It’s a big birthday bimble to somewhere green. Yes I did have to go through that tunnel on the way back…….in the dark.

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    #bimble #bimblism #bikeride #bikepacking #cycling #explore #history #wales #llangollen #aqueduct

    Good morning bimblers and you join me in a WI or as we call it in England cherk we were supposed to be doing Morris’s Manchester the Third Edition today but it’s my birthday on Monday and I wanted to go somewhere green we did think about going to shrewbury we fed up

    A riding me bike round Town centers so we’ve come to cherk or a wine so we can go down the clan goland Canal so let’s stop messing about let’s bimble To me you were the sun itself to me you were a war in high that melts to the bow the flowers gr from my Heart being that it’s my big birthday bimble I couldn’t not stop at the church could have bimblers this is St Mary’s Church here in cherk it’s a Norman Church of its big Square Tower however the original Saint it was dedicated to suggests that it goes back much further

    Than the Normans and William the Conqueror and all his Frenchy mates it used to be dedicated to St to cilio he was a Welsh Bishop that died in 640 ad he has a small village named after him Clan cilio that’s just a bit further than Clan gaan which is where we’re off

    Today Clan cilio gets itself shoved in that big long Welsh place name you know the one in Angeli lare RAR R pass to K be jumper Clan cilio go go go I learn how to say that one of these days I believe that it’s St Mary church or St T

    Silo’s church that gives cherk its name the more favored explanation is that it’s an English interpretation of the river kerog but I’m not hearing that kerog cherk they don’t really sound very similar do they usually when the English try and translate a W’s place name it at

    Least sounds similar you have abam which becomes bouth BAU bouth but cherk and kerog don’t sound similar at all I think it’s the old Welsh name for cherk a wine or eglis a wine which is more of a clue eglis a wine means Church on the moall and Church in Anglo-Saxon is Kirk

    Some people believe that’s where we get the word church from church Kirk Kirk church church cherk that’s my two pennant let’s spend more drawn between a light to capture but only shown in pictures sewn from my arms oh over time clouds kept the light from those eyes still

    Love grown comes you and you know I’ll never let it go you finding time I’ll never let it go you find it right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind to me it was a long mistake

    To me it was a golden handshake to reapply those lady and so bimblers we reached cherk Viaduct and cherk Aqueduct we’ll save talking about the aqueduct for later on when we talk about the clang goland Canal spoiler alert there’s another Aqueduct coming cherk Viaduct was designed by a fellow we would have

    Spoke about had we gone to Shrewsbury he was actually the MP for Shrewsbury t twice a fellow by the name of Henry Robertson Not only was he the Member of Parliament for Shrewsbury but he was also a noted and prolific Railway Builder he built the Chester to shrew

    Railway the one that goes over chirk Viaduct according to my big book of bimble he also designed the North Wales mineral Railway the baller and FES diog Railway two Railways from Kang goland which is where we’re off today the central Wales Railway the WHL Railway and the Rex and mold and Connor key

    Railway he also owned an Iron Works called the bmbo steel Works which would account for his love of the railways for shifting around big bits of metal or for securing contracts to build big bits of metal he actually joined a locomotive company with a Charles Bayer and a

    Richard Peacock that was Baya peacock and Company Henry Robinson was the company he actually bailed out the other two in 1854 with a £4,000 loan that’s about £350,000 in today’s money Henry Robinson obviously thought a lot about Charles Bayer because he named his son after him Henry Bayer Robertson

    Henry Bayer Robinson became Sir Henry Bayer Robertson in his father’s honor Henry Robinson senior finished the work that the elmir canal started 50 years prior more on that as we go but for now it’s time to get medieval let’s bimble reloc right from the break to the star oh over

    Time clouds kept the light from those eyes still love grown consum and you know I’ll never let it go you find in time I’ll never let it go you find it’s right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my Mind Over time clouds kept the light from those eyes still love grown comes soon and you know I’ll never let it go you find in time I’ll never let it go you find it right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind my Mind Well bimblers you’re probably thinking to yourself he’s reached a new low he’s brought us to see a mound of dirt well it’s a a medieval mound of dirt it’s called offer’s Dyke it was dug at the beest of King offer of the mercians and he had that dug in around

    780 ad it would have marked the border between Wales and King goa’s Kingdom of merer we go on about Mercier a lot here on the channel that’s because the river Mery near my house used to be the ancient border between Mercier and North Umbria and then it became the border between chesher and

    Lancashire interestingly offer’s Dyke is now solely in Wales I’m not sure what king goer would say about that I’m sure he’d be livid he was King between 757 and 796 ad that’s when he died and he was buried in Bedford of all places there’s quite a lot of remains of offers

    Dyke around here so if you like a ditch and a mound of Earth you should probably come and visit but I like my ditches full of water with a few Canal barges in them 38 M up let’s Bimo wash in clean by a Riverside they told you they told you the news kept so cold in the blackest TI if only if only you knew I’ve heard what theyve said ignored what I read and look to the bright sides so here’s to the bad times well bimblers the plan was to

    Cross over the poncy aqueduct I even learned how to pronounce it but it’s closed until March so we’ll have to go round via the road it takes our lovely clang goland Canal 38 M over the river D which makes it the world’s highest Aqueduct and at

    307 M long it makes it the UK’s longest Aqueduct odd fact the stone work is held together with mortar lime water and Ox blood it’s the hemoglobin in the blood it helps with the stone work freezing and thoring out several times over the winter means it doesn’t crack

    Anyway I suppose cuz it’s 38 M up we’ve got to go down 38 M then come back up again and the same on the way home that’s B take off your shoes and dance to the good news left too long in the passing time you know what you know to be True I suppose if we hadn’t had to have come this way I wouldn’t be enjoying the views of the aqueduct like I am doing now I’m not pronouncing the name of it again now well I’ve heard what they’ve said ignored what I read and look to the bright

    Sides so here’s to the bad times forgotten in good lives I won I won I won’t let you down I won ion I won’t let you down I’ll take off my shoes and dance to the good news broken Smiles but they will turn it ground smile they will

    Take off your shoes and dance to the good news take off your shoes and dance to the good [Applause] [Applause] News in so bimblers we reach our next schedule Portage we had a little bit of a detour 38 M down 38 M back up again going to have to do that on the way back as well keep thinking about that we should have solely been cycling

    Down the clang goland Canal or as it would have been known the ellm canal the bit that we’ve been cycling down should actually have been called the elmir canal it was a canal that was dug between Shrewsbury and the river 7 and the river Mery to a place called

    Nether poool we call it ellare Port these days named after the canal and elmir in Shropshire which the canal should have gone through who was tasked with completing this giant feat of engineering well it was friend of the channel Thomas tford he’s the man that dug the Caledonian

    Canal and built the meni Bridge we’ve bimble to that in the past he built that big A5 Road between London and hollyhead and he also made the suspension bridge in Conway and he also designed cherk Aqueduct which was where we were a bit ago unfortunately the ellare canal was

    Never completed it stops here at Trevor Basin the bit between here in Chester was never dug so all the other sections of the elves May Canal were given different names the shopshire union Canal the Montgomery canal and the clang goland canal we’re actually going to cycle down

    The clang goland Canal the real clang goland Canal not just the elare canal given a different name that’s been Bo maybe it didn’t work at the time maybe it never Did a mistake that made the distance or a trying way to Live maybe it’s the time that you grabbed up my arms and electricity flowed from my shoulders to Palms in a white hot glow leaving white cold scars left be and un show just to prove they were ours maybe it worked maybe it never did maybe it never was quite like how it Is maybe it didn’t work at the time maybe it never Did a novelty Improvement left lonely as it Gives or maybe it’s the time that you close both your eyes and you pouted your lips as you waited for mine in the soft red glow with be soft cold arms serotonin buts holds through my veins to my heart maybe it worked maybe it never did maybe it never

    Was quite like how it Is maybe it’s the time that I wanted to say that my limbs won’t move more than 2 ft away from your day glow s side luminescent Sparks I could burst into flames from One Beat from your heart maybe it work maybe it never did maybe it never Was quite like how it Is maybe it worked maybe it never De maybe it never was quite like how it is and I quite like how it [Applause] Is And so bimblers we reached Clan gaan or as I’ve been wanting to call it all day lolan I’ve tried my best bimblers to all my well speaking Brethren I’ve tried the pronunciations I’ve got them wrote out phonetically and everything if I failed I apologize Clan gaan is named after

    Another Welsh Saint a 7th Century mon that arrived there in a corle a man after my own heart I’ve always wanted a corle if you ask my family every time they ask me what I want for Christmas I always say a corle and I never get one

    If you know anyone that’s selling a cheap corle I want it we’re going to transform this channel it’s going to be all corle based Adventures from now on that 7th Century monk went by the name of St cochan and he has a church dedicated to him aing in clang goland

    The earliest parts of the church go back to the 1200s but like most old churches it was done up in the Victorian era and it was done up by another fellow from Shrewsbury a fellow by the name of Samuel pountney Smith he was actually Justice of the Peace for

    Shrewsbury and the conservative Member of Parliament and the Lord mayor of shrewbury in 1873 Mr Smith incidentally designed the home of Charles Bayer do you remember Charles Bayer as in Bayer peacock and Company we spoke about them near chirk Viaduct and what was Charles Bayer’s house

    Called Clan cilio hall because it was in Clan ailio just a bit further from here in Clan goland you also have here in clang goland clang goland Bridge it’s probably the best place for it given its name it’s listed as one of the seven wonders of Wales but when I had to look

    At them they all seem to be in North Wales which made me suspicious but I found out it’s from an old Welsh poem from the late 17th century I have it wrote down in my big book of bimble pis Rider and reom steeple snowden’s Mountain without its people

    Over to new trees St win’s well we bimble there Clan goland bridge and gresford bells in 2021 an artist named Luke jerham covered the bridge in a patchwork quilt it was all part of his art installation Bridges not walls it was covered with 1,000 patches of fabric all made by members of the

    Public a lot of them from Round Here Luke jerem is also famous for his floating Earth we visited that at sulfur keys in one of our Bimal and he’s also famous for his giant Moon you may have seen that at your local art center loads going on here at clang goland and not

    Enough time they’ve got a Heritage Railway and I can see the remains of an old ABY on top of a hill we’ll have to come back but for now I’ve got to do this whole journey again back to [Applause] Cherk


    1. Great video, on my home town. if i knew before hand, Could of told you the Aqueduct was closed off 😂😂Its been drained. Its Castle Dinas Bran on the hill, The views are stunning from up there, Even better ones from just behind it from the Panorama mountain as its known..Yes you really need to return soon, So much to see in Llangollen & surrounding areas.. Happy Birthday too

    2. If you want a coricle, there's a guy called Les who does coricle building classes in clanglocklen 😂 if you want to pronounce the "Ll" put your tongue against the roof of your mouth and hiss like a snake with a lisp, then roll into the normal L sound thlllaangothllen 😆👍

    3. A brilliant Video Kieran, we have spent many happy holidays in and around Llangollen, I know you like information about the places you Bimble! so here is a item that happened in 1945 on the road into Llan, Early on the morning of 7th September 1945, a section of the canal around Sun Bank Halt burst its banks, washing away the adjacent railway embankment but leaving the track suspended in mid-air. With the signalmen unaware that anything was wrong, because the telegraph cables were unaffected, the first train the following morning arrived at the location before the damage was discovered. Early on the morning of 7th September 1945, a section of the canal around Sun Bank Halt burst its banks, washing away the adjacent railway embankment but leaving the track suspended in mid-air. With the signalmen unaware that anything was wrong, because the telegraph cables were unaffected, the first train the following morning arrived at the location before the damage was discovered.

      GWR 2-6-0 Mogul No. 6315, hauling the 3.35am Down mail and parcels train from Chester to Barmouth (the first train of the day), fell into the breach, killing the driver. The fireman miraculously escaped. The ensuing fire destroyed much of the train, although the guard was lucky enough to escape alive. On descending from the brake van, he dropped his detonators and then could not find them in the darkness. The walked back all the way to Trevor Station where the following train was held at the signal. Here he was greeted with “why haven’t you cleared the section?”

      The locomotive itself was beyond recovery and dismantled / cut up on site, the remains of the wagons being removed or buried in the earthwork repairs.

      The full accident report is available to view for free using the following link: []( (intentionally shortened) and goes into great detail about the events leading up to the accident and the subsequent recovery and repair efforts. #heritagematters See less

    4. Wow, Visited the are several times myself, that brought back memories. Only tried to perambulate the velocipede once through Darkie Tunnel. Walked it after that! (ha ha). All the best for your birthday and do let us know if you receive a coracle shaped wrapped present! Always enjoy your music.

    5. A Happy bimbling birthday Keiran. Enjoyed that jaunt to Llangollen, pity the viaduct was closed. That was some miles you covered by the end of the day! Cheers. (Al Kennett)

    6. Really enjoyed that, thanks, it’s such a lovely route to cycle. The abbey on the hill is actually a castle, but it always looks like a church, looking up from town. There are better views of it further along the A5, where it looks proper castle-ish. (There is an Abbey just outside Llangollen, though, very picturesque. We’ve got it all going on!)
      Loved the video, defo going to follow the channel 🙂

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