Real Driving Exam Test #21 – German Driving School – 07/2023 Fahrschule English

    We are starting a driving exam on a hot day in July 2023 and we are starting in hofheim amonos at the TU service center and we will finish in Boden at the eso gas station we were leaving the private property of T Hasen whole F to the right

    Side and here we turn right again here she’s reducing the speed a little bit because of the truck that was good now it’s free and we can go on accelerating we are coming to a giveaway sign a turning priority street from the left side to the front so we have to take

    Care who is coming from left side because we want to go straight please turn right follow the priorities Street here is a pedestrian Crossing left side is clearly free right side also we can go on then we have an obstacle on our side mirror indicator blind spot and passing the parked cars and

    Trailers under ale at the traffic lights we go straight we have a yellow priority sign on the right side so we can go on we right car is waiting for us at the stop sign perfect here’s a speed Checker and the yellow sign on the left

    Side tells us end of the city of hofheim and the maximum speed limit now is 100 look what a great weather nice little clouds over there actually it’s good for flying speed limit is going down to 60 oh the traffic lights are jumping to red light one time in a year this traffic

    Light is jumping I think many pedestrians and bicycles just cross when they have red light because no one is coming but in this case they were pressing the button and then this traffic light is jumping and here’s a 60 speed limit reminder and now we can see the 40 speed

    Limit because of the sharp Bend to the left side here’s another trffic light for pedestrians only not regulating the intersection so this is just jumping if someone presses the button which makes driving easy because if there’s no one who’s pressing the button you just go on

    Now we are coming to the next city it’s called kelheim and here on the right side you can see the beginning of City Sign we are back to the speed limit of 50 and we see the priority sign so we can keep going in please take exit number one in the

    Roundabout approaching slowly 15 to 20 is always a good approach speed checking the left side and white cars waiting indicating checking and exit please turn right the next street and in this street we want to do the emergency break with the speed of 30 so please accelerate 230 and your

    Instructor gives you the stop signal well done mirror indicator blind spot and going on next up please turn right the next street we see the giveaway sign Already and priority Street Turning from right side to the front nobody coming we have the obstacle on the right side nobody coming and going on clearly visible a stop sign if you have a stop sign you just have to search for the Stop line and

    There it is we need a full stop by law in front of the line let’s wait for it and Tu stopped checking and Crossing this priority Street we want to do the reverse parking here the silver car please reverse gear in and start the process no car is

    Overtaking so we have the entire Street for us hitting the corstone a little little bit but not overdriving she was so slowly that she was just hitting it with a back wheel a little bit little correction forward right now reverse left until we are parallel going a little bit closer

    And the final movement straight forward fatic don’t forget to report if you are done with parking otherwise The Examiner will let you go forward and reverse forever because it’s not clear when is my student done with parking and if you clearly report that you’re done with

    It then it’s okay oh we were not done yet little more correction to the curbstone next up please turn right the next street giveway sign placing the car close to the right curbstone just follow the Bush on the right side checking what’s coming from left right side is a car coming but we

    Will turn into to the right side of the road and they are driving on the left side of the road which is good to go please take exit number three Links up being turn left at the second traffic lights so the oncoming traffic will get green light and the left pedestrians and both is free right now we cannot see any pedestrians waiting and no oncoming traffic is waiting so we just check mirror blind spot and

    Turn we are still in the city so the speed limit is 50 here on the next up please turn right at the next lights check right side mirror blind spot start turning pedestrians have green light and nobody Crossing we can keep going and we are still in the city it’s

    50 but uh the situation is in liting to speed up already to more than 50 but officially the end of City sign is on the left side and now we are out of the city speed limit 60 and now we need to go to Highway Direction and aob are always blue direction information uh signs and the only blue information is over the right arrow so we have to make a change to the right side still 60 here don’t freak out on the right side is a speed checking machine directly after the bus stop you see the

    Gray pole here on the right side indicator right for the turn reducing speed from here you can already see the left turning lane of the oncoming traffic and there is no one who also wants to enter here so it’s easy to handle the giveaway sign now concentration we are approaching a

    Motorway and we need to integrate like it’s a highway so here we indicate LIF and check out of our left window real quick how many cars are coming and accelerating blind spot blinker switching off and here is the recommended speed of 130 um active so do not drive perfect 100 oh

    You just can accelerate to 120 130 to show that you know that it’s not a speed limit of 100 but the recommended speed of 130 but I would not go 180 then you save time oh here something is blinking on the right side information left lane ends speed limit of

    100 and you can calculate if there’s a construction that the speed is going down to 80 or sometimes down to 60 here’s the next information left lane ends and speed limit is 80 and this is uh if the speed limits are on the trailer the 100 we have seen on the

    Right side by sign are invalid if you have traffic signs for construction temporarily and here the construction is over and we are back to 100 but now the speed limit is 70 huh so many changes so if you have a construction with a temporary uh speed limit of course the

    Signs on the side are invalid for that uh area but they will not uh hide the signs a frankurt Highway Frankfurt and let’s see we have three Direction signs links is uh not interesting it’s frankfur hook and yellow sign highway is always blue sign so we are just challenging if it’s the

    Center lane or the right lane and you have already seen that Highway Frankfurt is the center lane so we don’t need to make a change we are already fine here in the center lane e this sign here on the right side with the arrows is telling us that the

    Highway has three lanes and now from this entrance the fourth Lane comes additionally so now we have four lanes on the highway and there’s no need to change to the left side and integrate we already integrated but now you see many many cars once uh want to integrate

    That’s why she is moving to let them go it’s easier for them and easier for us you should just not forget if you’re done with overtaking and after they have integrated to move back to the right side by law so we are changing back to the right

    Side and please take the next exit ashborn changing early it’s a long way to the exit curve that’s the last sign before we come to the curve so speeding down 50 to 60 is always a good speed for the exit eshborn gr schwalbach and here you

    See it’s two lanes going to ashborn gr schwalbach and she she was staying in the right of two lanes which I always recommended we started in the right of two lanes and we finish in the right of two lanes and we can keep going 50 is

    The speed limit we are outside of a city we did not enter a city yet now you can already see the houses so we come nearer to a city it’s called called ashborne and where’s the beginning of City sign here on the left and right side entrance of ashborn what a huge intersection

    Here three or four lanes from each side from left side two lanes from oncoming traffic four lanes from our side four lanes with the right turning lane actually five Lanes if here the traffic light is Switched Off I think everyone is screwed up that’s the left of the two lane

    And here on the right direction board you can see crb links please turn left Corb back integrating into the reducing reducing speed lane green we have a green arrow and we have a priority sign at the island the white car was okay that he was going

    He fast enough he did not disturb us and again we come to an acceleration Lane blinker left check quick check over the island and accelerating when we are parallel in the meantime we check the mirror using the blind spot checking it and changing blinker off smile and breathe speed limit of

    80 it’s just a country road here right side people are coming but for us no reason for changing and she was changing behind our car can uh always think about this if you see an exit like here for sure in 99% after you have passed the exit there

    Will be an entrance and in an entrance people can integrate into the uh right lane where we are mostly driving so if you have the chance and you see people are integrating always know what’s up in the left of the two lanes and if possible

    You can change and if not then you stay on the right lane and you probably adjust the speed a little bit here you also can see here’s an exit so start checking in the left mirror if you could change if it was necessary and you see no one is

    Integrating so you can relax and stay there but we want to turn left at the next traffic lights and next umle bit links up being so start checking what’s up around and two lanes going straight we have an extra Lane for the left turn and we have

    To make two changes to the left side reducing the speed because it’s red traffic light for and green arrow means no oncoming traffic they have red light and we have priority at the island you can see here the yellow sign generally it’s 100 after the turn

    But here’s the speed limit 60 and that’s normal because there’s a traffic light and the maximum speed if there are traffic lights is 70 and then we have 5 Seconds yellow uh here we had 60 so it’s 4 seconds of yellow and if the speed limit

    Is 50 or less we get 3 seconds of yellow traffic light if it’s jumps if it’s jumping to red here we’re coming to a little tunnel that means we need to drive with up blend lift but we have an sensor uh light sensor so the up blend L is switched on automatically

    Speed coming back to 60 here and we are going slowly butly back to Bonos this speed is going Down because of the traffic lights to 60 and we just learned if the speed limit is 60 it needs to be 4 seconds of yellow but it’s off the third brake light of the front car looked like blinking but it’s the it’s the frequency of LED

    Lights and this is matching with the 60 frames per second recording and then you get the intervals of and it looks like blinking please turn right at the next lights to but Z Direction so the straight traffic light turned green and our traffic light is off we

    Just have to give away but the straight traffic light was green so nobody can come from the left side or from oncoming traffic then we need to change the straight Lane and now we just go straight and go to the eso gas station and we are done with it green Traffic

    Light oh now we have the traffic jam because of the construction and waiting time is exam time so don’t be scared if you’re standing around for a long time the time is counting but here it doesn’t matter if we if we need 10 minutes to the eso gas

    Station or if we need 2 minutes to the eso gas station after we have parked at the S gas station the exam is over we just go straight and then left so construction lights are green speed limit in the construction was 30 by sign with the dangerous sign they’re producing a roundabout

    Here that’s gas St gas station number one the blue blue gas station is number two and the red is ESO gas station number three and that’s the gas station where we finish the exam and sometimes we start the exam there b being the links up of the T

    Please turn left to Theo gas station he was already seeing our indicator left that’s why he was leaving no oncoming traffic no pedestrians so we enter the gas station and find a place for stopping the car and this was another P driving exam congrat conratulations


    1. I have passed my driving exam on the first try yesterday. Your videos helped me a lot.

      My instructor never made me face a no entry sign. But examinar did and I did notice it. I cannot thank you enough for thiese videos.

    2. Thank you for your videos!)
      I have one suggestion: maybe it would be more convenient if you horizontaly fliped rear view camera in video, so it would be like rear veiw mirror for us?
      So viewers could correlate the upcoming traffic from the back.

    3. I am a bit confuse, before going to highway, after the bus stop there is also a road on right side, how do we know which road is leading to highway and which one we have to follow?

    4. Welcome back Andy, I have my second exam next week. My first exam ended in just 5 mins I was so excited and nervous so I failed 😩 but now am ready to get my license 🪪

    5. Welcome back Andy!
      In last 5 seconds when the black BMW car came from right, was this road to Esso gas station a right before left or priorty was for your student's car?

    6. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

      00:19 Starting a driving exam in July 2023 from Hofheim amonos to Boden at the ESO gas station.
      03:23 Observing speed limits, traffic lights, and navigating through different road conditions.
      07:40 Performing emergency braking, reverse parking, and navigating through various road signs.
      13:01 Negotiating roundabouts, following traffic signals, and making turns in the city.
      16:43 Merging onto the highway, adhering to recommended speeds, and responding to lane changes.
      21:27 Exiting the highway, adjusting speed, and transitioning to country roads.
      27:41 Handling intersections, left turns, and traffic lights in urban areas.
      33:33 Navigating through various road conditions to reach the destination at the ESO gas station.
      37:23 Successfully completing the driving exam at the ESO gas station.

      Made with HARPA AI

    7. At 1:57 the pedestrian crossing seem to have been divided into 2 parts. In this example, you have to definitely wait. Do you have to wait if pedestrian crossing was significantly longer with additional raised kerb in between?

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