Larissa started her trip to cycle around the world in Portugal, two years later I got to meet her in Cappadocia Turkey. This video is her story about her inspiring journey.

    Instagram Bram vanhove:

    Instagram Larissa Cantarelli:
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    Larissa Cantarelli: You had everything, but something was still missing. Something bigger. Something that challenges the routine, that is surprising every day. One day, you wake up in your house, that place of comfort and you look at yourself. See everything you’ve built to get to that exact moment. You look at your family, friends, but feel you need something more.

    In 2018, at the age of 25, I made the decision to sell everything I had and go cycling around the world. Graduated in Fashion Design, married, divorced, entrepreneur with her own hosting business.
    I left this “status” behind that defined me until then.


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