Welcome to Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Today is our first day in Manila and our first time ever in the Philippines, and we are very excited to meet the amazing locals, see some sights and eat some local food. Manila is a densely populated place which creates a hectic atmosphere but to be honest, we already are falling in love with Manila and the Philippines too. This is the very beginning of our journey here, and we have many more adventures coming your way.

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    Naomi & Luke

    Hello hello so guys remember don’t Blow Your  Horn in a church Zone and there’s also   McDonald’s apparently delicious is  sweet or salty salt salt salty I know sweet okay thank you hello  shout out to the security people yeah oh wow that’s like teen Mutant Ninja  

    Banking a walkway on the entire  River it all be like that oh wow mag Maga good morning everybody from Manila  in the Philippines this is our very first time   here we arrived late last night we had a decent  sleep I’m not going to lie this is where we’re  

    Staying we’re staying in the University belt of  Manila very local area very great area there’s   a lot of very nice and warm and welcoming  people here but wow guys it’s our first   time in Manila and today we’re going out and  exploring the streets of the capital city of  

    The Philippines we have no idea what to expect  but I’m sure we’re going to get into a lot of   fun things and experience the real cultural  capital of this country so guys welcome to   the Philippines welcome to the beginning of  a new series in a new country this is what we  

    Live for we love this and yeah welcome to the  Philippines super excited to be here I just   already wanted to try out some fruits here got a  mango shake just on the corner kind of outside of  

    Our uh place for 50 pesos really tasty you can’t  go wrong with that guys a nice fresh fruit shake   in the morning and right now we’re making our  way towards the area of binondo we’re going to  

    Check that out and also maybe intra muros or  the old part of Manila as well so guys let’s   go and check out Manila today look at these Jeep  KN yeah you have to figure out the traffic it’s  

    A it’s like a lot more than in Bangkok actually  oh yeah Oh I thought it was I thought I thought   bangok was a lot traffic traffic Wise  Wise but this is uh yeah interesting bit crazy yeah yeah I think crazy yeah have   to be careful yeah there are  many relatives the Lopez yeah

    Lopez nice most of them are P the the Lopez the pr yeah if you it I yeah have  a nice day very first impression of Manila is that   it’s kind of a colorful mix of the old and the  new like uh you will see a lot of these types of  

    Houses that are sort of wooden and look a little  bit more on like the older side of life but you   also have a lot of these types of uh skyscrapers  like uh condominium type of buildings um that are  

    Sort of dotted in between so it’s like a it’s a  big contrast from what it seems like but overall   people seem to be really friendly I feel like uh  a lot of people are wondering what we are doing  

    In the University belt because it’s it’s not your  typical tourist area right so uh people are like   a little bit like are you lost hello people are  like are you lost what’s going on like do you need  

    Help or I don’t know the the facial expression on  people’s faces just really funny uh but everybody   seems to be happy hello everybody’s also waving so  like I don’t know people seem to be very friendly   very happy and like uh just going about their  daily life as they should basically and uh yeah  

    We’re currently walking into the direction of uh  Bondo Bondo Bondo vondo and we we were just saying   because we have been um to Mexico City before it  does have like a Mexico City Vibe to it to some  

    Extent uh for for reasons that are known obviously  because of colonialism and so on but yeah has a   similar Vibe which is very crazy and interesting  to see it’s a lot of cats poopa as well you always  

    Need to look out for the Asian women they’re  always really fast but you never hear them I   don’t know they they would be the perfect spice  they I keep running everybody is on stealth   mode yeah it’s crazy I never hear them so I keep  walking into them and like accidentally hurting  

    Them like I’m so sorry about that but I don’t I  don’t hear we even got a message from our host   on Airbnb about being in this area he said you’re  going to get culturally shocked or something like  

    That he said but these are the types of places  that we enjoy the most it’s these types of areas   in cities like Manila in cities like we’ve  traveled to around the world at this point  

    This is where you find the real sort of Heart of  what’s going on we don’t want to stay in the more   uh touristic type of areas we will definitely be  going and checking them out like we are now but  

    It’s these types of areas where you find what the  city is really about and how the locals live as well getting closer now towards  Bandoo and uh very excited to see   this particular part of Manila we  did a little bit of research before  

    We came here and this was a place that  we were told to come and visit for sure hello yeah The Vibes here in Manila are  definitely very unique but very friendly   I have to say that Filipino people have  been some of the most welcoming people  

    That we’ve experienced already and  that is amazing aming really really   and truly amazing I feel a very  strong sense of warmth here in Manila wow look at this guys this is to be honest  really amazing I love the whole vibe of this area  

    The streets get narrow and there’s also plenty  of different Alleyways and stuff like that that   you can Venture down there’s loads of really  interesting shops as well and you can start   to see already kind of the influence in this  part of Manila from China Manila seems to be  

    A big blend of Chinese American Filipino  everything all sort of Blended in to one   amazing City and one great cultural uh sort  of way of living and it is really beautiful   and we’re getting close now towards banando  I believe we’re like less than a kilometer  

    Away if if not we’re already there it kind  of feels like we have already entered into   some sort of a of a china town so yeah let’s  keep going guys we’re supposed to go in this   direction so did you say that it’s apparently  the oldest China Town in the world yeah it’s  

    Crazy really interesting I don’t I have no  idea name your face two mad explorers nice helloa k oh I’m really bad at talog I only know a  little bit H what’s your name two two mad explorers on uh YouTube two mad explorers you fine

    Yeah thank to see I cannot see that shared your   video oh yeah thank you so much my  subscriber first in manil yes oh yeah M Explorer oh yeah this is uh  Facebook yeah this is us this   is Facebook yeah thank you thank you so  much thank you thank you bye-bye byebye

    Cool yeah we need to learn more Tagalog we need  to learn more Tagalog I can just say like how are   you good morning stuff like that basic stuff if  you guys know any apps to learn tagal look let us  

    Know because on du lingo there’s nothing yeah  yeah true guys it’s difficult we need to make   friends with some locals here and hopefully  they can teach us more of this language uh we   have a lot to learn and then also I believe in  different areas of the Philippines they speak  

    Different uh dialect dialects languag like in  cibu apparently they speak siano but like would   you still uh be okay with if you spoke talok  that’s the part that I don’t understand I’m   not so sure about yeah true let us know down  in the comments guys if we will be okay with  

    Tagalog or should we try and diversify the  uh the languages and dialects that we should   be learning look at the beautiful Manila  Skyline here this morning it’s gorgeous so guys we are absolutely in Chinatown right now  it’s busy it’s happening people are eating food  

    And this place here across the road seems to  be quite the popular place people are taking   pictures people are packed into this original  Shanghai fried sopow I don’t think I’ve ever   even had a seow so that’s that will definitely  be something that we’re going to have to try  

    At some point but when fow it’s says 35  Pesos only so it’s like 50 cents for one   um dumpling type of thing like the this it’s  this I think it’s this type of bun where you  

    Put meat inside hello yeah I have no idea to  be honest I’ve I’ve never I’ve never I don’t   think I’ve ever had one but it yeah similar to  what I imagine is like like you said like more  

    Like a like a bow bun almost it’s the texture of  a bow bun but like the idea of a dumpling that but uh the vibe guys everything here in Chinatown  is really very cool a lot of fruit vendors uh  

    Selling some pretty interesting fruits just have  a look here across the street fruit vegetables   everything is kind of out front and then you also  have a whole bunch of variety of different sort   of Chinese style uh restaurants as well and  the fruit is super affordable as well I just  

    Had a look there for for example one kilogram of  mangotin is like 100 pesos so um I don’t know if   you compare it to other Southeast Asian countries  100 pesos is €160 for a kilogram of mangostine I  

    Believe in other Southeast Asian countries it’s  more like 23 EUR like that um so yeah it’s very   affordable and the fruit looks extremely fresh and  other than that here in Chinatown you seem to be  

    Having uh a lot of these types of huh got out  shout out do you want to shout out what’s your name shout out to the security people here so a lot of the areas here seem to be  geared towards sort of a Chinese Buddhist  

    Types of things and um a lot of gold vendors as  well jewelry some uh Casino as you can see here   so yeah it’s a it’s sort of a mix of everything  but a very cool quarter so Lively I absolutely  

    Love it and I think what we’re going to do now  guys is we’re going to head in the direction   of a a church so there’s no better way I think  to start off a trip in uh the Philippines and  

    Going and checking out some of the history so  we’re going to go to towards Bondo church and   then afterwards we have a couple of different  areas that we’re going to take you guys with   us so stay tuned for that and I’m sure we’re  going to be trying some Filipino style food as  

    Well in this video too the security guy  wants to say hello oh again what’s your name we have a channel called  two Explorer YouTube yeah byebye thank you so right now guys we’re at Ang  pin North Bridge and I hope I’m saying that right  

    I usually pronounce things very badly but uh yeah  it’s sort of like a nice little crossover Bridge   here in binondo and it takes you from one part  of Chinatown into the next part so it is still   Chinatown but we are surrounded by very beautiful  buildings here very highrise buildings too and in  

    Chinatown you definitely have more of the lower  more traditional type buildings as well this is   beautiful I think it’s uh it looks like Chinatown  really starts here right like before there were   some shops already and like the lanterns and so  on but here it seems like more uh extreme yeah  

    True it goes up goes up to the next level here oh  there’s even a sign over there that says welcome   to Manila Chinatown so yeah yeah yeah that’s  maybe the the official entrance the official  

    Yeah look at this doesn’t get much more the new  year the New Year is soon for I thought it was   for Chinese Chinese Buddhist but it’s not it’s for  Luna New Year yeah of course yeah I was I forgot  

    About that yeah yeah so beautiful I love these  colors I love red Believe It or Not guys red is   my favorite so favorite color and uh pretty much  everything is red around here so yeah we’re going  

    To go in through this welcome sign see what we can  find and also check out uh Bondo church as well so   we have plenty to see and plenty to explore today  it’s only the beginning this is probably going to  

    Be a pretty long video as well uh but that’s the  way we like it guys we like to bring you with us   look at the security tank type of a vehicle  yeah you have armored security here it looks  

    Like it’s out of The Fifth Element yeah oh wow  that’s like Teenage Mutant Ninja banking it’s protected wow here we go guys welcome to Manila  chinat Town let’s check this place out oh I love  

    These as well yeah instead of cooked up there very  very very unique it’s like a tricycle yeah sort of   it’s um it’s really nice because the Tuk tucks in  different countries they can be very loud look at

    That very interesting one of them is mango  the green one mang yeah never saw the green   one before I think the last time we had mangos  would have been in our trip in Northern Thailand   and we also had some in Indonesia as  well we’re going to have to try some  

    Philip hello we’re going to have to try some  Filipino mango Ste now and make a comparison   between those three countries maybe the  mango that I had in my mango shake was   already Superior so oh oh yeah I’m very excited  for Filipino fruit Filipino fruit yeah very

    Exciting hello stff they manag put on that one  oh yeah they loaded everything on there Fe on   CNN TR oh there you go oh what is it what is  this yeah this is delicious delicious yeah is  

    Sweet or salty salt Sal salty no sweet oh sweet  oh okay how much three for 100 three for 100 you   want to get three how much for one how much for  one no three for 100 oh okay you want she wants  

    To drive a bargain do you want to get tree okay  but we don’t know what it tastes like so but we   don’t know we don’t know if we’re going to like it  yet it’s okay what is inside this Ubie Ubie yeah  

    Okay U um it’s a dry it’s a grapes raisins okay  like raisin yeah yeah I’m from Ireland and uh my   my wife from Germany where are you iand I am my  mother is Italian I see I I was born in Germany  

    Okay thank you very much thank you enjoy your  food how do you say how do you say thank you in Tagalog okay thank you bye-bye okay maybe this  is a good place it’s very crowded yeah it is   absolutely packed but yeah guys I wanted to  show you the sign the world’s oldest chinat  

    Town and we have some pastries now to try so  guys remember don’t Blow Your Horn in a church   Zone and there’s also McDonald’s apparently don’t  Blow Your Horn aroundon sponsored by McDonald’s   here we go look at this big beautiful church  and this is Bondo church so it’s red and has  

    Kind of A Touch of Gray as well but it looks very  well kept well Pres oberved I wonder if we can go   in or if it’s closed or or what there’s people  inside so there’s people inside okay I think the  

    Entry might be on this oh it might be around the  corner yeah yeah cool looks very interesting a   he’s wearing a dress yeah hope you had a dress  oh they’ve got Thai massage across the road interesting let’s go and check out this  church guys see what it’s all about This is absolutely gorgeous guys I don’t want to  I don’t want to raise my voice but wow the artwork   on the inside of this church is very special  I love it we already love love Manila city is

    Fantastic ah this is where you buy the candle  I was already wondering where we could buy uh   some candles cuz usually it’s somewhere inside  of the church but now they are selling candles   out here in the front so maybe if you want  we can uh buy some candles it’s 8 pesos for  

    One candle oh wow yeah definitely let’s do it  which color do you want there’s white there’s   red green I’ll have a r red candle okay every  color means a different thing okay cool Hello   green is prosperity green is prosperity thank  giving thanks and pink is for studies so uh why  

    Don’t we go for one red one and one white  one one red one white yeah sure perfect Now guys it’s time for us to try this pastry that  we just bought off of that lovely uh lady before   we came here and we bought three we gave two  away to some nice people outside of this church  

    Here so I hope that they enjoy the pastries we’re  going to enjoy this one here so difficult to get   into the lady was really doing a good job and  trying to keep people out but let’s give it a

    Try oh my God what’s in there it’s purple  on the inside I didn’t I didn’t expect it   I assume it’s like a raisin raisin pastry and  then maybe with t on the inside it looks like  

    Taro I feel could be Taro very nice though very  sweet a little bit cinnamony kind of I like it   it’s really good y I’m going to give it a try  as well here guys it looks very interesting   it looks very colorful purple with raisins  and sugar and everything like that so hello

    Hello let’s give this a try it is tarot it tastes like tarot it’s very nice it is sweet that’s for sure there’s a nice  coating of sugar on the top and the pastry is   very very fresh super soft super soft super  soft and moist it’s very tasty it hasn’t been  

    Sitting around for a long at all this is very  good it would go great with like a hot coffee   or something like a cappuccino or something  yeah yeah I see where you’re coming from here right A+ for this tastry um really going  to enjoy this and it’s going to give us a  

    Little bit of energy as well cuz now we’re  going to walk towards uh intra intra muros   which is like the old part of Manila hello and  uh we’re we’re going to check it out so guys  

    Let’s go to inos and then along the way I’m  sure we will discover some more food as well hello on our way to intramuros we found this  bridge we basically have to cross the river   now but this is absolutely beautiful this  is called the Jones Bridge yep and this Arch  

    Also has a very specific name that I already  like the new Bondo Chinatown Arch so gu this   is like recently built or so yeah it looks quite  new the colors are very uh very bright still so  

    It’s I don’t know I think it’s very beautiful  and also this bridge looks super cool yeah uh   there’s lots of lanterns on it that look sort  of old school it’s again sort of new meets the  

    Old from uh the vibe that I’m getting so it’s  uh lots of these old old types of lanterns I’m   sure in the night time it looks very nice oh  yeah I can’t wait see we like like I said guys  

    We arrived yesterday during the night but we  were so tired we just literally went straight   to sleep but I can’t wait to see what Manila  looks like during the night time I’m sure it’s   going to be lit up and uh probably Comes Alive  as well like most of these large Asian cities  

    Yeah I just mean specifically as well with the  lanterns here yeah that would be so nice so yeah   let’s just walk together over the bridge I want  to say there’s some sort of a vendor ahead as  

    Well not really sure what he’s selling yeah to  have a look oh wow this river is a lot bigger   than it looks on Google Maps yeah the river uh  on Google like when you look at it it just looks  

    Like this tiny little narrow thing but this  is big it’s very big yeah wow also seems like   there there might be some sort of fairies Maybe  maybe or something like that that can take you somewhere this is so cool and you can see the  crazy traffic over there on the other Bridge  

    As well these are fireworks oh he’s not selling  anything yeah it’s like they’re it looks like   they’re basically like setting up a firework  display or something Lunar New Year Lunar New   Year we have to we have to keep uh remembering  yeah we have to keep reminding ourselves it’s  

    Lunar New Year very soon so I assume that the  fireworks are for that uh it’s for Chinese New   Year no what is it for it’s for the launching of  the passic river Redevelopment program pic River   Redevelopment program oh W when is the firework  tonight tonight tonight oh what time around when  

    It’s done oh okay perfect we should definitely  come back here where is the best place to see   the firework from maybe over there over there that  bridge or the parking building that bridge I think   or or or down there yeah anywhere cuz they’re  launching here oh beautiful this is so are we  

    Are we even allowed to walk through here it looks  like it looks like very private well they haven’t   closed it Soo yeah it’s fine okay it’s okay for  us to walk not dangerous don’t smoke no no we  

    Don’t smoke no worries but yeah maybe tonight  we can come from have a look from here would   be so cool to see the fireworks oh yeah thank  you so much thank you so much for explaining

    A walkway on the entire River it’ll all be like  that oh wow from uh Manila Bay to Laguna De Bay   oh oh that’s going to be so convenient you can go  running walking and bike and bike PA bike oh so  

    Cool I was wondering that how are people like uh  working out when they live in central Manila but   this would be so cool if you can actually run from  one side to the next so yeah get ready people of  

    Manila there will be a very long walkway and for B  bicycles and so on so yeah very interesting to see   they preparing the fireworks look they’re like one  guy is pouring like wiring and the gunpowder and  

    Everything hello hello I’ve never seen something  like this first time for me yeah wow seems kind of   dangerous to be here to be honest right now seems  like a place you should maybe not be especially  

    Not if you’re smoking or you have something  that is lit up with you but yeah thank God we   don’t have any fire with us uh so we’re safe but  tonight uh when is the sunset in Manilla it’s like  

    Around 5 6 I’m actually I’m not sure I think it’s  probably around 6 6:30 something like that but um   very very excited to check these out we’re going  to have to hang around I think and maybe we’ll  

    We’ll put that into our second video that will  be coming from here but uh yeah that’s cool Pik   River Redevelopment program uh that’s the whole  point of this and that’s what you can see here   down below they are currently developing a walkway  and uh that’s really cool that’s something that  

    We definitely didn’t know and something that we  learned on our first day in Manila so there you   go guys so yeah when I said old meets the new I  was quite right it looked old but it’s new yeah  

    Everything on the side well welcome to liwasang  bonasio this is a very beautiful site here and   here we have a statue of Andre Bonny pasio from  1863 wow 1863 was when he was born up until 18 97  

    And you do have a big beautiful post office in the  background of this statue as well wow and that is   a massive Fountain here too and that probably  will make for a lot of really nice photos and  

    Stuff like that but I think it’s uh it from here  correct me if I’m wrong it looks like it’s closed   it doesn’t look like it’s an active use anymore  because the gates in front are possibly yeah it  

    Is can look through the building from here as  well yeah yeah it’s very beautiful though wow   super beautiful yeah yeah guys we’re currently  like you know we’re making our way towards towards   intra murus but I think we kind of went on the  wrong side of uh of the bridge we went on the  

    Firework side of the bridge and we should have  went on the other side of the bridge but fingers   crossed we’re going to get there probably around  15 or 20 minutes from now we have to kind of take  

    A road that takes us outside and then we can come  back down to intramuros yeah from the looks on   of it on Google Maps it sort of seems like there  might be an old city wall or something so there’s  

    Just very specific entries that you can take to  get into inam muros so we kind of have to walk   around a little bit to find the right entry from  here but maybe we could also take one of the gyes  

    But we are still struggling to understand where  they where they are going this one says City Hall   oh they do have the direction sort of on the front  of it yeah yeah we’ll figure it out we’ll figure  

    It out all right guys so we made it to an entry  point into intramuros thankfully we uh went and   we spoke to some lovely police officers and they  guided Us in the right direction we basically   just missed out on an underpass but once we went  under the underpass everything was okay oh thank  

    You there’s a lot of people that are uh trying  to push some tours and stuff like that and I’m   sure that if you are uh good at your bargaining  that you’ll be able to get yourself a very nice  

    Sort of a tour around the inner workings  of intramuros but here we are look at the sign this is it here beautiful and uh you can  see the old wall as you’re walking towards here  

    And uh yeah it looks very very interesting yeah  I guess as the First Take way for how to Manila   is do not trust Google Maps we tried to come here  with Google Maps and it didn’t show us the right  

    Way but with the nice police officers and some  looking around we sort of managed to get here   so yeah now we are on the inside of this giant  historical wall uh there’s some people trying to  

    Sell tours like it sort of it seems like it’s the  same Bicycle Tour over and over but they’re not   too pushy they’re just sort of like oh you want  the tour but it’s not like uncomfortable if you  

    Know what I mean hello how are you so yeah it’s  not it’s not really uncomfortable they’re just   asking if you want a tour you say no and then  they’re fine as well like in other countries  

    They sort of follow you around so that’s not the  case here so it’s very nice oh yeah welcome to   historical uh architecture of inamas I suppose  it looks a little bit more on the old side here  

    Little bit more of colonial architecture from what  it seems like now it does yeah it gives that vibe   off for sure and uh there’s plenty of different  things like old Cathedrals and different things to  

    Check out and there’s already quite a lot of food  vendors as well lot of saes lot of sat a lot of   sort of uh fried food halal food stuff like that  so wow this is gorgeous we’re really we really  

    Like Manila so far very interesting but you’re  like as a as it is with every country the first   two or three days you sort of have to figure out  how the country operates so we’re still a little  

    Bit like oh we don’t know how to get around how  to do certain things but uh yeah we’re we’re   slowly understanding and I think that’s really  nice yeah true let’s go and check out inur us

    Guys got ourselves a nice coffee guys and uh we’re  just going to sip this recharge and then go and   explore intus this place is absolutely beautiful  it’s a little bit of a fancy place it’s not really  

    What we typically go for but yeah nice strong  coffee and only 60 pesos as well let us know if   that’s a good price we’re not sure of the pricing  for pretty much anything yet yeah strong it’s good this is jaw-droppingly beautiful right  now we are at the San Austine church and this  

    Specific Church dates back to the late 1500s  1521 oh not even the late 1500s early 1500s   emblem wow that’s incredible and you can  really see history right here this is like   really really gorgeous it’s big too very  large very tall it stretches back quite a  

    Bit as well and there’s also a museum here  too it says 500 years of Christianity in   the vilage they celebrated in 2021 this year  yeah show you guys a little bit of some of the sculptures fascinating and you have  uh very beautiful large wooden doors  

    Here too and again the sculpture this work here is phenomenal all around here in intramuros it is  um a very relaxing and enjoyable place   and a place where you can really learn  about the history of this part of the

    Philippines have a look at this that is a car  and a half right there what’s the 0 to 60 on that beautiful I love the color Hello Wow have your picture taken how cool is that  car real San Augustine church by the way uh  

    They have a lunch break from 12:00 till 1 we  arrived at 1 12 so uh yeah we have to do that   another time it’s very beautiful though as you  see from the outside it’s h super stunning but  

    Yeah we need to come back another time then to see  St Augustine yeah that’s all right we’re not too   stressed we have plenty of time it’s uh just the  wrong time of the day I think yeah I think what  

    We’re going to do now is we’re going to just go  and like maybe just wander around and enjoy the   beautiful architecture here as well there’s plenty  of other places as well to explore here but yeah   seems like this is the Instagram place this is  the Instagram place it would make for fantastic  

    Pictures oh look at this building yeah a lot  of the buildings here they seem to renovate   yeah so um they’re really working on sort of  keeping it intact and renovating it properly   as well like according to history so I think  they’re doing a really good job here yeah 100%  

    And you have beautiful cobblestone streets guys  this is a must visit if you are coming to Manila gorgeous right guys absolutely fantastic we  have already fallen in love with Manila and   with the Philippines the people have been so  kind so welcoming and this is our only our  

    First video in hopefully a lengthy series and yeah  definitely come and check out this city if you’re   on the fence about checking Manila out right  now we’re going to enjoy our time we’re going   to walk around the rest of this beautiful place  and make sure to stay tuned cuz we have plenty  

    Of videos more coming your way oh yeah from the  Philippines we have so many more things planned   so make sure to subscribe and uh stay up to date  with travels because this is going to be one Epic  

    Series yeah guys for now my name is Luke my name  is Naomi we’re the two out explorers and this is   your reminder to keep exploring we’ll see you guys  in the next Filipino Adventure Salat for watching bye-bye


    1. We never thought we would say this, but we are in the Philippines 🇵🇭!!!
      We’re very happy and excited to be in a new country with new faces and new places to explore. Tag along with us on a new adventure ☺️

    2. เห็นคุณซื้อขนมปังกินผมชอบมาก อยู่เมืองไทยผมก็ซื้อกินบ่อยแบบนี้ เห็นคุณกินแล้ว เนื้อขนมปังหน้าจะนุ่มน่าดู ใสมะนิลาด้วย โอเคครับ

    3. Mabuhay- long live
      Kamusta ka- how are you
      Okey lang- I'm fine/I'm ok
      Magkanu- how much
      Anung pangalan mo- what is your name
      Magandang umaga- good morning
      Magandang tanghali- good noon
      Magandang hapon- good afternoon
      Magandang gabi- good evening
      Kuya- older brother
      Ate- older sister
      Salamat- thank you
      Ilang taon kana- how old are you

    4. Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the Philippines then I think Youtube.
      It is not dialect. It is more different languages. The country has more than 150 different languages.
      Cebuano, Visaya spoken in the middle part of the country are not "dialects". These are one of the languages spoken in the country. The main official languages are Filipino (based on Tagalog language; spoken in mostly in Mtero Manila, Central and Souther Luzon island part of the country). ; and English.
      Ube is a popular purple yam that is used for cooking savoury dishes and desserts in the country.
      En joy your trip in the country. Cheers.

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