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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study Cybersecurity and Informatics in Germany !” 🌟

    Are you ready to embark on an exciting educational journey in Germany? πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ“š Join us in exploring the world of Cybersecurity and Informatics education in this engaging session!

    Here’s what you can expect from this informative recording:

    πŸ“–πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Gain a Comprehensive Understanding:
    Discover how degree programs work in Germany, from admission requirements to curriculum structures. We break down the essentials for you!

    πŸ—‚οΈπŸ” Explore Cybersecurity and Informatics programs Galore:
    Germany boasts a wide array of Cybersecurity and Informatics programs, and we’ve compiled an extensive list for you to explore. Find the perfect fit for your academic and career aspirations.

    πŸŽ“πŸ’ΌπŸš€ Unlock Future Career Paths:
    Wondering about job prospects and career opportunities after completing your Cybersecurity and Informatics degree in Germany? We’ve got you covered! Gain valuable insights into your future possibilities.

    πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ Connect with University Representatives:
    The highlight of this webinar is Questions that were addressed LIVE by Program Representatives.

    #tip: Do not miss other webinars as it is your chance to establish valuable connections!

    ✈️🌍 Kick-Start Your Educational Journey:
    Don’t miss this unique opportunity to kick-start your educational journey in Germany. Whether you’re a prospective student or simply curious about the options available, this recording provides a wealth of information to help you take the first step.

    Start planning your Cybersecurity and Informatics adventure in Germany today! Watch the recording and equip yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your academic future. πŸ“ΊπŸŒŸ

    Subscribe, like, and share this video to help others discover the incredible opportunities waiting for them in the world of Cybersecurity and Informatics education. πŸ€πŸ“’

    #cybersecurity #informatics #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording

    Okay so now we are live hello uh dear attendees for those who have already managed to join my name is Gori as you might already know and uh yeah today we have another webinar from the series of subject webinars and umbrella topic for today uh is very interesting so it’s

    Cyber security and informatics starting cyber security informatics in Germany and yeah I’m not alone as you can see uh which is great we have some guests from German universities who will present to you their unique study programs that’s why I don’t want to uh keep my word very

    Long let me quickly jump into my short presentation and then I will uh hand it over to our guests but before I do that just a small uh reminder to those who are not very familiar with the zoom webinar setting you can see the Q&A button just next to the chat button so

    This is the main communication line between you and us so you it is already open it will be open until the very end of the webinar which means that you can sending your questions using the Q&A button and then we will answer them either in the written form or live after

    All three presentations are done today we have three presentations uh each by if each 15 minutes so in around 50 minutes uh which means that we will start our C live Q&A session which will last around 10 minutes or so so uh also keep an eye on the chat because there

    Will be sending some interesting and important information for you so yes let me quickly introduce to you agenda once again for today so we are starting with offenberg hul offenberg or offenberg university of app sciences and we have Lydia dant Shindler and she will present her program uh their program in master

    Of science level program Enterprise and it security then we are moving not too much far away to University of zaland and we have two guests from there Professor Dr Christian Roso you can also see him now and Professor Dr Sebastian HCK who also join shortly and they will

    Present B two Bachelor programs one in cyber security another one in computer science so we have both master and Bachelor programs here presented today a very good combination so you can ask questions about any level that’s good um so who who is behind today’s webinar for

    Those who do not know we are my German University and we are Germany’s largest database of English tght study programs so whenever you hear about programs in English in Germany our name will definitely pop up hopefully and uh yeah we have over 2,700 degree program s uh Master’s level as you could understand

    Also bachelor’s level and we also have some short course language courses our main aim our main goal is to assist inter those International students who would like to study in Germany pursue a bachelor’s or Master’s Degree for example and we do this assistance through three key ways so one of the

    Main uh ways is uh our study finder you can see now on your screen the Saud finder but it’s a small version of it not not all of the filters are uh seen here but when you you go to our website and you click on study finder you’ll see

    All of its filters and you can easily find the program then according to your interest according to your background also for example you would like to study in particular City particular discipline particular specialization uh you would like to apply to English only to study program without tuition fees you can all

    Control for all this and then make a quickly a short list and then choose from the short list so again application process becomes much easier and time efficient another way of helping you is through writing up articles we have over 150 articles on various topics regarding studying in Germany quite comprehensive

    Articles where we make a deep dive uh and try to explain you all of the necessary details that you should be aware of for example we talk about online studies about rankings about studying medicine about un assist about um yeah letter of motivation writing blocked account and so on and so forth

    All of these topics are covered I kindly invite you to take a look because yeah they’re for free why not um also uh we organize various webinars uh approximately 150 webinars per year on different topics it can be General webinar like un assist Visa Scholarships in Germany studying in Germany on a

    General level or the subject webinars like the one that you’re attending right now on different topics we talk about cyber security informatics obviously we talk about logistics we talk about management we have webinars about engineering different types of engineering mechanical electrical engineering so all of the programs all

    Of the webinars that are already planned you can sign up for them already um uh you can see them in our webinar section and you can sign up for these webinars for free and attend them for free way and you will we guarantee of course that you will meet uh directly the

    Representatives of the programs and you can ask them the questions like today and get the best possible answers because they know the most the best about their study programs that’s obvious right so that’s why I invite you to uh use this opportunity and also uh I

    Would suggest you to open an account on our web page by doing that you’ll be able to unlock all of the options that our website is able to offer you and yeah it’s also for free both opening and maintaining we are not taking anything from you guys and yeah last but not

    Least Also regarding our team uh it’s quite International we are based in different parts of Germany and around the world but we are um based on whole office in Hamburg in Northern Germany quite north of Germany um okay now couple of also about generally situation

    With um studying in Germany so to say on General level if you are also interested not only in English to study programs but the German to study programs Also may attract you because your G command of German is quite high I would also suggest you to take a look at Hulk

    Compass there you might find some interesting programs when it comes to studying cyber security and informatics in Germany but mostly in German but when we’re talking about English to study programs of course my German University and our study finder should definitely be your stop uh we have lots of Bachelor

    And Masters program s there regarding connected to these disciplines and you can see that most of them are in English only which means that you not you do not need any knowledge of German in many cases in most cases to get into these programs and to successfully complete

    These programs so I think it’s quite nice First Step uh for those who do not know enough German yet and also uh to have a bigger picture to understand better what does it mean to study for example cyber security uh or informatics in Germany it’s also uh uh we have also

    Several subject Pages various subject Pages actually on different subjects and you can find uh we have divided into certain levels and you can uh read out read about various subjects like what are the rankings of universities for example that are offering uh degrees in cyber security or informatics what is

    The tuition fee that you should budget for example if you’re planning to uh get to study these subjects right and more and much more general information so it’s a nice uh to have a bigger picture of what does it mean to study this or that discipline if you want to come to

    Germany also our suggestion is don’t be guided simply by so aspects like only cities or only U only fees or only rankings of course they matter uh for some more than for others but yeah you have to take into account all of these aspects together and much more in order

    To make sure that you’re making the right choice of the program which is crucial uh also now come I’m coming to an end in Germany there are two key types of universities one is called University type of University and another one is called University of applied sciences today we have both of

    Them presented in German University of applied sciences can have a naming like huler for example is one of the variations and in on a general level uh the KY is in Focus so when we are talking about univers type of University we are more generally talking about

    Research and theory and in case of University of applied sciences we are generally talking more about application and practice last but not least uh regarding the uh importance of uh of the search of the program in addition to aspects that I mentioned before that you should take

    Into account also if you like to uh if you’re using our study finder make sure make sure that you are not too rigid with wordings be a little bit flexible and in combination with those aspects when you add flexibility you’ll make sure uh that you are aware of all the

    Opportunities that Germany is able to offer you based on your interest and backgrounds and then you’ll make you be able to make an informed decision which again is very very crucial first step towards your successful future that was all from my side now let’s move to the

    Interesting part of our webinar so we are moving to offenberg University of applied sciences quite from the north to the very very south of Germany and we have Lydia Shindler and she will now talk about master of science level program in Enterprise and it security and you can see where offenberg is

    Located also on the map let me stop the screen share and Lydia you can take uh the floor well thank you very much for this wonderful uh introduction Dorie um I need to share my screen now with you that working yes okay perfect so welcome to everybody joining the session today I’m

    Very happy to be able to present offen forg University to you and especially our International Master’s review program and in this range uh our program Enterprise and it security so I want to invite you to study in English here in Li in German Germany at the same time

    And the first picture you see here is our um our one of our um main buildings in on Main Campus and that’s actually also the building in which you are going to study in case you decide to come for Enterprise and it security so Geor just um showed you very fastly

    Where we are situated in southwest of Germany it’s a very nice b u region bordering with France and Switzerland so you see here on this map again the border which is the river rine and uh so we are very close to Strasburg um in fance which is only about 30 kilometers

    Away from here and in about yeah 1 hour you’re already in basil and Switzerland so this is this corner where we are situated in and offenberg University is also situated in a very beautiful landscape as you can see here on the top picture and at the same time in one of

    Germany’s strongest economic region so that’s also something our students benefit from when they look for practical trainings for example for Chop after their studies and so on it’s a cross National metropolitan area with the several cities around a very Dynamic region here on this picture you

    See Strasburg uh right over the r and very high employment prospects and at the same time we enjoy this beautiful surrounding and an extraordinary living standard so that’s something not only we um benefit from but also our students who come to study with us here at offenberg University

    Offenberg university is a University of Technology business and media which means uh in contrary to the traditional big universities we focus on specific areas and those are the ones we are really good in we do not have everything but these three areas we focus in we were founded in

    1964 so we are one of the oldest universities of applied sciences uh and offer as Georgia already mentioned also more practice oriented studies so we try to give our students Hospitality always to put in practice what they learn in theory here uh and not only stay with the

    Theory um we have around almost uh 4,000 students enrolled right now and about 12% of them are international students so there’s a very International atmosphere here at the campus and especially at our graduate school where we uh in which we teach all the international master’s degree programs

    We have a very high percentage of international students so it’s a very International um atmosphere and very all the this programs have a very um have students from all over the world from different countries about half of our programs are Bachelor programs and the other half are

    Master programs uh and we cooperate with over 80 universities worldwide so that our students also have the possibility to go abroad but we also have many um shared research projects and many other projects together with universities um abroad and at the same time there’s also a spacious Enterprise Network so we work

    Very closely together with companies here in this region who work very internationally and a very um specialized International um mediumsized companies in general and those are the ones who are also looking for um internationally um experienced um graduates who are willing to do and able to work in this International in these

    International atmosphere or in these International environment uh and uh projects that they have in these compan companies and what’s something that I’m sure in case you decide to work and to study here at Offenburg you will um be able to enjoy the safe and friendly environment here I personally uh walk

    Through the streets here at any time of the night uh and in offenberg and I feel very safe so if you come from a big city somewhere around the world this is something will’ll definitely enjoy to offenberg University also offers you very well equipped Laboratories and Facilities with a close connection to

    Industry so as I already mentioned there are possibilities to for practical trainings for um projects in different companies here in this region there you definitely can count on a small student teacher ratio with a personal attention from our Prof that’s something I definitely would look

    For if I’m a student so and I think this something very unique that you we can guarantee you in our International Master St programs in our program Enterprise and it security that I’m presenting you today we will not admit more than 20 to 25 students so you have

    A guarantee that you will be able to get that personal attention from the professor and I personally feel that’s also very important point is that our professors have at least an experience of three years in private companies outside of the academic uh career outside of the university and they bring this

    Experience back into um into the university and are able to share that with the students too nevertheless you also have possibilities to pursue your doctoral degree here at offenberg University we have around 50 PhD students with us here right now we do that or in cooperation with traditional universities but we

    Also have professors who have the right to Grant a PhD uh themselves now so I try to get the next slide oh now it’s reacting but now let me go go a little bit more into detail about our program Enterprise and it security um so if youd aspire to go for

    A leadership position in this field of it security this is definitely a program you should look at uh it’s an advanced comprehensive Master de program in this area of it security and it will definitely open doors for you uh and and and help you to achieve your your professional goals in this area

    So let’s look a little bit at the modules the main modules that are um taught in this program you they are listed here on this um slide as you can see it covers all this uh important aspects of um it security and everything that has to do with it I

    Will not go into detail here but if you have any question you’re well welcome to to have a look at the each uh subject more closely and also ask question to me or to the coordinator of the project of the program if you if you if it only

    Comes in mind to you later on but you feel this is uh definitely a very nice com very um good combination of all the subjects that you need uh if you want to work as a professional in this area of it security um once again the slide doesn’t fall with I’m sorry about

    That kind of slow do you have a little bit more time to look at the modules that was not my intention but here it comes um security concept design and implementation is one area that people work in when uh they are finished their um this uh program Enterprise and

    It security but it’s not the only one uh only area you um our graduates um had for and are successful in so some of them also go for corporate management or they work in the area of cyber crime control and investigation including also evidence protection um then system and Security

    Administration they this is also an area where they always look for professionals uh who are skilled in this area of it security or corporate certification then Network Specialists are always uh searched uh or technology uh techn technology solution Architects uh for it security certainly this is another area and security related

    Software Dev developers or system administrators are also an area where you uh can work in after this graduating from this program so it depends on you what is uh your specific goal and what uh is your um where you put your emphasize and during the the program

    Too so I’m very sorry about that fact that the slide is not going forward now again sorry um on if you want to apply uh it’s very easy um to apply at offenberg University because the graduate school has its own application process we do all the application steps here at offenberg

    University therefore you can go directly to our website uh The Graduate School website and there you find the link to the application tool and enter your data until at the latest March 31st if you want to start uh next October that’s when the lectures uh always start and after entering um

    Your your profile you can um send this application to the coordinators of each program and so if you want to study uh Enterprise and it security the coordinator will then screen uh your application and give you a return if your profile fits with the search profile for this program so you

    Have to have at least a background in it Security in your bachelor’s degree this is a main uh the main requirement and another main requirement is that you have an English language certificate minimum turple 99 or Els 6 uh 79 sorry or Isles 6.0 in each uh banch in each

    Field uh of the test uh so these are two main requirements I also want a motivation letter from you so that’s also important for um the um selection committee to see what’s your motivation to come and study this program with us here and then uh you will get uh a

    Feedback and only then in the second stage of the application process you are asked to send all the application documents that are necessary via the online platform and then uh in order to get the um in order to get this um uh enter into the final selection and then

    Get the um inscription uh documents what are the fees to study here at offenberg University for non European citizens uh the fees are 1,810 years counted all together also with the services that in I included for example um the lower fees for the CATE uh the the

    Our um lunch uh caterer and well there are many and also insurance is included and so on but uh there’s also a fee for a special fee for from the our state for non European citizens that’s why altogether you have that amount per semester and and uh therefore it’s also

    Much uh cheaper for non U for European citizens uh you can see they only have to pay a small amount of € 310 EUR because in this case it’s the state that pays all the all the fees the the fees for the University we do have some scholarships

    Uh that uh for which you can apply in order to get Exempted from € 1,500 uh enrollment fees and in order but the in order to get these um scholarships you already have to be enrolled here which means you can only be Exempted from the second semester on

    But not for the first semester and I have to admit we are only allowed to free an exemp 5% of our students What can you you expect else if you come to urg University well we do have a lot of support services for our International students this starts in

    The beginning we assist you right be even before you come here in finding an accommodation so you that when you arrive you already have a place to stay there will be a senior buddy who will pick you up at the train station who you can contact before uh you arrive here

    With your question even and who will show you around the first few days and explain everything important and and show the campus and everything you need for for living here too additionally there will be orientation events for the each program uh so Enterprise and it security they

    Usually go to a very nice place here in this region uh for example into the black forest mountains which are right next door and there they have one weekend in during which they get all the important information but also have a lot of fun and um team building events

    And and so that you also get to know your classmates and your batch and your fellow students um you also have an individual support and advice by the coordinator of each P program which I already mentioned uh several times now which is my colleague Mrs gangl so you can contact

    Her her at any time with Pro if you have any questions regarding the program itself we offered German summer Language School in September in which you can um start to learn or just uh improve your German in during an intensive um course in for one month and we also offer onbeing language courses

    During the lecture uh period so you can improve your German uh knowledge during the whole program additionally we have a cultural and social program so we want you to have success in your uh program definitely in your Masters but we also want you to have a good time here and

    Get to know the German culture and have a great uh experience so we offer excursions get togethers and me a lot more you’re also very welcome to participate in the sports offer for example we have a lake just next by the university I’m sitting here and it’s

    Only five minutes walk you’re at the lake where we have a Sailing Boat or in about half an hour you’re in the Black Forest mountains and you can go for mountain biking and many other Indoor Sports certainly and yeah a lot of different offers and there is a very special um

    Pro uh project that I also want to present to you which is our senior service this is an initiative bringing together senior citizens and international students and it has been very crucial for many of our International students students in being feeling welcomed here feeling getting contact with people from outside of the

    University and so on because these people and around 50 um individuals who are working together on a voluntary basis in this group and they just want you as an international student to feel welcomed here feel welcome here in in offenberg not only at the University they want you they want to share the

    Children and their personal family culture with you and they also want to learn from you and your culture and it’s just a very nice uh um yeah project that helps you that you to get in contact with uh people here from the city and get help if you need uh from somebody

    Else from outside of the University so PE many of our students are still in contact with individuals from the senior service uh for many years and and feel like part of the family and there is also certainly um support when you get to the end of your studies there are job application

    Trainings and there’s also a great recruiting event here at the University which reflects the great interest of all these universities not only in this region but also in the big corner of these three um countries um so in the three Country Corner of Switzerland Germany and France uh because many of these uh

    Companies in here come here for this event are really looking for the graduates uh of offenberg University and certainly we also want to keep in contact with you once you’ve graduated so we have an international Alumni network for the graduate school and we organize events once in a while

    And also invite you to to get in contact with each other through this uh alumni portal so um it doesn’t start with the graduation but let me now um finish with uh inviting you once again to come to The Graduate School of offenberg University and study Enterprise and it

    Security you will have an English T program which is taught in a small group so you will have this personal attention from the professors you will have a very Intercultural experience because people from all over the world apply for this program and it’s very uh International and you will have

    Comprehensive Individual Services that you can count on and I’m sure once you finish that uh program you will also have excellent career opportunities because this area is definitely also an area um that is very um that professionals are very much searched in which professionals are very much search

    And you will be very well prepared for it so thank you very much for your attention um if you are interested in this area have a look at the program and have a look at often University it’s definitely a place to build your future thank you great thanks a lot Lydia and dear

    Attendees also Lydia’s email is in the chat and Lydia uh if any you have time please take a look at the questions and help me with that thank you great uh let us now move to um to University of zarland and now uh we beit going a bit

    North along the border actually as you could see and yeah it’s Professor Dr Christian Roso who will now talk about Bachelor science level program in uh cyber security and then we’ll move to Professor Dr Sebastian H who will present again bachelor program in computer science so welcome everyone my

    Name is Christian Russell I’m happy to present our new course on cyber security Bachelor I should mention that there have been many questions in the chat and I Tred to answer those that I thought would be targeting zand University if I missed any of those please just restate

    Them I’m happy to answer them so now we moving a bit West indeed towards Z University from offenberg um and just for your reference Salan is very close to the French border actually it has been part of France uh some time ago and uh in in that like State zand there is

    One huge university which is zand University and this is the campus that you can see so it’s in the middle of a forest it’s a really nice beautiful location but I’m not here actually to talk about uh the the beauty of the site but I think uh what is important to you

    Is that if you would like to do any computer science related studying in Germany then zand is the place to be um it’s it’s kind of an unknown place to many but it’s actually Germany’s computer science nucleus um that is around that you can see by the sheer

    Size right now there’s 900 scientist um at the larger Campus of zand which we call zand informatics campus with over 60 Pro professors focusing on uh on computer science topic and many of those have been awarded with the most prestigious Awards like ESC grounds libr

    Award C medals and so on I’m going to mention all of that but it shows that there is a huge concentration of VAR very strong top tier research being done in in Zur this also is reflected by the rankings um so Yogi said don’t watch for rankings and I’m sure there’s like

    Plenty of rankings you can look at right we we always focus on the ranking um with respect to science which is CS rankings which ranks universities worldwide by their research output and if you look at this ranking you find Z University on its own on place number four which doesn’t sound excellent but

    Actually uh you should consider consider that we have several institutions just next door to Z University uh two Max blank institutes and also the sisa H Center for information security where actually is my my employer which also are in Z brooken just next door to Z University and if they aggregate all

    This together then by far sub Britain is the strongest computer science site within Germany so having said this this uh not only is strong in terms of like um research but of course also in terms of education and we design several interesting research programs um research oriented study programs for you

    Um that you can join um and today we so Sebastian H and me going to present just two of them which is the um cyber security B program and the cut science bachelor program I’m going to start with the cyber security bachelor program which we started a couple of years ago

    It is fully taught in English uh of course and um you can you can apply um the uh motivation why why cyber security um I think you can do many many perspectives after the studies one of course is the industry perspective so I think it’s fair to say that cyber

    Security Professionals have a 0% unemployment rate so you find a job easily and you get very high salaries that is also reflected by some studies like I picked Gartner here but you can actually pick any study which show that companies invest and invest more and more money into cyber security like on

    Average 40% every year by now so transitioning from University to Industry is is super easy but of course there’s also other perspectives that they can do afterwards and one strength we have in Z Brien is that we have a very strong um Market also for research on on site and we very prospering

    Research area uh with um a lot of um Publications in in the top tier venues uh globally and then also what we can also do um in Z Bren is to find to found companies so if you’re up to do your own startup this is also an option we can do

    Actually we have Master programs that assist you with with that so whatever path you pick whether you’re from indust or want to go in industry or whether you want to pursue an academic career or some entrepreneurship everything is possible after this speci program so now talking about content of

    The cyber security um program what you can see is that from semester one onwards this is essentially showing you uh by semester um the courses you can take so in semester one we have of course foundational lectures like programming and math but also from semester onward we have foundational

    Inputs to security um like Foundation service security one we learn about for example network security and cry cryptography and cyber security to where you learn about um system security and software security then in semester three you have the cyber security lab we do some hands on stuff um in in cyber

    Security context you have a pro seminar and later on also a seminar where you read papers you learn to present um research ideas and so on then there’s two um like large lectures like the crypto lecture here which is telling you all the blood details about cryptography the way of doing secure communication

    And then your freedom starts in the program so these is like the mandatory lectures you have and then essentially you can uh do select any topics of your choice of your flavor uh in these complimentary lectures and advanced lectures as part of the program and just

    To give you some rough idea of what that could be so you have a lot of freedom already in the bachor program um this is a list of topics that can be taken by students so for example there is technical um how you call it technical um lectures like s Channel attacks

    System security security testing wireless mobile security and so on uh also more formal courses like formal methods in security where you learn about formal method verification techniques or machine learning in cyber security and also there is human factors um lectures on usable security it forensics or privacy enhancing Technologies and you’re completely free

    To pick whatever courses you like in in that direction and all these courses are uh taught by faculty like me from The sispa Hil Center for information security which I mentioned is just down the road on on the campus so located next door which has 250 researchers in

    Cyber security um and 40 research groups one of which is mine and each of these groups is very eager to teach um security related courses at zent University so that means that you not only have a wi wide selection of different um different topics that you

    Can pick for lectures but it also means that those topics that you hear are from complete experts in the field so if if I for example am a researcher on network security I do have my own network security lecture and you get really cutting edge research results as part of

    This lecture this also possible because the strong uh scientific background that we have at sispa so I already mentioned that zarand as a whole has a strong reputation for computer science background if you now focus in to um some subject areas and now the subject area of security and then you zoom out

    The whole world you can actually see that sispa ranks number one by far in terms of research output worldwide in the context of security and this makes it possible to actually give you um top notch um top notch lectures also and and Fascinate You from the various security

    Topics just to give you some picture of what that can be later on be used and what that means in terms of uh keywords what we can do why we have a huge selection topics that we study at sisa which ranges from technical topics like uh for example securing drones and

    Securing autonomous driving um to human factor aspects like legal aspects that I mentioned or uh usable security but also can be um very important privacy related research for example of medical data like genomic data which we explore quite a lot also at sisa so that means that

    Early on you get in contact with research uh which is not only helpful if you pursue an academic career but also will give you some important insights and and quite deep knowledge for the companies that work in the related areas now of course once you’re done with the

    VOR program you ask what’s next right and we got you covered right that’s the short answer so if you finish your bachelor program be the computer science program that professor H is going to present or the cyber security B program you then have a wide selection of Master

    Programs at Z University in the context of security that is two uh alone one is the entrepreneurial master of cyber security where you can found the company as part of the master program and the other one is a more scientific oriented master program afterwards that you can

    Join and finally if you are interested in research what we can do which is unique I think in Germany is right after the um bencha program you can join uh a gradiate school which um prepares you for PhD career afterwards so there’s no need stly speak to do a master you can

    Actually do um the PHD directly from the bachor program for the most talented ones among moment you and then once you finish all this like the master pH then you go next and uh found your own startup find an industry job or do your career uh research wise either at sispa

    Or at Zan University or any other site Associated to the campus so that means that you get excellent education from semester one onwards from semester one onwards you also get education on the core topic of security but you also have a strong Computer Science Background after the

    Bachelor so that means that that you get the normal foundations of computer science for example also programming experience theoretic computer science and so on so basically get the full package of computer science plus some cyber security and afterwards you have the complete freedom of of what you

    Do so there is a website called cc. un. and that you can find all the information that is presented now on this slide and also which I just mentioned if you’re interested um have a look at this and I’m happy to take take your questions now hand over to

    Professor HCK who going to promote you the idea of computer science and also gives you some pins about the admission policies as yeah thank you Christian um all right okay so I hope that worked okay so yeah I’m happy to uh say a couple of things about our our International bachelor’s program in

    Computer science so that program is a a general computer science program that doesn’t specialize early on so if you’re unsure of what you want to specialize then this is a program you get a very broad education in many different topics um and foundations that enable you to basically pick whatever specialization you you

    Want to do later on um I’m going to talk about the the structure of the program a little bit uh in a bit more detail later so maybe first um about the site one thing that I would like to add is that saland is actually a very International place so

    20% of our researchers are international we also have international professors in our University who um interact with you or with which with whom we interact in English so English is our working language and it’s also our teaching language so the site is international and you can get around the university

    Easily in English so you also see that 60% of our Master students are international so among the students English is the prime uh language of communication um and I think for German University this is pretty uh uh pretty non-standard so typically the international student numbers are not as

    High as they are in our place um so we don’t have any tuition fees there are small administrative fees but they’re not um they’re not they’re not High um because as Christian said Salan University is such a large campus with many different research institutions um you you get in touch

    With lecturers and professors very easily and you have an extremely wide range uh of research topics that you can um um yeah go into further detail about do your Bachelor thesis do a master thesis later on maybe also do a PhD so you get the full spectrum of uh computer

    Science research um in in many different research groups that are on site so our graduates basically find um so some of them of course stay with us and do a PhD some of them also go to other places for a PhD um but you also have

    The option to go to the local industry so salent uh industri is of course in a strong demand of computer science computer science graduates but we also very well know work with all the top Tech um companies worldwide so our graduates have jobs at Google Microsoft

    Intel Nvidia you name it um so you get the education that you need in order to pass the entrance to to companies like that so some of these companies even have research um sites on on on campus here so right now we have we having a a close collaboration with a Google Center

    On on in one of the max blank institutes and of course there’s also a graduate school in which you can go forward with a PhD studies and um get a PhD from one of the uh research group leaders that is here on site so maybe I should also mention that

    Saland University is one of the most vibrant startup uh universities in in in Germany so it it spun off an a significant amount of companies um and has a has won several Awards with respect to the startup culture u in Germany so maybe uh a brief uh brief

    Overview about the study plan so the first two semesters the first year is basically um the toughest toughest year in the entire program you get all the the foundations that you need to continue and they’re very Broad and general and then later on in your studies so in the second year you can

    Start specializing and taking what we are calling core courses so there’s a list of different topics that I’m going to show to you in a couple of seconds um that you can go into depth based on your uh preferences so basically in the first one and a half two years you get the

    Very solid foundation to specialize in whatever you want and then later on you can basically in the the last three semesters design the study program according to your preferences and interests so that can be for example cyber security but it can also be other topics like formal verification or machine learning human computer

    Interaction programming languages what whatever you are interested in so this is our current list of core courses um so they span more formal more theoretical topics like computer algebra or complexity Theory but they also go into systems aspects like operating systems or compilers distributed systems programming language Theory semantics

    Introd introduction to logic or automated reasoning and maybe also more practical things like database systems or uh software engineering and of course also cyber security so maybe a final word and that is uh that is also relevant for what Christian has said is our admission policy so the

    Admission to our programs is highly competitive I I want to mention this and there’s basically three ways in how you can enter our programs so the first one is that you have uh obtained the medal in a selected International informatics or mathematics Olympiad the list of all

    The olympiads that we accept is on the website that you see down below um you have an outstanding aptitude test result in SAT test as act je Advanced sunun or GAA so we accept a wide range of international um uh aptitude tests but you really need to have an outstanding

    Uh top result so you have to be among the best 5% there or you apply for an online math exam and if that goes well you can be invited to an online interview in which you’re interviewed for half an hour and tested for your problem solving skills right so all the

    Information is available on the web you can see the website here you can just also go to saland informatics campus. and then you find an overview of all the study programs and more specific details on the study program that I just uh presented all right so I guess um that’s

    Pretty much everything that I want to say um and I’m also very happy to uh answer any questions that you might have you can of course connect to us through Instagram Facebook Twitter and so on and so forth uh and yeah be happy to uh welcome you with saland University thank you very

    Much great amazing thank you very much Professor Roso thank you very much Professor HCK and let us now actually uh start with the Q&A so thanks a lot everyone who already participated in answering the questions and still there a lot open but let us try to uh tackle

    Them to certain extent uh we’ll use another 10 to 15 minutes uh for that and let me start with this um with the question for you Professor Dr Huck actually I’ve just received we have just received this question Professor HCK is web development covered to a certain

    Extent within the program so there are practical courses where you get in touch with web development but we don’t offer specific courses that teach you practical aspects of web development so our policy is that you get the foundations in programming and if you have them so we have two programming

    Courses that go into different kinds of programmingsoftware do you also touch upon computer for forensics uh in your program yeah we we do have one lecture which is called it forensics which looks at the forensic operation how we could for example understand and extract uh incidents and clues for some legal law

    Cases from computer systems so this this is an indeed lecture one of those Advanced lectures that they can choose to specialize in um so if you’re interest in this this is definitely an option I’m happy to also pay a link yeah MH okay great alyia now let me get back

    To you uh with the similar type of the question in terms of there was a question uh whether there is there any electives courses or specialization tracks that are offered under this Masters program or the list of the programs of the courses that you provided is a final and mandatory one

    Yeah well the the coures are pretty much fixed you can have a look at the modules um at our website Enterprise and it security you will see the link to the module handbook and there each module is uh described uh and and the details of the content is described also um but you

    Will still see that there is still enough possibility for yourself uh to to emphasize on a specific aspect because there also many works that you yourself choose the topic uh and then you have the Poss to to focus on on your on the topic that you’re interested in okay perfect let me

    Stay with you Lydia I saw there’s three questions for you uh on this uh the same uh topic with regarding whether there are any application fees to apply for this program no there’s no application fee and as I already mentioned it’s very easy to do the first step and and enter

    Your data in our online application tool without any cost uh we only you only have to pay uh the tuition fee and the fees for semester once you get the admission okay before the before you yeah the admission you have to pay but only then when you’re you you’re sure

    That you get uh the admission when you’re selected okay clear thanks Lydia now uh another question says for the bachelor’s program so Professor Roso professor H for you uh do you have your own studing collects for those who will need to do it so maybe I I should answer this um So

    Currently there is no studient colleague option for the international bachelor’s program there is a student colleague like um Preparatory study program um that is generic for all the stem um field so for uh engineering mathematics and computer science that you can take but it’s a generic program that um

    Enables you to go into a stem subject at salant University unfortunately that is taught in Germany not in English Okay clear good thanks now general question maybe for for everyone uh so are all these programs Limited in terms of admission so how I understood this question is do you have any fixed number

    Of people that you accept or is it unlimited as long as I meet all the requirements Lydia let me start with you uh yes they’re limited um our program is limited as I said before we we want to have a small batch of students because we want you to give

    Want to be sure to give you that personal attention from the professors and therefore we select our students very carefully uh and uh we select around 20 students each year for this program okay great um now uh anyone would like from zarand to start yeah we have also 15

    Slots per here for each of the two programs so it is it is highly competitive the programs have to say but we still welcome your application of course okay great thanks uh okay so this already answered so another question again uh the general one so yeah regarding it was regarding

    The phds the question so the question was do you have any research projects that students could afterwards PhD research projects that students who are interested in uh continuing with academic pass could would be able to join Lydia let me start with you yes there are projects and there are also

    Professors who are able to uh guide you there and and um we do have PhD students um in in the area I’ve put it definitely um several of them but I have to admit there’s no um uh program where in like a PhD program that you can directly apply to

    In case you want to apply directly for a PhD um to to be uh PhD students you would have to apply directly with the pro uh Professor who is um guide uh who is leading this project this research project uh so um you will have uh yeah our PhD students have different statuses

    Depending on their um the offer that they got so some of them are employees some of them are students uh some of them are having scholarships um so it it really each case is individual but there are research projects and possibilities MH okay perfect and um in zland whoever

    Would like to address this question I say something about this or you you too Christian maybe you can add from the thisis side so I’m not sure if I understood the question correctly so we have a graduate school that you can enter but of course there’s also

    Prerequisites to go into so you need you need to have performed well in your in your previous studies of course typically the bachelor’s and Master’s fees are scientific already and guides guide you towards a scientific process um and there you can basically decide whether this is something for you

    Or not so much and this is all the also the occasion in which you can and get into closer contact with research groups and if you do well there people will be very very um willing to hire you as a PhD student so funding and positions and

    All of that is not the problem but you also have to show a strong strong results another way in German universities is that you basically can apply for what is called he positions so these are scientific eight positions um where you can interact with researchers in a research group early on in your

    Studies and to be help out with projects which is a good good way of coming into contact with people okay yeah I would agree there it’s the same same here for us and uh also it’s the same that it’s it’s easier for students who have already shown that

    In in their Master studies here uh that they performed very well um so that they already are know that the professors already know them so then it’s also easier to get into a pH PhD position because they already known and they have shown their performance okay perfect now uh there’s

    A question for zarand programs uh it was 30% addressed but it was me I think two or three times this question was so uh but when the applicants provide do the application so they submit the applications what would you say based on your experience how much time would they

    Need to wait until the final yes or no the question is because of the Visa related issues which we know that in many countries there’s a huge problem yeah so let me answer this because I already answered the chat also um for The Bachelor programs we have on the FAQ

    Website of the new brity a schedule which shows exactly when you’re going to be notified about the decisions so um I think this this mostly answers it and um there are three application deadlines one of which is already in Winter now for the um for the start in in October

    Which gives you plenty of time to to apply for Visa but Al the other ones are normally aligned in a way that you can get the visa on time of course this doesn’t work out always I we we we know sometimes there is cues the MC’s and

    Wait longer and we do everything we can to make it possible for students that join late to also not have a disadvantage of this uh but I I I should repeat in most cases it will work out okay perfect now let me ask this question because I promised this person

    To ask this question was sent four times already so Rohan don’t think that I forget about you so can I apply for the University without APS certificate in case it is delayed so uh this is for everyone maybe good to know would you have any problem uh if the aps

    Certificate is not pro I suppose the student is from India so they have to provide at least for Visa you’ll need Rohan yeah you know this but for the for the programs would you be okay if uh the person applies without AP certificate and then provides it a bit later during

    The process Lydia let me start with you as far as I know um you can provide it until uh the end of the application uh deadline um so and even you know if if you’re uh yeah you don’t have it until the end of March and you can’t

    Take your coordinator and you can promise uh that you will have it until uh you’re admission uh I think you they will still take you into account during the selection process MH okay perfect but you will definitely have to have it one before you get the admission yeah

    Yeah okay that’s clear answer thanks a lot Lydia and in case of zarand what would you say the the same applies to us too so yes thanks uh Lydia now question specifically for you I saw it several times do you have any so no the question

    Is so is no any previous grade minimum requirement ofen Borg no there is no specific grade minimum requirement uh selection Committee of this program Enterprise and it security they take into account several aspects uh so they will definitely have a look at the subject you studied if it fits well to

    The subject that you want to go for now the it security so you have to have a basis basic knowledge in in certain uh subject that they they just will check in in the transcript of Records um and so they they don’t only look at the overall

    Grade they look at specific grades of subjects even and they also look at your motivation letter um so they they have different uh aspects the English um knowledge and maybe if you can even show that you have a little bit of terminology this might also improve your

    Chances to get admitted so they are different aspects that they look at maybe quick question once again quick question to you Lydia student was asking if I have a bachelor’s in engineering Bachelor Engineering in me in chemical and process engineering would I be able to take uh the course with

    You I have I have a great uh other possibility for you to study if you come from this area because we off a very nice International master’s degree program in the area of process engineering and but unfortunately Enterprise and it security require that you have a bachelor’s degree in this

    Area okay or similar okay great um all right so there was also a question for zarand which I hope I can find now um yes I think this one the one what are the Baseline of mathematics or programming qualifications needed for example calculus 2 competitive programming instead of backand or front

    Hand engineering Etc there is none so we assume that you have a high school diploma and this is where we start okay okay perfect thank you um and so let me take quickly take this question how long will will I be permitted in terms of visa to seek job after

    Finishing the course this is same for everyone you will have 18 months job Seeker visa after you finalize one of these programs and then you’ll be able to say one year and a half to find a job uh and then then there was a question Also regarding uh working during studies

    I remember yes everyone can work when you have your Visa or when you have this alant allow that you that you will receive it will say that yeah you can work 20 hours uh per week so it’s also doable all right then uh Joseph there was a question from your side where you

    Can access the recording of the webinar so as when we receive the green lights from all our participants if they will allow uh uh allow us so to say to spread uh the The Voice the word here is the in the chat the link to YouTube channel

    Where you will be able to see it and let me close now with a classical question $1 million question so I see it several times I saw it Lydia let me start with you and then I will address zarand with the same question are there any opportunities of English requirements to

    Be vaded for example I studied my my bachelor’s or my high school for fully in English will you still require me to provide you with toel Al or any other test or yeah will I be free for this extra bureaucratic step Lydia only in the case that you can have

    That you have a certificate that the whole uh your whole bachelor’s degree was completely taught in English language um you you may direct uh to this question to the coordinator of the program and they might uh they they can give an exception in in order not to

    Have to present the tur on is but it has to be an officially an official certificate of the University okay clear thanks thanks a lot Lydia and Pand yeah so we have a similar rule but that applies to your school education we can wave that if you

    Are a native speaker and for us a native speaker is somebody who obtain this high school diploma in either Australia Canada Ireland New Zealand the UK or the USA okay very clear aot all right perfect so uh we are already good in time I would say uh to share with you my

    Official thank you slide to First of to our uh to our speakers today great presentations also even better answers to the questions very comprehensive both in written and also um during our live Q&A thanks a lot for your uh the time that you invested also for the attendees

    I saw a huge interest in those programs which is great thanks for your interest and for your also interesting questions I hope you’ll manage to get into one of those programs also uh yeah as I said um the uh the recording when when and if it

    Will be available uh you can see it also in the chat the link uh there was some questions that we don’t have now time to answer also but for general questions regarding scholarships uni assist procedure of visas etc etc you can see you see you can find answers on our web

    Page because we have articles regarding these topics you can read them and you will find most of the answers there actually uh my German university.com and then uh the the article section when you have any more questions to our speakers one of them at least so you can get in

    Touch with them they all provided with you technical their contact details where you can find contact details you can get in touch with them or the other un University or program representatives and then they will help you uh to navigate through and elaborate more on the uh qu your questions also if You’

    Like to leave us feedback for today’s webinar I also shortly put the link in the chat for to our Google and Facebook channels and then you can there you can leave us feedback for today that was all and yeah for uh I hope to see you on our

    Future webinars as well dear attendees and guests as well and yeah take care for the time being and byebye thank you bye thank you by

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