Link to Ren’s Money Game Part 2 Video:

    Michelle Mone links:

    Therapy Channel: @TherapyinACTionOfficial

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    ๐Ÿ™Ž๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ WHO AM I?
    I am a BABCP accredited cognitive and behavioural psychotherapist living in the south of England. I specialise in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and predominantly work with people who have experienced trauma to help them move forward with their lives. Its a job I absolutely love and connects with my own values and purpose.

    On this Youtube channel I try and make information more accessible by discussing psychological concepts through reacting to popular media.

    My qualifications:

    PhD (trauma informed services)- Ongoing – University of Chester

    Master of Science (MSc) Psychology – Manchester Metropolitan University

    Post Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (High Intensity Workers) – University of Birmingham

    Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) (Levels 1,2,3,4) – University of Worcester

    Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Child and Adolescent Level 1 and 2) – Child Trauma Therapy Centre

    Bachelor of Science (BSc) Mental Health Nursing

    Chapters for easier navigation
    00:00 Coming up
    00:25 Intro
    00:56 New sponsor!!!
    02:53 Start of reaction
    04:06 Government of hypocrites
    06:00 Michelle Mone
    08:06 Downing street burning
    08:28 ยฃ7mil for a door!
    11:02 Business Economics nursery rhyme
    17:22 Selling us what we NEED
    18:16 How does a therapist work with this?
    22:26 Blame each other
    24:30 Music video ends and Hitler

    You know what a shame it would be I would die if number 10 Downing Street burned in a fire I really don’t think that number 10 burning down would have any impact on anything in fact I think they would find a way to award the contract to rebuild number 10 to more of

    Their government friends and then raise our taxes to pay for it I am welcome to a very a chil south coast of England Stewart here with another reaction from the perspective of a psych therapist please remember these are just my initial Impressions from a first look

    Through of of the video so these are unique to me and the position I am in in terms of my learning history in terms of things like my education in terms of my culture and quite often just the mood I am in for the day okay so before we get

    Into this here’s a quick word from today’s sponsor hi I’m Stuart and I’m today’s sponsor I run another YouTube video called therapy in action it’s very new it’s growing there’s videos on there about managing mental health there’s information and education about mental health and therapy and accessing therapy

    And um things that we do in therapy so please check that out if that is something that interests you I am trying to grow that channel I don’t have any control over ads and things at the moment and I would love to be able to have more control over them you know get

    Rid of some of the ones that that are in the middle that interrupt the flow of the video um but until I get a certain amount of views and watch hours I cannot do that so please come join me on that Journey on that channel and check it out

    If that’s something you think might be helpful or might interest you or if you know other people it might be helpful for please share it with them thank you very much so today we have Ren money game part two which has been watched um just over over 10 million times on

    YouTube and it’s a bit of an older track I think from what I’ve listened to before it’s it’s three years old so I’m really excited to check this one out I absolutely loved money game part one um which I have a reaction to on this channel so if you haven’t checked that

    One out then please do it was a really fun one to make I got to unleash a little bit about um our government and some of the things that are going on in the world which I not to do too much on this channel CU I wanted it to be more

    About um mental health and therapy as opposed to politics um but sometimes those two things are very very difficult to unpick so they do naturally go together let’s see if part two brings more of the Same strange time we living in panic and hysteria poor man learn the rich man don’t care for your narcisist mindset spread like malaria sit back and watch the show America Britain split through fickle a government of Hypocrites these counterfeit politicians sit in Parliament not adequate come on needlessly bleeding resources all dry

    Turn a blind eye If It Means A pay rise oh what a shame it would be I would die if number 10 Downing Street burned in a fire only joking only messing don’t be stressing I’m a peaceful adolescent there’s no need to be unpleasant right my thesis and a rhyme scheme to analyze

    The brain while my finger on the trigger of a money game Rain r rain stor it well I couldn’t agree more so far I don’t think um there was a line there oh I should have move my mouse because that always messes me up um it was to do

    With where was it of hypocrit there we go a government of Hypocrites these counterfeit politicians sit in in Parliament not adequate not much to say there other than Rena is making it Crystal Clear what he thinks and I agree it’s really cool to see this in the song

    So um explicitly stated you know so blatant an actual TR that people are going to listen to and watch the video for and it’s a lyric video so it’s even more clear what he is saying and people may relate to this they may learn something from it it may plant the seed

    To get them thinking about things and what was it Ren said in the beginning then poor men learn the rich men don’t care for you I don’t think that’s anything new I think poor men have long realized that the rich men don’t really care for you they care

    About using you sometimes trying to appease you but that’s not for your benefit that’s so the rich men can get even richer and incidentally the rich are getting even richer and I think it was my um last Ren reaction which was to money game part one I mentioned the whole um PPE

    Procurement system and and how I felt about that you know that’s something that I kept a close eye on because of the work that I do within within Healthcare and I talked about how I felt about how the contracts for that had been awarded and since then even well since

    I’ve done that reaction even more news has broken about this I think it was um uh Michelle moan who’s who’s part of the conservative party or or a conservative peer or something like that I don’t exactly know how it works and how these relationships work but she’s been in the

    News because of PPE contracts receiving I think it’s tens of millions of pounds if I understand this right Michel moan a conservative peer helped a PPE company secure a conservative government contract which was worth a hundred hundreds of millions of pounds through their special it was like the

    VIP pathway I think they called it or a VIP fast lane and then that PPE company paid her tens of millions of pounds in return and this is in despite her not declaring any financial interest in that company because I’m guessing if she had declared it then someone maybe would

    Have put a stop to it but who knows and then it looks like when you read some of the news articles and I’ve read various articles about this from various sources it appears that she subsequently went to she went on to try and cover it all up I mean that’s not suspicious is

    It I I’ll have a look for this story I’ll provide links in the description um for the sake of accuracy regarding what I’ve said but it’s just a real life example of what Ren is talking about here at a time when the poor were getting hit hard she was there

    Benefiting benefiting from it raking in literally tens of millions of pounds and then I think Ren said something about D stre needlessly beding resources all dry turn a blind eye If It Means A pay rise oh what a shame it would be I would die number 10 Downing Street burned in a

    Fire you know what a shame it would be I would die if number 10 Downing Street burned in a fire I really don’t think that number 10 burning down would have any impact on anything in fact I think they would find a way to award the

    Contract to rebuild number 10 to more of their government friends and then raise our taxes to pay for it in fact wasn’t there didn’t something happen with a wasn’t there a door somewhere a door was it it was something to do with the houses of Parliament or one of the

    Houses in there maybe it was Westminster ABY there something around that area I need to have a look but I think there was a door that needed to be replaced and it was going to cost something like1 million to replace this door now it’s it’s not just just a normal door I think

    It was a quite a a historical and traditional door but 10 million pounds come on when there’s so much suffering going on and so many people struggling 10 million pound for a door say any more on that oh what a shame it would be I would die if number 10 Downing Street burned

    In a fire only joking only messing don’t be stressing I’m a peaceful adolescent there’s no need to be unpleasant my thesis and a rhyme scheme to analyze the brain while my fingers on the trigger of a money game ST comes our way and no surprised to distorted lies poison in the face but

    We play blame it’s easy to blame good point the Mir right ourselves we’re all part of this whole money Game m So that’s the same chorus from money game um part one isn’t it it’s it’s the same tune I’m sure I’m not sure if it’s the same lyrics but it’s such a good chorus though and there’s a part that sends a shiver down my spine and it when

    He’s it’s when he says a storm comes our way that really does make me think what could be coming next you know it’s already been terrible but is this just gearing up is this building up to something bigger have to wait and See old Money money is a game and the ladder we climb turns a saint into a cner with his finger Prime I’ll break it down for you line by line this is business economics in the nursery rhyme she sells seashells on a seashore but the value of these shells will fall due

    To the laws of supply and demand no one wants to buy shells cuz there’s loads on the sand step one must create a sense of scarcity shells will sell much better if the people think they’re rare you see bear with me take as many shells as you

    Can find and hide them on an island stock pile them high until than the diamond that two make people think they want right I absolutely love what Ren is doing here relating uh economics to the she cells sea shells um Nursery Rhyme or tongue twister I guess it is so we had

    Step one which was making it so um artificially that sea shells are rare and really hard to get hold of because as Supply or suspected Supply levels um go down then demand goes up which obviously pushes prices up I don’t need to explain this everyone knows this this is kind of

    Basics of Economics but I guess it’s it’s understanding that that sometimes often maybe nearly always this is artificially manipulated in a way to increase the demand you know it’s it’s the game it’s gaming the system making things appear to us um and and and creating artificial um kind of demand and and

    Necessity for us to buy these things it’s all games it’s all a game on an island stock pile them high until they’re than a diamond step two got to make the people think that they want really want them really want hit them like Bronson influencers product placement featured Prime Time

    Entertainment if you haven’t got a shower then you’re just a waste man three it’s Monopoly invest inside some property okay so step two make people really want the thing that you’re trying to sell sell you know the first thing that comes to my mind is that

    Prime drink is it was it Logan Paul and someone got together and made this drink that was I don’t know supposed to be good for you or was supposed to be good for energy or training I I don’t know I don’t really know much about it but then

    It got hammered by all of the nutritional experts and everyone and obviously it was just one of these um like fats I’m not sure if it it was a fad I don’t know if that’s the right one word but just everyone wanted them you know there were people paying

    Hundreds of pounds for a bottle of a drink um there were people queuing for hours outside shops you know waiting for deliveries and it just shows the power of making people want something and it doesn’t matter if you’re watching TV or Tik Tok or or YouTube or Facebook you know

    Everything has ads in it he says with a YouTube channel which runs ads and and and and I see this desire to fit in everywhere in my life you know I see it in the teenagers that I work with having to have the latest Brands and trainers or if

    They don’t have the latest brands of of whatever then the consequence of not having that is being teased or bullied or or or outcasted and again it comes down to this evolutionary need to fit in with a tribe and avoid being outcasted at all costs as out being outcasted

    Would mean that you would die and due to the explosion of social media our tribes are just getting bigger and bigger and we have more and more people that we want to try to um impress and fit in with and instead of practicing acceptance and compassion for for

    Ourselves we are instead really harsh and critical and judgmental we put a lot of pressure on ourselves which just leads to excess Stress and Anxiety and and none of that is healthy at all if you haven’t got a show then you’re just a waste man three it’s Monopoly invest insides and

    Property start a corporation make a logo do it properly shells my sell that will be a new philosophy swallow all your morals there a poor man’s quality for expand expand expand right so the um shell selling business appears to be going so well due to how you know you’ve

    Manipulated the supply and demand everyone also now wants or needs a shell as they don’t want to be a waste man don’t be a waste man you now have the Monopoly you are the one place to go for shells if someone wants a shell they’re

    Coming to you and this l f um I think it was these shells must sell that’s the number one priority don’t worry about your morals worrying about whether you are treating your staff right paying them fairly whether the way you are obtaining the shells is um sustainable

    The impact on the environment maybe the impact on things like habitation you know worrying about all of those things will keep you a poor man and we want profit we want maximum profit at all costs start a corporation make a logo do it properly shells more sell that will

    Be a new philosophy swallow all your morals there a poor man’s quality for expand expand expand clear Forest make land fresh blood on hands five why just shells why limit yourself she sell she shell sell oil as well six Sun sell stock to a fish the time to oh listen to

    Just how everything Ren’s voice is changing there’s this new kind of instrument appearing it’s just everything’s just turning into chaos in the sound as this um Corporation or whatever is just growing it’s just just G gaining selling more and more stuff making more and more money gaining more and more

    Power and he says sell water to a fish and sell time to a clock so it’s it’s this thing about selling things that are needed things that are actually essential not just wants but needs you know a fish needs water to survive a clock needs

    Time to be useful or serve um some kind of purpose I guess now this is connecting with me things like raising electricity prices or raising uh Energy prices or food prices raising property and rent prices all the things that we actually need you know those those kind

    Of maso’s hierarchy of needs things that are are quite near the bottom those things they’re being um those are being targeted for maximum profit to squeeze what they can out out of us and I can tell you it’s hard as a therapist when you have people come to you saying they

    Are depressed because they literally cannot afford to feed their family or pay their rent and and are facing homelessness I think anyone would feel that way in that situation this isn’t to do with chemical imbalances in the brain this is mostly to do with um social economics you know what is happening to

    Them it’s not something that is happening in them biologically that has somehow just happened they’re not to blame for this this is something that is happening to them and they are responding in this way and as a therapist what do you do with that I mean you can sit in a

    Session and talk about and acknowledge how rubbish everything is doesn’t change it for them and a lot of therapeutic mod modalities do look at people’s cognitions so the thoughts that they’re having and how they view the world Etc but sometimes well quite often the world is kicking their ass and no amount of

    Perception change um it’s going to it’s going to change that it’s not going to magically put food on the table for them so the therapy becomes about problem solving and when I work with this there’s often an avoidance from people of approaching others for help or for contacting places and services that

    Might help say with things like finances or accommodation and I work with that avoidance you know that avoidance is only going to make the problem worse and sometimes that’s what we’re doing early on not so much trying to make things better but we’re trying to stop things

    From getting worse and that’s not a good I fully acknowledge that’s not really an answer that’s not a good position to be in but in that moment for that person when wider societal change isn’t going to come anytime soon that’s what you’ve got and it’s hard to hold that I mean

    It’s hard for them obviously but it it it can be quite hard for a therapist to hold that as well it’s job that’s what we do it for to to help people with these things Diamond rock water to a fish all the time to: 7 press on the gas take

    Your foot off the brakes then run to be the president of the United States a big smile make big wave that’s great now the truth is overrated tell lies out the gate n polarize the people controversy is the game it don’t matter if they hate

    You if they all say your name 10 The World is Yours step out well step nine that no was crazy I love the kind of sarcasm in Ren’s voice which was give us a wave mate or something something along those those lines you can become such a good businessman and have

    So much power you can become the president or at the very least move into politics and then when you are the president or perhaps like over here we have a a prime minister you can do all those deals with your mates as we have just discussed and that cycle just continues they get

    Richer their friends get richer they get more power they can make other people richer who are their friends and it it just it just seems to continue I’m going to State here that I’m not a politics expert as you have probably noticed I don’t really know much about this stuff in terms of

    Actual kind of research and evidence into these areas I’m just talking about what I see what people say to me when I see them in sessions um kind of other conversations that I have with people it’s all based on that I’m not kind of an economics or

    Or a politics specialist in in any way but please just just so so take what I say with a pinch of salt fair enough but maybe use it as a as a weighin as a way to just have a look just be curious about what’s going

    On if they hate you if they all say your name 10 the World is Yours step out on a stage to a round of applause you’re a liar cheat a devil a and you sell seashells on the Seashore so there was a step there about polarizing the people you know controversy is the game get us all fighting each other point the finger at other people use the media to divide us if I am distracted by say a headline that says something about benefit fraud I’m too busy getting angry and

    Gossiping about Paul down the road who I’m sure I saw playing football in the park whilst he can’t work because of a a back injury and he’s claiming Mobility allowance if we’re fighting each other we can’t turn our attention Paul doesn’t exist by the way just made that up

    Because anyone knows where I live and there’s someone called Paul don’t want him to get in trouble but if we are fighting each other we can’t turn our attention to the problems at the top where they can sit and let this cycle continue and get richer and richer and

    Richer rain rain rain rain storm it comes up way and no surpris to start it lies poison in the face but we upon the play BL it’s easy to BL good point the Mir right ourselves we’re all part of this old money Game this old money Game Oh and there’s something chilling there about seeing those um those shots of of of Hitler and kind of it makes you think about I know this is called money game but what happens if the money isn’t actually that important or it gets to a point where that person doesn’t want or need any

    More money and it becomes about power how do you show Power and display power and get power if it’s not about the money that terrifies me that Prospect absolutely terrifies me especially when you link it in with those pictures of of kind of Hitler and the Nazis I’m still my brain is still

    Getting over how cool that seashells um analogy was such an amazing amazing wellth thought out articulated piece of songwriting and if you sit down look at those steps he wrote they they make so much sense it lays it all out for you again Ren I applaud you thank you

    For so being explicit about what’s going on out there and bringing people’s attention to it let me know what you think of this reaction I’m trying to make them a little bit shorter as I do like to talk and I appreciate that not all of it is is is

    Is always relevant I’m trying to make I’m trying to shorten my videos a bit because the average watch time on my YouTube analytics is about 6 minutes or something per video so um I think I’m probably putting people off by having these kind of 20 minute 30 minute videos

    So I’m going to try to shorten them a bit I’ve said that about three times now making this video even longer uh but there we have it back with more Ren loved it as usual take care everyone thanks for watching goodbye


    1. The irony of this is Iโ€™m guessing MG2 will be shown at corporate training seminars as a way to do it lol, cant wait till you get to MG3 itโ€™s a real piece of art.

    2. Thank you for this. "It's" happening to me! I can't afford ANYTHING anymore. It's insane. I feel for you because you KNOW that the rates of depression are rising and you can SEE why. You must feel so helpless so thank you for just being the someone people need to talk to. Video length is fine, by the way

    3. One of my favourite parts of this is the play on seashells and oil, which is a direct reference to the Shell oil company. It was originally founded as a shop/trading company in London in the early 19th century, and in the 1830s began importing and selling seashells – quickly becoming a monopoly. They later started trading in paraffin. In 1897 the actual "shell" company was founded from this humble beginnings and voila, sea shells leading to trading in oil.

    4. Thanks Stu – I love the thought, humanity, emotion and realism you put into all your reactions. Given the work you do with youth, I think youโ€™ll have a LOT to say about Part 3 (besides really enjoying it for the masterpiece it is)โ€ฆ itโ€™s possibly even more relevant than Hi Ren and the Tale of Jenny and Screech. Iโ€™m clearing my schedule when you release that one!!!

    5. I would just like to say. That I am a fan of what you do here on this channel. I appreciate your views. In this world today, as Iโ€™m sure you know, itโ€™s basically a sin to disagree with someone. However I believe that all people deserve a voice and opinion. I do enjoy your views. And even if I disagree with you, iam able (as an adult) to understand your views and agree to disagree. Anyway I wanted you to know someone out here cares if you do these viedoes. And I have subscribed to your other channel. And look forward to learning more. Thank you

    6. Hey! It's not the first time I watch you reacting to Ren's artwork. I appreciate you letting the human being speak before the therapist.
      I have a request: would you please react to Ren's lyrics video "Uninvited". I am in total disagreement with all of YouTube's reactions about that song. They find it globally funny. I don't. Not at all.
      I'd like to know if I'm crazy to see bad where there is not, or if Ren's fooled a great part of his audience. Of course, I don't give here clues for my reasoning not to influence your reaction, but I'm very open to discussion.
      Thank you for your great content. Best regards!

    7. Thats the first time ive heard it put that the fish needs water and the clock needs time- but i guess you can look at the lyrics that way. Most see it as selling not something they need but something they DONT need because they have an infinite amount of it for free already- why would a fish in the ocean need to buy water? It would be like selling us cans of air – the ultimate in marketing, getting people to buy something they dont need to buy because they have as much as they want for free. And a clock also can be said to have all the time there is.

    8. I'm somewhat ashamed to say I do tend to click off videos from time to time when the song ends or maybe skip past commentary (not always but it happens) but with you I watch every single second of the video. I love your insight and greatly appreciate your commentary and view on what you believe the message, to the many songs I've watched you react to, may happen to be. I just hit play and wanted to post this comment, looking forward to the reaction and eager for Money Game part 3! Also, I do hope you heed some of the suggestions on the "Lace It" reaction cause I bet you'll enjoy some of the Eminem suggestions I saw on there!

    9. I enjoy the long format, personally. I'll still watch the short ones too. Great reaction to this amazing song. I love the whole money game series (and pretty much anything Ren related). Great reaction!

    10. The second half is pretty directly the story of Shell (oil / petrol stations)! They have spent 5 million on lobbying in the us in 2023. At the same time Amnesty Int. accuses the company of 'complicity in murder, rape and torture'.

    11. I work in Mental Health too and agree with everything you say about this governments corruption. I trained also to operate track and trace, never did a single shift, so badly managed and a waste of 37 billion pounds.

    12. The rhyme Reminds me of the original film, โ€˜weโ€™re no angelsโ€™, Humphrey Bogart was an escaped prisoner, one of his crimes was selling bottled air,
      โ€˜sea air, mountain air, and all purpose air, just for breathingโ€™๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ฆ. There was so much truth in the statement, but today it wouldnโ€™t be a crime.

    13. The fascinating thing about this one for me has been how people have related to it from all sides. People I would naturally disagree with politically (a lot of US reactors seen to be on the right/conservative end of the spectrum) seem to find common ground in many of the things Ren says throughout the MG trilogy, but especially with pt2. It's interesting, and important, that it helps conversations flow and engages people in a way that is less tribal. That doesn't happen very often! Agree with you about the state of our government in the UK. So much damage, and all the most vital services have suffered terribly. It's always the vulnerable who bear the brunt of the political posturing isn't it?

    14. Here for the longer content like this ๐Ÿ™‚

      If I just wanted to listen to the video with someone saying โ€œyeah I liked it – now like and subscribe Iโ€™m trying to get to 10k subscribersโ€ฆ.etcโ€ there are plenty of those around, but what you bring is your unique perspective and thoughts and thatโ€™s what makes it worth watching.

      I donโ€™t know if the analytics can tell you, but years ago when I bothered trying to create content, I realised a lot of โ€œviewsโ€ are just people dipping in and bailing really quickly – so if you are /averaging/ 6 minutes, I suspect that a large percentage of real views are probably watching the whole thing, but the average if pulled down from people watching 30 seconds and dipping out. If thatโ€™s the case, then you wonโ€™t win them over by cutting your reactions down to much shorter, youโ€™d probably find your average drops not goes up because those of us who do watch the whole thing, would be clocking up less minutes while your total views would be similar so the people just clicking through, would drag that average down.

      Kudos for expressing your political feelings with this one and really getting into the weeds with concrete researched examples from here in the U.K. I often point out that we havenโ€™t had an actual left wing government here since the 70s (New Labour being a โ€œTory Liteโ€ and actually pushed ahead with PFI with the NHS even more than the Tories had, which is now coming home to roost with massive overheads for the NHS to just stay in the hospitals we the tax payer originally built, but which were handed over to private companies through PFI to fund investment in the buildings instead of just paying for things from taxes at the time – meaning we the tax payers have now payed for those investments many times over into the pockets of the rich capitalists who are now continuing to cream off profit from the record amount we put into the NHS – I knowโ€ฆlots of reasons the NHS is costing more, but one is that tax now gets funnelled out as profit instead of delivering benefits to patients – and much as I put most of the blame for that on the Tories, New Labour certainly didnโ€™t help either). So – with over 40 years of capitalist government putting profit ahead of people, we are suffering a lot of the โ€œlate stage capitalismโ€ woes that are also afflicting America – the wealth gap, the erosion of workers rights, corruption in leadership etc.

      I loved your point about Downing St if it burned down – the current government would absolutely find a way to make money for themselves off that just as many of them profited from Brexit and Covid and Ukraine crisis.

    15. I wish the poor men actually realized the rich men don't care for them, but everyday on social media you can see them standing up for them like they're hoping they'll get noticed and get picked. Elon Musk has so many just idolizing him. Trump. Insanity.

    16. Your reactions to things, especially Ren's songs are some of, if not the best reactions I've seen. You really do think things through and analyse almost all of the lines to the songs and I'm all here for it. Can't wait for the next one.

    17. Responding to your opening clip, before even having gotten into the rest of the video, yes, the crony no-bid contract awarding would certainly proceed right apace, but, more critically, the incident would unquestionably be used to justify the ushering in of even more – and never-ending – draconian "security" measures, to further tighten the noose in society, especially around any remaining fools still insisting upon "freedom," perhaps mandate digital IDs, mandate CBDCs, mandate health "interventions," severely curtail access to food, energy, travel, transportation, etc., whatever other steps the oligarchs deem necessary for the realization of their insatiable centuries-old drive toward complete control over the plebs. Of course, an extra several layers of restrictions would need to be added on to account for the โ€œwarming climate,โ€ as it surely wouldโ€™ve been at least partly responsible for the fireโ€™s inability to put itself out. Needless to say, the incident itself would've been of their own doing, though wrapped in whomever else's flag of their choosing.

    18. please do โ€œlong goneโ€ by juice wrld that song helped me through a lot and iโ€™d love to hear what you have to say about it

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