Fabio Wibmer sends physics-defying run down the legendary Streif ski
    slope…on his bike
    Austrian freestyle mountain bike phenomenon Fabio Wibmer makes the fearsome Streif ski piste his playground for a jaw-dropping world-first descent unlike anything ever seen before.
    In a video impossible to only watch once, Fabio Wibmer played out his childhood dream for his latest spectacular project ‘Fabio Wibmer – The Streif’ as put his own creaEve twist on the biggest downhill ski race in the world – the Hahnenkamm in Kitzbühel, Austria.
    Filmed just an hour from where he grew up, Wibmer combined mountain biking with skiing to conquer the Streif’s most iconic spots during a unique freestyle descent that saw him reach a maximum speed of 107km/h and land mulEple jumps including ones of 14m in height and 36m in length.
    The edit switches between mind-blowing acEon and customary light-hearted fun as Wibmer takes on the formidable challenge in the only way he knows how.

    All For Yes woohoo [Applause] yes [Applause] so oh a everyone the idea to this project started very very early at a very young age um I can remember um yeah watching ski races back in the day going full sent down this uh down this slope here in kidspool and um

    I was like when I was growing up in my in my home Village um I was riding on snow I was like trying to ride my bike in the snow trying to um figure out certain things how I can ride on the snow and then like at a certain point

    Couple years ago I had the vision of maybe trying to ride down The Strife on the bike it was always like somewhere in my head that I really want to do it that I want to achieve this goal and to make it something special because it has this

    Like special connection to me of you know living uh close to here and uh just growing up and ski racing is really big in Austria so it just um yeah it’s been a it’s been a big dream big vision and finally being here and knowing that this long life dream childhood dream actually

    Um came to life is this yeah something really special first of all jumping from the start house into the slope was really scary cuz this was actually the first time when I entered the when I entered the slope and uh I didn’t really know how it’s going to react because

    It’s really icy it’s really hard and um with a bike on it like a bike is not meant to be on such icy um surface so it was a that was like a proper challenge like just first day trying to figure out okay how is this actually to work to

    Ride a bike on on a yeah on the slope when you’re filming such a project there are of course like always big challenges for this one of course bringing a bike onto snow onto really an almost icy surface um was yeah of course the biggest challenge and just to figure out

    To have the right preparation for it and just to get your mind set right to be able to write down it to build jumps in to do like a b flip and stuff like that that was like a huge challenge to um just overcome and to really set your

    Mind right because usually you’re like riding your bike in the woods you’re um having trees as reference points you just get a different feeling for the speed and being up there and just having so much snow and like slopes that are so Steep and um everything is so fast so

    It’s really hard for your mind to actually prepare yourself to judge the speed right which is obviously very very important for certain jumps because on some jumps you don’t want to mess up the speed like the speed needs to be perfect otherwise you’re going to be in big

    Trouble you’re going to case the jump or you’re going to land too far we had one jump which was uh 40 m vertical height and you need to be 100% perfect on this one like you can’t mess up the speed and I think that was like one of the biggest

    Challenges to actually um get a feeling for like how is it to ride a bike on like in this environment I think the biggest moment for me when I was growing up as a little kid was seeing B Miller doing this wall ride because he couldn’t make the corner

    He was so fast so he had to go all the way up on the wall and this was this had like a huge impact for me and that’s when the idea came to life I want to try the same I want to get the same feeling

    That he had back in the days but me on a bike of course and uh that’s when we like started to figure out how we can make this happen and uh it actually turned out to be way harder than I thought it would be because the net is

    Obviously a bit softer so everything is like um like usually when you’re riding a bike you’re doing wall rides you need something where you can pop off again and it’s like a a really hard surface but uh for this one it was uh a totally completely different feeling and

    Actually getting like a similar shot than body Miller back in the days was uh was definitely a bit of like a childhood dream can true I think the best about such project is when you stand there when you’re healthy when you know you did everything

    You wanted to do and just um spending a good time with good people my friends like just being up there and trying out crazy things I think that’s just for me like the best ever and and the most fun because that’s that’s what I live for

    That’s what I love and uh just uh yeah it’s like that trial and error just trying to see how far you can go what you can achieve and even like sometimes things where you’re not like where you don’t even yourself believe sometimes that you might be able

    To do it and then you still somehow work it out with your friends with the people around you and you somehow make it happen I think that’s uh what sums up this project really well and it was just pure fun top to bottom such an amazing feeling and such a privilege as well

    Being here riding down the strive and uh yeah putting my name on the snow here

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