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    Pour en savoir sur le Kazakhstan:
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    #kazakhstan #kazakh #kazakhs #astana #almaty #karaganda #shymkent #pavlodar #taraz #tianshan #altai #göktürk #aralsea #caspiansea #caspian_sea #caspian #urals #balkhash #aralsor #besbarmak #vinokurov #ouzbekistan #kirghizstan #endoreism #taraz #atyrau #mangystau #akmol #qyzylorda #turkestan #charyn #tengri #goldenhorde #khanakhazana #plov #samsa #artayev #kourach

    Hello everyone. Today I’m taking you to a new country. This country is the ninth largest country in the world. It is the fourth largest Asian country, after Russia, China and India. It is even the largest landlocked country. With almost two million seven hundred thousand square kilometers.

    Today we’re going to talk about Kazakhstan, so if you’re interested, watch the rest of the video. As the name suggests, Kazakhstan. Stan, it means in Persian, the Kazakh country, it’s the ethnic group. Well, Kazakhstan was the country of the Kazakhs and, in fact, the word Kazakh did not designate , basically.

    An ethnic group, but rather a social, political status, since it in fact designated free men. As you can see from the map, Kazakhstan has a very long border with its northern neighbor, with Russia, almost seven thousand km it is. Moreover, the second longest land border in the world between two states, after

    That between the United States and Canada. You then have a border to the east with China: Kyrgyzstan, two thousand km. Uzbekistan two thousand km, the second longest. Third, a border with Turkmenistan and finally with the Caspian Sea. It also has the longest shoreline in the Caspian Sea, almost one thousand two hundred

    Km of coastline. Let’s look at the relief in more detail: half of the country is desert or semi-desert and only a quarter is steppes. Finally, the population will regroup on the remaining quarter, knowing that, of this remaining quarter, there are also fourteen percent forests and almost forty-eight thousand lakes.

    The first lake we have to mention is the Caspian Sea. So, geographically, it is a closed sea, but from a legal point of view, it is a lake. For what? because, in fact, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of ​​Montego Bay

    Of nineteen eighty-two, well, it does not apply to the Caspian Sea, since it actually allows: riparian state to claim. A distance of two hundred nautical miles from its coasts, but the geographical configuration of the Caspian Sea does not allow this. True, the Caspian Sea is large, three hundred and seventy thousand square kilometers,

    Which is approximately the size of Germany. But in its width is made, you cannot have this distance of two hundred nautical miles. Therefore, the only way to resolve this legal imbroglio is: the five countries bordering the Caspian Sea: Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan reached an agreement in 2018, agreement which was

    Then ratified in two thousand and twenty by the last one. notably Iran. And this agreement, in fact, provides for a delimitation for each, which allows Kazakhstan to, precisely, allow the extraction of the oil and gas deposits of which the Caspian Sea abounds, in particular the gas, the Kashagan deposit.

    But it is not the only one, but it must also be noted. Come on, the famous Aral Sea, the one which unfortunately lost ninety percent of its surface area. Previously, it was the fourth largest lake in the world and, indeed, since the construction of one and a half of the Kokaral Dam.

    The Aral Sea has resurfaced on the Kazakh side, but there is still much to be done on the Uzbek side. You can also see Lake Balkash, which is ultimately the third largest lake in Central Asia, after the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal.

    And which is eighteen thousand two hundred km long, because it is necessary to note a certain number of lakes: Lake Issyk, Lake Kapchagai makes it a reservoir. You also have Lake Alakol, Zaïssan and Markakol to the north. You also have a number of lakes noted. Imamtau, Zhaoli, Kyzylkak Selititenis and Teke lakes.

    Near Astana, we must mention Lake Tangiz and finally, to the west, you have Lake Aralsor which is the pink lake. Apart from these lakes, we must also mention the Mountains. The average altitude of Kazakhstan is three hundred and eighty-four meters.

    However, the territory is rather flat, since it is steppe, with the exception of the east where you have the Altai Mountains and the Tian Shan Mountains. So, the Altai Mountains, we already talked about in the previous video, since

    We said that the Turkic or Mongolian peoples were in fact the Altai family and the Altai family comes from the Altai mountain and we consider that this is the origin Altai Mountains. So I will talk about it in more detail in a future video, because only thirteen

    Percent of Altai is in the territory of Kazakhstan, and we should also mention the Tian Shan Mountains. Indeed, the Tian Shan mountains are important since a certain number of rivers have their source. That, and you also have the highest peak in Kazakhstan, Mount Tengri. So Mount Tengri is seven thousand meters away. Altitude.

    And it’s not the only one. Also worth mentioning are Mount Talgar at six thousand nine hundred and seventy meters, Mount Podeba at six thousand eight hundred and four meters, Mount Inylchek at six thousand seven hundred and six meters and Mount Kuken kayla.

    At five, six hundred and seventy meters, you see that the Tian Shan mountains are much higher than those we had previously seen in the Caucasus. And yet, Mount Tengri, seven thousand meters high, is not even the highest peak in the range. We will see this in the video on Kyrgyzstan and

    Only twelve percent of Tian Shan is in Kazakhstan. So, I suggest you talk about it again in the next video. Finally, to the west, we must mention the extension of the Urals. The Urals are not necessarily high mountains, you have the Mougodjar Mountains,

    Which are barely six hundred and fifty seven meters above sea level. To the west, you have the desert plateau of Ust Ourt which takes over from the deserts of the Caspian plains and the semi-desert of Kazakhstan. To the east you have the tian shan steppes and to the north you have forest steppes.

    All these mountains are the sources of important rivers, starting in the south, with the Talas being a tributary. From Syr Darya. The talent is known historically since there was the battle of talas of seven hundred and fifty -one, during which, precisely, well, the Chinese armies of the

    Tang dynasty were defeated by the Arab-Muslim armies. And it is precisely following this battle, that the Arabs were able to know, in particular paper, by precisely taking. Chinese engineers. This Talas will flow into the daria lucie site. Daria is one of the two most important rivers of Kazakhstan.

    Syr means yellow, daria, the river, in Persian the yellow river, it played a considerable role in history, during the Soviet era. Well, this river and its tributaries, they will be used to irrigate the rivers, the cultivation of cotton fields.

    It is the drying up of the Arya Syr and its tributaries which will lead, downstream, to the drying up of the sea, because all the rivers that we are going to see, in fact, are endorheic rivers. , endorheism. It is actually a river that does not flow into an open sea, like the

    Rear AIDS. Then, a little further north, we have the Chu, which itself has its sources in the Tian Shan and which forms the border with Kyrgyzstan before flowing into Kazakhstan. Finally, a little further up, we have the Irtysh Quest, a very important river since it has its sources in the Altai.

    The Irtysh is a river of more than four thousand km, a large part of which is in Kazakhstan. We must also mention two other important rivers: character. Karatal, and lily of more than fourteen hundred km, which take their source in Tianjin before flowing into Lake Balkach, cases that we have mentioned.

    You also have the capital’s river which is the Ichim. And who is going to throw himself into Irish. So, you have understood that in fact, most of Kazakhstan’s rivers take their source in the east, flow from east to west or like the Irtysh which, then,

    Will flow into the ob, which itself will flow into the arctic ocean, will take direction. From east to west before heading north. Indeed, this river is not practical since, for many months, it is frozen due to the latitude. Last river, less important, but very symbolic, is the Ural River.

    So, we have the Ural Mountains, which are in Russia, and we have the Ural River. Takes its sources in the Ural and Moral Mountains, and which flows into the Caspian Sea, a closed sea, and this river is supposed to represent the border between Europe and Asia.

    In other words, well, to the west of this river, you are theoretically in Europe, and precisely a portion of the Territory of Kazakhstan and is located to the west of the Urals. This is why Kazakhstan is also considered geographically in Europe, which

    Allows for example the lower Kazakhstan football team to play in Europe at UEFA, and not in s concerning the population of Kazakhstan. It should first be noted that it is certainly a huge country, but a very sparsely populated country. In fact, the country is populated by nineteen million inhabitants.

    At the time of independence, in nineteen ninety-one, the country had barely sixteen million inhabitants. We must consider that this is a very significant increase, because many Russians, Ukrainians and Germans from the Volga have also left. The fertility rate in Kazakhstan is more than three children per woman.

    Not only did he manage to fill this gap, but to allow the population of Kazakhstan to continue to increase. Second thing to note about the population of Kazakhstan is that you have two core centers. Indeed, you have the south-southeast, which is very populated, and you have another type

    Of settlement area which is to the north, which are steppes and forest steppe and, in fact, these two settlement areas, in fact, are literally cut off, speaking of the air and the deserted seedlings. Among the top ten cities in Kazakhstan. First you have to consider Almaty.

    This is the first life of Kazakhstan, with a comma: seven million inhabitants. In fact, in Kazakhstan, you only have two millionaire cities, so this is the first. Almaty actually comes from the word alma. Ata alma means the apple, and Ata is the ancestor, because we consider

    That we would have found the original apple, the first apple. Garden of Eden could be said in the Tian Shan Mountains, and that is why Dalmatia’s nickname, Almaty, was the venue for the games. The Asian Games of 2011 and indeed it is a center, it is a very cosmopolitan city.

    It is still the economic capital of the country and it is the country’s first destination. The second millionaire city in the country is Astana. Astana means capital in Kazakh, because, precisely, it is the political capital of Kazakhstan. Since nineteen ninety-seven, she has welcomed.

    The penultimate universal exhibition of two thousand and seventeen is indeed. She was chosen. The site was chosen to rebalance the population and in particular to allow a more Kazakh settlement in the north. Of the country, since we will see that the north of Kazakhstan is rather populated by Russians.

    So, it is a political decision to refocus. The capital, rather, in the center, center-north, since Almaty is actually located on the outskirts, to the southeast of the city. Third, we indicated that the big southern city, culturally, is much more different from what you can have in the north or the southeast.

    Finally, the fourth city is Karaganda which also offers a presentation different, atypical, from other lives, because this one is in fact populated mainly by Russians. In fact, it is a city which was built in the thirties and forties, by prisoners

    Of camps and gulags, and then, It is a city which had nearly six hundred thousand inhabitants at the time of independence, in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one. Today, it is losing inhabitants, and more than five hundred thousand, because, precisely, it is mainly Russians and Germans who are leaving. City number seven.

    It is the city of Taraz which, to the south, borders the Kyrgyz border. And finally, the fifth, sixth and eighth, ninth and tenth largest cities, Kazakh, are all cities located in the north of Kazakhstan, which include a strong Russian minority, or even still a Russian majority, because they have were

    Generally built at the end of the 18th century, or even the 19th. Century, for the later ones, generally by Cossacks who built a fort. And so, I wanted to present first, this is an uber act with more than three hundred thousand

    Inhabitants in the northwest, of which it is the one that was built later, in the nineteenth century. Then, you have, by the audacity that dares, North Center, with three hundred and five thousand inhabitants. Then you get sleepy, these guys who, before, it was called semi, by

    The disc, which means seven buildings, because basically I lived in seven buildings, which only lead to two hundred and fifty-seven thousand inhabitants and, cutaneously, two hundred and eighty thousand inhabitants. And see that everything, All these cities were built by Cossacks. Concerning the administrative division, then Kazakhstan has resumed the administrative division

    That we have seen in particular in Russia or in Ukraine in particular. These are oblasts, and there are seventeen of them. So the seventeen on blast are ten. Managing function of the region in the west, you have notably western kazakhstan,

    Atyrau or mangystau and aqtobe, which are in fact act b is the largest in the place now. Which are made up of very rich regions since they border the Caspian Sea and its oil and gas deposits, and they are also very sparsely populated regions.

    Then, in the north, as I was told, it is the most Russian region, but also the most industrialized, and you have Kazakhstan in particular. Northern, Pavlovdar, Qostanai, Akmola being the Astana region. Finally, in the center, you have ulytau and karaganda which, by the way, were separated into two

    Thousand and twenty two, one very recently, almost before two thousand and twenty of flat water. Karaganda was so big, more than four hundred thousand square kilometers, which was the size of Iraq. Karaganda or the center of Kazakhstan is rather marked by mines. A number of mines are present, including uranium and other minerals.

    Place is also marked by the fact that numerous worker camps and gulags were installed, and in particular the town of Kara Gamba was created. So, to the east, you have the Abai and Jetisu oblates, which were newly created in 2022, and to the south, you have Almaty, Kessel Lauda, ​​which is

    The most ethnically Kazakh oblast. It is also the one where Baikonur is home, then, with Turkestan, which is the southernmost, closest to Tashkent and Jambyl, which is known for its phosphate production, and it is also a large agricultural region. The oblasts in Kazakhstan are so big that.

    Center one hundred to three hundred thousand km, let’s make an average of two hundred and sixty thousand kilometers. But you also have special cities. So, it is Astana, Almaty, Baikonur, and therefore indicated, Baikonur is the largest of the four, is fifty-seven square kilometers, since it corresponds in fact to the

    Baikonur cosmodrome base, in fact, the Soviets chose Baikonur to launch their rockets into space because it is one of the territories the southernmost of the USSR. So, we must consider that the closer we are to the equator, the more fuel we will save when launching rockets. In the space.

    So that’s an interesting one. And then, obviously, there are few clouds, so that allows for greater visibility. So, that’s why the Russian government continues to operate and has a contract there for over a hundred and fifty million dollars. Loquacious, a rental contract to be paid by the Russian government to the Kazakh government.

    And moreover, the Russian government decided to develop a base in Russia precisely to avoid these costs, but the Baikonur assassin is still in service today. Finally, in terms of surface area, this must be taken into account. That the most populated oblasts are the oblasts located to the south, notably the

    Almaty oblast with cities included, of course, the Turkestan oblast, with the city of Shymkent included, or, in the center, the oblast of karaganda, which is huge if you want to visit this wonderful country. You have in the south, therefore in Turkestan, the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, because you will see –

    We will see in more detail in the video on Uzbekistan – that this region has actually known a different history, much more oriented towards the Iran. Then, here, If you have akmekchet beket, that the white mosque, the Baikonur cosmodrome that we just mentioned.

    So, it was in this cosmodrome that Yuri Gagarin, the first man on earth, was sent. Yuri Gagarin, here you then have a certain number of deserts, landscapes. Interesting to mention, the Charyn canyon. One hundred and fifty-four kilometers, it is the small grand canyon can say kansas, you

    Have the Aksu canyon, the sunken forest of Kaindy. The petroglyphs of Tamgaly. Kolsai Lake National Park, Karkaraly National Park, Bayanaul National Park. Ille Alatau, or Altun Emel. Zhabayushkah. The lake reserve and the nature reserve of Lake Jabay and the Kökchetaou hills . You have a lot of things to do.

    The two official languages ​​of Kazakhstan, well, are Kazakh and Russian. So I promise to make a video in more detail on Russian, but here, what interests me, with Kazakh. Kazakh, in the end, we more or less spoke. It’s an Altaic language, and within the Altaic group, it’s a

    Kipchak language we mentioned in the previous video, when we talked about, for example, Balkar, Nogai, and in this, in these languages ​​which, each of them, they occupy the group. Southern, with Karakalpak or Kyrgyz, which are spoken in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Kazakh is indeed, in this group, the most widely spoken language, with approximately

    Fourteen points, seven million speakers, including nearly twelve million in Kazakhstan alone. You also have Kazakh speakers in Xinjiang, China and Mongolia. There are a few interesting things to take into account. This is because when Kazakhstan gained independence, barely a third of Kazakh citizens spoke Kazakh. Today, it’s two thirds. As I Apply.

    A good number of Russians, Ukrainians and Germans who did not speak Kazakh left, which made arithmetic. How to increase the number of cases of Kazakh speakers? at the same time, as I mentioned, high fertility has also boosted the number of Kazakh speakers, but the fact remains that only two thirds of Kazakhtans

    Speak Kazakh, Kazakhstan and are often bilingual. A monolingual Kazakh of Kazakh language speakers is usually found in rural areas. A Kazakh speaker in lives will be everything. Very simple, very surely bilingual: Russian, Kazakh, Russian being used very often as a second language.

    We must also take into account that Russian is ten times more spoken than Kazakh, so that can also play an important role. And then, Russia remains a very important trading partner. For Kazakhs, mastery of the Russian language is also a crucial issue

    For young people who wish to find employment in the labor market. Remains a homogeneous country, because three quarters of Kazakhstan and its Kazakh. It must also be taken into account that Kazakh was written with the Cyrillic alphabet whereas since a decree of two thousand and seventeen.

    Kazakh should be written in the Latin language, such as usb-c in the. How did we get into this situation? and originally, central Asia was populated by Indo-Europeans, the famous Aryans, and in particular by the Indo-Iranians. Among these, the Descendants were the Scythians or the Sarmatians.

    They dominated the steppe because they were the first to domesticate the horse. In addition to this, they mastered bronze, which allowed them to master the region for more than two thousand years. However, at the beginning of our first millennium, we will witness a Turkification of this

    Region because, as I explained, the Turkic Mongol peoples originally came from the Altai. The Mongolian tribes went east, and that’s how we have Mongolia, and the Turkic tribes went west, and that’s how we have Asia. Central and, further, Azerbaijan, Turkey. Among the peoples that we can place, we obviously have some.

    The Huns were followed by those called the juan juan, the Ruans Ruans and came precisely from the Altai Mountains. The plain was one, simply one, a highway, one for the nomads, and they settled. In Central Asia for over a hundred years.

    It is they who are the ancestors of the misers, the famous misers. We have already talked in the video about Hungary, Moldova, Romania or Ukraine. The Ruan Ruans will be replaced by the Gokturk Empire. Gokturk means Turks. Blue is on fire. Do, they will stay for almost two hundred years.

    It was the first empire to adopt the Turkish name in their appellation. In fact, the word tur tour means to be born, to appear or to arise, and when you add the suffix i at the end, all toki. Well, you’re going to have the meaning of ancestors or lineage.

    So, the Gokturks will be the first empire to call themselves Turkish and their religion, like the proto-Turks, is Tengrism. Remember, in geography, I mentioned Mount Tengri, which is the highest mountain in Kazakhstan. Well, in fact, Tengrism is a mixture of animist beliefs, shamanism perhaps, and, in fact, he believes in Tengru.

    Tengru or Tanri, we can also distort Tanri, it means: God is good, Tengrism is the eternal sky. By the way, Genghis Khan would later be called the Son of Eternal Heaven, because he himself, in fact, was a Tengrist. Today, most Turkish peoples adopt or convert to Islam, but also

    To Christianity think of the Gagauz. We have seen in Moldova, precisely, where the people, today, Tengrists, are very few in number, but you can still find them in Mongolia or Siberia. The Gokturk even had their own alphabet. It was Orkhon. Despite everything, the official documents were still there.

    Write in Sogdian then the readings will be replaced. It is from seven hundred and forty-four, through the Uighur empire that we will talk in more detail. Next video. And this Uighur empire goes themselves. A part will leave the Uighur empire to the west, to form the Kara-Khanid and Kara-Khanid.

    It’s the prince, black prince, and it’s no. Was given like many names by the Chinese due to a fight at Idad Shat. The Qaraqanids will arrive at a time when Central Asia has already become Islamized due to the Arab-Muslim victory over the Chinese at the famous Battle of Talas.

    That I mentioned, and the Qaraqanids will, will convert. In nine hundred and thirty. A little later, in one thousand one hundred and twenty-four, it is another Turkic people, Mongolian, who also comes from the west of China, where from the Altai Mountains, it is the Kara Kitais once again

    , because quite the black and it’s. This people will actually defeat. At the Battle of Qatwan. In one thousand one hundred and forty-one, the Seljuk Turks and the Qaraqanids, who had become vassals , Turks, Seljuks, who are generally animists, or Tengrists, and

    They will lead you, they will dominate a large part of the Central Asia, or taking advantage of the defeat of the battle. At the Battle of Qatwan. Another empire – Kwaramezien Empire – will settle instead in the south of Kazakhstan, and these two empires will be defeated by Genghis Khan.

    Genghis khan will first completely annex, in two years, the empire of the kara kitais, acquitted between one thousand two hundred and sixteen issued two hundred and eighteen. And then he will annex half of the Kwaramezian empire, between one thousand two hundred and eighteen and one thousand two hundred and twenty-one.

    In fact, the strength of Genghis Khan was to have a very mobile cavalry, actually composed of Mongols and also, when he took northern China, to actually have this land. Superior Chinese technology to take cities by storm, as we saw in the video on Russia. Well, when Genghis Khan died.

    The immense empire of the Mongols, twenty heads distributed among its four sons, and notably for Kazakhstan. What interests us is in the north. You have the famous golden horde – we have already spoken several times – which goes from the thirteenth century to the beginning of the sixteenth century, and the jagatai khanate.

    Djagathai is another son. The golden horde was made by Djotchi, so the khanate of Djagatai will remain for a century. The problem is that this kingdom, in the west, is very influenced by Iran, by Islam, by the Silk Road and, in the east, remains rather Buddhist, in addition very influenced by the Mongols.

    And so, suddenly, after a year, well, there was a split in the west. You will have the empire of Transoxiana where a certain Timur Lang or Tamerlane will be born, who will found the Timurid empire. We will talk about it in more detail during Uzbekistan.

    And to the east, we have the Khanate of Mogolistan, Mogolistan distinguishes the country of the Mongols, once again in Persia and, indeed, which will have to undergo the assaults of Tamerlane, but who will resist. And that’s how you have a split to the north.

    You actually have the Kazakh Khanate, you have the Golden Horde which will simply be dismantled at the end of the fifteenth century and which will be replaced by the Kazakh Kana Canal. And the Kazakh Khanate lasted from the end of the fifteenth century until the beginning of the eighteenth century.

    I’m not saying it’s going to be a long, smooth river for them, but indeed, they will, for example, have to push back the Uzbeks from Sheybani. But the most serious threat to the Kazakh Khanate came towards the end of the tenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

    This is notably the threat of djougar to the threat. Dzungar comes from western China. We’ll talk about it again in my next video, and it will literally put an end to the Kazakh Khanate, since, in the eighteenth century, they will be dismembered into three.

    You will have the small horde, the medium horde and the large nettle. The fact is that the Kazakh state is dismembered and has not allowed the emergence of a strong Kazakh state. And that, the weakening of the Kazakh Kanak, will precisely benefit the big Russian neighbor,

    The small horde which will make contact with the Empress Anne of Russia to precisely sign a treaty of alliance. It is not without interest. Indeed, Russia is seeing an extension of its influence. In return, the small horde thought it could benefit from a certain military support

    Of the Russians to regain the advantage over the other two orders, and thus, Reestablish the uniform unity. In the end, well, it’s the Russians who will move forward, little by little. Ideals about Russia. I was actually explaining that the Russians will advance by building forts, and their forces

    Are precisely the current cities of northern Kazakhstan. We can notably note: Omsk, in one thousand seven hundred and sixteen, Semipalatinsk that today, semi in one thousand seven hundred and eighteen, Ust-Kamenogorsk, that between one thousand ten thousand

    Seven hundred and nineteen and one thousand seven hundred and twenty and Orsk that ‘in one thousand seven hundred and thirty five, and so on, you are going to have one thousand eight hundred and four lines of fortifications, more than forty-six fortresses and effect. Estimating once the territory is militarily.

    Under Russian control, and many settlers will settle in, and thus, you will have a virtuous circle for Russia, since they will have more taxes but also less grazing for the Kazakhs, who remain nomads, and this progression Russian will continue since, first, you have the ban in the pub.

    Pl casaque, to settle west of the Urals or in Siberia, then a lucas. A decree from Catherine of Russia will organize Islam among the Kazakhs in particular. She will encourage the construction of Madras caravanserais, Koranic schools and mosques too.

    You have in particular the fact that we are going to impose taxes, and therefore, all of this is an upheaval for the casas which, precisely, and the economy was based on barter. So, there, we are introducing currency and finally also, we are going to set up schools for

    The indigenous elites, and therefore make Russia proud. The elites by. Obviously, all this will meet resistance. We have a certain number of revolts, between eighteen hundred and thirty-seven and one thousand eight hundred and forty -seven, but after the conclusion of the treaty of Tarbes, trifle, of one thousand eight hundred and

    Forty-seven, ten hundred and sixty-four and of Saint-Petersburg, of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, we can count. Stunned that the entire Kazakh territory is under Russian control from eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and you are going to have a massive influx of migrants, a massive influx of Russians and Ukrainians.

    When looking for land, you should know that serfdom was also canceled thirty years earlier, which favored this colonization. We therefore finally arrive at the twentieth century, where the October Revolution was not initially recognized by Kazakh nationalists, since it created Dallas autonomy from nineteen hundred and seventeen to nineteen hundred and twenty.

    But ultimately the Bolsheviks won and Kazakhstan became Soviet until 1991. And you will see that this sequence of two events, since first we have the nep, then from one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, Stalin, imposes collectivization. Passion, with the kolkozes and the sovkhozes, indeed, which reflects enormous

    Resistance on the part of the Kazakhs. And in nineteen thirty-two and nineteen thirty-three, you are going to have a huge famine, since the peasants do not want to be requisitioned. Or some will even sink their school, kill their livestock rather than give them to the

    Bolsheviks and, indeed, we arrive at a famine weapon. One thousand nine hundred and thirty, two thousand one hundred and thirty-three, with more than one point: five million dead, of which one point three million are Kazakhs. Then Kazakhstan will transform. In a penal colony. We had seen it with the Chechens and the Ingush.

    You have other peoples who are deported by Stalin. They generally are in Kazakhstan. You also have the development, an industrialization in Kazakhstan due to the Second World War, since, in fact, the objective of the Nazis was to master

    A line which goes from Archangelsk to Astrakhan, and he considered that if the Nazis mastered this line where most of the Russian industries resided, well he will master peres. So, as a result, Stalin was right. In relocating a number of factories from European Russia to Siberia and Kazakhstan.

    After the Second World War, Nikita Khrushchev developed Kazakhstan with the famous virgin land program and its virgin land programs. It is precisely the occupation of land that was previously occupied and which will lead to more than one word. Millions of new Russian, Ukrainian or German settlers.

    It is also necessary to note the development of nuclear experiments, from 1948 to 1989, since the USSR was finally able to acquire atomic weapons. So, these tests were first in the open air, so imagining the consequences of pollution, and then became Underground.

    Finally, from one thousand nine hundred and fifty five and the development of the Baikonur cosmodrome. So, in nineteen ninety-one, Kazakhstan will obtain its independence, it will adopt a bit of a presidential system with two chambers, including the senate. In nineteen ninety, it will be precisely Nazabaiev Nursultan

    Who will become president until two thousand and nineteen, then NASA Bayer. In fact, he will promote a policy with a nationalist color, particularly from the casa component, without however alienating the party. This is because, precisely, and perhaps this is the positive outcome of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan has never transformed into Ukraine or Georgia.

    You have clearly seen that it is also he who is responsible for the movement of the capital towards Astana and therefore for the cost of a rebalancing – his positive assessment is to have precisely made it possible to avoid an implosion of Kazakhstan.

    He is also responsible for moving his country from a planned economy to a functioning economy. In particular, he also had the treaty of sowing palan things ratified in two thousand and six. Kazakhstan has also adopted the common economic space since 2012, the ocean and the organization of the Islamic conference.

    You have to know about. In 2019, a new president arrived in Tokayev in January 2022 . Following the end of subsidies on gas and oil, a number of revolts were carried out, which in fact led to the adoption by referendum of the reduction of the powers of the pr.

    President of the Republic of Kazakhstan s by the constitution. At one level of the economy, we can clearly see that it is a fairly strong economy, since you actually have a growth rate before the crisis of 2080 which ranges from thirteen percent to seven percent. This growth is mainly due to these exports.

    Passion and its primary sector. Kazakhstan is the fifteenth largest oil producer. Is the ninth largest oil exporter. It also has significant gas deposits. Ranging from the Caspian Sea. It is also one of the tenth producers and exporters of coal and above all

    And finally, it is the leading producer of uranium in the world and that is important for countries that have nuclear power. It should also be noted that it is an important cereal producer and therefore, the open source of parents. Inhabitants that were one thousand two hundred dollars.

    Well, today it’s over eleven thousand dollars. So, it’s multiplication by ten. Obviously, I had income inequality, but the average is eleven thousand dollars. The unemployment rate, for its part, fell from twelve to five hundred. When you see the economic sectors, well app.

    Near the primary sector – more than forty percent of Kazakhstan’s GDP – and the secondary sector, which is quite simply explained since they will transform the raw materials that I have just mentioned into finished products, into industrialized products. Thus oil will be refined, thus cereals will become agri-food products.

    It should also be noted: construction accounts for more than ten percent of Kazakhstan’s GDP. Regarding the main exports, it’s simple: it’s sixty percent oil, ten hundred gas and the rest are minerals, including uranium that we mentioned,

    The country’s currency and the tango – the Kazakh tango – and in the tertiary sector, which is lacking. However, which is growing more and more. Well, you have financial services, transportation, commerce, information technology. This is a highly educated workforce. We are, in Central Asia, the largest groups in the country.

    We can first mention the largest company in the country, which is Mouna Gaz, which, in fact, is Kazakhstan’s gas company. Then you have samu cassina, which is a real estate investment company. You have Kazakh Miche, which is a mining company, particularly for copper, silver, gold and zinc.

    You have Kazakhstan by Émile Zola, who makes the railway. You have kazakhstan airlines and understood. And you have big rock is a construction band. And real estate development. Regarding culture, first of all, we must mention this character, Abbey Cunha Baily, who makes him the father of Kazakh literature.

    He translated a large number of books from Russian into Kazakh to allow his compatriots to have access to what he himself came from. From a fairly wealthy family. He was educated in a Russian school – these famous Russian schools which were intended

    For indigenous elites – and there considered Russian as a vector of communication towards world culture. Allow Kazakhstan to have access to global knowledge. Then you have gourmand gasy, act bayley, who is actually a composer who is very well known, since mastering the asics mango course is a traditional Kazakh struggle.

    Then, everyone loves Hannover, who advises, as the father of cinema in Kazakhstan and who was also an actor and a director. And finally, we must mention octave dawn. Da Kirov is in fact the first Kazakh cosmonaut and the disdain of the last of Soviet nationality.

    So, regarding the cuisine, we must first mention the bes barmac. It’s my favorite food with horse, but what I just learned, you can also make it with mutton or beef to try, and it can be served with it. Noodles. You have the famous plav, in fact, which is found in many regions of

    Central Asia. You have the kuirdac. We make offal, heart, liver, kidney or water from horse and sheep organs, since we are in horse country. You have samsa, are fried meat turnovers or was also called minced meat. Baursak, donuts and obviously apples, since they come from Kazakhstan.

    Concerning sport, then, it should be mentioned that, although Kazakhstan has been participating in the Olympic Games since one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six, it has already won more than eighty medals. The discipline which allows abuses to win a certain number of medals

    Is boxing, since a quarter of the Olympic medals come from this discipline. We can mention, for example, backyard, hedge trimmer, Olympic champion at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. Then you have traditional sports like courage, which is a traditional Central Asian wrestling and courage wrestling in Uzbekistan.

    You have the cob, because when you play polo, except instead of having a ball, it’s actually a sheep carcass. Blazon is very, very sporty. In cycling, we must obviously mention Alexandre Vi, our runners. He finished third in the Tour de France in 2003.

    He won the Tour of Spain in two thousand and six. In ice hockey, Kazakhstan is one of the best teams in Asia. Also worth mentioning is Ilya Eileen, two-time Olympic champion, in Beijing in 2000. eight and in London in 2012, in weightlifting, and

    Finally, we must mention diptych football whose nickname is interesting: is called the snow leopards. What are Kazakhstan’s challenges? the challenges are geopolitical. Kazakhstan, as we have seen, is an immense territory, but still very sparsely populated, located between two large neighbors, notably Russia, the former military power,

    And China, which is the second, or even the first world economy, obviously. It’s a balancing act. In Central Asia too, this regional leadership can be challenged by Uzbekistan- that Uzbekistan is much more populated than Kazakhstan in internal challenges. Indeed, knew, and still is the management of the Russian minority.

    If you are not proficient in Kazakh, you cannot access a certain number of positions, hence the deposit. The art of certain Russians. Finally, a political challenge. You have to think about the post-natal period. And finally, we must talk about the many environmental problems. We did, indeed, talk about nuclear experiments.

    All this has contributed, in particular, to the cultivation of cotton, all this has contributed to water and air pollution , which imposes, which poses serious health problems. And finally, economical. The wealth created must be sufficient and well distributed so that it benefits the entire Kazakh population. There you go, as always.

    Well, if you liked it, don’t hesitate to like, subscribe, share, and I’ll see you in a future video, see you soon.


    1. I don’t really speak French but I use English subtitles, and I find it very satisfying to listen to you as I can clearly differentiate words and understand quite a lot, perhaps my other languages help me as they took vocabulary from French and I was also listening a lot to French indie and rap at some point. Respect for your talking and teaching abilities and thanks for motivating me to consider learning French again 🙂

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