Welcome to my latest travel vlog where I take you on an enchanting journey through the vibrant streets of Lisbon, Portugal! ❤️SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL 👉🏼 https://goo.gl/2OsFKV

    0:00 Catch-up
    1:15 Lisbon Park Tour
    1:42 Running into Mark Wiens
    3:30 TimeOut Market in Lisbon
    4:50 Portuguese Food Dishes
    5:50 My Travel Plans
    7:00 Nate’s Finance Channel
    7:41 Catching Up
    9:20 Weather in Lisbon
    9:55 Pastry Shop
    11:05 Walking Around LIsbon
    12:20 Winter in Lisbon
    13:20 Portuguese Menus & Prices
    14:30 Pub Street
    16:00 Plans for 2024
    18:00 Downtown Lisbon
    19:30 Finding Your Calling
    22:00 How we Travel Full Time
    25:00 Travel Is my Priority
    25:55 Church Tour
    27:00 Why I Travel
    27:45 Lisbon Trolly
    28:30 Lisbon Outdoor Market
    29:50 ViewPoint in Lisbon
    30:40 Portuguese Guitar
    32:17 Next Travel Spots

    In this episode, we start our adventure at the renowned Time Out Market, a foodie’s paradise where the flavors of Portugal come to life. Join me as I taste some of the most mouth-watering dishes and share insider tips on what to eat and drink in this bustling culinary hub. After indulging in some delicious cuisine, we’ll wander through the charming streets of Lisbon. I’ll be your guide, showing you the hidden gems and popular spots, immersing you in the rich culture and history that this amazing city has to offer. Our journey doesn’t end there! We’ll make our way to one of Lisbon’s famous lookout points, offering breathtaking views of the cityscape. As we soak in the sights, I’ll share fascinating insights about Lisbon’s culture and history, making our experience even more memorable.

    Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, is a destination rich in history, culture, and architectural marvels, making it one of Europe’s most enchanting and vibrant cities. Known for its warm, Mediterranean climate, Lisbon in January offers a unique experience to its visitors.

    The city’s Pombaline downtown area, rebuilt after the devastating 1755 earthquake, is one of the first examples of earthquake-resistant construction. Characterized by structured, straight streets and elegant, uniformly styled buildings, it’s a testament to Lisbon’s resilience and innovation.

    Weather in January
    January in Lisbon is part of the winter season, but the city’s climate is milder compared to many other European cities. Average temperatures range from 8°C to 15°C (46°F to 59°F). The city experiences more rainfall during this month, so visitors should come prepared with appropriate rain gear. However, there are still plenty of sunny days, and the cooler weather is ideal for exploring the city on foot without the intense heat of the summer months.

    Winter in Lisbon
    Winter in Lisbon is a time of fewer tourists, providing a more authentic experience of the city. The streets are less crowded, and there’s a more relaxed atmosphere. It’s an excellent time for visitors who prefer a more laid-back and intimate experience of the city.

    Viewpoints to Check Out
    Lisbon is known for its miradouros (viewpoints), offering breathtaking views of the city and the Tagus River. Miradouro da Senhora do Monte offers one of the highest and most panoramic views. Another popular spot is Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara, providing a stunning view over the city center, particularly beautiful at sunset.

    Miradouro da Graça, located near the iconic Graça Church, offers a wonderful vista of the city’s historical areas and is a favorite among both locals and tourists. Each viewpoint offers a unique perspective of Lisbon, making them must-visit spots for photographers and anyone looking to experience the city’s beauty.

    Time Out Market
    A highlight of Lisbon’s culinary scene is the Time Out Market, located in the Mercado da Ribeira. This market brings together some of the city’s most renowned chefs and restaurants under one roof, offering a diverse range of gastronomic delights. From traditional Portuguese dishes to contemporary fusion cuisine, the market is a food lover’s paradise. It’s not just about food; the market also hosts cultural events and has a vibrant atmosphere, making it a lively spot for both day and night visits.

    Lisbon, with its blend of traditional charm and modern vitality, offers a unique experience to its visitors. Its architectural wonders tell stories of the past while its contemporary structures point towards a progressive future. January’s mild weather and the city’s festive winter atmosphere offer a different perspective of Lisbon, away from the bustling tourist crowds of warmer months. The panoramic viewpoints and the culinary delights of the Time Out Market are just a few of the many jewels in Lisbon’s crown.

    🔹 What’s in this video:
    – A tour of Time Out Market: Discover the best eats!
    – Strolling through Lisbon’s iconic neighborhoods
    – Visiting a spectacular lookout point for panoramic views
    – Cultural insights and historical anecdotes

    Instagram: @yetAnotherVisaRun

    Hey today I’m going to do something a little different I’m going to talk about myself you know it’s something I don’t really do so I’m going to try and experiment a little bit with this but last time you heard from me was in Japan I believe yeah so we were traveling

    Through Japan Nate and I and I got really burnt out filming there uh I think I was doing a little too much was running two software companies with Nathan and all also filming um and I was publishing two videos a week which was quite a bit and I think it was like a

    Short a day so in this video I’m just going to kind of take you along with me here in Lisbon and I’m just going to kind of make it a little bit more fluid show you around and see how this goes not really have a formula for you

    Guys just want to kind of experiment a little bit more with the video and see where it goes so if you are interested in watching that kind of stuff then cool stick around and you know I’ll tell you a little bit about my life and we’ll show you a little bit of

    Lisbon this is where I am right now I just got here let’s see I got here about couple days ago still a bit jet lagged and this is the market here that’s called time out Market L booa but before we go there I’m going to go in

    The park here and you can see there’s a lot of Tik ticks around but yeah basically um I was here the other day and actually ran into Mark wi that was crazy I saw him and introduced myself and he was very nice as you can imagine he’s a really

    Modest and humble dude who was taking the time to speak to anyone who came by so I just told him that hey uh you know I used to watch your videos I said you’re the reason I quit my job and went traveling to Thailand and he was really

    Nice and we told him uh that we remember one of his first videos of where he was washing some clothing in a bucket with some soap that he bought and he said the soap cost like I believe a dollar and would last him four or 5 months so uh he

    Was telling us oh yeah that’s a very old video that’s awesome that you guys remember that one and have stuck around uh for my journey um but yeah this is a great Market if you’re looking to just kind of find out about the Gastronomy of Portugal and see all the classics that

    Are here in Lisboa uh so they have codfish and you know the famous baked goods like the pastel daata it’s like a nice little pastry Plus a million other things so we can go in I’ll show you around um I think for me one of the

    Things that I didn’t entirely want to do is become like a food only YouTube channel um although I’m obsessed with food and every time I try and get away from it I always come back and that’s because I think food connects us to the culture I also think it’s a great way to

    Kind of just Deep dive into the culture as well without knowing much of the language so it’s kind of dark in here let’s see how this filming goes so you can see here they have a lot of different type of vendors this is actually where marqueen shot his

    Video uh where they sell ham I believe it’s Portuguese ham so dry cured ham takeaway and they have all these different cheeses as well and sausage so you can grab a glass of wine and get some cheese and you can just see how gigantic this Market is it’s

    Actually two levels and there’s a bar Upstairs so this is Italian food and you can get pretty much anything you want here from the lobsters and crabs that are actually fresh we’ll just pop them right out and cook them for you um but they also have Classics here as well uh just you know famous dishes from

    Portugal let me show you some it looks like this might be Portuguese food octopus Gamba shrimp sardines on to definitely highly recommend it so it’s really good that I’m now kind of just taking the time to wind down here in Portugal and kind of just enjoy

    And relax and see the city check out this really awesome flower market here at the edge of the market it’s really nice here it’s actually a very calm City so that’s something that’s uh very interesting about Lisbon is it’s not actually even though it has a lot of energy and people

    Are always doing something and always out and about people take the time to go to lunch and grab a coffee it’s actually a very calm City I think their term for is calma so I actually know a little bit of Spanish but I don’t know a lot of

    Portuguese so I’m trying to learn so I can speak to people um but it’s it’s very similar but it’s also at the same time like very different with the pronunciation and some of the words are just totally different um so I’m trying to learn that uh but yeah I’m kind of

    Just keeping this itinerary open and and I have been drawn again to YouTube and making videos so I want to just come back and if you’ve been with the channel for a long time uh that’s awesome nice to see you again um I’ll be sharing more

    Of my life if you guys have any questions about me my job how I travel the world full time just leave it down in the comments um and I can answer those on a future video uh but yeah just right now just trying to get on the

    Scadian rhythm today I woke up at 11: a.m. which is pretty late uh so it’s been a a wild ride getting here it was actually a one-way flight I didn’t buy a return ticket so that kind of just shows you my mentality right now just let’s go

    And um we’ll figure it out and I do think you have to kind of get lost sometimes to to find something so uh you’ll get lost with me and uh Nate’s at home right now uh he started actually his own YouTube channel so I’ll put a

    Link down below if you’d like to check that out that’s going to be about Finance personal development and other things that interest him such as uh starting your own business if that’s something you’re looking to do you want to like figure out how you can also

    Travel the world by having a side gig or a hustle then uh check out his channel but yeah this is beautiful Lisboa and this is the market time out waiting for my lunch right now goinging catching up with you guys so back in Japan uh that was actually where did we

    Fly out of we actually stopped filming in Japan I got burnt out but after Japan we went to Thailand when we went to kopang Gan um that’s a beautiful little island in Thailand and we were there I believe in like August it was like a shoulder season and

    It was actually amazing weather of course it rained a little bit um but that’s to be expected because it’s a very tropical location so after kopong gone Nathan and I went to Bali Indonesia we really wanted to check out changu cuz everyone talks about how it’s a great

    Digital Nomad spot so we checked out changu it was not my favorite I was very happy to get out of there so I was very happy when I finally went to UB and we kind of checked that out a little bit for a couple weeks you see here everyone

    Eating you can see meat sandwiches this is the tuna place that I got my food at waiting to see what I do then uh when we were in Bali we had plans to go to India oh there’s my food it looks like when I was inside the

    Market that it rained a bit you can see all the rain on the ground here so coming to Portugal specifically Lisbon in the month of January uh was kind of a toss-up for me according to the weather it looked pretty good um but I’m actually shocked at how warm it is

    Once we got here it’s warmer than San Francisco it might even actually be warmer uh or equal to Southern California you can see all the beautiful pastry shops here I think what they’re making here is the pastel that Nat you can see it right here it’s like a egg custard

    See we actually had this when we moved into our new Airbnb here in Lisbon the guest left us some and it was pretty good I think Nathan liked it more than me uh but it tastes like I Custard with like a chudo like a sweet pastry um and

    Uh yeah so far the weather has been really good it’s been raining a little bit but nothing unmanageable you can just bring an umbrella and as you can see it’s sunny so it’s just like mostly sunny days and the cafe Vibe here is just a 10 out of 10 super chill lots of

    Tuk TS I don’t remember this from last time but apparently they have these electric Tuk TS kind of like what I would typically see in Southeast Asia um but I’m just gonna walk around with you guys right now and show you a little bit

    Of the city and talk to you so yeah for 2024 I want to make some major changes not really sure entirely what I want to do but I think that’s part of the creative process is is being open and feeling like I’m not trapped feeling like I can do whatever I

    Want I can make the changes I want um they have these little kiosks everywhere they’re super cute and you can get the best coffee at them the other day Nathan went to a like a fancy Seafood spot and sat down and try to order uh an espresso and he said

    I can’t or I can’t sell you that because you’ll get better coffee if you go to one of the kiosks um this coffee sucks so and also the price of the coffee at the kiosk is about a160 and uh yeah it’s it’s a lot more affordable than one would imagine uh so

    Yeah really very such a nice place and if you’re looking for a place to come to in the winter months to escape bad weather in the US Liz been in January is pretty awesome you can even sit outside because it’s sunny and mostly dry I’m wearing a jacket right now uh but it’s

    Actually hot I’m actually kind of hot here’s all the cafe all the cafes um here on the street it’s actually very Charming during the winter months of January U because it it reminds me of when I went to Paris in November December it’s there’s not a lot of tourists here um a

    Lot of locals and the weather is nice and fresh clean air uh so it’s really a good spot to come to I love how they have the signs here would show what they have for the day for food so if you’re curious about what to eat they just spell it out right

    Here and usually it’s in English you know um so here it says like grilled steak chicken steak or grilled um fish tall Euro but you can see these handwritten signs with chalk everywhere and some of these old school bakeries um you stand up out the counter so that’s pretty cool you just order

    Your espresso um at the counter so we’re going to walk up this street uh right here and you can see some of the buildings have been renovated like this blue one looks okay and then some of them have yet to be renovated usually covered in graffiti like this one but

    They’re still really pretty and down below here is I think like a sort of Pub Street like a drinking Street honestly all of Lisbon is just really pretty and fun to look at and there’s all these little cafes and pastry shops you can duck into anywhere so let’s see

    See so last time I was talking to you I was saying that we canceled our India trip which we are going to probably do uh this year and that was kind of sad because it was to celebrate Nathan’s 40th birthday Nathan turned 40 in October and he didn’t get to go so I

    Owe him a trip to India we were going to fly into Mumbai and and then check out of the check out the south of India because we’ve been to the north we did all of Del and uh some really cool restaurants down there and so now we need to go check out

    The south of India India is probably my favorite country in the whole world so it’s definitely something we want to do and then um now we’re here in Lisbon fast forward to 202 4 uh it just feels great to have like a fresh new start in the year

    Abroad um and every time we let me wait for this bus every time we try and settle down we just can’t do it we just can’t uh and I think that’s fine you know if we want to keep moving and traveling and you know doing our own thing I don’t

    See anything wrong with it um I think we just have to listen to that inner voice and keep keep doing what we want to do you know traveling full-time is challenging uh but of course it’s incredibly beautiful and rewarding when we first got here the apartment we moved into had a pretty

    Serious mold issue if I have any photos I’ll just throw them in here um and when I was in Indonesia we had a mold issue as well and within a week I got very very sick um so uh if you ever have mold in your Airbnb or apartment make sure to move

    Out don’t live in there it causes really serious health issues it’s very toxic the myotoxins interior lungs and it’s just a really bad scenario so we got out of there after three nights Airbnb refunded us and we were able to move into a really much nicer spot for for the same

    Price check out this painting looks like an Antiquity an antique shop they have a couple of these on this street here you beautiful paintings you can see the architecture here it’s just so awesome the whole downtown Center of Lisbon is historical there was a earthquake in the late

    1700s which leveled the city pretty much but a lot of these buildings are from the early 1800s late 1700s after the earthquake you can see some really nice nice architecture here and Everywhere You Walk not only is there beautiful architecture but there’s also these beautiful statues so these really nice statues

    Everywhere in Lisbon and these little tiny Parks kind of like a little Plaza so what I want to do is walk towards the Mirador I don’t know they call it like Maduro in Portuguese here and I’m going to show you an incredible view of a castle somewhere that Nathan

    And I go to all the time you can just see how incredibly old these buildings are made of stone yeah so I think for this year one of my big goals is to start riding and I’ve tried at least 20 minutes a day um it’s

    One of the things that I feel like is kind of my calling as cheesy as it sounds but it’s just something I’ve been wanting to do that I just haven’t ever really done I’ve been putting it off and off and off and now I find myself 37 years

    Old and I don’t want to have regrets that I didn’t do something so here check out this nice Square here I have to wait for The Walking Man to come on but basically you know they’ve done a lot of research and people regret the things they didn’t do not the things they’ve

    Done so I think it’ll be really good to just try it out and just keep practicing so when I started working after college I kind of got stuck in a different industry than I had anticipated I had wanted to do journalism in college and as soon as I got

    Into UCSC uh they canceled the journalism uh degree and department they closed it down some more Christmas decorations here in in Lisbon nice Bell the sound of the Bell is always really beautiful some more local cafes here like this one right here it’s pretty cool going to grab a

    Beer you stand up at the counter here like that and then they have fried food see how they canceled the journalism Department and then uh after college it was the recession of 2008 so I ended up taking a job with my brother in finance and learning all about stocks

    And the stock market um and I think that it served me well in terms of I feel like I gained Financial knowledge um for how to you know kind of navigate through the later part of my life understanding how to save invest build credit all that

    Good stuff uh but at the same time it was not what I wanted to do so that lasted quite a long time 6 and 1/2 years I then got the courage to quit and bought a one-way ticket to Thailand with Nathan we both you know kind of just bought the ticket one way

    To Bangkok Thailand that was back in 2015 and we had saved up some money so we called that green courage and honestly it was kind of a a matter of life or death at that point I felt like if I was going to continue

    With that job I might as well be dead I was not happy I felt dead inside I was making money uh decent money but it didn’t mean anything to me you know the food had no flavor I couldn’t sleep I was eating a lot of like sleeping pills and drinking

    Wine to go to bed and it was just a miserable existence that I didn’t want to have anymore and I thought you know instead of killing myself because that’s always a bad idea when you can just live and you know when you get to that breaking point that point that is just basically

    Rock Bottom you know you do have the choice to live and face your fears so that’s exactly what I did for some reason quitting that job that I had for so long almost 7 years at the job felt like the most terrifying thing I could ever do

    Just because you know I had the apartment I had the corner office um things were you know I was settled I lived near my parents I had a car that I had just bought um I had saved up a lot of money it was 16 Grand

    And I bought this car in cash cuz I don’t believe in debt and it had been you know I had been biking around for I think 10 years on my bicycle uh and that’s pretty hard you know rain or shine I would bike to work

    Which was about an hour walk away or I would walk to work and finally I had this car and it still didn’t make my life better it made it worse when you keep buying things and it’s not actually filling that Gap in your life and you

    Just feel more empty it’s a sign that you’re on the wrong track and I knew that I was on the wrong path and that I had to be brave and do what I wanted and that’s this right here is traveling it’s definitely addicting it’s one of the best things I

    Think woo it’s very slippery here it’s one of the best things I think you can do or for me speaking for myself it’s one of the best things I think I can do in my life and it takes making it a priority so it’s getting pretty crowded here with oh careful woo

    This lady’s going to get hit by the bus trying to signal to her to pull her luggage in but I might cross the street cuz it’s getting hectic here okay here’s one of the churches yeah so I decided that traveling is the thing that I want to do that is worth

    Living here is a church G the Church of s I’m going to go in but I’m going to be quiet that was a really cool Church there’s so many Catholic churches here in Lisboa in Lisbon that you can just walk into pretty much any of them and

    They’re all very old I don’t see a date here but one of the churches in Lisbon is 850 years old so these are the sidewalks here you can see they’re very tight you have to kind of squeeze on by people and kind of become one with the

    Wall yeah for me I had seen a travel documentary um when I was about 17 years old and it was about India and I knew then that that was going that is what I was going to do in life is I was going to travel I saw there was

    This travel lady who got on the top of a train in India and wrote it like that and I thought that was just wild and I had to do stuff like that in my life you really have to kind of you know you’re going to die you have to live

    Life like it’s going to end one day we all have an expiration date and you never know when that day will come it could come a lot Sooner here is a trolley these are the famous trolley of Lisbon they’re all very colorful usually they’re yellow and they kind of rattle when they go on the rails here they’re super cool see all the pretty colorful buildings here and like I said it’s still Christmas in Lisbon here in early early

    January so they have a whole Christmas Market that’s still functioning and I got some hot wine here the other day which was pretty good only5 for a cup of hot wine kind of like R I think it’s called I’m not sure how you pronounce it it’s like that German sweet spiced Wine Lots of pork and sausage and Ham I thought someone was playing a radio but some guy’s playing but here is the incredible view of Lisbon and the castle the thousand-year-old castle is right over there it’s pretty sunny every day here in January you see a lot of people here today grab a view over

    Here I haven’t been to the castle yet but it’s definitely something I want to try out and uh you can see these people selling artwork here and people playing Guitar Cheers M this is a nice little area to come they have a cafe there and you can just kind of relax grab some coffee or tea or a drink whatever you want and and enjoy this View and there’s people here from the morning till night CU it’s just such an

    Incredible view here so let me know if you guys are enjoying this different style of filming where I talk about my life instead of just about the location um I think it might have a little bit more substance just kind of tell you guys about how things are going in my

    Life because we’re always traveling and we’re always somewhere so I might have I’ll share it with you guys really cool Fountain a nice Church in the background There All right so that’s pretty much the end of my video today I haven’t you know seen you guys in a couple months here so it’s been a while so I’ll just leave you with this and uh yeah make sure to subscribe if you want to see more and

    Follow our trip through Europe we’re going to be taking trains through Portugal maybe heading to Spain and Italy not really sure right now but we have 3 months here until our shenen Visa runs out so we’ll just probably stick around um unless of course we want to

    Just hop on over to Southeast Asia or India which very well might happen um but yeah make sure to subscribe if you want to see more and make sure to hit the like button if you want to support this channel so I’ll see you guys next week I’ll try and post more regularly

    And if you want to follow us on socials it’s yet another Visa Run on Instagram and I’ll see you guys next Week I


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