Have you seen something so many times you don’t even register it anymore? Well that’s a quandary I tackled a couple weeks back by forcing myself to take photos every time I took the Bowen ferry for 5 crossings.

    Check out my work:
    Website: https://www.tristandeggan.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tristan_deggan/
    2nd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tristandeggan_mtb/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TristanDegganVisuals
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tristandeggan

    Get in touch: https://www.tristandeggan.com/contact

    About Tristan Deggan:
    Tristan grew up between France and Canada and at a young age he started teaching himself photography. This hobby later evolved into a full time career in video/photo production. Mountain biking is a central part of his life as well as interests in mechanics, film camera and lens collecting, architecture, woodworking and long walks through flea markets in France! He enjoys collaborating with like-minded people to bring their projects and ideas to life through his mediums. For the main part of his work, he has produced high-end imagery and films for companies such as Goodland, Norco, Tourism Bowen Island, We Are One, NF, Forbidden Bikes, Knolly Bikes, Union Wood Co., Goodyear, Michelin and more. He has multiple publications online and in print featured in Le Monde Magazine, Mountain Biking BC, Vojo Magazine, Pinkbike, Freehub Magazine, Bike Mag, NSMB, IMB, Full Attack Magazine, Hello BC and more.

    #videographer #photographer #filmmaker #vancouver #britishcolumbia #BC #bcferries #boats #nikonv1 #pentaxk3 #Nikond50

    Hey guys my name’s Tristan I’m a photographer and videographer and I’ve lived on boen for over 20 years starting from today I’ll be taking a series of photos every time I take the fery for the next five trips this is to explore my connection with this trip that’s become a little

    Mundane see the thing is I’ve taken the trip so many times that I don’t see the beauty in it anymore and wouldn’t it be nice if I could do something about that here is some info on the trip so the ferry covers a total distance of 2.9

    Nautic miles which is 5.3 km across the Queen Charlotte Channel which gives me exactly 20 minutes per Crossing to take photos I’m going to be using different cameras for every trip just to spice things up Pass Thank you And cigarettes please ask the crew member thank you and safe Travels In In photography and so often in life inspiration does doesn’t always come naturally and that is true for connecting to a place as well forcing myself to spend 20 minutes each Crossing to look hard at an environment I thought I knew so well was an opportunity to learn something new on

    This silly challenge I’ve realized that creating photos makes new positive mental connections with my subject matter no matter the conditions how stunning or mundane the place is photography enables meditation and the camera is just the tool to enter the flow state which is so important to connect with the

    Place hey guys thanks for watching this video here are a couple more for you to check out and I’ll see you guys around Bye


    1. Pausing to look and actually "see" something is often a challenge in our fast-paced world. Thank you for this creative and personal journey of seeing something old as new again. This is a thought-provoking perspective and you've captured many beautiful images of this place. Thanks, Tristan.

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