This month’s Reading Japanese Meet was quite the eventful one. After dressing as a speed camera to capture the arrivals, I later ventured to the exit to join the vast crowd in watching the cars pulling out of the show. During this time, the police were less present than usual, perhaps resulting in the 3 crashes that occurred to happen! A motorbike, a Golf and an MX5. All in the space of an hour or two.

    Instagram: @AdamC3046

    There’s there’s a lamp poost that’s fallen down and the car is about here that was a scent hi Madam C and welcome to the r Japanese me exit this is the car’s leaving I’ve already done a car’s arriving video If you haven’t watched that you could do that first or just enjoy this Video goodbye another busy exit at the reading meet hundreds of people and someone with the Horn people are shouting at me and heckling you can see some burnout lines some earlier there’s an MX5 arriving side oh no he bailed out of that one he’s on fire he’s on fire something’s on fire oh no sparks his exhaust has fallen off oh dear Happy Halloween everyone it’s very SMY G oh hello Offroad is doing some offroading was he entering the road he just didn’t bother using the junction he just used the grass Bank to join the carriageway how was the GTR behind me you might have heard there hasn’t been a meet like this for months love

    That he’s bringing Nails back another confused local this time it’s a taxi oh no he’s just going slowly so we can get a bigger Fair that’s what they do isn’t it hello people in the back you’re going to be paying a lot of money here comes something with one

    Wheels peeling there we go the one series the next car to appear as an EVO here comes the Evo oh oh slides from the S14 one half of the brues brothers just picks up two girls there flames and sounds from a bik with an L play a big amount of crowds is just I think Something’s Happened everyone’s going over there whoa has something happened down here why is everyone going away everyone’s

    Running away what’s going on let’s go see curiosity killed the cat luckily I only have two legs has someone crash oh no people are running so I think someone’s crashed on the other carriageway that’s why people are telling to slow down I can’t see anything everyone’s still walking people are walking back Adam

    Hello is he gone is that it I don’t what’s going on I don’t know what’s happening is there nothing to see is that it just a breakdown a breakdown what there’s nothing nothing someone broke down and they’ve now fixed themselves is what happened they did fix themselves that was really

    Boring well that’s actually good news cuz no one’s crashed so we we’re fine but it’s amazing about everyone is that it hello you fell off the bike those more people are saying apparently a bike did do something wrong it wasn’t just a breakdown it’s weird that must

    Have been over a 100 people that just charged down the road to see what going on and somehow they worked out that something had happened here let me show you what what it was so a bike was coming up here just like it’s happening now good job I can run and I think

    He just kind of went through there he’s gone it sounds like I’m missing content I don’t know which bike it was but app me kind of lost it and then fell off the bike about here his mate has since picked up the bike his mate’s driven the bike off and he’s

    Hopped home so one of these people who’s hopping might have been the culprit but we don’t know that is it must oh my God someone locked up the brakes there is that on not no I don’t think it is someone’s doing a burnner over here you can see there goes the on car

    That isn’t on it was a foxal Amiga I couldn’t have guessed yeah there goes the Amig I can smell cheap rubber hello there’s an MX5 doing a burnout behind the Laurel that’s leaving I can work out what engine this is It’s Something 2 and A2 L straight six turbo maybe a 1j or maybe something different it it tried to burn out there we

    Go look at that German emissions are that finest de’s got a pair of e3s and a very noisy S15 behind he’s doing some launch there’s an MX5 doing donuts in the middle of the road up ahead there you go there’s the Evidence 20 worth of tires destroyed there these guys are very passionately telling these people to move back so that traffic can see down the road when they pull out for something a little different try suuki the race car has been requested to send it but I don’t think the race car

    Will looks like the type to save it for the track it’s almost like I’ve been doing this for a while I know what’s coming for example I know that this E36 compa going to go sideways Wait wait a minute wait a minute someone’s crashed look someone else’s crash this time it’s a car let’s go again here we go look people run everyone’s very helpful we’re just going to walk in the road now this is the slowest departure of the lot the MX5 is just

    Cruising Al everyone goes to help the car that’s uh that’s been hazards are on he almost land over to the rescue seeing if you can put it out from the hedges this time well I think it was a bike last time it fell off apparently people come out sking and

    Then just dipped it and yeah lost it I’ve just walked into a roundabout without looking that’s dangerous hello right is he in the hedges I think he’s maybe in a bush there was a little lick of fire from the ep3 there’s a lamp post has falling down and the car is about

    Here that was a s it was a go another crash has happened as well yeah really over there I don’t know why they’re cheering this guy’s pretending he’s the main character everyone’s getting soving everybody move out of the way we’re trying to move the car shut up oh

    A bit of light light I think the Land Rover is going to recover the golf after the off Li the Land Rover is now pulling the golf out of the wreckage or trying to You’ got no wheel there is a bit of wheel there ah airbags have gone unfortunately

    Follow him go look at that he’s G and got himself a bumper he wins oh there’s a bus whoops get I won’t I don’t know why everyone’s following but they are so we’re going to see what happens we’re pulling into another par the estate to

    Get the golf out the way to be recovered properly they’re running because getting their steps up you’ve parted the golf in front of a nice modern and picturesque building and I imagine the owner doesn’t want people crowding around anymore cuz oh they’re pushing it into a space there you go there’s his resting

    Place of the gulf Green Park security have now arrived in force wondering what’s going on with all the people in the car security is stopping people from R out of skill no security don’t want people in in the car park anymore they’re they’re telling the BMW to

    Reverse Land Rover is getting out of here after his uh Good Deeds so whil more people go to see what’s going on um I did get news of another incident apparently on the same roundabout about the same time an MX5 lost it getting sideways and is now changing his wheel I

    Don’t think he’s going to still be there but uh we’ve seen enough of that but basically what happened is the golf was flying down the roads E36 compact came out sideways bit close to the gulf that might have Disturbed the gulf and his driving and then somehow I ended up

    Hitting a lamp post now I can’t see the MX5 I don’t think he’s still there so I’m going to show you the lamp poost ah the good people of reading have re-erected the lamp post that has been hit I don’t know where the top of it gone who’s got the top

    Bit that has been flattened is it hard did he hit it that must have gone over the bridge sorry the connection so it seems he was coming up here a bit too fast you can see he under steers you can see the tire track then he hit the curve

    Here came up and and then across here and straight into that lampost and that’s where he ended up the MX5 that crashed was over there I don’t know if many people saw it and I don’t think it’s still there and as we found out the

    Light on the top of the lamp post has since been stolen by someone because we are in reading it seems It’s the MX5 is lucky day today because he’s gone and no one saw him do anything cuz we were too busy what’s that golf doing yeah we were too busy looking at

    The golf not that one one don’t know what he’s doing oh I’m being beeped up this Go’s parking in a police Bay oh I tripped over what what even what is that I don’t want to touch it so what else have we got are there any

    Cars left there’s a few people left you can see tire tracks over there for some previous Antics and here there’s still a good few cars inside it’s quite calm now after what’s happened there’s almost quite a nice JDM gunboy got the Chaser than a yeser then the Sora then a j x 90

    Also that’s just a regular bus this LS 430 has met a curve somewhere or something else and this 7 Series is slammed as the Lal departs oh the police have found the lamp post that is down and they’re talking to a crowd I’d imagine trying to ask them what happened

    And why all of the traffic lights are now out let’s have a closer look look there’s no power to the roundabout look nothing at all nothing it’s all gone he’s killed all the power the uh street lights are on a different circuit but they’ve got

    The lower lamp post that are hit and the traffic lights and there goes the Toyo is a chaser in white obviously the police doesn’t know that just around the corner is the smashed up golf or maybe they do but maybe the owner doesn’t want the police to know look they’re getting back into

    Their car now if they go left that means they found him let’s see where they go he’s been bamboozled he doesn’t know where the car has been put well they they’ve won there police lights are off all the stars all five or six of them have gone the security of police ah

    Right they know where they are right okay well that I was wrong then okay correction the security will have called the police that makes sense so the police probably have gone down to see what’s going on but who knows what happen they’ve left him to it and they

    Seem to have left us to it there hasn’t been a lot of police presence tonight compared to usual and this Highway Maintenance van with lights and stuff wants to go where that golf has been Parks oh no they don’t know they’re going to do a emergency repair that’s what they’re here for

    Highway Maintenance to the rescue arriving at the broken lampost to solve all the traffic lights on the roundabout oh no they just no they’ve gone when suddenly a vh7 series oh the GOL just ran over something he was too low to drive up there oh of course yeah cuz there’s no

    Traffic lights now that car is completely confused and worried very nervous yeah oh there goes the MX5 the MX5 that crashed he’s got his rear bumper on the top of his car so he was still there he’s managed to escape that’s the one that oh well

    Hello oh police inbound so police are on foot now St doesn’t realize Sirens oh they’re responding to something else now or maybe one of the same Incidents hello yes yes the most appropriate sign but should we put that over to where the golf is the MX5 the driveway oh there goes a chaser did hit boost and look inside the event police doing laps inspecting the Chaser loving the Chaser getting out to

    Have a look at the Chaser they’ve also got the Supra behind as well do you think he’s loving the what that was weird but it seems all we’ve got left at the end of the night is the Supra with its 2J on display and a bit of a sound

    System behind it next door to an old Toyota selik with a 4 L Rover V8 from a TVR you can see the TVR rocker covers on it Rover V8 with a supercharger as well and a corser and inside the cor when the Bonnet off of course we’re going to see a

    V6 with turbos as well so turbo V6 in The corser Supercharged V8 in the toota and then obviously the 2JZ in the super I presume it’s turbo and a six Mazda MX6 revving with it custom exhaust I’m going to leave those to we got another barge

    Part next to them now as well I could part mine next to it and get a tri no a f what’s a five a five cars in a line up I won’t so that’s the Chaser hope you enjoyed that video from the reading Japanese meat it’s been a busy one

    Today go f in all my social channels for updates highlights and pictures that I get up to uh there’s merch links down below as well but for now thanks for watching see if you can see where the MX5 went wrong oh yes he hit the he hit

    The guard there that’s where the MX5 went wrong evidence


    1. I hope these meets do get shut down now! After seeing this video showcases so many dick heads behaving like this! Absolute scrotes the lot of them! Not like when we used to meet 15 years ago when all you’d do is sit and look at cars

    2. AdamC: films E36 Compact drifting, partly causing an accident with a Golf speeding at a meet, two German cars, and the aftermath incl. extensive damage to public property.

      Also AdamC: giving people shit for saying he's a big part of the reason Reading JAP Meet has gone to shit.


    3. Its a real shame that people with no common sense ruin car meets like this for normal sensible people. There is a time and place to drive like an idiot and its on a track. Someone will get run over and killed. That guy driving that golf was driving like someone who shouldn't have a licence

    4. God i hate people that have to show off their shitboxes and builds by doing stupid shit, just give a few reva or sum and thats it. This is the reason why the car comunity has a bad rep

    5. Interesting content, don't get me wrong, but as others have said this will definitely end badly one of these days – too many people randomly running across the road and cars going way too fast past them.

      I'm a petrolhead and I love the scene but people need to chill out on the driving. It was pure luck that the BMW didn't clip the Golf, which would have been far worse than hitting a lamp post.

    6. Sad to see some of these meets devolving towards the standard of many of the American meets you see online with people flying past hanging out of windows, plenty of almost crashes (or indeed crashes), flocks of people running across the road in front of cars, etc. They’re contributing heavily to the death of UK culture

    7. Not many public places in Denmark allow carmeets, because people cant behave. Finally a company had offered their area, and then 2-3 offroaders decided to do burnouts on the grass. Damaga for 5.000 euro. No more meet 😂

    8. No one mentions that the breakdown of the traffic lights including the pedestrian crossings increases the risk of a third party not releated to the meet being injured or killed.

      Its terrorfying trying to cross a road when you have german car tossers like that racing around at speeds at which they are neither in control of their vehicles, nor able to see the road in front, nor capable of stopping if someone does get in the way.

      Wider society picks up the bill for the infrastructure destroyed.

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