Caroline generously shares her research in Booms, Sky and Weather analysis in Ireland, the UK and Globally. Caroline and her team have studied and analysed data including chemical and biological analysis and linked Thunder Storms with increases in certain chemicals in our atmosphere. The Team also uses various apps including Google Earth heat spots locating boom locations around the country. We are very grateful for Caroline sharing how she collates the data they gather to provide very valuable research.

    Welcome Caroline from the emergency News Channel emergency news channel is group on telegram where Caroline has been cating scientific and credible data to compile what she calls the boom maps for the UK and Ireland in fact around the world and charts booms and also unusual we weather phenomena scientifically so

    Look thank you very much for joining us Caroline Caroline can you talk us through what are thank you um what what are the maps and what do you cover with them well we started uh back in 2021 um just noticing a few odd things and I thought well maybe it would be a

    Good idea to just record all of this so we can see if there are any patterns um and I don’t know whether you remember there was a European football match and Britain were or England were playing and all the children in the UK in England were allowed to stay up late that night

    Night and it was very strange because they were allowed to go late into school the next day and I don’t know if you know about England and schools but you you just don’t take any time off at all you you get reprimanded so it was really unusual and that night we predicted that

    There would be a lot of booms like kind of audible booms in the sky uh gunfire possibly things that sounded like fireworks and probably we recorded on a on a tweet when it was still Twitter about 50 60 entries I may be exaggerating a little but on our

    Channels on Telegram and on on Twitter what is now x uh we recorded a lot of data and so we decided to start plotting those on a map and seeing if there were kind of patterns you know so it did seem that certain areas of the UK and Ireland were being

    Affected more than others but as time went on and we were adding to the same map it got so ridiculous you could hardly see the map in some areas um so for example the Southwest uh Bristol bath area Wales Wales a little bit of Cornwall uh all of the South Coast all

    Of the ports uh Port Towns the cities as well so Manchester Bing London the big cities Edinburgh and Glasgow um and a lot of the southeast as well and the East Coast so it just literally no area was left untouched by the end of it anything that was

    Populated uh we over a course of probably about 8 months we managed to track a boom in all of these areas all of them unbelievable what do act what do you think is happening underground what are these booms well from what we can tell now and I can talk

    You through how we’ve come to that conclusion we are pretty certain and and coupling that with you know live recordings of gunfire uh we think there are fights going on underground proper battles between military forces and uh who are the military forces do you think so the there are two schools of thought

    Obviously there’s there’s the school of thought that nothing’s going on underground for the people who sleep very very heavily and are not at all affected by any of this uh then there’s the school of thought that all our government’s trying to kill us so I kind

    Of like well I’m not sure why they would be fighting people in the middle of the night underground if they were trying to kill us um and then there’s the school of thought that there are non-allied troops so by allies I mean countries like uh the US UK

    Canada um and all of the Western European countries the original ones um after the war uh World War I and than countries possibly like Japan but as we’ve discussed already I think that there are possibly factions within those countries smaller than the actual uh military troops that we have

    Who are acting on behalf of and as proxies for our enemy in inverted commers and the enemy could include could include Putin of course because we’re seeing this you know live on TV with Ukraine and all of the other factions that are attached to Russia so for example the

    Axis of resistance in the Middle East which includes uh The Umbrellas countries of Iran so Iran is at the center and then you have the hooes sorry not countries but factions um but they are in particular countries so the houis are in Yemen and uh in Gaza

    You have Hamas and in Lebanon you have hisbah and there are numerous more that I’ve covered in some of my writing so not only that but globally you have an extensive list uh I don’t know whether you’ve you’ve been on to see how many um Rebel factions we have globally uh

    There are many all across Africa South America and then there are the cartels and uh you know the drug lords and the gangs just the list goes on literally anybody you can think of that is involved with criminal activity you know trafficking weapons and humans and everything um anybody involved in that

    Would be involved somehow potentially in this war with against the Allies so that’s um I think I hear it’s sort of generally called the the Deep State I wouldn’t call it that because that implies that it is a layer across all countries and I don’t think it necessarily is that implies

    That we knowingly allow a a shadow Co government for example each country allows a shadow government to take that and I don’t think that’s happening I don’t think that happen at all I think there are factions within governments who are trying to manipulate the outcome of things uh certainly um

    But I would liken them to really infiltrators does that make sense uh yes but it’s it’s interesting because I think people have um some people have different um sort of takes on sort of who are the allies and who are the Deep um uh State guys it’s and

    That seems to vary from person to person and it’s it’s difficult to actually work work out I mean we were we had a ort of James tny the the the Barrister and he did not a l of work with um what’s called the third SE Secret of Fatima

    Which was a you know so it was it was um some children that were that um uh Mary had had sort of revealed herself to you know back in the 1920s or 1940s and uh but she had um she had revealed at that time that she thought

    That um actually Russia were going to be the um the saviors of the planet and uh and it’s so it’s it’s interesting because there’s some people that really high have um Russia and Putin in sort of in high in high esteem for his work for

    His work so it is it’s you know I think it’s it’s interesting to hear other people’s perspectives because it keeps everybody sort of questioning sort of well what’s right and what’s wrong and it’s interesting even at the moment that all of those ships are in the the Middle

    East but that’s a conversation for another day um because it’s like well what what are we dealing with over there there so but again that’s a conversation for another day but look um so what do you see um with these tunnels what are these tunnels generally used for uh

    Where are they and how deep are they so this is a question we get asked all the time and I think um if you look and I’ve got a number of apps open at any given time and I’ve got them up on my screen

    Now so that I can tell you about them so the first map that we use to see what is going on underground we kind of hope this exactly what’s going on underground is something called Zoom Earth and it has a a layer for heat spots but it also has a layer

    For live fires over ground so anything that doesn’t show as a live fire but shows as a heat spot is underground without a doubt it’s underground and we’ve had people uh when they hadn’t uh tweeted the app basically they tweeted the app realizing that some of some of

    Our teams were going off to go and have a look at these different sites to have a nose and one of the sites near London somebody visited and they saw military fire guys there on site there was no fire overground but heat was coming up and smoke was coming up out of the

    Ground so we know for certain that those heat spots and this this reflected on the heat Mount so we knew it was there um and it was a very very strong one so we know that these heat spots are reflective of something going on underground whether or not it is

    Indicative of an actual Heat at a certain depth or that it is just a vague marker for a heat spot uh I don’t know and I would hope that they’d have some way of translating I don’t know INF infrared scanning or whatever they use

    Um and I think this is this is by umat meteosat and and firms so they have a lot obviously a lot of data to draw from um that that that would be more or less accurate in terms of intensity so for example we will see a a heat spot

    Appear and it will be very strong and very red and very noticeable um and then over the days it will get it will fade um and they what they do is they refresh the heat layer I don’t know once or twice a day depending on on where you

    Are and you will be able to see in real time how you know where this activity is going so you might see a heat spot for example in the southeast of the UK okay and then the next day you’ll see some around London and then the next day

    You’ll see some a little bit further north um so we know that uh that’s a good indicator that something has happened um in 20122 we had the heat Dome over England I don’t know whether you experienced it but it was extreme heat um where we are

    We are quite close to an RAF base and they recorded the hottest temperature ever recorded in the UK uh well over 40 degrees and it was very very hot um but at the same time we knew that that heat DME was accompanied by all this weird

    Activity in the sky that I’ve told you about um kind of odd flights uh repetitive and going over certain areas again and again and again um and and this Dome was accompanied by that kind of activity um and if you know anything about gas you know gases tend to certain

    Gases tend to rise so hot air rises and will take a lot of the toxins with it and as as air cools it will drop uh so that the heat would have helped keep things up in the air a little bit higher than they would do otherwise um but what

    We then noticed was there were loads of fires appearing overground they were matched by heat spots in that same area so we were seeing active fires but around that we were seeing lots of heat spots loads all over England uh over a just a few day period and it was intense we were

    Looking at another facility um app called open infra map now this is a really really really useful map um because it shows you every single transmission line so electricity transmission line that show you whether it’s above ground or below ground uh oil pipelines gas pipelines telecom’s Towers everything you can think of

    Everything you can think of it even shows you if you zoom into the UK you can see where all of the um turbine fields are out in the middle of the sea the North Sea the RSD and the channel you can see where the transmission cables run from the continent to uh the

    Power stations in the UK or or kind of terminals in the UK and and the same with the gas and oil and so what we noticed in this during this heat D period was that a lot of these fires were happening in the same area as we would have expected underground

    Utility tunnels to be of one sort or another yeah I’m I’m very interested by this we had we we were just sort of discussing that we had sort of similar kind of I suppose heat activity um in the it was I think it was

    Sort of the in sort of the 2021 uh sort of winter time and uh early 2022 where we were having sudden forest fires and fires in national parks in around February in around February time and can you remember was it February I can look for you right now yeah can you maybe

    Talk us through um where coming up for and sort of spots in Ireland that that are sort of highlighted I mean I can sort of discuss sort of where um I’ve been hearing from sort of with cork cork Harbor um canale West Cork and running up through um Kerry there was issues

    Again in Kerry and uh there was also stuff happening in Clon M and and then on up towards uh in sort of the um balen rerry at loara up towards uh uh towards crook Patrick we do see heat spots over Ireland but we don’t see as many as and

    It may be because it’s very you know hilly and mountainous um in comparison to large parts of the UK um usually the heat spots we see we know there’s quite a lot close to the surface so I’m just scrolling through here to see if I can find anything I’ll go back to 2020

    Because 2020 was they might do you know what I think they may have taken out the heat spots for those periods W well we had yeah well we had fires in around those times there was fires in around the passage East area and that correlated with um late night Blackhawk

    Helicopters moving up and down from Clon M now again was that we don’t have um military helicopters really you know so black Blackhawk helicopter are they American issue um and uh there was also in one the northern Ireland there was there was um sort activity as as well

    It’s interesting because some people in the cor Harbor area would see Blackhawk helicopters from time to time and they sit um they sit at a just slightly more than a 45 degree angle literally looking straight down into the water um so they’re watching what’s happening in the water and they would sit completely

    Stationary for for minutes just looking to see what’s happening in the water so obviously I think it’s some people have assumed and have stated that um there’s a there’s a submarine base in uh in in that particular area and there was also a Cove in uh in Cork Harbor and there

    Was booms there was booms there too and uh and also people had seen some uh un uh tanks in around that area um around that time and also they saw the CM tanks in uh in Kerry in West Kerry yeah so yeah I mean I’m get getting a lot of

    Heat spots around droga is that how you say it Dr yeah north of Dublin um but there’s not an awful lot because they are his one near Limerick at the mouth of the river more or less um as it starts to widen before it gets to Shannon it’s right at

    A chicane the a bend in the river um It’s Tricky actually when you go back over the over the years so I I can see 2023 August July but I can’t scroll per hour uh I can only do in the morning or in the evening and a lot of

    The time Ireland is covered in Cloud okay well we we also we also had sort of people in around the the Wexford area and around the ferns area had also stated there was booms I mean some of these booms um actually took out the par

    You know of e you know they were so powerful that they they took the electricity out they did that shake the ground as well it shook the grind and I’m interested I know that I’ve got I’ve got some on September 3D here uh one is southwest of

    Cork um that’s uh to the east of Bandon one near mcro yeah one near it’s to the south west of wford so there are certainly ones that we can see and Dair the dairy is another one of these big hot spots it’s just there’s if if there’s something

    Happening anywhere you know again cork is one of those places um uh I would say you know probably the Dublin area but Derry always has just a little bit more than what’s happening anywhere else it just happens to have um the it seems to be it seems to attract all the right

    People you know sort of uh the it’s a it’s a favorite holiday location for the for the Clinton family so uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I can see very strong line here uh going from north of Nuri all the way down to Al Alone um and then drug ad again so

    There’s quite a lot there was quite a lot going on in September in Ireland and to the West Coast as well so yeah it’s um so really what we try and do is we try and match up those heat sports with anything that’s going on above ground I

    Know it sounds Bonkers but usually what we’re finding is that we might get a really random um news story that mentions a person kind of lost a child or lost a dog or did something really just odd um or somebody’s complained about her chickens um and they’ve mentioned in

    Great detail about an address and this and a time and a you know and we kind of looking at they’re going what does what on Earth and then so we make a note and then a couple of days later something happens in that area so what we think is

    Happening is that the Press is local press definitely is being used to give the heads up to people and we think the local press is giving the heads up to probably the bad guys um that something is coming their way yeah there seems to yeah look that seems to be sort of

    Falling within the thing because there’s um you can’t do all of this without it being well known in around sort of certain circles I mean you would need so um without going into too much details about that but um I mean people who are listening to this will sort of will kind

    Of you know understand what we’re talking about I mean we have um again one of the big uh hot areas for activity and it’s an area that Jean decode always mentions H always in a in a worried kind of a way he always talks about lock Cara

    And knock airport you know sort of um so uh and again it falls within I know that you’ve been noticing that some of these locations that there’s there’s always seems to be a very there’s a correlation between where these places are and uh horse races you know it’s an interesting

    Thing so and this just happens to be in close proximity to um to to to the horse races so we have that that also thing but also it’s an area that you’ll never really have heard too much about it was a notorious area um there was the Chim

    Mother and baby home and uh so so we have an awful lot of unresolved kind of um issues with uh with that kind of thing which correlates again with what’s going on in these places possibly potentially according to Gan decode you know it’s something that we something that we just need to be

    Looking into a bit more um so what what other locations um do you see sort of I mean you said sort of aone and and uh and Rocka there where else is coming up for you just because it’s it’s interesting for people because they’re trying to sort of say okay what’s what’s

    Going on here we we know that um Epstein um visited um Ireland and uh and he he was sort of he traveled through sort of the that Wexford area traveling from Dublin down to Waterford where his plane was waiting for him so um you know sort

    Of so it’s yeah it’s just like okay well um we’re joining the dots so what else comes up for you Caroline so uh for example on September 8th last year I’ve got a line of heat spots going all the way from somewhere called immingham and Grimsby I don’t know whether you know

    That is it’s on the east coast of the UK uh and that runs all the way across sou just south of Manchester to burken head Liverpool area um I think that’s actually rung corn uh and then there’s a heat spot in just in that bay there before you get

    Into the IRC proper and then dreda you get a line so it kind of joins at dreda and goes all the way across you got four dots all the way across to a place CAU so there’s one just really almost underneath Carri on Shannon and then goes just in between there to Westport

    So it’s almost like an entire line of heat spots traveling from the East UK to the west of Ireland which is incredible yeah I have seen that one before but not as complete as that yeah J Code actually talks about that he talks about that’s the line that takes that goes from knock

    To England and he also says that there’s a line that runs from Dublin to gway um as well and there’s a a line I think there’s also something that runs possibly runs from Dublin um across too so um yeah angle see probably yeah yeah yeah so this whole area this Central

    Area of the UK and the northern part of Ireland proper um is is always busy you know particularly in in England it’s always busy and um you know we have a lot of people who are based around the you know the sorry I’m just going to look the names so Liverpool

    Blackpool area BL uh BL I think it’s called um elsir Port Chester that kind of area and they are constantly getting clobbered and always have terrible terrible air quality um and yeah sorry so whenever you’re talking about Dublin but um can you also talk about about what’s happening in

    Alter in Northern Ireland because it we know that it has um it would have probably a bigger presence in terms of sort of the whole military establishment I mean sort of people would know that there’s a you know that there’s just historically there’s just been an awful

    Lot more military sort of um well we don’t really see an awful lot going on in Northern Ireland what in terms of um enemy activity we see a lot going on in the Irish sea um I think most over the LA you know since World War I since flight started and

    Particularly military flight um a lot of effort and research has gone in worldwide both with the allies and and with our adversaries into understanding how to use weather patterns wind flows and uh humidity dryness all of that to use those conditions to spread uh substances more effectively whether

    That’s for weather mod or whether it’s something more nefarious um and we see a lot of activity in the RC we see a lot of hugging the coast because there is a what the Atlantic stream uh which is part of the jet stream we call it the Atlantic stream

    Brings in a lot of lightning from West Atlantic and America um and so gaso so that lightning is actually quite dangerous for anybody in the air uh especially if you’ve been exposed to any kind of toxin it doesn’t have to necessarily be arsenic um but any toxin

    That you have in your system uh will oscillate with radiation ionizing radiation and one bolt of lightning put I not even sure if they’ve managed to work out how much radiation comes off one bolt of lightning but enough to kind of I suppose feel it if you get a bolt

    Of lightning near you you certainly do feel it don’t you you feel the energy of it um but if you then multiply that by I don’t know 10,000 bolts of lightning which you might see for sure in the ocean then that can become quite dangerous you know for for people flying

    Um for example I’ve got a screen up here uh this is a what we do use a a app called Blitz Auto um it’s a German app actually it’s very useful and I take a 24hour cumulative sorry 48 hour cumulative shot of how many lightning strikes we’ve seen in a certain area or

    Continent in that 48 hour period and we are always seeing and particularly at the moment we’re seeing a very strong stream of lightning coming in from the Southwest Atlantic and that will be affecting southern Ireland where you are um Cornwall uh the west of France Spain as well I don’t know whether you’ve

    Heard that Spain has reintroduced masks in some areas um and also what I noticed which I’d never seen before never seen the correlation basically because I hadn’t looked because I didn’t think there would be one is that when we’ve had this heavy lightning uh because it’s not always there but

    When we have had it I’m seeing a slight rise not a not a dangerous rise but a slight rise in the general radiation reading over the areas that are receiving the most lightning signatures we call them and so for example at the moment uh the northwest of Spain and Portugal are

    Quite High a lot higher than the areas further in land um but they’re not high to dangerous levels I must you know kind of reiterate that but if you imagine that you know when you have uh chemo and then you go for radiation you don’t get completely

    Blasted with radiation but the they work together synergistically so the chemical might be a relatively small dose of might not make you so unwell um and this isn’t how all Kone radiotherapy works but some does so they they kind of piggyback off each other um so you get the chemical into

    Into the body wherever the tumor is and then you blast it with radiation and Pop Goes the tumor over time um and it takes a course doesn’t it to kind of achieve that effect and that’s in a similar way uh when you’re inhaling toxins you and then you were being exposed to uh

    Lowlevel radiation like this like ionizing radiation it becomes cumulative over time and this is why people don’t all get sick at the same time because they have different exposures the different Siz bodies you know some people go out running a lot and other people don’t some people sweat a lot

    Some people don’t and you know depending on what you’re eating as well um so it really is highly dependent on how much you’re exposed but usually what we find as we all know we get our seasonal cleanse don’t we where we have a cold or

    A flu once or twice a year and we feel a lot better afterwards and that’s really the body just uh reacting to everything that it’s been bombarded with over the year uh whether that’s in food or water whatever um and and then deciding that it’s had enough and it wants to check it

    All out wow well you know we see we see some unusual you know weather patterns I mean we increasingly so you know we see sort of um the thunder and lightning was over Christmas time we had uh thunder and lightning sort of um storms and it’s

    Was just like how is this happening sort of in the middle of winter you know so and you know it’s it’s we sort of see these things that sort of defy kind of reason and yet we are um we’re looking at this I mean we we were just

    Mentioning that uh uh was it we had the Iceland had the volcano there a few weeks ago and uh and just to correlate with that we had purple Skies over South keni um which kind of looked like um as uh um Ares would call it he would call

    It um The Vapor Barrier sort of that’s what it looked like it was a very deep healing kind of a purple so um and but yeah I think we’re we’re sort of we’re just being exposed to ever increasing sort of um weather um manip manipulation if we can say that

    Word at at the yeah at the uh I I sort of fairly close to the coast so um so I would sort of see the the plans coming over and actually I was standing out and uh looking up and you would see them just turning on the tanks you know as

    They as they’re coming over and I was looking out looking up at this guy and he actually was as he was flying towards towards sort of um me I was looking up and you know there was no there was no trails and then suddenly he turned on

    The Taps and I I was liter I could look up and I could see this guy and he was looking at me and he actually turned off the Taps you know he flew on and then you know and then he opened the Taps again so um so

    Yeah I mean it’s uh Ian I’ve yeah I know some pilots and they say look this is this is real you know so um it is but you’ve been doing you I mean you really go to time with regards to this I mean there’s some um ladies up in in dunal

    Have been doing soil testing and they’ve been doing water testing and they’re getting a lot of the same results as what you’re getting is they’re getting an awful lot of arsenic in the in the soil samp and it’s like this doesn’t make sense because it just so happens

    That um we did um soil tests in this area we took it on to have these chemically assessed and petrographical Analysis on these um soils uh 20 years ago so we know exactly what was happening in our soils and in our groundwater in this area and now we go

    Back and we take a sample of the same area and now we’re getting this plethora of of of damaging chemicals I mean where are they coming from so um so they’re else you finding what else are you finding apart from ARS uh I I don’t they actually have they have the the whole

    Details they they they they produced all of the data so that’s all available you know so um but i’ I’ve noticed that you’ve also been um I think they also find an awful lot of aluminium and sort of things like that things that are sort of toxins and things that are fairly

    Nasty but you’ve been doing this and you’ve even been taking hair samples I’ve been sort of watching that even the you know your pets are getting sick because they’re maybe drinking from puddles um and uh and they’re you know that that are contaminated so I mean what what’s

    What’s coming up for you Caroline with regards to this and and uh you know you’re charting also the health and well-being of of yourselves and also of the of the animals yeah I try to be quite specific we’ve we are constantly asking questions of people and it must get

    Irritating some of the members of the emergency News Channel because they’re like oh no she’s asking again but it’s because what we do is we test the theory time and time again to make sure we’re not wrong um and so for example I put one out just a couple of days a

    Yesterday I think it was saying we are expecting people to have sore eyes and it was very specific Sore Eyes headache that kind of won’t shift like it feels like you’ve got a headache behind your eyes but it’s not like a proper headache it feels like your sinuses are dry

    Um and also a little maybe a cough or a little bit of nausea and the number of people who came back and said Their Eyes Were sore was incredible and in the areas that we were expecting it and we only track what we believe to be spreading arene gas which is the gas

    Form of arsenic uh so the fact that there is that kind of tight correlation between our observations in the air and our observations of uh weather patterns and that is then coming back to us in in the form of real feedback of yes we have that we

    Have that we have that um the only confusing thing there is that for example I got lots of people saying oh the southwest and I was like hang on we don’t have anything in the southwest and then soon as I look at the lightning map there it is so the lightning will make

    You feel like you’re getting that realtime exposure because it’s shaking everything up in your body and in your eyes and in your head so everything that you were exposed to like last week or the week before that’s still there and hasn’t been um you know gotten rid of

    Will then react with the the radiation coming off the lightning so it can feel like you’re having the same reaction even though you’re just being exposed to lightning um so it’s like releasing uh releasing arnic all over again into your body into your bloodstream and and then

    You have to go through that either you detox it or your body tucks it away somewhere uh to to keep you safe or relatively safe um so we yeah we’ve done a lot of hair testing uh I did test my dogs I do think that perhaps one of my

    Uh neighbors didn’t like my dogs barking so much um so they had a lot of lithium in them a lot of lithium I really don’t think that that is anything that is being sprayed on us because it’s not in any other samples um so I do think that that was an attempt

    At poisoning the dogs which is a shame uh but I I can discount that as something that we are experiencing overhead um then the other thing that I ask people to tell me is whether or not they’ve had aluminium back in their test the ones that I’m seeing only the dogs

    Tend to have a little higher than normal levels but they don’t run into the dangerous levels and these are you know we’re talking micrograms here really very very small amounts um and as soon as people stop the dogs drinking uh puddle water that should go um

    So to give people an idea of how much metal might be used in Cloud making silver iodide which is seeded into Cloud base to make rain you can a whole teaspoon of silver so it’s like kind of looks bit like Mercury I presume I don’t know I’ve not seen it

    Um a whole teaspoon of that flat level teaspoon creates a trillion ice nuclei a trillion I mean I don’t know how much Cloud that would be but that’s you know it sounds impressive doesn’t it so it’s a lot of a lot of cloud particles for not much metal now

    How Cloud particles are formed is what I think people are getting a bit confused about because you can have ice crystals that form just spontaneously and they don’t need an ice nuclei they just form spontaneously where there is a lot of moisture in the air uh and heat so you you would see

    Trails out of the back of aircraft just that we flying in an area that was a little bit more moisture Laden than another area and then it looks like it’s turning it off but it’s not and then there’s the other type of uh ice nuclei um that is formed around a

    Particle so you get a tiny particle of sulfur or s for example from the emissions from a plane and that will form a little ice Crystal around the the particle itself and so that is what forms the trails that look like they’re coming out of the bottoms of aircraft um

    And absolutely undoubtedly there is the potential for adding a little bit of this you know how they have additives in car fuel that you could add a bit take away a bit you know in order to get a mix that would produce something a bit more longlasting um whether or not they

    Have separate nozzles I have no idea um for this stuff I think certainly the large the very large cargo planes that we see churning the stuff out undoubtedly they probably have uh their own separate dispersal systems um but you can get trails that last and expand from just normal aircraft fuel from what

    I can tell from the research that I’ve looked at based on that that science around how ice crystals form yeah I mean I I would see um like a a silvery he and it used to be that you would you would see a haze on sort of un certain kind of

    Weather conditions um in sort of in in agricultural areas maybe sort of you know in own sort of harvest time you would get just be of that lovely kind of a golden kind of a haze but now it’s a silvery Haze and it it could happen at

    Any time of the year but it’s just odd you know yeah yeah and I can tell you exactly what that is go ahead tell me what what is that yeah we’ve had two people uh somebody very kindly from a a a kind of an official lab tested some

    Dust that somebody had and that largely contained silica and then Owen Morgan who’d done the test test that he then posted up on Instagram that had the 44 PS per million arsenic in he picked up a whole bunch of other stuff which is kind of pretty normal because you know he’s a

    He’s a soil guy so he knows Soil and Water Guy um he uh yeah so he said that usually there’s quite a lot of silica in these tests that he was doing and he’d done another test ear of snow and that also showed silica so silica we

    Think is being used as a binding agent for the gas um so it would be silica dioxide probably I don’t know might just be silica plain um because arene gas is one part one atom of arene with three hydrogens and so it binds really easily to anything with an oxygen really easily

    Doesn’t bind permanently though so there’s a lot of chemistry behind how our works um the most successful binding for arsenic in general is sulfur and this is why it’s so interesting seeing these big clouds of sulfur float around the earth uh the last one was near the Kamchatka volcano in Eastern

    Russia um we don’t know whether that cloud actually came from Russia it may not have done it may have been dispersed and just kind of launched into the jet stream but in theory what happens when you bind uh so two sulfur molecules to an arsenic is that the bind

    Is it’s like a double bond so it’s stronger than a simple Bond like to oxygen hydrogen to oxygen or what you know I’m not a chemist I think you can tell um and I don’t have my notes with me on the all of this but it’s uh it is

    Fascinating when you when you start digging deep into it but anyway so the sulfur two sulfur binds very strongly to Arsenic and this is why arsenic is such a brilliant kind of killing tool um because all of our enzymes that govern the things that happen in our bodies so

    The enzymes are are like the the worker bees of a of a of a hive they kind of take this and take that and kind of make it into something else or you know get your Sy upses working or uh kind of dissolve something that shouldn’t be

    There um or make something else that that your body needs and without these enzymes so even enzymes that we digest with are being affected um without these enzymes or without enough of these enzymes working either the body overcompensates and produces much much much more of them uh to and then you

    Kind of end up with an overload of X protein or enzyme um or it doesn’t pruce enough of them and your body just kind of goes you know I need to digest my food I can’t I’ve now got you know indigestion um so so these particles that we’re talking about going but to

    Those um it is actually what they do is allow us to physically see what is going on in the sky so as I said before ourc and gas can’t be sprayed in Cloud because that would just wreck the whole point of spraying it um it absorbs is absorbed

    Easily by water and then it would kind of stay up in the cloud and it wouldn’t fall down for us all to breathe uh so instead if you disperse something like silica in very fine M form so in microns you’re talking about very small pm2.5 that’s called so it’s smaller than

    Or the same size as 2.5 microns so it’s really tiny uh it you know you can’t see it in the naked eye you might be able to see a little bit of a reflection of a particle in the Sun but not sure um probably you know how it looks when you

    You’re looking out of the window and it’s a sunny day and you you’ve just shaken a towel and you’ve got lots of particles flying around in the air um so what then happens is that that PM 2.5 becomes visible to us we can see the thick Haze over the ground it’s kind of

    Gray and pink and you know the visibility drops as well so you could really see see that there’s something in the air that probably you don’t want to be breathing an awful lot of so I certainly recommend to everybody that I talked to who who does activity outside

    Like running or cycling not to go when they can see this stuff on the horizon and you do have to look on the horizon you can’t see it you know when you walk out of the door it’s invisible um you have to look on the horizon you know a

    Few miles into the distance at least to see what the visibility is like to get an idea of how dense the air is and we use apps for that as well they’ll come to that in a minute um but the most important thing the most impressive

    Thing that we’ve seen uh as part of counter measures by the Allies is the use of weather modification so obviously somebody is dropping the silica and suver or whatever to bind this so that it can be seen but also so that it can be drawn off land and into the sea so as

    Soon as we start to see that PM 2.5 dropping we know that the system is is cleaning out and that the air quality is going to get better and without fail people start to feel better as soon as that cloud moves as soon as that Haze

    Moves just on that on that actually as as you’re saying sort of with regards to the the the the weather being sort of moved off off the land the the local beaches here occasionally we we get this this black or gray dust carbon um you

    Know on you know on the beach and it’s just it’s such an odd thing I think people were using um magnets and they were that were finding that some of this dust was actually magnetic interestingly also um was it I was talking to Miles about this this conversation and he he’s

    Just back from Norway and he was saying that you know that there was a there was a big fall of snow but it wasn’t like really real snow it was it wasn’t as cold and we’ve even seen pictures of people setting fire to some of the Snowballs you know it’s it’s bizarre to

    See but and over and above that it it just I’ll also raise the issue that I also think that there’s a legislative um issue here too because also our groundwaters are being polluted we’re I mean whenever sort of farmers are being in you know allowed to use um very

    Strong wheat killers that actually you know have a residue that sort of live within our or damage our guts um but also uh stay in the ground Waters and pollute the ground Waters with with fertilizers and more so with certain weed colors not I don’t want to highlight any particular weed color but

    I’m sure everybody will know who I’m talking about you know but um that was allowed to happen and it’s polluted our groundwaters and we don’t know I mean it’s not going to happen in the next two or 3 hundred years that our groundwaters are going to clear um having this

    Chemical in them yeah I know the one you mean yeah but I I have my thoughts about this and Seb Powell who did a lot of research with me last year and the year before um he’s done some analysis and basically the action of that

    Chemical is to dry out uh grains so it dries stuff out now what we’ve found is that uh most plant life pretty much all plant life are amazing remediators of soil so if you grow a bunch of sunflowers in a field for a few years your soil is going to be beautiful as

    Long as you don’t put any crap on it um now what I think is happening with this particular chemical type of chemical is that they they’re called desicant and when a plant grows it starts to suck up nutrients and so doesn’t it and it sucks up uh heavy metals and whatever

    Else is in the Sal that shouldn’t be um and as it starts to flour so for flowering plants it then gives out in in in our case we’re talking about arsenic it would start to give out arene gas which is why an awful lot of councils for example will start chopping down um

    All of their wild flowers quite early in the season so they’ll cut all of those down because if they keep them and let them keep flowering continuously which weeds often do and wild flowers they will just be pumping our seam back into the environment which is not what we

    Want um so the action what I I think is happening with this type of chemical is that when a plant dries so let’s forget that chemical for the moment when a plant dries it’s losing water and arene and arsenic are water soluble so when you lose the water you suck the water

    Out of it um by any means so it could be natural drying in the Sun or it could be you know mechanical drying via chemical um or drying machine you you’re removing all the water but along with the water you’re removing a quite a bit of arene

    And arsenic um and I think that is what this type of treatment is designed for so there are rumors that that chemical contains arsenic but if you test treated plants of course you’re going to find aric anyway um and any runoff will also show arsenic but that

    Does not mean to say that that chemical contains it I it’s more likely that that chemical is drawing it out of the plant as it desiccates and then carries it away in the groundw and I do totally agree with you that we shouldn’t be adding any chemicals to the groundwater at

    All um or the soil or our plants but we have a big problem at the moment in that remediation of some sort has to happen so by not eating anything grown in soil that isn’t undercover or completely cleaned and then undercover um you know we’re not going to be able to grow

    Anything I mean that’s you know I grow my own vegetables here when I can I grew fairly well in the first season there was blight on the potatoes but you know had good tomatoes um but then after that winter so last year I tried to grow again and everything failed everything literally

    Everything didn’t treat the soil didn’t put anything on it didn’t cover it over it got rain water wrecked completely wrecked and everybody in my area said this it and why why do you think that it filed was it was it because what was in the rainwater or was it the temperature

    Or was it sometimes whenever you’re growing if there’s a coold spell that’ll just take it out you know sort of what do you know what what what sort of a nor weather conditions it was normal weather conditions there wasn’t anything unusual that I would go oh you need to cover it

    Over I did have uh the area covered over whilst it was still Frosty so everything was nice and cozy um but as soon as I took it off and it started getting rain water and then it got exposed to lightning uh so we had a couple of lightning storms in that early growing

    Period as what so rain first then lightning then rain then lightning um it just wrecked it all all of it never seen anything like it you have sort of that’s sounds like my kind of gardening skills I’ve got i’ got green fingered friends you

    Know sort of in all of them but uh but I’m afraid my my that’s generally sort of my um how things are sort of working for me but yeah I think that’s something that um yeah that that’s that’s quite that’s quite alarming it’s something that a lot of people are saying

    Everybody had a bad growing year last year and then uh whenever and these things do you know is is what you and I are both seeing is these things aren’t they’re not accidental you know sort of the fact that everybody had a bad growing year that wasn’t by accident you

    Know um also the fact that people had a very bad Harvest last year again that wasn’t by accident you know there was only a few people um that were salvy enough got the first cut for for cutting of hay and other and above that you know

    There was no hay cut last year so it puts everybody all the agricultural people into into sort of a a kind of a panic situation so I mean this is this is a tough winter if we have um a prolonged or if we have a heavy snow

    We’re we’re really going going to be very badly affected because of what happened last spring and uh and last summer because we just don’t have the F to take us through so um but also even what was happening in terms of what’s what’s going into the the Agri feeds and

    They’re putting in GMO um soya and so forth and all of these additives that are just sort of very questionable into the likes of the the F so is there anything else you want to cover in this um we have I can tell you about GMO but

    It isn’t what you expecting to hear okay and what what is it then so what’s what are your thoughts about GMO so I said that um so we’ve done quite a bit of research on foods and obviously this uh disulfide bond which I talked about which is the double sulfur bond which is

    Present in everything uh organic um is very attractive to arsenic so basically the more disulfide bonds of food crop has the more likely it is to absorb arenic so some of the the the most uh prolific Sul disulfide Bridge harborer of all the plants are things like wheat and

    Soy and basically the genetic modification is trying to edit out out some of that dulfi content uh so that there’s less for the Arsenic to get hold of and the plant becomes less toxic to us so whether or not that’s working I have no idea uh I can’t eat soy personally or

    Wheat um but that is the theory behind why they’re genetic we We Believe is the theory behind the genetic modification but if you look at um remediation plants so if you look at all the experiments for remediation plants with arsenic you’ll see that wheat is included and

    Soy and various other plants that you would perhaps not expect to see well um my experience I’m I’m like you if I can to eat the wheat and there certain other um s of things that I I would have an issue with and what’s what people are sort of finding

    Now is actually that chemical that weat killing chemical that we’re not going to mention um that also affects people’s gut um it was the same um the chemical sort of reacts to people’s gut so whenever people are thinking that they have a wheat or a gluten intolerance they’re actually the reacting to that

    Chemical so um we’re seeing with some of these um GMOs you know inside of their their practices I’ve I’ve sort of witnessed myself that they would um have some sort of a a thought pattern that um that that sort of to to uh to modify what’s natural um gives you exponential growth

    But actually one of the things that we’re finding is th those um non-native plants actually seem to be a lot more exposed to blight they seem to be a lot more exposed to um kind of predators and and risk factors and weather um issues as well whereas sort of the the native

    Um plants and seeds Heirloom Seeds seem to be a lot more sort of uh you know resistant to sort of temperature fluctuations or um so that’s something that sort of some of the organic people the biodynamic people are sort of for finding and uh I mean as I said I’m I’d

    Love to be a little bit more green fingered but um but that’s what they’ve they’ve assured me that that’s that that seems to be the case but also nutrient value that these um Heirloom Seeds seems to have a higher nutrient value than something that is that is GMO that is

    That is you know aimed to produce bigger quantities faster you know sort of and uh changing the the growing um characteristics of the plant to um to produce um bigger yields but of course then to to produce the bigger yles they’ll also need to have um the sort of

    Uh additive um fertilizers and so forth put on so there’s it’s it seems to use an awful lot more energy as opposed to sort of um the the more natural native seeds that you know we can sort of find from places like Seed Savers yeah I think the the the issue

    That uh Growers large Growers have is that if they have a failed crop you know hundreds of people will not get the food that they need the market won’t get the food that they need and I also question actually looking at the way um the buying is going for food

    Stuffs the buying is going for different food stuffs like uh I don’t know green beans let’s say green beans if you go to the store you will see that a lot of green beans might come from Kenya not from the UK even in the spring when you

    Might expect there to be green beans from the UK but the reason they’re not coming from the UK is because they’re not edible they’re not edible and probably the crops are failing so if I also believe that a lot of the um crops that we’re getting are perhaps being destroyed

    Um so I’m thinking about winter we you know remediation plants are perhaps being destroyed and we are bringing in a lot more food than we quite realize um because they are not fit for consumption now in terms of your comment about the chemical that we everybody knows we’re talking about um kind of

    Being the element that is hurting people’s guts I would ask has that grain that has been treated with that chemical being tested for arsenic before it is desiccated because then I would say I would look first at arsenic every single time before I look at any chemical that’s being used um purely

    Because whilst I wouldn’t really necessarily even want to eat anything that’s been treated with a chemical I think that we’re all you know I like you was thinking oh well you know it’s it’s gluten in the in the wheat that’s causing the problem oh no now it’s the

    Chemical in in that chemical in the wheat that’s causing the problem and now I’m pretty sure that it’s actually neither of those and that it is probably arsenic because I get those symptoms whether I eat wheat or not depending on what is going on in the air that’s a big

    Big statement that’s something that we can all look into and uh because that’s a that’s a massive statement Caroline and um yeah wow well that kind of makes sense I mean if we’re if we’re looking into the skies and that’s what we see and I mean I look across and I I see

    That the Silvery hazes in the in the skies and you know it’s and uh you know this is this is a growing kind of an area so um so yeah that correlates so we we that’s something to look into Okay so look um thank you very much for covering

    Those issues um um we’re hearing about people talking about the events do you have any um thoughts about what this event is I mean we hear about that the the elites are all scurrying to their bunkers um they’re talking about sort of this year do you have any thoughts about

    This I mean some people are talking about Robert Anton Wilson’s book the elimin arity trilogy and you know the hidden Army under the lake but um what what are your thoughts about sort of the the the status quo at the moment are are we going to have a an event do you think

    This year ah it’s how long is a piece of string I think the the big issue we have and you’ve probably noticed this yourself is that there are still a lot of people who are not even prepared to start listening to any even for example what we’ve talked about tonight which is fair

    Technical um and I have the you know more or less the theory uh covered um but you know that people just will not consider it even the people who are awake in the awake category will not talk about it the whistleblowers won’t talk about it at all um we don’t know

    Why we don’t know why and the thing is until people start talking just about the simplest things about what is going on in our a and really being open to knowing the answer rather than um kind of picking something that they think is popular you know a reason that is

    Popular then we’re going to be held in this limbo where nothing is changing you know people are not waking up properly because they’re refusing to budge from a point of view um and every time you know we analyze every day we learn new stuff every day we don’t stop

    Learning um but what I do think in answer to your question getting back on track is that this is a war we are seeing the war pop up above the surface first in Ukraine and then in in the west I mean Ukraine and then in

    Israel this is the war in the west the the visual reminder of what is going on but then there is a huge War if you look at Zoom Earth running right across the center of Africa and there are people dying of goodness knows what inv viruses in inverted commas with lightning and

    Arsenic probably in various doses um there are Rebel factions threatening to kill people in Papa New Guinea uh um you know scores of animals dying all over the world in from the sea you know whales being stranded elephants dying in the Sahara in the sorry Sahara they don’t have elephants in the Sahara

    Um but in in Africa um puffins off the coast of Sky you know all of this is happening all around us and people are not ready the whole world is not ready to hear this because it is beyond everyone’s imagination it is beyond the scope of what we thought was possible it’s taken

    Four years for us to really start feeling comfortable talking about this in this kind of detail um and even now it’s it’s still very you know very cursory and probably quite vague for some people um so in terms of there has been some discussion about there possibly being a call for a

    Nuclear fallout or or you know a lockdown of some description um and since we’ve started to work out how how this activity in the in the air is being literally circulated All Around the World in these jet streams um we can see how that might it might be possible to predict another

    Lockdown type scenario but they would have to really come up with something interesting for people to listen so nuclear fallout but then there is always going to be this section of society who are just number one not going to believe it going to think it’s all bunam because

    They’ve never been ill and you know stuff like that so I think no is my answer no I don’t think it’s going to happen this year I don’t think it is that kind of War I think this is going to be a long protracted slow learning um war that you know could go

    On for some years that’s interesting I I’ve heard I’ve heard these um Concepts such as the fluide stare whenever you’re talking to somebody and they’re looking at you like you’re they’re you’re speaking a different language and uh just and so people would joke that maybe there’s too much fluid in their water

    You know so there’s may be something in that but even the likes of the um the 5G and all of this but we we’ve been sort of we’ve been completely encompassed by mocking bir media it’s basically like narcissism you know people are sort of were seeing this kind of behavior that

    We would associate with narcissism it’s it’s pathological lying where they are looking straight into your eyes with conviction saying there’s nothing going on here and only if you’ve ever had to deal unfortunate enough to have had to deal with a narcissist then you’ll actually say this is yeah we know what

    This is now but otherwise people just don’t have any they don’t have any concept of sort of why would why would Government lie to us why would the media lie to us where they haven’t actually gotten to that point yet people that are it it’s a it’s a tough thing for them to

    Have to deal with the fact that um there are people out there that actually just want to take advantage it’s uh it is it it seems to be linked to um we have terms like mephistophiles you know we have Jason horley um uh who’s going to

    Be joining us um in the next few days and he talks about the Fabian agenda his family are you know where Fabian family going back more than a hundred years the times of of Aldis Huxley and literally they they drafted all of this out more

    Than 100 years ago and this is just part of their game plan you know so and but whenever you can go back and you can look at this literature because they have it all written down and then you sort of okay this is this is what this

    Is you know as I said um if we look at the the writings of Robert Anton Wilson if you look at the writings of of CS Lewis Aldis Huxley um HG Wells uh we have you know you know there’s there’s a plethora of authors which have which you

    Know we can we actually just sort of talk about their terms um we have 1984 um that was written by George Orwell it was it was in it was in our common thought for you know it was in school syllabuses so we were all it was preemptive planning that we were sort of

    Taught all of this this whole syllabus so we could um we would walk into it even though we would be sort of ridiculing it sort of well we’re not going to behave like that you know it’s even all of this talk about um racism and predictive planning and so forth and

    Actually the people that have been sort of uh you know rebelling the most and sort of saying no we we wouldn’t fall for that are actually the ones that are that are leading the they they’re leading the way you know they’re they’re the ones that are they’re showing the P

    Piper the way you know so um but it’s it’s interesting to see how it’s all working out so but look um Caroline thank you so much for joining us um do you have any final thoughts that you’d like to share with us yes jie I do um so you’ve talked

    About reading a number of authors and I do think that that is important but I think at the same time we must remember that propaganda is embodied in fiction um easily embodied in fiction and what I am doing at the moment is spending a lot of time raking back over history um

    Because I think there are not history that’s been written up by somebody I’m talking about going back to somebody’s diary so for example Kaiser vham of the German Empire or uh Kurt puer of uh he was a spy for Germany in the Middle East um somebody called philby singen philby who was actually

    The father of King Kim Phil who was part of the Cambridge 5 spiring who it affected to Russia there are a lot of people from that period from the mid 1800s to uh postor War who have left a legacy of documentation and writings and thoughts not all of them honest

    Obviously because there are diaries but then what you do is you compare what some one of those people thinks of another person so for example singen filby who was very uh kind of attached himself to ibna Saud who was the King of Saudi around the time of the Palestine

    Mand dayss uh he saw Lawrence as a little man and so this is Lawrence of Arabia and we all have this impression that Lawrence of Arabia is this big hulking man who kind of rides through on his charger through you know the Arabian desert but he’s this little man so what

    It does is it puts if you compare all of these people’s writings you you get to see what the reality was at the time so I’m learning about you know another guy called minor Taren and I’ve just this is the article I’m on at the moment um and he worked in

    Palestine for the British uh he was a colonel when he arrived there um he he was posted actually in Gaza interestingly um but he has you don’t just look at that tiny period of time as well you look at what he did before and what he

    Did afterwards and he has a very German name and you look at his family and they come originally a few Generations back in from Breman in Germany but they’re not finished with Breman so some people kind of just travel and kind of land somewhere and forget about the country

    They came from as a lot of immigrants did but this guy you know his family he has family in Breman they have a bank in Breman and they have a bank in in London and then after he’s done his little stint in the Middle East he writes

    Diaries the Middle East diary where he claims that he actually met Hitler three times and he was working for the British could he have been a spy do you see what I mean so it’s these all of these uh intertwined people and accounts of things that you can compare to each

    Other which in my view is absolutely enthralling it’s something that um makes me quite excited because I think this is this is the real history this is this that we now have that I you know I owe an awful lot to my research to um is just like a

    Treasure Trove of information you can’t find everything but you find a lot so I recommend highly recommend that people use resources like that to further their you know the facts they’re learning of the actual facts of things but what is that archive called what they’re saying is is literally that

    It only just concluded in the last couple of years and uh and that we lost and that the Allied Forces lost you know so um yeah and they’re saying that that um Operation Paperclip um was evidence of that yeah I think the war is still going I don’t think it actually stopped what

    What was the if that’s interesting what was the name of the archive that you were talking about it’s the internet archive and the web address is that’s it so what I recommend people do is not put that in because it’s quite it it’s got the way back machine it’s quite

    Difficult to search so what I do is I find a person that I want to know more about so let’s say singen philby um and I put him in and then I put Middle East because I to know about when he was in the Middle East and and

    Then on the end and then it will find everything on him you know is we could actually we could have a whole big conversation about this because it takes us into sort of those literature experts that I have a bit of a grow for

    Um the likes of CS Lewis you know so CS Lewis wrote um he seemed to have had a a connection with this um he’s he would have been on the this was the Allied side he’s from he’s from Belfast but um he wrote books about the abolition of

    Man he was fighting against what the feans were doing you know sort of and he kind of moved into um very sort of Christian kind of ways of thinking but he wrote a a very interesting book Kine called that hidden strength and it was uh the likes of James Tanny sort of puts

    It as being one of the most important books um because it kind of Echoes where we’re at at the moment so he says that uh in in CS Lewis has it that Merlin is uh Merlin is sleeping and that there is like an invasion of the ni which is sort

    Of apparently it’s the same term that’s used by England for one of their one of their new bodies and uh it’s that it comes over and basically invades the whole area it’s it’s narcissism explosion and so Merlin sort of awakes from his sleep because he knows that

    This is going to happen to save the country by um by sort of basically giving people their sovereignty back sort of and uh so these are these are interesting kind of um archetypes that seem to be sort of coming up at the moment but um but yeah I think um CS Le

    Would have been in that Oxford set and sort of in around that mix but he would have been on the other side sort of on the good side um so but the likes of Jason horley he would talk about sort of the DH Lawrence and he would have been on the other side

    Of the coin so it’s it’s it’s very interesting to sort of see this whole this whole mix of of conversation and it’s interesting how they’re all geographically so in so um so connected and around the same time period uh we had um we had a very interesting man

    Called um Bob Osborne he wrote a book called zenner and it’s based it’s zenner is in Cornwall it’s sort of it’s it it’s on the peninsula there and again it was attracting all of these fabians and all of these um occultists and they were sort of working on this whole um

    Situation he Likens the whole thing and connects it all with um what would be called the secret space program and uh all of that sort of what’s happening in the tunnel so this is all connected you know and it has been connected for for many um for for many many years even at

    That time was it Carl Young the the German um philos philosopher um and the the Germans were very interested in that particular area of Cornwall because Hitler was thinking about sort of uh you know getting a a property there as was Carl Young because of its connections to

    This whole sort of um occultism so um these they’re they’re massive conversations and it’s I seem to be just going round and round in circles with it because it just keeps going back to the same places over and over again so but I’m also interested in um how how some

    Little places little pockets of of places seem to just keep coming up with in around the same time period lots of um lots of inspiration it’s like your heat spot but it’s with like sort of It’s A genus Loi it’s with inspiration where CS Lewis was born just happened to

    Be where um a guy called was Harland and wolf had their had their property so they were the the ship builders that built the Titanic and of course then you know CS Lewis is changing the world with his with his writing and his stories at

    The same time as uh um or sort of slightly after you know Harland and wolf had built the ships that would change the the world I mean sort of the all of the bankers sort of going down in the Titanic and the changing of the the gold

    System I mean there’s there’s no such thing as coincidence really anymore but um but these are these are sort of um people that are geographically located that have changed the world by their actions either directly or indirectly yeah amazing isn’t it really and it is you know we as you’re saying about

    Um things going on around certain people’s houses we we’ve seen interesting stuff going on over and underneath uh some famous people’s houses I won’t go into details so you know I didn’t even ask you what is the I’ve seen some images of things happening over people’s properties and uh uh aerial phenomena

    We’re talking Gino calls them air Quakes he says it’s it’s like it’s maybe sort of people you know it’s maybe um uaps um or uh energetics um you know sort of in in the air um so what what are your own thoughts I mean you’re you’re also

    Saying that it’s energetics being no no we don’t tend to um we sometimes some people have experien what they feel is an energy wave um but that could be connected to Weaponry underground um it could be connected to Weaponry overhead but usually uh we think that the Allies well

    Most of the active fighting goes on in the night so we wouldn’t be awake to experience it um and I think that’s deliberate I think that is to keep us safe I have heard some very strange noises at night some very kind of star warsy typ noises at night um but then

    Also I think there is uh there is signal blockers type interference that is regularly used with militaries you know that they can actually fly over an area and stop you being able to kind of contact somebody on a mobile phone for example um and that is just really I think to protect

    Their location and that’s something we’re really mindful of if we see uh some of the allies in the sky but can’t see them on radar we don’t disclose that at all um because they’re off radar for a reason you know so but apart from that no in terms of um

    Energy waves we do sometimes certainly some people are feeling stuff from underground uh but overground no that’s that’s that yeah that’s interesting that Echo is kind of what we sort of see over here in Ireland I mean it’s interesting there was a um there was a couple yeah

    There was a couple that flew over from the US Navy and of course um you know you kind of you do you you just know the different sounds of the different engines and uh they flew over and uh I think was it whenever I heard the noise

    I said that’s not a normal plane so I you know went in and uh checked the whole thing and uh I noticed that it was two planes that were um that they were sort of flying in formation from um from West cork up to to Dublin and uh they

    Were obviously looking for parts and uh because they they came from an aircraft carrier so it was um yeah so it was it was interesting because whenever I was watching that there was something like three or 4 thousand other people that obviously had heard the planes and

    Noticed that’s not a normal plane so there was like 3,000 other people also monitoring the whole situation so we all knew EX exactly where they’re going yeah there are I mean there are in situations like that when they’re flying very low people do notice and but we tend to just

    Try and keep anything off our research Channel just because we don’t know who’s on it basically we have a Channel of 2,500 people we have no idea if we’ve got anybody in there who’s not meant to be in there because you know how do you know you don’t

    Know that’s very responsible okay look um k any any final thoughts no that’s it I think jie thank you very much for having me it’s been fascinating hearing your stuff as well it has been a great share thank you very much I hope everybody sort of enjoying this and also

    Gives everybody the opportunity to go and uh do their own research and uh learn from this and uh you know put this um put this education sort of basically to use to see look what can we work out from here and uh basically it’s it’s all about sort of sovereignty of you know

    What how can we use this knowledge to to see what’s going on in our local environment so look thank you so much for joining us carine it’s a pleasure JY take care okay thank you


    1. On Mount Gabriel in Schull there are TWO DOPPLER STATIONS, over the last Twenty years more and more HAARP type antenna's are plentiful now on Mount Gabriel. Imho they need to be gone.

    2. I have been having major issues with dry eyes for years. These EVIL GLOBALISTS OLIGARCHS ARE EVIL BEYOND MEASURE, IMO. My poor dog has had cancer five times. I keep nurturing her with homeopathy and good vitamins and food. I hate chemtrails. Bah Hum Bum!

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