Despite the icy roads, Garry’s off on a day’s ride to Brighton.
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    #bikeride #cycling #brighton

    Morning all happy New Year and all that rubbish I’m hope you all had a a nice Christmas and it’s Tuesday the 9th of January I think um I was well I was going to go away for a few days um but Thea seems to have turned rather cold

    And uh winry um some of the roads all the roads just come along have really been a bit dicey you can see on the left that way but yeah seems a lot worse here then I’m back at home and we’re we’re over uh Goring at the moment uh just head

    To well I think Brighton but we’ll see how that one goes yeah as I say I was planning on going a little on a little ride I’m only around uh England or the South anyway I’ve got I think it’s 8 9 maybe 10 days um spare between Hospital appointments so I

    Thought I might make uh the most of it but to be honest with the weather the way it is I don’t think we’ll bother um the aim was to go camping um and although the cold weather doesn’t worry me um I know it’ be warm enough it’s

    It’s well it’s everything that goes with um uh the camping you know just setting up the tent um cooking washing up going for a shower and all that and then packing away in the mornings I I really don’t think I could cope uh too well with that

    One say I don’t mind cold and I don’t mind sleeping out in the cold it’s it’s all that bit in between I think i’ probably struggled uh quite a lot with that so we just been going out on a few day rides um we went to well think we went to Porta

    Twice uh over the weekend as I say today we’re heading over to Brighton T I’m just going to uh go out on day rides and just uh return home each night I don’t have to worry about putting up tents and all that if I had the money I’d go and stop

    In hotels but that becomes quite expensive after W and just well just going around Southern England it’s not really worth the [Applause] expense well I might speak to you again or I might not oh you might not even see this right oh me it’s a strong old wind as

    Well right well actually I going I’ll turn you around come on oh ding you’re not something like that I don’t think oh that’ll do that do there you go all right go yeah definitely more snow around here than there was at home um I say we did have some yes yesterday but

    W normal thing no no sooner had it Fallen it had gone [Applause] again well this wasn’t a good idea coming off the road and onto the cycle path I might go back on the road Remind me Jo reminds me of when I was in China cycling except I was on the main road then mind it seems a bit clearer now well we made it to uh Brighton well I think we’re actually in Hope at the moment but it’s near enough um it’s been

    Quite eventful as in uh but it’s been a combination of like slipper slippery um cycle parts so we spent quite a bit of the ride on the road [Applause] last thing we need is to fall off yeah say quite hard going with strong old wind and something seems to have clicked in my

    Back um in a good way that is um my left leg um I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned um I’m apart from everything else I got a a slip disc and my left leg um well it would have been in a lot of pain had I not been PID taking all

    These um nerve blockers but yeah it’s really been playing me up oh for few weeks maybe a couple of months now um it as I say well it it would be in a lot of pain but it just go is completely numb and well I don’t feel as if it’s

    There but yeah something seems to have clicked and well all of a sudden it doesn’t seem half as bad as what it was so that’s a good thing right well I think I’m going to turn you I think I’m literally going up to the uh pier and then I should probably just

    Turn around and head back home um there’s no reason um other than just somewhere to cycle that I’ll come here for oh as a say hard ride coming but going home it should be nice and easy well we’ve come past the pi I’m I decided to come and have a little

    Look um I you can remember when I went came this way last time to go to Luxembourg the um cycle path up here was closed off so I just thought like me we come and have a look and see if it’s open again which judging by the looks of it it isn’t right

    All right All but it’s definitely closed now oh well that we made it home obviously um 61 miles um it was in the end um it was a very fast ride home I me that wind was well it was pretty strong pushed me along quite well um I made it

    Home in 2 hours I think it was just over two hours I think I think it took me nearly four to get there this morning and two coming back but hey go that’s all good that’s fine um I might go out tomorrow I’m not too sure um I’m thinking of cycling to Arend

    Tomorrow but we’ll see what he’s like in the morning anyway I shall get on with my supper look look got a nice steak for tonight and well I might speak to you tomorrow goodbye

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