BREAKING NEWS: To make sure you don’t miss a single video from our crew—including the most latest updates and special reports on the situation in Ukraine—subscribe to our channel, like our videos, and click the Super Thanks button down below. A major win over the Russian invaders was the first major triumph of the day for the Ukrainian Defense Forces. After a long campaign of fighting, the Ukrainian Defense Forces have exhausted the Russian invaders. Exhaustion and the agony of casualties have caused many Russian invaders to submit. Many of the attackers who started the fight have already surrendered or run away, as is common knowledge…

    #Russia #Ukraine #Donbas #ukrainewar #war #putin #Bakhmut #Luhansk #Crimea

    To make sure you don’t miss a single video from our crew including the most latest updates and special reports on the situation in Ukraine Subs subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click the super thanks button down below a major win over the Russian Invaders was

    The first major Triumph of the day for the Ukrainian Defense Forces after a long campaign of fighting the Ukrainian Defense Forces have exhausted the Russian Invaders exhaustion and the agony of casualties have caused many Russian Invaders to submit many of the attackers who started the fight have already

    Surrendered or run away as is common knowledge according to a Ukrainian military official who spoke just yesterday the whole Russian army division is trying to withdraw to Crimea from its posts on the front lines Russian military leaders recently had to resort to extreme methods to keep their troops fighting

    According to Tava Unity group spokesman Alexander stupin stupin continued by saying that approximately 40 occupiers tried to escape to Crimea while armed after leaving their fortifications a full Russian army Detachment is what I’m referring to there were rumors that their capture was part of a plot to return them in order

    To encourage the men to assault Ukrainian strongholds and achieve their aggressive goal Russian commanders on the front lines allegedly threatened executions as reported by Steen they put a lot of mental and physical pressure on people since they have not yet witnessed the atrocities soldiers who have just been mobilized

    Are unaware of what is happening people who have have been on offensive missions before and made it out alive are so afraid to return that they won’t take part in another assault 30 Russian soldiers surrendered in 4 days according to stun who also said that the current cold weather and unsanitary environment

    Had led to an upsurge in desertions the Russian military is more likely to Desert than in the past according to recent reports from independent groups a video with profanity leaked last month showing a group of Russian soldiers expressing their anger at after learning they would be deployed to the front lines as novice

    Assault Warriors rather than the territory defense soldiers they had imagined themselves to be a video depicting Russian soldiers going through mock executions hours of standing forced trench digging and thrashings came out in November furthermore a disturbing video that surfaced this week shows the terrible situation that the soldiers

    From Moscow are facing on the battlefield Russian troops filmed themselves killing themselves in combat a according to the Ukrainian Army three Russian troops approach an infantry battle vehicle in the brief 9-second footage in the middle one soldier is seated while two soldiers are on their bellies the left-hand Soldier fires a

    Single shot at the 6sec Mark subsequently the right-hand Soldier opens fire with two rounds discussions with Russian prisoners of War conducted by the kib post last year shed light on the motivations behind the Extreme Measures taken by Russian soldiers Russian commanders and officials are clearly ignoring the terrible conditions faced by the

    Soldiers they deploy to the front as a result Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian attack group stationed in the East we will witness the outcome Ukrainian Fighters performing reconnaissance along the Eastern axis discovered some Russian forces what followed was a Flawless operation by the Ukrainian unit the Ukrainian Fighters caught the Russian

    Unawares in a crushing War Ukrainian forces successfully vanquished the Russian Invaders during this operation Ukrainian forces successfully destroyed the majority of the Russian equipment after this a Russian Demolition and reconnaissance unit murdered a civilian in the seifa sector of the chernoh region committing yet another crime at the hands of the tremendously ambitious

    Invaders Siri serenko the chief of the military administration of the noar atki district addressed the incident in a statement according to the community leader the father was able to take his child to seona and then get a bus back to Costa Bev sadly he departed from our midst in

    The region between Hera and Leona just half a kilometer from the Russian border a school bus driver from the village of Costo babri who was born in 1961 tragically lost his life the man was a school bus driver from the village of Costo bab a according to S

    Serenko then in one of the temporarily occupied towns Ukrainian border guards used a drone to eliminate several Russian soldiers according to a statement published by the state Border guard service of Ukraine the Ukrainian State Border guard service spotted and exterminated a number of Invaders during aerial reconnaissance as they moved

    Among abandoned buildings in the temporarily occupied Zone reports indicate that in the past 24 hours there have been 73 conflicts on the Ukrainian front line involving the Ukrainian Defense Forces and Russian occupation soldiers Russian terrorist strikes resulted in civilian casualties according to the assessment Russian terrorist strikes damaged or destroyed civilian

    Infrastructure including residential buildings in the K region the towns of vcha and vatka were the targets of the air strikes Russian Artillery shelling hit the regions of chernoh sui and molave affecting around 120 settlements the valon and Pisha sectors maintained relatively constant operational conditions along the sashina and slabi

    Jan axes close to the Ukrainian border the enemy keeps a military presence to prevent their redeployment to other front areas some of the Ukrainian command’s Defense Forces are engaging in subversive operations in the sinova neighborhood of K Ukrainian soldiers successfully warded off five enemy strikes aimed at cians Ukraine successfully defended the

    Lyman Direction against six Russian strikes in the denet area specifically to the east of tney and Vil Ukrainian forces near kicha in the bachmid sector of the denet area repelled the enemy’s Onslaught the Hostile assault is trying to encircle the town of abiva but Ukrainian forces are holding it back

    Ukraine is putting up a fierce fight back and the Invaders are taking heavy casualties Defense Forces managed to withstand night enemy attacks in Novac muva abiva and sever districts throughout the day in addition to 15 attacks at perisa and nski in the detet area all directed towards Minka the Defense Forces repelled 16

    Hostile attacks in the denet regions marinka and Nova mova districts in Shakara the Russians refrained from initiating an offensive through the zapia axis Ukrainian defenses west of verbov and at roboda successfully repulsed five enemy attacks heading towards kersen the objective of the defending forces is to extend the present Bridge

    Head the Invaders persist in their attempts to dislodge Ukrainian soldiers from their positions even though they have suffered heavy casualties the adversary attempted 11 separate failed assaults on the last day the Ukrainian Air Force neutralized seven hostile troop formations during the today according to a statement released by the military’s general staff

    There was also the Downing of a KH 59 guided air missile by the Air Defense Forces President Vladimir zalinsky of Ukraine addressed questions about the possibility of repatriating Ukrainian Nationals serving overseas during a joint news conference with prime minister kayak Callis of Estonia Ukrainian male Nationals of military age

    Returning from abroad are not always conscripted it also necess Ates their labor in Ukraine and the payment of taxes to keep it running many ukrainians were trying to escape the country as hostilities broke out given that this is a war and that tomorrow’s events are completely unpredictable this is

    Understandable everybody was having a hard time every country is welcome here however our Ukrainian soldiers have fought for 2 years and successfully recaptured half of the captured territories men of military age should think about how they can help and be there for Ukraine since there are still people who crossed the border

    Illegally working and paying taxes in Ukraine even if you aren’t directly involved in the fighting is still a form of National Defense there is no way around this however there is a significant issue if you are of conscription age not serving in the military not paying taxes and have been

    Unethically marked out right now let the Ukrainian people stand together it is the duty of every Ukrainian to protect their Homeland to make sure you don’t miss a single video from our crew including the most latest updates and special reports on the situation in Ukraine subscribe to our Channel like

    Our videos and click the super thanks button down below Russian and Ukrainian forces shifted their focus from trench warfare to long-range missile and drone Warfare as the winter conditions deteriorated the southern fronts of the war have gotten scant attention despite desite the fact that the Russian occupation forces want to attack the

    Eastern and Northern regions of Ukraine because of this the ukrainians now have a substantial upper hand in southern Ukraine along the Black Sea and the OA Kev aim to destroy Russian occupying forces the Ukrainian Armed Forces frequently utilized the main attack path during this cycle in recent times

    Ukrainian forces have launched a barrage of missile strikes drone operations and aerial bombard ments against Russian soldiers along the kend nippal line and the Black Sea Peninsula Russian military sites air bases weapon stores and military equipment were frequent targets for the Ukrainian forces the Russians grumbled a lot

    Because they couldn’t turn back there andd the majority of the complaints relate to problems with the command and organization of the troop the presence of Elite Marine Corps men stationed at kinky the Fortified Town situated at the heart of the bridge head guarantees Ukrainian local Air superiority on the

    Nipro river the Russian military is open to attacks at all hours of the day and night because the issue has gone unsolved by moscow’s highest leadership Russian military bloggers claim that delays in receiving orders from higher-ups prevented Russian forces from attacking Ukrainian aircraft near kinky after a few hours Russian

    Commanders give the go ahead for artillery strikes and units are then required to transmit Target coordinates with photograph traffic or video proof there are too many Ukrainian drones and artillery pieces for the Russian forces electronic warfare equipment to handle over the last day Ukrainian forces have eliminated 18 Russian Invaders three

    Hostile boats and two weapons on Carson’s Left Bank in Dei Pro the Ukrainian military attacked Russian gun boats and weaponry systems with artillery and drone swarms in a nationwide call for Aid Natalia humc head of the Southern Defense Forces unified coordination press Center made the Declaration according to humaniac the

    Adversary was unable to replenish its forces on the battlefield due to the destruction of three ammunition Supply sites the Russian Invaders according to humo have been preparing new offensives largely without equipment since they withdrew to their original locations after their offensive efforts failed according to humina weather and power-to

    Power ratios make it very difficult for Ukraine to develop its Bridge head on the Left Bank of the nepro river the Invaders resumed offensive efforts but humc noted that they were able to hold their positions and even enlarge the bridge head due to this the Ukrainian

    Army on the Left Bank of the Dei Pro river is more motivated another military blogger voiced concern that Russian forces should cease delivering equipment to the cranky district and its environs given that Ukrainian forces had already destroyed 90% of Russian weaponry in that area the Ukrainian positions surrounding kinky remained steady

    According to Russian military blogger Simon pegv who also noted that the Russian forces responsible for controlling the bridge head were exhausted Colonel General miky tolinski who was in charge of Russia’s Southern Joint Forces as a whole directly caused the failure of the Russian soldiers at the kinky Bridge head according to the

    Rbari report the bloggers extensively confirmed far sources through their criticism three units of the Ukrainian Navy with a combined strength of less than 500 Personnel heavily fortify the nearby stations with defensive fortifications Russian efforts to attack the cranky Bridge head were largely unsuccessful according to Pro of sources

    And did not reach Ukrainian forces in time Ukraine intercepts Russia’s predictable attempts to approach the Ukrainian Bridge head well before they reach their positions according to Robert brovi who is in charge of drone operations and coordinates Supply and Air Assault forces in the Pearson region drones were reportedly flying over the

    Left Bank of the Dei River according to groy Pro brovi captured recent drone strikes by the Ukrainian military on film the footage shows more than a dozen fpv drone strikes that were successful against Russian armored vehicles and infantry among these you can find the spectacular detonation of the to a

    Strong flamethrower device and the destruction of multiple tanks according to brovi who spoke with Russian official media the 810th Marine infantry Brigade launched their most recent major offensive against Ukrainian marinas on January 6th was thwarted by completely incompetent drone attacks and the Kremlin forces were never able to

    Approach the enemy near enough to open fire also there’s been an internal struggle in the Kremlin to find someone to blame for Russia’s persistent refusal to remove the keing bridge Colonel General taplin’s popularity among Frontline troops demonstrates Russia’s humiliating domination of the nipro Left Bank the blame will most certainly fall

    On to flinky because he refuses to recognize Ukraine’s achievements as the situation in the southern theater of conflict remains chaotic Ukraine is making further gains as part of its efforts to free Crimea and bring an end to the conflict Ukraine has attacked Russia’s most important military installations on the

    Peninsula in this case the extremists backed the Ukrainian side an air striping atoria Crimea used by the Russian military was attacked today by separtists it was discovered that the Guerilla group did not routinely guard the Airfield as far as aesh is concerned there was an abundance of B12 and 12

    Planes at the location in addition to a pansier 96 k6 missile defense system based on the currently available information it seems that many airplanes underwent repairs here although although the entire region still lacks proper security the avtoria beaches in Crimea which were briefly under Russian administration were fortified with

    Artillery posts Russian forces have sent unique multibarrel Rockets to the battlefield after seizing yep ptor the gorillas recorded grad ones unloading trucks bearing the Russian federation’s dragon teeth fortifications are also making their way to yoria in yoria in temporarily controlled Crimea the Ukrainian Armed Forces had earlier targeted a Russian air defense

    Site this may show that the Russian Air Defense Forces are ill equipped to deal with any assaults from Ukraine Russian air defense systems are widely populated in Crimea rendering them ineffectual against Ukraine’s Western weapons according to Yuri anat a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force by targeting civilians Russia hopes to divert

    Attention from its failures at the United Nations in Crimea and in southern Ukraine Russia has intensified bombings of Ukrainian cities in the past two weeks Ukrainian officials report that drone and missile strikes have killed a significant number of civilians the governor of K announced today that two Russian missiles hit a

    Hotel in the country’s second largest city resulting in 11 injuries photos taken by the Ukrainian State emergency service show that the hotel has sustained heavy damage and firefighting units are currently on the scene according to Governor Olen a hub 2 s300 missiles struck the hotel at approximately 2230 injuring several people including Turkish

    Journalists Russian forces have mercilessly shelled K located about 30 kilometers from the Russian border since President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began on February 20th 10:22 a 35-year-old man is in critical condition among nine injured in the current strike according to the governor’s telegram message Ukraine has requested additional

    Assistance from its Western allies in its fight against Russian aggression as he was touring Lithuania President Vladimir zalinski called on Western allies to increase their air defense weapon deployment researchers from Germany’s Keel Institute for the world economy found that this Baltic nation has been an unwavering supporter of the Ukrainian

    Military as it has fought against Russian forces when considering GDP Li lania ranks first among Ukraine’s military aid donors but of all the countries that help fund Ukraine’s military the US is by far the biggest the future of the situation in the combat zone remains uncertain when additional supplies are

    Sent to Ukraine to make sure you don’t miss a single video from our crew including the most latest updates and special reports on this situation in Ukraine subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click the super thanks button down below Vlad vadir Putin’s Russia and Alexander Lucas shenk’s

    Belarus are showing signs of a deteriorating relationship as a result of the war the war has never been heavier and it is testing Putin and Lucas shenk’s friendship long thought to be a political match made in heaven more than ever before if Russia loses in Ukraine lenk’s already weak government

    Could fall according to experts who worry Putin’s Frailty Heralds his downfall using the intricacies of lucenko connections as a lens the film explores the possibility of his downfall and its effects on the power imbalance in the area a victory for the ukrainians would Galvanize the opposition and threaten lenk’s dictatorial rule

    Especially as Russia’s influence in Belarus grows is Putin’s claim of Friendship with lucenko genuine is the relationship between them just strained due to Putin’s strategic goals and Luc shenk’s precarious dictatorship if Putin were to lose power it would likely affect Luc shenk’s future which in turn could affect peace

    In Eastern Europe come explore the complex Dynamics between these two presidents with us with eyes on the globe the future of two of Europe’s Most divisive leaders is uncertain and this could have consequences for the entire region and Beyond watch to see how unfolding events could change the geopolitical scene in Eastern Europe

    Despite the brisk winds the fighting between the Allies has not ended since it started in Eastern Europe a year ago Vlad IR Putin’s decision to go to war caused the West to isolate him during this time President Alexander lucenko of bellarus was Russia’s sole Ally in Eastern Europe despite their long

    History of closeness many now doubt that a frail Vladimir Putin can save his Belarusian colleague a lot of people think that Vladimir Putin and Alexander lucenko would be perfect political Partners a lot of people wonder how close the two presidents really are as as a result of all this attention

    Lukashenko is leaning more and more on Putin for support therefore if Ukraine wins a loss there could spell disaster for lucenko those fighting against the 30 years of dictatorship in Belarus by Europe’s last ruler will without a doubt succeed in addition Putin might take a major hit if Russia loses in Ukraine

    Rendering him unable to back his fellow dictator this could motivate the belarusians to put up greater effort in their efforts to topple lucenko again the relationship between the two leaders has always been strained due to Luc shenk’s dictatorial Rule and unpredictable Behavior it seems like lucashenko and Putin aren’t exactly best friends their

    Interest-based collaboration might soon run into problems it is the opinion of several experts that lcas shenk’s position is open to capture they added that Moscow has never supported Belarus leader even if he won the 1994 presidential elections fairly lucenko is no longer a legitimate leader in response to us and EU alleged

    Manipulated elections non-violent demonstrators took to the streets 3 years ago protests have hampered Putin the protests did not appear to be anti- Kremlin unlike in Ukraine in 2014 Putin stayed out of the Insurrection to cause such outrage once the pr Moscow Administration fell Putin still borrowed money the Russian

    President has supported lucenko since then if it weren’t for the Russian president’s support lucenko would surely face deposition Putin will remain a threat at home and abroad as president same with lucenko the Ukraine Triumph may not end Putin’s rule but experts believe it could address the lucenko issue it is

    Time for Europe’s last dictator to resign thus lucenko stay is dangerous Vladimir Putin the Russian president knows this especially now they no longer get along and Vital Information has surfaced early this week lucenko met Putin in Moscow according to us analysts at The Institute for the study of war the two

    Presidents meeting May indicate that Russia is aiming to compel bellarus into a territorial Union the two presidents vital profound historical agenda this week focused on the union state treaty which would forever bind the two Nations Al Ander lucenko requested Vladimir Putin defend Belarus at a meeting the Belarusian leader told Sergey shyu

    Russia’s defense minister that Putin and he discussed defense lucenko demanded these guarantees we suspect lucenko wants a guarantee what would belarus’s leader fear most Putin’s assassination in recent weeks lucenko has pitted Minsk against the West to increase his security and escalated the conflict with Putin more specifically lucenko has fought

    Putin’s schemes to overthrow him and create a back door in a March speech lucenko said Russia may get nuclear weapons from Belarus Putin agreed with the Belarusian president the Russian leader planned this for a while before Putin’s announcement that Russia would provide tactical nuclear weapons to bellarus

    Russia and Belarus had made no Headway toward Rosman Russia’s failure to win in Ukraine after almost a year also prompted Putin’s comment about installing tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil it demonstrates the military use of nuclear power while spreading fear it’s also moving more forcefully Russia has also stated that

    It will reject belarus’s sovereignty and impose its own policies and tactics suggesting that the integration process has stopped this is another issue Putin is trying to hide his desire to overthrow Belarusian president Alex alander lucenko Russia is seeking to intimidate NATO and the EU and block NATO’s expansion by creating a border across

    Belarus Moscow is treating Belarus as an outpost to demonstrate its dominance in post-soviet regions Russia has threatened Sweden and finland’s NATO membership with its nuclear tactical weapon drawing a line after Putin’s nuclear announcement Ukraine encouraged the International Community to work through the UN Security Council with finland’s approv

    Which seems vital given the moment NATO considered this Russian attempt foolish and risky Putin said the proposal would not violate nonproliferation treaties the Russian leader said the US puts Weaponry in Europe as well as Russia Vladimir Putin intends to evoke the cold war with these Expressions the International Community

    Sanctions against Russia after the Ukraine war hurt its economy and Military Russia hopes to shine during this crisis the deployment of nuclear tactical weapons in bellarus raises the risk of a new Cuban Missile Crisis but it is unlikely however Russia’s move suggests that the world may soon face a nuclear

    Threat nuclear weapons have been controversial for decades an honest and careful analysis of Russia’s move is crucial EU and us specific Russia has recently sought to collaborate with States facing International System challenges both local and worldwide to prevent another nuclear tragedy Belarus is willing to repair relations with Russia Russia’s

    Expansion in post-soviet space and belarus’s border with Ukraine motivate Putin bellarus and Russia clashed in the Soviet Union Russia had more political influence than its previous neighbor very little has changed today Russia outranks Belarus the two countries have pledged to have a mutually beneficial relationship despite their power differences Putin and lukashenko are

    Good allies because of that it’s apparent Putin and lenk’s relationship is fragile Putin’s use of lukashenko to advance his own interests should keep the relationship balanced however events in the next few days May disrupt their bond thanks for staying with us


    1. You still show Prigozhin he died six months ago great news channel. Or maybe all 15 journalists were killed God forbid. Or maybe it's your very old AI version get a new one.

    2. As a Norwegian and Ukrainan patriot i think you should provide more balanced information! The brave Ukrainans need more long range weapons! What will happen if Trump becomes president?

    3. Yeah Yeah I'm sure he has backed out of his support of Russia. Some how I doubt it as he would be terrified that he will likely fall out of a high building windows.

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