See our quick trip to Switzerland where we try sledging and biking down a snowy mountain in Grindelwald.

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    #nerd #travel #adventure #switzerland #grindelwald #fondue #food #chocolate #chocolatemuseum #museum #sledding #biking #sledging #winter

    M fun D look at all the toppings fun D or dippings fun d m cheesy pickles M cheesy Stuff olives and pickles cheesy everything and of course Stephanie’s got the potatoes po potatoes greetings Adventures we’re here in the Swiss elps and we’re going to go spling this isn’t really a nerd

    Adventure unless you can think of something nerdy about it cuz that’s what dictates nerd adventures and think of something in the moment um oh no I failed failed so we’re going sledding and so we’re going on an adventure and it’s going to be cool because we can’t ski very well but we

    Can sit and hopefully we can sit well slide down the the mountain and we’re go time to go don’t go off the Edge I feel good on my throat I don’t want I don’t need that much Yeah All right we’ve made it down our third time down the mountain and I think we’ve gotten a lot better it’s a lot of fun the first time though it was all about surviving and trying to figure it out and the second time it was a little more

    Fun and the third time I think was our fastest time but it’s just like straight 30 minutes downhill going down a mountain this is incredible I think more places in the world need to have this we we’ve we looked and we only found it available in Switzerland so if you want

    To sled down a mountain for a long time come to Switzerland they’ve got it figured out that’s really cool yeah first I thought I was definitely going to fly off the mountain and die I kind of flew into a barrier had to have lessons and how to report oh behind us

    But now it’s much more fun so we’re going to do it a couple more times we’ve got the lift so we’re just going to keep doing this this is our day we’re sleding so here we are in the town of grindle Wald it’s really cute and pretty nice

    Views look at those views I guess it’s kind of nerdy because it reminds us of Harry Potter yeah grindlewald that’s Fantastic Beasts it’s about as nerdy as it gets I guess but it’s a beautiful Town highly recommend it and I Think today’s a new day and I’ve got a new tool to get down the mountain this is a grindle wall original you can only find it here it’s a wooden bike uh that is has got a little um what do you call it at the bottom what do they call those

    Ski I said it the other day it’s not a ski it’s um they’ve got these things it’s meant for going down the mountain in the snow and it’s it’s from a grindle Wald the guy who wred it to us he’s an older guy he said he used to ride his uh

    Ride this to school he would take it out in the streets and go downhill and it was really common back in the day male male carriers would ride these to deliver mail and it’s uh unique to this area so we’re going to try it out it’s just a

    Bike that um doesn’t have brakes I’m going to have to use my feet to break but it’s really unique and cool because I once again I can’t ski I can’t snowboard but I think I can sit down the mountain so this I’m excited to try it Stephanie’s got an old school sled she’s

    Going to slow it down a little bit today um so we’re going to try some new modes of transportation down the mountain and let’s see how it goes I’m going to start right here all right that’s that’s the first practice we uh so I love this this is my favorite I

    I thought for sure I was sold on the the sledding down the mountain but the biking down is like way better actually cuz it’s way more comfortable I’m way more confident on it and even though I’m still going a little bit slow and still

    Feeling it out I know how to ride a bike and this just a lot of fun so highly recommend this if you ever make it to grindle wall this is about the only place in the world you could do it so do it while you’re here what do you think

    Of your normal slide I’m more experienced now so I think that might help um but it’s it is a little bit slower which is great cuz I feel more under control instead of like I’m going to fly off the mountain okay so yeah I like it SC all right ready you

    Go and I can push on so [Applause] easy this is me butt sling trying not to die okay all right we’re sling down it’s good we’ve decided every train in Switzerland is the scenic train another thing to do in Switzerland is go to the chocolate Museum this is real chocolate fountain

    Here it’s like Charlie Chocolate Factory what’s the Harry Potter spell that gives you chocolate just give me a Chocolate mine doesn’t want to give me choc at the end the museum they let you take chocolate one of each Christmas do you like chocolate museums I do at least this one right now I feel like I’m on a different kind of nerd adventure with my nerdy teacher

    Husband who is loving these questions they’re all compelling like when will I be able to make my own chocolate with a 3D PR how does Personal Taste develop is it cultural or genetic we can do a whole unit on a whole unit of chocolate questions all right sign me up for that unit Compelling all right what present did you get she hasn’t dropped it yet we’re on our way out leaving from Switzerland it’s been good uh I really like the country it’s beautiful it’s really expensive so we said we’re going to get in get pour and get out and

    That’s what we’re doing so it’s a really quick trip here I wish we could stay longer but uh it’s just a little bit a little pricey I usually say I don’t like museums um but maybe I don’t don’t dislike all museums because that chocolate Museum was really awesome yeah

    I think it cost us 15 Franks to get in and we probably ate about 10 Franks worth of chocolate and I ate too much feeling it now but it was good thanks for watching and remember grind that bonus reputation how do they do that like share comment and subscribe see you

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