Hi im Elliott, 21 years old and this is my first film which follows my recent 970km solo hike in the French Pyrenees following the well known GR10. Starting on the 16th September 2023 on the Atlantic coast in Hendaye completing the 44 day long traverse on October 29th on the Mediterranean coast in Banyuls ser mer. Climbing over 57,000m D+ with over 242hrs walk time.

    My 2024 project will see me attempting to cycle from France to China following the ancient Silk Road with the goal to raise awareness for Charity.

    With this being my first film making project and certainly not the last, i would love some feedback on how to improve the quality of my film to better the viewing experience.

    Feel free to comment below any questions related to my trip, id be happy to answer

    Likes, share and subscribe if you enjoyed and are interested in following my next journey along the ancient silk road. More to come

    Instagram: ElliottOnTheRoad


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