Come celebrate with us KNIME COTM 22/23! With some COTM’s in person and some remote, award distribution and hear from them about career, low code, data science, and how KNIME software helped them with their job.

    Um welcome everybody to this cake day Awards can you share the slides so the cake day is for Community awards for n Excellence so it’s a we want to honor this day our contributors of the month you know that um we have this award it’s our top awards for the N

    Community which is the cotm the contributor of the month the cotm award is assigned in recognition of technical skills of course they have to be technically um proficient uh experts and for the contribution and the advancement of the N community so they need also to give back to the N Community the cotm

    Award then is assigned to n users who have shown excellent Tech technical skills and of course have contributed back to the community as learning experience for example in education uh faster hello you have to I don’t know why it doesn’t share also faster and more exhaustive technical support for example in the

    Forum um sharing of knowledge via um blog post YouTube videos uh articles and then of course uh Community nodes for the developers Community components and then a stronger n presence on social media so those are the criteria how we choose the contributors of the month now

    How do you become a contributor of the month uh you need to be nominated so if you have a friend or a cousin or a colleague and somebody who uh would like to nominate you because he believes or she believes in your skills and in your um Tech technical capabilities then of

    Course he can nominate you just going to this cotm candidate proposal form they have to fill a few Fields by prop to propose you and in some of the fields there must be also the reason why uh this person is being nominated so again again the process is that somebody

    Proposes you then we meet uh once a month and then based on the people who have been proposed we choose the best um candidates to become the contributor of the month so what do you get for the awards uh of course you get recognition on social media uh you get

    Um uh a the honor to be in the N Hall of Fame on the N page you get a physical award a physical trophy that’s what we are going to distribute today and then you get the nine press booklet in this booklet we collect uh an article we

    Write or we collect an article already written by or about the current contributor of the month so we have here this uh uh best of nine uh collection so the book here is printed in paper but then of course you can also download it as PDF from the n Press web

    Page we start now with a panel and this panel discussion is going to be led by Roberto and he’s going to interview the two contrib of the month to join us here today Roberto yeah thank you oia thank you for introduction so I would like to invite our two contributor the months

    That are oops on site so please join us Jo me on stage and let’s let’s just sit and and talk yeah quite conf it’s a very good home so so um welcome everybody again to this uh to this panel discussion to to this uh that we decide to call cake talk

    You get right why is called cake talk I think you done to explain um and um I would like to briefly introduce our two CMS for people that are watching us or that don’t know you already and we have rafaelo B hi rafaelo thanks for for

    Being with us today for inviting he is a data consultant at bip in Milan in Italy and and he was awarded n contrib of the month in December 2022 um and why you may you may Wonder because he had excelled in providing Advanced Solutions uh for basically

    Almost a year of just Nam challenges so it was a great commitment great Solutions uh Advanced Solutions and ever since has been also Super Active and supporting users on the N Forum so thank you for for your work thank you and our next guest our next uh say cm is Aran PS

    So welcome and thank you for joining us also today on this uh cake talk is a aircraft data consultant very very complicated we’ll talk about what it is later and support engineer at exin Aviation Solutions in Amsterdam so thank you for coming all the way as well

    From uh from the Netherlands to Germany um he’s sort of a unior CM graduate in a sense because he received the award or the uh the this the price let’s say in June of this year so quite recent uh and why you may Wonder again um he has uh

    Excel let’s say in the in providing technical support on the Forum so uh we have as you as as user we we often use the Forum as our main source to uh to to get help and he has excel in in the in the let’s say in the in the how constant

    How well crafted those uh answer and to the value that it brings to the community so thank you again um and also uh even if we don’t have it here today uh with us I would like to thank all the other uh nine contributors of the month

    Of this of this season uh for the great incredible work as teachers as developers as supporters as a social media influencer that they do in their daily work or in their daily usage of n across all the year so thank you very much and we hope to uh to have you one

    Day also with us in presence in costant or one or other V we have a great audience thank you for um all right so I would say let’s start with our conversations otherwise it’s a monologue um and I’ve already introduced a little bit what you guys do who you

    Are but I think uh you are the best uh people to introduce yourself so I would like to ask you to introduce yourself your professional self and uh how you work uh with data so Rafel you want to go first maybe okay please so again

    Rafaelo I’m 28 and I live and work in Milano um I work with data in a let’s say not in a complex way as Arian uh let’s say I started with Excel and uh I had my ups and downs and then moved to n um I’ve been using it for like the last

    Two years and my my me switching from one software to to n uh was totally smooth so I’m very glad I I discovered this software soled me a lot of issues a lot of time maybe also right lot of time a lot of painful problems yeah lot less headaches

    Right now yeah it’s great to hear okay and Aon what about you yeah I work as as an aircraft data consultant and for us n is our main platform um what we often do is is data migration we extract data from a source system we transform it according to to business

    And Technical roles and then we create a a particular output that uh that a new system uh new system wants so we help Airlines we help maintenance organizations to make sure that that data gets across smoothly and we use nine fulltime fulltime for that so that’s huge ETL pipeline basically the

    Biggest pipeline that we that we have so yeah n n is is our number one tool yeah okay that sounds quite great and so thank you for sharing this a little more about yourself and um I would like to uh we already in partially reply to this

    Question but I will still you know go deeper into the details of this uh how do you think the Nim can actually help um anyone working really with data uh whether they are data Engineers or maybe data scientists or data analysts uh we have you know different data personas data professionals out there

    Um so maybe even regardless of their background right uh so do you have uh I mean AR already told us that is working a lot with the ETL pipelines uh do you have a take in other directions also for other professionals yeah I think for me

    The main point here is that N is a very first first Out tool so you can get as complex as you like we choose to make it very complex and and push the system a little bit but you you can start very basic uh there are very basic workflows very very basic notes

    But ultimately that can still help you and that can save you time and make make your operation more and more efficient so what also I like is that n is useful for a lot of different Industries so we have a lot of extensions Community extensions which are dedicated to to

    Chemistry and and all that kind of uh kind of topic so n is is a very first help too and you can get as crazy as you like and that’s what what I like I like about the platform as well yeah thanks ra what do you do you have something else to add

    Uh yeah I think it’s a very good point but um I think that the one of the best things I like about n is the fact that it really helps you focus on the thing that matter so getting the results if you uh personally at University I took a

    Very small uh machine learning um course and I have to know the theories the algorithms and how they work of course but also I had to be able to code in Python MH which for a management engineer is not easy to understand yes also I have

    No time to to learn how to properly coding python so I understood that I have to spend a lot of time practicing on coding when the Real Results What mattered was on the other side with n you you you can let’s say minimize the time spent working on secondary

    Aspects and be more focused on on on your results also another thing that is great is the fact that you can hide all this complexity so if you have I don’t know some colleagues that are not so um not so confident modeling or crunching numbers you can help them and

    Also hide all the complexity and let them play with few parameters and stuff so that everyone is happy me as a developer so that everything is let’s say limited this is your playground don’t go out and also for them because they say cool I have my playground I

    Know what to use and what to touch and that’s it they don’t get scary by so much complexity right and they can still get what they need that’s why we also build data apps a lot just so that user only has to click a few buttons select a

    Connection that he wants to use we do all the hard work on the background they only give we only give a in the end all you need just a button to press right yeah I get it yeah that’s that’s that’s uh that’s useful um okay and I would

    Like now to go a little bit deeper into your personal experience with the software and so how did you come across with n analytics platform and uh what was your first impression at the time when you first encounter the software uh did you have like what there was at some

    Point a wow or turning point in your in your relationship let’s say with software what is that I may you guess that yeah for us the main reason why we eventually got to n is the the N server and also creating components and and meta noes because that was the biggest

    Issue that we had we were use reusing or Reinventing the wheel quite a lot for something which was more or less similar okay uh since the projects that we do often have to same characteristics so we were looking for that standardization okay and that’s what n had to had to

    Offer for us so that was the the biggest plus as to as to why we chose chose the platform since all of us were already used to to ETL tools and this kind of system um the transition was relatively smooth but we were first looking around

    Quite a lot because you’re used to a particular way of working you’re used to notes and we were quite uncertain at first what are theam equivalent on something that we could do in one step first had to be done in three steps in N

    Etc so we we started a a list of saying this is the old node this is the n equivalent we also came together quite a lot initially since we’re a small group so we just sat down asking each other how did you solve this how did you do

    This have you already seen this not Etc and then gradually we started to internally build the the N knowledge and then get the most out of the system basically yeah so you mate not only the tool but also the people right at some point it’s a yeah it’s a compx part yeah

    Yeah that’s that’s for sure yeah yeah cool and what about you uh fell how was your first encounter with with n what was your impression well I it was my former boss Nicolo who um introduced me tonight he he told me about uh the low coding um approach and also some

    Software I could have a looked to um but at the time he he told me this I had no time because still I was trying to improve using my um improve my Excel PowerPoint and powerbi um skills okay so I had to wait for the summer I came back from a

    Holiday still had some days off so um I get bored easily so I said okay let’s start learning n but it was a great decision because after that I came back to work and said listen I’ve taken the courses and this is the result and he said that’s cool

    But you won’t be able to fully understand the potentialities of the software just playing around with these examples start using it at work okay so he started assigning me task that I would normally um perform using Excel and at the beginning it was struggling but um I’ve been lucky because I had the

    Opportunity to use it eight hours day and some sometimes even more because I after finishing work closed the file saved it and open the other one I with my personal stuff and that went on for weeks months and after that uh Excel who yeah you never touch it

    Afterwards very very let’s say stupid quations and stuff like that taking notes yeah okay that’s that’s quite great yeah that’s you know that’s mentorship right also from his side so you were lucky I guess also to have somebody in your up Skilling that was a mentor only a boss maybe so yeah yeah

    That’s a that’s quite great um and so yeah I think you already mention it uh a little bit from your answer I think we already got it but um so do you think uh that in in essence um is now making your work more agile more or faster or

    Smoother if you were to pick like a couple of atics what would they be yeah I think in many ways workflows that we now create are are mainly standardized so we have a lot of components that that we that we create we have our library of components and at the moment once we

    Have touched upon a particular topic or a particular request that we get from a customer we now have a workflow on the Shelf which we can pull off we only have to change the the input and all of the rest is is already there so uh that

    Greatly save saves us time uh also on the data app side that we that we have whenever we get a request from a customer we can just grant them access and the workflows are built in such a way that we do not have to do anything

    Anymore so those are the the that’s the biggest benefit that we get from from using Nim and the N server that also helps our customers because they come with the request it it takes us an hour to get them up and running and and everyone is happy basically course so

    Usability and automation are their best yeah okay yeah for sure yeah cool how would you describe like if you were to use an adjective or to describe like how your how n has improved or uh or affected or let’s say enhanced your work I think if I have to pick a word

    I’d say independent because um uh you know after learning the basics you get an idea not complete because there’s a lot of stuff you can do but you get a basic idea of all the opportunities you have you you just need to go on the Forum seek for some examples that can

    Fit your case and then you can really do whatever you want um I had I was asked to solve some let’s say problems that were more complex and sometimes problems that were very stupid tasks okay but I understood that whatever the problem I just needed to take some time think about how to

    Approach the the problem and then solve it and I always always always do it by myself and the Forum of course but still not asking anyone uh maybe someone with more Tech skills or specific skills I didn’t have to wait for No One uh giving me any answers or help okay that’s great

    And also people on on the Forum then find you guys who are experts and great supporters so I guess it’s even it’s even better right people start tagging you already questions yeah they know who is who to ask speciic set of questions okay we’ll get to that we’ll get to that

    Later uh okay and so if you were to uh name let’s say a feature a n feature or a n note that you say this is my favorite I couldn’t do without what would that be yeah by by by chance we both mentioned column Expressions okay I don’t think it’s a

    Case not by chance okay chance okay for us in in our case we use a lot of calculations which are condition based and that’s column expression that that’s an easy task uh it’s also a bit of a personal preference in what what the syntax of of column

    Expression is it’s just easy to write you have all all the buttons to click all the functions that are that are available to you so uh yeah I basically don’t have a script anymore which does not have a call of expression so no that’s just the number one for for me

    It’s very powerful it’s very it’s often the case that people mention it as one of their favorite you have probably similar explanation ra exactly thing because you can do uh very different things that maybe you can find in specific noes but all at once right so um maybe it’s not the best advice

    Because if you are using something like nine you should use specific notes for each task but uh if you have a something that it has to be quickly made uh it’s it’s the best option at some point column expression will start to struggle if you

    Put a few Mill million rows in it so then you’re at a point where you might still have to through the to the other nodes to to perform the same operation but for like smaller data sets it would be the most powerful okay yeah we we get

    That we get this we should probably do statistics about what the answer we get because this is often the case people mention mention this note um and now I have a a question specific for rafaelo um so you know people you have been listening from rafaelo and and how he

    How nine has enable to for him to work independently and how I mean is a contributor of the m so he must have excelled in the usage of nine but you probably be surprised that he started using the software roughly a year ago right A Year little maybe a little bit more than

    A year ago so not slightly when I’m talking about uh 20 years of experience or 10 years of experience and also from let’s say a management background so I’m not a coder not a still like you reach great result and you also now have reference for support on the Forum

    So so I mean it’s it’s great it’s great it’s great um so and my question then would be how easy it was to uh to actually learn n uh and um how long did he actually take you like if you would say one month two months to actually get up up to

    Speed um I’m very glad to say that um this learning period never stopped uh the platform is so big with so many things uh that there’s always something more you want to get to know and and to use but let me say that um to get that famous

    20% knowledge that can get you to the 80% of problems cting the Paro might be couple of months okay but I was very lucky because as I told you I I could use it extensively for at work it’s very important for me that uh a beginner um doesn’t

    Approach there as something that you do to let’s say once you know once and then you let things go pass by and so on there’s an Italian saying that goes but fer so keep beating the iron until it’s hot because if you leave things um if

    You let let time pass by the Aron gets pulled and you beat and nothing yeah keep practicing be patient with yourself and you will see keep going yeah that’s that’s a very good so people you get a piece of advice as well um and so but

    And because you join also so many uh just challenges did maybe that help you also um have a um let’s say a look or a perspective into different maybe parts of the software that you maybe don’t necessarily use in your daily uh work routine yeah let me tell you that at

    Work sometimes I have to um solve problems and I say ah I remember that I see this part in a certain challenge like the one rest apis with jeans do you remember I do because I used it many times so I I say I don’t remember the

    Number let me SC scroll through the website here’s it it’s number 12 is number 15 whatever I download the solution and then go back to how uh how you do how you do that because of course if you are uh facing this kind of problems one once in a while and not

    Very frequently you you don’t remember them it’s it was a great way and I think it was a brilliant way for you to speak about some Corner problems some Niche uh that is not easy to um not not not easy to to solve so you gave many many many

    Examples about how to deal with them yeah exactly that’s actually back today idea right a little to provide a sort of diffus way of upskilling people different topics and touching different techniques and because you know not everybody maybe does machine learning at work or not everybody does uh calls to

    Rest API services so it’s a exactly that’s the point right uh so thank you for for this answer and um actually have a question also um for again for both of you because as I as I said already they are very much active on the Forum they

    Great support and so um first of all would you like to share your Forum uh handle for your username so people can you know tag you more we don’t it all what what are you are you call are you do you have a funny one fun username

    Just a simple one R ex that’s it okay very easy to find so people take notes what about you what is it l okay so we have now you you guys have it you can bu them on the Forum boxes after this and do you have sort of a kind of area

    Of specialty when you answer questions there like a some question that thinks okay this is definitely my area I can definitely support this user who is asking a question yeah for me it’s mainly basic data manipulation uh Rex calls to to apis that’s also what I what

    I do quite a lot uh looping recursive Loop is always a very tricky one which people have a lot of issues with age so that’s uh just a let’s say the core features of of nine in terms of um manipulation so column expressions of course since that is our our our most

    Favorite notes uh yeah those are the main area anything related to python I stay away I always scroll past those so I just pick and choose grab I that can can help out so that’s how I usually scroll through through the for the question okay yeah what about you do you

    Have also an AR specialty I I think I can agree with him because basically I see the question and and I try to imagine the solution wherever I can help I’m glad to okay so it’s just more or less a form of giving back what I’ve taken for so long so read

    Through uh many questions answered by other people then uh being answered to when I directly uh make a question and also at some time I understood that my level was enough to start helping back others so that’s it that’s perfect and do you have maybe one question that was

    Especially hard that you were very proud that you actually could provide the solution you have this uh this memory it’s actually what uh what I wrote in in the book there’s a chapter that I uh that I wrote which is handling API responses in a recursive Loop so that’s

    Mixing the the two of them uh that took took quite some hours to to finally figure out okay so that was one of the biggest challenges that I that I work with yeah that’s commitment that’s commitment and how to solve it is then available and written down in the book

    So the details are there yeah so people please go to the website it’s for free download it enjoy yeah what about you I you have a question that was like this is very hard I but I managed to still provide an answer um I had to think

    About this question for a while um and honestly I don’t have a question that was so difficult that make me sweat there was but there was a situation that I came came up um to and it was I remember something that it was not so technically difficult but um I think

    That me and the user was trying to help didn’t quite understand each other so he said let’s let’s go in a in a zoom meeting and try to solve it uh directly okay but at the point I accepted I had no clear idea the problem was because I

    Could not understand it I could not see the problem so I went inside a meeting without knowing what the problem was maybe I was not even able to solve it I was using I I’d been using KN for something like six months six seven eight I don’t know so my level was not

    That good but still um after one hour and a half inside the team I managed to solve it that’s great yes I I I’m stubborn so I I said uh not let go I I won’t let it go I have to it I have to that’s great and also you know that’s a

    Great testimony of what uh commitment that the N Community Support is right you even went on a call with this person to actually try to you know help this person you know yeah whoever doubts that Community Support is not good you haven’t met these people lately um okay

    And I have a a question that tries to look a little bit forward into the future uh you know uh recently we had you know thata science and that analytics is changing and evolving constantly right uh there’s no uh one end point um and so um the they’s say

    The cool keit of the moment is AI it’s large language models and all this conversation around this um and so I wanted to ask uh whether you are using or if you have tried to use uh the N A extension for AI so for the nose around llm have you tried using it

    Already yeah we’ve done a few test projects um normally we do not really use it because we are often bound to business rules Aviation is a very regulated uh business as well so regulation and AI is a bit of a bit of a gray area still um mainly we’re looking

    At Lang natural language processing NLP NLP noes uh we have played around with some some Active Learning okay um so it’s normally that we get a certain request from a customer and then that triggers us saying well hey we could potentially deploy NLP here so we’re testing around we’re gradually improving

    We have a lot of interns and graduates that we take along and we we tell tell them experiment go try it have fun I we’ll see on the on the other side and we’ll see what you what you created so we just uh use use those kind of

    Projects to to develop that to to use it uh use it more more in detail um but that’s more or less still in a sort of development stage um so we just take it off the shelf whenever we see fit we can can use it yeah one idea that we

    Recently put on the Shelf is um we also use um support tools from our software providers and what we often have is that we encounter an issue and then we need to search on that support tool if there was already a similar case so what we’re thinking about is scraping that entire

    Support tool put it in a model and then that should give us the the opportunity to say well I’m countering this issue give me an output saying these are all of the the similar support cases that have been issue previously look at the answers that were provided there and

    That should then also save save us time so it’s it’s it’s in that range that we’re looking a massive similarity that search basically so that hopefully enhances and uh reduces our our workloads yeah yeah and Mak stuff much faster for sure yeah abely yeah yeah

    Okay cool and do you do you have a you try you play with this nodes or with this extension or LMS in general um I think I played with this extension when it was relased but just for the sake of curiosity no no um special need to be to

    Be so so um I I’d say yes but it’s more like a no i’ yeah and in general as AR was mentioning there is you know in business context there are obviously also other concerns right data you know privacy confidentiality and all this things that

    Of course if you use a API Base Service then you have to be careful of it it’s very scary for most to give data away to an AI model because they don’t really know what’s what’s happening on the on the hood so it’s complex complex yeah we

    Need to convince them first as well before we start doing yeah exactly yeah exactly of the need of it the yeah absolutely um we are almost basically reaching the end of would like to ask since we have an audience maybe people that are online don’t know but we have

    An audience here and I would like to ask if there is any question from the audience for our for our guests do you guys have questions maybe I was wondering if there is a particularly word product you remember that you were shocked about how maybe simply and with not few notes you

    Achieve some complex result on the other end good question something very simple to be honest uh typically I’m astonished by the how the the problem became comp uh how let’s say the question was complex and how complex the the workflow becomes uh and how simple the output

    Is that’s my typical situation uh f a workflow that was so easy but I don’t know here we have some complex question also from the audience yeah what I normally do in such cases then on on at face value it might look simple but if you look in the notes

    I can still have a column expression or Java snippet which has 60 lines which deals with all of the all of the all of the rules that I need to apply so it’s it’s a bit of a relative term uh yeah for us we are not really surprised by

    Anything anymore at this stage because we have seen so many so many cases so we just find the most optimal one depending on on what we need to do so um yeah for us there is not really a layer anymore in complex or simple U yeah it’s more

    About the in the end entire process right whether they work yeah it’s it’s it’s all connected to each other in in the end so uh basically every single note is is is depending and waiting on what what’s happening before for that so it comes in so many levels that it’s bit bit hard

    To yeah give a specific example on that yeah okayy okay we are with this we are basically about to conclude our uh cake talk and so I would like to thank you again for being with us for answering uh my question and for sharing your expertise and for and your knowledge and

    Um and with that I would like actually to uh call back Rosaria on on stage uh because we will uh shortly uh continue to the uh award ceremony thank you give us five minutes we have need a change of scener and then we will give the awards yes a little

    Interval five minutes five minutes five four welcome back we are now uh going to distribute the awards uh both virtually and in presence I would like to call with me uh Armine uh he was uh the previous contributor of the month from the previous Edition and he’s going to

    Distribute the awards from to the new contributors of the month from this Edition so from old cotm to new CMS um okay then let’s start so the first one is so yeah our first first our the this year is Rafael lari from Italy so Rafael we know already he’s

    The we know already that rafaelo is the winner of the season one of the just Nami challenges we have heard that many times and of course he’s a great Forum contributor yeah he’s a very and he has shared so many work CL on his n hop thank you so much for your contributions

    Yeah picture you already got the book Thank you thank you and yeah next is Arian Peters from Netherlands so Arian is the trusted friend and the tall contributors of the N yeah he has almost 200 Solutions already and he is now in alltime top 10 contributor thank you for your

    Contributions no problem thank you well very good very good thanks a lot it’s thanks to a few people thanks to all of the nine people here for inviting us very grateful to be here thanks to Scott for always responding to my for messages also thanks to nagaj Jun

    And tana from the N team to support us so on to more years with n thank you and yeah also we have uh contributors that couldn’t make it and and one of them is kazutaka vatari from Japan he’s uh the he completed the 66 days of data um Challenge and then he

    Went on to do a new 100 days of data challenge yeah he’s a n champion on social media yeah thank you kazutaka thank you and next and next we have Anil Kumar Sharma from India he’s also together with rafaelo the winner of the season one of the just Nami

    Challenges yeah both seasons right both season he’s a member of the 20 challenge club for a greater challenge to hold the title and yeah next we have Christian Rosano from France he’s the man behind the the verified components for financial analysis uh with Nim yeah he has few example workflows for our

    Finance metrics uh components already in N hop Mexi and L Yushi from China Lu brought um a book uh an introduction to n in Chinese so I think as as far as we know it’s one of the first books in Chinese about n he’s also active on Forum Boni so now for uh these four uh people

    We have the that they couldn’t come here so we have a video we put together a video from the videos that they sent us to thank for the award so I’m going to play it now hello AR I’m hello there ners I’m Chris and I’m really glad to receive this award hi

    Everyone it’s a great honor to receive this Trophy and thank you so much n team for this big surprise for me thank you n for this incredible Ono your recognition really fuels my my passion for data analytics even more I started sharing what I learned about n on the social

    Media almost every day and then I got this trophy amazing I was chosen as August the monthly contributor of for my Chinese book n visual data analysis what I really like uh about nine is that you can always count on a community that is built around this software and that is always

    Going to help you uh if you have some challenge n when I started learning learning curve was very very straight and it was quite easy and userful to to learn and my favorite part of n is data app on the web portal I can build a web

    App with no coding so what I’m doing with the N these days is uh apart from doing the dayto day job as a consultant um I’ve recently developed some Financial components Financial indicators um so some tools that uh are calculating some indic indicators in terms of uh investment

    And I put them on the Hub so I encourage you also to develop your own components it’s really easy to deploy my journey with n extends far beyond the Innovative tours what makes n extraordinary for me is the devoted team tirelessly working behind the scenes I appreciate n communities great help and encouragement

    Thank you so much Al enoy enjoy your cake day and uh have a great evening bye-bye here’s the vision everyone a joyful cake day thank you thank you for sending us the video and next we have Dian Johan V sing from us and so he’s better know as professor

    Shanaka and he’s the person behind many of the N initiatives around digital Health carees yeah the organizer of his students hon at VCU thank you thank you Dan and then of course sir yeah sure we have Stephen ruley from UK he Stephen couldn’t be here today um he was

    Supposed to be here he’s the developer of the Vernalis nodes extension everybody has been using yeah using you yeah they have DB nodes so many different types of loops and they have nodes to you know handle collections so many different notes everybody has used the Vernalis extension yeah thank you thank

    You and then we have art Rik from Sweden Aram is also behind the extensions developed by Redfield yeah they have NLP bird not bird extensions very useful you have used those extensions too actually I have tried them I was one of the first to try this oh yeah and

    T yeah you have katsutaka y from Japan again he’s also the winner of the season one of the just Nami challenges and he’s also uh in this current Challenge and past challenge uh in the 20 challenge Club challenges yeah I got thank you now we have emilano amandola from

    Prue another winner of the season one of they just name it challenges and Forum contributions you know him in Forum as well gracias know all the languages and Dominque Sido from UK she’s the author of the course for computer AED drug design so it’s a long standing course people are still using

    It after there yeah many years so many workl and components on H as well thank you thank and then we have yeah we have James Kim from South Korea another author of a book in uh this time in Korean data preprocessing and integrated analysis with n yeah he’s

    Uh the board member of N Dat in Korea come say yeah it was the most difficult next data connecting Korea October 25th don’t miss it and we have David Plummer from UK another contributor for of several medium articles U usually he’s the he explains how to put together n and

    Python yeah and he actually supports the community in Forum as well thank you y and we have Daniel wer from Germany Daniel is he is very popular in the udmi platform because he has a course about nine with with more than 6,000 students nine crash course for beginners yeah he’s a certified trainer

    And he is very active on Forum as well thank you Sean thank you okay and uh with this we conclude um our uh Cake Day award session um we hope we can see uh you the next year for the same Cake Day award we are going to hold that every year uh for

    You know the cycle from July to August of contributors of the month thank you everybody for remaining with us thank you to the contributors of the month for the fantastic help uh that they give to the N community and yeah see you next year then thank you

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