financial result in the Premier League still the 2223 season yeah can you me okay seems to have lost stto there he’s back he’s back he’s back I think my internet’s having a bit of a

    Wobble sorry guys yeah we lost 73 million pounds which isn’t very good which is why is kind of why we can’t we can’t do a lot right now there’s no there’s no wiggle room so um we’re doing all right but until I’d say until the summer we can’t really do anything

    Unless we bring in some loans for a reasonable price I I can see why you know I can see why we’ve not really brought anyone in or why we’re struggling we’re not going to be paying silly six and seven million pound loan fees you just can’t afford it on the

    Books I think it’s smart to as well because being it looks like if we if we do even put so much as a toe over the line they’ll throw the Bookers so I mean if we people are saying we should just force it and buy some players it would just Dockers points

    Makes no difference no it makes no difference we it’s gonna happen no matter which way around we do it so don’t know yeah I agree with you I think obviously seeing what they’ve done to Everton twice in one season and Forest as well there’s no doubt that

    They’ll be after us like a a cat on a hotson roof so to speak um another story that came out today David breu mentions it here even Lads have you seen the crack on our chairman today could have a damning effect on our club it’s pretty

    Naughty I’ve seen a little bit I’m not quite sure what it doesn’t sound good something to do with uh I’m not really sure I’ve not really I I briefly read the article but I’m not in well informed enough to talk about something that high profile and political it’s

    It’s I don’t think most people are I think I think we’re going to have to have a look at it very very carefully before we talk about it on the show um because it’s quite a big accusation so it is indeed yeah we’ll leave it for another show potentially I agree with

    You Mick J says evening team hope you’re all well there’s only one word for ffb corruption and I’m surprised PF haven’t looked into this and taken it to court as restriction of trade away the lads and lasses I mean that’s possibly a step that maybe Everton or Forest will take I

    Mean they’re been they’ve been punished for it um unless they’re not allowed to of course uh Ian Stevenson’s had it takeway he’s had chicken curry F the Porton chips there you go you getting quicker Anno did um danil says ffp confusing and contradictory it it seems that way

    Doesn’t it certain teams seem to be getting away with murder certain teams not um Ian we could have guessed that Forest would be in this kind of trouble Chelsea on the other hand have spent the verge of one and a half billion pounds and they had their ffp ceiling

    Reset on the on the Proviso that um Abramovic would give money to the Ukraine war funds or something that hasn’t come about yet and yet they’re still spending to the heart’s content so I we can have a look so departures so we can show you how they’ve done it with Chelsea so

    Yeah so this is how they’ve done it is a we all know that they’ve they obviously were handing out the really really long contracts up to eight years for like Madrick um I think Enzo I think Enzo Fernandez was an eight as well if I’m not mistaken um but then obviously

    They they changed the rules in the summer to stop you doing that so I think corre me if I’m wrong and then the second way they’ve done it is just by selling loads of players it’s all they’ve done because they had salable assets we just don’t so

    Kai havs 75 million Mason mounts it well this is in Euros to be fair so convert into the right change um 64 million EUR for Mount 30 for kovic 23 for kib Bary 20 for pulic I mean you guys can read I don’t know why I’m reading this out but

    It’s just so much money and then they benefit from the fact that when you buy it it gets amortized so yeah when you sell them the whole value goes into your book straight away but when you buy a play you can amortize it over the duration of that player’s contract um so

    If you buy if you sign a player on I don’t know a five-year deal for 50 million pounds on books wise you would only put 10 million per season against that in transfer amotization so you wouldn’t you know this is how they’ve done it they’ve essentially got what

    Nearly 200 million odd in in player sales um plus they had their slate wiped clean on top of that and they were doing his silly silly contract things should anigan it’s all of that mixed in together and if I’m honest with you I hate it I hate it I

    Hate it I hate it but it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve actually not broken any rules they are been looked at though by account HKS me it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re fine which really gut-wrenching because it just means it’s been loopholed to Hell which shouldn’t

    Be able to do that yeah Paul Tully says the situations are strange one surely the club knew the boundaries at the end of last season part of the plan so how come we’ve come to a transfer window with nothing I’m going to guess you can say that in

    Two words Sandro Tali I don’t think they expected him to be banned for the whole season like worst case scenario you you may be you pre for an ACL or something really severe but the fact that we’ve got willick Anderson and tanali all gone ping at the same time for huge amounts of

    Time like I mean we are going to talk about this later on in the show but obviously if Bruno gets his Yow well when Bruno gets his yellow card he’s out for what two games is it a two game suspension on your when you get your 10 yellow cards yeah so

    Potentially the Midfield consists of sha and L Miley that’s it that’s what we’ve got he another that’s all we’ve got shaan longstaff Lewis Miley that’s it soon as Bruno gets that yellow that’s it that’s what we’ve got for two matches so obviously we’ll get on to

    This in a little bit the options are either which I’m sure everybody’s furiously typing put Fab and chair in Midfield no um we’re also not going to put Miggy in Midfield no are we going to change of shape possibly I think that we recall Joe White from his Loan in League two at

    Crew specifically for this reason but so we’ll go and have a look at Joe White and and see if he’s any good he stopped typing Fabian chair for CDM it breaks my heart when people say that anyway sorry B go on it’s all right um JT T says I

    Can honestly see some of the Premier League clubs getting together with us at the H to challenge the bollocks at is ffp and the not do distant future it’s blly obvious what his purpose is well apparently Mr Masters said today that they were going to look at the rules in

    February um yeah I that well so after the horses bed they’re gonna shut the door um February Man City Chelsea us and a few others and all the rest of the clubs um are going to get together with Mr Masters and discuss altering the rules or tailoring it to specific needs or

    Whatever but that’s not going to help not on fire to Everton is it so I’m sure they’ll be really pleased to know there’s going to be changes after Paul says forest for cheap man Chelsea both made stupid number of signings with no clear plan on how to

    Use them Forest had to though pul because the the to that got promoted was mainly loans wasn’t it so they had to sign some players of their own yeah they did make some D they just threw money at it yeah they did but if they didn’t do that they’ have gone

    Down so you again it’s I mean you’re not wrong but again we’re not wrong you damned if you do you Dam if you don’t like yeah again man city should be two said Ben but that lawyers lawyers are insane um and this is this is the big

    One KY W says I think lard had something to do with it for his fans said I think he’d have a lot to do with it two DEC a week I think he played about six seven times for them yeah I think he’s a massive reason why they’re in the in the dooo

    Um nor pal say are putting out the Edison is the Bruno replacement all these pundits and media trying to create the narrative they’re trying to will it into aren’t they just they’re trying to sell him for us uh keny says this has to be the most frustrating season

    Ever um danil says FP has been a double- edge sword for far yes it has but even so I mean the rules are I mean they haven’t even had three years in the Premiership yet it’s got to be three over threee period so I’m not sure how

    It works unless they over spent by that much already I don’t know I mean maybe it’s possible that’s a good point actually this is season two for them isn’t it so yeah yeah I mean it’ll all be outlined when they get well they’ve been charged but once they get a

    Punishment as well I’m sure they’ll go into detail uh Tim vickory on Score Sports their Brazilian expert has been on TV saying Newcastle TR side Edon from Atlanta Atlanta so it’s broken no is no he is’s leaving or cover so Bruno is leaving all cover I think he meant to

    Say yeah yeah yeah I mean it’s quite it’s quite sad that your your phone has autocorrected Bruno to broken because that’s what we will be if we lose Bruno is correct indeed yeah ffp is like suland it’s there we might like it but it’s not going away and we have to work

    With it we don’t have to work with suland in a different League um unless we draw in a coup of course uh don’t forget folks hit that thumbs up button it really help us out and if you are enjoying what you’re seeing and you are a new to the channel hit that subscribe

    Button also super chats are also available by clicking that dollar sign below us down there uh what else we got here in the chat uh Ian says it was a disgrace calling Everton and Forest small clubs couldn’t agree more it was a proper belittling of them wasn’t it my

    Colleague’s a Liverpool fan and even he feels sorry for Everton another news today was Mr Jose Mourinho got the at Roma St of course that prompted rumors and counter rumors of him maybe coming to replace our manager at newcaster United that’s not going to happen I wouldn’t have thought um but what’s your

    Opinion of Mr Mourinho getting the tin Tac down there in Rome I mean I don’t know where they were in the table um ninth were they ninth yeah I mean it’s just not great uh sort of longevity and and Squad building and Harmony but again for for everybody who says he’s not very

    Good I mean he got them to two European finals in two years say what you will he he won the conference league in his first year and then he got to the Europa League final in the second year and it well he wasn’t terribly far away from that either it

    Was severe pinched it didn’t it didn’t they I think we watched that um so yeah I mean I’m not a big fan of the way he plays I think he’d like to play slightly more aggressive football but depends on the personal he’s available um I I did feel sorry for his

    Sting in Manchester United I don’t think he got back properly and then as soon as he left they threw loads of money at all the rest of the managers it was ridiculous um but no I don’t think he’s the right fit for us I think stylistically where we are I just don’t

    Think it’s the right fit we do like him for for the history and obviously the The Nostalgia but it’s it’s I don’t think he fits our blueprint the way we want to play or anything I think the way we’ve kind of gone is massively away from what a Mourinho would bring to us

    Yeah might not con goals though would score many but would con we might not score any either I think we wouldn’t get much out of isack Nick Thor says so I’ve got zero sympathy for everon all Forest if we broke ffp the entire league would be in meltdown and demanding the harshest

    Punishment two s of his story I guess probably are right but I mean this could easily happen to us this is this is the point of it today it’s Everton and Forest tomorrow it could be us it could be anybody the only one seems to me that

    Nowhere near it in the so-called smaller Club league is brighten because they selling record over the past four five years and they sold vast amount of players for lot of money um they’ve do really well with that haven’t they let’s get Nick De Marco in it says Tom apparently Forest

    Have Forest have got Nick Demarco on board with their with their legal um case so you know I don’t think the Premier League will be happy to see him against them again Nicolo says we always talk about ffp which is nowadays actually called PSR I believe linking it

    To the cartel but it’s nowadays UAA thing isn’t it two different two different sets of rules isn’t it I mean Chelsea actually did get punished by the UA sets of rules didn’t they um two or three years back the one about changing ours to theirs now which is probably worse if I’m

    Perfectly honest but we shall see what happens in janary start again purpose at all people keep using that phrase It’s not fit for purpose and I find it difficult to disagree with the other it’s not of purpose at all and it is antic competitive and I

    Think Kev Kev T says it’s right there abuse of dominant position yeah I agree although troll says uh sad to say if you break the rules you will get punish good thing they change for next season indeed uh you know says a club that is within ffp can sell a Play 50

    Million and recruit 250 million pounds wor players and that is deemed more sustainable than a team that’s over spent by 1 million what the [ __ ] yeah that’s true it is absolute Madness it’s absolute Madness it is uh so we haven’t been able to strengthen because of

    Ffp um and as you alluded to earlier we have recalled a young lad from crew Alex Andra um is it this get fell here it is yeah he’s just not got a photo on transfer marked which is a shame well there he is Joe White he deserves one

    He’s 21 years old and he’s played for a few clubs in the pyramid so so for people who don’t know Joe white I mean doesn’t look exactly like this he he has a face um so let let’s introduce you to Joe White because I’m I’m putting the chips on the table

    You’re gonna see him in the next few weeks pretty sure pretty certain of it we’re gonna see Joe White at least on the bench if not in Midfield um which is madness considering he’s just been he’s just been recalled from a league two side um anyway three caps at un at

    England under 18 level born in carile he is technically one of our own in the academy um oh he has a player agent as well I didn’t realize that very nice so uh what else did I want to show you from here I mean not really a lot from this

    Bit we can see where he’s been up to now so where has he been applying his trade so Us Harley Paul exus City KW Alexandra so he’s done a little bit of League one a little bit of League two bits bits and Bobs odds and sods

    That kind of stuff so he he not played at a higher level than than League one and there wasn’t too much into the way of appearances at League one level either so if we go to his um FB ref we don’t have data because it is in league

    Two but he has played over 12200 minutes this year for them in League two with five goal contributions which is nice he’s playing in central Midfield he’s been given the number 30 shirt and he’s starting in in the center especially in recent weeks with 20 appearances um one

    Thing that I really like about him he’s six he’s 61 he’s physically strong and he’s left footed so you know he might not be playing at the right technical level um but in terms of physicality and can he just sit there and concentrate and do a reasonable job possibly

    Possibly um in terms of his previous Seasons so when he played for Harley pool he made nine starts for them as an 18y old when they were in League two uh he made six start 16 appearances for X2 when they were in League one and then

    Obviously he played a little bit in sort of our Reserve setups and then he went out on loan this season 14 starts 20 appearances and now he’s 22 he’s well 21 years old now with his five goal contributions so he’s he’s progressing well um obviously we’re at a little bit

    Higher more of a higher level than that at the moment which is a concern but uh so let’s look at the important bit so we s for score there he is that’s Joe White so 21 years old birthday on the 1 of October so he’s he’s 21 and a bit so 186

    Like we said 61 so he’s a decent height decent physicality left footed scored on and see how he’s done recently shall we so not bad some some rather flattering scores here on sofa score uh if we go and have a look at the crew versus Mansfield game Mansfield were third in

    The league at the time of that so crew did very well I think grew in fifth so fifth in League two they beat Mansfield who are third place pushing for automatic promotion he scored the only goal of the game and dropped an 8.1 which is rather

    Impressive uh so if we scroll in so they played a 532 with Joe White at the heart of everything which is which is nice to see he’s been given such responsibility as a young man um so heat map he’s very very active he’s everywhere played 79

    Minutes uh he got his goal nice and tidy passes 19 out of 21 five key passes four accurate long balls is really really nice um and getting stuck in physically five a six ground drills is immense as well so um Against The A Team vying for automatic promotion not a bad

    Performance from the young man at all very very impressed um orbe it is League two but again you can only play what in front of you guys um another good performance here against Arrington Stanley a 3-3 match in which he got an assist in I think they did change they

    Have recently changed shape so he was playing yeah it was kind of a weird yeah little bit different so he’s got more of an isolated roll in the middle at the moment whereas this was a few weeks ago so we did drop a 7.9 again he’s all over the pitch he he gets

    Around not not too many passes I can’t imagine they’re getting too much possession because he’s not getting too much of the ball but still good passing accuracy there three key passes five accurate long balls he is being asked to do things he’s being asked to Ping the

    Ball about and create obviously we might not ask him to do that for us but it’s it’s there at a league two level at least it’s there let’s not forget Elliot Anderson played at League two level and now we we really like him so it doesn’t

    Mean that Joe White is as good as Elliot Anderson but it means he’s he’s passable somewhat ground Jews again seven out of eight so he’s there physically um I I like him I think he’s I think he’s okay um I know I’m kind of presenting it like it’s a transfer show and it’s

    Not I just uh it’s not like we’re going to buy him uh I’m just trying to I’m trying to convince myself that he’ll do all right for two matches if we need him um he might do he might do he’s not terrible but it it’s really difficult to see one of those

    Um it’s difficult to know if he takes that step up if he just looks lost it could be one of those where you plop him on M Midfield and it looks like a step too far and he looks awful um I hope not because he’s putting up some good

    Numbers in League two he might be a really good player at a good level in the pyramid at some point um and I I think it’s it’s worth keeping your eyes and ears open I think you’ll probably you’ll probably see him at least on our bench in the next few weeks unless we

    Absolutely U-turn and start using Isaac Hayden which I don’t think is very likely I think we’re liable to see him on the bench before he starts I mean maybe the next game if Bruno was to maybe the cup to maybe sing him on the

    Bench and if if he can give him a give him 10 15 minutes of experience see what he does I mean obviously we’re going to have to put some on there whether it’s an archaic mat V you’re a young lad I mean obv I mean maybe he’s been brought

    Back to train with the first team and get him up to speed yeah exactly exactly I think you’re right I think we will see him we need somebody to come in through the door and help out and what have our own well I mean I guess it makes sense I

    Don’t know I don’t even know what Squad number he would have or did have I mean he’s not here so um I mean I haven’t got my my tactical board uh t I don’t know how to find I’ll do a few comments the manun way very good man

    City Channel U if you ever stuck for a bit of Man City comment content going and see these Lads are good nine clubs voted for ffp including Newcastle with Ashley though not PF it was all to stop Man City and never realized it would hurt them we voted against ffp wonder why that

    Was um so M has not want the so-called smaller teams to compete hence FP RS that’s what it looks like to me and to the vast majority I’ve got to say um not good col says it warns me up that Newcastle fans can’t enjoy our owner spend the money that they’ve clearly

    Have we will never go bur owners worth 700 billion uh should give Premier League five billion say we will spend get into trouble for that if they did that to be fair as well how did Forest not see this coming sorry like but they bought loads they did but they

    Had to didn’t they oh then probably bought too many I don’t think they did the manager manager any favors by buying as many as they did um there you go I mean Chris Wood spent a lot of money for him and they’re paying him 100 Grand a

    Week oh I don’t like it at all right I’m GNA put this on on screen I don’t I don’t like it don’t look at it guys look away close your Eyes I really don’t like it oh God I mean I I don’t know what to say I’m I’m actually for once I I lost for words white he’s got a bit someone there he’s not he’s not a bad player he’s doing all right for himself as a young man in League 2

    But good God long staff is the six with Miley and Joe White so for people who are joining us late Joe White is one of our players who we loaned out to KW Alexandra and we’ve recalled him presumably with the intention of him maybe playing or being part of the match

    They squad for when Bruno inevitably gets his um two match ban with his 10th yellow card so when Bruno’s out for two games so no Bruno for two games there’ll be no Joe Linton no Tali no Anderson no willick um so the only options are is drafting Isaac Hayden from the cold

    Or formation change Jo White Predator say we haven’t recorded him I’m pretty sure we have yeah I think we have I think I’m pretty sure I’ve read he’s come back uh chipper says ffp Needs scrapping it clearly is still isn’t fair um what was going to say there yeah

    Formation change three at the back Wing backs two in the middle so it’s B like a three four3 we could probably probably do that could we l ended and he came back okay same thing okay he’s with us that’s the main thing yeah uh Ben says did you see the eak

    Video with sky and Bruno and Big Joe on nuts football show the Adas boots and wearing Adas retro Newcastle kits fantastic wasn’t it I’m halfway through it I haven’t finished it yet oh Bruno and Joe’s fantastic not really the the kind of signs of man who was desperate

    To leave the club I’ve got to say um no looks he’s fully enjoying it doesn’t he clearly loves the club with with you know with everything he’s got really so U yeah it was a great video I’ve not seen the EAC one yet but I’m gonna see

    It TR said would be great to ever the championship to be honest with a new stadium uh refi benan says uh ever’s been done for breaking the rules on the last threey year ffp cycle and now on the current threeyear ffp I’ve been done twice and twice in six months but this

    Is the whole point of it why would’t they done for the last three year cycle when it was happening seems like they’ve suddenly got the stuff into gear and they just punishing left right and center now when Everton really should have been punished last season all the season before shouldn’t

    They well yeah I do remember that at the time what that was when we weren’t sure if we were going to be going down or not obviously early doors when we had the Takeover um and they you know they we dragging on their punishment but just in the in the the

    Whole context of of everything it just it just I just feel sorry for everyone else who’s not he not Man City because it’s just ridiculous that they can o basically if you just instead of committing a crime just commit all of the crimes and it just takes so long to

    Figure you out it just doesn’t matter anymore it it shouldn’t be like that they they they’ve set a precedent now with the 10 points deduction so if Man City don’t finish anywhere if they finish anywhere higher than than League two then it’s been a joke they need

    Honestly they throw the entire book at them it’s their own fault if it’s true of course I mean manity well out of 115 charges what they’ve made up 115 surely a few you can squabble and and maybe justify but 115 it’s lot must say even even if half

    Of them are wrong it’s still over 50 that are 50 more than Everton got charged with so that’s we’re going to dock him 500 points like what we gonna do no know I mean obviously Man City are confident of being able to beat the beat the charges but then again I guess

    They’ve got big deep supped to do except them dissolve like they got guess I guess so um W makes a point don’t know if he’s still injured but I give Matt Target R out CDM quick strong and can pass the ball he can pass the ball not sure he’s quick but potentially they

    Might think of repositioning the play M I guess Matt Target would fit the building that step wouldn’t he I guess he would I don’t know I just feel like it’s another one of these examples where having one player who’s a little bit out of position or or a test is fine yeah

    But when you have the whole thing as a makeshift it’s just not it’s it’s too much you know having having Miley in at the moment is enough of a test um as well as he’s doing yeah no it’s just I don’t want I don’t want us to play any games without

    Bruno know because whenever we play without Bruno we just look awful yeah Paul says right this season off people are mad FA Cup is there to have a go up let’s finish as high as we can as we get players back we could still have a great season Point ISE I agree with

    That too but the injury records kind of synopsis aren’t great are they I mean there’s one or two like Murphy maybe back and Wilson for the the next game but I mean Joe willc did an article on it we’ve got by far the worst injury rate this season

    Out of any club in the Premier League absolutely decimated well over 800 days it’s going to be well extended now Joe linton’s out again as well probably close to 900 then when you factor into nari suspension which isn’t even an injury we have been absolutely decimated

    It’s probably one of the worst seasons I I’d say this is probably close to one of the worst seasons anybody’s everever had injury-wise we can’t be far away um it’s just really really bad has he played in the FA Cup for crew that is a good question I have a

    Look yes oh no oh oh hang on a minute crew versus Bristol Rovers not applicable so did he not not play ah he did yeah he played he played against Bristol Rovers and they got knocked out anyway so so he can’t play he can’t play for us in the FA

    Cup captain Keith Hart says no disre to Joe White at all but it’s unbelievable how desperate we are as the club with the richest owners in the world that’s what the rules are there for stop us from competing isn’t it it’s a it’s plain and simple to see AB says

    I’m glad we have 29 Points in the bank the way things are going let’s say we broke the rules and we got to 39 they just take 10 office again anyway so well maybe not immediately but you know what I mean I don’t know any manager that could have done a better

    Job than Eddie in this situation why would we even consider a change Eddie is still the key to our future success I don’t think we are considering a change I just think it’s because Mourinho is available people are writing things yes mon H says Eddie how cost us against

    City again this is rumors but apparently before Kevin De bruyne came on um Eddie how was about to take Bruno off because a hamstring issue don’t know how true that is um but I don’t believe it because he would never kept heard a couple of people say that but it’s it’s never

    Been sort of followed up so I don’t know no idea don’t why would that be why did Eddie how cost us against City what what what more again for anybody saying that because I was I was getting really frustrated with certain comments last week when we did the

    Review what was he meant to do put caras on as a DM put Gillespie up front put dmit in Midfield there is nobody I don’t think I don’t think how did anything wrong at all like what there was nothing else he could have done he tried to address the issues he

    Tried to address the space in Midfield I don’t think he could he could have brought some legs on foot earlier and certainly took isak off you know oh yeah but I don’t think that’s enough of a reason to say he’s the reason we lost definitely you know bringing Parkinson

    On for esack up sort of 75 fine Fair shout but it doesn’t mean it’s the reason we lost it’s just yeah he also I mean I don’t think mon fan he says it also cost us against Liverpool when they had a red card to a certain extent I can

    I can agree with that that’s that’s different and yeah there’s a lot more in that that’s fair I think it a lot of it was down to our players as well I think I think they got really scared for no reason at all I think they you know they

    Weren’t ready for the that was pre- Champions League games that you know we were beating Liverpool and we were ready to beat them and then they just capitulated uh Dave says Ellie Anderson would have thrived with plenty of playing time such a shame hope he’s back

    Soon bit more B than Miley yeah I tend to agree with that um and there’s no kind of time scale for when he comes back either one up put tripu in his DM Ian Granny says liento DM uh Judy says more bothered with longa being a six he wants too much time on

    The board isn’t he 12 man T says surely it’s less risky playing Isaac Hayden he’s not surely is not that bad especially with how’s coaching I mean you’d think so originally I was a little bit sorry for Isaac Hayden because I thought I was interested to see how he would

    Have done in that first season when um when how came in how do we spell Isaac’s name Isaac Hayden I can’t spell his name ISAC oh that’s why um yeah when Eddie how first came in I I felt really sorry that he got his knee injury because I

    Thought Hayden could have been one of those rejuvenated players under Hal and it just never happened unfortunately because of that injury right so how did how was Hayden being going I mean b as we’re doing the show and we’ve talked about white I mean we can have a look at

    Aidan if you want to yeah have a quick look at him his weakness according to sofa score is discipline oh Dearing up you got him up yeah you can do I’ve got him up now I’ve got him up on sofa score so I’ll zoom in a bit there he

    Is he doesn’t look particularly happy in this photo 28 as well good Lord yeah he’s yeah could have been using him but uh so a handful of games for standardly age I mean there’s nothing above a flat seven I’m guessing he’s just being a

    Sitter where is he zoom out is he did he not even start I know he’s on the bench he came on the 88th minute okay that doesn’t count they got they got battered six nil wow did he start that game uh he did well that’s concerning that’s rather concerning

    You look at the opposition they’ve got some decent plays and I mean I just saw um well J alal and people that playing alal Somalia Kali is not bad they’ve got Richie deat in there Premier League winner they’ve got vent Vincent Jansen up front as well so they yeah they’ve

    Got some household names in here this guy put a 9.4 up yeah so they started on 442 their back four had an absolute horror show Hayden actually coming out with the highest rating in the side to be fair to him what did he do he defended sort of the right side I

    Mean is not bad to be fair he was very tidy with his passing he won up most of his jewels eight out of 10 he was fouled four time it looked like he considering they got smashed six nil it doesn’t look like he did too bads to be to be honest

    Um I mean we’ll do one more just for the sake of it uh he started in in the center in a 352 what is with these funny formations today I love some of these names Bilal Baff and Rob shs some great names in this league Patrick pickle is it number 77 Patrick pu

    Flut however you say that uh how do he do so he seems to favor right side even when he plays centrally again oh another 90% passing accuracy game three out of three long balls winning most of his physical physical Jewels I mean I mean he’s not putting up bad

    Statistics I don’t know why nobody wants him Ian I mean what’s his is he still getting injured every five minutes is that a problem he likes he likes to have a bit of a physio attention when he’s on the pit doesn’t he well yeah I think every game I think

    I’ve ever seen him play he’s had a bit of a cutle of minutes break while the physio comes on attendance to him I he’s not had anything listed on transfer Mark since he was at Norwich I mean he missed a lot of games for Norwich Christ was 30

    Games for them no wonder they didn’t enjoy his lone spell um so yeah nothing nothing in there about about that Chelmsford I mean he’s still got another two and a half years on his contract oh I mean we’re gonna have to do something with him man we’ve got to

    Do something with him he can’t he can’t we can’t just float him around for another two years we’ve got to find him a home whether whether we use him or we do we’ve got to do something with him because yeah contracted until June the 30th 2026 I mean what we’re only in January

    Of 24 that’s two and a half seasons of of well no it’s not if I can is that two and a half Seasons am am I being s it it’s two and a half Seasons yeah yeah and we we’ve got a few of these floating around as well that have got

    Their contract dates of 2025 2026 I don’t know I don’t know what we’re going to do I mean God knows what his wages still are um probably 35 to 45 you’d imagine I think he was one of those people who got a new one just as just as Ashley was

    Going through the door Hayden Isaac Hayden is on a rumored 22,000 PS a week so not as bad surely proba a championship side would be able to afford that surely I mean his FB ref’s not terrible to be completely honest with you I mean he’s yeah 20 22,000 a week 28

    Years old nearly 29 6 foot one bundles of experience 800 minutes worth of data on FB ref based on based on what based on him being at what club exactly was this Norwich I think it’s I think it’s a maybe a mixture of possibly standardly Asian a bit of Norwich um but he’s

    Putting up great numbers to be well I say great numbers it’s fine he’s he’s a defensive he’s a defensive midfielder he’s passing the ball fairly okay he’s stepping out and beating his man sometimes and his defensive numbers are fairly solid he’s reasonable and yeah there’s no point in

    Me comparing him to Long staff because um this isn’t his data against the top five leagues this is this is his data against the men’s next 14 competitions so this so that the actual percent titles will be against MLS Championship uh the Portuguese league so it it doesn’t hold as much weight comparing

    These but I mean he looks like he’d be reasonable for someone if he can stay fit oh F Steve makes an interesting point apparently the Man City charge are difficult because some of the evidence has come from hacked emails talk TV and talk sport presenter that would be interesting then

    He been in question to the medical department when the season’s over I think I agree with you I think I totally agree with that some of the stuff that we’ve had to go through this this season playing players injured and things like that one you know I mean we will do a

    Show on injuries specifically so that’s going to be horrible because we’ll go through the whole lot but it’s got to be done yeah I Agree uh that’s fin final comment um why is everyone forgetting about spurs’ violations backhanders to Harry rnap Etc yeah they’ll never punished for that were they never punish for it it was a long time ago now we have a five what’s this ca5 Canadian dollars I guess it is from yard

    Sale play trips as a six with long ster Miley and Tino right back I’d honestly play that with Bruno trips in the six and push Bruno up to create yeah obviously the issue hang on put that put that back up again is that is that assuming Bruno’s

    Playing yeah playing in the eight with trips in the six and Cho is right back oh isn’t he he’d do that when Bruno’s back as well um maybe I don’t think I think I think long um trippier will get used as sort of an inverted fullback midfielder kind

    Of in the way Trent is I think I think we will start to see a changed role for him at some point potentially potentially right folks we come to the end of the show we’ve done an hour uh interesting chat with players and ffp and all sorts um managers

    Leaving the post and everything um we’ve had a a good chat for an hour don’t forget to leave a like on the way out you haven’t already done so take a split second of your time to do that uh we we’ll be back probably tomorrow with

    Another show um but until then I will bid you a good night and Stat can do myline H away the lads and lasses and which will see you tomorrow night folks good night And You


    1. I thought our gov were going to try and level the playing field but there is no room for anyone to touch the big 6 and their pet minion Masters. We couldn't even upgrade our training ground without it effecting our ffp, unlike the big teams who dodged those costs under ffp.

    2. As far as I remember Eddie has had a fully fit squad to pick from once, first game of the season where we pumped a very good villa side. That's the level we are at. Seasons become a nightmare to be honest, and big Joe's injury just absolutely sums it up.

      Season's pretty much gone I feel. Need to keep it together and not risk getting dragged into any kind of relegation scrap – there's enough games left for this to happen if we don't start picking up points.

      Regroup, and go again next season. Hopefully with a complete new medical team. Serious injuries going undiagnosed (Botmans ACL) and instances like clearing Joe to start the 2nd half v sunderland when he has an injury significant enough to end his season have played a large part in our season falling off a cliff.

      Feeling pretty deflated. Never, ever saw us falling back into being a selling club (potentially) and not even being able to afford to pay bloody loan fees.

    3. How can bottom half of the table teams be able to compete with getting top 6 without buying ,if vkubs can prove they can afford to buy without bankrupting rhe club, d9nany harm to lesser teams in championship or league 1 for clubs are getting decent money which is being distributed fairly helping clubs then with their own finances. This only helps top thier teams .City arsenal utd Chelsea Liverpool etc have finances for previous campaigns no ffp issues for them ,just the rest trying to progress

    4. Im having a hard job understanding what the hell is going on in football any more, I thought I understood FFP ,now we've got PSR !
      Also, these betting rules, Harry Toffolo of Forest found guilty of 375 betting breaches and he was given a 5 month ban but suspended so still playing ?

    5. FFP is the UEFA rules that only affects teams in european competitions, I believe those clubs in european competitions can only have losses of 60m over 3 years or they fail UEFA's rules, 105m losses are the Prem team losses allowed which are the PSR.

    6. Nottingham Forest accounts still include Championship accounts, as the losses allowed are less I believe Forest losses couldn't amount to more than 61m over the last 3 years, after the Championship accounts drop off they will then be 105m losses allowed.

    7. That 10% match day rev growth is probably due to the new premium hospitality suites and various new premium seating at the gallowgate end. Many fans hated this when it was introduced but the owners are smart business people and they know potential revenue it brings.

    8. I'm hearing the European's do it differently and are at an advantage to English clubs. 105m has been there 10 years and is well outdated in today money for football.

    9. Well done Alex. At last someone who can at least read a financial road map. And all these toon fans complaining about Chelsea is ludicrous. It's like comparing a corner shop to a supermarket chain. They're a financial superpower with a phenomenal money making infrastructure, admittedly built at a time when there were no restrictions upon them. The current FFP implementation only benefits the cartel who have already built their infrastructure and precludes anyone else following their example

    10. Everyone knows th rules when they compete in the Premier league. break them you get punished it's quite simple. Maybe forest shouldn't have signed players like Jesse lingard. Everton had over 300 million losses before adjustables.

    11. I live near Crewe and have been to see Crewe Alex a couple of times recently and Joe White has played both, He's technically good and moved the ball well, but wasnt overly quick and looked a bit lightweight, which you'd expect for a lot of 21 year olds. At this stage in his career he will look out of his depth when he plays for us, but it doesnt look like we have much choice. This was league 2 games against Accrington and Swindon, but he did look better than everyone else on the pitch. He's probably more likely Championship level, but we need him, so let's get behind him.

    12. Shouldn't ffp also look at the debt of clubs too nearly every club is in debt think spurs are like 900m in debt or something clubs with huge debt should be restricted in buying imo

    13. Hiya Ditchey, its a real pain this FFP, half decent clubs like Newcastle cant spend anything that Manchester City and Chelsea spend, Saying that I wouldn't want to spend £1bn just on a midfield, this is Choppy in Whitehaven, Cumbria, England

    14. My solution would be this. Only allow bigger teams to spend the same amount of money as the poorest premier league teams. Also make them sell every player that was bought by breaking ffp rules. Or, make the rich teams donate the same amount of money that they want to spend on big players to teams who would otherwise be unable to afford those players. Only allowing teams to buy what they earn is wrong as teams such as Manchester United and Liverpool will always have the advantage.

    15. The league should tell westham to pay for the tax payer stadium not lease it because they are getting away with ffp because of that stadium..nobody has been charged they've been reverted to an independent committee……the fact is if Everton wasn't building a stadium they wouldn't have broke ffp…anyone outside the big six are classed as small clubs not just forest and Everton ..the league only care about the sly 6..
      As for Brendon Johnson Everton sold richarlison for 20 million less because time was running out same thing…Everton have been in the bottom 3 transfer spend for three years beto was 27 but they don't start paying for him until next year…Everton sold richarlison 60 mill Gordon 45 iwobi 25 Simms 12 mill cannon 9 gray 15 kean 27 brought in young free tarkoswki free Onana 30 beto 25 Harrison loan danjuma loan …it's bullshit..over 160 million sold just over 55 spent on pay later deals …that's a better ratio on what westham and villa have done selling grealish and rice

    16. About Notts Forest they were in the championship for 2 of the 3 year period and in that league you are only allowed to make losses of £65 million instead of the £105 million in the premier league. That is why they are in breach of the rules. Still dont agree with it

    17. As bad as Hayden is due to our injuries at the minute hes gotta be worth keeping until the end of the season rather than having to play White if we have nobody rlse fit and available

    18. You mentioned, in the summer the club will be able to invest further however they see fit. With the new owners buying the club October 2021.. would this not mean a new 3 year PSR review would then start from October 2024? Effecting summer investments.

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