It wasn’t all just drinking you know. We did take our gravel bikes. Here’s a quick video of our ride up to Guadalest. It’s a stunning place. We didn’t get as much time here as we would have liked. We got up late and it took a it longer than we thought.

    The route we took is here but ignore the bits that go nowhere, that was us lost 🙂

    Hi we’re Nikki and Billy and this is our channel so it’s all about our little adventures in our van whether that’s hiking mountains biking socializing eating drinking or just us so if you want to follow us just subscribe and see what we get up to who knew Robin Hood was Spanish there you go Nottingham in Spain eh falling off a curb hello again so this vlog’s about one of the day trips we did from benador it’s up to a place called gues which is absolutely stunning so we rode up there on Cross Bikes uh we will put the straa

    Link in but if you see anything going off and coming back to where it started that’s probably one of the bits where we went wrong so ignore ignore it the other option is to follow our route that we came back and just do that as a straight

    Up and down it’s well worth the effort if you can get up there if you can’t get up there on a bike get a bus get a car it’s definitely a great place for a day out enjoying that absolutely I don’t even drink pop where are

    They how long has it taken to get here on the bikes 3 hours how much of it was on road not a lot got gravel bites we graveling yeah but you know how to make a route hard don’t you yeah there’s been bits of it been awful haven’t they no it’s not been

    Awful that last section because we were on the main Ro yeah that Rock’s really Steep and really hard if we just stuck to that would’ have been fine so we’re just having a bit of food and then have walk around don’t we and then we fireade

    Just turned up in therez there’s lots of climbing here is there so it looks like somebody’s out a fall so they’re uh offer their boards to pick them up hopefully not hopefully not hopefully it’s nothing anyway it’s a really pretty little place it looks like you can get

    Some really really nice food here it’s all really spanishyo in it C streets we’ll have to walk around after about some food and recover from the climbing yeah the torture he we’re not going down there why not cuz we’re not cuz it’s torture enough going out for rides with

    You is your voice starting to go again yeah it’s cuz I’m tired didn’t I plus my tablets have probably worn off keep taking your tablets no might take some more that’s what they say to people are a bit mad is it that’s cute that place is it

    Yeah and not a lick my bits t-shirt and sight no very happy about that very nice is it be you are very nice beautiful you glad to made you come up here yeah was it worth the agony it wasn’t Agony there was one little bit of road

    That was a bit too steam was it yeah All St Open So that was our day trip from bened to guest it’s well worth going if you get the chance um so we’ve got loads coming up we’re about to get rid of our old van we’ve got a new one coming we’ve then got a few trips maybe the outs and then

    We’re retiring in September to go fulltime for a few months maybe work again next year maybe keep traveling we really don’t know so if you want to see how we get on selling the old van buying the new one and retiring then hit subscribe and hit the notification

    Button so you’ll see when we’ve got videos up about the little journey that we’re going on if you liked what you’ve seen today then uh give us a thumbs up and uh we’ll catch you soon exciting times ahead

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