In the town of Brooks, Arizona, Packard Walsh, the leader of a gang of car thieves, coerces people with fast cars into racing with the winner of the race taking ownership of the loser’s car.

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    Genre : Full Movie in English, Cinema, Drama
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    #FullMovieENGLISH #FullMovie

    Come W Don’t take a lot to keep me moving it’s going to take a lot to make me stop I’m racing to a five alarm should slow down but I just can’t stop move over if you see me coming i’ Got The Touch I feel the heat inside

    It’s not enough but it’s a little too Much there’s something out there I can he it call holding Ming what the hell is that George you are those guys Baby wait me why’d you stop me what do you want well let’s just say it’s pink oh God forget it pal no way I might forget it I’m a nice guy but them they think the title to your car might be worth something I’m tweaking dude All right buddy say you lose this race and you decide to keep going oh when we get done with her I don’t think you want her back again want to me ni take care of her fellas okay the first one the dragon fire Crossing wins you lose the race you lose your car

    Ready go I’m losing control show my emotions and I’m losing my Soul it I’m obsessed with feeding my disease I going to make it know the hidden things no loser I’m a secret loser loser I’m a secret loser fighting the losing batt pretending to win repenting to Holy unnown pretending to S all I do is hide the W where blood You never take my soul it [Applause] is I’m a Secret Hey guys she’s all ours nice and legal it’s all right it’s all right you okay all right all right I would have won you had to cheat to beat me forced me off the road that ain’t racing that’s trying to murder someone you lost guy what can I

    Say now take your girl and walk I think you’ll find it safer that way you’re nothing but Road Pirates you got to cheat to win let’s go George escap pal why you still got your lips attached to your face George George all right let’s hook up the

    Daytona and get get the hell out of here we’re right we’re wrong it’s always the same sad song it hurts to belong to somebody else when somebody else comes so long something in your Ey said let’s away we both gra our commitment wi God it’s just the case Of we sometimes Hey just the way to Crawford D uh-huh it’s it’s a little ways up and then you take the Willow River cut out thanks hey wait uh are you new in town yeah I uh um hey I’ll show you the way h on okay I’m Jake KY I’m Carrie

    Johnson oh great good F can’t ride boyfriend no Way Carrie get in who’s the kid I don’t know I was just walking out of my house turned my back and the next second he was there like magic almost really yeah really seemed familiar to me what did he want nothing he’s new in town you know

    You can get killed riding on the back of bikes carry excuse me you’re mine and I’ll do anything necessary to keep it that way You think you own me that somehow I’m your private property you are nobody loves you as much as I do nobody it’s because everybody’s scared of you if you’re not going to be my girl you’re not going to be Anybody’s minty give me a light you go hey bro man it’s a hot one today huh look do you mind if I lay my towel here I ain’t welcome over there why not why ain’t I welcome or it’s okay to lay here take your pick hey you new in town or

    Something got a name Jake Jake I’m Billy henkins I work over a Big C slinging Burgers listen you ever need a burger in Brooks you call me okay man she’s beautiful don’t you think me and her are pretty good friends actually she’s she used to be tight with my

    Brother just got real problems with that lunatic she’s with there now what kind of problems well Packard’s a mistaken nature a genetic misfire what Packard gets crazy jealous if anybody even looks at carry crossy you got to wear dark glasses so he doesn’t catch you at it that includes your brother I assume

    Right my brother Jamie the guy you were just talking about he’s dead he was murdered up on the Willow River but nobody ever knew who who did it I’m sorry man I had no idea it’s okay Bro Look at all these girls okay laying around the Rocks you hardly got any clothes on Jesus what got some [Applause] kick about a duck butter out at the lake day pack quiff City here I come see that guy over there the one with Billy henkins what about

    Looks like a dork to me lot of dorks going around these days G whole town SE them with it crawling out of the woodwork shut up okay drives that motorbike over there you see him or Billy around Carrie I want to know about it a [ __ ] pack I’d rather be working on the

    Cars we do things my way skank and it’s a lot of fun I know that’s easy for you to forget with your brain turning to Mush and all actually my brain’s functioning a okay dude it’s just my you know so let’s just do things my way huh before I have to

    Cut another ring hole in this flap you call your ear here an remember the kid on the bike you got it back there it’s all programmed in man good and uh skank do me a favor will you get rid of that zombie piss you’re drinking before it turns you into a mushroom no

    Problem yeah right damn mushroom nice day huh this water is a bit chilly for my taste good thing is warm up sorry about the ride this morning it’s okay Billy henkins a friend of yours yeah sort of Carrie I better go now don’t go because

    Of me not because of you it’s because of him you don’t know him Carrie you know if you want to come by some night yeah I mean after work I’ll be there well so will I then okay thing is uh where’s work Big C Burgers Big C’s Burgers yeah all right okay I burer well done and cheese and and large fries okay two other ERS of Fries okay more Cheeseburgers I got a cowboy out there wants two burgers rare and I mean rare have so rare that a good veterinarian will have back on the feet 10 Minutes you coming sure good this thing runs best when I have a good navigator that is if I can get the Beast to start come on you goof hey it’s a fumes off the grill Carrie it’s my mind a come on oh God it’s him hurry up I’m trying trying hurry up oh

    Man hello Carrie looks like I got here just in time you in the car I mean now Hey listen pack I was just on my way out too and hold your horses guy Packard please please just get in the car for a minute I just want to speak to Billy alone help

    Out so what happened here looks to me like you ran out of those all be patties kind of early today huh hey don’t worry pack we still got plenty of dog food hey pack let’s grind up some meat huh hey has this guy been wormed or is he just a naturally gifted child

    I swear to God I I’ll rip your head off and piss down your throat hold your water Auggie this is business nothing personal guy it’s a nice car you have here now where were you going with my girl oh come on pack I was just giving her a ride home man give

    Me a break hey ruge head what’s this Triumph worth you’re not getting it Packard you’re not taking it who said anything about taking it you say anything I I know I didn’t I tell you what I’m going to give you the same chance I give everybody else we’re going to race for

    It look pack you don’t get my car and if you’re not nice you’re not going to get your burgers with a mayo and thousand island the way you love them Billy Billy I thought you understood me this isn’t a negotiation Right you ever seen one of those before H let’s just add it to our collection first we can figure out what it is second all right Billy we’ll continue this discussion later and I’ll enjoy it I’ll see you later huh [ __ ] Hey pack I think he’s going to the sandy bar let me take him this time all right it’s your turn dude let’s go all Right all right I W don’t you tear this guy a new [ __ ] do it to him auggy style man I’ll burn this Iranian okay the first to Rattler’s Crossing wins you lose the race you lose your car agreed stay on your side of the road man okay let’s get it

    On send them off say what I said stand the bomb we take the Willow River cut off Ready W W Looks real bad you think he made it you got to be kidding me local kid used to be call the meat wagon then get a hold of Lumis tell them we got a possible DOA up [Applause] here Lumis we got a snuff kid up here in muil [ __ ] it’s aie Fisher mph just

    Saw C off I’ve been waiting to catch you guys in the ACT been waiting and watching congratulations you caught us talking there’s no law against that is their officer unless of course I got my wires crossed and you caught us speaking without a clam it wise guy there’s a

    Dead kid 3 mil up the highway yeah that’s right dead run off the highway and killed okay pal time to drain the drug overdose slashing above your eyebrows and tell me who the dude was driving that other car with all due respect sir if you’re putting us under arrest I

    Do believe we have right to counsel what about you maggot huh you got anything to say are your veins bloated with brain Eradicator too yeah well who got killed Auggie Fisher and there a’t enough left of him to stick in a cigar box hey Lumis I think you ought to see

    This oh Murphy what for I think you should see this oh oh that’s ugly God kid ought to be dog meat wait a minute yeah Lumis this kid smashed down a canyon Through Fire and busting glass must have been a th000 de in that car uhhuh at least where’s his eyes sent

    Cats climbing up my spine when I saw him hauling this carps out of that Canyon clean as if he’d come out of a hot tub I’m worried him something ain’t right well get him into town and box him up I’ve still got a few rocks to turn over up

    Here all right load him up you don’t even want to know what I just saw [ __ ] now spill it who was driving that other car nobody ever saw it before it wasn’t a local car it was it was customized or something yeah it was like a vub conversion with pous bags

    You know and a surf rack on top and oh it was awesome man well no one seems to be too broken up about Mr Fisher laying there SPL out to Four Points of the compass but then again maybe that’s what things have come down to huh a deputy

    Halifax over there is going to take down a list of names for me so if any of you guys are planning on taking a vacation in the next few days you can just forget it I’ll be visiting you again with warrants Mr attorney okay Halifax they’re all yours Fisher they got us all let’s cruise yo gut boy what yo rugs that kid in the day Tony gave me a hell of a run last night I hadn’t tried to kill him he might have beat me when’s a new injection plant going to be ready tonight maybe maybe tomorrow

    The Digital radio Killers they’re almost ready too good the sooner the better things are getting a little too equal these days sure Packer hey hey seems to be the problem I just can’t believe that Augie’s dead I mean he lived just up the street from me I just can’t believe

    It Augie’s no loss believe me now tell me something what were you doing with Billy henkins today I was tired I decided to go home don’t lie to me I love you too much Faline I’m not lying Packer you and me we’re like we’re like Blood

    Brothers I guess you could call us blood lovers is that’s how much I love you And when you love someone as much as I love you after a while you feel nothing I’ve never made love to you I never will you will hey rug how we doing on the Digital radio killer tips man it’s totally functional yeah what about the injection

    Plan oh it’s ready it’s ready sure I told you man it’ll blow away anything this side of the Mississippi good now all we have to do is fit it in the vet fit this thing in a go-kart what are you worried about what’s this thing going to be chopped tomorrow morning morning

    Tonight you got that gutter boy yeah okay what about those uh back I got those ELO parts so no Gallas boys for 2900 bucks yeah that old guy was pretty test Off look guy Lumis is out there looking to bust everyone I mean ling a ain’t no big deal and that’s a hell of a car you got There buddy I’d put that kidney Buster down if I was you this place is filled with ether and acetylene dig Hey I don’t know what your problem is guy but Hey out here oh Ah the problem this holy [ __ ] No Where’d he go skank you [ __ ] K yeah who is that guy I don’t know but whoever he was he’s weird and pissed off oh Red yeah Lum here hey Lumis it’s a real strange place you got here really unique in its depressing qualities huh what do you need Bingo you got a couple of cockroaches working here I need a word with them my nephew’s ganking his pal gutter boy over there thanks clear for take off

    Morning fellas yo okay it’s a nice place you got here help you been working here long man I smell a cop you smell a cup well I smell french fries skank but that don’t make no sense huh bud you got a warrant I don’t need a

    Warrant when I have this badge well we know our constipation right sir and you can’t just come in here and oh wow I got this problem fellas Auggie Fisher your buddy who got greased I want to know who was driving the car that ran him into Kingdom Come nobody’s seen that guy

    Before he hit me in the head against SK okay I can’t remember dog squeeze when it comes to get run off the roads there Lumis I can see why skank I can call you skank can I yeah unless you like Maurice better well you listen good

    Skank I know it’s going to be hard with your melon on chemical overload but there’s a killer out there and I’m going to track the hair ball down so when you two crater heads get finished mining for nose gold and you get a relapse of

    Memory you let me know huh mhm I’m just a phone call away we ain’t got no telephone skank my little hydro pump No here you go well thank you Lisa no charge for the side I’m a lieutenant you Know what is This alone nevern it come on come on All units this is lumus I’m at Big cave I want everyone to stand by over I got an order up for Mr Bucky go out Here so where is he tuna can dude we couldn’t find a slime ball anywhere yeah we wentross town down to Crawford Gully and we stopped for a a box of goobers you guys are pissing me off I want that [ __ ] yeah this freaks into us for about 13,000 bucks we spent all last

    Night banging on them two bodies I I got scab on my Knuckles and everything like that it’s your damn job gutter boy what has he got with us what he’s got is an ass full of trouble yeah it’s about time we get into somebody’s ass H we going to

    Beat him like a redheaded stepchild I’m going knock his ass lower in whale [ __ ] where does he go I don’t know but I’m going to find that son of a [ __ ] hey Carrie I’ll pick you up later tonight so do yourself a favor and be here he’s on look out Mountain Road let’s

    Go we got action heading out I’ll keep radio [Applause] contact Does you in position over affirmative sir over Murphy are you out there ready affirmative sir there he Is I’d say it’s about time we give that yellow ass bastard a taste of his own medicine skank why is it you continue to question my authority come man you got a big audience with rug head over there here man be first degree murder all right hey hey it’s my turn I’ll teach

    That bastard a lesson for what he done auggy in our cars hey you got to raise your hood we got a digital radio killer now you try to run we set up your electrical system Oh my God what’s wrong put it on Packard get load of this connect this son of a [ __ ] and let’s go okay first one to dragon fire Crossing wins you lose you lose your car you got That this one’s for us sucker ready R get him up oh [ __ ] [Applause] me going strong it gives me strength when things are going all wrong all my life I’ve been searching for the now like in the night I got nowhere but I Never Surrender no I’ll never give it Up I made a b never to keep the F take it R to the all the way that’s the other only way to go won’t never give up cuz I that I’ll Never Surrender no I’ll never give it all without a and I long remember how it feels to have to break

    Bream the L Lumis we’re still in pursuit of that black car heading Northbound on Dragon Fire Crossing if you got that Ro block set up we’re coming in at you at about 100 mph oh Roger that Murphy Halifax has three units just over the bridge let’s running right into it stand

    By watch your speed watch your speed slow it down Murphy let him go Roger I got you all right we got him now we got the back door Over we have him trapped man give him a few seconds and he’ll realize it Too he’s going he’s Going let’s [Applause] Go all units this is Lumis head him off at desert highway intersect Roger Lumis we copy losing it like a bat out of hell that I got it away really [Applause] [Applause] High You see that War of the World the invasion of Earth has begun right here in Arizona folks you got some imagination hey I told you working at Big K stimulates the brain need a ride nah good I’d like to live to see my next birthday anyway I’ll see you

    God you scared me this thing’s quiet hop on lucky I came when I did yeah I noticed you got a knack for doing That this was a dork this is dor we carry oh [ __ ] let’s do it you think we can ain’t no match for the Cuda boy hold [Applause] on can’t get going little fan we got need you guard Me [Applause] he’s heading toward the park G yeah what you say we run this little bastard down to make his teeth bleed huh what about the girl okay just grab the shotgun Mama Luca the shotgun I don’t know nothing about no shotgun just grab the goddamn

    Gun Man gun Shake I will shake with the shotgun grab it load it man load it what are you doing where’s the bullets where’s the bullets I got the bullet we load it man come on H I’m [Applause] SA [Applause] soon as ties out you fool bullet tree we your F your goddamn it [Applause] bullet Nice Shot blew the God damn steing out thank gutter boy kiss your ass goodbye [Applause] okay okay oh [ __ ] I I tried to warn you SK I said do we have to drive so fast and use a gun I can’t you no gun shut up Gunter boy I got to think Man this is what I do best that’s right G that what you do best peer told us to keep an eye on this girlus this shit’s got some kick we almost tilt this girl we de me no you listen to me now she’s never going to

    Think man the [ __ ] was with that dork and she’s as scared of Packard as anybody you hear me and we’ve done what we was told too bad about the Cuda skank what is it tit car Jesus this shit’s got some Kick that love is a matter of the heart when you start to lose if she’s calling your name and she need it’s been a while nice I thought so too look Jake if Packard knew I was here with you I mean people are afraid of him for a

    Reason people are afraid because guys like Packard prey on fear and weakness well I just think he’s crazy try and be brave against Packard and he might kill you or he might let you go courage isn’t easy to come by that’s how he keeps those goons with him all

    The time they’re just scared so am I Carrie listen there’s going to come a time when you’ll have to take a stand when you do that that’s when you free yourself of no sooner I want to believe you I really do good night hey Carrie there’s a place on the Willow

    River if you want to go up there with me tomorrow you like living dangerously don’t you you want to go yes I do night you got run the you take your arms let she’ll be Your no way hey [ __ ] come here come here this skank you look like [ __ ] why how you walking had a little uh problem with the Cuda Packard uh-huh kid in the bike just came by here you see him no we ain’t seen nothing all night the motorbike with carry on it or nothing

    P you’re pissing me off get in holy [ __ ] it’s that kid What the hell’s going on here back you okay kill him look God where the hell is he right There do it eat hot lead crud sucker what the hell is that thing man it just some of the damn gun he ain’t no human back [ __ ] he’s a kid just a kid hey chicken [ __ ] come on out of there let’s get the hell out of here I heard that

    Lumis what the hell are you doing here you got a minute you got to be out of your mind barging in here like this I got this problem downtown I’m not going anywhere guy this is a warrant I got here cockroach now move on your feet buddy now oh that sounds

    Important you all right yeah I’m all right see you in the squad car Thanks Blows about you make it hard to say Good this water’s nice once you get used to it it’s nice just being here with you want to know something what couldn’t sleep at all last night I had strange dreams okay kind of dreams I dreamed that the man in the moon was laughing at

    Me he tends to laugh all the time you ever notice that then I was headed east on the back of a motorcycle and the driver was Jamie henkins what’s strange is that Jamie’s dead yeah I know Billy told me you know Jamie was a lot like

    You that could account for the dream I Guess I like you Sheriff’s Office it’s Murphy he’s at home tell him I’ll call him back he’ll call you right back ain’t you got any air in this joint and your friend minty well he was maggot pie before the car exploded excuse me um is it true that his eyeballs was

    All sucked out of his sockets and everything yeah he’s just like Auggie not a mark on him we pulled the poor bastard from the fire cold in his own sauce almost gives me the willies just talking about it so before I nail you bastards to the

    Wall I’m going to give you a chance to cooperate we’ll do anything hey shut up look Lumis we ain’t done nothing illegal said maybe bust a speed limit so why don’t you give us all a break and let us get the hell out of here you

    Listen to me you son of a [ __ ] there’s a kid out there using his car to kill people not that it’s such a big deal since it seems to be your gang he’s got it in for so if you guys try to take the law into your own

    Hands and that killer turns up dead I’m going to see you all sniffing cyanide in the Arizona gas chamber do you read here we Are I’ll stop by and pick you up later okay you know no today was the nicest day I’ve had in a long Time I thought so too I’ll see you Bye hey genius take care Maurice so where you going take care of some business that woman here sh ain’t made our lives easy you know what I mean good boy that’s the truth what are you guys doing you’re going to go screw around why you want to

    Come no when you going on a vacation or something I’m taking my Blueprints and I’m leaving yeah what for this gang thing was okay when we had the edge but now that there’s that wraith out there that killed Augie a what out there man a wraith man a ghost

    An evil spirit and it ain’t cool I don’t know except I’m quitting if I was you guys I’d quit too I ain’t got no beef against no R yeah he’s just a damn kid man Packard said so I’m leaving too bad slush’s pivot 15 Bud let’s go

    Cruise SC some poozle some place you got it SK cuz I’m a 4 day Vergin r must have forgot some H Are don’t know if there’s anybody or not kind of a mess now don’t you think the gutter boy and skank they were they were right there it’s like they vaporized they were adios by the kid in the turbo I warned them I warned them what are you trying to say

    Boy got her boy we’re in there when the place blew I know it seems impossible I didn’t know they had a kid in the car I didn’t know it was Jamie henkins till he came up missing so what you’re telling me is that packet and the others killed Jamie

    Henkins Jamie henkins was here the other night with a shotgun a dead kid with a shotgun I seen his eyes Lumis I seen his eyes and I got a real bad feeling bad feelings don’t add up to Resurrection buddy if it was Jamie yinson why they

    Kill him off in the first I don’t know I’ve been too scared to say nothing Packard hated Jamie Packer hates everybody he hates me I don’t want to get killed over something I had nothing to do with no you going home now and you stay there till you hear from me huh Hey Billy okay I want two dogs I want three uh onion rings yeah t of onion rings and two hamers no Che and how you doing kid I’m officer Lumis can I have a word with you what do you need I’m swamped need some information about your brother that’s easy he’s dead

    Order up yeah I know but um his body never turned up and now I’ve got four dead kids in one week four I thought it was two skank and gutter boy got lunched out at the warehouse wow I figure Packard Walsh is next yeah well if he is I’ll shake take

    The hand of the guy who does it order up that might be um impossible did your uh brother have a girl well The N he was killed even Carri Johnson everybody knows that somebody busted in and smashed her head she woke up the next day in a deserted Highway

    Somewhere wrapped in an avajo blanket do she have any idea who did it uh Drifters maybe maybe Smugglers maybe Packard Walsh who knows she never knew who did it or she would have said so Carri Johnson huh over here thanks order up hey uh officer M yeah what’s my brother have to

    Do with four dead guys I mean what’s the connection that’s what I’m going to find Out Now just is not the time to confront Packers well if you don’t say something soon you’re going to be his prisoner for a long time who are you ask Packard Packard he knows why I’m here see I’ve come a long wayte for you my time is just about Over burning up the night contr my [Applause] emotion de Conant order up for Gabriel there you go Here you go anything else I can’t talk now Packard I’m busy yeah I’ve been checking you out past couple of days you’ve been real busy would you get out of here I have to work nope what are you doing Packard stop it what are you doing stop

    It get in the car P what the hell are you doing man are you crazy out of my face Burger boy you wind a bed like your brother Really you bastard chicken shits you let him take her so where are we going somewhere no one will ever find us where’s that Packard West California Santa Barbara someplace like that I’m not going yes you are car remember that night when you guys found me with Jamie

    Henkins I don’t know what you’re talking about well think when you broke in and we had just finished doing it so it was you yeah I was always with Jamie I never made any promises to you you’re mine that’s it you think I’d go to California with you

    I’d rather go to no Galis have the gutter boys cre and children and die to be with you you better shut up now Carrie or I’m going to have to yeah you can kill me too Packard but you can never make me love You Packard you’re pathetic You want a race cuz I’ll show you a race we’ll finish this Later This We got a we in Pursuit over all units we’re on Diamond Back unit 64 104 request all addition units in vicinity we have a suspect heading westbound on Ridge Road over dispatch we’re in highs speeded pursuit of silver Corvette red trim and that black Turbo uh Roger unit 64 uh give us your

    Location again go ahead come in lond Highway over Roger at North [Applause] diamond oh [ __ ] W D On W my God just like all the others lumus there’s only one body here cover him up you want us to set up a new roadblock we can still catch a bugger got guys waiting forget it Murphy Road Blocks won’t stop something that can’t be stopped Lumis what are you

    Saying saying it’s over there’s nobody left in Packard gang to kill clean this mess up and get the hell out of here I can’t do that again Jake you know who I am Jamie it’s as close as I could come to who I once was it’s close enough just think of this as a second chance we were meant to be together Carrie look I got one more thing to do

    Don’t leave me again don’t worry I’ll be back it’s a short trip back light Come on Packard relax you scared me man I’m sorry man it’s been a heavy day already I can see that it’s time for me to hit the road my business here is finished before I do I want you to have something she’s yours now who’s mine it’s outside turbo

    Interceptor the only one in existence does very special things take care of it we who are you bro You said it Billy I got to go hey man wait a minute where you going where you going hey Billy instructions are in the glove compartment wait a minute come back come back bro whoa Whoa hey man far out Hey Jake who are You Jake [Applause] Jake Jamie Don’t take a lot to keep me moving it’s going to take a lot to make me stop I’m racing to a five alarm should slow down but I just can’t stop move over if you see me coming I’ve got the vest touch I feel the heat inside me

    It’s not enough but it’s a little too much there’s something out there I can hear it calling I want to hold it but I’m moving too fast with the everybody’s always asking me where is it baby anybody know he burning up inside of me where is

    It baby open up the door and let me go got a meod to this madness I learned it on the street there’s someone right behind you he’s grabbing that your Fe i’ got no time for talking I’ve got no time to kill some say I’m going nowhere but it’s better than standing still there’s something out there I can feel it baby it’s getting closer but I’m moving where’s the everybody’s always asking me where is it baby doesn’t anybody know

    Where’s it’s burning up inside of me where is it baby open up the door and watch me Go don’t take a lot to keep me moving it’s going to take a lot to make me stop I feel a heat inside sure slow down but I just can’t stop there’s something out there I can hear it call I want to holding but I’m moving too fast where’s

    The everybody’s always asking me where is it babybody know where’s [Applause] Theide where is it [Applause] Baby’s everybody’s always asking me where is it baby doesn’t anybody know where the it’s burning up inside of me where is a baby open up the door and let me Go


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      Movie Plot : In the town of Brooks, Arizona, Packard Walsh, the leader of a gang of car thieves, coerces people with fast cars into racing with the winner of the race taking ownership of the loser's car.

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