In this Saturday session video, Arlene will look at aspects of Irish grammar including tenses, prepositions etc which are essential to all components of the Irish exam. She will explain verb conjugations and pay particular attention to the tuiseal ginideach and tuiseal ainmneach.

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    So good morning everybody it’s Misha arene a May okay so so yeah okay so all the time people ask questions what exactly is Irish grammar there’s so much involved but there also are other little pieces that we need okay okay that’s few of them okay okay there particular rules link with those what

    Is just means death okay really We have different comparisons okay which you might know more as and okay okay For so well every chance it’s always broken down into three groups a so here okay always say if and D clap it as a rule okay Mar BR to doom and so there is a father on the second syllable there So Okay okay are irregular verbs now F and and Mar the stem of the verb will always St the same but it will always change okay from every tense okay I’m okay you definitely know these basic rules so C Soave we find you put in okay River so when we have a river a when we have an S okay say we make an S sandwich okay okay our F and we have our F sandwich there now dash I’m no guy just on D M okay so we only make changing changes

    To the we endings there okay so okay A Okay now okay on okay so on D he closed the door d on D okay need mark on F okay we check out that F and and then we don’t know who CLS the door okay okay okay and we put in have a look okay okay so adhh

    Okay AI for o i for o okay okay but be careful okay okay so it doesn’t follow those basic rules okay so we can’t put our G apostrophe before when we have that so we go back to our example here okay if I take the verb D to close so

    Dun want to say the door closed okay so on durus on durus the door was closed don’t put in my bin and Shave more okay so we have our question form followed by our Negative okay well so we have our okay so that is always for our Brier sometimes you have your regular verbs will follow this Rule and some of your irregular verbs will also follow this rule okay August okay but we have our exceptions to the rule okay okay and some of these exceptions

    Don’t follow this rule okay Mar for example okay let’s have a look at Okay okay you will see there okay okayu each one of them there come from an irregular verb okay okay hog so what tells us any of these verbs okay use those rules I have to use so I need to use these exact Pieces we do have our negatives okay majority of them will use the rule so use the rule just like our question form we have so we have a few exceptions to that rule also Maraka Anda Okay so so these ones would use instead of using to

    Shave so we need to be careful with those we have our irregular verbs There okay Ping On the p you’re actually using okay it’s let’s move on to the in here so this time every part of the verb changes okay so air on okay don’t forget about our B there t a r t e a r okay this time there’s no B

    On r on be very careful with your Dar R well an and AA sometimes they look very similar to group one endings okay if you look air on Leena on this line here the only difference to tell between the two I’m sure on is a father so you’re talking about the first person

    Singular okay okay or I still have a father t e a and e r very handy when you’re writing esss okay so good news Be Careful don’t put a shave be be careful with that one okay just be careful you don’t mix up your verbs is it a verb in the okay orou adult at G our that we have here on M okay we have okay so again I’m will be

    Okay we have an exception to that rule here okay we have two Exceptions so when there’s a condition Okay so I would go on holidays if I had the money okay okay would could or should T So Okay Okay so the examiner can ask you question okay so some of the endings might sound funny okay so if I the national lottery down so I would do this if okay if I would win we have a little link here okay coming from the so we’re going to put these back in action

    Again that’s apostrophe before okay okay Okay so I would walk or I would just if I wasn’t in the hospital meet my Friend what do we do okay what do we do to put a verb into the so we do the exact same thing that we’ve done for any other verb every other one that hand so Shon Shon okay okay if it’s a con okay something starts an s River do before a

    Sh and a h after okay now AUST okay now kind of sounds like okay hen W hen P sounds like Hall okay on noon Hall on durus would you close the door on no on Pella H kind of sounds like H okay okay just just when you’re thinking

    About it from your ear ear perspective okay nor a to when you hear these they sound a little bit different okay okay kind of like sounding very similar on just on so just be careful with spelling there okay same okay Now it’s really important to know your ti an before you can move on and talk about on TI gin okay because we’re always thinking about okay examp so how so let’s focus in first so like any other language we have and so we have masculine and feminine NS okay so here are the

    What do we see so D needs ack air an orang of energy so let’s have a look at the masculine n first of all okay so C ledge end there’s a few kind of ways to pick out if something is masculine or if something is feminine now in this case it’s masculine

    So F so if we look at nouns that relate to masculine things for example a mo okay generally we would say that those are all masculine things then we have Ana par so men’s names Shan Mi P ocean and then an a cre in a Dairy shop

    Last so any of these kind of words okay they end on the any NS that end with these particular endings now if you think of it you know loads of these okay if you look at this one Shin here’s an example teacher okay okay you know other examples okay

    And I’ve put a little clue there okay if you have okay and cre okay you look at the end of it a a father O O Father U father and the dentals okay generally is will be masul okay so de need sample edition let’s do an example let’s have a look at

    Our red right if we look at that yes we’ve got an a father and we’ve got an N okay follows our rules so that is for inak that is an example of a f now if we have a look at the semine NS here’s toy well we start off similar okay they link

    To feminine things so be careful with the word calling the word calling is actually okay we have to be careful okay now okay so women’s names Moira Lov nowek the majority of continents countries and rivers okay so now nanga which Isa majority of languages will be famine be careful with ba okay is

    F okay same with the country s okay it is also a masculine the body parts also majority of the nouns that end with these endings now you’ll know some of these okay like e OG EG and jar if you think of be l n okay there’s loads of other

    Examples okay that’s just one example okay so AUST on top so let’s have a look at NS and when we have so we broken down here into a little GD okay so so if we have an that’s and it starts on a con okay okay on

    Okay okay we don’t do any change to that okay oner perfect okay fall gameer let’s leave it as it is there’s no change to it but if we have an okay that starts with a consonant okay okay and that example would be on Van the woman okay Cur

    Sh Vine so we have our sh there now let’s go on to our next example the example that I’m going to pick is a okay onon okay onon On okay the Sue okay but that’s how you say a m Sue okay on hamadan so we can see that we have this little T Dash CH and then okay will is there any change no okay okay that means a female food So we don’t have any change okay put a little te before it so okay before we move on to next spish really important that you know this piece okay a now okay we have so we have five different ways of recognizing on tissue gin and Shop okay most common that you would

    Probably be used to seeing is okay okay so that is when we have two nouns coming together okay okay so you would know the example okay what is T okay it happens happens with NS it happens with Str it happens all the time okay and you know examples okay from primary school but

    You just won’t know what the rule is the most easy example to think of what’s the word for class the word for class is wrong what’s the word for room the word for room is sh when we put those together class plus room okay we get shra

    R okay so there’s always a change of spelling on the second n okay nicely broken down here nice piece is available on skull okay just compound positions I by and you’ll know these ones like you would see that sometimes they’re using on and other times they’re

    Using and we’re going to focus in on us nowan mage that is our quantity okay so our quantities of things okay if we have some kind of quantity well the next piece is going to be we have there now there’s we do have a few nouns okay that

    Will put the next word into okay few that will put particulares into you’ll see there okay you always know that from egg egg IM egg shanon so sh that’s are five cases of recognizing then what happens when we have tissue G and then on top and there so for

    Example there’s nearly like a little change here while swing into a if you think of our last slide okay I said it was really tall okay the Fey shot to know these pieces the V on so it’s really important to know these pieces before we move on to Tish

    G so what skull on chin if we look at this one on okay so what happens if it is okay okay well you’re always going to be looking out for the on and it has a shave sh okay so by your de you’d be focusing on that

    Okay we look at the feminine ones okay the last time we had an van well this time okay van changes to okay and then it’s okay it will have okay canot go we have a masculine n and it starts with a g okay the example we

    Have is armadon okay this time when it’s in TI that little small te that we had is gone and we just have an on armadon okay and there is a change spell okay but don’t be too worried about we have a SE name okay what’s happening okay

    Okay okay we’ve got a sh with a h before the O there and then our T changed from on to in the tissue air on Peg and our last piece then if we have a mascul line now a or S it starts with s and on tag so you will

    See the change the beginning there okay and then okay so see on changes to okay on okay so gorilla so that’s an important GD to use now neurom be be careful with these two hog and shs andish these two examples always pop their heads up in the exam papers temple

    On down now the example that I had given you there okay was on ear on ear and I said if it starts okay okay it has sh there okay TI there’s always a sh there’s always an sh why is there no sh here with Tempo on down well the reason is

    Dentos and when we have Dent coming together whatever rule was supposed to be put in okay totally taken okay okay and then okay Lo examples okay now we’re talking about our I so our plural form okay and they can also ask with this so pick out an example

    Over now the easiest way that I’ve broken it down for you to understand okay is it’s a Conant always look at give you an example we have our and we have our don’t get it mixed up with your will have but it won’t have an U

    The only time you’ll have that U is if it’s now if we have the little it will change to n okay and then you’ll have an n Dash Okay so and then sh and that’s another a lovely example for us to use right so just be

    Fair so always be looking out for these examples okay they’re really really useful okay now okay just have a little look okay they will always put a shave you will see there okay so not Dage okay Ella few other ones that we have there okay we don’t need to put anything with

    Them but just put in okay this little piece here so went yesterday go if we have a g St chin with our noun if it has a okay okay I came to IR this morning we’re looking here at I an easy one in okay if you have a n starts with a V

    Okay that I it will change the in in okay so just not Be just and all this little stuff that will always have okay because in each piece okay in each of the there’s always Max few little examples there okay in your free time okay On in the end of our session in in okay okay exam revision okay Instagram Facebook Twitter okay Mark

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