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    Are you with e here yes mate not enough’s being [ __ ] made of this castler Society 15 minutes City [ __ ] I know mate I know I know fuing disgrace do you know do you know about the light paper never earlier well this is the one that is sort of leading the charge for

    Paper wise anyway physical media so that’s like it’s it talks about that talks about 15minute neighborhoods talks about yeah that’s what that’s what they want they called it the it’s called the Wii app so it’s the app for everything So eventually they want us all to be on

    It’s all connected with the cash soci in the cbdc at a central bank Zuckerberg and his [ __ ] Facebook team went over to China well system El musk is well funny enough he did the same as well yeah yeah he’s one of he’s if you really look into his past

    You Ru for me now I thought he was the only well he s he sells electric vehicles you know what I mean like the only [ __ ] it’s all based on um green credit subsidies as well so so he won’t lower the price of uh his electric cars

    To compete with diesel and petrol models right so he just pretends that oh yeah it’s worth more so then he gets taxpayer money he gets arm money to subsidize it to for you to buy one cheaper but all you’re doing is I get the subsidies yeah

    But he’s all for the green credits you see so he’ll cash in the green credits yeah but he was on Joe Rogan a few months ago complaining about Biden yeah yeah yeah everybody to go electric but not giving the mining permits to get the cadmium the nickel the all that bollocks

    Yeah exactly exactly at least that Javier M stuck a rocket up don’tu that the AR Argentine I say look at the people he’s met mate he went he went and met first person he met when he became president he met he went and met Bill Clint

    I mean you’ve got to meet these people you can’t not I know but Bill Clinton of all the presidents all the former president not Trump not anyone like that no 26 times he was on the Leer Express on I know yeah you too mate you want you

    Want any more for you have a look at that mate have a fun through it yeah well for leave that somewhere leave that in a cafe or something or whatever once you’re done finish yeah have a love with it cheers mate thank you you right sorry guys that was um instant um oh

    Thank you May Fair it’s actually coming to an end now it’s actually bus I I gave away a lot of papers um it was like almost nonstop but we’re in sitting born at the moment at this busy Junction with all the big Corporation shops it’s

    Always a great thing to do so you got people finishing out going to take the signs down now so it might it won’t be too long of a screen but um so uh there’s quite a few of us here I reckon is about 20 to 30 again people and it’s

    Just you shift so much of these papers so I reckon I reckon today we given out a thousand I would say that I don’t know the exact number because what what happened is the main lady CLA who’s got the most papers she puts them into bag

    For life and there’s 100 so you can tally up just by looking at the empty bags so if there’s 10 empty bag you go what that’s a th000 isn’t it so but because she arrived a bit late because she got a flat tire um what we

    Did was we just had to all any of the light that we had so I had for example 50 in my van just like randomly so and then other people had a few things and luckily it connected with when CLA then arrived so it was pretty good uh good

    Timing so but because obviously we all ad hockly took it from our boots and all that we don’t actually know how many we’ve distributed because obviously was we don’t we weren’t we weren’t counting do you see what I mean so so I would estimate I was giving them

    Out nons I must have given out about at least 200 at least um so I reckon there’s about 1,000 that’s a conservative guess probably maybe a bit more 1100 1200 so it will be basically that sort of thing so but this is this is important guys this is this is the bread

    And butter like I’m not being funny but all those other types of events stand in the park and all that they’re catering for people who are already awake all these events Richard V speaking talking a few weeks ago all that the cater of people who are already awake because you

    Have to be in the movement to know who Richard VES is for example if you speak to anyone here that’s passing by they go all right mate you heard of Richard VES I go no I’ve never heard of him right so this is the bread and butter to getting people the entry level

    Into the gate entry into being a bit more aware of what’s going on and there’s a lot of people who understand what is going on so standing the park still great but it’s kind of become redundant and irrelevant because standing the park was created because of the lockdowns so people had somewhere to

    Go you know pretending that they well they are walking their dog but you know I mean or people without dogs oh they pretending to go somewhere so but now it’s just become a bit of a nice little of social don’t get me wrong that’s fine that’s fine but it’s not waking up

    People it doesn’t do anything to gain new members because you have to know about stand in the park already and know about the location to go to maybe what maybe a neighbor will bring their neighbor but it doesn’t it’s not a mass it’s like what like I said

    Well with that thousand I’m not saying everyone will look at that but about I say again conservative estimate about 20% of the people who’ve taken a paperwor 200 of them will probably seriously look at paper like there’s a guy I was just chatting to at the start

    Of the stream you heard he’s totally awake he’s aware of 15minute neighborhoods he’s all that but he wasn’t aware of the light paper now he knows about it he’s like oh thanks for telling me see the yellow boards have done that today that’s just one guy in

    In a span or how long going live within 5 minutes within 5 minutes being live that guy now knows about the light paper so it is the bread and butter so this is what I’m saying it’s not glamorous there’s no ego involved see a lot I think personally a lot of the

    Reasons why a lot of big names don’t turn up to this is because you’re equal to everyone else you’re just holding a sign and giving out a paper you aren’t making a Grandy old speech and look at me look at me I’m talking there’s none of that it’s just average people just

    Here you go mate here’s a paper look at this this is the paper they don’t want they don’t want you to know about this is the B this is the this is the paper that the BBC want to censor so standing my pants yeah exactly so it’s the bread and butter so

    You should be giving out light papers out in Davos but I would I wouldn’t recommend it though you probably get you probably would get in a lot in a lot in a lot of trouble for it so we’re in sitting born people don’t realize there sign it’s not I must say

    It’s not a glamorous um place I got to say um it’s near shess is shappy so um but now we’re going to go off some of us going to probably pop to the pub maybe and then we’re going to an event near Ashford in a little uh Little Village

    Off Ashford um godish I don’t know what it’s called God godish him or something like that so we’re going to go to that and it’s I don’t know some guys bringing some thing to call you know whatever I’m not really into that but we’ll listen to what you

    Have to say could be interesting it’s a little bit of a social as well cuz you we’ve done our work today guys we’ve done it you know what I mean so that’s the uh so how many papers do you reckon how many papers do you

    Reckon uh I’m live at the moment as well just okay if Claire might have bought about in case you Tred shat me up or something like that you know like all women all women yeah like all women yeah um I reckoned we had about 600 from sitting on lot and then whatever we

    Brought up with us I reck a th000 more than that yeah I think so too 1,200 15 really 15 I’m going to take a punt for 15 I’ve taken a conservative estimate and said and I’ve said 1,00,000 to 1100 okay but that’s a very you know I’m being I’m I’m I’m playing playing

    Safe you’re playing safe I’m playing safe here so but we don’t know now because obviously we used all of our own papers whereas Claire’s is usually in a bag so he’s put 100 in a bag so he can count the bag you just go right 1 2 3 4

    There’s 10 bags so there’s a th see what I mean that’s she does so we can’t do that now because we use my papers which are not in a bag it’s just simply oh I think there’s 25 or 50 there and then other people used their ones as well

    They literally opened up brand new ones so now it’s a you just have to guess I reckon if there’s about there could have been about 600 from the 600 from the um from the sitting bone lot I think car mids the Jaga bombs are on me you want go SMG

    BS um I heard this I think I’ve not


    1. Nice one Sean. More sense and reason in a ten minute stream from a guy living in his van stood by the road, than some big name dude in his big house with a piano, doing an hour long wafflefest.
      For every paper you gave out there's a hundred folk who haven't heard of it let alone read it, but know the big name dude.

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