Gino Forte is an Irish real estate broker based in Dubai.

    After dropping out of college, Gino built a successful career as a car salesman in Ireland.

    Recently, he left Ireland to work as a real estate broker in Dubai, and is already making a name for himself.

    In this episode we talk:
    – Dropping out of college
    – Building your career
    – Why we both left Ireland
    – Living in Dubai

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    Gino’s links:

    – YouTube:
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    My links:
    – Spotify:
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    – Instagram:
    – Work with my agency (For eCommerce brands above $100k/month):

    We go brother Gino Connor how are you very good very good back in the the podcast actually the third podcast that we’ve ever done together but the first two were on yours obviously we’re we’re going to talk about all the kind of irons that you have on the fire of

    Course like you’ve been doing content for quite a while actually and it’s something I’ve been looking at for like the last couple of years actually seen yourself and Sam make stuff and went on your podcast in November 2021 and then was it December 2022 so kind of almost one year apart now we’re

    In November 2023 so it almost every every year we’re I’d say with how developments going Dubai we might do them a bit more often here see as well we’ve went from like Zoom to off a phone in a room and now we’re in a proper studio so the progression is real that’s

    It it’s the higher Consciousness meme kind of playing out there all that but obviously we we we’ll get into all your stuff there like for for background obviously we’re from the same Hometown like a lot of people might be coming to this from my Twitter they’ll be people

    From America and stuff like that um but we’re literally from the same Hometown we kind of more so met each other through doing kind of more alternative kind of things um like like be entrepreneurship or just different kind of Pursuits like that and sort of like

    Converge there you know later on not not necessarily being like you know playing sports together when we’re were like 10 years old or anything like that but yeah that that’s kind of the backend though that you’re from you’re from We’re from the same Hometown moved over to Dubai so

    I’d like to kind of you to give people a bit of background in terms of like your career cuz it is quite interesting from when you obviously went to college then kind of found out that wasn’t necessarily what you wanted to do got into sales became progressively more

    Successful in that with you know with selling cars have you’ve had entrepreneurial kind of a lot of entrepreneurial exploits as well and now you’re over in Dubai you’ve decided to relocate from Ireland to Dubai I give people a brief chronology of of how you kind of got to where you are now so

    Finished Secondary School um like most people with absolutely no idea what you want to doic so the only the only valid option was muster up my tiny amount of Le or points iead and see what course I could do so I went into like a business course in Cork and

    CIT and uh I remember starting it and my dad was like you sure this what you want to do and I was like yeah of course and he was like what is the course I was like I don’t even know be fine and he was just like okay so like just for

    Background my dad is like he’s had his own businesses since he was like 15 uh so he’d never done his leaveing S I think he dropped out of school he was like 16 he’d uh he at the time he used to put like um kind of poker machines

    And bars in Dublin that was his thing back in like I suppose the’ 70s or whatever and he used to manage a chipper his uncle’s chipper in Dublin so then he he never so he never went to college never went to school and he just had his

    Own businesses throughout um so when I told him I wanted to study business in college he was kind of look what the [ __ ] is this guy on about like but anyway so went and did that did like three or four months of just partying all the stuff you’re not meant to be

    Doing basically like dropped out but I didn’t actually tell my parents to dropped out originally so I stayed there for a little long longer then dropped out and then they were like what are you going to do you have to pick something so at the time my dad had actually just

    Bought a house he was doing up so it was like a little small house and it was completely complete renovation so he put me on site in the house building so I was just assisting whatever whatever worker was in so Carpenters tyers I was like Kango in floors getting the tea

    Yeah yeah yeah all this kind of stuff so that was just little test to like let me know right if you don’t figure something out don’t you’re cuzz you’re not going to be good at this so this is what your life is going to be so kind of what he

    Get me so I did that for like three months then I was like okay yeah I want to go back to college and he was like what why what do you want to do look and I was like I picked this course was like a automotive transportation management or

    Something like that and again two months in I was like oh God like this this isn’t it so I went I there was one module in that course about like care dealerships and I was like oh that sounds kind of relatively interesting and but originally like from two or

    Three years before that my mother was on to me about going into car sales when I was like 18 before I went to college really yeah cuz we had a family friend bar was his name and uh I was like the page boy his wedding let say and then

    His his daughter me and her would grown up together and he was in car sales and uh my mom knew it was like a good job and she always thought i”d be good at it cuz I was like a talker anyway like um or a bullshitter as she’d say but so

    She kind of wanted me to do that and then I I never really thought much about it and then when I came out of college I started applying for jobs around cork but like CV in hand going into like care dealerships and now after working in car dealerships I know exactly what happened

    To mcvs every time I handed them in but at the time it seemed like a great idea and uh eventually then that same guy Barry actually got me a job in a BMW garage in K so back where we were from Morrison’s Morrison’s yeah but it wasn’t

    A sales job and I was under the impression it was kind of like a junior sales job so I turned up like not in a soup but I turned up in like a jumper and chinos and stuff like that and then they were like you’re going to have

    Trouble washing cars and then those oh no but that’s a big for as well even though that’s in care it’s a small enough Town that’s a big garage yeah it was a big dealership yeah and In fairness they like they took me in and it was basically a summer job but I

    Dropped a college for it and then I I never asked you it was my own fault I was just like job yeah cool drop out of this course go do that H so is there for about a month washing cars and then um a job came up in Waterford like

    Junior sales rooll or whatever so I applied for that in uh Bowland and Waterford so if anyone’s from like Waterford area there’s like 40 Bowland gares they own like by like four is really really successful that’s all in one little strip I know the I I know

    Road yeah what time what time is that was that that this would have been 2018 2017 2017 July 2017 yeah I started selling carers I remember working in Tesco I was on the till and I remember I think you had just posted on Facebook or something I thought about having gotten

    A new role and I said congrats to you on it at the till oh yeah I remember that you were like oh yeah sound so I so that would have been that would have been early that would have been late 2017 or early 2018 cuz I just started college at

    That point I was I was in Tesco yeah yeah I actually remember that but I didn’t know I don’t remember it as you but now do you say it like yeah obviously just trying to just trying to make chronology here yeah so so then you

    You go you get the job in Bowland and then how does that sort of play out yeah so I did a junior role then in Bowland so Junior rols generally are like three to six months they’re kind of like care sales isn’t really like by the book or

    Anything so you don’t have to do a junior Ro but I was only 19 at the time or yeah 19 going on 20 I would have been turned 20 in September I think I think that’s about right but uh so I went in I went into like a p dealership down in

    Waterford got trained up then and then after about two or three months I started selling cars so the first month I sold like four cars or something like that and then they moved me then to one of their garages and Kil Kenny so that was the one thing with the bowling which

    Was kind of a problem it was the Kil Kenny job that was the one I congratulate yeah CU yeah everyone kind of congratulated me that because I trick not I trick people but I put up as like working in an Audi dealership and then people who don’t know anything about car

    Like oh he’s working in a that’s amazing but really truthfully you’re actually much better off working in like a PUO Renault cuz it’s all numbers you know what I mean Car Sales is about numbers so you’d sell you sell three times more Rena and you’re going to sell

    Aies you know what I mean and most of the time you’re getting paid the same amount interesting yeah yeah so like at the time I was getting like a percentage of uh of the profit but that kind of that’s dead now in car s so it’s usually

    Just a bonnet price so like could be anywhere from 100 to 200 a car depends on your garage or whatever so you’re actually much better off in like a smaller dealership or like not a smaller but like a a higher volume dealership yeah higher volume but then you’re like

    You have to drive a Rena orasi duster company company car when you could be driving like an Audi A6 or whatever so I went anyway I was there I was in Clen for about a year and a bit and then they moved me again to a their range over

    Dealership and then this was like that was a killer for me cuz I was like I knew exactly what it was like in there it was like you know if you sold two cars a month you were doing great kind of thing like it’s a slow brand it’s

    Very slow brand so I was in there for about a week and I asked him I was like look I know you opened G and cork I want to move to Cork and you move me down they’re like ah yeah we’ll we’ll see yeah we’ll move you eventually we’ll

    Move you eventually and I was like okay I waited like a week and I was like nah so I started playing for jobs in Cork got a job in Cork then in h K’s which was a big dealership in Cork at the time or still a huge dealership in Cork hyund

    Garage worked there for about six weeks hated it just didn’t get on well with the people I was working with so I rang my old boss back in in Bowland and I was like I was like look I’m in Cork this didn’t really work out I was like can I please have a

    Job in that garage and cork so he was like yeah go on look we’ll fit you in meet me so I met him like that week or whatever and it was fine so I went into like a Herz car sales garage in Cork and that’s where I met then the manager

    There is was Paul o Conor is his name so he actually ended up being my boss before I moved here so he was the manager there and then it was me Paul and then Jack it was Jack Martin who was just open in his own garage also in clam

    Now just like three months ago or two months ago so it was three of us working then and this was like we’re kind of this was like a little gold mine for us at this stage cuz it was just volume used cars finance deals The Boiler Room

    Yeah and there was just a tree of us in there and we were just banging him out banging them out and then eventually so full circle then Barry who was the original guy who got me into car sales technically rang me up and he was a

    Manager of a garage in Cork now and he was like look I need a Salesman do you want to come over here so he made me an offer I took it and then I went back to K’s Hy just in a different garage where he was working in Middleton then I

    Worked there throughout Co for about three years so that was the longest tint that was the longest stint yeah because of Co it was kind of broken up a bit so it actually didn’t feel like the longest but it it was definitely the longest stint and then I opened so so we’re in

    Like Co now 2020 one maybe at this stage and then I opened Cafe pompe me and Sam I’m sure we’ll talk about in a bit but when I went and opened that then I was kind of given an ultimatum and work they’re like well you can’t do both so I was like

    Well I can I was likeit why why does it matter and then they were like no you can’t do both like when you’re in sales you need to be focused on selling not focus on this other thing and then they were like oh and you have this YouTube

    Channel as well and they didn’t really like that so I was like that’s enough for me so I just left so then I took a year out basically to try to do Cafe pompe which failed we’ll get I’m sure we’ll talk about that but then after

    That started working for Paul so I was kind of doing a few bits for Paul throughout that year anyway and then one of his sales guys left so he’s like look I know you’re not in car sales anymore do you want this job so yeah I knew Paul

    Would be good to work for so I went working there and I was there for about a month and a half and Paul went on holidays to Dubai with his M and he came back and he was like oh man if I was you I’d be living over in Dubai like he’s

    Like I’d go into like real estate or something over there he’s like you’re mad over here and and he just said that passing like and he just went about his business and next seems like quite an impactful character if you you have yourself Jack and him in the Boiler Room

    Back in back in cor for a while just just dishing out the cars and then he comes back and says that you seem to Value his he seems quite a pivotal character in your life yeah PA G he is a g he and he’s really like I’m sure Jack

    Would say the same like he Paul managed to build a huge Garage in like three years like turning over like you know 40 50 60 cars a month and is that highly unusual in in that small length of time yeah 100% like like a lot of these like

    Main dealers would only do like 30 cars a month Paul Paul just but he he knows exactly how to Market himself he’s like built a huge following an Instagram huge following on Tik Tok he treats customers really really well gives good warranty and but he buys the right cares so so a

    Lot of time in main dealers because you’re strapped to a brand let’s say hyai you know if someone comes in with their I30 and it’s like brown in color whatever you have to take it off them like because it’s the brand so you have but Paul like if a car someone comes in

    With a car he doesn’t want he just doesn’t take it and then when he’s buying cars he’s out searching for like white BMWs white audies you know blue BMWs estra you know he knows what it sells and he buys it and therefore we sell more and therefore it’s a better

    Place to work and he takes good really good care of a staff cuz it’s very personal cuz was only him then there was two sales so me and Marty in sales and then just like his his uh team in the mechanic team or whatever so Paul yeah

    Was on to me about going to Dubai but he kind of just said it in passing and next one I’m just sitting there stewing away thinking like I should be doing something like that you know what I mean I’ve been in car sales now my entire

    Adult life so like six and a half years or whatever in car sales which is a long time when you’re when you’re 25 years old like so I was like right I need to go and then I started looking into it and I came over then within that was

    March I was over here then by September very interesting I mean I’m interested in how the just a brief one on the economics of car sales how that actually works so are you are you paid a base and then you’re saying just per bonus just per per unit so essentially yeah

    Basically so like You’ be you’d have a base salary so in Ireland when I first started my first base salary was 16k but like as as time goes on I think the average now is somewhere between like 25 and 30k and then you get per Bonnet so

    Like I’d say on average probably 150 to €170 a bonnet per care and then there can be other things like there’s some products that you sell gap insurance and like pain protection all that you can get paid from and also then Finance um Finance compan finance companies will

    Pay you commission as well which uh you’d make like like a bad car salesman will make about 40 to 50 Grand a year a good car salesman like 60 70 and then there’s some guys out there making like 100 110 in our Lu definitely wish I probably got into something like that a

    Bit earlier than I did as in just recognizing your actual talents and and somewhere where where you can be you can be quite good with very little very little effort not not that you shouldn’t work hard at something but if you’re a fish swim don’t try and climb a tree

    There are certain things have done the past I’m like why did I ever think that would be a good idea you know yeah it’s interesting it’s like the easier something is for you the harder you can work at it also like because you’re more interested that’s it’s just Basics like

    Really exactly that becomes a virtuous cycle kind of thing it just feeds back on itself like that but so we this brings us up to you 6 and a half years in car sales that’s that’s a long time for sure CU with a year break to be fair

    There was a year there was a year break in there with the year break but if you think about people our age mid 20s who stay in a job for five and a half years even it’s actually quite rare nowadays it’s it’s the complete opposite to our parents generation yeah people generally

    Tend to like a progression you would see that’s quite common as people work in a massive company then move to progressively smaller companies every couple of years and get paid more that seems to be seems to be quite a progression people follow so from from there so you seem to sort

    Of have this ultimatum this is during Co this 2021 you have an ultimatum from this garage where you can’t you can’t do your YouTube you can’t do this brand concurrently with the job and I’d be interested to hear now after this what Paul kind of thought of this because obviously he was like

    Yeah do whatever you want but what was the what sort of happened there in that incident with with that person and how did they sort of follow into Cafe pompe um so basically it was actually it wasn’t it had H it had come up a couple times about the YouTube video H

    About my YouTube videos at the time and I was we were making quite a lot of them me and Sam were doing three a week at the time which was Overkill huge Overkill but we did we thought that was what you needed to do so I was doing a

    Single Sam was doing a single and then we’d meet on the weekends and do a one together or two of us and um I think I said something on the video before and then it was kind of like thrown back on my face in a meeting or there was I

    Can’t remember the exact in and outs of it and I was kind of like oh he’s obviously I know where he got that from he’s obviously watching the video um then he was then he brought it up to me again he was like oh these videos why

    Don’t you talk about car sales in them or why don’t you like try to sell Hyundai on them or whatever and I was kind of like yeah I like like if you’re going to very it’s very low IQ think to say yeah so I was like look if it’s going to keep

    Keep you off my back I made a I did make a video so I made a video and it’s actually one of not one of our most viewed but it actually got quite a it got about a, views or something but it was just like the benefits of buying a

    New car in Ireland um and there is benefits to it so I just broke him down and he never really said that in about it but he kind of got off my back then after that but it was just like I said it to him at the time I was like if I

    Was like leaving work at 6 o’ and going playing rugby in the evening you wouldn’t care like why do you care that there’s just like this YouTube videos it’s taking the same amount of time and they’d be like h no no no we’re not we don’t care we’re just checking in and

    Like make sure you’re not doing it in work and all this and I was like yeah whatever but then when they came to Cafe pompe then then it was like no there’s a conflict cuz now you’re trying to sell coffee and sell cars and that was where that was where they

    Had the issue and I was kind of like but to be fair I do think my numbers were lower I think my sales numbers were low in the garage too I think if I was doing more numbers at the time they wouldn’t have cared as much

    Because I was in like not making excuses but my interest at this stage was kind of lost in them in the garage H and then it was like kind of quiet anyway at the time and then you we were in like Middleton and we were being compared to

    Like the cork dealership which is obviously doing more numbers and I think I came in there from like with with a high with high expectations because I was doing numbers in the previous garage and then I kind of went from like this high output used car garage into the main

    Dealer kind of world and I think it just didn’t didn’t I think I didn’t perform like they thought and then I was doing these other things which looks like distractions and like I get it I like I never I didn’t never hold a grudge on

    Them for it and like I still have have them on LinkedIn and I like their you’re like I don’t actually hold a grudge on him for it probably the best thing that could have happened really but it was just a little bit it was a little bit

    Shitty like but I didn’t really sure but then then it led to you going to somewhere else so you preferred a bit more yeah exactly yeah might be slightly changing tack here but then that obviously leads into Cafe pompe but actually before we get to that cuz that

    That was just that incident what was the Genesis of the YouTube so you Sam’s from K as well he didn’t go to he went to different schools yeah I didn’t know Sam so so then how did you guys meet and then decide okay we’re going to start talking about personal finance and

    Investing in business and travel and so on so forth so I met um you might you might not want to share how you met given the given the smirk but yeah yeah no I can I can I can break it down a little bit so I met Sam I was in college

    The second time I went to college and I knew who he was cuz um when we were younger we had each other on Facebook and his name was Jam scones I remember that as well yeah and I I hated that I thought that was the least funny thing

    Ever and I had like a distaste towards this man but what really happened was at the time so second year the second time I went to go to college I had a girlfriend from care and through her I actually met even though our relationship ended probably pretty badly

    And she probably doesn’t have much time for me now more than likely but I’m always actually very grateful for the relationship cuz I met all my best friends through her so I met a lot of the lby from art fin yeah so I met like

    Sam I met Adam Kennedy and there was a few other friends that maybe wouldn’t be as close with anymore but Sam and Kennedy were like my are like some of my closest friends especially Sam obviously but um cuz me and Sam ended up doing a lot together but it was true through her

    I met Kennedy and I don’t know if you’ve ever met him but he’s a goof and um I got evicted from a house I was living in in Cork the first week in fresher week yeah I actually remember hearing about that yeah so there was like three or

    Four of us in the house and then I got evicted instantly and then the other two were given two weeks to or the other three were given two weeks to leave what had happened was there was a fifth guy in the house who who was there all the

    Time and it turns out he was actually a nephew of the landlord Pusher we didn’t really know that he didn’t mention that no there was that and usual freshers we kind of carry out and I got evicted I was the original it was actually the

    Only bit of racism I ever felt for the Italian as well because the landlord kept calling me Pino greo instead of Gino I remember telling my dad and he was like what Pino G and like people have people have often asked me have you ever had like anyone like be xenophobic

    Towards you because you’re Italian I was like no except for this one guy I was like I’ll never forget it but yeah anyway so I got I ended up moving into Dean’s Hall um wait wait wait in Bishop town yeah in Bishop down yeah they were nice they weren’t a bad apartment no

    It’s just decent bit out well no you see I was in CIT luck oh sorry yeah yeah so it was all the one to me um so I was in CIT so I was in Dean Hall in Bishop town and I ended up being living right across

    From Kennedy So Adam Kennedy lived right across the hall from me what was what was that accommodation across the the one like on the other side of the road from Dean Hall that red brick Oh no you’re you’re not thinking of Dean Hall you’re thinking of um no I’m thinking of

    Dean Hall but I’m but there’s there’s another one there you know what the Apache Pizza there yeah yeah I know the one you’re talking about but that’s on like the complete opposite side of the CIT yeah okay yeah I can’t remember Brook Brookfield and then there was parchment parchment that was parchment

    Square yeah yeah parchment was kind of the big one like that was trenches man yeah yeah yeah that was where a lot of people lived um but anyway true Kennedy I ended up meeting Sam who ALS so we all lived on the second floor so I was this

    Apartment keny was this apartment and Sam was this so all our balconies were like lined together then he was like oh I’ll take you to meet Sam and I was like I don’t want to meet that guy I was like I don’t want to meet jam scon and I go

    Into his room at the time and he was like he had like all this cheese laid out and he was like eating cheese off a knife and it was like playing jungle music I hope like a shuty board not not like not like like cheese sticks or a

    Cheese string whatever it just it was like really really good cheese but like not laid out well just a plate with loads of cheese on it and a knife and he was just scooping playing FIFA with jungle music on in the room I was just

    Like that this is like a cut scene you know oh this this man’s about to give you a side yeah yeah so I meet this guy and then I don’t know eventually we started getting un well um I have no idea how we started the YouTube channel

    And I only watched our first video the other day it was so bad like it was so terrible and I remember us recording it in my room at the time and uh we were like this is deadly this is so good oh man it’s killer but like Jo that you

    Have to start somewhere so it’s like it’s normal it is funny yeah I I actually can think think of a couple of friends where very close friends where the first time I met them we out just abjectly didn’t like each other yeah and then over time I I kind of I sometimes

    Think you can almost get on with anyone in the right circumstances yeah of course yeah and it’s sort of through hanging around someone for a long period of time you just sort of learn to get on with each other more so you see a different side of the person that they

    Don’t readily show the rest of the world like my my two closest friends in CL I we absolutely didn’t like each other when we first met really yeah yeah and like my my two two best friends from home absolutely completely disliked each other when we first met and then over

    Time it it was one day it was just like [ __ ] love you eventually like yeah it’s weird weird weird how that sort of sort of turns out but it also does make you realize oh man in in under the right circumstances he probably could get on with with anyone unless it’s you know

    Joseph fritzell or something like that you know but but if it’s someone who’s who’s an okay person then then then that’s fine but did you you would have obviously left and and gone into car sales and stuff like that after a while but when did when actually

    Did the YouTube channel start were you in college when it began or was a bit later it was way after way way after like yeah there was a whole lifetime before it started to be honest like at that stage when I met Sam he went down and finished college so he did four

    Years in bis so that would have been his second year and so he did two more years in college at that stage then for his final year I moved back to Cork so that’s when I went to K’s the first time so I moved back to

    Cork so it would have been another yeah like he would have been out of college like a year and a half two years by the time we started so I was living in roaches town by the time we started um actually so November were you living

    With Stuart at the time no Tim was and then Stuart ended up moving out Tim moved out and then me and Tim ended up getting an apartment in the exact same block I think I know the block as well yeah so when whenever we did the interview

    The first one so what was that 21 we said no November 21 yeah so it’s a funny reason why I remember cuz I remember I I had a break up a month after I started the channel so 21 November July June would have been like May 21 we started

    The channel okay cuz I remember we just started it and I was like putting in all this work and then I remember having like getting broken up with and then I was like Sam I can’t do these videos anymore I took like two weeks off Sam

    Was like it’s okay you’ll get back to him soon next thing you the next thing was your turn you were trying to just eat from a cheeseboard and just kind of feel sorry for yourself like yeah so I was like I think I remember yeah so it would

    Have been probably around may1 we did we did our first video but do you know what we took a dangerous route and I was happy we changed from it because that Financial advice stuff is it’s a [ __ ] Dangerous Game look can you get sued for

    For you can get sued for it and people have gotten sued massively for it but it’s also like boring as [ __ ] like who cares like and I learned that real fast I remember like Sam loved e Sam like Sam s a proper nerd he proper loved it but

    It came to a stage I was just making videos cuz that was our topic gotcha and uh I was enjoying the idea of making content but I much preferred like lifestyle kind of life I rather talk about something like you know I’ve always been okay like managing money and I’ve always been okay

    For making money but I’m I’m not that you I’m not rich I’m not like Mega Rich so I’m here giving advice about like buying stocks or whatever and I only have like 20,000 worth of stocks to my name and then I’m it’s just like but still there could be someone there who

    Has 20 or worth of talks to their name and they could be wondering how you did that in a shorter short enough time frame yeah I guess so but like it was just it was a dangerous route so I remember one day saying to Sam was like

    I think we need to change change tactics here a little bit I was like cuz pardon me I was like we’re not growing that fast the videos aren’t getting many views like we’re at a stage it started off we’re getting like 100 200 300 then we had

    Like a couple that got like Sam had one that got like 10,000 views on YouTube is very hard to get 10,000 views so we we had a few ones and then I bought my own apartment and that one did well like 6 or 7,000

    Views and then I was like to Sam I was like the stuff that’s getting views isn’t about stocks when we do a stock video gets 10 views then when we do a video about like renting and cork or like um moving to Australia or buying a property when you’re 23 they’re the

    Videos that are getting so much more views bit more Sensational yeah yeah and and it’s also like it’s just more relatable too like realistically if you’re going buying stocks the only thing to do is just buy the S&P 500 if you want to be boring just buy the S&P

    500 and you get a share of the top 500 companies in the US and you’re fine you’re trying to pick that just give but you only learn it comes it comes with time you learn that you kind of learn that stuff and then crypto like again such a dangerous space to be given

    Advice on like it’s like you we made a bit of money on it but it’s like no one really knows what’s happening so you’re giving all this advice or like giving these opinions and then they go tits up fast think I think that can actually should be dangerous for for some of some

    Of the things you can put out on the internet can almost be dangerous for you following that pursuit in in the sense that if you were getting your dopamine from talking about the pursuit you’ll actually be less inclined to want to that can be more stimulating than the

    Pursuit itself so you might fall away from the pursuit obviously I I my experience in looking at this is that I know many people who are gurus and then their original business falls apart or they were just full of [ __ ] to begin with let’s say and I and I I know many

    People like this I just value a peaceful life so I don’t I don’t say who yeah but it’s the the I would see a distinction in terms of posting things online where one is heavy tutorial based like kind of what you’re talking about there where it kind of staps the dop me

    Out of you to do the the original thing and also after a while you’re like here [ __ ] this this is very boring and and after a while you run out of stuff to talk about because it’s not like you’re generating Alpha in the original activity and then there is sort of what

    You’re doing now and what I aim to do once we’re at a bloody Black Friday and I’m not working 14 hours a day but on where it’s just here’s my life here’s what I’m doing not trying to sell you anything or anything like that just just

    Want to post this maybe you’ll find it interesting maybe you won’t maybe maybe it helps you maybe it doesn’t I don’t know so it’s it’s sort of I I it’s it’s kind of a a low obligation kind of thing for the viewer it’s like it’s I’m doing some interesting things I enjoy doing

    These interesting things maybe you might enjoy watching me do them rather than you know heavy technical you should do this you should do that kind of thing it gets very very boring very very fast love it people love the lifestyle content like I I’ve been doing and it’s

    Valuable actually oh it’s so even if I were sorry to jump in if I were to see that say Mike thirston for instance you know our great friend from the op close buddy yeah but I was i’ I’d met him before a time a time before that I was I

    Was saying to him how even I found like his lifestyle content often more more valuable than let’s say the technical things he does because you’re looking at that and you you you set your mind to something from there and not to get woo woo I do enjoy visualization and things

    Like that but if you spend if you spend most of your waking time thinking about something odds are you’ll get it you know what I mean and I and there with with the lifestyle that he puts out you’re thinking man someone else can do this so why not me yeah and it’s

    Definitely again without getting into this visual visualizing and stuff like because when I hear people talk about it all I think shut up but like I know I know for a fact now looking back not doing it on purpose but I’ve thought about things and I’ve imagined things and I can see

    Them slowly coming into fruition you know what I mean and um one guy I I actually love and I know you’re not as biggest fan and I know like on Twitter as well people people are like tearing him apart but I only watch half his

    Content is uh Iman gadzi I would say I’m like not a not a big fan in a sense I I I I think he’s a phenomenal Creator I think he’s the single best person at personal branding I’ve ever seen in my his personal branding is immense it’s so

    Good the sing Single best person I’ve person bring I’ve ever seen it’s so good and I literally watch his videos so I don’t watch like I seen he released a video and everyone on Twitter was going mad and it’s like this is your last chance to yeah I’m not I’m not even

    Clicking on whatever it’s my last chance to do Jo because I’ve seen that you’ve said it’s my last chance four or five times now but if I see like a day in the life of Iman gazi I was like yeah that’s what I want to see because he’s in Dubai

    He’s he’s a pretty normal like he’s 23 years old pretty normal guy I recognize the places he’s in now cuz I’m in these places too so he’s in the Mall of Emirates I was in the mall two days ago he’s in Dubai Mall he’s Jo and I’m

    Like I I am what’s the word I am um skeptical no I’m very like what’s the word like materialistic and I’m I can admit I am you know what I mean so like I like watches I like clothes I like cars uh which obviously

    He has a lot of which I like too and I know like you’re like some people think it’s a bad thing to be motivated by that kind of stuff and like I’ve been to the stage where you buy it and you’re kind of like oh yeah okay that wasn’t and I

    Get it but I do like it and I and I do I do like the lifestyle of it and I’ve always I’ve just always like that like I I do want a nice house I want nice cars I want nice things of course and of course you need money to get them and

    Some people don’t but I think people who say they don’t or there’s some people who really really don’t care who like really really don’t care but other people I think they just prefer not to admit that they care about that kind of stuff of course not yeah and these

    Things these things fall into a life philosophy so it’s like materialism is a life philosophy which is it matter is more important than let’s say the the abstract or whatever you think or or you feel let’s say then idealism is the exact opposite of that and from one perspective whatever angle the light

    Shines on it it’s correct from that perspective you know these things are all from one angle they’re all correct all these different life philosophies you know these things like you hear Floyd Mayweather talking about the Finer Things in life back in those Back In Those Old Showtime um 24/7 episodes

    Before his fights amazing definitely go back and watch those if if you haven’t se SE him just incredible mindset training yeah Floyd’s not but yeah i’ I’d completely agree with that on on that thing with the what we what we were saying before with with the content side of things I

    Think I’m have to lose my my train of thought with that but oh yeah we kind of we kind of scared off but no sorry it’s like your your mind can you can kind of set yourself to you can set your mind set your mind to things like that and

    You know from seeing someone actually living their life in that way and it can actually be more valuable for you than than technical than technical sort of content just because it actually shows you that it’s possible in the first place and it’s it’s a thing like you’re out motivated for by it or

    You’re demotivated by it and I find here like for example when I’m driving to work where my offic is where our offices are in work it’s in uh it’s in a place called The Golden Diamond Park uh which is on Shak side road which is basically

    A mall for diamonds and gold so right beside our work as a mall for diamonds and gold and our trainer he was telling me like he’s walked out out of our office in the past and he seen like Floyd maywe like literally in the car park getting into his with his Entourage

    After buying a load of diamonds or gold or watches he’s met uh he’s seen the Tates there like multiple times back when they were kind of living around here um Jason dero Geor is like really famous Floyd Mayweather you have to Tes and of course Jason D I think Neo and

    Maybe Nelly as well was there the but so driving in sorry so when you’re driving in before you hit this golden Park they have all the carard dealerships so you’ve got a Lamborghini main dealer McLaren Ferrari then you’ve got these used cards so there’s like GQ I think is

    One of them but there’s like seven Bugattis so on my little spin this five minute when I come off shakes had Road just through the industrial park basically I see like five Bugattis I could see 30 Ferraris I see and like some people be like I’m driving my

    Nissan Sunny and I’m like but like that motivates the [ __ ] out of me like and I’m just like all that stuff some it’s only it’s it’s not there for fun like someone’s in there buying the stuff like and you see people driving around you see like the watches you see everything

    And you’re like yeah you’re definitely in the right place to get there you what I mean yeah why not you yeah why why couldn’t that be me or even like in work I find I’ve spoken to some guys so I’ve started off now this a whole new career

    For me like going into real estate so I started off in leasing um and I did my first I my first three Deals done within the first month which I was really really happy with and I’ll touch on that a bit cuz I actually I’ve learned something very very quickly about it but

    I’ll touch on that in a second but some of the guys I’ve spoken to now that have that are in sales and are more like their two or three years and they’re they’re I’m like what what advice do you give me like what should I be doing like and they’re like

    You need to be working hard and a lot you need to be phone calling you need to be on the phone all the time like you’re every no you get you’re just closer to a yes when you’re doing these call calls you know what I mean but they were like

    You might seem like okay I’m working like 12 13 14 hours a day 5 6 seven days a week and then you’re you’re not getting paid as much as you’d like he like but when you flip over and you you’ve built up a pipeline now you’re in sales he was like

    You could get one day’s payday that would make up for every eror you think you overworked a year ago like and they’re all like I’ve spoke to like five or six guys now that I know are doing well because everything’s plastered everywhere like uh there’s boards and

    Seeing how much money people are making there’s group chats like every time there’s a deal done it’s sent into the group chat everyone sees it wow so I see the same names popping up all the time so I’ve spoke to these guys and they’ve all said the same things like just put

    Into work now and it will all make more sense in like two years three years interesting yeah so we’ll go into why you moved to Dubai but more of a I suppose kind of a a corollary topic to that what made you want to leave Ireland I mean because you you you

    Understand a lot about about at least a lot more than I do about the property Market in Ireland and things like that and what it’s actually like for young people and things like that what would you say Ireland is is like as a place for for people who are our age who were

    25 or 26 and what made you sort of want to leave on the basis of that yeah I think the problem I think the problem for me was I’ve always grown up with this idea that I’m like not that Irish so like I never played GA don’t speak

    Any never played GA I think I’ve done never never har played footb like three sessions maybe I think I played for Mo Rovers once like like not played for I think I trained in MO Rovers once and then K back when I was really young like

    Two or three times but never I could not I could not flick a slitter or whatever it’s not the ver could you could you solo a ball or no definitely not you couldn’t you couldn’t cut in a sideline from the 65 no not even I don’t

    Even a joke I don’t even know what that means but no I do but like so I’ve never considered myself all that Irish albe it I am born in Ireland you sound a lot more Irish than I do I sound sound like a D4 my mother’s like born BR in Ireland

    My father albe it he’s born in Italy he grew up in Ireland he moved to Ireland when he was like five I don’t speak Italian but I’ve always held more so like the Italian I’ve always kind of wanted to be more Italian than I’ve wanted to be Irish so one thing I’m

    Actually going to do over here because I’m actually getting caught I’ve only been in Dubai a month and it’s happened seven times where someone’s like oh yeah what’s your name I’m like Gino and then they start rattling Italian to me I’m like I don’t I don’t speak Italian I’ve

    Had like a Slovakian guy said rattling Italian to me and then he’s like ah man why you don’t speak Italian what I was like oh man you’d feel like such a failure such a and and I’ve been dealing with this a long time and I spoke about

    It on one of my own videos recently my biggest regret I don’t have many regrets in life even you heard me talk about past relationships that ended badly I never I can find the good side of most things my biggest regret growing up like we we grew up fairly well like my

    Parents have had their own businesses there’s no I’m not going to hide any of that so every summer my dad would give me the option to move to Italy for the summer every single summer for as long as I can remember you be like do you

    Want to go to Italy for the summer you can we’ll fly you over there you can live with my cousin she had like two daughters kind of my age you can live with them they don’t speak English they only speak Italian a little bit you’re a

    Little bit of English but go over there spend the summer in Italy you’ll learn Italian we’ll come over at the end of August for a holiday for two weeks and we’ll take you home then and I actually know a bit of Italian I’ll I’ll show you how to learn

    Languages really quickly yeah I want I was going to talk to you about that because I know you’ve done like Spanish like real fast and I actually have we spoke about in our podcast um yeah we’ll talk about it later yeah cuz there I have like a lot of questions about it

    But anyway option was then go to Italy for three months every summer I said no every single and imagine I said no to it and I I don’t know if you’re familiar with like uh bad Patrick of course so that’s where I grew up bad Patrick but

    Like the foot of Le them on yeah but I wasn’t in like bad Patrick where there was like people I was in clerie which is like a 10-minute drive up the mountain from B Patrick I was really in the middle of nowhere I one friend Isaac

    Isaac Hogan I’m not sure if you know him but he was my own he was my only friend in the area me and and Isaac and should we just like I know going on scramblers and like he go on a Scrambler and I’d like fall off a

    Scrambler we’d like find his dad’s nudie magazine like this kind of this kind of stuff like but I never went and that’s my biggest regret cuz I know I’d speak Italian if I went there even two summers like in three months living in a house where people only speak Italian in the

    Mountains of Italy true immersion yeah I I would have learned it easily do you what I mean especially at that age especially when you’re like 10 11 12 you would have learned it so fast of course yeah so so then we go to you you’ve actually felt the Italian side more than

    The Irish side yeah but if we’re looking at at Ireland itself oh economically wise yeah I think just the reality of it for a young person what made what what how would you assess the place and what I would say is I I don’t I think people are are

    Lying and I think people aren’t looking hard enough when they say there’s no opportunity in Ireland I think there is opportunity in Ireland and I think there is jobs in Ireland and but there’s definitely job Ireland’s one of the best countries to work in um and it’s one of the best countries to

    Live in in regards to like there’s nothing that major that goes on the weather’s not that bad but it’s not that good either Joe the the laws are are kind of strict but they’re not that strict either you get away with doing a lot there’s there’s just not there’s a

    Lack of things to do that aren’t surrounded around drinking firstly um and secondly there’s a real real bad I think Irish people in general have kind of a bad attitude whereas everything’s kind of negative everything’s a little bit shitty um people who are trying to do

    Things are just like J idiots or they chancers or whatever and I do think we’re kind of slowly moving out of it but like when I come here and I have a conversation with someone it’s a positive conversation and if it’s not a positive conversation I just never speak

    To that person again I’ve I’ve literally like I’ve only been here a month I’ve started talking to someone they’re like oh this is [ __ ] that sh I’m like then okay you you’re just gone now like but most of the people I meet here are so positive um and I think there’s a huge

    Lack of that back home I definitely that’s if if I could import something into Ireland I think it would be kind of that excitability and that sort of positive expectancy yeah and and also they don’t like to see people doing well and and that bothers me that

    Bothers me so much because one thing I’m pretty good at is when someone’s doing better than me I’m either motivated by it or else I’m just really happy for them some people are like doing so much better than me that I’m like okay I’m not even nearly at that stage I’m not

    Even like motivated by that I’m like that’s sick Fair play but I’m I’m like 10 steps behind that I’m thinking about something else in Ireland most of the time people are just like a [ __ ] him yeah and I don’t like that attitude and I think I think it will affect you when you’re

    Trying to do stuff that you you can’t be happy for other people that are doing things you know what I mean yeah I I think so it will it will affect you psychologically because your your your view on things going well is is negative you will actually you will sounds woo

    Woo but you know people would probably say it’s woooo back home but the it’s yeah we won’t get into that but it is you are subconscious holding yourself back by by by detract by thinking people are or thinking negative things of people for doing for doing well it’s if

    Someone is doing very well it doesn’t detract from your ability to do well yeah you should you should you should look at that like if you were a mentally healthy person you should look at that and think yes let’s that that actually increases my own belief to do it like

    Exactly like where you’re talking about the lifestyle content you see someone not not not flexing but just showing look here’s the good life you’re thinking okay so this is what it looks like and this is how this person got there and this is possible yeah amazing

    Well a lack of abundance mindset lack of abundance in as well that’s another thing I would say I I’ve never felt this towards myself but I think I I purposely am I’m very good at putting my head in the sand yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t

    Text a lot of people I’m not in loads of group chats like I’ve I’ve I leave group chats constantly yeah and stuff like that I don’t want to I don’t like gossip I don’t I don’t like gossip I don’t like drama I don’t like negativity and if

    People are like that I’ll just mute the chat or leave yeah I don’t I I really it’s probably probably one of my one of my only pet peeves cuz it does it’s like a cloud over your head yeah and yeah it’s it’s not very nice so so this the

    That’s the mentality then you said opportunities n you actually think there are plenty of opportunities so maybe not plenty but more more than people think now so let’s say for someone wanting to progress in their career in Ireland do you think it’s a it’s a good place for that do you think

    It’s set up for for people to to to thrive how does what’s it like for let’s say somebody who’s just finished college and yeah like I think if you want to go down down the route of like if you want to work in it if you wanted to work in

    Jo Banks or something like that Ireland’s great engineering anything like that there’s loads of jobs there like the biggest companies in the world are in Ireland like and like if you happen to be born in Italy or France none of them opportunities are there Italians do not have them opportunities

    They all have to move to Ireland or the UK yeah but we’re the only EU country that speaks English now yeah you know what I mean that’s s that’s such a I think people don’t realize how fortunate they are as well and that if you were I’m sorry to interject but but

    I was chatting to Evan my my housemate he’s from Kilkenny and runs a similar business similar enough business to myself and I was saying to him we we were toting it up one night we like I actually think Ireland is the literal best country you could possibly be born in because it’s

    Completely safe you’re in the it’s it’s the it’s tied best passport in the world you speak native English there’s no war we’re neutral you any you go you’re loved the food quality is some of the highest in the world the education system is one of the best in the world

    The healthcare system could maybe be better but it’s still one of the best in the world there’s no country that has an amazing Healthcare System um it’s got a very strong nuclear family Dynamic from which is one of the hangovers from having the Catholic Church ruling the

    Place for so long but still that’s that’s a massive benefit yeah um I think a lot of jobs let’s say teachers could be could be paid more but teachers are treated very well compared to the UK very well compared to America it I think when you actually Tau

    Everything up and you take all the like the the UK I I I’ve lots of cousins in the UK have lots of love for the place and like you’re were saying I actually feel some connection cuz I have lots of English ancestry on my dad’s side hence the surname

    And but that that country’s that that’s a that’s a declining country Ireland’s not a declining country it is going up now there are many problems housing crisis all the rest of it but it it is I think if you were to actually objectively assess it there’s nothing

    Wrong with Ireland I I think like to to a degree I think sometimes you have to say look if you’re born in arguably the best country to be born in and you’re not you know let’s say having the life you want maybe you are the thing that

    Needs to change yeah you need to figure it out and like Joe it’s easy for us to say that from Dubai as well though like ah but Jo CU we’ve we’ve left but like I just don’t think what do what do we do to leave though yeah you that’s the

    Difference and it’s like another another thing another on back on the reason why I left it was like for me I’ve never never related a whole as I was saying I never related that much to Irish to the to like the Irish mentality and I never

    Knew why and I always wanted to leave and I never did and I I got to the stage I was like TW turning 26 and I decided to come here at this point I just turned 26 and I was like I’m old I was like old

    Yeah I was like that’s like four years away from 30 and then I was like and then it comes to a stage where you need to like find a wife you need to you think about having kids and all that obviously like not at 26 but like in the

    Next 10 years anyway you know what I mean oh Def and I was kind of like trying to assess like the whole like finding a wife thing and or finding a girlfriend and all that and I was like I don’t really know if I want an Irish one

    Either now not to shut off any Irish girl from but you I was just I had thought about that too and I was like don’t it it was just something that was kind of playing on my mind so I was like I knew I had to leave and then Dubai was

    The only feasible option for me in the sense of I looked at London I looked at Dubai cuz I like London and I know you love London as well yeah and and for me I was like okay sales is what I’m doing so I have to go English speaking and I

    Want to go somewhere that I can make money so I could have went to London and I could have done Car Sales which I looked into and the money would have been good but like London’s tax heavy and uh it is expensive to live there

    Where it is cheaper to live here kind of it’s dearer to live here than people think yes but when when you’re factor in tax it’s cheap enough when you’re factoring the tax then it changes a lot like yeah um and that’s why I chose and

    Then it was kind of the weather that was the other thing I was like I’d like to live somewhere that’s [ __ ] hot for a while at least like so that was kind of why how I ended up in Dubai basically look interesting yeah and we were we

    Were chatting about your when when you were visiting Dubai we were chatting about how you were kind of getting on there and what you were thinking it seemed pretty instant you were like yeah done yeah I think the first day I got here at at the time as well and it was

    Only a month ago in September was it when you first visited yeah yeah yeah that would have been roasting or was it August when you visited it was like the 31st of August so it was September Bas it was really hot uh which I which I

    Expected so that wasn’t the end of the world but it was like I’m I wasn’t great at being on my own now since then I’ve actually learned to enjoy my own company a lot more like in the last month let’s say h but at the time I remember I was

    Kind of there on my own I was like wandering around the place and I was like I might just go home and then I straight away I caught myself and I was like I was like give it a chance I was like give yourself a second to actually

    Enjoy this place so after like a day or two I started like meeting kind of a few people around talking to a few people and then I started to realize more so and more so I was like yeah this I think this this is where I remember texting

    You I was like yeah I was like I’m going to move here and then I moved here that was like I came home in the 6th of September and I moved back over here on the 31st September then interesting yeah and you met you met a lot of people very

    Quickly as well which which helps a lot I met a lot of I met like so I went to like Jiu-Jitsu the first night I got here so I met like two or three Lads there an Irish guy a Russian guy an american guy so chout out to them loads

    And then I met um I Adam your friend and some some guys that he knew that was like the fourth or fifth day so then straight away like I I all of a sudden knew like seven people in Dubai and it was just like it’s only been a few days

    And since I’ve gotten here my job is so social I feel like I know like 100 people now cuz you know like we’re working in an office and we’re all kind of the same age and then we went on the yacht party so like after gaining some

    People then from that that I also know now and talk to regularly mainly the N boys so you’d be talking me and Kyler just over and back but like even like um Kieran like I’ve talked to him quite a lot since I met him at the dinner we

    Went to and then there were some other guys from like Kerry and gowi and then like my my new Barber and you pick up all these friends along the way like and like yeah it’s just a lot of Irish and English people really like that’s what it is but it’s they’re still they’re

    Still new people and they’re different and they’re all on same on the same wavelength exactly yeah and that’s the huge difference here look very interesting so then I suppose where where would you see I suppose the next couple of years in a sense I mean I I kind of have it in my

    Head I’d be here about 5 years or something like that I don’t know don’t know why that that number is in my head and I’ve kind of I I mean five years including next year so I don’t I don’t mean including this year that I’ve been haven’t been here all year but like

    Domiciled here and stuff like that what do you have in your head as as a rough plan plans can change but what do you have for for the next couple of years I I had I had in my head coming out here at least till I’m 30 which is four years

    And then when I thought about I was like four years isn’t long enough I don’t know I honestly don’t know it’s very it depends how much money I make like really at the end of the day um I like it here I do like it here A

    Lot H I could see myself here for a long time um but I also do want to live in other places but again it depends on what business I have what what kind of money I’m making like I’d love to have somewhere in London I would love to

    Liveing I want to do a stint in London I don’t know what it is I just love I just love London something something’s called out here don’t they H and then I’d love to have somewhere in Italy also but like you can only spend so much time in Italy because because it is

    Difficult to work there unless you a business like you had you I mean where you can work from pretty much anywhere but for me more than likely whatever I do end up having is going to be more like kind of Jo like with sales it’s often like more like let’s say if it’s

    Cars or property or whatever you have to be in a location to do it which is fine it’s just kind of the route I’ve ended up going down so I don’t know but I do think like it’s probably a 10y year minimum play even though it doesn’t feel like it’s going

    To be I think it very very well could turn because time goes fast yeah time goes super fast suck it does yeah it does yeah it’s hard to think I think my junior start was 10 years ago yeah no actually would have been N9 years ago

    But yeah and that time just thing a decade basically yeah and it goes really fast though so do you think long term based off what you were saying on I suppose your identity in a sense like national identity and just how you how you like Ireland in general or how how you like

    It at home do you think it’s likely where you’d settle long term I I go I go back and forth on this I think I’ve there like two two halves inside me one wants to one wants to just go into politics and be like the t-u that’s like

    That’s like 50% of me then the other 50% of me wants to be like Julio eaas or Aristo nasis going around the Mediterranean on a yacht and yeah me and Sam always joked that you’re going to be t-shock we always joke about I’d actually I’ve I’ve I actually I’ve I’ve

    Words getting caugh in my mouth I’ve always said that to my mother since I was a kid that I wanted to be I don’t know why it’s a weird thing yeah it’s a really weird thing to be big a bit of megalomania on there but yeah no but it

    Wouldn’t wouldn’t be that hard in Ireland it’s a tiny country you look at like sure look at out me Hall he’s not the race altogether like not even I you don’t even need to know his policies like like inside and out but you can just hear by by the way he talks and

    Some and some of the things he comes out with you’re like geez how how are you you’re not really that intelligent at all man yeah I the only thing it is like with politics in Ireland it’s kind of all in my opinion it’s just like it is what it is whether it’s FAL

    Fenale they’re all doing the same thing and they the same thing just happens all the time do you know what I mean so it doesn’t matter who’s in there and then like like I okay I don’t know that much about politics to be fair I don’t and I

    Don’t really get involved in it but um Jo all these people are like oh we need to bring in Shin Fain and I was like do we like for what like I like what is shin going to do like you know and then it’s like and then again and I’m also

    And this is far more down your stre street and maybe you can correct me but like you know it’s not that long ago that Shin fan were making an absolute mess of the place as well do you know what I mean yeah but lot of there’s an 800 year

    History to that isn’t it yeah so like so so like as in Us in the South we we sole Catholics in the north out to the wolves like yeah you know like that’s the that’s the darkest spot in our history and it doesn’t get told at all yeah like

    IR Irish Republic of Ireland history is built on a couple of Lies like outright lies you know I don’t I don’t I don’t want to get into that like in a sound bite there was one thing I was going to say there I don’t think that would be

    Wise to say it on a on on a recorded kind of place but there’s an inherent hypocrisy there yeah that I I think if you give any effort to learning the history at all for any Irish person listening to this you would kind of realize that you know the the pantomine

    Description of the the the good IRA and the bad Ira is is just that a pantomine yeah it’s it’s literally the good IRA and the bad Ira boo you know when when it’s you know the the old Ira murdered more innocent people yeah than than the

    The provos but but it’s not all human life is sacred so you can’t you can’t equate that and say you know whatever but but I do agree with that I wouldn’t be a fan of the shinners and like trying to trying to bring them in it’s interesting but

    Your other other exploits are kind of there in Ireland with the kind of property and stuff like that that you were that you’re that you’re kind of interested in I mean that that kind of naturally brings us to that is it is Ireland a good place to invest yeah I I

    Think so I think if you can get somewhere in Ireland I think it’s so hard to buy in Ireland that it’s a good place to do it as long as you’re getting at the right price and and I see that with people here too buying stuff in

    Dubai people are just buying things for the sake of it you can’t buy for the sake of it you can’t just buy something just to own something because there’s no point um and like there is a lot of empty places in Dubai and so when you

    Look at Ireland okay there’s a lot less empty places but eventually they’re going to get on top of things eventually they’re going to start building again and eventually Jo there won’t be this house in crisis CU countries always go in and out of Crisis do you what I mean

    I was very lucky with my property I got in Ireland where I got it at a good price I was able to buy it off someone I knew location wise yeah it’s not great but it’s still just in the middle of clam clam is kind of a Dying town which

    Is a shame but I do think eventually that might come back around as well they just need to get on top of like their rates and their their problems with that like yeah I think I think I think buying property in Ireland if you’re planning on staying there is a good move but

    People always have it in their head like oh you buy property and you’re stuck to this place you can just sell the property you can just sell you can sell anything like I think for me like obviously my parents live back in Ireland familywise like I have a small

    Family so it’s just me my sister my mom and my dad my sister is just finished in fifth year now in mechanical engineering and she wants to move to Copenhagen that’s her plan interesting choice of Copenhagen is quite it’s not necessarily it’s a bit off the Beaten Track is it yeah so she

    Wanted to go she was looking at um I think Berlin Copenhagen and Amsterdam or the Netherlands cuz when she’s mechanical engineering these are the places you want to work and so she went and visited the mall I think and then she just like Copenhagen the most so

    That’s her plan but look here she’s a 4 foot1 female going into go to mechanical engineering she’ll get a job anywhere she she feels like the diversity we got quotas and stuff like that you can you can you can show that to any any government visitor there and I always

    Say to her she’s just like shaking her head obviously like she works extremely hard to get like a one one in mechanical engineering but I just make jokes it’s because she’s a [ __ ] and she’s a girl but anyway but uh no so that’s her plan so like and then my parents like they

    Love going away like sure they going they love going in holidays my they both have their own businesses my dad’s like kind of semi-retiring now he’s like 64 he’s working less just getting people like just have staff doing more and my mother like she’s a dance teacher she’s

    Had the same business since she was like 14 um so like I don’t know if any of them are too stuck on Ireland I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if I could to answer the question long and short but I don’t know if I could see myself

    Settling in Ireland I think if I did settle in Ireland I’d settle in gway interesting yeah I I something I really like about goway really really good feeling up there and I think it’s probably the fastest growing town in Ireland probably some things you don’t like about goway as there’s loads I

    Don’t there’s loads I don’t like about go but for the most part go is a good a good spot like yeah yeah I I was visiting like my oldest living relative there he lives out in konara who’s um he did a lot of like working like the the

    Irish government when it was first a republic yeah um with TK Whitaker who if you’re like if you’re if you’re Loosely into Irish history you’ll be a big Michael Collins fan if you’re really into it you’ll be a big TK Whitaker fan but like he was that was one question

    Asked what you think of TK wher and he was he’s very old he’s you know he’s very low low energy of course he’s in his ‘ 90s and he just his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he was like oh he was a great man but yeah I I was

    Thinking about this of living in Ireland yeah when you I I was I I always have it in my I feel very Irish like I very much I feel that in in in my heart I there will be a point where I’ll live in the GU talk for a bit

    And I’ll just fully pick up the language again because when I was in 60 I had a great Irish teacher and if I thought Irish was probably my favorite subject M and but when I what I think I like about Ireland is my theoretical conception of Ireland yeah it’s the it’s what I

    Project onto Ireland it’s like you know the the kind of forlorn Gaye home sort of a thing but practically when I’m there I’m like there are other places I would rather be yeah the real the reality of Ireland is very different than the thoughts of Ireland exactly you’re you’re you’re projecting onto

    This of you know it’s gotten rough too yeah it’s it has it has gotten kind of rough which is not to be looked over yeah I I think in some ways we kind of Trail around 15 years behind the UK socially in some ways and sometimes there were certain never really felt

    Unsafe in London but you know I am very large as well so I think if I think if you were a girl living in London I actually don’t think you’d walk outside at night yeah like by by yourself which isn’t to be sexist but it just it just

    Is the case and like I some people say oh some people would disagree with that but like I don’t think girls in many places can actually walk outside alone in certain cities like they just can’t like it’s it actually is unsafe yeah but when you go through it by process of

    Elimination I’m like would I live in clell probably not would I live in Dublin no um I would look at the North like we’re both saying I actually would look at and I have loads of friends from the north from particularly from Arad from Derry and from Belfast I love der

    Down der der is a great spot you know I I could see myself living in Cork you know kind of obviously have load my business partners from Cork loads of friends in Cork but then when I Whittle it down I’m like like don’t know would I no because like theoretically I’m

    Thinking yeah no I’ll definitely go back to Ireland but then practically I’m like probably not yeah I say we’re about time up are we we are yeah yeah no five minutes five minutes but um but yeah so so yeah for from that perspective yeah do you think I mean I wouldn’t see

    Myself in Dubai when I’m 50 no and old people don’t live here old people don’t live here old people do not live here and I’ve learned that very very quickly and it’s actually a thing I read old people don’t live here and I get why it’s actually not that practical here

    Like you have to kind of drive everywhere you can’t go for like okay it’s fine like like if you’re living in downtown you can like walk to the mall and stuff like that but like if you’re living in Business Bay you can’t really walk anywhere so you can like even when

    I when I was coming here to get a coffee I had to like cross like four lanes of traffic now there was no traffic there so I just ran across the road but like it wasn’t ideal to have to do it if you’re an older person this isn’t really

    The place to live I don’t think I’ve met a few in work now like landlords and stuff that are older but they don’t spend all year here H and so no I don’t think I couldn’t see myself being a 50 or 60 year old man living in Dubai yeah

    Could I see myself being a 56 year old man living in Ireland I I think I’ll probably live in Spain yeah I know I think that’s where you’ll end up as well and Spain’s progressing Spain is progressing you can live in somewhere like Madrid or Barcelona and there

    Proper cities like and loads of friends there in in Madrid and yeah just and also The One That Got Away in Madrid as well just so you just have like an emotional pull to it of like you know once again a theoretical conception but I did really enjoy my

    Time there yeah and obviously speak the language fluently and that that’s huge you speaking the language is huge and love the food love the culture love the music love all the love their their Pub set up love their their going out like they’re not they’re not that’s what I

    Miss we go out and get leathered like yeah they don’t do that they don’t they sip away and they chat and the B the what Spaniards love more more than anything in life is spending a whole weekend day with their friends for literally 12 hours and genuinely like

    They will talk about football results all the way to like metaphysics in a conversation genuinely and I will get lost at like the metaphysics part of course but they they have really deep conversation that’s that’s a huge social pillar of there so people don’t realize they’re actually very philosophical

    Introspective people on the whole and also very direct and funny it’s that Europe it’s actually all of Europe like in Italy it’s the same thing they don’t meet up to get like really really drunk they meet up and they’ll have like a bottle of wine or two between like five

    Of them and they’ll smoke cigarettes and sit in like the square and they’ll just talk for hours and that’s so nice and that’s one thing I do it’s funny I say I miss it you don’t have it in Ireland either but being in Dubai there’s no

    Like Square yeah Jo and I and I do I do miss that so like I’m longing for like my friends are going to Poland now at the end of January and they were like oh you should come to Poland now I thought we were a lot closer to Poland than we

    We’re actually going like 7our flight but I was like I think I’m going to go did a quick trip to Amsterdam qu back back and forth 7 hours it’s only seven hours you I mean it’s actually not that bad it’s just a thought of s hours on

    The plane as a killer yeah but but that’s square is missing like meanwhile like us just online business Bros and like real estate Bros just you know meeting up getting [ __ ] up on nicotine and doing no work on our MacBooks you know that’s like that’s the that’s the

    The whole whole culture but at least trying but um no I think that’s that’s an interesting interesting B and I mean be interesed to see where we go we’ll definitely do another pod and just and just take stock of like how you’re getting on and do buy more so cuz I sort

    Of had I didn’t I didn’t feel like I settled in perfectly instantly and now I feel really settled here I’m really enjoying it cuz you were worried about coming back I was in some ways yeah just just but I I actually really like it here now I really see the the Merit of

    It and it’s just it is like it it is what it is in the sense of it’s we’re we’re we’re building a city in this exact way like a lot of people won’t like it but some of you will and we’re building it for the people who like it

    And if you don’t like it you don’t have to come here and it’s easy to work here it’s it’s easy to do 14 hour day like a lot easier than anywhere else I’ve ever been like very easy even even with all there is to do but yeah man

    Thanks for coming on the podcast appreciate it and actually just for your socials as well where can people find you I know you have Tik Tok you have YouTube all that kind of stuff YouTube is Sam and Gino just Sam and Gino um Instagram Gino

    497 uh Tik Tok just Gino Forte if you type in Gino for anywhere I’m I’m pretty much the only one I think there’s like one other guy so goo4 pretty much anywhere Twitter is like gin f147 that’s a loot of nonsense my Twitter you’re probably better off not following

    That but H YouTube s and you know Tik Tok is where I’m doing most of my work now at the moment Tik Tok and then Instagram so you’ll find it all there if you go to my Instagram everything’s linked on my link tree so that’s probably the easiest way beautiful stuff

    Beautiful thanks for coming on the Pod appreciate it bro and uh yeah we’ll get you on one fairly soon we’ll do another one again cheers good man thank you


    1. At least u played for the best team when u did. Hon Moyle Rovers. Great content. Look forward to hearing more. Ireland is geared for the over 55s . We will be full of nursing homes in 20 years

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