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    Hey what’s up guys MGH here welcome back to the B lusen career mode this could be the last episode in fact I think it will be we’ve got two massive matches guaranteed in this episode we have the second leg of the Europa League semi-finals against Inter Milan we have

    A 1-nil lead on aggregate so it’s big we also have the game against RB Leipzig which is the dfb poal final two competitions still very much winnable if I beat in or Draw with intera with through and hopefully we’ll play against well I think it’s RB leig or Liverpool

    In the other semi-final so we’ll find out and obviously the German cup really want to win that I think I mentioned it at the end of the last episode I’ve admitted defeat in the league it’s not happening I can show you the Bundesliga League here and um fourth place is as

    Good as it’s going to get really we are four points clear of stutgart with a couple of games left Abby Leipzig are going to win it Frankfurt and Bayern are too far ahead of us now so fourth in the league not too bad but I’m not going to

    Worry about it in fact I’m going to sim those games and purely focus with my first team against Inter Milan whoever I have in the final of the Europa League should I get there and of course the German cup because if I don’t win those two a fourth place finish in the league

    It could get me sacked wait no tap soers suspended no way okay do I put in tar or kenu I think we go with cunu kenu cunu let’s have a little quick look here so if we’re comparing them it’s either I want a bit more pace and better buildup play or I want

    Slightly better defending but much more physicality I think I’m going to go with kenu I think he’s the better option we’ll have tar on the bench of course um vert adley m I’m going to go ad YY on the left adley on the right and then bonface up top otherwise I think

    I’m going to lead the team as it is this game is Just huge for a place in the Europa League final I mean this is where I should be I think Bay lusen are way way way too good for the Europa League these days in real life I’m talking that they’re a

    Champions League quality team so winning the Europa League should almost I wouldn’t say be given but they should definitely be near the final and we very are nearly there here’s adley go on just poke it over the top oh actually should be a foul really okay this ref has

    Absolutely decided to help inter today no I’m kidding it’s way too early to say stuff like that inter are once again playing three at the back which makes me kind of happy I feel like I play well against three at the back especially when I’ve got Pace like I do with ad Amy

    And um adly on the wings oh see if I get that pass right I’m potentially in and whenever I lose the ball against inter takes me a while to get the ball back they’re very good at keeping it I mean that’s the positive of having three at the back you have more midfielders

    Typically which means you can control the game more but they’ve lost out there let’s see this time we’ll get it right no we won’t yes we will yes we will Adam can run there’s absolutely no way they catch up 96 Pace across the keeper 1 n 2

    N aggregate we have one foot on that beautiful pitch wherever it may be in the Europa League final for a place in the Champions League don’t forget so this is good this is this is a really really good start I got lucky with verts it’s a really good finish though ad Amy

    On the left what we thinking guys he’s not my typical inverted Winger he’s more of just a normal Winger old school Winger left footed left wing he can do the job very very well either side we’ve got a corner to defend 35 minutes in or so this is this is pretty good oh

    No oh it would have been it wouldn’t have been good if they scored that let’s get on the break oh look at adley nice pass on the inside oh we’ve absolutely wrong footed him and once again we’ve got that pace can he finish it yes he can come

    On get in there who who was the defender that I absolutely smoked was it Dev I think it was right he got wrong footed by adley and I called it I said I’m going to go on the inside and it completely wrong footed him will it be

    In the replay no it won’t do you know what I’m going to go back and watch that because it’s rare you can do that against the CPU at least for me as soon as I saw he opened his body up it is Dev isn’t it I I’ve just gone on the inside

    And yeah he wasn’t expecting it and Baston bless him he’s a great defender but he’s not gifted with pace and when you’ve got adley ADI bonface running through you’re having a bad time it’s a good cross please defend this oh my okay how is Bella winning headers

    Against H capier H capier is a beast he’s not the tallest ever but he’s got so much about him he’s he’s a physical monster that isn’t good enough at all but who cares we’re three nil up and I’ve lost the ball there they’re going to get on one last attack Bella

    Does seem to be the player that’s getting things going for inter he’s passed it inside to turam I’m backing off I’m backing off good block then we clear it and that should be halftime well it couldn’t be going better really 3-0 up on aggregate it’s going to take a Monumental comeback from

    Inter if they want to go through to the final it’s not happening that’s not a foul that’s just a shoulder Bar D get over yourself although if they want the free kick they can have it oh oh no yeah please can we go back and give them

    The free kick turam has pulled one back it’s never simple is it it’s never simple I’m thinking I actually make a change here I mean part of me at half time was thinking I can probably make a few changes now that the game’s done but I’m

    Going to rest adley and I’m going to bring in guler I’m going to also bring in palasio for D they’re the same rating now hang on who’s who’s better I mean daer is still the better choice he is uh I’m going to bring in itto as well for H capier okay three

    Changes just keeping things fresh oh my God no adly to bonface deserved to go in that was a crazy good header and our subs have come on now it’s another good ball oh oh hang on Gran Jaa oh no wait gou imagine one of those one of these

    Days one of those will fly in there’s a nice ball into ADI Power Shot off the post well that would have been game over for sure the longer inter keep the ball without really pushing forward the better for me we’re 71 minutes in and honestly since they scored they haven’t had a single

    Opportunity so feeling good at the moment although one could be coming here nope easily dealt with and I’m just going to keep this get some players forward so I’m not just going to switch off and be defensive for the rest of this game I still want to try and get

    More goals if I can let’s switch the play that is a beautiful pass here’s Adam I’m going to run towards the corner here bonf where are you he’s making his way into the box I’ve kept it in somehow cross comes in it’s not a good one ad

    Amy is not the best with his right foot although he’s got a four-star weak foot he should have been doing better there here we go back outside again this will be a better cross with his left there we go the HS don’t head it I wanted a bicycle kick I don’t think it

    Would have been possible is there going to be another late goal here because it is game over I’m fairly confident we’ve won this they needed to score there to even have a 1% chance but we’ve done it we’re in the final we’re in two finals the Europa League final the dfb poal

    Final fourth in the league but do you know what if you had told me at the start of the Season you’d get top four win the German cup win the Europa League final I would have bitten your hand off of that if you had told me I’d just be

    In those finals let alone win them I probably might somewhat have taken that because I don’t think they can sack me if I’m in both those finals but winning it winning them both will keep my job 100% guaranteed let’s go ahead and boost some morale here the squad is only

    Content at the moment we can be a match for anyone I thought we were in control control there we go we’re up to happy now even though these questions are annoying and no one really cares about them it is good to do the the postmatch conferences sometimes just for the

    Morale um even if you accidentally press it like I do sometimes it’s still worth doing and answering somewhat correctly you don’t want to accidentally say something bad though and bring them around down right tournament prize money nice tap so’s back as well which is good and

    Jacka is very happy I know what you off of the team Granite what a man okay so the first game that we’re going to sim is against bokam they are near the bottom of the table I’m using my second team and it’s a 3-1 win adami itto and

    Hoffman after we conceded first but eight shots to four six chances to three the right team won the game now we are taking on alsberg and again second team I’m not risking any injuries right now here we go quick Sim and it’s a five w win oh my god adley did he get

    Four he did adley scored 2 minutes in 54 minutes in 64 minutes in and 71 minutes in Hoffman getting the other one and oh yeah i’ got four I was about to say where’s the other one again another absolute demolition there eight shots to four I mean doesn’t sound like much but

    When you Sim games that is that’s a lot eight shots in a simmed game it’s rare you get more than 10 so I’m really happy with that good for the goal difference as well but now we’re about to find out who we’re facing in the Europa League

    Final I genuinely don’t know whenever I come out I look away and just skip through because I I don’t want to know I want to find out with you guys oh it’s Liverpool O Okay Liverpool it is and we’ve just got 75 million pretty much from the Bundesliga wait does that mean

    It’s finalized is it done let’s uh let’s take a look here hang on standings let’s go go up to the Bundesliga 34 games we finished in fourth place three points behind Frankfurt who finished three points behind Bayern who finished seven points behind Leipzig Dortmund did okay in the

    End considering that I think they were 13th or something after 10 games and then down at the bottom we’ve got Heidenheim Going Down Bam going down and alsberg going down oh I sent alburg down oh I feel bad they’ve gone down goal difference and they just lost 5-1 to me

    Oops okay well um the League’s done not the most exciting League race ever but do you know what guys it’s fine because now we’ve got two massive games let’s take a look at Liverpool’s lineup then this is of course a probable lineup pretty much guaranteed oh they’ve signed

    Martinez who we used in the Jona career mode he is a monster they’ve got Williams on the bench Williams Jr he is a very very good player I’m surprised if I’m honest that Simas is starting but where’s Robertson I guess he’s on the reserves I don’t know but it is Darwin Nunes up

    Front Salah on the right Diaz on the left Thiago fit playing in Midfield along with mallister and Gomez how is Gomez in there ahead of sabosa maybe that’s not going to happen I hope not that’s ridiculous but Simas canate van djk Arnell Martinez and of course Allison in

    Goal it’s good it’s it’s a very good team and we can see here uh their top scorer is seven goals for Nunes in the Europa League five for Salah yeah um I’m not surprised Salah and Nunes being their best players in the Europa League does not surprise me

    Once again I’m going to change it up slightly ad and adley on the wings and then of course bonface is going to be playing up front for this one gou looks a little bit tired but he can come on in the second half for sure I’m guessing

    Hoffman might be needed at some point as well it really depends on the first half of course this is only one game we do not have a second leg I have to do as best as we can in this first half if I go one n two n down I’d be very worried

    But I’m going into this with an open mind it’s Liverpool one of the best teams in Europe they’ve got such a high rated team I’m not the favorites if I lose this I can just accept that I’m not good enough basically right here we go then play match we are going wait where

    Where where was the stadium where are we playing it better not be at anfield I swear if it’s anfield that would be so funny obviously I’m not going to be able to see it oh it’s at the Emirates the Arsenal Stadium they’re not allowed to have the name Emirates oh the

    Emirates looks weird with all the Liverpool banners and stuff but that is hilarious so you’re telling me I’ve got an opportunity to win a Europa League a European trophy Arsenal have never won one you’re telling me I can do that but with leusen okay well um Advantage for

    Liverpool effectively it’s not a home game obviously but they’re in their own country it’s not far from Germany for us though is it realistically it’s still fine I wouldn’t I wouldn’t see this in real life as an advantage I I don’t think so let me know what you think is

    That an advantage for Liverpool just because it’s in England I’d say if anything going to the Emirates is not normally a nice experience for them because well they’ve lost there a few times recently get that one out okay let’s see what vers can do wouldn’t surprise me if we get an offer from

    Liverpool next season for vers and he’s done well here against Simas I got any support though we’ve got D inside we’re going to give it to adley switch over to the left wing oh it’s not a good ball Adam’s done well though on a face against van djk that is going to be

    Some Jewel we’ve made a really good start you know good play adley no it’s off the bar I can’t believe it wait where’s Trent Trent Alexander rold he he’s tell me he didn’t get swapped and went to Jona can you imagine that in my Girona creat mode he went to Barcelona didn’t

    He maybe he’s gone there good replacement though Martinez is a very good right back going adley ready no that’s not going to work oh and that’s not going to work for sure that was a terrible pass okay well we’re 22 minutes in and this is really the first time that

    Liverpool have got in behind me tap so’s got some running to do Salah there Grimaldo what a man here is L Diaz again he’s rapid good tackle from frong that could have easily been a penalty to be fair there I’m surprised I slid in that’s not like me is it to be careless

    Defensively here is Lis Diaz cross coming in oh okay they’re going to keep it in no frong nice let’s go let’s make this count into bonface back over to frong he’s got that pace to get in behind I think that’s Joe Gomez chasing back who is playing at DM frong still

    Going into the box for bonface he’s gone over him oh that’s killed me Jacka D turn back finesse shot why would I do that from there going into the final few minutes here easily defended Jacka over to adley yes what a ball can we make this happen ad Amy over

    The top oh he’s in ad Amy finish it oh my there’s no way he just slammed it into the top corner he did he actually did oh my God what a signing ad a Yi has changed my team do you realize how good that goal

    Is okay yes ball over the top run onto it with Pace yeah sure but the Finish is exquisite he’s just oh I don’t think many Keepers get close to that and Allison is one of the very best and it was effectively the last touch of the game of the first half

    Sorry huge moment we are now halime one n up against a team that should be beating me I’m going to take granite jaer off because it was a struggle at times with the lack of mobility and I know it sucks but it just is what it is

    I want to win this so bad adley on the right could have had a better first half if I’m honest he had a couple of decent attempts or some what chances and fluff them um but I don’t really want to bring anyone else on ad Amy to the right tell

    On the left is obviously an option and goua but I’m going to leave it as it is I haven’t been able to get verts involved much so maybe we can change that in this second half and and see if we can get him involved because it’s

    Kind of sad but if I am going to let him go in the trans window this is his second to last game that makes me sad cuz I’ve really enjoyed using him and here he is now in for ad Amy that’s got to be a foul it’s not even it’s not even

    A foul okay well that makes sense Adam through in behind oh and then van djk tells him sit down well I I guess the game just couldn’t recognize that because that’s ridiculous that is absolutely a foul and now Mo Salah it’s as if Galo wasn’t even there oh wow oh do you know

    What where’s my free kick um wow Salah with the most ridiculous travella cross I mean my keeper hasn’t even dived for it that sucks okay well back to square one but I know I can score so I just need to score again it’s that

    Easy here we go go on then foul me this time Adam me finish it wait what alisen why am I why am I complain I’m not going to complain about that but how oh it it’s so confusing just what this oh I think he’s actually got a touch on it he’s just

    Flapped what is Allison [Applause] doing um well see look the part part of the reason that I have a reaction like that is because I just know instantly everyone in the comments you’ve made the goalkeepers easy I could upload this raw footage and you’ll see I haven’t touched

    Anything it’s just the inconsistency of goalkeepers in not just this game every FIFA game ever they’re just useless half the time and then some sometimes they turn into robots with what would you call Aimbot but for Keepers armbot they just grab everything here goes bonace oh my God who well done to Joe

    Gomez cuz I was in there 20 minutes to go come on Liverpool what have you got you need two goals to win this one goal to get us to extra time but I really don’t want that let’s not have extra time that’s mine thank you very much

    Now we just hold on to this I’m going to go over to the left side for ad am probably who has been the best player of the game into bonace this is it this will win us the Europa League final and I’m going to chip Allison because he’s rubbish

    Oh probably wasn’t the best idea I’m actually going to take bonface off there tellers coming on adami up front why not he’s on a hattrick right has he got both goals let’s bring in Hoffman as as well I’m really sorry ver but um wait no I

    Don’t need to do that I’ll take off D I’m I’m actually going to be a bit crazy there and put a cam as my central midfielder a bit of creativity doesn’t hurt though fresh legs in the middle of Midfield compared to a cam and it means verts gets more minutes before his

    Potential leaving in the summer I haven’t decided it’s happening by the way but I know a lot of people would say that there’s no way he’s staying in real life so you should probably kind of match it for real ISM that’s a poor tackle from Joe Gomez and the referee

    Really does have glorious hair how could you ever be mad at him let’s see if we can get this short give it back and then Power Shot stupid Matt this is a final a Europa League final why am I doing that as if it’s some pointless game this is

    To win the Europa League no no no I wasn’t worried if you were worried oh no no no no no no if you are worried there I am disappointed in you you should believe in me guys is vers we’re going into the final minutes there is no way back for

    Liverpool now especially if I score palasio SC and get there ah okay well that’s it guys we are officially going to be Europa League champions We are going to be in the Champions League next season and I’ve got one game left to go and I think this will mean I keep the

    Job even if I fail to be rby Leipzig in the German Cup final but I’m going to leave your screens get this ugly mug off enjoy the celebrations but I’m going to be cruel tomorrow’s episode I’m going to do the full German Cup Final live the

    Entire game and then all of the stats rounding up the season and then we’ll start season [Applause] Two [Applause] Oh


    1. You haven’t actually sent them down yet. They will play the 3rd placed team in the 2 Bundesliga. If the Augsburg win the stay up and if they lose the get relegated

    2. An Arsenal fan that says we’ve never won a European trophy at all. 1971 & 1994 European trophies to the equivalent standard of the Europa league. Know your history lad

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