Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council is to implement a 20 mph limit on its 400,000 residents.


    Join the Heritage Party to end the war on cars:

    Good morning everybody the war on cars is continuing in the United Kingdom as it is everywhere and this has been done under what you would call a strategy of global to local we know that the globalist powers that be that inhabit spaces like the world economic Forum

    Want to stop people from using their cars on an everyday level so Ordinary People while they continue to Swan around the world on private jets but what’s happening in the UK is that regional and local governments are putting in more and more restrictions on cars now in Wales we know this has

    Happened uh and to the consternation of almost everybody who is a normal citizen in Wales the Welsh government introduced a blanket 20 M hour Zone in urban areas for cars in the entirety of Wales and that wasn’t in the Manu esto of the labor party which is in power in Wales

    But they did it anyway and there was a consultation on it the vast majority of people said we don’t want this to happen but they did it anyway and uh you know I could have told you this because the whole uni party fake conservative labor libd green they all pushing the

    Globalist agenda everywhere and part of that is to make life more difficult if you are a normal person who wants to do what you normally used to do like driving around in your car freely in your own country which you should be allowed to do so this 20 mph uh zone is

    Causing huge amounts of problems to people I mean you know you don’t need a 20 mph Zone anywhere we’ve had a 30 mph Zone uh in urban areas uh for as long as I can remember all the time I’ve been alive so for decades we’ve had this

    It’s wor worked uh it’s the right level of speed limit for urban areas and uh there’s no problem with it whatsoever but by reducing it it makes it excruciatingly painful to drive a car and we have the situation where actually uh one of the bus companies is no longer

    Able to go to certain small villages in Wales because it takes too long to get there so they have to stop before they get to the final Village that used to be on their destination and stop somewhere else um and go back because the journeys take longer and if the journeys take

    Longer then what that means of course is that the engines are switched on for longer and therefore they’re they’re expelling more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is the exact opposite of the effect that they say they want to create because they say they’re doing this for the climate they’re doing this

    For the environment and they see that they they think uh falsely that carbon dioxide is harmful to the environment and therefore they want to cut down carbon dioxide emissions but by creating these 20 mph limits it’s actually having the opposite effect of course because um the engines of all the vehicles are

    Switched on for longer because the journeys take longer because they can’t go as fast and 30 mph is a safe speed uh to drive at in urban areas now What’s happen uh this year so far 2024 is one of the councils in England has also announced

    That they’re going to do what uh Wales has done and this is Bournemouth Christ Church and pool Council uh which is in the south coast of England and uh the council there is run by the liberal Democrats it was a council that was created in 2019 against the the wishes

    Of many of the people in that area so it used to be three separate councils Bournemouth Christ Church and Paul were each three different towns that had their own Council but in 2019 the fake conservative government Amalgamated the more into one unitary Authority which will have total power over what happens

    On a local level there because they are the local government and we need to understand that local councils are really important for what happens in your local area because they are local government they make decisions which are binding on the local area in the jurisdiction of that they have uh which

    Is given to them by the national government of course so it’s run by the liberal Democrats and they run it in a coalition with independent parties from Christ Church Paul and Bournemouth and I assume that these parties if they’re going into a coalition with the liberal Democrats

    Then they’re beholden to the woke agenda the climate agenda all of this nonsense because otherwise they wouldn’t tie up with them they would oppose them so the deputy leader of the council who’s called Milli Earl um you look at a picture of her she looks a little bit

    Strange but there we go um but she is uh said that R this is what they want to bring in and it will be beneficial to walking wheeling and cycling I I have no idea what Wheeling is as something different to cycling but it’s a new word that they’ve they’ve they’ve introduced

    I don’t know what that means but despite that this is what they plan to do so they’re going to discuss the plans in the council meeting in April but they’ve pre-announced it and they pre-announced their intentions and obviously the uh ruling Coalition dominated by the liberal Democrats there uh wants to bring in

    This 20 mph Zone uh in all of the uh urban area that covers that Council Bournemouth Christ Church and Paul and it is a very large Council area it’s one of the largest councils in England in terms of population there are 400,000 people who live in that area which is

    More than the whole of the rest of Dorset uh put together it used to be in Dorset well that’s a little bit of a contentious issue because yeah it actually if you look at traditional counties uh which were mangled by uh Ed Heath Ted Heath in 1974 uh Christ Church and Bournemouth

    Used to be in Hampshire before 1974 they were put into Dorset along with Paul at that time and then in 2019 they were put Bunch together in their own unitary Authority the people in Christ Church and the people in Paul didn’t want it they wanted to stay independent

    And to have their own town councils perhaps because they could see something like this coming down the line uh with a progressive Coalition as they say um bringing in these uh restrictions on cars and wokery and whatever else that’s going on I mean I I imagine that soon

    There’ll be lots of rainbow Crossings everywhere for the cars to go across while they’re going very very slowly um but uh we’ll see about that what they then say is that after they discuss the plans there will be a public consultation on it and you know how

    These things go they have to have a consultation about any big new things that they want to implement in their area because that’s part of the Dem Democratic process in this this country and they’re supposed to listen to the consultation but actually they are not legally bound to uh listen to the

    Consultation and the results of it and uh they are increasingly um sticking up two fingers to Citizens uh even if people say that they don’t want uh something like this a big scheme to be implemented in their area the council just go ahead and say well okay 80% of

    You have said you don’t want it but we’re going to do it anyway and this is what happened in London with the ul’s expansion with sadique Khan there was a huge consultation I think it was 62% people were against ul’s expansion into out of London where people would have to pay1

    12250 um a day to drive uh older vehicles still clean vehicles but they describe them as dirty old vehicles and then are charging 12250 a day that happened in London the Wales consultation vast majority of people were against 20 mph zones but the government went and did it anyway and

    You can see the same thing happening here in the future in Bournemouth Christ Church and Paula I mean there was already uh an informal poll done by a local newspaper the Echo and uh they found 2,871 respondents um uh to that poll um so 2,871 people responded and 82% of

    Them said they didn’t want a 20 M hour Zone implemented um now of course that’s an informal poll it’s not a official run by the council according to all the sort of strictures of you know how they must do consultations and and do them officially and legally uh for Council

    Decisions but it gives an indication that the vast majority of people don’t want it which is the case all over the country and I imagine all over the world very very few people want a 20 mph limits put in in their local areas and their local towns and cities and regions

    Um but councils local County Regional governments are increasingly pushing ahead and doing this anyway so this is as would say to to report on I suppose that the a local Council in England is now implementing this and if this is the first then there will probably be many

    Others following uh in their footsteps over the next year or two or three because what happens in one place it’s not the end of it uh the other councils who have got globalist parties uh in charge will um ultimately push this through as well or seek to push through

    Um these restrictions on cars because that’s their ideology um as I say we are here as the Heritage party to stand against the war on cars and the globalist plans and ideologies and the climate agenda the woke agenda and uh I can’t do it on my own now

    Please come and join us in the Heritage party we had one candidate standing in Bournemouth Christ Church and Paul in the last elections in May 2023 um so um thank you so much to Jim who who stood there and um we would like we would would like more to stand we

    Would like to have candidates standing everywhere in all of the seats in all of the councils in all of the country um but we need more people to do that and last year there were 8,000 seats up for election in local councils uh up and down the country this year 2024 there’s

    About 2 and a half thousand Council seats so we have so much more room uh for people to to come on board to stand as candidates to try to get into councils and um then we can oppose these measures uh which attack car use and freedom and Advance all this woke

    Nonsense uh that you have all over the place which I think most people are absolutely Fed Up of so please join me please consider standing for councils you know in where there are this year and in the years to come and we can fight these globalist parties Tory labor

    Libdem green they’re all the same you’re going to get the same thing with them you know that by now if you want an end to it we’re the party that’s going to stop that I need you to join me to stand for a council and restore common sense

    To our nation thanks for listening everyone God bless you all


    1. I live in Wales, not many people drive at the 20mph speed limit, learners, and people who cant drive mostly. The council do not have the resources to police this. Govern by fear and threats.

    2. I don’t think this is about debate, these scum have decided to declare war on the motorists and this is another means towards making driving too much hassle, too expensive for the average British people
      I do not include David in this statement but I believe a very high percentage of Uk politicians are either corrupt (bought and paid for) or failing that anti British or stupid
      Trust the science

    3. It an excuse to create a revenue trap. After the new speed limit signs are posted, they'll install photo radar up and down the streets and roads. They'll harvest millions in fines to subsidize their grifting activities.

    4. Start charging your mobility scooters folks…
      Next they’ll close all roads and pavements.
      Banning footwear will be next.
      You’ll own nothing and be happy…NOT!!!!😡😳😡😳😡

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