Thyme leaps on my shoulder to tell me he wants his breakfast. Both sheep and horses tread carefully on the frozen ground.

    Zwartbles Ireland is a small company run from a farm in County Kilkenny in Ireland. We are a regenerative farm which means restoring soils health and regenerating its natural carbon and nutrient cycle with biodiversity of pasture sward with grasses, legumes, forbs and herbs. This also means we farm with nature. Healthy soils are important for healthy environment. So we encourage all life from the microbial to dung beetles, ants, pollinators to flora biodiversity, birds, hare, hedgehogs, rabbits, fox, badger as well as our livestock. This mean we farm in a style of mob grazing and giving fields long rest times between grazings. We have seen a huge increase and return of wildlife including woodcock and snipe in winter months foraging for dung beetle larvae, red squirrel, wood peckers and pine martens. We also have the rare natter bat and previously thought extinct Tawny Mining bees.
    We sell, Zwartbles sheep, Zwartbles blankets and yarn made from the sheep, and calendars featuring Inca the World’s Smallest Sheepdog and her coworkers. We also sell alpaca yarn spun for our own alpaca. Our yarns are 100 percent natural, grown by our sheep which grazing our small green Irish fields. This wool is naturally sequestered carbon which you can then knit into warm environmental friendly clothing.

    Minus – 7 below frost this didn’t Tha yesterday where’s that Tha yesterday you can see the line you can see the fro Shadow line and then here’s today hello sun shining crispy crispy crispy isn’t that right dogs so today is all going to be about feeding and

    Water and things like that I’m about to go up and feed the uh yo sun is beautiful coming up over the side okay so up to the O’s now what are you guys doing oh yes what are you guys doing Maya decided it’s too cold to come out so she’s stayed in the

    Office where I’ve lit the wood fire the wood stove Inca never wants to be left behind and then she’ll ask me to get tucked up in my coat as you’ve seen in previous videos okay two hands to Open this gate my sugarcoated sheep I’m going to let them down

    Here and so I don’t have to race them I’m going to close the gate uh and then load up all the hay in the rack cuz racing them all damage myself or damage them so they can stay in the laneway for uh 5 minutes after they’ve eaten brle leave it there you go

    So I’m going to close this and they can all just eat hey you coming Java come on Jaa pup okay the hay racks are going to be empty so I shall refill them yep all empty they weren’t last night so don’t worry they weren’t starving since yesterday morning I’m

    Just not filming everything I do it’s just not fair it’s boring for you guys anyway I’m gonna start doing this okay it’s full I know it’s so exciting sheep are going to gallop around the corner Inca wants to help herd them hey girls your hay is all out and ready for

    You come on move move move move okay a lot more lame anyway there we go Java leave it good boy you’re learning about leave it aren’t you so settling in sugarcoated sheep settling in to uh eat some hay yeah and the sun coming up at least the

    Sun is clear today it wasn’t freezing Mists okay on to the next thing I’m going to let the horses out for a little while to stretch their legs uh even though they have no water up in the field they’re not going to be out long just a little

    While to stretch their legs get off their spitting Venom and then they’ll come back inside where they can have water access to water cuz all the water pipes now are frozen solid I think the boss is so beautiful when it’s frozen frozen forests no snowf some people will think this looks like a

    Snowf it is purely Frost the ivy it’s like a crystalline City hey Kitty how are you ah Little Miss Magpie she wants to come into the office where it’s warm and the wood stove is on how’s Kitty oh look there’s time hey time Kitty what you doing up there you going to jump

    Down clever boy aren’t you you didn’t appear for breakfast this morning I figure you were cozy or out hunting oh you’re going to jump on my shoulder Kitty clever kitty yeah you beautiful puss my hands are full I’ve got a bucket in one and the F filming in the

    Other I’ll drop the bucket there we go yes cozy Kitty cozy Kitty you beautiful but are you kitty now look he’s if you get on my arm that means you’re getting down go on okay opening Gates and time needs his breakfast he didn’t appear this morning what you doing to the cat what

    You doing to the cat yeah Kitty you trying to play with the cat this frozen ground is not easy to maneuver you can see The Frozen Ground all around there and the sun going down


    1. Looking at your sugar coated sheep I remembered the silver topped lamb last year Did you keep her and is it a permitted colour for the breed.

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