🌿 Timestamps for This Episode:
    0:00 – Opening and Introductions
    3:45 – Segment 1: Sights of Provence
    8:40 – Segment 2: Provençal Cuisine
    12:49 – Segment 3: Hidden Gems
    18:32 – Segment 4: Must-See Places
    23:52 – Segment 5: Weird Facts
    28:41 – Segment 6: History of Provence
    33:35 – Segment 7: Travel Tips
    37:58 – Segment 8: Side Excursions
    42:12 – Segment 9: Conclusion

    Welcome to “Travel with Lara and Luca,” your charming and insightful podcast that whisks you away on a journey through the alluring region of Provence, France. Join us as we explore the enchanting sights, savor the exquisite cuisine, uncover hidden gems, visit must-see places, delve into weird facts, and traverse through rich history. So grab a glass of rosé, settle in, and let our engaging tales ignite your wanderlust for the French countryside.

    🛤️ About Our Podcast:
    Join Lara and Luca, AI experts on Provence with whimsical wit and profound knowledge, as they offer a mix of historical facts and personal anecdotes. Their conversational podcast feels like a smooth and scenic tour through one of France’s most delightful regions. They’re here to make you laugh, think, and, above all, fuel your desire to travel.

    🍇 Connect with Us:
    We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode and your personal experiences in Provence! Leave us a comment below or connect with us on social media.

    #Provence #TravelPodcast #FrenchCountryside #LaraAndLuca #ExploreFrance #Provence #TravelPodcast #FranceTravel #DiscoverFrance #FrenchCountryside #LavenderFields #ProvenceFood #WineLovers #HistoricFrance #ArtAndTravel #FrenchRiviera #MediterraneanVibes #HiddenGems #TravelTips #CulturalJourney #RomanHistory #TravelWithUs #VanGogh #CezanneArt #GourmetTravel #TravelHumor #Wanderlust #AdventureAwaits #EuropeanTravel #FrenchMarket #PodcastLife #LaraAndLuca #TravelVibes #Wanderer #ExploreMore #TravelGuide #FrenchAdventures

    Remember to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to join Lara and Luca on their next adventure! 🌟🎙️

    Provence travel, French countryside, lavender fields, Côte d’Azur, Provençal cuisine, Ratatouille, travel tips, Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Van Gogh, Cézanne, travel podcast, hidden gems, French Riviera, Mediterranean coast, Calanques, tapenade, Bouillabaisse, travel guide, historical sites, France history, art and culture, French markets, Pont du Gard, Roman history, Nostradamus, Palais des Papes, French wine, Marseille, Gordes, Roussillon, Camargue, travel with Lara and Luca

    This podcast was produced using artificial intelligence and refined by human editors bonjour Travelers and welcome back to travel with laara and Luca I’m your host laara and as always I’m joined by the ever charismatic sometimes sassy but always Sensational Luca at your service and might I add Mercy for that

    Glowing introduction Lara you’re welcome today we are going on a virtual journey to one of the most enchanting regions of France provance ah provance land of Lavender Fields sundrenched Vineyards and ancient cities you might as well call it France’s Little Slice of Heaven If Heaven smells like fresh baguettes

    And sounds like the chirping of cicas then yes I agree I love that sound every time I hear a cicada I’m instantly transported back to those lazy afternoons in prant sitting outside a cafe sipping on a cold pasties a cold pasties on a hot day Lara is the true

    Provinal Elixir for the soul now before we delve into to the lavender scented dreams of prance let’s remind our wonderful listeners out there what to expect from our show today oh it’s a packed one we’ll talk about the stunning sites that you simply cannot miss like the picturesque cols along the

    Mediterranean coast and the historic Charisma of AOL after that we’ll serve you some delicious tidbits about provinal Cuisine because come on who doesn’t want to hear about food as Charming as the region itself oh the tapan the Ratatouille keep it together Luca we’re not at the food segment yet

    Right right we’ll sprinkle our conversation with tales about hidden gems that only the luckiest Wanderers stumble upon exactly and we can’t forget about the mustsee places we have a lot of ground to cover metaphorically of course and weird facts provance is not just Beauty and history we’ve Unearthed

    Some peculiar and hilarious gems from the regions past and present like that time you tried to join a game of Pon with the locals and whoa Lara no spoilers they’ll have to wait for that story besides we also have to dish out some insightful travel tips don’t we

    Fine fine I’ll save the embarrassment for later and yes we’ll share those precious nuggets of travel wisdom to make your provinal adventure as smooth as a glass of shot enough to pop lastly we’ll talk side excursions because when you’re in provance why not wander a bit

    Further ooh like a day trip to the French Riviera or a boat ride at the breathtaking duon but before we dive head first into the lavender bushes let me start us off with a little provensal phrase that embodies the grab Life by the horn Spirit we love about this

    Place and for those of us whose provinal dialect is a bit Rusty that means it roughly translates to he who hesitates loses his soup a reminder to seize the day or in this case seize the soup before it’s gone and trust me you do not

    Want to lose out on proven Sal soup soup Opie stew anyone so dear Travelers let’s not hesitate join us as we embark on today’s provinal adventure exactly fasten your seat belts or should I say tighten your Apron Strings because we’re about to whisk you away on a journey through the fragrant Fields historic

    Charm and culinary Delights of provance are you ready I sure am but then again when am I not ready for a little bit of provol flare that’s the spirit so stay with us as after this short musical break we will dive head first into the amazing sights of prance you’re

    Listening to travel with Lara and Luca and we’ll be right Back welcome back my fellow Globe Trotters as promised we are going straight into the heart of provance and starting with some of the most breathtaking sights that dot this legendary landscape and what better place to begin than the shimmering ing wild blue yonder of the colong Luca are you trying to Dazzle our

    Listeners with your poetic descriptions again me kulpa but can you blame me the Kongs are like Nature’s sculptures towering Limestone Cliffs that dive into the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean you hike down through fragrant Pine forests and then you’re greeted by the sight of your life it’s

    Like stepping into a postcard that you never want to send because you’d rather stay in it forever knowing you you’d probably try to move into that postcard set up a hammock and declare yourself the king of the colan a hammock would be crude I’d prefer a Chase Lounge please but I digress Lara

    Tell our listeners about your fairy tale encounter within the walls of Aenon Oh I thought you’d never ask so there I was strolling through the cobbled streets of Aon the ancient city of popes and festivals and the air was just humming with history I remember rounding the corner

    And catching my first glimpse of the PO de pop which fun fact is the largest Gothic Palace in the world exactly and it’s truly Majestic you can almost hear The Echoes of the papal footsteps as you wander the vast Chambers and ornate chapel and those frescos it’s like

    Stepping back into the 14th century I bet those walls hold more secrets than the vatican’s underground archives most definitely there’s something about Aenon that makes you feel like you’re a part of History not just a bystander but let’s not Overlook my beloved sea so listeners it’s time to ask yourselves do

    You prefer the stoic historical Grandeur of AOL or the siren Call of the glimmering colan oh come on it’s like choosing between cheese and wine you can’t both are essential to the provensal experience my sentiments exactly but let’s paint a broader picture there’s also neem which the Romans graciously decorated with an

    Amphitheater and a temple that they seem to have forgotten to take back to Rome and don’t forget ARA where Van go found his light quite literally ah yes have you ever seen a star night and thought I know van go painted this exact Sky every

    Single time it feels like van go left a piece of his soul in arls for us to find then there’s the city of Marseilles vibrant a little gritty around the edges but always ready to show you a good time from the buzz of the vior to the iconic

    Notredam de lagard Basilica that watches over the city like an old friend it’s a place where stories are waiting to be made at every turn yes Marse is the heartbeat of provance in so many ways oh and we must give a quick shout out to the Roman aqueduct Pont Dugard you

    Haven’t seen a bridge until you’ve seen this Majestic three- tiered ancient Marvel and not just any bridge but one that’s carried water for centuries without a drop of superglue in sight Roman engineering don’t you just love it I doubt superglue would stand the test of time quite as well this quickfire

    Round of provinal highlights is making me nostalgic so here’s a trick question for you if you could only return to one place in provance where would it be that’s like asking me which is my favorite page in a novel every place has its chapter in the story of provance what a diplomatic

    Answer but not good enough come on give us a name lady indecisive fine I guess I would pick aan provance it’s so full of Art and life and walking through corv mirabo shaded by those rows of plain trees is nothing short of enchanting but I must know Luca what about you drum

    Roll please I choose the luberon it’s the countrys side of my dreams Hilltop Villages Vineyards as far as the eye can see and the smell of thyme and lavender in the air ah luberon it’s like prance decided this is where I will be the most prance precisely well as we’re wrapping

    Up our Whirlwind tour of provinal sites we hope we’ve painted a picture vibrant enough to entice you all to visit or revisit this Gem of France whether it’s the sea the history the art or the irresistible pull of the countryside provance has a little slice of Wonder for every

    Traveler and with that let’s segue into something that Luca and I hold near and dear Cuisine after all we can’t talk about provance without talking about the food stay with us as we dish out the D able details of provinal Cuisine after this short Break and we’re back from the art Laden history and sun-kissed Landscapes we’re moving on to a topic that’s sure to get your taste buds dancing the cuisine of provance ah provinal Cuisine It Is An Affair to Remember I mean where else can you taste the very essence of the Sun in

    A simple tomato only l could romanticize a tomato to that extent but he’s not wrong folks the food in provance is a reflection of its climate bright fresh and infused with Mediterranean flare you said it and let’s start with the classic the one and only Ratatouille not the

    Adorable Pixar movie but the culinary Symphony of vegetables that serenades your palette the silky zucchini the tender egg plant the sweet peppers all lovingly stewed with tomatoes garlic onions and a bouquet of herbs it’s like a hug from a French Grandma you never knew you had and let’s not forget that

    Delightful crunch of the bagette as you mop up the sauce Perfection on a plate but let’s Journey from the plate to the marketplace now what’s a provol market like Lara imagine wandering down a cobblestone street and you’re greeted by a canvas of colors stretched out before you stalls overflowing with greens

    Vibrant fruits local cheeses and the scents basil thyme Rosemary it’s like walking through a Garden of Eden curated by food loving angels and let’s pour some olive oil on that picture provinal olive oil Liquid Gold not just an ingredient but a celebration of the olive trees’s generous spirit I could

    Bathe in that olive oil but before we go on we need to warn our listeners about a spreadable seduction called tapanade listen attentively my friends tapanade is no ordinary spread it’s a paste created by Smashing olives Capers anchovies and olive oil into a concoction that will ruin all other dips

    For you forever Luca was found at a tapenade Anonymous meeting once Whispering my name is Luca and I can’t stop eating tapanade no shame in that my friend no shame at all but let’s take a moment to appreciate the herbs that give provinal dishes their soul Herbs de

    Provance they’re like the backup singers that make every song Hit the right notes thyme Rosemary margam and of course lavender these herbs give a simp simp Le dish and unmistakable provinal identity I think every listener’s kitchen needs a stash of herb de provance just sprinkle it onto any dish and voila instant

    Culinary traveler and what would our trip to proval food be without feasting on Boya base oh yes marse’s answer to the age-old question how do we celebrate the sea on our plates it’s a seafood stew that’s both rustic and refined with every Spoonful telling a tale of the

    Ocean and to wash down this abundance of flavors one must turn to the nectar of the Gods proven Sol wine Reds roses or whites these wines know how to make an entrance my favorite a chilled glass of bandol Ros on a sunny afternoon and I’ll

    Raise a glass of shatan DP to that wine not only compliments a meal but it also complement the conversation don’t you think it does indeed in provant food is not just about sustenance it’s about socializing sharing stories and connecting with the Earth with each other other and as our food segment

    Comes to a close we’re left with the aftertaste of memories and the warm embrace of provinal hospitality I think it’s safe to say that we both believe one hasn’t truly experienced prance until they’ve had a meal there right Luca right you are Lara folks go out there travel taste and Tuck into a

    Generous serving of provant and on that note let’s steer our conversation toward the Lesser known parts of this region the hidden gems that might not make the cover of travel brochures but deserve a spotlight of their own intrigued you should be stay tuned as after this quick musical interlude

    We’ll unearth the secret corners of provance that have captured our Hearts welcome back to travel with Lura and Luca where we’ve been savoring the Sumptuous flavors of provance and now it’s time to let you in on a little secret or or rather several of them as we discover the hidden gems that make provance a treasure map for the Curious

    Traveler hidden gems the whispered Legends amongst travel connoisseurs these are the places you won’t typically find swarmed by camera flashes or souvenir shops that’s right the nooks and crannies the quaint stops along the road that make you say hold up is that a 12th century Chapel just sitting there by the

    Vineyard and it’s not just there it’s waiting for for you like the vineyard I wandered into one afternoon there I was lost in the luberon when I stumbled across rows of vines basking in the golden light with not a soul in sight except for the wine maker of course oh

    To wander so charmingly tell the listeners Luca what was so special about that Vineyard it was authentic Lara no Grand Chateau or branded Wine Tours just a simple stone Farmhouse and a man with soil under his nails and stories to tell he shared his craft his wine and his

    Time that bottle I brought back wasn’t just filled with wine it was filled with stories that’s beautiful Luca I had a similar encounter in the village of gordes perched high on a cliff it’s a stone crafted Marvel with tiny cafes that spill onto the streets and art galleries you discover in vaulted

    Limestone cellers gordes has an aura of secrecy about it doesn’t it it does and just a Stones throw away from gordes is the Ruby colored Village of ruson where the Earth itself blushes with ochre Hues it’s like mother nature got creative with her paints ah R where every sunset is

    Outdone by the very ground you walk on but Lara between gour and rusong which do you think is the true Hidden Gem of provance Luca I’m not going to play favorites with provinal villages it’s like choosing a favorite child fair enough but I have to confess something I

    Also discovered a Local’s only beach near the Kongs it’s not marked on maps and I swore to secrecy oh come on we can’t tease our listeners like that little hint maybe all right near Cassis there’s a trail hidden by Pines and if you follow the scent of the sea it’ll

    Lead you there but that’s all you’ll get out of me mysterious to the last well to add to our Trove of Secrets I’d recommend a visit to the ab Des sonan nestled in a valley near gourd The Abbey is a serenade in stone and still

    Home to a community of monks ah yes the The Abbey is a vision straight out of a medieval manuscript especially when the surrounding Lavender Fields are in full bloom speaking of lavender don’t just visit valeno Plateau during peak season go in the offseason and you might have

    Those endless fields of purple all to yourself oh and we mustn’t forget about the provensal Colorado in Rell it’s like a little slice of the American Wild West got lost and found its way to France only in provance could you find a Colorado tucked away in the French

    Countryside it’s a picture perfect spot for those who’d rather hike through a rainbow of earthy colors than the usual green I’ll see your Colorado and raise you the provensal Venice leel Sur lasor with its water wheels gently turning in the river antique markets to lose yourself in and

    The Sweet Melody of flowing water that’s interrupted only by the clinking of glasses from Riverside bastos you’ve trumped me there that town is the epitome of charm now let’s not forget for our adventurous listeners there are caves and Gorges like the ones in lesbo provance that offer a Subterranean Wonderland begging

    To be explored just grab a helmet and a torch light and who knows you might discover your own Hidden Gem within a Hidden Gem Gem setion that’s the spirit prance isn’t just a destination it’s a narrative woven with hidden threads that you get to uncover and while every Trail every

    Vineyard has a hidden corner for someone to call their own remember to respect the privacy and traditions of the locals these gems are theirs and they generously share them with us yes a big mercy to all the provino for sharing their home deep within the heart of

    Provance Lies a wealth of Secrets From tranquil Vineyards to Hilltop Havens each Whispering tales that could only be Unearthed by the truest of adventurers and as we’ve tiptoed through these hidden gems sharing a story here a laugh there we’ve only sced scatch the surface now it’s time to shine a spotlight on

    The iconic canvases of provance the mustsee places that are not just stops on a journey but destinations in their own right that’s right Luca we’re about to unveil those Timeless spots that stand as Testaments to the beauty and history of this magical region places that Echo with the footfalls of past and

    Present etching their Grandeur into the memory of every traveler from fields of purple Splendor to ancient cities teaming with art and culture these are the experiences that embroider the very fabric of what it means to travel through prant so my dear listeners stay tuned as we’re about to

    Take you from the delightful secret Corners to the Grand stages keep your curiosity kindled and your wander lust well and truly a light the journey through provance continues right after this break this is travel with Lara and Luca and we’ll be back in a Moment And we are back with travel with Lura and Luca we have voyaged through hidden gems and savored exquisite tastes and now we find ourselves at the doorstep of pant’s mustsee places the landmarks that Define this sun soaked region that’s right Luca these are the spots that you’re bound to find on postcards fridge

    Magnets and all over your friends social media because they are just that Unforgettable Unforgettable is the word Lara it’s impossible to think of prance without envisioning fields of lavender as far as the eye can see like a violet sea sprawling beneath the Summer Sky the lavender route is for many a pilgrimage

    A journey taken not only to witness the beauty but to breathe in the very fragrance of prance from June to August the air is heavy with the perfume of these flowers and places like valeno Plateau become an artist’s pallet come to life and if you time your visit just right somewhere

    Between the last heartbeat of Dawn and the rise of the morning sun you’re in for a symphony in purple that will steal your very breath quite poetic don’t you think Lara quite but not as poetic as the first time you saw the sunrise over aan provance am I right ah you remember

    That story yes a or as it’s known the city of a thousand fountains is the birthplace of post-impressionist painter Paul saan wandering along its elegant boulevards you can almost see The Strokes of color that inspired him and speaking of inspirational walks we cannot should not and must not Overlook

    The prominade dang in the neighboring French Riviera it’s but a Stones throw away and honestly a walk along this iconic Seaside prominade as the glistening waves of the Mediterranean brush against the pebbley beach is a right of passage for anyone venturing to the south of France right now let’s

    Pivot to something a bit more stately and altogether spellbinding the city of Aon and its Bridge the Pont S A onon on eons but you’ll have a hard time dancing across it since only four of the original 22 arches remain though the bridge may be incomplete the tale of

    Its creation and destruction is as full as the rone river it peers across add to that the Majestic P de Pops in the Annual Festival D and you have a city that’s alive with history and the the Arts and for the romantics at heart there’s no place quite like the hilltop

    Village of St Paul devance it’s ancient walls encase streets lined with art galleries and quiet Corners that whisper love stories from centuries past every stone and passageway there tells a story of artists poets and lovers who have all been seduced by its charm now for a peak

    Into the wer side of provance we must venture to the Kamar a natural region known for its Salt Flats flamingos and white horses that look like they’ve sprung straight from the pages of a fairy tale the Kamar is a testament to pran’s diversity a place where you can

    Go from the rich Aroma of a lavender field to the earthy salt marshes teaming with life watching the sun set over the Kamar is a sight that settles in your soul Lara it’s a raw Beauty where nature Whispers of Forgotten connections and the Simplicity of Life truly a poignant

    Reminder of our roots and speaking of roots no visit to prance would be complete without mentioning laod provance this ancient commune sitting at top a rocky outcrop is a sentinel over the alpie mountains cloaked in Tales of knights and medieval Legends explore the Chateau deau and Trek through the

    Medieval ruins and you’ll feel like you’ve dawned a suit of armor yourself and for the modernists the carrier de lumier is a feast For The Senses where famous paintings are projected onto Mass Limestone walls and set to music Imagine stepping into a van go painting where

    Star night surrounds you in a dance of color and motion it’s nothing short of electric and then there’s por carals the island off the coast I’m hesitant even to mention it for fear it’ll become overrun by those seeking its pristine beaches and crystal clear waters Luca I think the Secret’s out porker rolls

    Beckons to those who want to escape the mainland’s hum and get lost lost in Island time where bicycles Rule and the pace of life is as gentle as the seab breeze every corner of provance is a must sea in its own right yet even as we Dole out these droplets from the ocean

    Of its beauty we must acknowledge we’ve only skimmed the surface whether it’s wandering medieval streets basking in the Embrace of nature or immersing oneself in cultural Treasures the must-see places of provance are both a journey back in time and an Embrace of the present moment so as the lavender Hues of this segment

    Fade let’s gear up for some quirks and Oddities of pant that will tickle your fancy or at the very least raise an eyebrow stay with us as after the break we’ll share some wonderfully weird facts about this Region and just like a fine provansal wine the moment has matured perfectly for us to uncor the weirder side of prance welcome back listeners I hope you’re ready for some fun because this segment is all about the quirky and the Curious isn’t that right Lara absolutely Luca provance is not only about Picture

    Perfect Landscapes and mouthwatering dishes it is also home to facts and folklore that are as colorful as the region itself so let’s start with the peculiar tradition surrounding a certain little animal do you know what I’m talking about Luca oh you must be referring to the seagals or cicadas

    These noisy Little Critters are more than just the soundtrack of prant they are emblems of good luck according to local lore they guard your home from evil spirits if you hang a ceramic version by your window that is speaking of enchanting sounds have you ever heard of the legend of the tarasque the

    Mythical creature that supposedly lurked in the depths of the rone river how could I forget the teras was said to be a fearsome dragon-like Beast dwelling near tasan and let’s just say it wasn’t interested in making friends but never fear for St Martha tamed the creature with her prayers and hymns proving once

    Again the power of a good song Right indeed now how about we talk about a historical quirk in the picturesque Village of leode provance you can find yourself to be a prince for a day oh do tell more your highness the title of Prince of lesbo is traditionally granted

    To the heir to the Grimaldi throne of Monaco each year so if you’re lucky you might catch a glimpse of nobility wandering the cobbled streets ah how commoners such as ourselves can only dream but onto a weirder fact did you know that in provant particularly in the

    Town of kontas they celebrate the end of Lent with a rather peculiar tradition I’m intrigued go on well on Good Friday the people of carpus Mark the occasion by having a giant omlette made from thousands of eggs residents ga GA to cook and eat together sharing in a feast

    That symbolizes both Community spirit and a love for eggs that’s no yoke that’s exceptional indeed but wait there’s more have you heard of the Curious Christmas tradition known as LR Supa H the big supper correct exactly on Christmas Eve families prepare a massive Feast which oddly includes a specific

    Number of dishes seven representing the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary and get this no meat is allowed surely they’re not left hungry after seven courses doubtful Lara and it is followed by 13 desserts symbolizing Jesus and the 12 apostles a sweet and sinful way to

    Celebrate if you ask me a true Testament to pant’s penchant for the dramatic in all things food now here’s another weird tidbit provance has its very own version of Stonehenge really yes it’s called the giant’s tomb and is located near gordis this Neolithic Monument may not be as

    Famous as its British cousin but it’s no less mysterious a place where Whispers of the ancient world still slip through the cracks of time simply wonderful and speaking of Ancient Wonders pant’s Lavender Fields have a little known relationship with bees it’s been discovered that these hard workking insects can produce honey that turns

    Blue when the flowers are in full bloom blue honey now that’s a color you don’t expect to see on your breakfast table exactly well we can’t wrap up the weird without talking about the infamous mistal wind it’s known to blow through the rone valley with such force that it

    Can literally sweep you off your feet and I mean literally in the actual sense of the word yes the mistol is a force to be reckoned with Legend has it that the wind is so powerful it can blow the ears off your donkey if you’re not careful

    Poor donkeys of prance and fun fact some locals say that the mistol can blow for 6 days or 9 or even 12 but never 7 8 or 11 it’s peculiar how specific those numbers are maybe the mistol is just superstitious but on that blustery note

    We must bring this segment to a close we hope you enjoyed these weird and wonderful Snippets as much as we have remember provance is a land of many layers some sun-kissed others hidden in the shadows of Oddity and charm but stay with us because up next we’re swooping

    Down from the heights of weirdness into the depths of History after a short break we’ll share stories of the past that have shaped provance into the alluring destination it is Today history Buffs gather round as we unravel the tapestry of time in prance this land is steeped in a rich tapestry that stretches from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the impressionist painters who captured its light and color on canvas I’m Luca your Guide to the past and I’m your co-host Lara here

    To stroll with you down the Cobblestone Memory Lanes of prance it’s as if the region itself is a Living Museum isn’t it Luca indeed it is each Alleyway each Villa Echoes a story from yest years so why not begin at the beginning or at

    Least as close to it as we can the Roman Empire absolutely one of the greatest Roman legacies in provance has to be the Pont Dugard this towering three- tiered Aqueduct is a monument to Roman engineering Standing Tall for almost two Millennia it served as a crucial conduit carrying water across the garden River

    To the flourishing Roman colony of nasus today known as the city of neem now it stands as a UNESCO world heritage site a testament to the Romans who chiseled such an enduring gift into the provinal landscape and speaking of nemes the city is also home to one of the best

    Preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world once the scene of gladiatorial combat today it’s a stage for concerts and less bloodthirsty bull fighting but moving on from the spectacles of Rome there’s a pivot in history that’s unique to provance the time when the city of Aenon became the

    Unexpected seat of the papacy yes the p pop for almost 70 years in the 14th century Aon was the center of the Christian World housing a succession of popes and anti-popes that left behind a fortress-like palace that dominates the city’s Skyline even today and it wasn’t just spiritual matters that took hold

    The popes were patrons of the Arts and during their reign Aon blossomed into a cultural and intellectual Hub an aspect that resonates through its Annual Arts Festival the festival davol one of the biggest Theater events in the world and within the Provencal narrative we can’t ignore the Whispers of Nostradamus born

    In the small town of s rid de provance his prophecies have intrigued the world for centuries shrouded in The Mists of time and interpretation now we wouldn’t want to predict the future here on the show but if Nostradamus were here I think he’d have prophesied our broadcast as a resounding

    Success oh of that I have no doubt but on a more grounded historical note let’s remember the wars of religion that swept through France in the 16th century leaving their scars even on the peaceful provinal Countryside indeed the region wasn’t immune to the turmoil the picturesque Village of leod provance was a

    Protestant stronghold and saw significant conflict today peace has returned and The Village’s ruins attract visitors from around the globe but the memory of those troubled times lingers history often layers Beauty with sorrow yet from the ash of hardship Rose the beauty of pran’s enduring spirit and

    It’s this spirit that goes on to inspire a seismic shift in the art world with the arrival of the Impressionists oh what would provance be without the legacy of vinon Van go and Paul Saison their brushes captured the essence of the region its light its Shadows its very Soul feno found solace and

    Inspiration in the town of ARL and the S Paul asylum in s Remy de pance his works like the iconic Starry KN speak volumes of pant’s impact on his turbulent Psyche ceson on the other hand immortalized the monam viir and reflected the provant landscape stability and Harmony

    Throughout his work an anchor in his quest to capture Nature’s Essence these artists and so many others were seduced by pran’s charm like countless others before and after them this interaction between the land and its people weaves an intricate historical pattern that’s uniquely provinal and so we come to the end of

    Our historical Meander through provant from ancient empires to papal Grandeur from Wars and upheaval to the calm serenity of painters pallets the past lives on in every corner every story every shade of light so true Luca provance isn’t only a place but a timeline that visitors can experience

    With each step they take each view they Savor each breath of lavender scented air and as the past gives way to the present let us prepare you dear listeners for the Practical side of traveling to this historical Haven stay with us for travel tips that’ll ensure

    Your own provinal taale is as smooth as a fine Claret welcome back fellow adventurers after diving deep into the rich history of provance it’s time to arm you with the nitty-gritty practical travel tips to make your preventol Voyage as enchanting as the tales we’ve shared I’m Lara here with your trusty travel companion Luca and let’s kick off with

    Something that can make or break a trip getting around when in provance you’ll find that while major cities are well connected by train if you really want to explore those hidden gems a car rental might just be your best friend absolutely having a set of wheels gives

    You the freedom to meander through those purple lavender fields and quaint Villages at your own pace but here’s a tip always check the parking regulations in towns unless you fancy chatting with local law enforcement ah yes parking in provant can sometimes feel like partic ipating in an obscure treasure hunt now as for

    Accommodations pant offers a variety from luxury hotels to cozy bed and breakfasts make sure to book in advance especially during the high season and for a truly provansal experience consider staying in a Jeet or a Countryside Cottage some offer cooking classes or Vineyard tours and trust me there’s no

    Better way to wake up than to the sight of Rolling Hills and the scent of fresh pastries from the local bagery speaking of food try to balance dining out with visits to local markets not only will you find fresh produce to create your own provol dishes but you’ll also mingle

    With the locals and perhaps even pick up a phrase or two in French oh and if you’re worried about the language barrier fear not while it’s true that in rural areas English speakers may be less common just remember a smile and a bonjour go a long way and a mercy is

    Always appreciated and a un devant so play ensures a glass of wine a crucial phrase in any language but on a more practical note always carry cash as smaller Villages might not accept cards and ATMs can sometimes be a rare breed always good advice now for those planning their itineraries summer is

    Undoubtedly beautiful but it also brings crowds and heat my personal favorite early fall the weather’s still lovely the summer tourists have waved our rir and the grape Harvest is in full swing a Hidden Gem of advice there Lara but no matter the season always pack layers the mistal wind we chatted about earlier

    It’s no myth and when it decides to Grace you with its presence you’ll be grateful for that extra sweater very true and while we’re on the subject of the mistol do hold on to your hats literally this wind is known for snatching away more than just papers and

    Leaves now let’s talk health and safety France has an excellent Health Care System Andes are are readily available in case you need anything but always travel with insurance it’s the parachute you hope to never use but are glad to have if needed wise words Luca also keep

    An eye on local news or ask your hosts about any Regional issues like forest fires in the summer or the occasional strike that might disrupt travel plans ah the French passion for strikes they’re just another part of the local color lastly don’t forget to download offline maps or carry a good old

    Fashioned map internet service can be spotty in remote areas and you don’t want to end up on a wild goat Chase unless that’s your idea of Adventure a Scenic detour never hurt anyone and speaking of the internet while Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels and cafes

    It’s never a bad idea to grab a local SIM card if you need constant connectivity and there you have it our tips to tackle the practicalities of provinal Life any parting words of advice for our listeners laara just one embrace the provansal pace it’s a place that invites you to slow down Savor

    Moments and let the beauty of Life unfold around you don’t rush let provance reveal itself to you one leisurely step at a time beautifully said as always and speaking of stepping into new experiences we’re not done yet stay with us after the break we’ll continue our journey with side

    Excursions that will allow you to extend the adventure Beyond Provance Welcome back Wanderers if you thought our journey through provance was coming to an end you are in for a delightful detour even though the Region’s richness is enough to fill countless itineraries its prime location invites further exploration I’m here with Luca to chat about the most enticing side excursions

    From provance that’s right Lara we’ve got a plethora of choices for day trips or even overnight stays that are well within reach from our beloved provance let’s start with the coat dour also known as the French Riviera luxurious beaches glamorous cities and the sparkly Mediterranean what’s not to love

    Absolutely Luca A J tenise offers a blend of City Life and Beach relaxation stroll along the prominade Des angl or get lost in the colorful old town and if art is your passion don’t miss the matis museum nice is indeed nice and speaking of nice places a boat trip from the

    Small Port of sari Sur to the island of porol is practically mandatory it’s like stepping onto the set of a 1960s French film the beaches there are some of the most pristine in all of France and the best part the island is mostly carfree making it a paradise for cyclists and

    Hikers and if we talk about Islands we cannot forget the largest of the lens Islands eel stent margarite it’s a short ferry ride from can and home to get this a for where the Man in the Iron Mask was imprisoned the mystery of his identity still haunts the cell where he was held

    It’s a place that combines Natural Beauty with a touch of historical Enigma now if you’re willing to venture a bit further a field extending your Excursion territory the possibilities expand the city of Leon the gastronomic capital of France is about 2 hours away by train oh

    The food there is Sublime be sure to try some kenel or Salad Leones and and the city’s old town is a UNESCO world heritage site brimming with Renaissance history and charm and no visit to leyon would be complete without exploring Le tabul the hidden passageways that weave

    Together the very fabric of the city keeping with our theme of excursions The verin Gorge is another must sea it’s often referred to as Fran’s Grand Canyon and trust me it lives up to the name with its stunning River Canyon that’s perfect for kaying hiking or simply

    Basking in its awe inspire ing Splendor and speaking of natural beauty let’s not forget the possibility of heading into the heart of the provinal Alps go for the crisp Mountain Air the skiing the hiking trails the contrast with pant’s typically gentle landscape is striking great for those who want a

    Taste of Alpine scenery but sometimes you might crave a cultural pallet cleanser just a short drive from provance brings you to the doorstep of cities like mon pelier with its youthful Vibe and vibrant art scene or tul the pink City alive with music and Aerospace history ah the choices are as varied as

    The colors in a provance sunset one final note for the Intrepid explorers the principality of Monaco is a Stones throwaway it’s like a dip into another world the opulence the Grand Prix The Mont Carlo Casino it’s all but a drive away just remember if you’re trying your

    Luck at the casino set a limit to how much you’re willing to lose or better yet just stick to enjoying the vistas and maybe a lap of the Grand Prix circuit well there you have it compatriots of the compass a sampler of side excursions to extend your provinal

    Adventure whether it’s the Allure of the Sea the charm of the city or The Call of the Wild you’re never far from a new discovery so don’t think of provance as the final destination consider it a gateway to the wider wonders of Southern France and Beyond and with that we’re

    Nearing the end of our podcast don’t go away just yet we’ll be right back to wrap up today’s provinal journey and to bid you aoir with some final Thoughts dear listeners as the soft pastel Hues of pant’s sunset begin to blend into the cool evening Sky we find ourselves at the end of today’s Journey from historic towns to fields of lavender to the sparkling Med terranean our trip may be drawing to a close but the memories we’ve shared will linger

    Like the soothing scent of herba De provance it’s true Lara just like a good french wine our podcast is meant to be savored long after the last drop we’re honored to have escorted you through the winding paths the sunny squares and the Ageless beauty of pance today we’ve walked through ancient Roman aquaducts

    Stood in the shadow of papal palaces and felt the vibrant pulse of modern-day festivals we’ve tasted dishes that sing the Praises of simple vegetables and recognize the insects that serenade the evening air and through it all from the Majesty of mounted Knights to the delicate balance of a Saison still life

    Provance has shown us its heart is as open as the endless sky as deep as the roots of an ancient Olive Tree we hope the tals and tips we’ve woven together have inspired you enlightened you or at the very least entertained you whether your planet your first visit or you’re a

    Seasoned provinal traveler may you always find joy in the journey remember it’s the unexpected detours the impromptu conversations with locals and the flavors that surprise your palet that often create the most enduring travel Tales so practice your French pack your curiosity and most of all leave space in your itinerary for the

    Magic that happens when you roam without a destination and though our trip ends here provance waits for you it’s Dora jar its table set and its stories just beginning to unfold we can’t wait to hear about the paths you’ll tread the sights you’ll Embrace and the history you’ll uncover in this tapestry of

    Culture and charm whether you’re watching the sunrise over the Placid Waters of the Kongs or catching your breath as the mistal wind races through a vano inspired field the essence of prant will seep into your soul etching a longing that never quite Fades away and who knows perhaps you’ll find yourself

    On a quiet evening with a glass of Rosé in hand recounting stories of a land bathed in sunlight telling your friends about a little podcast called travel with Lara and Luca it’s been our absolute pleasure to be your guides to share the Beauty and the hidden corners

    Of provance with you as we sign off we leave you with the spirit of the provansal Joad de vivra a reminder to celebrate life in all its Splendor thank you for letting us travel with you be sure to join us next time as we unravel the Mysteries and Marvels of another

    Captivating destination until then dear Travelers may your roads be smooth your spirits high and your adventures plentiful from both of us here at travel with Lara and Luca bonvoyage and as always happy travels and as the provinal sayen until next time

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